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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. flooding in tomsk, the dam has been partially destroyed, large waters have come close to the mound, the tyumen region is preparing for a flood, and news from orenburg, where the peak has been passed, special developments. big conversation between the president
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and the governors of the volgograd and astrakhan regions. nine rockets penetrated the iron dome. new details of the iranian attack on israel and the discussion at the un, which our representative called a parade of hypocrisy. hero of russia, the legendary pilot has passed away anatoly kvocher, but he invented aerobatic maneuvers, made unique flights, and was also the first to test the latest aircraft. you can not only touch the exhibits, but take them with you, as well as a digitized archive from the year 1956 to the present day, a unique museum dedicated to the history of our contemporaries. all attention is now focused on the fight against floods in the russian regions near kurgan, the water level in the tabol river is rising, almost one and a half meters per day, now there is high water just a few kilometers from the city limits. from day to day, as he says.
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specialists are complicated, the situation in the tyumen region, the critical level of 8 m, the water level in the ishim river is about to overcome, flooding in tomsk, one of the roads there was washed away, the dam was partially destroyed, it is being strengthened, well, in the orenburg region, the flood on the contrary has started to decline, andrey golderev's footage is all the latest information about the situation in the affected regions, the bridge is just roofing felt, look at the road, it's all in smoke, i don't remember. it’s amazing that the tom river, with its powerful pressure, literally washes away the embankment dam next to the road bridge. the crossing itself was not damaged, but in order to reduce the load, it was decided to dismantle the roadway. authorities urge residents to take precautions and stay away from the embankment. here 's a waterfall. meanwhile, a second wave of flooding is expected in the orenburg region, flooding the regional center. the big water moved on. irina bogomolova from the village of nizhnyaya. she still can’t return
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home, they were already drowned in early april, i live right behind the store, we have a two-story house there, from the first to the second night the water came, in a huge stream, on the second the tractor was evacuated, so i ’ve been living with my brother on the next street since the second, everything in the house was flooded, all the equipment, all the furniture, i took a video, the water entered the house at 45 cm, the people who remained in their houses are provided with everything they need, tomorrow, for example , where the pensions are, two houses are flooded. well, they will somehow come out onto the boats and you will give them a day? yes of course, where to go? the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in orsk today; he will monitor how assistance is provided to the population to eliminate the consequences of the flood. now water continues to be pumped out from houses, the streets are being disinfected. teams from all over the orenburg region are coming to help with the cleanup. this week the city will begin repairing roads and tram tracks. schools open today. in kurgan
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, the water has been intense for the last few days, this is most clearly visible on the local embankment, now i am going down the ladders to the first line, the water level in the tobol river here is already above 6 m, the dangerous mark is considered when it is above eight, according to local residents , just yesterday there was no water here, now it’s above the waist. element gradually approaching the mound, for example, this is what the bridge to the village of utyatskoye, 40 km from the regional center, looked like 2 days ago, this is how it is now. the water completely hid the crossing, the settlement itself was cut off from the mainland, and a boat crossing was organized. has there been such flooding before? it was there, it was smaller, here the boat always sailed up to this pillar. emergency situations ministry employees continue to deliver water and food to places that are no longer accessible by car. according to the latest data , hundreds of residential buildings are flooded in the region. just yesterday we stood there. now the water has reached
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the street like this and continues to flow, the authorities are calling for the need to evacuate, and over 13 thousand people have already been evacuated from the flood zones, bridges and automatic machines are flooded. export, including pets, now, now, now, now, wait , come on, come on, come on, let's go, come on, come on, come here, come on, come on, oh, andrey goldrev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, sergey ponovaryov , svetlana kostina and kirill danilov, channel one. news from
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the special operation zone, our units gradually improving their positions along the entire front line. in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions, russian fighters occupied more advantageous positions. the enemy... suffered huge losses, about 900 militants in just one day, and many more armored vehicles, including western production, operational-tactical aviation, missiles , troops and artillery, the command and observation post of the battalion of the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine was destroyed, and defeat of the military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in 110 regions. came in the afternoon information about our attack on the kanatovo airfield near krapivnitsky in the kirovograd region. it is known that several powerful explosions occurred there, but there are no details yet. in slavyansk, as reported by the rian agency. with reference to their sources. the russian army attacked the location of the french mercenaries. there is information that these are artillerymen sent along with the nato caesarius self-propelled guns. vladimir putin discussed support for the participants in the special operation and their loved ones today with the governors of the astrakhan and volgograd regions. the conversation took place via video conference.
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targeted assistance to families, strict control over payments, treatment and rehabilitation of fighters. special attention is paid to this in the regions. we also talked about the economic development of the two regions. listened carefully. the southern outpost of russia is a mecca for fishermen and tourists, but increasingly the astrakhan region is called the key that opens up the possibilities of the north-south transport corridor passing through 11 countries. from russia to india, through the astrakhan ports, cargo can be delivered much faster, than by sea through the suede canal, and the growth of cargo turnover in this direction is strategically important for our economy. that’s why vladimir putin questioned the head of the astrakhan region in such detail. port of alya, once again, if possible, let’s return to the port of alya, because there it is becoming more and more important for us, how do you
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assess the situation there, now it is very important to increase cargo flow, this is the creation of a modern fleet, last year our shipbuilders laid down container ships. and bulk carriers 20108 of the type that can to work in the caspian sea, since the caspian sea is quite shallow, and at the same time they can transport both liquid and bulk cargoes, oil cargoes, it is very important that the program for modernizing ships is continued, work is currently underway to equip a container terminal in the port of alya within the framework of the work and activities of the special economic port zone. one part of a large-scale project is the construction and repair of roads and numerous bridges to increase their capacity; work is currently underway on the eastern bypass of astrakhan and the construction of the northern one is planned, with special attention to the quality of the road surface. one of the most painful problems of the regional center -
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resettlement from dilapidated housing - is being solved step by step, but the construction of new apartment buildings is hampered by the deterioration of utility networks. they are being repaired, but this cannot be done without federal assistance. i kindly ask. you, vladimir vladimirovich, to instruct the government of the russian federation to work on the issue of creating a special targeted investment program with the allocation of funds from federal budget, which will be used to modernize the fixed assets of the region's housing and communal services complex. the deterioration of networks is 92%, of course, this is very large, it can be a deterrent, in any case, your letter, here it is in front of me, i read it, familiarized myself with it and have already issued an order to the government, more precisely,
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to correct the situation with the birth rate, they are now being developed additional support measures for future parents, stability of the regional budget - this allows, you have a lot of investment projects, i see it simply. they are so different from different industries, this, of course, creates confidence in the development of the region’s economy in the medium term, even in the longer term, because it means jobs and economic development in the broadest sense of the word, increasing the competencies of various people , and so on , well, i looked, after all, the share of emergency housing remains quite high, here we are in full...
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minsk is the focus of attention at the negotiations between the heads of government of the two countries, mikhail mishustin received roman golovchenko in moscow, as the russian prime minister noted that relations between our states are developing dynamically; last year, mutual trade turnover reached a record level of over 4 trillion rubles. a number of documents were signed today, including agreements on the development and organization of production of the asvey multi-purpose aircraft. we, of course, need the most modern aircraft of different classes, different types, and for transportation. both passengers and cargo, which is why we are embarking on such deep cooperation in
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the field of aircraft construction on the basis of mutual benefit and equal use of both technologies and what is very important is the total production capacity. these decisions are of systemic importance for deepening integration in the union state. i believe that this is exactly what the citizens of both russia and belarus expect from us. we have found a form in which russia and belarus actually invest on a parity basis. this project and, accordingly, will also be joint owners of the product that will be created during the implementation of this important project. new details of iranian retaliation strike against israel. it is reported that at least nine ballistic missiles overcame the air defense system and reached the target. they hit two air bases, and on one of them the landing strip of a transport plane was damaged. at the same time , israel and its allies managed to prepare to repel a massive drone attack.
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iran for attacks on the jewish state. at the same time , israeli politicians and diplomats did not mention their own attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. strangely, he didn't say anything. the un secretary general spoke about this at the meeting. the un charter prohibits use against territorial integrity and political independence of any state, force or other means contrary to the principles of the un. it turned out as if iran, out of the blue, suddenly attacked israel, despite the fact that tehran , after the attack on its consulate, stated
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that it was ready to refuse a military response if safbes condemned the aggression of the jewish state, the representative of britain. spoke from a general humanistic position. the united kingdom unequivocally condemns iran's reckless attack on israel, which threatened the lives of thousands of civilians residents. it was a threat, but there were no casualties, despite the fact that, according to international humanitarian organizations working in the gaza strip, about 14 children alone died from israeli army strikes in the palestinian enclave . today, such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards is unfolding in the ssc.
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and their citizens, it’s different, as you like to say. nebendi's words were immediately confirmed by the british foreign secretary. what about iran's outrage that their portion of their sovereign territory was razed to the ground? well, here i would argue and say that it is completely different when compared to what israel did in damascus. iran launched 300 weapons at israel for the first time, 101 ballistic missiles, 36 cruise missiles and 185 drones. this is completely different. the israeli call for new sanctions against iran is being actively discussed in the european union. the problem here is that, firstly, tehran has been living under hundreds of restrictive measures for a long time, and secondly, the united states has been moving in the opposite direction for the past year, weakening the sanctions stranglehold. the biden administration is extending the partial the lifting of sanctions, which would allow the iranian regime
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to instantly receive $10 billion from its frozen accounts in iraq. the american press wrote that at the same time. iran received the go-ahead to supply unlimited quantities of oil to china. it is clear that it was not out of good fortune that the white house resorted to the help of strategic opponents in order to maintain prices for black gold during the election year. this is probably why washington is now so diligently showing a rare love of peace. we don't want a bigger war, we don't want further escalation, and we definitely don’t want conflicts with iran. we will continue to support our friend israel, we will help them in their company. hamas, we want the hostages to come home, and we don't want a wider war in the region, and us ally israel has already called the tehran attack a de facto declaration of war. the wall street journal writes that the jewish state cannot cope without western help, so washington can simply be presented with a fait accompli. iran has begun a new stage; it has stopped
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hiding behind regional allies and now he attacks himself. israel will no longer be able to just sit quietly and intercept everything, he said. in addition, their number is very limited. the question is precisely the number of swarms of thousands of missiles and drones; not a single air defense system can stop it, and tehran used less than 1% of its military potential in the recent attack. it is possible, by the way, that the real purpose of the attack on the jewish state was not to cause damage, but to reconnoiter air principles. what does this look like for you? iran contacted turkey and reported options that he is considering, it is known that turkey is our ally, the turks could have picked up the phone to call washington, was this done on purpose? i think yes, the iranians
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sent a clear signal to america through turkey. signals from tehran continue to arrive. to all of israel's allies, assess the proportionality of iran's responsible actions. instead of choosing inappropriate words against iran, warn israel that its further malicious actions will have untold consequences for it. however, the american media report that, despite all the warnings, a retaliatory strike from the jewish state could be struck in the next 24 hours. georgiy alisashvili, pavel nesterov, daliyasya rajiddinova. channel one usa. in new york , the first of four criminal cases against former us president donald trump are now beginning to be considered on the merits. he is already in court, the arrival of the motorcade was broadcast by all local media. trump was charged. the investigation believes that
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daniels's silence about this relationship at the height of the presidential race received 130. trump himself insists on his innocence, the maximum possible punishment he faces for all charges brought is 136 years in prison . today it became known that he left. life , the legendary test pilot anatoly kvocher, a hero of russia, a real az, who took the latest domestic aircraft into the sky, and he was the first not only in this. the su-27 quadruple set 11 world records, and the pilot himself invented aerobatic maneuvers. tomorrow he would have turned 72. cobra, bell, chakra. in one of the interviews, anatoly nikolaevich kvocher, as if with a child’s toy in her hands she was telling us about aerobatic maneuvers. he came up with so many of them and pointed them out to him so many times. so, in the sky on a real combat vehicle that you can’t even remember, what’s this? well, maybe this is chakra. chakra is
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an aerobatics maneuver invented by him, including the kvochura bell. today it is part of the arsenal of russian military pilots in a combat situation, allowing them to deceive enemy radars and escape from fire. the plane quickly gains altitude, but at some point the pilot seems to the car releases the gas, the car loses speed until it comes to a complete stop, it... seems to fall, but the pilot controls this, firstly, this means his locators are lost, here is the second, practical value, an advantage compared to other aircraft, air combat, which can’t afford to stop in space, but he stopped planes in space, gave them exorbitant loads, set range records in 1999, for example, on a su-27 he performed an ultra-long non-stop flight across the northern city 1500 km, testing... the system before in -flight refueling and navigation, in general, the hero of russia anatoly kvocher holds 11 world records. during his life, he tested 90 types and modifications of aircraft, but when asked
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whether it’s scary to take risks every time, doing in the sky what, in principle, no one has done before, he just chuckled. no, no, no, firstly, there is a very good catapult here, i used it twice, a very, very good tool, so we are saying goodbye to life, but we are actually deciding on this profession. long ago before performing any manners, because the profession of a test doctor is known for its costs, at least everything worked out, well, more or less, not counting from a broken spine, in several places, yes, there were accidents in his life, this is in french lebourge in 1989, the enthusiastic french then filmed a story about how the catcher, realizing that one of the engines had failed and the car could fall on the audience, tried to the last.
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he took less than 2 seconds to save himself, ejecting a few meters from ground, but even in this situation, just a few minutes after the accident, with a scratched face, he acted like a real test pilot, testing an ejection seat in combat conditions. i am convinced.
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the leader of the parliamentary majority, a representative of the ruling party, was speaking at the podium, answering questions when an opposition deputy attacked him. colleagues, apparently, did not stand aside and also joined the fight. as for the bill, let me remind you that it already caused unrest in georgia a year ago. now the protests have resumed, participants they say the initiative will make the country’s integration into the european union impossible, as it will violate human rights. in the usa, by the way. a similar law has been in force since 1938. the legendary contemporary opened
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a unique museum in moscow today on his birthday. history of the theater from its creation. to this day, 68 years filled with high-profile premieres, tours, rehearsals and no less fascinating backstage, the priceless archive of the theater has been digitized for the first time, viewers will see much for the first time, and some exhibits can even be taken with them. alexander lyakin i've already been there. an excellent quote that i pulled out, it’s directly about our theater, let’s make some noise so that we are not forgotten. a museum where you can not only touch the exhibits, but take it with you, together with a copy and an old poster , take away a piece of the history of the great theater, which never held on to the old, this was the case under efremov and under volchik. here you go, the phrase her theater is endowed with two pronounced functions, to create and destroy, yes, to create this new, progressive, to which the future belongs, yes, to destroy what covered with mold, so we are talking about something new, just creating, so young people are the first people in our theater,
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they look at us from photographs... young faces, they were very young when they created this theater, galina volchik, igor kvasha, oleg tabakov, evgeniy evstegneev, they are all in their early 20s, the oldest among them is oleg efremov, he was a full 29 years old, he was a leader, you know, for us, i caught him in the last couple of years in a contemporary, everyone adored him, he simply was our idol, our professionals, here is a new object, then i grab it and cut it up.
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what worries us today, excites us, entertains us, i generally think that theater is a story about love, how to find it, how to believe in it, so that it changes your life for the better, with pleasure, what a nice ring of steps, well then, nude, then, while the contemporary always remained a theater where acting was above all else, the audience forgot that
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they were playing in front of them, because... they always had a zone of silence when you realized that you couldn’t approach them now necessary. this is probably the only example when three main directors came out of the walls of one theater, oleg efremov, oleg tobakov and , of course, galina volchik, who for many years became the keeper of the traditions of her contemporary. alexander lyakin, tatyana bakulina, tatyana bodrova, dmitry skvortsov, anna lepatova, channel one. a powerful downpour, in some places with hail, hit moscow. this is the kind of footage residents share on social
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networks. is it really worth it? according to preliminary forecasts , the whole week is expected, even frosts are possible at night, and today there will be stormy wind gusts up to 18 m/s. residents are asked not to take shelter under trees and shaky structures, do not park cars under them, and urge all weather-dependent people to be even more careful; experts warn about magnetic storms and sharp daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, the so-called pressure saw. well, in st. petersburg today they started the navigation season, pleasure boats took to the rivers and canals. the patrol service monitors the safety of navigation around the clock. that's all for now, we are monitoring developments, and the information channel is on the first the program will continue, time will tell. hello, live on channel one, the program “time bye”.


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