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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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hail in a strategically important area, the task of knocking out militants from cover, the secret of success, not only accuracy, but also speed. georgian massacre after a fight in parliament, brawls in the streets, passions are running high over the draft law on foreign agents. through the ice under the st. andrew's flag, the crew is boarding a unique ship, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker of its kind, is ahead of tests and missions in the arctic. flood situation. mound.
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the water level in the tabol river rose by more than a meter in a day and continues to rise. now almost 7.5 m. evacuation in progress. rescuers take people out on boats. residents of all settlements in the tabola floodplain are urged to leave the danger zone. the forecasts are alarming. the water can rise up to 11 m. plus, rain is predicted in the region. the work of emergency services is supervised by alexander kurenkov. he flew to kurgan from. vorski, which suffered the most from the floods. now restoration work, cleaning, and disinfection are underway there, but in the region a difficult situation is developing in the village of ilek, and additional rescue forces have been sent there. in tyumen the region is calling on residents of the city of ishim to urgently evacuate from houses falling into the danger zone. big water is expected to arrive soon.
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a dam in the area is being strengthened, people are being taken out of three other settlements. in buryat, military engineering and sapper units began to undermine the ice on the selinga river. in the tomsk region, in some areas the water is receding, but in others, on the contrary, the situation is rapidly deteriorating. hundreds of private plots and dozens of residential buildings were flooded. people were evacuated from several villages and snt. authorities say that in the worst-case scenario , 10 settlements will be in the flood zone . went to admit the obvious fact to name those responsible for the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. our permanent representative to the un, vasily nebenze, made this call to the igt. after a break, europe's largest nuclear power plant is again under attack. the security council meeting was devoted to this topic. the head of magathe , rafael grossi, participated, who himself had been to the nuclear power plant several times and clearly saw where the shells were coming from. report by georgy lisashvili. not calls from international experts.
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zaporozhye is the largest nuclear power plant in europe since the fall of 2022, all its power units have been stopped, rosatom specialists and zaes employees have to literally keep them in working order under fire. however, according to the state corporation, all necessary measures for the safe operation of the station by civilian personnel have been taken. water reserves, backup diesel generators, fuel volumes for backup diesel generators.
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shelling, whether someone likes the fact that the station is under russian control or not, this is a different issue and has nothing to do with threats to the nuclear and physical safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia does not have heavy weapons in zaes - this was confirmed by the head of magata. however, according to our diplomats, moscow has enough resources to protect the station. but still, against the background of the provocation of the armed forces of ukraine, as the russian permanent representative noted, savbe could have directly condemned the actions of kiev, and although this did not happen, no one began to argue with vasily nebenzia. georgiysashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya lobanova, channel one usa. massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. telegram channels report explosions in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky region and uman in cherkasy region. there are military airfields there. russian armed forces are hitting
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military targets, as well as enterprises associated with the ukrainian army. this is a response to enemy attempts to damage our energy systems. and news from... kupinsky sector, a mi-35 helicopter hit an ukrainian armed forces stronghold, donetsk direction of the yara watch, paratroopers smashed ukrainian equipment. donetsk section is one of most important, our military is pushing back the militants. report from the front line. alexey ivanov. this combat crew removes the camouflage net from the grad installation at least three times a day. the front is moving forward and supporting our advancing in the donetsk direction . infantry is constantly needed. projectiles for striking the enemy. they don’t regret it, somehow among themselves they call these shells pencils, why? similar in shape. the installation includes a complete package, 40 reactive pencils, the package can hit a huge square the size of 20 football fields. hail is charged
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high-explosive fragmentation shells, the crew was tasked with knocking out the militants from their shelters. the calculation works very quickly, as soon as the coordinates are received, the combat vehicle is already in 2-3 minutes. militants of the armed forces of ukraine in one of the most important directions, whole families serve here, this commander has the call sign minion-2, and there is another three, all siblings, how often do we manage to meet together, talk, discuss, almost always, we are in the same battery we serve, so my brother is almost always
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alone, he’s in intelligence a little bit, he gives us coordinates all our combat vehicles, in particular this bm21grad, operates directly near the line of combat contact. therefore, they are required to be equipped with this kind of anti-drone protection, the barbecues, as the fighters call them, they make themselves, they use the simplest mesh, chain link, in case of, for example, damage, they can be very easily replaced, and as the fighters themselves say, this is the protection saves their lives, as soon as the crew has completed the combat mission, the vehicle needs to leave the firing area, after which the hail leaves for a safe place, now this is a forest belt, there is a car. britain will probably never be able to confiscate frozen russian assets, despite many loud statements,
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the political publication writes about this. the article notes that there are no and never will be legal ways to withdraw funds. such a step would be a flagrant violation of international law, but that’s not all: london is a magnet for businessmen. the whole world, including those with a dubious reputation, in the event of confiscation of public funds, or rather say, robberies, private business will also draw conclusions for itself. london. wary of risking its reputation as a leading investment destination and, as a cynic might say, a hothouse for dirty money, labor mp margaret hodge told the politician in a march interview that she believes the financial services sector is putting enormous pressure on the government to has not taken any action to confiscate russian assets, even if only net profits will be confiscated and not the assets themselves, international litigation will continue for years, if not decades, said sanctions lawyer francis bond. in the usa, in the city. fire at a factory where they produce shells for ukraine. there is a column of smoke above the building. according to
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media reports, production lines were damaged. 2 years ago this enterprise was already on fire, one of the largest defense plants in america. recently upgraded to increase ammunition production fivefold. well, in the same city they are now waiting for biden with crenton. meeting with voters scheduled just for today. and before that, negotiations with the prime minister of the czech republic, as usual, were not without some curiosity. was not called the czech republic czechoslovakia. we are in this together, and i cannot tell you how much we appreciate the czech republic's open support for the czechoslovakian in defending the people of ukraine. this is not the first time biden has mentally traveled back in time. previously, he stated that already in the status of president, he was negotiating with german chancellor helmut kohl, as well as with the president of france.
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from the meeting room the brawl spills out into the corridor. opponents of the law call it pro-russian, although georgian initiatives are copied from american norms. in the states , a similar law has been in effect since 1938. mission to the arctic, the first combat icebreaker of its kind , the crew moved into the cabins of the unique ship ivan popanin. we will show everything a few minutes after the advertisement. don't switch. the whole world celebrates once a year. a holiday, a day when you have to come to work in pajamas in order to take a break from the work dress code. we're having
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a pajama party, it's all about sleeping and solving dreams. only for you in the program live healthy. today is the first one. ocean aggressive kangaroo, australian prime minister, anthony albanese. i turn to my life partner jodie hayden. thank you for coming into my life and walking this path with me. they sculpted an image for him, this is his first wife, she left right on new year’s holidays, ah-ah-ah, judy is a political project, we went out onto the street where a car was waiting for him, then it hit me, he’s going to a war zone, after all, australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine, is taking a step towards china, who can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave the chinese market, is trying to sit on two chairs at the same time, america and great britain. achieved the construction of a submarine nuclear fleet in australia
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australia is ready to play a role in this you are the next ukraine, but for china, in the event of a war with china, this will be the goal of chinese nuclear weapons i have to really sit in the splits, and this is painful and uncomfortable, anthony albanese, zelensky green continent, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first taxi on... the cover of the premiere, look after the program time. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right away. she is amazing. a girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to
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go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: stay bright, memorizing, unceasingly, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life, his creativity and my mother of the heart. premiere today on the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything into one a bunch, but we’ll get used to living separately,
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we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us we decide, and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev, yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna. well, what kind of love can there be? what eternity? yes, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving. after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. and i think. but he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to let's break up, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, this is
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the news on the first, we continue . the first combat icebreaker of its kind, the unique patrol ship ivan popanin has received its crew. the reinforced hull will easily pass through one and a half meters of ice. there are missions ahead in the arctic, but first a test. on board there is a hangar for a helicopter, an artillery installation, and if necessary, they will also place it on the deck missile system caliber. report by alena germanova. along the quay wall of the admiralty shipyards with a brisk step towards the gangway. several months of preparation on shore are behind us. the commander already sets the crew the task of inhabiting the patrol ship, the first combat icebreaker of its kind. personnel to accept office premises, living office premises from plant representatives. check-in begins with cabins in the spacious sailor's cabins, each has four bunks, there is its own separate sanitary block, next to it there is a common gym, the first one is already distributed in the galley
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ship's lunch, cutlet, rice from the kidnaya, all the same things are sent to the officer's wardroom on a special elevator. in all the years of service as a cook, that is, this is my first such galley, well, because, firstly, the new equipment is all new ship, soup, for example, can be cooked up to 160 liters at a time, enough for the entire crew of the plant employees, for now tests are underway at sea, they will also live on the ship, together with the military, sailors, test every mechanism on board, project 23,550 is a patrol ship and tug and the icebreaker all at once, its reinforced hull will easily pass through. one and a half meters thick ice, on board a towing winch and crane installations, but first of all this ship is a combat ship, there is a hangar for the k-27 helicopter, an artillery installation, and if necessary, a caliber missile system will be placed on the deck. now we have a lot of work ahead of us, to study the ship from the inside, to study its technical means, the responsibility is colossal, there is
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a large layer of work to be carried out, including ice tests, machine department immediately. diesel generator, if one fails, the rest will pick up, the movement of the ship itself is provided by two mushroom electric motors, they allow ivan popanin to reach speeds of up to 18 knots, more than 30 km/h and easily maneuver in the ice, there are no foreign mechanisms or devices here anymore, then there is only russian production, our manufacturers have tried their best here in this regard, just as ivan papanin himself, the head of the first polar drifting station, once did, and the ship named after him works... will be in endless in the expanses of the arctic, where the northern sea route passes, this ship will be able to guard our convoys of ships, participate in rescue operations, navigation autonomy is 2.5 months, range is 10,000 m, this is the lead order, and there is also a serial one, it is now at the slipway stage construction and after the delivery of this ship, we will also have serial ships, its name is in honor of
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the soviet oceanographer nikolai zubov, after the lead ship it will also be part of the kola fleet. 100 years of energy and creativity, big anniversary today zoya boguslavskaya is the widow of andrei voznesensky, a prose writer, playwright, public figure, a woman whom it is impossible not to admire. healthy everything is only thanks to work, that this engine that turns me on, it affects the physical side of me.


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