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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 17, 2024 1:50am-2:36am MSK

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a strong reduction in mortality, because with the flu as well, that is, last year’s vaccine is ineffective against the virus, last year’s vaccine should be effective, you know, the process here is not easy, we look at what was there at the beginning, yes, what was in the end, that in the same south-east asia, that which variant at the end was an epidemic, of course, we are not immune from the fact that a new one will appear. but - we already know the one that will go next year, because it already exists, that’s why i say that vaccines - they are not 100%, but what should we do then, well , that’s it, i think that anyway, not all but the residents of our country, and not even the majority, are vaccinated against the flu, even under good conditions, but what should the unvaccinated do, that is seasonality is a certain given due to overcrowding and so on, changes in living conditions, we will always have an increase in the number of flu patients. we
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will have to live with this with all respiratory infections, because we will never defeat them, that is, we will not destroy them, they will exist and change, the same influenza, all other respiratory infections, you just need to learn to live with them, but if there are no vaccinations, but there are probably some viruses against which there are no vaccinations, diseases, now from coronavirus, but from others in respiratory infections , i have there are viral ones, there are bacterial ones, there are pneumatic ones and there is a vaccine.
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but in public transport, yes, when it’s boring, when you can’t keep this distance, you still need to wear them, this is the first, second, it’s not necessary, i understand that everyone wants to lead an active life, yes, but still, during this period, when the incidence rate begins to rise, it is better to wait it out and try to spend time outdoors, walking in the park, and not sitting somewhere in a cinema, where you will definitely...
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not very well, all episodes of the podcast you can find badden baden on the website of channel one, you know me, that’s what bothers me the most when i watch. tv, advertising of medicines, i have had cases, yes, when friends turn to me, they say, listen, something is really bad, i say, and what are you drinking, he says, well, i say, wait, and how is everything with your rhythm, yes, why are you drinking, well, like vitamins for the heart, what vitamins for the heart, this is a serious drug, what vitamins for, who invented this, with vitamins, in the same way, you still need to consult a doctor about all this, let’s hope that they know and can give?
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endocrine, but the immune system is something that any doctor should know and understand, well, the autumn flu, it is seasonal, and you told how this happens, but in the spring there is also a respiratory season diseases, this is also the flu or the flu does not happen in the spring or some other viruses, and the flu in the summer.
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why, if, as far as i understand, most of these respiratory diseases have some very general syndromes, and there is nothing to treat, well, except for vitamins, unless you have been vaccinated, no, in fact, you see, there are specific drugs against the flu, which act specifically on the influenza virus, that is , if it turns out that under the guise of influenza there is a huge number of respiratory viruses that cause very similar symptoms, then... why bother diagnosing it at all, well, the person needs to rest, there is nothing to treat specific diseases, right, no, you know, in fact, the flu can be distinguished from other respiratory diseases, an experienced doctor will do this, because there is a difference in temperature , yes, there it is much
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higher, because it proceeds, where it begins, or there is a cough or a cough, that is, for example, with an adenovirus infection, sometimes this ... several drugs that treat the flu, but do not work to other respiratory viral infections, aseltimer is such a substance, here are several drugs there with their own names and substances. bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, and influenza viruses and in general all other viruses also develop resistance to drugs quite quickly, so
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this is such a race, who will win, it will continue all the time, what can we expect in the spring, a good mood in the spring. weather, but the main thing to remember is that in the summer the time will come for intestinal infections, because all conditions will be created for them, yes, they are viral infections, viral and bacterial, not only. there are several there are noraviruses, and for example there rotaviruses cause very serious illnesses, especially in children, that is , ratovirus can be classified as a seasonal disease, it’s just that the season for it is in the summer, because we are increasingly consuming more and more vegetables, although in fact it is still a ruetovirus infection it’s difficult to do it as such a classic example of seasonality, because people actually get sick in the winter. it’s just that in the summer it’s always more, because the conditions, again, are created for everyone
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these viruses, that is, we forget that we should use only proven, good water, yes, many people complain, when you go to some country, it’s necessary when there is ice water there, and you seem to take water from a bottle there yes, it’s from this very thing, and the ice you get is not clear what they’re made of, but there’s a lot of it...
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no, in general, yes, but then yes it passed, yes , people got sick, and at the end of the day, who ’s been vaccinated, who’s been ill, yes, the number of people immune to this variant is already quite significant, another thing is that, unfortunately, immunity, uh, only to this variant, which was, yes, to others, only partial, yes, that’s one thing, and secondly, well, it doesn’t last long, unfortunately, why doesn’t it last?
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stable - there is humoral immunity, yes, that is, the production of antibodies, that
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’s what is needed now, but the fact is that antibodies , if we had all the antibodies preserved, we would have blood like a brick, yes, they over time, naturally their level falls, so cellular immunity, it is formed, just as it seems with covid, it also exists, but it short-term, that is, it seems to work for several years, and then it doesn’t, what about rotaviruses, adenoviruses? this is a similar story, so every summer we will have intestinal infections, well then there are a lot of them, there are a lot of adenoviruses, a lot of rotaviruses, yes, that is, uh, if a person gets sick with one, he can then get sick with another, that is, there are a huge number of them, we know no more than 10-15% of all viruses that surround us, that infect us, or in general, which, in principle, which are not, which are around us and which may appear suddenly, as if they are also arising, and new ones too.
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treat nature with care, because we climb into it, eat whatever we can, but in these animals, through these we got infected, and on these, yes, god, such a cute animal, how can you think about what can be done from it? getting undercooked meat, well, that’s somehow not good at all, this was the podcast baden baden,
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i’m the host konstantin severinov, today we spoke with an academician of the russian academy of sciences. vitaly vasilyevich zverev about seasonal infections, viruses about the worldwide healthcare organizations.
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any snowflake, space station, you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but you flew away and won’t come back, i can’t catch up with you, can’t reach, can’t get through and can’t be baptized, and you wandered into something other than my gravity, sunsu shines equally for everyone, we got a lucky ticket, but for some reason
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we have to give it back, a lot of patience, a crack in the forehead won’t destroy it. personal walls, i menyalay, you are elena the beautiful, and you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but time does not heal, time cripples, they know when i , spotted with someone, tabloids and papas, and you are beyond my gravity. dear friends, radion gazmanov opened today the podcast melody of my life, i am its host, valery syutkin, and today my guests are those guys and those girls who are associated with the voice program, and today i have us anastasia speredonova, hello, finalist of the first season of the main one, sergei
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volchkov, winner of the second season, radion gazmanov, presents the fourth season, and i was on... here is the album nothing like the sun english and new york, by the way, the first song that i heard - this is not an englishman, but this will be together tonight, yes great, which he later sang with annia lennex, if i’m not mistaken, yes nastya, what melody do you have,
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the very first song is maria kerry can live, i was about five years old, i'm in front of the mirror, of course, with a comb and a hairdryer, i imagined for the first time that i was standing on stage, nastya, when the blind auditions made them turn around, what was that? it was simply the best tinater, this is, of course, this is the song that changed my life, well , radically, and to this day, how many years have passed, because i was in the very first season of the show the voice, they say that the russian etinater is universal.
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it was impossible to turn around, they just killed me , i was sitting there, i was going crazy, it’s impossible , incredible energy, it’s such a backlog that you could just go crazy. given the rocks, you are not just give it to me, the sea, take me,
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don’t let me catch you, a couple in a small place with you, the main goal of the voice. now i’ll be happy
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to consolidate this material again, the most important thing is that you cannot be replaced by someone else, even if this is the repertoire that was sounded before you, you must give a version that will be from volchkov, from spiridonova and from radion gazmanov, radion, in my opinion, is very much your authorship. everything myself, and i write almost all the songs myself, yes, everything is correct, and in my voice i was wildly upset that i couldn’t sing my own song, they told me, well, such rules as the repertoire is not sung here, i went out on stage in some kind of wild excitement, then, it was, it was something, let us remind you of this, now, yes, attention to the screen,
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radion gazmanov, i love music very much, tell me who you liked from the subsequent seasons of the voice, whether it was a mentor, let’s make everyone equal, it’s just that after the season where sergei won, i approached him, it seems to me that he was so scared, i approached him and just said words of admiration, because this is crazy talent, charisma in general, and i admire, already we have been friends with each other for so many years.
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which is called love. let's listen to this duet with pleasure. so, dear friends, sergei volchkov, anastasia speridonova. love. my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me.
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to love you, to breathe through you, as if we were born for each other, as if we had been together all our lives, i love you so much, your breath is with you. i feel to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, you are my soul, the yakiran of my love, how warm it is, under the bright sun your eye is how
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bright it is for me. and the whole world around us, as if on yours there is one soul, as if we are alone in the whole universe, i love you so much, breathlessly, but i am flying with you to... the ends of the earth, i love you so much, you are my soul, you are the ocean of my love, how long have i been with you i was looking for how long i've been waiting for you. i love you so much, darling, but i
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’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, out of breath, i’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much. you are my soul, you are the ocean of my love, i love you so much, i take a deep breath, with you i fly to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, i love you, you are my soul, you are my ocean!
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the voice is live on friday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are already rustling in the spring, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they are shouting in everyone... the ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the messengers of the young spring , she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday at the first,
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valery is with you,
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the one without you, you took the part that
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bounds forward, so now. bravo, after all, what an amazing thing this is and an expressive human voice, it’s fantastic, thank you very much, let’s introduce it.
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i turned everyone around like a hurricane just right from the first note, it’s some kind of unimaginable mix, ela fitzgerald and faina ranevskaya, you know, there was so much self-irony in there , i felt it in my back, it’s a great feeling, today i want to ask you for something for us sing, yes, that it will probably be a romance based on gumilyov’s poems, i just can’t cope with the composer, i know him by the nickname kipa, this is... supposedly his music, but i was inspired by this novel, naturally nikolai naskov, i him i love you very much, dear tv viewers, with great gratitude with pleasure, in today’s podcast of the melodies of my life, which we dedicated to the project, raisa dmitrenko sings for you.
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monotonous ones flash by, still with the same will , only the roses fall and die. catch, but she is sad too, love ordered me,
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and under her satin skin, and under her satin skin... god, the sent blood runs, the poisoned blood runs. it was amazing. rais, tell me what song, you said, this will be raisa dmitrenko’s signature song. which one would you choose from the entire world heritage, so to speak? can i
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even in english. i dreamed of singing one piece from gin vaneli’s repertoire. wow , yes, yes, it's called fly into this night. it's with a jazz spark you have. directly, because i want to tell you, in the mid -seventies of the last century, there were two names, benson and vaneli, all the musicians were raving, so to speak.
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performers who could potentially take part in all seasons, in all different versions of the project voice, 60 plus is too early there, not yet, now of course yes, 60 plus, and then someone may become a mentor also, yes it happens, anton bilyaev is now a mentor, why not, it would be great , it seems to me that mentors worry more than teaching responsibility, it seems to me. it’s very difficult, especially at the stage of fights, when you need to make a choice, let us remember together how it was in your case, let’s relive these minutes again, yes, pay attention to the screen, and the road is not long, although it’s hard to walk, above you depth. bright light ahead,
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suddenly you hear voices, be patient a little longer, we will tell you what.
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it was just enchanting, i guess when
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here in the voice of children, in that younger one, they, they are no longer children, it was even simpler in some ways, yes, well , to some extent yes, simpler, because you slightly misunderstand some points, it’s like the second a parachute jump, it’s scarier, that’s exactly what i wanted to say, the second time is always scarier, yes, the second time everything would have been conscious, and it was my decision, that’s right. from beginning to end, that well, i want to try this again, in the first one my parents said, let's go, no, no, no, it has always been, but well, we always have all the moments we are discussing things related to... absolutely, out loud the children too, i consulted with my parents, they helped me and always help me, so, but out loud they are no longer children, they kind of asked me like this, well, do you want, you do you want to experience this again, this this, yes, this, i don’t even know how you need it, how
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to call it in one word, a spectrum of some emotions, sensations, very different. we come out alone, i introduce her to the stage, i constantly see her in different projects, we are proud of the stage, because in addition to the voice, i also know her from a bunch of projects where we also sang together, so this is incredibly pleasant, listen , i have a question, the most exciting moment in the project, remember your ragda, tell me, this is where it was just scary, i just can’t. emotions, this is most likely the finale, the finale, yes, i was very worried about the finale for - the children and the song, i was very worried about the path, because i was 12 years old at that time, the song was serious, the song was deep enough, and i needed to fulfill a number of whole tasks,
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probably unusual for my age, i clearly understood this and the burden of responsibility was large, but most of all, probably, in general, for all my participation in the show... i found quite a lot of experience in participating, many of the voices are no longer children, because behind them they are already familiar with my work, with the way i sing, and i had to prove again whether i deserved i stand on this stage or not, and it was stressful, very seriously success raises the bar, this is important, your moment of fear, tell me, and i had several of them, in the voice of children - this is probably the finale, because i performed. mother's song, it was called a prayer, performed by lyudmila gurchenko, and i was 13 years old when they gave me this song, well, for several days i just cried, because i didn’t know how i could convey it, how
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i could do it, but i really love soviet cinema, it helped me, because that i somehow pass each film through myself and take something from each character for myself, but before fulfilling the prayer, i still collected this image, collected all these feelings, sensations, and it seems to me that it turned out a little different , i had a different view, but it still worked out, the second moment, yes, i agree with ragda, these are... blind auditions, but not children anymore, we were all stressed there, everyone was stressed, because it’s not clear, we went through the whole same procedure, that is, casting, blind auditions then everything is as it was in the projects before, and how to turn to us, not turn around, you still don’t want to somehow
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hit the gas with your face, so i remember this moment when we had this waiting room, our fourth season, yes. i dug up this bubble tape somewhere, a big skein, no one had thought about it then, i’m right here here’s a roll like this, so i go out and i just handed out these things to everyone who participated with me, they say it’s anti-stress, in the end the editor comes in and invites someone and starts laughing, because we’re all sitting there and clicking this thing , it was very funny, this is the song that made you fall in love with this future profession of yours, led you to it, this is your rakda, maybe my choice will seem strange, but as a child i listened very...


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