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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 16, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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like ivan papanin himself, the head of the first polar drifting station, once upon a time , the ship named after him will operate in the vast expanses of the arctic, where the northern sea route passes, this ship will be able to guard our convoys of ships, participate in rescue operations, autonomous navigation 2 and a half months, range 1000 miles. door always builds complex science-intensive ships and vessels, this is the main order, and there is also a middle order, it is now at the stage of staged construction and beyond.
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raw foodist blogger maxim received strict regime lyuty, whose newborn son died of exhaustion a year ago. the man was sentenced in the krasnodar territory, and he is also required to pay a fine of 100 thousand rubles. a resonant incident occurred in sochi. lyuty and his partner decided to have a home birth in rented housing. the couple did not turn to doctors for help, did not register the child at the clinic, and did not register the child anywhere. the father took the baby from his mother several times, left him hungry and doused him with cold water. because there seem to be nuclear charges, there seem to be carriers, a remote control, by the way , britain is such a conventional nuclear country, there is no remote control in the states, and it’s not like some kind of conspiracy theory,
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conspiracy theories are a fact. this is such an interesting story. near east. today we continue to talk about the middle east. and today you know what aspect we will study, understand and realize that, well, on this farm, it is clear that all animals are equal, but some, for the owner of the farm, are still a little more equal. let's talk about this right after the short advertisement. ocean aggressive kangaroo, prime minister australia, anthony. from life partner jody hayden, thank you for coming into my life and walking this path with me. they sculpted an image for him, so his wife was the first to leave right on the new year holidays. ah ah ah! judy is a political project. we went out into the street, where a car was waiting for him, and then it hit me. he 's going to a war zone. australia will supply some of its fighter jets to ukraine. taking a step towards china. who can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave.
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chinese market, trying at the same time sit on two chairs. america and great britain have achieved the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia, australia is ready to play a role in this, you are the next ukraine, but for china. in the event of a war with china, the target of chinese nuclear weapons will have to really sit in splits, and this is painful and uncomfortable. anthony albanese, zelensky of the green continent. dolls. heir to tutti. today is the first one. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she i was doing what i loved. she creates centers of culture around herself. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, they will definitely write this out of spite. a special attitude towards
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talents, she felt them right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky after the meeting with zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i don’t blame you for passed, thank you for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother found an eclipse of the heart , andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only 40th century zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere today on the first, and i’m walking around moscow; passengers at the universitet metro station still point to that same escalator.
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someone even starts humming the song of hero nikita mikhalkov from the film “i walk around moscow.” i don't like to be called a comedian because i don't do much comedy. removed. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how... did they manage to direct their own lives ? is it possible that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundarev played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he ’s watching, he’s very interested, he’s always slandering, for example, she said that he...
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there will be a sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west.
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our war is a war for existence, that's why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky. they say yes, right, left , up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants be a programmer, another engineer, you use social networks, is this interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with... new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assat on sunday on the first. we returned and the air
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of the first channel, the rookery is exactly there, what exactly is the interest of this love, and so on, however, in order, so, a new aggravation in the middle east showed that, well, at least according to some formal signs, yes, that israel after all, for the west , ukraine is much more valuable, as an ally, as
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i don’t know, as a point of application or a point of refraction of interests, whatever, which means, unlike kiev, and there were even the statements are completely official, that is, not just in some general words... you are also very important, the development of democracy and all that, no, there was a direct direct and clear statement that you know, also to intercept, say, russian drones, like we do in the middle east, we won’t be able to, because we are afraid of escalation directly in the face of these people, well, accordingly , the general mood of journalists, one ukrainian journalist quite expressed it to himself, let’s look at it, i don’t know, it’s called a tweet i don't know, post please? this night the ukrainians got a clear picture of what we really mean to the us, we are not allies and never have been, we are an inconvenience, an aberration in their views on geopolitics, a problem that simply will not solve itself, we will continue to resist, no matter what, but it really hurts, well, that’s what
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they told you, why is it that america has a rookery in israel, why is israel the beloved wife, no, really, what’s the big deal? there is a very clear story: connected the states of america, when they created the state of israel, they believed that the state is not just some kind of activity of theirs, it is... also a certain very important experiment, the fact is that this state of israel, it must provide for itself, not just live on eternal subsidies, they must produce certain technologies, they must independently produce different types of weapons, the original idea was that this is the country through which the united states of america can partially control the middle east, that is, this is a kind of zone jump, this is the zone that israel has corrected itself, partially coped with it, by the way, a simple example, here... we all know history quite well, but do you think that history has ever shown us, here are iran and israel, they once
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were close, they once collaborated, they were friends, they were the closest, closest allies, partners, in my opinion, until 1979, it seems to me that this is absolutely true, look, more than 13 thousand objects in iran were built by israeli forces, the port of eilat was completely factual reconstructed and built for the oil that was flowing, israel was the largest supplier. weapons that iran bought. there were years when israel supplied up to 500 million dollars in terms of weapons, and this is in the eighties, recalculate that now it will be billions, of course, these are billions, so we understand perfectly well that since you cooperated so closely, why do you have such big disagreements, remember, when there was recognition, who would be the first to recognize israel among the muslim countries, turkey was the first, then. the second country was, of course, tehran, they recognized, they said that it is very great for us when we recognize them,
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why, we receive an american education quite close to ourselves, a huge number of engineers, doctors began to study in israel according to a certain quota, and did not study there, they returned back , today's aggravation that exists, it is existential, it now has , first of all, a mega-paradigmatic history, why, and it’s just now united... the states of america need a belt of aggravations, this is happening now in the closest territories to russia, this is happening in ukraine, they need to make sure that the vast combat zone does not develop into a war, but is constantly smoldering fires that would divert resources, it is perfectly clear that the united states of america understands that they are not ready for a big war, the theory of two wars , which was back in the eighties and nineties. this theory was very simple. the united states of america can simultaneously fight with the soviet union and
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china, for example, then developing into the concept of a one-and-a-half war, we can fight with russia and someone else. now this is the theory of one war, but this one war, it is unwinnable for the united states of america, it is a war that should just be, excuse me sergei sergevich, it depends on what you mean by war and its meaning. here i am, i used to quote often, but then i forgot something and haven’t been quoting lately, so i need to remember. economic in the world, we need an economic analogue of the second world war, we need, in order to resolve all the accumulated world contradictions, an economic analogue of war, exactly an analogue, that is, they won’t even survive a hot war. well, or let it not be in the states, but somewhere out there, let
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it smolder, for the states it will be an analogue of war, not war, people don’t die, nothing happens on their territory, americans, i mean i mean, it’s the americans, that is, for america , what is happening now, attention, this is not a war, this is an economic analogue of war, is n’t it, well, i would call it a little differently, and this is a new type of war, this is a hybrid war, well, yes, which actually happens in a row directions. economically, absolutely right, all these sanctions, disruption of flows, elena’s trips to china with the statement that you are overproduction in general is fine, that’s just the way to go, that is, the economic direction, further, informational, i won’t say, we are all participants in this battle, further, naturally, the military confrontation is fair, where the americans are not directly involved, let’s assume, but they are.
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the chairman said, we received this information in the morning that china will only participate in the conference where all countries they will sit down to discuss fair, arrangements, fair, the emphasis on the word fair, but it seems to me that there is an emphasis on the word everything, well, everything here is just impossible,
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fair is impossible, so this is confirmation of what i am saying, that is, the process has begun. very serious, long-lasting, difficult, bloody, for the new construction of a new world, the reconstruction we have achieved, on the one hand, it turns out that the americans are interested in these conflicts, on the other hand, they did not take into account that this would lead to a redivision of the world, or are we still we just all play into their hands, it turns out that the americans want these conflicts, we, iran, ukraine, israel, we all follow their lead, we all play into their hands and continue these conflicts, they, the americans, have very good experience in playing at the same time. on ten boards, that is, they play in asia, they play in africa, they play in latin america, they come to us in eurasia here very actively, they understand perfectly well that exactly as long as they print money, it costs them very inexpensive, that is, the question here is how much the theory of war is worth to you, what it brings to you, how much you invested, how much you received. the americans, they are monstrously
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pragmatic, it’s so cool that anatoly remembered paul krugman’s 2008 speech, it really happened. very cool speech, where he says the following: we need to come to the concept of tabula rasa, a clean slate, now we’ll just take it and erase everything that we don’t need, somewhere we’ll erase the national state, build new ones, then somehow, somewhere we will stir up new conflicts, where people will gnaw and kill each other, and yes, krugman also said then, what about the golden billion, and the soldiers will help us clean up this golden billion, people will die, that ’s also good, and the rest is a classic story, but we...
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good story, good story, at first everyone smiled with humor, but where will we go, it ’s the dollar, only swift, everything else, and then an analogue of swift appears, banks appear that begin to work in national currencies, now the smile on their faces disappears for americans , they understand perfectly well that money, that they have, they must be backed by something, starting in 1913 with the advent of the federal reserve system, i looked into this issue, i was in boston, and i was wondering how the value appeared, the bankers are sitting, the first boston bank and they say: listen, how many assets do we have now? they say 5 million dollars for 1913, that’s not enough, listen, let’s just increase the price of land 100 times, we’ll have 500 million right away. you understand that this is exactly how it was created, and do you know who assured? the state governor simply came and signed: how many assets do you have in the bank, let's multiply it by 100, from these 13
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banks the american value was made up, russia, and russia is just oil, gas, minerals, that's what we...
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and well, this is not his first such statement, and judging by his such activity, one generally gets the feeling that he is sitting on kickbacks for this very help, but this is so, our russian jingoistic patriots are savoring his words and are waiting for this very thing, why now just for a second andrey, wait, i’m right here with you i don’t agree, but why is it necessary to immediately suspect a person of some kind of kickbacks, in some kind of, well, it happens in general that a person has, a person has such, yes, i understand, no, that a person just has a refuge. no, wait, yes, there are, all actors have opinions, just listen, and what opinions do singers have, how many of them, ho-ho-ho, so i’m talking about the fact that sometimes a person has personal sincere convictions, this happens, more moreover, this is not a matter of... kickbacks, if i understand you correctly, he said that if we don’t help ukraine, then we’ll be finished, that’s direct interest, he just doesn’t want the end of america, there’s no
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need for kickbacks here, it’s not just for fear, but for some reason he doesn’t want to fall, and zelensky , at the same time yesterday, i think, said that if america doesn’t help ukraine, then nato is the end, they have some, it seems to me, the actors have the same training manuals, guys, i’m now turning to our editor, find us this, as andrey puts it, a statement, a statement. what confuses me in this whole story or doesn’t confuse me then i will continue to confuse the fact that how our jingoistic patriots in russia react, that is , they rejoice at such words and are essentially waiting for this american end, my opinion is that this end will not happen and...
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wait, speak out, but i’ll just for a second, can i andrey, i’ll say more speaking of those who are waiting for the end of america, we are not just waiting, we actually have a strategic plan, we are figuring out, yes, what needs to be done for this, how we will do it, it’s just that this is our plan for the years ahead, and i i’ll say, my little comment is like a cheer for a patriot, as you put it, so to speak, i, for example, am not that, that i’m just waiting for the end of america, i’m waiting for the end of america, so to speak, in its current quality, but i don’t want it to take place between mexico and canada, for there to be an exploded strait, for... there are ships sailing there, no, i don’t want that no, i’m waiting for the end of america, precisely in america, precisely in this current capacity, that’s the only way, please, now yours, your comment, yes, as i
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said, the usa is doing well, they earned billions of dollars in the war, they loaded its military-industrial complex for years, well, several decades ahead, in fact then they continue to incite wars in the world and thereby maximize their profits, and the proof, the proof of this is... so they - why are they doing this? they plan to increase their economic power in order to defeat china in the competition of nations, that’s why this is what i started talking about, if
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we are led by such statements that america will soon collapse and we will not evolve ourselves in order to win the competition of nations, then the last thing we 're going to do is get caught up in sean pen's statement, but thanks anyway andrey, andrey bugakov was in direct contact with us from the city of lipevsk, so you guys found sean pen, did you find him? let's see, unfortunately, i see that my government today lacks the will, leadership and sacrifice that president roosevelt had during world war ii. i believe in the resilience of ukrainians, who are fighting for every five of their territories, including crimea. this is why we must not allow defeat in this war, this must not happen, no matter who is in power, democrats or republicans.
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will remain a great power for many, many years, so all this is such an exaggeration of colors, as i already said, the question of hegemony, this question today has been called into question, because a new struggle for the fact has begun, this is not so much a doubt, to me it seems that this is already a process, just like today anyway. sergei sergeevich is absolutely right, the dollar is the main weapon of the united states of america, and it’s true that no one, by and large
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, can fully cope with this. what could lead to this? ending? of this hegemony, sergei sergeevich, you talked about the fact that america simultaneously needs, as on the board, yes, many, many conflicts, in principle, today, yes, or, if i’m not mistaken, today marks exactly 70 years, just the term cold war, but at one time america came up with it to confront the ussr, but now they have the ussr, the middle east, china, they actually have a lot of such warriors now, will they be able to cope with all of them? look, in 1823 the monroe doctrine was adopted, which meant america was exclusively concerned.
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move to a new concept of vision, the political elites are changing, and those political elites that the americans have been raising for years, decades, they are becoming less devoted to america, they say: listen, maybe you will still take care of yourself? what trump is talking about now. trump is our friend, it will never be better with him, if he comes, in no case will it be better. we have only one hope, that america at some point, it will not become poor at one moment, it will simply at some point limit its presence.
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in your case, everyone is naked, everyone is silent, but here, when 20 hands are shown, they shout: “akelo missed a long time ago, the king is naked, who are we playing with, half still wander to this king, he is still dressed, but he is still in shorts, but he is dressed, others say, no, no, no, let him show me his coolness, as before, let him bite the bezon, but he won’t bite something, it didn’t work out, now sean pen, you say, why reagan was a politician, an actor, arnold schwarzenegger, an actor who became a politician, sean pen really wants to enter. into politics, he understands perfectly well that he needs another oscar, which is not there, he wants to become a senator, we understand this, so that he can continue to play in a different role, why does he make so many of these political statements, because he sees himself as a political figure, now when he says that we will lose, we will lose, it is not poverty that will come to america, they will cease to be hegemony and the world will change, people will focus on brix, people will focus on rossili,
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people will focus on china. citizens more important at some point than the political elites, because the political elites made a bet, they lose, and ordinary citizens say: listen, you dragged us into this conflict, you made a huge bet on this gambling star, and you lost, let's maybe we will somehow decide differently, pay attention to us, well, maybe yes, but on the other hand, look, this is not an unprecedented situation, well, that is , in fact, based on the totality of all circumstances, yes , it is unprecedented, but in this way say by the plot itself, let us remember... please excuse us, vietnam, because i’ll tell you, if we had our program then, and then, for a number of reasons, there wasn’t and couldn’t have been, yes, but we would have been there too, we would have they quoted american politicians, not only american ones, they would say that if we leave vietnam, if we were defeated there, everything will be over for us, that’s what they said, they left vietnam, they left as shamefully as possible , they got out of afghanistan, okay, they there they received their mercy so publicly in front of the whole world,
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and not just, also from... the union, nothing terrible, as if, listen, like sguseva, it’s not that it’s hard, but we survived, but we survived, listen, that’s what i said, they were, they will be more. for many years a great power, but there is a second law, the law of dialectics, the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, the more there are such quantitative ones, how many of them there should be such reputational ones very very very many, probably very many, the quantity should be, the quantity, the more, but it’s seething in all directions, but it’s really seething, we’re they said that the war is hybrid, not only missiles fly.
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there was no picture, there wasn’t that picture, the reality of what was happening, why the decline began and from america’s loss, precisely in vietnam, when they showed pictures, when the soldiers smiled and said: “mom, hello!”, and mom knows that the funeral came six months ago, she sees that her dead son is waving at her and says: mom, hello, so they started coming out and putting these boots on, they started going out with the funeral and saying: guys, stop lying, that’s the concept of “lying” the media," no, trump didn’t come up with this, they are deceitful. the media started during the vietnam war, when they came out and said: you are hanging noodles in our ears, look, this is the reality, how much we lost, we lost 50 thousand there, let's go out marching, how many of us died, people are still collecting these
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lists, these losses are much higher than the declared 50,000 that they lost there, that's when they realized that the war must go to the media, then they need to make a certain picture , now it is impossible to hide all information, and not... iran, it hit israel, but nothing, that everyone forgot, where it all began, that israel in damascus, that’s how it works, false media, but the second category is these false media, they don’t change, but there are networks when people start sending messages to each other , and public opinion, it is divided, some who say, we believe these false dreams, and others say: stop, stop, stop, stop, we get other information directly from the front, when people... film us, something we have some kind of dissonance; there was no opportunity during vietnam take a photo of what you have and send a real picture, now this picture arrives, yes, only one problem is that they have improved even more, they now block these pictures, yes, we send them real
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pictures, but they have learned to block them even better, yes, but they are reached and read not only by americans, but on youtube they have banned them, the victim of freedom of speech is sitting in front of you, show us this caricature, they are also adjusting. listen, it’s interesting, well, that is , in the west, as they say, they now understand the new one, yes, that means this is iran, cuts, it means the bear is us, look, only in china, as it should be, the fork is in the left hand and the knife in the right, pay attention, the rest are like savages, damn, yes, that’s how you understand us, yes, it’s a shame, okay, ok, okay, we can eat it with our right hand, no, yes, we can do it without a fork, you know, yes, why? well, uh, look, then, let's read semer hirsch, because here, what else is interesting, you and i, so to speak, on well-known global things, are discussing, so to speak, the general strategy, but well, the road well, it’s still measured in steps, but how
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to put it, the political road is a step, as i understand it, from elections to elections to elections, well, after all, these are such milestones, changes, whatever, look what’s going on sorhers writes regarding the current policies of the states, in relation to the upcoming elections, it’s interesting, let’s listen, read: the united states is currently involved in two military operations, supplying weapons, funding and consultations to ukraine and israel, it seems to be waging a long-term cold war with russia and china, this is a losing policy, for which biden and the democrats will pay dearly in the upcoming elections, in human terms, they will pay dearly, that is , they will lose, i understand correctly, sergei sergevich, and you, as an americanist, tell me how you assess the chances, as he says hirsch. didn’t ask a very important question: what is the criterion for losing for america? we, we didn’t communicate with him personally, he, he didn’t say what a loss is for america, it means that america will cease to be a faith, he didn’t say,
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stop, he didn’t say for america, he said, that a losing policy for biden and the democrats, he had this in mind, so he is absolutely right, the fact is that retaining power and guaranteeing the concept of war for another 4 years will be incredibly difficult, and... we can say as much as we want that in everything is fine in america, everything is fine for the ruling class, if we take this stratum, the so -called fairly poor america, who earn up to $300.
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listen, americans today, well , from my point of view, it is extremely unprofitable for them to get involved in a new, serious, full-scale war in the middle east iran. iran has demonstrated its capabilities, iran has been demonstrating its determination for many years, and it has also demonstrated it now, limiting the ability of the united states to wage a full-scale war. you can get into trouble here.
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you know what, there’s another interesting thing, it seems to me that everyone who needed it, everyone without exception, counted everything, pay attention, there, yes, everyone reported on how wonderful everything was, which means iran reported on how brilliantly it launched drones and missiles, which means israel reported everything perfectly knocked down, we discussed this yesterday, the states were considered how they really helped everything perfectly, britain, how they fit in with their own, france also said that they defeated everyone there, well, according to tradition, and these also won, as usual, but ... pay attention, there is not even a contradiction there, yes, israel shot down 99% of the targets there, but did not shoot down 1%,
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if i understand correctly, 1%, these are the same, these are the same ballistic missiles that were hinted at, well, if what, there is still such a thing, there is still such an option, you know, it seems to me, i repeat, everyone who it’s necessary, we read everything, it worked, of course our erudite, winvin, thank you very much, friends, for your attention, now the news is on channel one, see you soon on the air. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and at the beginning of the footage from the fsb , an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained who blew up the car of sbu officer vasily prozarov in moscow. the assassination attempt took place last friday. it is already known that the criminal, a russian citizen, acted according to instructions. in february, my supervisor
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told me that he had been assigned the task personally the head of the sbu said that i should go to moscow and follow the toyota prado car. then the task changed and i was told to collect. bomb, my curator helped me with this, i assembled it and on the ninth, at approximately 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to... the bottom of the car, the bomb went off immediately after prozarov started his suv, he was wounded, but nothing threatens life. vasily prozurov consistently criticized the kiev regime; from 1914 he collaborated with our intelligence, handed over dozens of important documents, including information about torture in a prison set up by militants at the mariupol
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airport. and in the nineteenth year, prozrov moved to russia, where he continued to expose the crimes of his former colleagues. now, due to the flood situation in the tyumen region , urgent evacuation is underway in the city of ishim and in other populated areas of two districts. according to the updated forecast, the water level will be significantly higher than previously expected. it could reach critical levels and flood thousands of homes. the dams are being strengthened now attract additional forces. starting tomorrow , yushima schoolchildren will switch to distance learning. in buryatia, military engineering and sapper units began to undermine the ice on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, in some areas the water is receding, but in others, on the contrary, the situation is rapidly deteriorating. hundreds of household plots and dozens of residential buildings were flooded. people were evacuated from several villages and snt. authorities say that in the worst-case scenario , 10 settlements will be flooded in the zone . the orenburg region is being evacuated
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residents of the village of tukai in the suburbs of orsk. there is a threat of flooding. at a reservoir on the border with kazakhstan, water began to overflow over the dam. in the kurgan region, evacuations due to floods have been announced in another two dozen settlements. at the moment, about a thousand houses and garden plots are flooded in the region. the level in the tabol river has risen by more than a meter in one day and the water continues to flow. in kurgan itself , one of the main highways is closed to traffic. the peak of the flood in the city is expected in the next few days, more than thirty points have been deployed temporary accommodation. the work of emergency services on site is controlled by the head of the ministry of emergency situations. report by andrey goldrev. here, 80 km from kurgan in the village of gledyanskaya, the big water began to slowly recede, just today it went down by 20 cm, residential buildings here were saved, helped by this kind of embankment dam, which was built in a few days, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov came here to first of all, first the minister assessed the situation from the air, then inspected
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the dam itself, warned citizens to remove all prices if possible, raise them, yes it was all done by ourselves. they know everything, that's for sure. here you can immediately talk with local rescuers on the spot. as long as there is enough power everywhere. thank you. now they are planning to move some of the rescuers closer to the regional center. big water is coming to kurgan, we need to strengthen the group, one of the roads in the city has already been flooded. water is gradually entering garage cooperatives. around the city , the disaster has already affected several snt. in some villages in the suburbs , you can only move...
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the flood situation is in the spotlight and ministry of agriculture, orenburg region, kurgan, tyumen, altai region, potentially in the risk zone samara. in general, the work of agricultural organizations in the affected regions is not currently disrupted, noted the head of the department, dmitry patrushev. the situation is controlled by representatives of a specially created government commission and headquarters. unfortunately, there is damage, but we will be able to assess its specific extent after the water has receded. spring field work is underway; to
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carry it out efficiently, it is necessary to minimize the consequences of this flood, therefore, monitor the provision of farmers with material and technical resources. in particular, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the work of the oil refinery in orsk has been suspended , that is. the orenburg region needs to very seriously control the availability of fuel, and finally, monitor the provision of biological safety in the flood zone. massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces facilities, telegram channels report explosions in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky region, where a military airfield is located, arrivals in uman in cherkasy region, presumably the target became a warehouse at the railway station, there was a large transshipment base with equipment, there is information about missile attacks. and poltava regions. russian armed forces are hitting military targets, as well as enterprises associated with the ukrainian army.
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this is a response to enemy attempts to damage our energy systems. in the northern military district zone, our fighters are pushing back the enemy and moving forward on all sectors of the front. seversk direction, tula paratroopers, assault troops, artillery fire support are in action. clear coordinated work at any time times of day. report by gusein guseinov. it's deep night outside, time for rest, but not for our soldiers on the front line. the crew of the airborne combat vehicle is preparing to perform the next task. this is the crew of the armored group of the famous 16th tula airborne division. he works in the northern direction, knocking out enemy infantry from cover with accurate shots. however, there are many goals. it happens that while we are moving to destroy one target we have. another one arrives on the move, the situation on the battlefield changes, well, almost every minute below for a second, the work of the bnd crew
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is monitored at the brigade control center, and from here the shooting is adjusted using a drone. handsome, handsome, there's a hit, let's fire at the same two shells, we noticed movement there at night, drove the car out and worked out the ammunition. the large-caliber bmd4 cannon is ideal for... work on oporniks, the military says. the deissant combat vehicle is designed to perform assault missions and support entry, but here, in the conditions of a special military operation, it also works as an artillery gun, and its main advantage is mobility; after completing its aim, it immediately rolls back and leaves the firing point, and even at a distance of 5-6 km it hits the target, say the paratroopers. sometimes we can make an amendment. left right 5 m, closer, further - five, yeah, that is, literally put it strictly at the entrance, or specifically, for example, in
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some kind of funnel. this mortar crew got close to the front line, from the outskirts of the village of vesyoloye, where it is located only a few kilometers from the enemy. how we can, we help our attack aircraft, our armored group, so that they pass as calmly and easily as possible. the fortified positions were occupied by the oporniks with minimal losses, moving forward, now the artillerymen are destroying another dugout in the army, to the right 0.05, range more than 50, fire at the same time, received a correction after the first shot, now they repeated it again. the work is hard and dangerous, the paratroopers say, but they didn’t expect anything else, the enemy is constantly conducting a counter-battery attack.
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the parliament of georgia is currently considering in the first reading a high-profile bill on foreign agents. the discussion of the initiative is taking place against the backdrop of violent protests. activists gather on the streets in the center of tbilisi. it was loud the day before. thousands of people gathered in front of parliament. very quickly everything escalated into clashes with the police, and the special forces had to be called in. more than a dozen detainees. well, before that there was a fight in the parliament itself. a deputy from an opposition party attacked the leader of the parliamentary majority.
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iran will provide all possible assistance to resolve the situation with a russian citizen who is in commercial custody . ship this topic was discussed by telephone between foreign minister sergei lavrov and hassein amir abdalahian. let me remind you that last week in the strait of armu, iranian special forces captured an israeli ship that was sailing under the flag of portugal. a landing force landed from a helicopter and forced the crew.
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however, staff are keeping the facility running. all necessary measures have been taken. water reserves, backup diesel generators, fuel volumes for backup diesel generators, everything exists with a reserve, in this sense there are no concerns we are not concerned, only those arrivals that have taken place in recent days are of concern, this was especially active on april 7, we are very grateful. to the people's community, primarily the nuclear community, and the mgt specialists who immediately responded to these attacks. rosatom notes that constructive relationships have developed with mgt employees and the presence of the mission at the station has become another significant factor in ensuring its safety. at the same time , russia will continue to protect the zaporozhye nuclear power plant from ukrainian attacks. there are all the resources for this.
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and finally, shots from the publication. in copenhagen , the historic exchange building is on fire, one of the oldest in the city, built in the first half of the 16th century. the roof is engulfed in fire, tall tongues of flame are rushing out, thick black smoke is pouring out, the spire has collapsed, a world-famous landmark, the structure is made in the form of the intertwined tails of four dragons. employees are trying to remove valuable artifacts from the building, including paintings. the cause of the fire is unknown, as the media writes, the exchange has recently been on... designs. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live. france could launch a nuclear strike on iran. the former prime minister of this country, emmanuel valls
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, said that paris could do this to help israel. now, when iran can get an atomic bomb, is it necessary to strike, that is, when all diplomatic means have been exhausted. i am convinced that if the diplomatic channel no longer works, we must integrate the idea that we can strike and that we can be drawn into war. now more than ever we need to think about strategic interests and concerns. surprisingly, of course, they reason, they think that the apocalypse is possible. anywhere, just not inside france, but the united states also adheres to this, i understand, rhetoric, this opinion, but what’s interesting, vladimir vladimirovich, in essence we have a conflict between iran and israel, yes, israel, well, presumably, yes, according to unofficial data, it has nuclear weapons, tel aviv denies this in every possible way and says that no, we don’t seem to agree with this
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thesis, iran, iran has them. as if all the possibilities of the instrument for its creation, and these countries, neither among themselves nor with other countries, are naturally not sealed by any agreements and obligations in military terms, and here ...
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the group, it has influence in the army of power, and among the people there is also support for this thinking, against the backdrop, of course, of the events with palestine, this is more and more, namely anti-israel policy, it is well represented, another thing is the french, there is a bit of a surprise factor here, but does macron really want to play war so much, and it makes no difference to him where to play this war game, or on ukraine, or russia , to get involved, and of course, iran is much weaker, iran is not. a state that can respond in such a way that paris will be sewn, i mean a direct answer, in this regard, you look, there is reciprocity, because the british and americans were now taking part in coalition with israel, the way
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british planes from the united states of america fought off what was in the sky suggests that they have a single air defense system, that is , an integrated system of israel, together with the british americans, this is a big indicator, so to use ... and what surprised me most was the conversation that there is opposition to the great chinese silk road, one china, one train, which should go through the middle east to europe, and that
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every effort must be made to prevent this happened, this means that it is in the interests of the americans to unleash really very limited chaos in the middle east, and they will not care, here i do not see the use of nuclear weapons, only as a threat of blackmail, israel is ready to hit centrifuges in iran, i am sure that ? russia, china, the usa must now make a decision. and go-ahead, of course, sounds like a little vulgar word, but it very accurately describes the situation. stanislav mikhailovich, how does russia influence the conflict between israel and iran? well, the first thing, of course, is russia is behind iran, and everyone understands this.
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6 thousand american troops, this is the aviation, this is the navy, this is the ground forces, this is the illegal occupation of iraq, which a long time ago the iraqi state, even under trump , said: please leave, but they were told, go away, and this is an illegal occupation in syria, this is in all the countries of the persian gulf, there are american official bases, everything is in close proximity, secondly, there are quite a lot of hezbollah inside america, hezbollah has a large organization in mexico itself. where they cooperate with cartels, they are very they can easily transfer quite a lot of militants, if necessary, to america itself, to start actions in america, the americans know this, they do nothing, because they need these illegal immigrants to change the demographics for
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the democratic party, but they know that they are there , and it’s all there too, there’s a lot of things in mexico now, in addition to all this, of course, if the americans, if the iranians close the harmoos straits, considering the red sea is already effectively closed. this will raise the price of oil and gas in europe and well into the stratosphere, 200 dollars are not in question, even at 300 dollars, and it will be a disaster, it will also be a disaster for the americans, so they will not give...
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the united states has stated its desire and readiness to cancel its countermeasures and fully implement start-3. if, when russia returns to compliance with its obligations under it, the united states has not taken any countermeasures with respect to the central restrictions of new start, it will still remain in full compliance with these.
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well, when we started talking, let us remind you that according to this agreement, the parties are reducing the number intercontinental ballistic missiles, reduce weapons and submarines, carriers of nuclear missiles, in addition, reduce the number of heavy bombers and nuclear weapons, but at one time this treaty, the so-called start-3, was signed in 2010 and was generally considered one of the main such pillars of all architecture. security of the modern world order, but as for the united states, then, as practice shows, they know how to conduct a so- called dialogue, because on their part there is only a monologue, exclusively from their point of view point of view, and bringing the other side to the boiling point, this is their tactics. the agreement was supposed to expire in 2026, but in february last year our president vladimir putin announced that moscow was suspending participation in the agreement, then our president said that... what do we know
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about the west’s involvement in the kiev regime’s attempts to strike at bases of our strategic aviation, and at the same time, under this agreement, the united states wanted to inspect these same defense facilities. in november , russian foreign minister sergei lavrov noted that negotiations on snvti with washington are impossible as long as it supports kiev. and now in the usa they are returning to this topic again. vladimir vladimirovich, what happened? here you need to ask the hunters who went after the bear with a spear, they say that if you tease the bear too much, in some kind of bear, the bear can stand on its hind legs, willingly it will say, let's reduce offensive weapons, the hunter will correctly say, you need to run away, don’t walk around with a spear, that is, it’s all in books, in fairy tales, i have this feeling, that... some circles in the united states are reaching this
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very moment of truth, that the bear is actually no longer joking, the bear was actually doing something there with one paw, he was doing, you know, he was sleeping peacefully, he was trading in peace, and now he’s a bear is not joking, and if the bear is not joking, then with the bear we need to find a completely different corridor for building our own security, the us’s own security, of course, interests them, they don’t care about europe, they don’t care about the middle east, about china, they just don’t care about themselves, in that they really want russia to have. hands are tied by various treaties, and let's be honest, if an f-16 provided by the norwegians, taking off from a romanian airfield, loaded with british missiles, hits an airfield where strategic bombers are stationed, there is a russian white swan, then this weakens russia, well then listen , what does the british minister of defense say, the polish minister of defense, what does the nato secretary general say, everyone is talking about the same thing, russia is weakening, we have a holiday, hurray, according to the ukrainian hands, then russia will become defenseless in the near future? plus, don’t forget that there was
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a leak that america was considering the use of nuclear weapons by russia on the territory of ukraine, a small local explosion, in response they were considering a strike on russia precisely at the bases of strategic weapons of the russian federation. accordingly, this is not a joke at all, and i will return to the bear, the fact is that the bear is a rare sight in cuba, mexico, venezuela, in submarines, triads, which are also with a bear somewhere there, constantly to the right of the left of united states to the east.
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to call us to something, to which it was said that we don’t need your theater of the absurd, but nevertheless, look, how much time has passed, then suddenly, and then a year later, and they say, but we are ready, and what has it changed? well, the first thing is that the election campaign has begun and biden at least needs to show something, but realistically speaking, this treaty is very and this is a treaty for the americans, it’s not against us, why? because for now... medium-range missiles are prohibited or controlled, most american nuclear, nuclear weapons that are located in europe may now also be located in finland, these are all quite small devices that can be mounted on the f-16 on the f-35, and the americans only need to hit western russia in order to, in theory, destroy
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the leadership, they don’t need to hit so deep that the first strike would hit moscow, st. petersburg, for this they don’t need a medium- range missile, they have... 16, as they said, now we don’t know, any f16 that rises flies into our side, we need accept that it may already carry a nuclear bomb or missile for the first strike, so you need to be ready, for the americans this is a plus, because these weapons are a category of weapons not at all in this treaty, they bypass this treaty , that is , they want to remove our trump cards and leave theirs , namely, we are left without weapons that can hit europe, and they base weapons in europe that can hit us.
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russia, the next logical step, let's
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strike first, let's not wait until russia goes against germany or france, and we we will hit them now, while they are in ukraine, or while they have not yet gained strength, while we are gaining strength. this is the next logical step in the western mentality, strike first, second, if on the contrary russia goes to negotiations, again in america, precisely in the state of biden, well , it was also under trump, the neoconservatives, who are also in the democratic party, this is an ideology, they have one ideology, at the end of the day does not mean what you did to achieve these goals, everything is fair, they will hit the same point, they come and hit the same point the very point, maybe... it means that the most recent one declared it, and it’s not
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a fact that they did it, the united states treaty on the destruction of chemical weapons in america is relatively recent, and before that they said: yes, we will destroy, and then they said: well, excuse me , we don’t have the money for this, you know, but for everyone else they are... the united states and the main one , donald trump, the former president and rival of joseph biden in the upcoming presidential elections, voiced his solution to the middle east conflict. what's going on in the world, what happening? everyone is at war with each other, russia, ukraine from... but the current president of the united states
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, joseph biden, should, in theory, also say something, but it turned out as always. if joe biden, as the media write, really calls on israel not to retaliate at all , then he is a disgrace to the united states. america is interested in seeing that iran, which is the main threat to international peace and security in the region, is at least put in its place. western. the media are scaring their viewers with all their might of a new world war, the journalists of the fox news channel went the furthest in this intimidation, this is what political commentator mark levin said on the air of this television channel. iran couldn't have done anything like this if it weren't for the fact that biden funded it. biden gave more money to iran than to ukraine. the iranians had been unable to do anything like this before, so yes, this was a turning point. iran and russia are determined.
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i would like to believe, frankly, that trump has. some ingenious plan, which no one knows, no one is familiar with, is embodied in life with a click of a memory, for 48 hours we have martiania visiting us, i think trump is playing such, you know, a multi-faceted, multi-vector game, moreover, at the same time he plays chess, poker, billiards, and is a tightrope walker, he does everything well, not on the royal are playing, there are other candidates, i understand what they’re talking about, let’s get to work. uh, look, uh, no one has canceled the trade cold war between the united states and
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the european union, it has not been canceled, it continues, there are protective duties on american goods in europe, and trump’s rhetoric is very tough, we won’t stop you protect, if we don’t protect you only on one condition, if you, not necessarily 4%, if you remove trade restrictions, that is, again for america it works, then the counterbalance, i think, the key words are not russia, ukraine, after all china, taiwan, this is what many people are afraid of. no, we are the production of all electronics, if china and we talk at all about the fact that taiwan may stop, they will get involved in a territorial conflict, all the efforts that we have are to share friendship, because the triangle of iran, china, russia is very dangerous for them, raw materials the base is impeccable, the military base is impeccable, self-sufficient, then all that remains is to wish for...
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usa, russia, lifting restrictions on metal, on uranium, there are quite a lot of restrictions, then this hunt that is going on on the part of the usa. either for liquefied gas, or for tankers that transport these liquefied gases, here , too, trump can do a lot of things, but he doesn’t announce, he plays with meaning, let’s elect me, and i’m a good guy, i ’ll do everything, sorry, i i don't believe it, this game is a good bad cop, anyway somehow it goes into the same gate, so you know, starting from the agreement on medium -range missiles, ending with the global confrontation with china, here is this fear that russia will be with china, but in practice this is already the case. in principle , for trump this is only a field of speculation, it makes no difference who will be there, biden or trump,
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conservatives or borists, even if the communists come to power in the usa, any, any scenario that happens, they are still such radical enemies of the russian federation , well, even this mark levin, he confirmed that this means that such an axis of evil has already been formed for the united states, russia, iran and china, so you better open your damn ones.
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portrait of abraham lincoln, and america, the union, the northern states were saved by russia, for which the russian fleet entered new york in the year sixty-three, went to san francisco, before that russia did not allow the european powers to begin to put pressure on the north so that a truce would come and somehow there were agreements with the south, like secession, for which the americans paid us in 83, in 1883 the first chapter opened friends of the russian people, the same from friends. caucasus, friends of the chechen people and so on, this is to destroy russia, so of course this is their case, against russia, not even the russian federation, but against russia it’s all going against, for them, well, what ’s a loss for them, but for the americans a loss, as it looks like, they are already talking about it in fact, well, for such people, it cannot be said for the americans, because america is also not heterogeneous, but mana people, there
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for such people a loss is if america loses its attempts at hegemony over mi. yeah, and russia is on the path, in any way china is the last main goal, well, china is a question of who wants to walk over russia’s bones, who wants to pull russia back, then uses russia as a battering ram, just as ukraine uses it against russia, that is, it turns out, yes, that means russia, ukraine, a bunch, iran, israel, china, taiwan, and then they will look at how to put pressure on each, that means, on each link of this axis of evil, absolutely, they will live everywhere, and the problem is also the same , when russia, iran and china. central asia, they they can’t take control over it, because it still works, it’s far away, it’s distant, they’re trying, they tried in kazakhstan, as we saw in ’22, and we stopped it, they can’t take control of it, because again they are surrounded and cannot fully fit into kyrgyzstan, they have tried
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to fit in enough times, for them this is of course a loss, there are others, of course americans, conservatives. was mulling its response to the iranian attack, the united states privately told local officials that if israel attacked military retaliation, he will do it alone. the biden administration has made clear that the united states will not engage in offensive military operations against iran for fear of escalating the war in the middle east. this is an ultimatum or some kind of panic on their part, because
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they understand that nitanya may not listen. but he won’t listen to tanyahu. the problem here is that the tail is narrower. dog, it’s always a problem when a big country has small allies who have their own agenda and can drag the big country in, what happened in the first world war, the same thing can drag a big power into their war, which then grows, the americans, of course, as they said, as i said, hezbullah has big problems with iran, and in addition they have a big problem with the electorate, the democrats have a very big one part of the electorate supports the palestinians, this is not...
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pressure from the united states on this , well, here is your position regarding the further formed axis of evil through, so to speak , the tools that they have loaded, to what extent these tools they are now well not
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i know these american hands are listening, i don’t believe in the statements of third parties, that’s when i ’ll hear. that biden will directly address israel, then i will believe, for me this game is good, bad cop, after all , us forces are present in the region, moreover, air defense, and bombers, everything is there, it’s complete. iran stated that the answers will not necessarily be symmetrical, iran is not able to respond to the united states, since russia can do this, russia will turn the united states into ashes throughout europe if it comes to a third world war. iran does not have such capabilities, but this is not this means that iran will not respond, this means an attack on all points of the united states, these are diplomatic places, settlements, this means the september 11 scenario, this means those fears that live in the united states, that is, a terrorist. as a state policy, but already as a defense, the people will support there in the middle east precisely from a religious point of view, because they will already acquire the status of martyrs, in this regard, statements
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that are thrown in, you know, two policemen, a good one is bad, but they perform one function, one function, it sounds very simply, the arab world needs to be kept like this everywhere, whoever is with us, from whom, from whose sites we start, lives well, whoever sells us oil lives well, but we also control at what price you sell this oil, from america has its own oil. you came into my life with me, walked this path, they sculpted an image for him, here is his first wife, she left right on the new year holidays, ah-ah-ah, judy is a political project, we
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went out onto the street where a car was waiting for him, then it hit me, he’s going to a war zone , australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine, is taking a step towards china, who can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave the chinese market, is trying to sit still. america and great britain have achieved the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia. australia is ready to play a role in this, you are the next ukraine, but for china. in the event of a war with china, the target of chinese nuclear weapons will have to really sit in splits, and this is painful and uncomfortable. anthony albanese, zelensky of the green continent. dolls of the heir tutti. today. on the first. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. zoya borisovna
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personifies the century. all her life she did what she loved. she creates centers of culture around herself. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years - they will definitely write this out of harm. this is a special attitude towards talent. she feels them. just instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i am unemployed i can’t at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t blame you for passing, i thank you for what came, andrei generally had there are two priorities in life: his work and my mother. something found my heart, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song, reflecting the moment of our
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only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere, today on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on first, and i... the escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgiy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i’m leaving, i’ve fallen in love, lyuba cried, but what’s it like? unloved, it’s like living unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived two lives, and that lyuba sokolova got everything, the fact that
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gundareva played, we get the prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, he always speaks slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i... had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are already in the spring they make noise, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run , they shine, and they say, they say all over, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games. on sunday at
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the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m angry, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and let’s get used to living apart. all we will part equally, well, understand, well, it’s not we who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to be with with my wife, michaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, then right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, calm down,
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where? champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one. our colleague, alexander mozgovoy and the myzhivy project team, visited the training ground where fighters of one of the units of the russian guard hone their skills, mastery, there is absolutely not a single random person there, these are all people who since childhood dreamed of, i don’t know, to gain military skills, mastery defend your homeland, because the example of your fathers was always before your eyes, if only...
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you could volunteer back in 2022 in order to eradicate all terrorism. did you originally come here on this mission? yes, but first of all i was traveling outside my city, belgorod, where i grew up, now it’s simply, one might say, being destroyed. that the relatives talk about how they are hiding in bunkers in the basements, it turns out that it is not possible to immediately find out what is wrong with them, how true, to the wife, what do you say, i say hello to her, i will be home soon, wait for me, attention, shot. i can see in your eyes that you
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are already a person with experience, well, to be honest, you’ve been in the army for 23 years already, well, we’ll work, we’ll serve some more, you’re in a team together all the time, yes, yes, it turns out we’re the crew of the tour, two people loading, shooting, well, again , interchangeable, if there was an opportunity to turn to the enemy, that’s what i would tell them, surrender? no more, no less, all this is meaningless, i think so, hatred as such, how to feel, we are all people, as if, on the other side there are people, on our side, and we are all different. there is an order, we are moving forward, we are men, we must do this, it is better, as they say, for us to do this than for our children to have anything left to do, and children, who thinks, daughter, son, well, wife, accordingly, you can turn to your son , son, study well, naborbe ne,
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fillon, study, don’t offend your older sister, help your mother. i know this man, i’m glad to welcome him again, this is where combat coordination takes place, it’s on the battlefield, once again, training never stops, especially combat training, now it will be loud, yes, all the actions of personnel have been brought to the point of automaticity, and there is nothing better when in any situation at any time, every serviceman knows his own. but you added some sparkle to our interview now , what are the tasks of this device, the capabilities of defeating
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armored lightly armored vehicles , light fortifications and enemy infantry, experience behind it, there is an army, of course, and it also served with lng. there were slightly different specifics, but about the same thing, from the very beginning, no, not from the very beginning, no, uh, regarding mobilization, how it began, according to the agenda i came, at 8 am there was a summons, at 9:00 am in the inkomat, at home, family, family, wife, pregnant woman is waiting, that’s even it, tell your wife something, svetol, i love you and my son, wait, i ’ll definitely come. i love you, but do you already know that there will be a son? yes, how will you raise your son? i will try the same way my father raised me. how did your father raise you? everything masculine that should be, i believe, he brought up in me, this is exactly what i hold on to, for the fact that
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we need to help the weak, protect the weak, in difficult times, unite and move forward, shrapnel, first charge. you are the best here mobile mortars, it turns out this way, we arrive at the point, they give us coordinates, we complete the task and leave, we were near mariupol, it turns out we were in makeyevka and near donetsk. so, this is your room, where, yes,
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we move around there, we store our things, there is even a table, some kind of, yes, yes, a chair, so, well, now we have our things here, for now we, because we were moving, that is we haven't had time yet. to finish things off, but here, well, we have water, dry food to eat there, all that, well, and ammunition, how is it served in general, but it is served well, you have a father there on the front line in the lugansk direction, only in the lugansk direction, it’s just tougher there, he was now wounded, now he’s being treated at home, so this is a matter of honor, probably the goal to observe. ready to work, at the moment the work of the sniper pair, adjustments and shooting, in our practice it is said that the sniper should be phlegmatic, that is, he should not pay attention to
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external stimuli, constantly lie down, in general, according to this principle, you recruit, probably first of all, yes , this is calm and of course, good shooting, and the rest will come with experience, constant training, constant shooting, everything comes with... then load one mine, load one mine, that’s what you need to understand in order to control, i calculate the settings, pass them on to the commander, after which the commander they are handed over to the gunner, the gunner sets the settings on the sight together with the commander, he already aims the mortar at the aiming point, that is, we... we see we are working from a closed firing position, that is, this is each of us here, this is a small cog of a large mechanism, that is, everything should go according to the established rules, worked out. and why did i decide
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to become a military man for myself, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a military man, becoming an officer, well, i think that this is a real mozian thing, worthy, my great-grandfather was an artilleryman, a senior lieutenant, he finished the great patriotic war, so the choice was clear, firm , what you had to understand here in the combat zone , what you didn’t think about in peacetime , how important friendship and camaraderie are, and that, in spite of everything, they, comrades, friends, they will come to the rescue, that is, you will not be left alone, they will not abandon you, this is real friendship, military brotherhood, i think. and here i found it,
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our guys are constantly undergoing training, advanced training and improving their skills, and many experts, including us. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and we start with footage of the meeting that took place today in the kremlin. vladimir putin received the head of the central election commission emfil.
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stability of the state, especially today, thank you very much, thank you, i ask you. the results of these elections are amazing, they are unprecedented, the most important thing is how wise our people turned out to be, that this unprecedented consolidation of society understands that this is not just a presidential election, but that this is actually some important stage in the battle for russia , it seems to me that this is how these elections turned out, and despite the incredible ones, i would say so.
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it just shows everyone what’s really going on, now it’s more and more difficult
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to lie, to make fakes, thank you very much and to all your colleagues, now there are floods, the orenburg region, orsk is again under the threat of flooding, large water comes from the side of a private reservoir on the border with kazakhstan, there is a dam there, but the flows have poured over the edge, in the village of tukai, this is only a couple of tens of kilometers from orsk has already been evacuated, the situation is complicated by the fact that in the region...
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but we will be able to assess its specific scale after the water has receded. spring field work is underway; to carry it out efficiently, it is necessary to minimize the consequences of this flood, so make sure that farmers are provided with material and technical resources.
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in particular, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the work of the oil refinery in orsk , that is, in the orenburg region, has been suspended. we need to very seriously control the availability of fuel, and finally, monitor the provision of biological safety in the flood zone. this night the russian army launched a massive attack on military targets on the territory of ukraine, explosions thundered in the khmelnitsky and cherkasy regions, eyewitnesses report several flights to area of ​​the starokonstantinov airfield, after which repeated detonation began, which may mean damage to the ammunition depot. let me remind you, this is the airfield he is considering. the railway station is close to the center; according to some sources, this is a kind of transshipment base through which western weapons and equipment for the bsu are supplied. and the latest report from the ministry of defense, which came
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right before our release: russian fighters are improving their positions and occupying more advantageous positions. the enemy is suffering huge losses, especially in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions. in just one day , 1,160 militants were destroyed along the entire front line, operational-tactical aviation missiles, troops and artillery hit ammunition and fuel depots, drone production and storage workshops, air defense forces shot down six british storm shadow cruise missiles, two american harm missiles and one and a half hundred various drones. the un security council that night was unable to admit the obvious and call a spade a spade . ukrainian strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. a fact that does not require proof, the whole world sees it. klau magatte personally visited the largest nuclear power plant in europe, and today he attended a meeting of the security council, but things are still there, the western patrons of the kiev regime are trying their best to turn everything upside down. giorgi alisashvili watched. neither the calls of international experts nor the demands
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of the un agent protected the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant from attacks; the recent drone attack is an example of this, so the topic of plant security has come up again.
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in working condition, rosatom specialists and zas employees are literally under fire, however, as the state corporation reports, all the necessary measures for the safe operation of the station by civilian personnel have been taken: water reserves, backup diesel generators, fuel volumes for backup diesel generators, everything exists with a reserve, in this sense we do not have any concerns, only those arrivals that... have occurred in recent days are of concern, this was especially active on april 7, we are very grateful to the international community, primarily the nuclear community, and igat specialists who immediately responded to these attacks. by the way, in the presence of the magat commission at the station, rosatom sees an additional
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security factor, but although russian specialists have long established working contacts with colleagues from abroad, permanent representatives of western countries in the security council claim the opposite. magathe experts at the plant do not have full access to all areas important to nuclear safety. the general director of magata did not say a word about the problems with staff access. magaten, zaes. this was the speech of the united states and the united kingdom. this means that this was prepared in advance in your texts. why then do we invite director general grossi to brief us? indeed, outside the context of accusations against russia, specific security issues behind nuclear power plants were practically not discussed by western diplomats. the reality is that russia doesn't care about risks. if she cared about them, she wouldn't continue to forcefully maintain control of the station. our western colleagues do not know it themselves noticing, spoke out today in the form of an ultimatum. transfer control of the zas,
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then they will stop shelling it. thus, they not only betrayed the zelensky regime , but also actually admitted to complicity in these irresponsible attacks. whether someone likes the station to be under russian control or not is a different matter and is irrelevant. we received from the fsb a ukrainian agent was detained in moscow, who, on instructions from the kiev regime, organized an attempt on the life of former sbu officer vasily prostov.
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the explosion, let me remind you, occurred last friday, without delay it was possible to establish the name of the saboteur, it turned out that he was a russian citizen who acted on instructions from kiev, and the head of the sbu, malyuk, personally supervised the operation. in february, my supervisor told me that he had been given a task: personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk, that i must go to moscow and monitor the toyota prado car. then the task changed and i was told to assemble a bomb. my supervisor helped me with this. i collected and on the ninth at approximately 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom. car, now the detainee faces life imprisonment, since we are talking about treason and organizing a terrorist attack. as for
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vasily prozarov, his life is not in danger, he suffered only slightly. let me remind you that the former sbu officer himself lived in russia in recent years and was investigating the crimes of the kiev regime. in russia, it is necessary to tighten the fight against illegal migration and prevent the emergence of ethnic enclaves. i spoke about this problem today. secretary of the council russian security nikolai patrushev at a meeting in arkhangelsk. we discussed in particular the situation in the northwestern regions. patrushev noted: there is a threat of potential terrorists entering the country under the guise of labor migrants and displaced persons. in this regard, he recalled the recent monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city hall, the traces of which lead to ukraine. a striking example of inhumanity and fierce hatred of our country is the terrorist attacks committed on march 22. the connection between
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the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack and the ukrainian nationalists. the perpetrators, accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they were hiding and no matter how they tried to confuse the traces of the crime. will receive a well-deserved punishment, the fate of russian citizen timofey kolchanov, who found himself on board a ship detained by iranian forces, was discussed by the foreign ministers of the two countries. sergei lavrov and hassein amir abdalakhian had two telephone conversations over the weekend. details emerged today. tehran promised to do everything possible to resolve the situation. let me remind you that soldiers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps intercepted a cargo ship flying a flag in the waters of the strait of armuz. but transporting cargo in the interests of israel. the crew consists of citizens of india, the philippines, pakistan, estonia and russia. our media
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noted that the russian embassy has already contacted the country’s authorities for diplomatic access to timofey kolchanov. dramatic footage from publications: a huge fire is right now destroying one of the symbols of copenhagen, the stock exchange. the building is 400 years old. architectural heritage. the famous spire of intertwined dragon tails flared up like torches. soon it collapsed onto the roadway, no injuries were reported, and part of the roof also collapsed. all floors are already engulfed in fire, the efforts of firefighters have so far been unsuccessful, the city center with its dense buildings has been cut off. the military has arrived at the scene, they are helping to remove valuables, art objects and paintings, and whatever else can be saved, from the burning building. according to media reports, the ancient building was under restoration, the authorities were going to restore the original facade, is the fire related to work is still unknown. raw foodist blogger maxim lyuty, whose newborn son died of exhaustion a year ago, received 8 years in a maximum security colony. the man was sentenced in
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the krasnodar territory, and he is also required to pay a fine. 1000 rub. a resonant incident occurred in sochi. lyuty and his partner decided to have a home birth in rented housing. the couple did not turn to doctors for help, did not register the child at the clinic, and did not register the child anywhere. the father took the baby from his mother several times, left him hungry and doused him with cold water. in as a result, the child died before he could be taken to the hospital. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, there is a big game on air. today is the anniversary of the start of the berlin offensive. on april 16 , 1945, this, i would say, the last great battle of the great patriotic war began. during this battle , about 3.5 million people, 7,750 tanks and 1,100 aircraft participated on both sides. this operation lasted
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17 days and... the connection between the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in crocus and ukrainian nationalists. today, the russian ministry of defense announced the prevention of an attempt by the kiev regime to carry out, by the way, this very morning a terrorist attack in the kursk region using a small balloon, which was eventually destroyed. but nuclear terrorism is an even greater concern. the day before , a meeting of the un security council took place on the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant,
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which, let me remind you, was recently shelled again. did not answer, i will quote: we are dangerously close to a nuclear accident, in this regard, i must note that last sunday the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine accused russia of allegedly preparing a provocation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, yes, from which it absolutely follows that it is the kiev regime itself that is preparing some kind of provocation, either a terrorist attack or shelling, and is trying to shift this onto us.
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igor vladimirovich, this is how you... comment on such terrorist activities, including in relation to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant? they terrorize us starting from the moment when the garrison of azovstal was withdrawn, few people know about it, the ukrainian side wanted to organize a camp there in order to keep them, you know why, in order to come from the other side, seize the energy dar, seize the zaporozhye nuclear power plant , and such attempts were made more than once, only thanks to... our fighters of our national guard prevented such attempts, they are now doing it, you know, very precisely, because they were damaged, including the training center where specialists are trained, which ensure the safe operation of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, by the way, such a training center has been created in fact, the only one in the world, they have a reactor there,
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actually a million-strong cross-section, which can be completely shown to engineers. well, they hit along the route, magath’s working group is constantly working there, constantly, they hit along the route, literally missed the magath delegation in 20 minutes, now they hit the dome of the sixth power unit, which is closest to the reservoir, that is, well, by and large, the reactor closest to them, they know the points, because they are... to bring the station to a mode when there will be an uncontrollable nuclear reaction, and if there will be an uncontrollable nuclear reaction, and grosi was recently, and sergei vladimirovich kiriyenko was recently there at the station, everyone says: guys, you don’t
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understand what you’re playing with, because this terrorism can lead to the fact that it will be bad not for russia, but for ukraine for many years, these are reactors of a completely different type that were in chernobyl, there will be problems and still have europe, it is still connected with the rose indeed. telephone numbers of ukrainian military personnel, one had one telephone number, well, presumably , either an artilleryman or an artillery spotter, and there the coordinates of all the churches of donetsk, and donetsk, gorlovka,
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yasenovato and other settlements of our donetsk people's republic were entered into his phone, that is, this is about which says that perhaps they are preparing terrorist attacks during holy days, because now we are going through the most, well, by and large. such a holy orthodox holiday, they beat it, so you see, they are like terrorists, they are attacking the nuclear power plant, they are attacking orthodoxy, because last year at the annunciation they shelled the city of donetsk, they shelled it on easter night, a pregnant woman died, this once again proves that even if we take the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, magate specialists are constantly, as they say, on combat duty at this station and they see everything, they see everything , they interact perfectly with ours...
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their defeats are increasing, our troops are attacking harder and harder, and most of all what’s important is that i’ve already noticed in recent days, especially with the example of the twenty-fifth brigade, that their enemy, as they say, swam in a boxing match, that is, in some places he’s
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already losing his nerves and accordingly losing ground, yesterday i think the most important event was in the ocheretinsky sector our troops , having occupied and liberated the territory of snt zarya, essentially reached the outskirts of the otcheredina, this is a key point on this section of the front on... located at a height, if we take it, then from the enemy this front essentially begins to crumble, so yesterday we left already on the enemy's extreme positions inside are already on the outskirts, as well as the neighboring novobakhmutovka, that is, in this way we bypassed the enemy's berdychi positions, essentially went to the rear, now our berdychis are already , as it were, half-covered, as i understand it, today we will try to get them from there to knock it out, like yesterday from semyonovka from the neighboring one, that is, here and the enemy’s main defense has already actually been broken through, this is already a fact; in the chasyarsk direction, battles for the city began yesterday. and the kanal microdistrict, our troops took two high-rise buildings, secured them from them, and knocked out the enemy from the college, accordingly, they are gradually pushing him out of here, trying to bypass the city from the south and north along the gullies, and also very
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good positive news is coming from krasnogorsk, where our troops, having gained a foothold on the southeastern outskirts of this city, yesterday took control of the southern and gradually they are also trying to take the eastern ones, going to the center of the city to the refractory plant, where the main enemy position is located. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, and i’ll add to this accurate analysis that in the west and in kiev itself they fear that our offensive, advance in the donbass, in the zaporozhye region, could become a prologue to an even greater offensive, which, in their opinion, could happen in late spring, early summer of this year. let's listen to what the british financial times writes about this. ukrainian and western officials said.
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west of artyomovsk. apparently there is an important battle ahead. the chasov is located on a hill convenient for defense. if russia takes the city, it could potentially increase the pace of its advance deeper into donetsk area ahead of an expected summer offensive, ropley said. research fellow at the eurasian program at the institute for foreign policy research. can you comment, igor vladimirovich? yes, i’ll comment, indeed, today our enemy’s line of defense is crumbling, this is directly visible throughout the entire donetsk front, and not only. why? because, if we take it, in the kharkov region, then by the antics of this russian corps of theirs, as they presented it, already knocked out to almost nothing, they, of course, created for us here a big problem for us... now we need to push back
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the front line, by and large, here too, but we have the prerequisites today in the kupinsky direction and the slavic direction we have, if we take chasyar, then by and large we can begin to eliminate grouping slavyansk-kramatorsk, or if we take the direction directly to the border of the donetsk people's republic, then we can take konstantinovka, and as we see, this is what krasnohorivka is burning, i think that in the near future they will have there are big problems in coal, so the offensive can happen at any point, because everywhere there is a clear superiority of the russian armed forces, in the conditions of this superiority, kiev continues to simply scream that without the resumption of full-scale assistance from the united states, ukraine will lose the war and will not be able to hold even us.
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what is under our control, we will need to move from one to comparing numbers 10 to 10, well, that there will be no chance of winning, of course he turned it down, but they won’t have chances of survival without renewal, i think that even with the resumption of american assistance they will have no chance, here is more information about whether this assistance will be resumed in what form, we will talk after a little advertising, aggressive kangaroo, prime minister. i turn to my
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life partner jodie hayden, thank you for coming into my life and walking this path with me. they sculpted an image for him, here is his first wife, she left right on the new year holidays, ah-ah-ah! judy is a political project, we went out into the street where a car was waiting for him, here i was overwhelmed, he was going to a combat zone . australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine and is making a move towards china. who can replace china?
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luminary poem: remain bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach that it passed, i thank you for what came, andrei generally had two priorities in life, his... creativity and my mother found our hearts , andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his a song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere today on the first, and i’m walking around moscow, until now, at the universitet metro station , passengers point to that same escalator, who's going there? nikita mikhalkov's character from the film "i'm walking around moscow" begins to hum a song. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba,
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i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, that’s what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived two lives. and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get the prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching, he ’s very interested, he always speaks slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director he blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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who say yes, right, left, to everything, up, down, answering everything, yes boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you use social networks, this is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i don’t forget, i’m real, contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinions of the majority, these are just fragmentary fragments , maybe fabricated company, new project of the first channel, global majority, bashar assad on sunday on the first.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they are running , waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the big game is on the air; today the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states congress
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, michael johnson, will introduce bills on foreign assistance to the house. i didn't make a reservation namely bills, because it lasts for a long time. consultations, including after michael johnson’s trip to pay his respects to republican leader donald trump at his estate in mara laga in florida, johnson went there this weekend and discussed assistance to ukraine, in general, johnson decided to break up the assistance of the united states to his clients , and today he will propose four separate bills to the house of representatives, separately on ukraine, separately on israel. separately in taiwan and a fourth, so let's hear what he himself said in this regard: we will not vote on the bill approved by the senate in its current form, we will vote on each of the four points separately: assistance to israel, support to ukraine, cooperation in
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the indo-pacific region and, in conclusion , a measure that includes our national security priorities, which contains details regarding the act of confiscating assets of the russian federation in favor of ukraine with... not in any of these four new proposals from michael johnson, despite the fact
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that the republicans previously strongly linked assistance to ukraine to improve the situation on the us-mexico border, and some , such as a member of the house of representatives, are already saying that they will not vote without the southern border, and democrats are confused by the fact that johnson allows amendments and lengthy discussion, respectively. johnson and national security council spokesman john kirby said the white house is opposed to aid to israel being considered separately from aid to ukraine. johnson, he is a good lawyer,
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he has a good team, he is not alone. in any case, what he is now offering, it seems, is a certain ball that he throws on the side of the democrats and says: listen, well, you wanted to provide help, we are ready to consider, you are absolutely right when he says that we should collectively agree on everything, what does this mean? now there is a new procedure - gathering opinions, each congressman must personally make his own amendments, can you imagine what it is, gather democrats, republicans, and it is impossible to stop him, he is working on a bill, now they will go on vacation, but the issue with the borders remained open, a huge number of texans are now saying what we fought for and taking to the streets, where is this decision on the rio grande, where this decision does not exist, the democrats are great at...
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i’m not telling you no, i’m telling you when or if, the word if is key, but for biden the question is different, to create a package in this package as much as possible , to outline what the americans are not ready for, but they will no longer be able to turn their pockets out like that, i think they will eventually find the money, but it will be hard money, it will be very hard money, a lot of time will pass, because you are absolutely right, now they will discuss and then vote separately.
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is interested in kiev delivering appropriate blows, primarily due to the fact that world oil prices are rising,
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amid the uncertainty that arises in the markets, and biden does not need an increase in gasoline prices in america on the eve of the november presidential elections . accordingly, the washington post recently published a very detailed article about how long the biden administration tried to convince the zelensky regime not to launch a corresponding strike. infuriated zelensky , and he, so to speak, discarded the relevant arguments, then jake salevan, the national security adviser, came to him to ask for the same thing, lloyd austin, tony blinken, that is, virtually the entire leadership of the biden administration , spoke about the same thing , kiev in response only intensified, redoubled its strikes on russian refineries, specifically in retaliation, specifically to
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do against what the united states are asking states, and as the washington post writes, in fact. or biden’s fears with these attacks are connected not only with rising oil prices and not only with american domestic political considerations, although they are certainly of paramount importance, but there are also several important arguments, let’s listen: rising energy prices threaten to undermine european support for ukraine, - said a senior us official, american military strategists are worried that these strikes not only practically did not weakened russia's combat potential, but... entailed massive retaliatory strikes on the ukrainian power grid, which caused much more damage to kiev. now the ukrainian leadership is in dire need of means to protect their cities, which is leading to a new round of tension in relations between kiev and the west. that is, the americans say: guys, it’s worse for you, it’s worse for you, well, let’s listen to what the minister of foreign affairs of the kiev regime, dmitry
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kuleba, responded to this. i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it, i think no one in ukraine. won't believe how big it is the us army does not have at least one patri battery, with the help of which it is possible to save billions of dollars worth of infrastructure in ukraine and priceless ukrainian life, if the partners say: we will give you seven patriot batteries tomorrow, but we have a request to you: you don’t have to do it this and that, then there is a subject for conversation, and if you don’t have these systems, there is no assistance package, you are asked not to do something, then there is no subject, then everyone survives as best they can, imagine, kirill evgenievich, what impudence. as soon as the amount of food on the hand has become a little less, this hand is instantly bitten by the kiev regime, and it bites painfully, absolutely correctly, i completely agree that this kiev regime has practically entered into a symbiosis with the american regime like a parasite,
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knowing perfectly well where and how to bite it if nutrition. doesn’t act, that is, in this regard, while washington is doing a little less, it is still doing it, but not the way they wanted, not in the same quantity, not in the same way, but as kureva said at the beginning , the patriots have topics for conversation, no patriots, there is no topic for conversation, that is , quite boyishly, if we take this very style of the early nineties, for the united states we will have to remember this style, of course, they have forgotten it, but by and large it turns out that washington thought that he ruled kiev , that he can... he will be discarded, he can be dumped, he can
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be changed, in this regard, he strives to do everything to justify his... irreplaceability, that is, like a capricious child in relation to his mother, when his ears are freezing, yes , it’s freezing my ears, but the main thing is not to be left without mother’s attention, the main thing is that she doesn’t go anywhere and doesn’t dare to go anywhere, otherwise how dare she think about some other problems when here i am with my urgent and basic problems, this is a very interesting stage when terrorism actually turns into , is already going in a circle, that is, it is already going, turning into such a semi-control.
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represents the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages.
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let's formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with a shelving unit here, dad and son leave the room separately or together, pop complex, even just to have some fun, very good for the back, everything is collected in this corner for cozy evenings, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we got to our home, comfort, the premiere is on saturday on the first. and i'm walking around moscow. until now, at the mitrouniversitet station
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, passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the hero’s song nikita mikhalkov from the film "i'm walking around moscow". i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgiy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home. said to sokolova, lyuba, i'm leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, that's how to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what gundareva played is what we get prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he ’s watching, very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, why did the director blame himself after the tragedy? happened in his family after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director,
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, and i prozre, come here, will you catch it? i... so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaevs, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live together in the next world with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what could it be? “what an eternity, i ’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her, in the end, she won’t be the first to cry, she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my
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hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to leave me, hello, len, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first. i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country. i admit and admit that i love my homeland. i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very! "i you,
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i love russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here, my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland, unity, peaceful skies, cohesion, great on the air." today it has reached its apogee three-day visit of chancellor olaf, german chancellor scholz to china. let me remind you that he first visited chongqing, where he was met by the deputy mayor, then shanghai, and today scholz was received in a solemn atmosphere by chairman xiding ping himself. naturally, the main topic of scholz’s visit to china. - this is the economy. we will talk about this later, but the ukrainian topic was also touched upon. and scholz himself did not
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hide that one of his goals. visit is to try to convince sidinpin that china should take part in that supposedly peace conference that the west and kiev are organizing this summer in switzerland, let me remind you that russia is not invited to this conference, they want the supposedly approved by the world majority, the majority of countries in the world, some kind of peace plan based on the zelensky formula, which is exactly what china really wants. for china to come to this conference, because china’s participation will indeed legitimize this conference and will ensure the participation of many countries of the world majority, yes, but let’s listen to what xiding ping himself responded to these proposals from scholz today. firstly, we need to focus on ensuring peace and stability and not pursue selfish interests, and secondly, we need to defuse the situation and not add fuel to the fire. third, we must think through the conditions for
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recovery. we are making every effort to contribute to a peaceful resolution of the crisis, we support the timely convening of an international peace conference, which is recognized by both russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and a fair discussion of all options for peace. i understand correctly what it is.
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that is, in this regard, in these political metaphors, each of them is filled with a fairly deep meaning, what needs to be done, how to do it? china always selects very precise political metaphors in order to determine how to move towards this, it is clear that any negotiations should only be with the participation of russia, without this in general it is simply unthinkable, well, plus he advised shultz to do what shultz is more responsible for in quality. the chancellor of germany set up a global chain because he has a fairly large number of problems in germany that he cannot cope with, that is, in this regard, china politely, correctly, but strictly speaking, showed scholz what he needs to do, at the level of such an understandable lecture in kindergarten, very figurative, in fact, but what does a more complex reality look like, and which scholz simply doesn’t measure up, unfortunately,
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he just really doesn’t understand, absolutely.
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also noted that sidinpin recommended scholz to take care of his direct duties. scholz actually came to beijing, as i already said, yes, first of all, to try to save the falling german economy. germany is rapidly deindustrializing, there is a severe economic crisis in germany, elections to the bundestag are in a year, and relations with china, they are indeed still absolutely important for the german economy, especially after how the german economy lost both the russian market and cheap russian gas, trade and economic relations between germany and china, by the way, continue to grow, at the end of 23, german investments in china reached record levels...
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listen to what the american political publication writes: for the chancellor, facing record low approval ratings and a fractured coalition, the tour is an opportunity not just to prove his credibility in the world, but to show voters that he will do whatever it takes to save good old germany incorporated. berlin has proven more than once that it is not ready to sacrifice its prosperity for the sake of human rights, the security interests of washington or even the european union. take russia for example, germany ignored allied warnings about its dependence on moscow for years, only after russian tanks moved towards kiev in early 2022 did berlin change course and stop buying russian energy resources,
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not that scholz learned a lesson, no matter how he was tormented by excessive dependence on others countries, his doubts, it seems that the storm approaching the german economy has developed, can you imagine, sergei sergeevich, what an unheard of thing, the german chancellor is trying. to save the german economy, and as the politician writes, he bows to the chinese dragon, the words sound very beautiful, but in reality, look, scholz says, we need to get away from dependence on russia at any cost, why does he say exactly what the united states of america is investing in him , washington and move to dependence on the united states of america, because it okay, we have to exchange one dependence for another dependence, for a democratic one, for a democratic one, only the russian dependence gives you work.
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buy something that is not european, because it is expensive, it is too expensive to buy chinese analogues, which have become quite high quality, and people always, ordinary voters vote with their pockets, they understand that listen, you can engage in big politics, you can go to switzerland, but we want to eat right now and here, to convince his voters that he will bring them money, jobs, scholz is not able to really persuade china to be a reliable partner, it is possible, but china is not a toy in any case, china always works on mutually beneficial relationships, and china asks a simple question: if you have a process of de-actualization, you are on your own cut off your left hand, what do you want from us, propose this plan, the plan is very simple,
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and maybe first you should get away from dependence on the usa, at least start speaking a little in your own voice, and then talk about that you want some kind of independent policy, something like this, well, one of the main topics of this week, without... conditionally, is how israel will respond to the retaliatory strike that iran inflicted on it, in response, let me remind you, to israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, where one of the senior generals of the islamic revolutionary guard corps was killed, there is no doubt that israel will respond, since for netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, it is a matter of political survival, in fact the question is really how when, but for now it is is being discussed, this one...
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only political will is enough. well, in fact, zelensky has already received a response in washington and even in london. let's listen to what john kirby, a representative of the us national security council, said. different conflicts, different airspaces, different threat landscapes. the president has made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine that the united states does not intend to be directly involved. here's what he said in response to a direct question.
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world politics, he does not understand that he object of control, and that at any moment when it is beneficial for the united states of america, i apologize for the expression, they will take it with their finger like that and crush it. you are absolutely right, i must say that the american wall street journal wrote a very good article on the topic of why the united states does not want to directly fight for ukraine, and from the point of view of the united states they are in completely different weight categories, come on. let's listen.
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despite the fact that both ukraine and israel were subjected to enemy airstrikes, however, the two countries have fundamentally different us security relations. few countries have such close military ties to the united states as israel. they exchange highly classified intelligence and actively cooperate on regional policy issues. israel is the largest recipient of us foreign aid since world war ii, and the us-israeli relationship has been extremely effective. lobby in the united states, for many years it has been represented by jews directly associated with israel, as well as non-jews, who support israeli statehood, or see it as a bulwark in the fight against common enemies such as iran and syria. after russia's invasion of ukraine more than two years ago, some supporters of kiev proposed using the israeli model in relations, but this idea received no response, in part because it would require serious commitments from western powers that none of them are willing to make. ready. in general, it seems to me that this is a very important signal from zelensky that
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the hat is not in the right place. indeed, on the one hand russia is a nuclear state and the biden administration is afraid of the risks of escalation; it does not want to enter into a direct war against russia, and secondly, israel for the united states is a matter of american domestic policy. it is impossible to imagine that senator linzi graham came to tel aviv and said to the israelis, die, but he says this to the ukrainians completely calmly. we pass the word. news and the big game returns at 5 p.m. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and we start with footage from kremlin. vladimir putin received the head of the election committee center, ella pomfilova presented him with a certificate of the president of russia for a new term of office. la suite.


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