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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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if there is no big war, therefore, in these conditions, contrary to any interests of his own people, contrary even to the security of israel, and i believe that even the survival of israel as a state, which is now really called into question, he will still strike in order to wave of this anti-ran and military hysteria to maintain our positions, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we pass the word to the news and the big game will return at 23:00. hello, there is evening news on channel one, with you andrey ukharev. the water is rising rapidly. in the kurgan region the level is already a meter above the critical level, in the tyumen region there is a historical maximum. the president
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discussed the flood situation with ministers and governors. in chernigov, our army covered the location of the mercenaries in the armed forces of ukraine, where at that moment there was a meeting of the military leadership, dozens of militants were eliminated, including probably high-ranking ones. mission complete. russia has begun withdrawing its peacekeepers from nagorno-karabakh. our military did everything to prevent the conflict, which fought for 30 years, did not flare up again. mass rally. in tbilisi, near the parliament building , pro-western activists are trying to start riots, protesting against the law on foreign agents. today it was approved in the first reading. fiction that makes you think about real values. on victory day, the film dugout will be released, a film about honor, true friendship and the struggle for life. and at the beginning, the latest information for this hour about the flood situation near kurgan.
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tobol is spilling more intensely, the water level, which was previously called dangerous, has already been exceeded by meter, and the water is approaching apartment buildings, people are urged to evacuate urgently so as not to interfere with the work of rescuers on federal highways and the movement of trucks in transit is limited. in the tyumen region, evacuation was announced in several more settlements, near iliinka, the water level in the ishim river was simply critically exceeded the historical maximum. to combat floods , additional forces of engineering troops are sent to the area. the area of ​​flooded areas in the tomsk region is growing, there is also ice drift in the orenburg region, it is one of the first took a blow: the tense situation in the area of ​​the village of ilek, the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its force. the situation in the flooded regions, as well as the measures taken by the federal and regional authorities, were discussed today at a meeting of vladimir putin with the government. the governors of the affected regions, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations, got in touch; he is now working on the spot and regularly reports to the president on the situation. konstantin. the remote format of the meeting
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between the president and the government is just right, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov communications from the zone flooding. we communicate with you almost every day. let us please report on today what the situation looks like. today , the situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions requires special attention. in the orenburg region , we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the flood wave passed through the cities of orsk and orenburg. that is, in orsk and orenburg there.
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a large-scale spill of rivers and ishim in the tyumen region could affect 101 settlements, more severely in 17 people, including a village
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kazanskoe, near the border of kazakhstan. people were evacuated from the drowning zone, the last, the most stubborn ones remained, but teams from the ministry of emergency situations, police, local authorities, we are all people from there are now actively working there. listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you are trying, everyone is tired, you are working, you don’t get enough sleep, you are sincerely trying to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe in that everything will be... reliably provided. by the way, in most cases the authorities succeed in this. to all colleagues from regions, i want to say thank you, i see that you are working hard and i hope this will continue until the issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing are resolved. later, when the water recedes in all
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affected regions, the president will hold a separate meeting on the topic of restoring housing and infrastructure with the participation of the heads of flooded municipalities. konstantin panyushkin, anna zayakina, alexander kovalev, channel one. there is. the russian army today launched a massive attack on ukrainian military rear areas and gathering places enemy manpower exploded in the odessa, dnepropetrovsk and chernigov regions. by the way, in chernigov, ours covered the deployment point of ukrainian armed forces militants of foreign mercenaries. it was located in the building of the former profsoyuznaya hotel. moreover, the timing of the impact was not chosen by chance. at the moment our missiles arrived, they were apparently attacked by iskanders, and there was an operational meeting of the team there. ukrainian group of forces of the north, several informed ukrainian sources write about this at once. according to preliminary data, many were destroyed officers, and maybe high-ranking western, as they are called, advisers were also present. and no matter what they try to say in kiev, footage from the scene confirms everything. in the video, immediately after arrival
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, assistance is provided to people in camouflage with ukrainian flags. in the photographs, bunk army beds are visible in the windows. you can also see special steel cabinets that can be used for security. weapons, and local residents confirm that the hotel building has long been turned into a military barracks. debris removal on site continues. well, this message appeared in the account of an employee of the unified volunteer center in chernigov. they admitted that at least forty ukrainian soldiers were liquidated. explosions that night also occurred in the odessa port of yuzhny. after arrival there was multiple detonation and a strong fire started. the blow was struck in krivoy rog, where there are many enterprises that are used to repair military equipment. and footage from the front line. fighting on the outskirts of chasov yar. russian attack aircraft destroyed an enemy tank. after a rocket hit the car lost control while picking up speed and rolled into a pond. the surviving militants barely had time to jump out while moving. in defense, operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed several large ammunition depots,
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including the terrorist formation rdk. that our latest military developments should reach the front lines as soon as possible. said the head of our ministry of defense during a visit to the patriot center near moscow. sergei shaigu called for simplifying the procedure for accepting promising weapons into service, in including robotic complexes that have passed. successful tests in the special operations zone. the minister was shown dozens of samples, including vehicles designed for evacuating the wounded, and such vehicles are very much awaited at the front, the wait for a car is absolutely incredible, how this very machine itself should leave in the coming days and start working in the group, there is nothing more expensive than human life. today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, and do this as safely as possible. as quickly as possible, we can make a roller invoice, then there is a need to think about how to make it cheaper,
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of course, at the front it is necessary to test, they all need to be launched immediately, in the tomsk region two local residents were detained who financed ukrainian militants, as reported in the local fsb department, the fact that they transferred funds to payment details in the interests of the armed forces of ukraine, both have already been arrested, the case has been opened under the article of treason, which provides for a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, now... the investigation is studying flattery from the accused accomplices. and new data the fsb today announced the investigation into the assassination attempt on vasily prozurov, a former sbu officer who is now collaborating with our intelligence, and the second person involved in the case has been detained, this is a courier who delivered bomb components to moscow to blow up prozorov’s car. during interrogation, he said that he picked up the cargo in lithuania on the instructions of a woman from warsaw. on april 6, 6, 2024, i received the cargo in lithuania. from poland from a representative of her company,
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the cargo that was supposed to be delivered to moscow, on april 7 the sender contacted me cargo, asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her man to come and pick up the cargo, in the evening of the same day, i handed the cargo to the man i met on... in the footage that our special services have, that same brunette , speaks russian and demonstrates a package in which an explosive device disguised as cosmetics, the courier handed it over to the direct perpetrator, who, let me remind you, was detained the day before, the ukrainian agent turned out to be a russian, he received the assignment to kill prozorov from kiev, as a result of an assassination attempt prozorov was slightly wounded, his life was not in danger. russia began withdrawing its peacekeepers from... nagorno-karabakh, our military completed their task, did everything to prevent the conflict, which lasted 30 years,
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from flaring up again, and such a danger existed only recently, last fall, thanks to the russian contingent, new bloodshed was prevented . in addition to ensuring security , many other things fell on the shoulders of the peacekeepers, including assistance to thousands of refugees. grigory emelyanov about the meaning of the mission and why it is ending ahead of schedule. the first images from nagorno-karabakh after... the blue peacekeeping stripe on the sides moves along the highway towards the railway station. the mission of our military lasted 3 years. russian peacekeepers came to karabakh as a result of the rapidly developing armenian-azerbaijani conflict. according to tripartite agreements, about 2.0 of our military personnel stood along the line.
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civilian personnel, the victims require urgent assistance, the peacekeepers will provide a helicopter, local residents will not there are enough basic necessities, here you can rely on the russians, shortages in bread and baking bread is not a problem, reconnaissance from the air, putting out fires, preventing armed clashes, all this was in their area of ​​responsibility, in winter and summer, in any weather, when necessary closing themselves of those whom they were called upon to protect, yes, there were losses, isolated ones, but still losses, from stray bullets, from mines, to remove them too. according to
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tripartite agreements, the duration of the peacekeeping mission was determined until the fall of next year, if nothing happens extraordinary, and it happened, began to happen six months ago, a fundamental change in the situation was then noted by vladimir putin, when in november of the twentieth year. we agreed on the presence of our peacekeepers in this territory, firstly, their mandate consisted of only one thing: to monitor the ceasefire, and secondly, after all, finally with... the status of karab was not determined, in this the salt of the problem, i repeat once again, when armenia recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan, then it turned out that our peacekeepers are already, without any doubt, on the territory of the azerbaijani republic, the situation, of course , has already completely changed dramatically, but formally we are, our peacekeepers are there until november 25,
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and we, of course, in dialogue with partners will have to determine and resolve the question of what and how we will do in the near future? and now the issue is resolved. this was confirmed in the kremlin by the press secretary of our president, dmitry peskov. this was confirmed in baku, at the level assistant to their president. the top leadership of both countries made a decision on the early withdrawal from the territory of our country of peacekeepers of the russian federation temporarily stationed on the territory of the republic of azerbaijan on the basis of a trilateral statement dated november 10, 2020. the process has already begun. the ministry of defense of azerbaijan and russia is taking measures to implement this. please note that the agreement is trilateral, the decision is made by two: moscow and baku, this is a moment fundamentally important for understanding why the withdrawal of our peacekeepers became ahead of schedule, they entered even if not recognized by anyone, including yerevan, but at least a self-governing republic, and they are leaving the territory of azerbaijan from january 1 of this year, the unrecognized republic does not exist, self-liquidated, this
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was preceded by azerbaijan’s operation in september, this was preceded by all hearing.
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from foreign sponsors, zarubeshvili called this an obstacle to georgia’s rapprochement with the european union. today she gathered the ambassadors of the eu countries, britain, and the usa for an emergency meeting, asked for support, again said that the project is supposedly pro-russian, although even its authors themselves admit that the document is based on western, namely american norms. the supreme court of russia has a new chairman. according to vladimir putin, the federation council today. the level of openness and accessibility of justice, including its merit,
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the board for economic disputes spoke about this today, the federation council spoke about this high, a clear indicator of trust in the judicial system, a growing number of civil cases, people more often go to court to protect their rights, housing, labor, recently and financial, related to loans, this is a very serious, and now problematic topic, because the results of consideration of such cases sometimes become a reason for declaring citizens consumer bankrupt, about 10 million cases are housing cases, mostly disputes about the collection of utility bills, and these are citizens' claims. to management companies for poor quality services, the supreme court pays great attention to all these issues and does everything possible to ensure uniformity of judicial practice on irina podnosova named further strengthening of the judicial system as one of her tasks in her new position. work will have to be built in new regions. speaker
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of the federation council, valentina matvienko, presented a copy of the resolution on the appointment as head of the supreme court and noted it. this is a professional person, deeply knowledgeable about the subject, i would say that irina leonidovna is not a parquet general, but has gone through, as expected, all the steps from the ground, so she knows the entire judicial system, knows the advantages, knows what there are some downsides that need to be worked on. irina leonidovna is a supporter of further humanization of criminal law.
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and biological safety are growing and life shows that this is exactly the case, the epidemiological situation in the world is unstable, outbreaks of dangerous ebola and marburg fevers are intensifying and spreading to new territories. last year , more than 3.5 million cases of dengue fever were registered, the number of cases of west nile fever is growing, and the geography of cholera is expanding; the risk of the emergence of a new pathogenic influenza virus is high. we flew. behind pleasant impressions, but just before the end of the vacation they were spoiled by a flood. at least 3.00 of our compatriots are stuck in the united arab emirates. the country was hit by record rainfall, resulting in
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a transport collapse. overnight on suitcases at dubai and sharjah airports. now our air carriers are doing everything possible to return russians home as quickly as possible. anna kurbatova with details. now it’s almost two days since we’ve been waiting. there will be an opportunity to fly with you, today some flights were still able to fly from dubai airport, but later information appeared that according to the usual schedule , the airport will begin operating only tomorrow.
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alexandra zhizlova is among those who have already been lucky enough to return to moscow. i’m with my mother, without a child, thank god, i didn’t take the child, how did the children bear it all, there were little ones there, very small, i don’t know, honestly, i asked that they give the children free access to the water out of turn, that’s how it was at dubai airport at its peak, the worst of the elements. an air hub in the middle east, one of the five busiest in the world. under a whole sea of ​​water, the taxiways of the runway are not even visible, the city found itself in the epicenter of a real storm. while lightning struck the spire of the tallest building in the world, the burch khalifa tower, and hurricane winds threw furniture from hotel balconies on the ground, cars tried to dock. for example, they are trying to save a drowning cat in streams of water. but here is the situation in the metro on the first floors of the largest shopping center, dubai mall. this has never happened here. within a day, a city in the desert was hit by
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one-and-a-half-year normal precipitation, orange level of weather danger. it is quite rare for such rains to fall, well, by the standards of the united arab emirates or oman or qatar, that is, the persian gulf, which is actually such an arid region with high temperatures. but on the other hand , it’s all moving quite quickly; already today the rains are almost over, they go to the north, northeast, the situation in the emirates themselves has now returned to normal, it ’s +26 outside the window, the rain has stopped, however, some of our tourists did not lose heart even during such weather conditions, well, at least the view is what we need, oh, some water today, anna kurbatova, maria mortano. first channel. a fantastic war drama, a film about honor, friendship, the struggle for life, the film
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dugout, a big premiere for victory day. the first screening took place at the cinema in october. the heroes fall through time, finding themselves in the saur-mogila area during the great patriotic war. at the very moment when bloody battles are taking place. war, the enemy is coming. every detail has been recreated down to the smallest detail. maximum realism immersion. we will see all this very soon, in a week the film will be released in wide release, oleg shishkin has already looked at the attack, 1941, the germans are gradually occupying the donbass, ours are trying with their last strength to hold the dominant height, the saur mogila mound. two friends find themselves in the middle of the battle, the russian emergency doctor sergei and the black digger from germany paul, who is searching on the ground. they find themselves in the times of the great
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patriotic war, i heard that the sound was somehow strange, that’s where it comes from, seryozha, this is a dugout, for the authors of the picture, a fantastic plot is just an excuse to talk about the difficult choice that a person faces when he finds himself between life and death, everything that happened, you can’t beat it, i understand, but this is nothing compared to death, you know, now we although if only we were alive, life is all we have now, you know, this is a movie about honor, this is a movie about friendship, and... this is a movie about people, and this is a movie about the fact that it doesn’t matter what nationality is, what is important is some kind of religion, the main thing is that the main thing is what is inside you and the main thing is what your human principles? the director of the film, mark gorobets, is from kiev, his grandfather, a major general of the soviet army, a holder of three orders of lenin and two orders of the red star, reached berlin, this film says the director: a tribute to the memory of a veteran of the great patriotic war, most of the location shooting took place in
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the pskov region, by the way, in those same... where there were fierce battles during the great patriotic war, one of the battles with the participation of dozens of armored vehicles was also recreated there, and for filming one of the episodes the creative team went to the donetsk people's republic, actually to the front-line region, to the saur grave. finding themselves close to death, each of the friends is looking for a way to survive, and it seems that their paths diverge once and for all. i won’t persuade you, i don’t have time, i want to live. at the end of the film, the sound engineer usually watches the men. such a serious man, winner of all the awards there can be, said, well, i can’t speak, i’m crying at the end, paul was played in the film by the german actor daniel littao, i was born in germany, mom from kazakhstan, dad from uzbekistan and we are at home, yes, of course, we only speak russian, but not about tanks, not about mines, not about war, what is it, that’s why there were often such words, it was often necessary later yes, well, to teach them, mark and also sanya metelkin helped me a lot there, they told danya, let’s
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play. but this, according to the artistic director of the film, vladimir medinsky, is not the main thing. i kept agitating scriptwriters and directors, let’s have less of this shooting, skirmishes, tanks, we have a lot of this was, i wanted that as a result of this whole story with time travel, we would understand that history is not what happened yesterday, history is what is happening today. the film the dugout will be released in wide release in a week, on posters, instead of a catchy slogan, it’s simple and succinct, like... you
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’ll definitely have to watch it, that’s all for now, we’re following the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. hello! as always, we will talk about the most important, most current events, we will it’s enough to talk about such political and or geopolitical issues, but every time we talk about them, no matter what we talk about, we understand that any geopolitics, even the highest, as in the case of the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine, so in the case of the middle east, it is still somewhere alone,
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in general, and not alone on... it relies on the ground, on what is happening on the ground, at the level of combat units, at the level, in our case, of the trenches , dugouts, fpv, drones, that is, what goes there, what can it may be that not everyone sees from a high geopolitical level, but how the discussion takes place at the geopolitical level, where they are moving or not moving, and what trends will prevail or not prevail depends on what is happening on the ground, in this case on the ground not on this... scale of the map, on a completely different scale of the map, this, by the way, is a very good example of the fact that even when you are talking on this scale, and you shouldn’t forget about another scale, more, much more so to speak, so substantive, here such, yes, to understand that that big map is largely for...


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