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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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“lyosh, i wanted to talk to you yesterday, but it didn’t work out, well, you’re marinka, remember, who moved to moscow, yeah, yeah, well, well, i ’ve been thinking about this for a long time, now, when all this hasn’t ended, i’ve finally decided, what did i decide to do? i decided to move to moscow, it’s just that i’m not going through the easiest period in my life, but... i offered
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to work with her, her business there just took off, uh-huh, darling, well, i hope, you’re not offended by me, and then i dusted your gun under the refrigerator, remember how that happened? forget? well, now we’ve become partners, guess what? uh-huh, probably missed normal service, in a somehow calmer uniform, ryabov, m, let's keep quiet, uh-huh, attack on an apartment, shchelunova street 32, attention to all the outfits in the area, central eight a... a 30 07 central
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3007 accepted, give us the exact address, let's go, quickly, okay, yeah, maybe we can wait for reinforcements after all? police, is anyone here? well, finally, i can’t. heart, what happened,
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they took the money, jewelry, let me have a look, yeah, call me in the ambulance, there is, so what happened, tell me, i don’t understand how they got here at all, the doors weren’t broken, and how can one even break into one, i bought the most expensive one, the locks are the best, the apartment has an alarm system, notifications.
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do you remember the attackers? yes, one is so tall, his shoulders are broad, the second is smaller, i have a concert the day after tomorrow. the main thing is to get better, natalya mikhailovna, i ’ll look after everything, don’t worry, thank you, mashenka, that’s it, natalya mikhailovna and i have been neighbors for 20 years, we’ve been friends for 15 years, she’s the sweetest woman, and i... could you please
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colleagues repeat everything you just told me? yesterday they knocked very loudly all day, the noise was as if the walls were being broken. or something else, the whole house was shaking, we thought it was lariska and bori from apartment forty-seven, they started the renovation of the century again. and today, what happened? well, this morning i decided to go shopping, well , i went downstairs, they open the door, and there’s a car standing near the front door, and a worker takes a sledgehammer out of the car, and i tell him, how long are you going to knock here with us, and he looks at me i looked like that, boor, what car? a gray uaz loaf, i showed mara georgievna a photo of different cars on the phone and she pointed to this one, on the side of the car there was written freight transportation and a phone number, and i also thought that it was the loaders who were doing repairs now, but what the worker looked like,
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usually such a man is about forty years old, he had on such a jacket, an orange sleeveless vest with these stripes. reflecting, well, yes, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself, from now on the russian land is united perhaps, hatred is raising its hand against the boyar power, already with tatar arrows. boyarskaya, and this knife will pierce those who raised their hand against moscow, i will not allow the power to be strangled by the evil neighbor, our trade power, with a noose, power must
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pass to the boyar tsar, so that the power will be hobbled by yars, yar again, the people will fight against you. sergei ezenstein's film, ivan the terrible, is on the first today. to this day, at the universitet metro station, passengers point to that same escalator; someone even starts singing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from film i walk around moscow. i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. brilliant.
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said that he married the first person he met, why did the director blame himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring
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series of games, on sunday on the first. “thank you, i really don’t even have anywhere to put them, i’ve already packed all the vases, can i help you, no, i don’t need it, tell me, you’ve definitely decided about
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moscow, maybe we can try.” again, no, first of all, we already tried. secondly, i have already decided everything. lesh, forgive me, i still need to get ready.
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so what, what have we already tried? we can try again, well, that’s what i think, eh she doesn’t think so, well, let’s try, come on.
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give me the cross, thank you!
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i see what you are.
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well, at least give me the package, what nonsense, have you even seen yourself? i don’t understand where you are being discharged, you need to lie down, you see what, thank you, stop, you take it off, everything
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is fine, as they take it off, good, that means that’s it. i’ll take the water out, so what happened, you don’t know anything, he told us this morning that they were going to rob the bank, well, he’s like albi, he’s like that, i warned you, you didn’t believe it, what kind of claims, he himself went to the bank and he was standing there, that is, they were robbing the bank, and he was standing there, sit down, thank you, please,
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i wasn’t standing at the bank, fuck you, but where were you when they left? i just drove up, you know, turbin, and i was about to believe you, i closed my eyes to the fact that everything connected with the gang revolves around you. “i even thought that you were set up, and then i realized, no, i’m wrong, well , you miken, you, they interrogated me, all and sundry, what kind of nonsense, really nonsense, nonsense, mishans, who removed, no, remind me who
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removed the only person he could i'm leaking information to a rat." information, you, to cut off the tails that were leading to you, but you know what i think, we have an officer who closed kozarin's gang, and he closed it at the moment when kozarin decided to punish mishanya, for it was this operative who got promoted, and where did he get so much interesting information about the gang in order to cover it up later? there ’s not a word about it, for some reason, maybe mishanya leaked all this information to him, and this operative is the one who helped and? covered up mishani's gang all this time, and what are you hinting at, puppy, and i i’m not hinting, i’m specifically saying that you are the same vyacheslav mikhailovich, i feel bad, we
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can finally go. i'm not finished with you, but i'm with you, voice live, tomorrow after the program time. the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, the tandem we have is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe it will be even better, they came up with the idea of ​​​​making a shelving here, father and son leave
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at 11 or together from rooms, hop complex, even just to hang out. very useful for back, in this corner everything for cozy evenings is collected, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we got to our home, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday on the first, oh, and i grew up on ural dumplings, and i on homemade ones, hello, hello, when you swim in the pool as a team, don’t you go blind? kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first. sergey, it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense. well, if you want, you can go to work yourself. your involvement in gang crimes has been proven, we have recordings of your voice, taxi drivers, well
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of course, those who were lucky enough to survive identified you from photographs and will identify you in person. shupen, no, i just thought you were wondering, you have a piano at home, in which we found a whole arsenal, such a good arsenal, it’s definitely worth an a. it’s just not clear that you killed the old people because of some rusty barrels, you couldn’t get weapons any other
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way, or it was the bro who ordered them, that markin didn’t expect that i know so much, but i know a lot of things, so much, that you can’t even imagine, that’s a lot, now it will hang on you, because... he was not killed during the arrest, so you automatically become the leader of the gang, and the prosecutor will agree with me, i promise you that, and according to the totality of the articles, all this carries a life sentence, you think i’m bluffing, but you’re a goat remember, you jumped off then, but he didn’t, so are you going to follow him? now listen carefully, markin, mishanya, he’s dead, you don’t owe him anything anymore, and
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now it’s time to think about yourself. in short, turbin, neither i nor inna believe in your involvement in the gang, but the evidence is against you, although indirect, they are very convincing, and now the situation can only... get worse, what is this? your home address, i found it in markin’s apartment during a search, it’s good that i found her, if i had found her first in osetsk, you would have been in pre-trial detention long ago, so come on , tell me how we can help you, to be honest, not i know, all arrows really. points at me, or maybe it’s the duty officer, he’s the one who broadcasts all the reports? no, the people on duty change all the time, the mole must be constantly on the air, who could it be? you,
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vasetsky, and i, but you just fell away, why? because it would be beneficial for you if this piece of paper came into vosetsky’s eyes, vosetsky also disappears, and why should he? because i can’t blame a person simply because i don’t like him, i have no one else left, so how can we help you? there is only one person who knew who the brother was, mishanya, that’s right, and i need to know everything , have everything you have on him, listen, turbine, if vasetsky finds out what i will do. thank you, and i also need to know how vasetski closed down kazarin’s gang, they tried to pin them down for several years, but this happened only when it was
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beneficial for mishana. i don't believe in such coincidences. you still think that vasetski is mishan’s man. no, i think you could use it in the dark. i want to know who it could be. let's find him, find the mole. grandma, they are complaining that the builders are working in the house, hammering so hard that the whole house is talking and walking, and their faces say criminal, but half the builders have such faces, 3693, leave comments, 3307, you can stop by, check, reassure the citizen, third workers' faculty six, by the way, she also complained that the loaf on which the workers arrived straight to her shop drove up, central 3007 was accepted, and the loaf had the inscription freight transfer. there is a strange question 07/33, i don’t know, but i’ll try to find out, accepted, let’s go, sign in, nikolovich, yes, legal,
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markin’s mother’s nurse called, i asked her to inform her about all the changes, in general, she came to her senses, so what, they did tests there, and she only had 2 weeks left to live; for some unknown reason , they couldn’t get through to markin. good afternoon, in which entrance you have construction work going on, can you tell me, in ours in the morning, boom-boom-boom, it’s like they’re hitting you in the head, i understand, thank you, stay here, i ’ll go check, maybe we’ll go together, i told you , stay here, keep your eyes open, call for help if anything happens, don’t poke your nose in anywhere, i got it, yes, exactly, exactly, okay.
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police, come out with your hands up, i’m going out, i’m going out, what happened, i’m a repairman, i was sent here from the housing department, the attic is leaking, seriously, but look, i ’ll show you all the documents now, the invoice is somewhere here me, here are my tools. finish his gray, let him go, or you will get it too, this is my first time. i shot a man, i
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could have killed him, don’t worry, you did everything right, you saved my life, any commission will acquit you, and now i’m your debtor. you didn’t see us, we didn’t give you anything, of course, thanks guys! good luck,
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hi, something happened, nothing, i’m already leaving, olya, go to the bathhouse, so stop, what happened, what happened? 3 hours, i’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours, come to me, come, well, i’ve moved and what’s next, i’ll have to sit outside your door for the rest of my life wait, or what? why are you laughing? well, are you serious, or what? why didn't you call? i wanted to give you a surprise? come to me.
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my surprise, infection, well, really, i couldn’t come earlier, well, sorry, hey! i want to eat, let's go see what's in my refrigerator, nothing, as usual, i'm so hungry that i'll eat you now, yeah, i'll cut off a piece i have, a tempting offer, i don't mind, if anything happens, the surprise is great, by the way .
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what are you reading for work, oh my god, my face, yes, don’t say it. hmm, valka is also from khorsky, where from the khorsky village of lolnengrad region, he was born here upiri, only she no longer lives there, first she moved to st. petersburg, then she brought a girlfriend, also from khoysky, i actually thought they were sisters, sisters, you say, no. i thought that they were sisters, they seem to be just friends, they haven’t been spillers since the first grade, where one goes, the other goes there, maybe i should really ask them about this wheatgrass of yours, well, you never know, alka
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told me that their village is, well, quite small , zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she did what she loved with her work, she creates around herself... centers of culture, i’m not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right away, she an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her. remain light, fleeting, unstoppable, not i reproach you for passing, thank you for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life, his work and my mother, hearts,
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andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere in...
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and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i checked, come here, and you ’ll catch it, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together , but we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, well, not us we decide, and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the non-chaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i... nichaev yuri nikolaevich, i want together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, calm down,
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where’s the champagne, i’ve soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think he only loves his wife and doesn't want to to part with her, hello, frivolous conversation, are they sure that it’s for real. love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life after life, premiere of a multi-episode. the film is soon on the first, you made a fool, i'm sorry, i understand, but this is very important, okay, speak up, you guys rummaged through everything to find the brother, everything was to no avail, so, so, and markin is still silent, silent, and the place of birth mishani, did you punch? trubino has not lived there since he was 15 years old, whether they tried it or not, yes
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they did, of course, i personally called investigator, no one had seen or heard of him there for 100 years, but that nishanya was born and raised in this village, and the first 16 years are the very time when a person is formed, there are often school friends with whom a person communicates, then throughout for the rest of his life, what if the traces of brachuni are there in korsk, nishanya was simply born in this village, at the age of 15 he already moved to the rosary in st. petersburg. he lived here his entire adult life, so here we are looking for bros, are you driving in the car? turbin, you i went to this village, you’re just wasting your time, you didn’t think of telling me anything. and you understand that you
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will never see your son, because i will do everything possible to have you sent to life in mordovia, without visits, and one more argument, your mother is dying, you have in your hands a doctor’s report dated tuesday. i began to live for a week, maximum two, she came out of the godfather, regained consciousness, of course, constantly asks, sat, where are you, why did you disappear, why don’t you visit her, and of course, she just throws up her hands at you, and in a few days she will die without seeing her only son, i did everything for her that i could do for myself. no need to take it, your mother is now living her last
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hours, and you don’t even want to lift a finger to see her again, sit next to her, hold her hand, say thank you in the end for raising you, yes, as you are, but raised her, you understand, you will never see her again, literally, never. can you make sure that they let me see her? yes, in exchange for what? in exchange for information about the target. tanyush, come on, oh, i told you, no. tanyush, i’m dying, we’ve already talked 300 times, i have to go to work. artyom, he will talk to you like this.
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i don’t know, but wait, wait, i’m just asking, to find out what and how, let me tell you, i’ll buy you a little white one, here everyone knows mishan, every dog ​​knows mishan, he kept the whole village in fear, he thought he was dead , they say they killed him in st. petersburg, what day...
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don’t you know about tenya or what? they’re funny, they’re just such buddies, friends since childhood, and there at the entrance of the mansion i saw, so this bro started building for himself.
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we had to lie low, lay low, hum quietly until the loot ran out, then we started beating up our flock, first we cleaned the houses of the old people, at the same time we trained the team, and then the cop there gave us a tip on where to get guns, your man in the police, ours human? it’s funny, it’s more like we are his people, the two of them mixed together, they all steered most of the dough for themselves, and we were guest workers, hired workers, it was he who gave you the address of trubin, who this house is, where you took the trunks, yes, first he gave a tip where
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trunks, and then everything else, exact dates, diagrams, plans, duty schedules. from beginning to end, what is the name of this cop, i don’t know, i don’t know what his name is, okay, tell me everything you know, i know it’s him, he leaked the information to the kazaren gang.
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freeze, gun, i'm from the police, do i know?
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“i’ll give it to you, i’ll be rich, it’s not for nothing that we poked around in holes like that, the kozarinskys came in specifically, they could have killed them, then mishanya and the bros decided the issue, it turns out they had a plan a long time ago, what kind of plan does this cop have, uncle, some ex-mentavian big shot." do you know each other or something? my uncle knew him, we crossed paths, who would fire me? well, to be honest, my uncle helped. he contacted this uncle and gave him all the incriminating evidence, and his uncle then passed on the information to some criminal operative. the kozarinskys were covered in droves, and this opera, by the way, as mishanya said, even got promoted. we will show sergei izanshtein’s film, ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to beat the ridges of those who
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oppose the unity of the russian state. why izanshtein, why his cinematography. in my opinion, esenstein actually created cinema as art. to what extent does the image of ivan the terrible in the film correspond to historical science? of course, the image of grozny was laid down by kramzyan, the scale of this figure. esenstein captured it very correctly, such a personality cannot be measured with a ruler, this is the method of a great artist who creates history, predicted much of what is happening to russia today, a big game, a special issue, now for the first time the grand duke of moscow places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself, and the film ivan the terrible, somehow timeless.
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on the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not
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reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel, the global majority bashar assad, on sunday on the first. they wanted to either kill our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case, the group worked, and if he is a traitor,
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i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, a story continued from monday to first, ask everything you want from the command forest, and you know what i want, i would like to send vanya some news. well , great, partner, and you’re fine, well done, you’re straight up an a for perseverance, and so as not to drag your feet, i’ll tell you right away how everything will happen, i ’ll bury you here alive now. there is a lot of space, the soil is good, black soil, it’s easy to dig, but... why, what
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why? why did mishan turn on my parents? yes, because your parents had guns. although no, the trunks could have been taken anywhere else. your old people were slammed in mine request. this is allaverdy for you for kicking me out of patrol. just don’t think that i really liked it there, only idiots like you can like this kind of work. you just can’t do that to me, you know? yes, and your olya should also have been killed during the raid on the car dealership. unfortunately, it didn't work out. ulya, for what? yes, because you don’t have to go where you’re not asked, understand? as a central reminder,
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there have already been several attacks on taxi drivers in recent months. it is quite possible that this is the same one. criminal group, connect everyone, you need to comb the area, it’s 8:12, an interception plan is being introduced in the area, once was not enough for you, so i added something else to you, because you don’t need to touch me and my people, you understand, you’re a bitch, and lyokha , where are you going, the exit is here, and you are my dear person, oh, lech, lech, i feel so bad without you, hey, my friend, where are you, and
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you want to know how i always knew everything, and what kind of car you ... with which numbers, in which area the interception plan was announced, you were negotiating via a backup channel, which no one knew about, i knew, lech, come on, lech, think, you’re not stupid, and i was in your taxi all the time, all the time listening to my conversations on the radio on the phone, well, think, lech, think, remember the promises? pump up some music for you, yes a flash drive, hello, flash drive, and there was a little bug, mikhailovich, they tricked us, they’re ruining the bank, he lay down, come on, friend, come out, there’s nowhere else to run, okay, you think you’re the only one minds. well, that's
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why are you still climbing?
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happy partner. tangled threads, help, events, how to happen, heartbreak.
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bye, good afternoon, comrade major, how are you, i’ve recovered completely, i’m going to the planning meeting to find out what’s new on the streets of our hometown. the management came to the conclusion that the experiment had potential, decided to extend it for another six months and allocated an exact copy. well, now
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the main question: do you agree? are you still asking? well then, go ahead, taxi driver, that’s right, let’s go!


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