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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 17, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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you can’t imagine how much children love him, it ’s beyond words when he gets into a crowd of children, right now, by the way, in the footage, one of our first trips alexey was in a boarding school, there were boarding schools back then, this was before the start of the svo, you can’t imagine how these children with a very difficult fate cried when he told them his fate, they didn’t let him go afterwards, and after that their communication continues and...
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i wanted to say that dear ones, don’t give up, believe in yourself , believe in yourself, thank you very much again for today you found time to come to us, i hope for early, further meetings, i remind our viewers, as always, if any news is in doubt, send it to our editorial office, be sure to send reasons for pride, too, all the best to you, channel one presents. flashes of light against a red face, people who blush not from shame, but simply their face becomes red, rosacea and other problems of your health, and most importantly - amazing modern solutions in the program.
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live healthy, the shield and sword of our body, our immunity, step by step we are analyzing this problem, andrei petrovich, leave the sword at the brush, and you and i will move forward to our lungs, the immunity of the lungs, the lungs are an absolutely special place, a colossal number of infections get here, simply because... it’s huge, it roughly takes up the size of a tennis court, that’s the size of our studio, so the lungs seem small, the area with which we encounter all the microbes, viruses, bacteria, it’s huge, that’s why.
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so as not to count on you and me for the lungs clean every second. andrey petrovich, come to the screen. so, let's look inside our lungs. here it is, the pits of our lungs, these are villi that move a special liquid, special mucus, which also protects the surface. and we see that some green dust particles are floating inside it. there are antimicrobial proteins and antibodies, part of the innate immunity, in this mucus the task of which is to kill and neutralize
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the bacteria that get there, the villi must remove all this and not give time for the bacteria to attach to our cells, that means, so... everything is removed, you and i coughed and cleared everything, so the first thing you need to know about the immunity of the lungs is that the entire surface of the lungs is covered with a special epithelium and a special solution is secreted that protects the lungs, coughing is also a protective reaction of our body, this is the first part, now let's go to our layouts, andrey petrovich, now we have them. in the lungs there are amazing cells, which cells are alviolar macrophages, alveuli, alveuli - these are the very, very, very small sacs in which gas exchange occurs,
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what makes the alveolar macrophate so toothy is that as soon as bacteria or viruses appear on its way, it must have them. his task is to come into the tissues, come into the lungs and eat to destroy all enemies. this is what the cells that are in our lungs do, these are white blood cells, leukocytes, which, when floating in the blood, are leukocytes, a special part of them called monocytes. so, when they come out of the blood into the tissue. in particular into the lung tissue, then these cells are called macrophages, pulmonary macrophages, you see andrei petrovich, what a wonderful macrofact, it ate everyone, neutralized everyone, absorbed everyone, so there are cells, that’s what
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alveolar macrophages are called, yes, over the years this must be understood, the number of alviolar macrophages decreases, right? today there is no single theory of aging, but i know what i want to say, andrei petrovich and i are simply convinced that aging is the loss of white blood cells, this is the immunological theory of aging, it is one hundred percent the most. doctor, in childhood, children are checked with a special test after birth for immunodeficiencies, do they have these protector cells or not? this test, by the way, was created by professor prodeus, he is one of the creators, in adults the situation is different, we see patients
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in whom lymphocytes are also white blood cells, they should be up to 40% in our blood, they are 3%.
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spending more time in the fresh air, that is , at least an hour or two, well, at least breathing fresh air is good for everything, and thirdly, if there is an allergic reaction to something, that is, for example, it doesn’t count there, yes, well our hint is that the most important thing is that you are we must help the lungs, andrei petrovich. come to our vaccines, this is a hint standing here, what did you come up with, pneumococcus, pneumonia is one word, so vaccination, especially for the elderly and for little ones, is absolutely necessary and, of course, vaccination against influenza, because it is pulmonary complications, influenza pneumonia alone one of the most terrible complications of influenza, so how often are these vaccinations given? this means that children and adults should
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be vaccinated against influenza every year, because strains change; vaccination against pneumococcus should be done once every 5-7 years after reaching the age of 55, after 65 do it at least once if you want to live, the question is, who gets the flu vaccine every year and was vaccinated against pneumococcus as an adult?
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it’s clear, this is the story with the immunity of the lungs, let’s take a short break and then continue. let's put the pain on a needle, just one injection, and there is no more pain, i walk down the street and can’t believe how easy it is for me to walk, i don’t feel it. direct, well, thank you very much, professionals work here, pain service, tall grass, you love bananas, you also love removing skins, perfect fruit, always clean inside, removed the crust, can give to a child, all about the benefits of this exotic berry, blushed, yes, my cheeks turn red, a feeling of heat appears in my cheeks, and it constantly torments. roseation, new
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technologies that will help return the skin to its normal color. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is causing more and more interest day by day, this is the circus and theater director, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer. living in paris for about 15 years, i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized
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that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i am writing, it was such a truly poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at the table... understand, well, we don’t decide, and then come up with something, it’s not like that, gentlemen,
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living separately from those you know, we’ll separate anyway, well, the non-tip spouses have received a statement, after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to , together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna to live together in the next world, what kind of love, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving, in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello len, not a serious conversation, are they sure? what's ready? yes, that’s it, life after life, the premiere , they really love each other, what are you talking about in a serial film, soon on the first one! this program is to live healthy, dear friends, and this
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spinal table, pain, our service is pain. works, right now i want to invite you to our medical site, where our wonderful colleague, doctor, anesthesiologist, pain management specialist, vitaly viktorovich protsenko, works, he has this beautiful woman lying here, who has already come to us today not because she is in pain, but because everything is fine with her and it’s time to share with everyone, let’s remove the x-ray. this is an x-ray, this is an arc, please stand up, on which side, on our side, on my side, oh, well well, let's go, let's see if you can walk at all or not, of course i do, but how can i walk, i walk great, now let's show how our wonderful guest came to us at
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the pain management clinic, now without sticks, without anything , but everything was different, right? oh, that’s not the right word, i’ve already prepared hotunki for myself, oh, how i used to love to walk, god, with pleasure, now everything hurts, oh, i really want to sit down straight, quickly, what a blessing when nothing hurts, i came to this place so exhausted us valentina mikhailovna, the pain has been going on for many years and is being treated. i tried, but to no avail, there are a lot of reasons for the pain, it’s only possible to understand what’s important only after an mri. valentina mikhailovna, yes, i’ll show you the cause of your pain, look, on the x-ray, we see small joints, uh, which are connected to each other in such a chain, that is, the first,
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second, third, fourth, fifth, uh, under prolonged load , these joints are modified, overloaded, and this is the main source of lower back pain. interventional pain treatment, that's what it's called. this procedure is carried out strictly under x-ray control. the doctor moves the needle under x-ray directly to the source of the pain to make sure that it has hit correctly, only when the doctor is sure does he inject the medicine. in general , the procedure is short, but you have to wait for years, immediately after the procedure, the doctor must check whether the medicine worked or not. two drugs are administered: a drug for pain, a local anesthetic, and a steroid hormone that will treat inflammation. you hold me
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, let's try to walk without a walker. don't be afraid, i 'll hold you. so they stood up like legs and walked, they are walking, yes, you know, something like that, i don’t seem to feel any pain like before, in the lower back, it was just impossible to walk, that’s it, now we bend over. try it below, lower your head, that’s it, the test is positive, great, thank you very much. that’s how she left us, look, they just deserve to be kept apart, well, why
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did they abandon them, of course, a completely different life, you know, i’m walking down the street and i can’t believe how easy it is for me to walk, i don’t feel pain, my back is straight, well thank you very much, how old are you, 84, what did you work for, director of a hair salon, this is where such beauty comes from, lord, but look, here stands our huge vitaly
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viktorovich, compared to him you are just small, small, small, a good doctor, very good, thank you very much and to you health, happiness, i know the best of everything , please tell me, did you believe that we would call you or did you not believe? who advised you to write a video letter to us, daughter, daughter, daughter, i have a golden daughter, she worries about me, oh, yours, sit, your lower back, sit, don’t get up, your lower back, so it didn’t give me anything to do, now you’re cooking now, well, i’d like to walk calmly, normally, down the street, shopping, i don’t feel my back anymore. thank you, lord, how many days have passed since the procedure? 10 days, count, 10 days have passed, how long will the effect last, vitaly viktorovich, as a rule, from six months or more
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we see good results, thank god, thank god, so be it, have you been told that you need to do exercises now, what , well, let’s do everything together now, come on over here. here, here, here, here, here, so that we have you seen, show us at least one exercise that you did, you bent over there to the floor, did you bend over like that in real life or only after an injection? no, well, i tried, first of all, i do gymnastics, so, yes, well, now it’s generally easier for me, i do a squat, i bend over freely, so it’s out of pain. and they raise their legs, could they do this before the injection or not, oh, well, with difficulty, so i’ll lift them a little, and that’s good, and then i think,
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okay, so be it, now it’s completely different, well, what do you wish for all the people who are watching tv, they think, but all this is not true, but it’s not true, but it doesn’t happen, it’s a show, no, it still happens, it turns out that you have to believe and achieve,
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the most important task is to start life with gymnastics, why? because every morning when we wake up we begin physical activity, stiffness, fatigue, pain and even a few minutes, the first ones that give us the opportunity to function more actively during the day are basic and fundamental in the prevention of pain.
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"i love my country, on saturday, on the first, and i’m walking, walking around moscow, still at the universitet metro station passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he do it? to direct his own life, daneli came home and said to sokolova: “lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, is this what it’s like to live unloved? is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundarev played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching, he’s very interested, he always speaks slander, for example, she said that he
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got married on the first..." why did the director blame himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who controls it.
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children do not study politics; one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. do you use social networks, is this interesting to you? before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people. online public opinion does not reflect majority opinions. these are just fragmentary fragments. or perhaps a fabricated company. new project of the first channel. global majority of bashar al-assad on sunday on the first. so, friends, we are in the kitchen with bananas, today is international banana day. banana is the most sold fruit on earth, and the fourth.
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she throws out these, which means bunches, about 50 kg, maybe of these bananas, on one bunch, up to 300 pieces, no, they are then cut down with such special axes, no, when they ripen, when they are in the wild, then of course they fall off
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this is how it happens. bring us bananas to the studio, guys, bananas now, i think it’s unfair, we have a lot of bananas, we all ate a banana, and our favorites are sitting here, yes, now we’ll kill the audience, let’s just have all these bananas let's take it and give it to people, okay. eat, share with your friends, pick one banana and eat them for good health. i tried a banana for the first time in my life when i was in my sixth year, and as an excellent student, komsomol member, excellent student, athlete, i was sent to yugoslavia with
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student squad, i arrived. for the first time in moscow i saw how bananas were sold, and i bought myself a banana on the street, i was born and raised in siberia, i was shocked by the very fact that i was eating it. spoiled, there was a moral shock for me when i arrived in israel and was driving there and saw these lan banana plantations that they grow so close to me in israel, yes, of course, there are bananas in israel, we had such a hungry childhood doctor... entered the medical institute, then they drafted him into the army from the medical institute, he was taken, he served, returned, married it was hot, there was no money, a child had already been born and he was selling bananas, so we have an expert on how to sell bananas correctly and quickly,
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it was not a problem at all, people were taking away the bananas, we, on the contrary, the sellers fought for us to have bananas on sale, and now , let's go talk about medicine, everything about life. please, let's go to the models, everyone has enough bananas. one of the main functions, of course, is nutritional. and the nutritional function of a banana is not just what we eat. look, this is the intestines, these are our good bacteria that live in our intestines, and a banana contains a huge amount of so-called oligosugars. sugars are food for our bacteria, we do not digest or absorb them, these are oligosugars, these are prebiotics, that is, what we feed our good microbiota is
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a huge plus, a banana contains more than two daily norms of silicon, silicon is necessary for our bone, this bone is normal, this bone is damaged.
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nothing like that, just cream, not so, apples, banana and peaches, banana contains 2.6 - that is, 40 bananas is enough for you, that’s how much, probably, well, approximately, half a banana is enough for the cream to reach my eyes, then apples, peaches in second place, for example.
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small ones and these big, hefty ones, in stores we can see these . the most important thing is that you must understand that now it is best to choose those that you are going to eat right now, accordingly, they should be evenly yellow, quite elastic, they should have , let's say, not a rotten leg, otherwise they they deteriorate quickly, quickly, and most importantly... if they have green veins along with yellow, this means they were picked completely green and they could ripen unevenly inside, and accordingly, well, with us, well, whoever is in russia, with us bananas don’t grow, that means they
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are definitely picked green, they are picked green, but they can ripen in different ways, give me a green banana, it’s very simple, if you want to choose bananas for yourself, take these yellow ones, it’s harmless, by the way, a yellow banana.. .
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i had to sell what it was. faster, i got wasted, that is, in principle, it’s not very good to store bananas in the refrigerator, they begin to turn black, the best way is to buy bananas while they are hard, you divide them, leave them at home, we just leave them at room temperature, you do you know? ends with rotting, it’s like a gas
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in which everything is good, microbes, fungi, everything is good, so if you put unpacked bananas along with any fruit, then the fruit will overripe, ripen, overripe and rot, the bananas themselves too, so the truth is the fact that they should always be stored separately, this is what you need to know, what about life hacks for the banana seller? share how to preserve bananas andrei petrov, the only thing i can say is that you can really freeze it and make it into such a homogeneous mass, but now there is no point in storing them and freezing them, here at any time of the year, bananas are round year, not only that, all countries are fighting to supply us with bananas, because with some unknown fervor we are sweeping them away, andrei petrovich, when then they swept it away in front of you, is that? it was the year 905, no , it was then eighty-seven, eighty
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-eighty-seven, okay, they just appeared , but we still mark these bananas just like bread, you know, this is also very interesting, and by the way, banana bread is baked from them, and banana bread is biscuits, banana cake is like a banana, right eat well, this is probably herman shaich's better stories. took it, peeled it, ate it , raw, of course, well, who knows, of course, raw is the best option, many people make smoothies, so to speak, with milk they break it and so on, well, the inside is always clean, the crust is removed, it can be given to the child, even if there is no water, our cook alexey kovba did something elegant for us, we vulgarly threw some kind of peelings, it’s very ugly. let's have this here, but look, i would recommend calling it
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no longer elegant, in a format that is a lifehack , digestible in various applications, which means, in fact, you are right, you can eat the whole thing, andrei petrovich correctly says that you can make bread, that is, a banana - this is such a fruit - which or fruit is correct yes, from which you can make the maximum amount of baked goods, flatbreads, potato pancakes, bread, biscuits, whatever you do, what you did, well, after all, the morning program is a breakfast format, that is, there is yoghurt creation. this is cottage cheese with banana, did you whip it? i whipped it up, just beat it with a blender, and the most important thing is that when we can save it, freeze it, it turns out to be ice cream, we can leave it spread on bread, how to make it like banana butter, wonderfully tasty, curd-banana mass, for those, for those children who don’t like to eat cottage cheese, in general , are they fine to say that this is ice cream? no problem at all, just beautiful, lyosha, you did it, super, that’s
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what we wanted to tell you about banana on banana day, dear friends, it’s time to pause for a minute and then continue, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, tandem we have such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea of ​​making a shelving here, dad my son and i leave the room separately or together, op, complex, even just a story. very good for the back, in this corner everything for cozy evenings is collected, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, and we got to our home, about comfort, the premiere on saturday, on the first, the fashion verdict show on the first channel, i’m
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alexander with you rogov, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, disgraceful, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she ’s put on weight, a difficult mother, my mother really wants, so that i can be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like what can be performed in such image? you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable sentence, new season
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from april 22 , on the first. hello to our huge country. i love russia because she is very beautiful, she has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, which is great for fishing, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the frost turns into an incredible fairy tale. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful city. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties. many, many, many, many know our sheregesh. russia has no borders, russia only has horizon. travel, get to know our world,
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our russia. it might be great, friends, it’s leather, we have a whole project going on in our program, it’s simply called keepers of youth and is dedicated to men and women who don’t want to grow old. today we will talk about razation, this is a skin disease when the face turns red. right now , ilina alekseevna shabonina, a dermatologist-cosmetologist, is working at our medical site, she is helped by another doctor, also a dermatologist,
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cosmetologist, you see how beautiful everyone is, model height, wonderful appearance, our girls have a problem, come with me, we are generally in this project, the guardians of youth, we dedicate this project to both men and women, always the first question that i ask ilina alekseevna to answer, and in general our expert doctors, cosmetologists, dermatologists, the question is this : who has rosacea more often, whose
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face turns red more often in men or women, and i will ask that on the screen... they show us what rosacea looks like, what rosation is, so that everyone who is sitting in our hall or looks at us, compared themselves with ours professional, archival medical photographs, this is rosacea, yes, this is just a red face, this is a pronounced rosacea, this is also rosacea, this crazy nose, rhinophyma, this is the final rosacea, you see red.
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vessels that torments people, look, here we have our vessels, uh-huh, what’s happening, like this, like this, like this, like this, i want it right now, like this, such passages are formed between the vessels, the vessels grow, in fact everywhere, everywhere everything turns out to be red, you see, this is how i show it on the layout rosation, everything sprouts with a vascular network, we call it, and the face no longer just has hot flashes in the form of redness, but a constant arethema and can even be seen as a network of blood vessels,
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you see, everything is gradually flooded everywhere, everywhere, filled with blood, because everything is real vessels are already sprouting everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere everything is red, what factors provoke dilatation, firstly, rethema appears when... and i also want to come to our vessel, so, anything that provokes dilation of blood vessels aggravates the flow of roseation, here we have a narrow vessel, and no matter what you did, you went to the bathhouse or took something else. went out on the street, absolutely right, the vessel began to expand and you walk around with a red face all the time, of course, women
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are tormented and irritated by this, you are now conducting a professional procedure, the procedure is called ipl therapy, but we have specially prepared means with which rosacea is treated, more once again, rosacea is a disease that requires medications prescribed by a doctor. what medications are these by class, by group ilina alekseevna? let's start with this class, we generally start depending on the stage of dissolution, that is, if we are talking about beta blockers, for now this is a method of label, but colossal scientific studies are being conducted that have shown effectiveness starting from the very first stages, yeah, that is, when just heart medications, that's what... they prevent the nerve impulse from approaching the vessel and expanding
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it, so what else? if we are talking about the first stages, we use bremonedinotortate, it is a vasoconstrictor, constricts blood vessels, this is the main thing that is used, then when it goes the progression of rosation has already passed the next stage, papolopustular, that is, rashes appear. yeah, we configure it in such a way that it only sees unhealthy, extended ones.


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