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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 19, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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truth and not lies, are you ready to choose freedom over democracy, because this is america, and there are more and more such embarrassments lately, biden is lost in geography, history and even in the pages of his own life. the april weather unpleasantly surprised residents of several russian regions at once, in the north-west and in the central part of the country, in the midst of spring there were snowfalls, these are shots from... the region, it also
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snowed heavily in the yaroslavl, pskov and novgorod regions in st. petersburg, in moscow, weather forecasters say, a powerful wind, gusts up to 25 m/s in places. this is a dangerous assault value. rains, on the contrary, will become local and short-term. over the past 24 hours, some areas of the capital region received almost half of the normal amount of precipitation for the month. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program. time will tell, good day everyone, congratulations on the end of a difficult working week, the information channel continues its work, live broadcast, our special project is time to remember, in the studio anatoly kuzichev, we have this today a very complex, very important, very subtle, very difficult topic to remember, but it’s impossible not to remember, it’s impossible to pass by, it’s impossible not to talk about it in poland in these...
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admitted their guilt in this tragedy, let’s try to talk today, it’s not a historical dispute, time and timing will not allow us, so to speak, to arrange a full-fledged historical dispute, we will talk about this tragedy, we will talk about the political expediency of accusing one or another side of this or that crime, advertising and we'll come back. happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s really great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are telling each other the truth, without fail. more comfortable
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because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, today we will introduce you to a person whose work is causing more and more interest day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher... forbade me to be a clone, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i want to make , he doesn’t exist, we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved... woman and after 2 s2 days i realized
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that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was so truly poor moscow bohemia. who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs with forty, ciao baby, matodor, today on the first, voice live, watch, after the program time. kvn. major league. third game of the season. tomorrow, after the program time. there is still snow in the fields. and the waters are already noisy in the spring. they run
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and wake up the sleepy shore. they run, shine and shout. they shout all over the place. spring is coming. spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday at the first, 165 metastases in the lungs, the situation is absolutely hopeless. but such people are now being saved in st. petersburg at the petrov institute of oncology. about this great medical miracle and about many other important things and interesting things in the “live healthy” program. on monday. on the first. a simple boy,
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benito mussolini, would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent and... italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. in monday on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, come here. i was in the studio,
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dozens of people saw me. why are you lumping everything together? we will get used to living separately, but we will still separate. well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to join my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving, after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lyon, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, premiere
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serial film, soon on the first one, we continue to work live, i’m here before the advertisement he said that - so to speak, there is political expediency or the situation, it dictates the need to accuse one side or another of this or that crime, but for some reason i didn’t finish, i simply forgot that these are the same, probably political ones there considerations dictate to one side or another to admit, admit charges of certain crimes, admit, repent, and, in the long run, pay. this seems to me to be an important caveat, an important addition. so, kotyn is in the center of our attention today, those events are more than 80 years, and kotin, in addition to the fact that it is a symbol, so to speak, of tragedy, has also turned into a symbol of such endless political disputes, manipulations and speculations, so it’s clear that
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, like any, probably, other tragedy, they are trying to use it for political purposes , i wonder why russia, despite all the controversy of this matter, is not recognized as a political controversy, but purely, so to speak, historical, scientific, if you like, recognized.
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goebbels can hardly believe the good fortune that has befallen him. kotyn turns out to be a goldmine for political propaganda. we will put the soviet union on trial. the entire educated population of poland, the polish intellectual elite, relatives of the murdered, parents, wives, they were also part of
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the elite of our society, this was a large-scale deliberate genocide of the polish intellectual elite. but recently , information has increasingly appeared that the versions of this tragedy are not so clear-cut; among the recently declassified documents is the protocol of the interrogation of the polish prisoner of war eduard potkansky, who served in the work. the case of shooting cats was not considered at a special commission of the american congress, for example,
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a witness spoke there about russia’s guilt, who was presented as a pole who saw the execution. polish politicians and officials never tire of promoting their line and blaming russia for the katyn crime and the genocide of the poles. was the crime in kotyn an act of the place? yes, it was, and if this kind of action that stalin took, affecting 30,000 people, is not an act of genocide, then i ask: what is it? it was an act of great russian chauvinism. an honest look at kotyn is a problem for russia, i think that in the near future the russian authorities will recognize that historical truth is a good foundation for relations with a neighbor. speaking of apologies. tusk reminds us that in the early nineties, russia itself suddenly took the blame for the katyn tragedy. in the nineties , gorbachev handed over copies of documents about the fate of polish prisoners of war to polish president eruzelski and admitted responsibility. on the same day , a message from tas was published recognizing the responsibility of the nkvd
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for the tragedy in the katyn forest, and three years later, boris yeltsin in warsaw, with the words “forgive us,” laid wreaths at the monument to the “victims of kotyn.” pay attention, by the way, yes, here we are talking, well, so to speak, well, a tragedy, really history, but so to speak, politicians, they are not talking about history, look, yes, very characteristic, that means, comments. from a historical point of view, it would go for one simple reason: firstly, history is very multifaceted, secondly, many historical
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facts are still hidden from our attention, they may be subject to different interpretations, plus history is always, unfortunately, emotionally charged, so i propose to approach the matter from the position of forensic science, and simply look at the facts that are known today, and what we know, we know about what is really in the woods. in the smolensk region , burials were discovered that mostly belonged to people of polish origin, were there any at the beginning of the forties?
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or there in forty-two, forty-third and so on, and we suddenly learn about all this from the ministry of propaganda and information under the leadership of goebbels, a man whose name has actually become synonymous with unprincipledness and lies, all these famous phrases about how a lie spoken three times is the truth and so on, we
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learn everything from him, but he also must refer to something , to which goebbels refers, he says: you know, this means that we have occupied these territories, local russian peasants suddenly come to us and say: comrades germans, can you imagine, 3 years ago the nkvd officers shot people in the local forests, what are you talking about? the germans are throwing up their hands, let's go see, we'll probably find it, they go looking, suddenly, suddenly, they find those same graves, and then this whole chain begins to unwind, in 1944, when... accordingly , smolensk was liberated , a soviet commission was formed under the leadership of the surgeon burdenka , all sorts of different interesting facts began to emerge, well, for example, it is known what weapons were used, again, we are from the point of view of criminology, what weapons were used to kill these people, they were killed from german walters, what were the hands of these people tied behind their backs, they were tied with german ropes, german
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-made, these are all facts, then we see that for a fairly long period... all soviet historiography lived relatively calmly, because everything was clear to us, it was completely obvious that in general - then the germans are trying to place their blame on the shoulders of others, this, by the way, is generally very characteristic of the west as a whole, this is their favorite practice, there are a lot of examples of genocide that britain and belgium carried out all over the world, and they all later in different ways in the end, they were interpreted and so on, and that means the nineties are coming.
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was an anti-soviet, although he was a party member and so on, listen, well, there is a biblical formula: by their deeds you will know them, what kind of deeds, the destruction of the union, that’s all, this is the first and second, from the point of view of criminology, kukakole, it seems to me, kira is everything, everything perfectly stated, i just wanted to draw attention to one important point, pay attention, 1943, a turning point at
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the front, a turning point and with all that it entails, i needed to look at something by the way at the current carry out the situation.
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that’s why we are now organizing a revision, and such an assessment is not subject to any revisions, based on, you know, our memory is not like that of a guppy fish, right now, that means, but from this story, who did it very professionally, but according to by and large , what evidence is there, one pole during interrogation said something that was beneficial to the then soviet authorities, but what we don’t know is how during interrogation, in stalin’s times people incriminated themselves and everything, in contrast to this, that 67 volumes on the criminal case no. 159, 67 volumes,
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dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, you know the one, then he was the president, polish president komarovsky, listen, well, of course i understand that everything can be shoveled like this to suit the circumstances of today, but well, let’s not be funny. seem, because the whole world around us is looking at us, there is nothing terrible, nothing shameful in recognizing the criminal acts of that regime, from which not only these poles died, but also millions of our compatriots, but in my opinion i was there once four misspoke, but i didn’t historian, they would still blame the soviet union for this crime, so to speak, but i know all these quotes and so to speak, i don’t hide at all the fact that i know them, and i admit for some reason it seemed to me that there wouldn’t be anything about them .
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what difference does it make 6 67 volumes or no volume at all or just like this show us from this story the witness who was heard there in congress, or such a witness, well, well, maybe there are 67 volumes, so i don’t know, i’m not a historian, i don’t know but i know, i don’t understand why this is being done when they were said by our current president , then he was the prime minister, these words are a merchant’s word in russia - this is a saint , this has already been said, now the situation has changed and that we will become like the ukrainians for which.
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the famine plan is working, an appendix to the plan summer of forty-three, even so, barbaros is in full swing, in which it is clearly written that
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the population of eastern europe, poles, belarusians, ukrainians, must be destroyed, these territories must be populated by german colonists, social work is in full swing engineering and division of power, which the germans also carried out, they understood that it was necessary to break the unity of the slavs, it is not... strong anyway, but if you make these historical irreconcilable wounds associated with genocide, it will be very difficult to parry them later , it was in the summer of forty-three that the belarusian village of khatyn was burned by ukrainian nationalists, i also know this from the stories of my grandfathers and great-grandmothers, who said that it was not the germans who did this in the occupied territory, this was done by ukrainian nationalists, they were very, by the way, also a historical fact, let's not pretend that we don't know, so to speak, this is the soviet union later. you understand that this division is not necessary, i omitted it a little, but these were ukrainian nationalists, the summer of forty-three, the volyn massacre under
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the leadership of the germans, ukrainian nationalists. carried out practically genocide of the polish population in the occupied territories, then suddenly, for no reason at all, the germans, who were completely bogged down in blood in mass executions, become such champions of morality and they conduct an investigation, as kira lvovna said, they attract independent experts, but for some reason these were all countries of the hitlerite coalition, excuse me for interrupting for a second, but pay attention in all historical documents it is written that then germany with the involvement of international experts means.. . stood, conducted an investigation, i re-read the line several times, i think what nonsense, germany in the forty -third year, an international investigation involving, excuse me, experts, some kind of thing. the strangeness in this, of course, well, you must admit, it smacks of something, please, and then suddenly , out of nowhere, they begin to carry out these mass exhumations, and for some reason the bodies of polish officers, the documents are in perfect condition, again from those archives that are now running are good, but 67 volumes, here
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they are on form... the question related to the cat, the rise and all-out condemnation and the creation of a precedent, does not remind you of anything in modern things, it does not have any kind of bucha relationship, he does not fit the events that later sooner or later they did it, here’s the american one, now i’ll interrupt andre again, look, let me think, i’ve already said it five times, i’ll say it the sixth time, it won’t get any worse, that means we’re reasoning, we’re not asserting anything, well
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, i. .. at least you can claim that you have every right, so to speak, and expert status, so, but i want to tell you, if you have watched or read good detective stories, pay attention, any good investigator with is very suspicious of such a picture of a crime when everything is too obvious, they didn’t pay attention, that’s why now, or even i ’ll say correctly, a certain historical part related to the genocide and the african period is very good...
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tell me your opinion, frankly or not? as frank as possible, first, i am very sorry that they are trying to solve such an important, complex political issue in the format of a talk show, so we won’t fight much with you, we are not trying to resolve a political issue, we are discussing talk shows, political issues to the big , unfortunately, very unfortunately, i hear again all the same from... well-known rhetoric, in this case from the representative of the liberals maxim yusin, who fell very much in my eyes, which is based on the fact that he fell because he quoted the president, i listened to you , listen, you, first of all, that i am a liberal, you are a liberal, the very same, what you said here is the most liberal, classical demagoguery, i listened to you, you are an incompetent person in the katyn case, so my
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advice to you. better, please don't hang it, here's an incompetent, liberal, okay, friends, let's not move on, calm down, wow, maybe not, no, well, listen, i was, listen, comrade, well, the truth is, this won't bring us any closer, i'm broadcasting, i'll let you know, i will let you speak, but first i want to say, please, i will say everything myself, other guests, so come on, friends, don’t make comments to me or to each other there, i will make them myself, so that i can say such words, alexey yuryevich, please, you’re serious, i’m showing you how to do it, how to do it it was, maxim yuryevich, anatolyevich yusin, in the opinion of alexey yuryevich plotnikov, sets out a popular, demagogic one, this is appropriate, there are no problems, and the point of view of the liberal so -called public in russia,
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there is no need to get personal. look, i said the same thing as you, but without getting personal, without losing the meaningful quality. please continue, sorry. so, second, i will be forced again. to get personal, one of the experts demonstrates complete incompetence in the catena issue, if only because he calls some 67 volumes, how many volumes are there, in fact, and the expert, supposedly there are 147 volumes, i quote dmitry anatoyvich medvedev, the plot of the first channel, show it to you, you can say, no, well, they are trying to increase me . dear expert, in order to speak on such a complex issue as kotin, you must
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be at least a little competent, i understand that you just don’t know the question, so in this case i would just like to wish you not to dirty yourself in the future like this speeches about such a sensitive topic, now what about getting dirty? dmitry anatolyevich conveyed the first part, it contained 67 volumes, unlike dmitry anatolyevich, i know this issue better than dmitry anatolyevich, and i will not refer to high authorities here, once again, you are demonstrating the worst option, let’s do it already to the point, actually directly, i don’t know what i can say, you can strictly say, but you ’ve already lost three, in fact, i lost because of maxim yusin, so, so, that means it’s possible say on this matter? from my point of view, the matter is absolutely indisputable, it was the germans who decided it, not us, in 1941, there is a huge amount of evidence for this, there is the burdenko commission, which, by the way, for some reason does not publish now, there is finally the nuremberg tribunal, which definitely
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recognized this as a crime of nazi germany, but this is a discussion that didn’t take place, listen, they’ll let me say it or not, i didn’t recognize it, you’d be better off playing sports, or maybe i should. another who confirms that they shot germans, they can be listed in dozens. documents that recently, not only this year, last year, were published by the fsb, clearly indicate that it was the germans who shot, but this causes terrible
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discomfort in part of our establishment, including the intellectual one, who feels that they step on their toes, so they start to behave so inappropriately. here are the documents that the fsb has now declassified, last year, by the way, what are they talking about? about the fact that the germans shot, well, let’s figure out why the germans did it, let's take direct evidence, the so -called primofacies, if we really speak scientifically, bullets, ropes, documents were left on the corpses, here is a respected liberal expert, he generally knows that there was an nkvd instruction that forbade leaving any documents on the executed maybe i’m not a liberal expert, but just an expert, okay, just an expert.
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caliber 765 ropes not of our production, preserving the condition of the bodies, let’s talk at such a delicate, not very pleasant moment, the corpses were very good safety, this is noted by everyone, including those experts who have now been declassified by us, including schneider, who is the second of the witnesses of those documents that were classified, let's read frantisek hajk, the expert who was part of the group so so-called experts whom the germans gathered into a kotin so that they could confirm. the version that it was supposedly us who shot him, he published an excellent brochure in 1946 in prague, called the katyn proofs, translated into russian , the kotyn proofs, where absolutely how the forensic expert clearly showed that the corpses
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were too fresh, there were no insects on them, i can tell you more details maxim yusin, which you don’t know, and accordingly there is only one conclusion, normalized, how many times has he bullied me, and how many times have you been rude to me, maxim yusin ? shut up already, if the presenter can’t stop you, i’ll stop you, let’s not discredit the high status of an expert now, friends, you ’re telling such interesting things, why are you...
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how infuriating, but because if you look at it
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seriously, unfortunately , requires long time, then it immediately becomes clear that everything is not the way it is now presented to us, flat, limited, let’s just say this to be honest, not only not the way it is presented to us and not only the way we accept it, or accepted it until recently, well, how is the position of the country and ours, the position of the country is different, the position of the country is the same, so it’s short. no, there are, for example, memoranda from the ministry of justice that were sent to the european court of human rights, which considered the katyn case, why aren’t we talking about it, there were three of these memorandums, there russia’s clear-cut legal position that we are not involved, but they don’t talk about it, they don’t talk about it, there is a political statement, but a political statement can and should change over time, the point is that no one is insured,
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there are stories is that it is historical events that provide the most fertile ground for current political speculation, when, for example, in 2019, the us congress suddenly decides to think about recognizing the armenian genocide in 1915 and attributes it to turkey, although turkey only recently celebrated its centenary, then there was still the ottoman empire, suddenly nothing more relevant is in 2019, although america is on the eve of the elections, although migrants are crossing the border, suddenly an event happened a hundred years ago, why is this? and to the fact that turkey behaved incorrectly and chose to purchase equipment from the russian federation. at that moment, and not in the united states of america, that is, this is what it is, a historical matter,
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truly terrible, bloody, which deserves the closest historical proceedings, the object of political speculation on the current one, friends, i won’t say anything about the cat, i’ll say about our program, not so to speak, it’s not for me to make a remark to serious, respected experts , people, not my level of the case, so to speak, but regardless. .. i’ll say as an expert carpenter that it seems to me that this is still wrong, friends, let’s not get personal, not only because it seems indecent, it seems like we are in high society, not only, that is, it removes us, removes us as much as possible from the truth and to which we we’re trying to get to the bottom of it, the news is on channel one. this is news first. hello,
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in valery korablev's studio. and we start with the situation in the middle east, which has reached the limit. at night, the media reported that israel struck iran. there was information about explosions in the province of sfahan, where nuclear facilities are located. but clarifications immediately came: they were not harmed and were not targets at all. iranian media emphasize that the launched drones were shot down and there was no damage, as they claim. bloomberg israel on thursday warned the united states of its intention to... strike within 48 hours, but the israeli press writes that official tel aviv will not take responsibility for the attack due to strategic reasons. reasons, but the blow was delivered in such a way, notes one of the largest israeli newspapers, so that tehran could, quote, endure it. whether there will be an answer remains the main question. the day before , tehran warned that if tel aviv strikes nuclear facilities, iranian forces will immediately launch powerful missiles at israeli nuclear
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centers. and a stormy confrontation at the meeting the un security council revolved around palestine. the us blocked the projects. decided to create two sovereign countries - israel and palestine, but only one appeared: the jewish state. our permanent representative said that the united states considers the palestinians only an obstacle to israel's interests. the international community has been unable, in fact, because of the position of one state blocking all our efforts, to protect
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the palestinians from the israeli massacre. could not stop the spiral of violence. not to mention that since 1948 it hasn't been able to. help palestinians gain full statehood. on october 16, russia introduced the first draft resolution on a ceasefire in the sector, which france, great britain, the united states and japan voted against. can you imagine how many lives could have been saved if these proposals had been supported then, including the lives of the hostages, whose release we also demanded. russia always prefers negotiations rather than fights and military clashes, he said. but is it possible to come to an agreement with the kiev regime, whose head he himself forbade dialogue with moscow, there is no faith in ukraine, the minister noted in an interview with radio stations sputnik says moscow and komsomolskaya pravda. suffice it to recall the istanbul agreements, the security guarantees for ukraine were very serious, lavrov noted, but due to the fault of kiev, with the instigation
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of western curators, the process was disrupted; in the event of new negotiations, there will be no more pauses in hostilities, lavrov said. everyone else together, of course, they don’t have any faith, yeah, and well, i said how long we tried to force ourselves to believe, and in general, in a fuss, but nevertheless, we said, we are ready, but unlike the istanbul story , we will not do anything for the period of negotiations.
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new, old, and our original regions. modernization of equipment taking into account the requirements of the front, the minister of defense visited a plant in the omsk region. sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled. the t-80, one of the fastest tanks in the world, is assembled in these workshops. omsk transmash not only increased production of the new model, a set of means, camouflage, a cape and a special visor. reliable tower protection.
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the omsk plant is fulfilling the program, i can even say, exceeding the program, now we need to significantly increase the additional kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat, that is, what we have today is fully equipped and here we need additional supplies of equipment to the brigades and repair shops that we have on the battlefield. sansipek heavy flamethrower systems are produced in omsk. over the past year, production increased 2 and a half times. these systems are based on tank the chassis also received new protection against cumulative shells. drones. our military carried out massive attacks on the infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces at night. explosions were reported
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in the village of zatoka, odessa region. there are ammunition depots there. numerous strikes in the dnepropetrovsk region. authorities confirmed that two infrastructure facilities in dnepropetrovsk itself were damaged. and this video appeared in telegram channels. three ukrainian soldiers surrendered to our fighters. they reportedly contacted the russian country. after that ukrainian armed forces soldiers left theirs. some of them swam across the dnieper by boat, and now they are already on the left bank, with their hands raised. the only right decision is the way to save your life. our sappers have a special mission in dangerous areas to provide passage for assault troops through minefields and clear mines from areas where the enemy has already been knocked out. in action , the engineering and sapper battalion of the southern group of forces works clearly and accurately. there are cases when, for example, a mine detector cannot be used, a robotic one helps. uranus complex and more. report by oleg shishkin. step by step, carefully stepping on the grass, sappers are examining
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a field in the vicinity of the lugansk village of novotoshkovka. every now and then the mine detector emits a characteristic signal, reacting to metal in the soil. there were hot battles in these places, here literally every square meter is strewn with unexploded ammunition and mines. sappers carry out so-called continuous demining, that is, they not only neutralize explosive objects, but also remove them from the earth.
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you know, and accordingly the inclined summer resident goes off, an explosion. if the risk is too great, the entrance is to the uran-6 robotic complex.
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it is controlled remotely by the operator. the transmitting device is a backpack with many antennas and weighs more than 30 kg. uran-6 with a heavy roller for anti-personnel mines is practically invulnerable, but the explosion of an anti-tank tm-62 can be dangerous for it too. i spent 8 kg in it. the mine is massive, and the mine detector detects it even under a layer of soil. stop, mine. stand natalya sidorova, first channel lugansk people's republic. today in russia is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet
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people by the nazis, their accomplices in the years great patriotic war. since 1943 , a commission has been working to establish the facts of nazi crimes, torture, and mass murder of civilians who died among the soviet population, according to various estimates up to 16 million people. a quarter of them died in the camps. tamara ukoninin, prisoner of salaspils. they called him. blood factory, it was pumped out of children for the nazis. tamara and her family were taken there in the winter of '43, she was only 3 years old, so he slept off himself, now i see, behind the barbed wire, there is a crematorium, my mother did not hope that i i’ll survive, i was like that, i stopped talking, i stopped walking, the crimes of the fascists have no statute of limitations, the investigation is continued by the investigative committee, they are still being identified. the water level near ishim
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has increased by more than 2 m in a day and is now 7.5. several populated areas were cut off, boat crossings are operating, and evacuation continues. at night , the river in the tomsk region rose sharply, causing intense ice drift. in kurgan, the water level in tabol exceeded 10 m in the evening and continues to rise. there have not been such indicators since the middle nineties. the dam is strengthened around the clock by rescuers and volunteers. they rescue pets, there are a lot of dogs that are left chained, it’s a big problem to call them. ticks have awakened in russian regions. usually the peak of their activity occurs in may-june, but this year it all started earlier, with more than
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400 calls to doctors. encephalitis, proliosis, the most dangerous diseases. the carriers of which can be ticks, the consequences for the body are severe and even irreversible, vaccination is the main way to protect yourself. report by tatyana kozlova. oh buddy, are you awake yet? what a fine fellow! not only did they wake up, but they had already started biting. and the other day a tick bit me, i pulled it out unsuccessfully, the head remained in my body, and after a couple of days this lump appeared. many residents share similar stories. a real achievement, the result of long-term rehabilitation. 11 years ago, a girl was bitten by a tick, they did not react immediately, nastya was hospitalized with a high fever, in
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the hospital she was given an injection of imenoglabulin, but it was too late. i came to the hospital, i was stained. she spent a month and a half in a coma and woke up paralyzed. the doctors' forecasts were disappointing, but neither nastya nor her mother were going to give up. through tears of pain, the girl learned to live again. do you remember, then on march 8 she raised her head on her own. yes. we all screamed. we shouted and applauded. nastya was able to achieve particular success by practicing in the pool. now she not only sits confidently and holds the phone, the girl was able to regain fine motor skills in her hands, and now she has a favorite hobby, creating jewelry. doctors they warn that ticks carry a number of diseases, the most dangerous being encephalitis and barilliosis. even if the celestial was discovered by hope before it had time to bite, it still needs to be submitted for research. the disease can be transmitted
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not only through oral ticks, if we remove the tick from the body, there are microns on the body. the first day there may be no manifestations; you can meet a tick not only in the forest in garden plots, but in city parks, hiding unusually in tall grass and bushes. when going into nature, you need follow a number of rules that relate to appearance. first, clothes should be as closed as possible, long sleeves, trousers, they need to be tucked into socks, like this. well, as for color, things need to be chosen in light colors, right?
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there was no one, the surest way to avoid possible consequences is still vaccination and proper clothing, then outdoor recreation will not end with a trip to the doctor. tatyana kozlova, yulia khodorova, liliya zorina, artyom tikhonov and konstantin anisimov, channel one. that's all for now, we we are following the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. informational. something in the kidnapping of children, illegal export and so on, but we just talked about it in the last part, i hope you remember about politically motivated speculation and manipulation, well, look at
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the stolen russia, you look and what pictures ? unfortunate child with his back, well, apparently so touching, well , just damn, that means it’s good, but you know, there were children, there were children, like them kidnapped and hidden somewhere unknown. that means in povalka in some russian basements there, no, they were found, that means our colleagues from the arti tv channel made a request to the police, germany. they answered, that's what. the federal criminal police office found children in germany safe and sound who, according to kiev, were abducted by russia. this was confirmed by a government spokesman at artid's request. on tuesday, the head of the ukrainian police ivan vyhovsky met with the head of the federal criminal police office of germany. holger münch after meeting, vygovsky stated that ukrainian police, in cooperation with german colleagues, found 161 ukrainian children in germany, who, as previously believed, had been taken to russia. here, in general
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, the phrase suggests itself, it turned out to be inconvenient, but on the other hand, who am i going to tell this to, that it is inconvenient, inconvenient to sleep on the ceiling, inconvenient to send military equipment, so to speak, to ukraine, if there is no one there, so to speak, to operate it, but this is not. it’s inconvenient, that’s ok, as for military equipment and , therefore, for ukrainians, conscription, mobilization, mobilization and so on, here is stoltenberg, this is again about inconvenience, without any inconvenience, which means he declares and , so to speak, gives orders to ukraine, what and how to do, please, ukraine must provide itself with soldiers, ukraine has just adopted a new law on mobilization, it is not for me to go into details, but i expect, i am sure, that ukraine will make the necessary decision to mobilize the required number of men, then we must help financially. well, here we are, sort of, well, as usual we already perceive all these words, all these forms, well, we’re used to it, because they
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sound quite regularly, think about it for a second, abstract from the current situation there, just go back, i don’t know, to 2000, some 15 and be amazed that he he says that he’s talking in general, and by the way he continues, look, here’s the same thing a little earlier. that the alliance’s assistance to ukraine, this is wonderful, weakened on the one hand the russian combat potential, on the other hand, and we ourselves are alive, imagine how almost verbatim, i quoted everything, please, by allocating a small part of our defense budgets, we allowed the ukrainians to destroy a significant part of the russian combat potential without endangering a single nato soldier or a single american soldier, here, by the way, this is...
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i don’t know, they were exposed for what they are all two-faced, scoundrels and so on, no, in fact, there is such a hidden element of content in this, but there is, namely, not a single nato soldier, not a single american soldier, that is, this is also the answer to the question about there possible deployments of contingents or not, well, in fact, we see that nato and other european politicians in general very often contradict themselves. and after some time they say exactly the opposite theses that were said before. what stuntenberg said: by giving a small amount of weapons, we destroyed significant russian potential, that is, in his opinion,
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now in ukraine the russian army is in general very weakened, and if this is so, then why are you building defensive lines in the baltic states, and why then you shout that you are afraid of the russian threat, and why then do you keep saying that ukraine will fall this summer, including this ? adopt the american technology of this arlin cemetery, when the lawns are mowed and the same mobile gravestones are 80 by 8 cm soldiers, meter by meter officer, the third cemetery is already filled in poland, the twenty-
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second year 900 polish soldiers officers, suddenly for no reason at all decided to resign from the armed forces of poland, well, this is the contingent that has been fighting for a long time ukraine, or maybe the french mercenaries were not destroyed there, distribution, then excuse me... and then what he says is not a single nato soldier, that is, strictly speaking, if they quit, they are not nato soldiers, another thing is that they the poles remain, but cease to be nato soldiers, as it were, but what in reality? and what lies behind stoltenberg’s words and, in general, what nato development strategy for the future needs to be understood, including in the development of this conflict here. nato is creating a global dominant force, as they say, on a planetary scale. the americans are interested in weakening china, the aucus bloc, which is expanding there, the expansion of the north atlantic alliance to the planet, not only europe and north america, and other countries.
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including the creation of rapid reaction troops of 3000 from 3000 to 300, which are now being done so that, without coordination with national parliaments, they can be transferred to anywhere in the world in the interests of the americans, well, because they are tired of fighting alone for their own transnational corporations, i would like this load to be evenly distributed and stoltenberg is such a driver, so to speak, but in this race for the budget for control. the european commission has no longer joined, and now ursula fondelaien is saying: it would be nice for us to also earn money, as we once did with vaccines, when the european commission united all production things, and 70 billion went somewhere unclear, there is no end in sight, how many vaccines now do they want to make in the same way within the framework of armaments, i understand, i i understand, i understand, please kilovna, i want to remind you of the beginning of this whole story, because we live in a time when words are very ambiguous.
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boris johnson said the magic word help during the failed istanbul agreements, get involved in this conflict, and we will help, what any, let’s say, adequate person could think, we will help with everything we can, you are in such a difficult situation, we are here now we'll be overwhelmed with people, resources, everything that became clear quite quickly, it turned out a very interesting thing that turns out to be for the west is that this is exclusively a proxy story in large letters, glowing, they... behind their backs, they are ready to help very limited with military components, hardware, they are ready to help with money, but again in such a very dosed format, but at the same time , the manpower is entirely in ukraine, this is their area of ​​​​responsibility, and of course the ukrainians are offended by this today, because as i understand it, they naively thought that they would really help them in every way they could, but it turned out that what is it, that is, a little help. this
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is mainly in these speeches of speakers like boris johnson, who today really doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t allocate real money, doesn’t deal with economies that are generally falling apart, can’t cope in person, he can now really give these fiery interviews about the fact that yes, hang in there, we will help, this is...
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for the american bill, yes, you remember the main intrigue, we were all there for the last time, i don’t know, we discussed it for weeks and whether there will be one package or distributed in packages well look what the draft looks like, the draft congressional assistance package for ukraine is 60 to 60 billion. 23.2 for replenishment of military arsenals, 11.3 for current military operations, 13.8 for the purchase of modern defense weapons systems 26 for supervision, what's in the millions, oh my god , i was scared, so 13:24, wait, where is the other 13 billion, well, where are you, editors, okay, okay, in ukraine, there’s a black hole, there could be 13 billion lost there, or it’s not even indicated in the documents , now let’s say 13, 24, that means 25 and 1, i don’t know what to say, please, here it is?
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this is the crap here, most of the money will remain with us, he said it in plain text, this is not our speculation, this of course answers many questions, as for the project, you know, it happens that the project becomes the last for some then a large, seemingly serious corporation, well , let’s hope that’s the way it is,
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we’re doing everything for this, which means now friends, now you know that well, you and i discussed this a lot there about laboratories and about some kind of bio- then muddy incomprehensible experiments, well... from the concrete, from the formal, from the scientific, about the uniqueness of the human genome, about its diversity, told ekaterina strizhenova, doctor of biological sciences, head of the national genetic initiative 100. i, konstantin severinov, i know konstantin severinov quite well , i did a whole series of scientific programs with him, an absolutely amazing conversationalist, a very interesting scientist, i hope that the interview, so to speak, will be given to both, so to speak, figures on the screen, let's watch it together,
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no one is afraid of identical twins, no, well, glory, my daughter gave birth to twins not so long ago, that...
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after meeting zoya borisovna, i dedicated a poem to her: “stay bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, this was found. andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. premiere, tomorrow on the first. this is dasha, our director. and this is maxim, our operator. guys met at work. let's play. sales well, here you are on this side. little girl. i couldn’t
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sleep the knife, she made me laugh. we will make suzdol art. i need. colored plates, just like our film crew, very beautiful, just what we need, there is such a tradition at weddings to celebrate the wedding with the ringing of bells, why do you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the way polody, our premiere, we are playing a wedding on sunday on the first. lately we have been hearing more and more often the phrase global majority. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met. in the palace of the syrian president, a man who challenged the collective west. our war is
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a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say to everything: yes, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. myself. my children don't study politics, alone. bashar al-assad on sunday on the first,
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the fashion verdict show on the first channel, i’m alexander rogov with you, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all , especially lately, as she has gained weight, my mother is difficult, my mother really wants me to be decent. this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good attractive girl, that’s all you can cheer up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like that that can be performed in this image, you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale,
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not the germans , who are the forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, why did you come to say goodbye, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted to either kill our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case, they worked group, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war, story with a continuation. from monday on
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the first. from the forest of command, ask for whatever you want. you know what i want. send news to vanya. center for genetic research, member of the american academy of microbiology, heads laboratories in russia and america. as a child, at the age of six, i had a friend of my father’s in my family, who for me was what is called a role model, he was a biologist and i liked him, so i liked biology, that is, after 6 years i more or less understood that i'll be a biologist, this tower msu for me was something like this, when a baby is born, he sees his mother , he thinks, that’s cool and the head is mom, so i had a... so the msu tower. after graduating from the department of molecular biology of moscow state university with honors, the promising student
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managed to attract attention and go on an internship abroad. severinov managed to gain recognition in the scientific community in his youth. at the age of 28, he received the title of professor at rudgers university in new jersey, usa. new status opened before big for young scientists. i received tenure quite early in the united states, tenure is the position when you become a professor, when the university can no longer kick you out, the university can’t kick you out, i can’t even imagine what i can do to have the university kick me out, i even i moved to russia, but he still doesn’t kick me out. returning to moscow in 2005 , the first thing severinov had to do was defend his dissertation in russia to confirm his academic degree, after which he was able to head a laboratory at the institute of molecular sciences genetics. in april 2020. news appeared that konstantin will head a project with an ambitious name: 100,000 genomes
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of russians, aimed at improving methods of diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases, and this technology will change the world. how is a cloned copy different from
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the original? and what do you think this means for humanity? is it scary or is it kind of? are you afraid of strawberries? no, you see, a strawberry is a clone, you know, when a strawberry is science, why is it scary, cloning, it reproduces with tendrils, you know, yes, so a plant grown from a tendril is a clone of the mother plant, why? because it is genetically identical to the original plant, strawberries and many other plants can be propagated sexually, well, of course, stamens, pistils, all that stuff, but you can propagate by cuttings and so on, these are clones, they are obtained. are no different from a similar mother plant, genetically they are copies, they can give birth in the same way, but i’m already switching to internal cows, which means a cow that is cloned can also give birth, well, yes, why not, just like a cow, which is not cloned, but this is also true for a woman, for everyone else, she may not give birth, because there are some problems, but in principle yes, that is, there is so
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vegetative reproduction, which is typical for many plants, is an example of cloning, another question, as you just took as one example. everything has been simplified, well, yes, we are talking about science fiction, how the dead can be resurrected, no, well, the dead cannot be resurrected, because identical clones are also clones twins, identical twins occur when one egg is fertilized by one sperm, instead of one person with arms and legs emerging from this, it begins to divide at some stage, it diverges into two lumps of cells, and from each two people emerge, but they all came from the same cell, they both came from the same cell, genetically they are identical. almost, that's why they are clones, no one is afraid of identical twins, no, well, thank god, my daughter gave birth to twins, no so long ago, it means that you are the grandmother of clones, yes, imagine, here’s another question that i don’t know, this is a verdict, but it’s a fact,
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it’s like there are completely different people here, one has blue eyes, the other has green ones, well then they are fraternal, then no, well, this is impossible, because - personality, but if we still look at identical twins, we understand that despite genetics, they have different destinies and different characters, and so on and so forth, if we are talking about cloning some modern or future powerful person, then he, of course, or she means cloning himself as a person, but the body does not determine the person, you can make
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the same ones, but only with a delay of 50 years, let’s say some person achieves... power by the age of 50, well you can decide earlier that since i’m so wonderful, then let me always make a clone out of me, well, let’s make a clone in the same way as dolly was made from a mother sheep, but this clone will simply be born as a little boy, this boy some mother owes him endure, and then he will be raised, this child will be raised in a completely different time and in different conditions and under different circumstances than his, than his, than his original.
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but her face will be the same, yes, she will look like you, like your twin, if you had one, listen, how interesting it is, in science fiction films, clones look like one.
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necessary so that in each generation new people, new combinations of genes are born, and they may turn out to be improved relative to the previous ones, in principle - this way to nowhere. no, in agriculture it is very convenient, even if you suddenly have a problem for some unknown reason, but some cow, well, a cow, but with such simple properties, well , firstly, her eyes are so kind and she gives milk there, but you can assume that
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she will be a producer of new cows and for this she will give birth with some intensity - that’s it, but the problem is that when she gives birth, her genes will be doubled at each birth , because bull sperm is needed, so besides, she won’t give birth to many children, well, in the sense of calves. into your life, here, if you decide, decide that its properties, consumer properties, we in this case are consumers, are explained by its genes, then you , of course, could lay, i don’t know, several hundred of the same cows, just just like the dolly sheep was made, and you suddenly get a herd where there is no longer one cow, but a hundred, you need to understand that in all agriculture, this one cow, one this, one that, does not solve anything, scientists on both atlantic parties took up arms against the comments of the biologist and nobel... dna discoverer james utson was stripped of his remaining honorary titles due to his controversial statements about race and
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intelligence. watson sparked fury after he was quoted in the british newspaper the sunday times as saying: “i see a grim outlook for africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, while all the research show that... in this case, watson is talking about personal beliefs and prejudices that he has that he would like to believe are true, but for which there is actually no scientific evidence, and i find that irresponsible. have your views on the relationship between race and intelligence changed? no, not at all, i would like them to change, so that new data will appear, but i have not seen this yet, in iq tests there is a difference between blacks and whites, this is genetic. this statement, as if a scandal arose because of it, he truly made the greatest discovery on which the whole our science, but by the end of the fifties, even before the nobel prize, he moved away from
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scientific activity itself, but he raised an amazing galaxy at harvard and people, his students, he had the dignity and strength not to fit into their articles at all, but a huge number the now departing captains of american biology are his students, yes, that is, he cannot be separated there from this american biology, which means world biology, so in the initial stages in the late eighties, early nineties, he led the human genome project, and then i really quarreled with the administrators, left there, and he created an absolutely amazing laboratory, which is great for the whole world, the kolnhar laboratory, where even now we like to talk about additional education, this center for super additional education in all areas of biology. he has done a lot of things, he can afford any statements, and can afford to leave, and no real positions, by the time he said somewhere in werkle that
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the concept of a latin lover exists for a reason, but a black basketball player and something else, well, he said, he has the right, well , the chinese speak mathematics better than anyone else, well, there’s also one like that, there’s just more of them, you know, there’s this one, too, politically incorrect, now we have it too someone will look at the soviet joke ... this is an absolutely amazing achievement, but to say from this that we can assume that the chinese are a power in the entire spectrum of natural sciences, the chinese are very smart, while others are not, but it would be stupid, because the abilities of mathematics, we we don’t say smart, for example, they say that georgians all sing amazingly, but now there are chinese biologists, there are a huge number of chinese biologists, now the chinese simply now occupy all possible top places in all sciences, this is rather a question of the state system of organizing scientific
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activity. because 30 years ago no one had heard of any chinese, except those who fled in huge numbers to america and europe after the tenanming suppression of the tiananmen uprising. therefore , it is not, that is, talented people are everywhere, the problem is that there is a lot of it and it doesn’t depend on genetics - it doesn’t depend, it’s most likely related to genetics, it’s just that, unfortunately, environmental conditions in many places are such that these talents are lost, that’s terrible, that is, how many people couldn’t realize yourself. and talent definitely has some kind of genetic basis, you and i are all different, yes, why? because we have a lot of gene variants, we are all a certain set of such, well, if you like, genetic typos, mutations relative to each other, that’s all the diversity we can see in appearance, which we detect in each other, it is associated with genetics, this is absolutely accurate, simply because identical twins, which we cannot distinguish, they are genetically identical, a person has 20,000 genes, 20 thousand from dad, 2000 from mom, but all every gene
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duplicated therefore , there are 20,000 unique genes, in each gene you and i may have some changes relative to each other, you and i differ from everyone else in 6 million positions out of 6 billion. 6 billion is our text-gene, and these 6 million are scattered, this gives a huge number of combinations, here when a gene, but all this diversity very combined and complexly affects who we are, i can’t say that this one gene affects something, but height is genetically determined, it’s absolutely known, but growth is influenced by the condition 10 thousand, that is , half of our genes, so here’s the twist: when we decide to reproduce, we throw away our 10,000 options, well, in this case, genes, our partner throws away his and someone completely different appears, for that matter , then if all this were genetically determined, it would be necessary to clone people, because a clone is a genetic...
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copy, but this is also pointless, because the situation with the same twins, identical, who are genetically identical, shows that they are different people, different personalities, they have different stories, therefore, despite genetics, and fate, and therefore, well , professional things, success and so on, they are ultimately an interaction of conditions, chance, and genes, everything is complicated, imagine that each gene - this is a recipe, a dish, and there are just typos some, between me and you there are 6 million imprints in these recipes, another person has 6 million imprints in relation to you and me, but others have their own, all this makes us unique, because each gene cooks, encodes a dish, but in this in this case , this is a protein that will be an enzyme, there as a catalyst for a chemical reaction to determine some properties of the skin, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, but in the end we are all options on the same topic , slightly different, since we are a little different, then as a consequence, when in our body
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an infectious agent enters, it turns out to generally... determine a person's sexual orientation, the journal science published what is considered the largest genetic study of sexual behavior. the study concluded that a person's sexual orientation is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. experts say the study provides one of the clearest pictures yet of genes' links to sexuality. the study says five genetic markers have been largely associated with same-sex behavior, but even they are far
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from... look at it in evolutionary terms, should not exist at all, because homosexual intercourse does not produce children, and if you had genes for homosexuality, then they would very quickly disappeared along with their carriers.
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people find themselves in such states, in general , the question of what genes influence, what the environment influences, this is an unresolved question, and this is a question that has been asked, well, first by the world, and by civilization since people became aware of themselves and realized that they have a soul, the question of predestination, well, actually genetic, the question of your free choice, that is, well, in a sense, the influence of the environment on you, it has not been resolved, and... and different cultures, different times, different political trends, try to solve this issue in different ways, and as a rule, however, those who decide this issue in one direction or another are vitally interested in solving it exactly the way they want.
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healthcare workers around the world are preparing to a new potential pandemic, which is known as disease x. this is another unknown disease with epidemic potential, it is unknown whether it will be transmitted from animals to humans, or it will be a mysterious laboratory.
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to fight pathogens, but is it possible to come up with a vaccine for everything? no, you can’t, you can come up with platforms that, by definition, immunity works in a very specific way, our immunity recognizes , well, different viruses are different from each other, different bacteria are different from each other, well they tell us that the flu has strains, for example, no, well, the flu has strains, it still remains the flu, but you come to the zoo and you see different animals there, a giraffe is different from a hippopotamus and... let the giraffes living in in different areas of africa they may be slightly different from each other, some are smaller, some are larger, some have a different coloring, but it will not be a hippopotamus, yeah, just like that, for example, the influenza virus is the virus that causes i don’t know, measles and
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coronavirus and so on, they are different from each other much more than a giraffe from a hippopotamus, our immune system, and it learns to distinguish some specific variants of pathogens, and it is she who encounters them, or receives them... she cannot, also
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eating cucumbers does not affect our dna, regardless of whether cucumbers are gmo or not, generally not. now is the time to say the most important words. well, since we were talking about genetics, it seems to me that it is important to convey this to people, that it is useful to know about it, it is useful to think about it, but there is no need to worry too much about taking care of it, because everything that we, our parents, and so on, did before, we should do on... why did you come to russia? and my daughter
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was born. and what about the daughter? was she born here? did you work there? became a professor there, 28 years old, you had everything. i'm a professor there now. why did you come there? there? did you come here? well, because i met a woman here and had a daughter with her. so it was possible to take her there? well, i had this feeling, these white bows and stuff, i’ll try it, so i have two children, boys in the states, i decided that try, you have to try what's here. it will work out , hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and first, let’s talk about how the special operation is going: tonight our army launched a massive attack on the ukrainian military rear. explosions occurred in the odessa region, there were at least three flights there for... this is a kind of logistics center for transporting western weapons. in addition,
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the dnepropetrovsk region was under attack, explosions thundered in pavlograd, senelnik in krivoy rog, and in dnepropetrovsk itself. destroyed warehouses where armored vehicles were located, as well as enterprises where they were repaired. and this is footage from the front line from our ministry of defense. and the artillerymen of the group of troops center are working in the vdeevsky direction. reconnaissance discovered an enemy pressure point. the coordinates were immediately transmitted. this was confirmed by air control. and already the kherson direction. it happens at night. three people on a boat moor to our left bank of the dnieper, lay down their weapons, raise their arms in surrender. as it turned out, this was not a spontaneous decision. about the ukrainian militants informed us of their intention in advance, contacted our officers, and they appointed a time and place. now these three will definitely remain alive and will not die for their interests. let me remind you that everyone
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in the armed forces of ukraine has such a chance, you just need to tune in to the purity of 149-200, volga. russia, in the event of new negotiations on ukraine, will no longer pause in hostilities, our head sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with sputnik radio stations , moscow and komsomolskaya pravda say. in the twenty- second year after the withdrawal of our troops from kiev zelensky threw the istanbul agreements into the trash, although he emphasized the guarantees for ukraine.
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i mean not only the dislocation and the line of contact, but the presence of amendments to the constitution in these four new, old, and ancestral regions of ours. in the same interview , sergei lavrov commented on the situation around iran. according to the minister, even magathe confirms that he does not have nuclear weapons. and talk about the threats emanating from tehran is dictated by desire. distract attention from israel's operation in gaza, added
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lavrov. the situation in the middle east , meanwhile, has reached its limit; this night the media reported that israel struck iranian territory with explosions in the province. now the footage we just received from novoogoryovo. vladimir putin today held an operational meeting with permanent participants of the russian security council. the conversation took place via video conference. dear colleagues, good afternoon. we have several questions today. let's talk about state reserves, let's talk about measures to
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improve the provision of assistance to the population. in the fight against the drug threat, several speakers, let's start with the first question, the floor to dmitriyovich medvedevna, please, in russia today is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war, events throughout the country, exhibitions, thematic meetings, open lessons in schools, newsreel screenings, they began to investigate the crimes of the fascists in the union... in the forties, now, within the framework of a federal project without a statute of limitations, the investigative committee continues document evidence of torture and massacres of civilians. according to various estimates, 16 million people became victims of the nazis. based on the evidence collected by investigators of the investigative committee, including the results of search activities,
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archival materials, and testimony, court decisions have already been made in 19 regions of russia. in volumes of criminal cases about genocide, stories of former prisoners of fascist concentration camps, witnesses of those terrible events, they remember everything, although they were still just children then, alena germanova talked to them, that’s how i was, that’s how i was, this is when the war just started, bronze frozen faces,
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as if from her stolen childhood, here it’s as if she herself was shivering from the cold in her mother’s arms, in the winter of forty-three, the seventh of little tomma the nazis took him to concentration camp.
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group, the rest were brutally killed, like today forty-first, here nearby, the nazis burned a barracks, there were 200 prisoners in it, they burned because they were sick and could not work, in total in the gachen camps from hunger, torture and executions, 80 thousand people died, trenches literally compacted with bodies, the sites of mass executions in the park of the gaichensky museum of the reserve have been searching for three years , there are new remains wrapped in barbed wire with broken ribs, broken skulls, i ’m grown men, here in my squad, we’ve been doing the whole search for a long time, but that’s why this is the first time i’ve seen men cry, we’ve never seen such atrocities before, according to various estimates, up to 16 million people died among the soviet population, a quarter of them died in nazi labor camps, they took women, children, old people, made two
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columns on the left and right, in the middle the german units retreated to... his mother's older brother and sister, he himself was only six. nikolai makhutov, academician of the russian academy of sciences, an expert in the field of security of complex objects, but books about his childhood behind barbed wire became his life’s work. i was in such a state that i was practically dying. and the neighbors advised my mother to cover her with a cloth. and move away, because she 's dying anyway. and today ask any of our prisoners.
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i only wrote with a cross, but for her there was her own birch tree, for her her own home, the grave of her parents, this was the most sacred thing, and no, no america, no australia, i could replace this. they returned to literally nowhere, the nazis burned their village to the ground, at first the whole family lived in an ordinary dugout, but this was their homeland, in a small exhibition hall, she, along with other former minors, prisoners were carefully cared for.
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development of a free economic zone in the zaporozhye region, construction of roads, housing, as well as social infrastructure, topics of the meeting, which was chaired by deputy prime minister marat kusnulin. visited the region, inspected how work is going on at the facilities, including melitopol state university, buildings there are now being renovated, soon,
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khusnulin added, they will begin to build a children’s hospital in the city, we have finally decided on the parameters of the children’s hospital, we plan to start it in the near future months to build and no later than the first quarter of twenty-six will complete construction, this large hospital will be about 4000 km modern. all equipment, determined a site for it, utility networks, looked at the progress of work, for example, on the restoration of the melitopol university, these buildings will be gradually repaired and built, in general, we discussed all the plans that are needed for the development of the region in the near future. now the states where joe biden again found himself in an awkward situation, this time in pennsylvania, during a campaign rally, the head of the white house spoke to supporters and at some point...
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in geography, history, and even in the pages of his own life. april surprises in st. petersburg, today it snowed heavily, as forecasters say, by the morning the height of the snow cover can reach 6 cm. and this is the second time in a month with a break for almost june warmth. the weather in other regions is also unpleasantly surprising. snowfalls in the novgorod, pskov, tver, yaroslavl regions. precipitation in the moscow region cannot be ruled out. and a storm is about to begin in the capital.
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and with this i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia; the “big game” program will continue the broadcast. good afternoon, live broadcast of "bolshaya" game." let's listen to the president, we have several questions today, let's talk about state reserves, talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against the drug threat, several speakers, let's start with the first
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question, word from dmitriyuvi. please, yes, so war war, and state reserves must be maintained in the required volume, and of course, the drug threat is a truly serious threat to our national security, and it is no coincidence that this is being discussed in the format of the security council, and last night was - quite stormy in terms of the attacks that were carried out by our armed forces, the ukrainian ones, our anti-aircraft...
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this means that in the artyomovsk direction we have successes at the heights in the krasnoye area, we also continue to gradually cover the north-east, we support the efforts of our paratroopers, who they are storming the city from the eastern outskirts, we also have successes on the cheerful razdolovka line on the northern ledge, fierce battles also continue near the outskirts of the village of terno in
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the krasnoliman direction, and fighting continues over... our foreign minister, we said, we are ready, but unlike the istanbul story, we will not make any pauses in hostilities during the negotiations.
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the country has fully adapted, the country is ready for confrontation with the collective west, and here it is very important now how the west will perceive reality, whether they will be able to get out of this dope in which they are in their propaganda, that they will supposedly stop the russians and inflict a strategic defeat on us , everything has changed a lot, now the real question is how this will change in their heads, this is what is more or less really happening, this is turkey, these are turkish proposals for peace negotiations, this is the agent who... the action plan that is circulating on the internet, where it is described, that strategic negotiations should become the basis for our communication with the west, we are talking about strategic offensive expressions of missile defense, after all
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, inviting there those countries that have china, or rather france, britain, this could be the beginning of this serious negotiation path, because ukraine is just an episode of our interaction with america and britain, well, for now. resists, well, of course, resists, because after the liberation of yaar hours we have a prospect, a very good operational space, a continuation of the offensive to the west there to the slavic-kramatorsk
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agglomeration, in fact, where the russian spring began, among other things, these are also very important cities for liberation , but at the moment our vks forces are working very closely, ironing, it’s almost possible to not to be afraid of this word, they will iron... directly hours of the yar in depth to where the enemy’s temporary deployment points are concentrated, accumulations of armored vehicles, our cannon artillery is working on the forward positions, very intensively, as well as assault troops, of course, with battles they are advancing, this is the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, the 200th brigade, a separate motorized rifle brigade, and also the heroic paratroopers of the 98th ivanovo guards division are now fighting in the eastern outskirts. this is a microdistrict canal, it’s called because the seversky donetsk-donbass canal runs there, this is the eastern ledge of chasov yar, there are already street battles going on there, and the northern ones, after clearing
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bogdanovka, the northeastern ones have reached the outskirts of kalinovka, there are already battles going on and heading towards grigorovka, this is a small settlement located north of chasovyary at a dominant height, also to the south, southeast of a... let's listen to the prime minister of ukraine denis shmygal. if ukraine falls, then the entire
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global security system will be destroyed, the whole world will have to look for a replacement, there will be many conflicts, many similar wars, in the end this could lead to the third world war. our common task is to defend democratic values, the global security system founded after world war ii, and to bring long-term, sustainable peace to the european continent, which is why russia must lose this war.
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western companies will still record profits on the territory of ukraine, and now there is no point in supplying ukraine there are no weapons, no sea of ​​these weapons , because the retaliatory actions of the russian troops will only lead to the loss of property of american and partly european companies, as a result, i think that this is such a farewell cry, farewell farewell from the ukrainian leadership, it sounds because they already understand money.
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look, you have a rear-view mirror, like in my apartment, you can paint your lips, but before, when they baked bread, there wasn’t much flour, they added everything that was in the house, bran, nettle and quinoa, such fitness bread it turned out, what attracts me personally most about the teeth is that they are vegetarians, zhen, we actually prepared this with teeth, our song is funny, and our dancing is funny, now i won’t leave until you teach me, let’s go, premiere . tomorrow on the first. rum, castro, product of stellor group. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she did what she loved. she creates centers of culture around herself. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is a must.
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in general, there were two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, this is dasha, our director , and this is maxim, our operator, the guys met at work playing! dash, well, you’re
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on this side, girl, it ’s been a long night. “she got me really excited, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, it’s very beautiful, we have what we need it’s such a tradition to celebrate the wedding with the ringing of bells, why do you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened, she’s the second, it seems to me, we’re opening, hurray, the road, the floor!" our premiere. we’re playing a wedding. on sunday on the first. the weather in san- paulo changes as he wants. today it’s raining and humid, and literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry. we can have all four seasons in one day.
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and this is true, if a person starts. get tattoos, he can’t stop then and wants more, more, more. yes, 100%. you can get hooked on this. the state helps, very rarely, once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep on the street, where do you sleep when it’s raining, and where is it always under the bridge, i’m speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree, lord, lord, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday at the first, were you still a mentok boss?
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three chords, a new season, on sunday the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in spring. running, waking up the sleepy breg, running shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where,
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when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the big game is live, for us citizens there is one good news and several bad ones, the good news was announced by karine jeanpierre, the fact is that yesterday joe biden told concerned americans and the international community that his uncle... was eaten by cannibals in guinea, but today karina jeanpierre still reassured the world community. let's listen to her. his uncle suffered crash in the pacific ocean, near new guinea. the president told this story to emphasize our sacred responsibility
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to ensure that those we send to war are equipped. here is the next news, it is good for biden, he was supported by the kennedy clan, it was biden who supported him, eh. and not his member, who is also running for president, but at the same time biden has put america before a very difficult choice. let's listen. are you ready to choose between unity and division, between dignity and destruction, between truth and lies. are you ready to choose between freedom and democracy? because this is america. i have been living in this world for a long time, although i know that i look 40, and i have never looked that much before. optimistic about our future, the choice between freedom and democracy in america is really an extremely dangerous thing, because well, of course, if you don’t want freedom, get democracy, like in america, where of course there is a brutal police state, well, the list of bad news
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continues, well naturally our traditional column, trains in the united states of america, we have noticed lately that they are happening with greater regularity. and the consequences are increasingly devastating. so, north platt state of nebraska. about 35 cars near a union pacific train derailed in this city. work to eliminate the consequences is still underway: 35 cars are crumpled, this is at least, give or take. wyandotte, oklahoma, a train passing at high speed simply fell apart, some of the train cars ended up in the yard of a house next to the railroad, and it was even luckier that they didn’t hit the school, which is also located nearby school buses can't get in now. georgia stat.
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forsyth north carolina traffic in the area was blocked due to a train derailment, one of the cars completely flew off the rails and about six cars went off the rails, well, i must say that most of all i liked the plot when their train derailed from the reals, which drove, carried sleepers, the sleepers were, what do you think, what kind of, of course, wooden, of course, wooden, imagine, a superpower, but at the same time... “we will not spare anything for ukraine, now william beers, director of the cia, last desperate cry before
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the decisive vote in the house of representatives, let's listen to the director of the cia. given that our military assistance will provide a boost both practical and psychological, the ukrainians are well positioned to hold out for the entire year and debunk putin's mistaken belief that time is on his side, but without additional help the picture is extremely bleak." real risk that ukraine could lose the war by the end of 2024, or at the very least, it will give putin the opportunity to dictate the terms of a political settlement. as i said earlier, kanu has a lot going for it. now these words that without american help ukraine will definitely lose are heard in america from every voice, literally, from newspapers, television, everywhere. the decisive vote in the house of representatives is money for cano.
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american arms companies, lobbyists, the senators and congressmen themselves, although all this money will be used to
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account for the growth of the national debt, since there have been no free funds in america for a long time now, and this is certainly a new round of escalation and these are certainly new sacrifices on our part, and we will remember this , we will certainly remember this forever, but this american determination to give money was immediately transmitted. not only shmygal, but also other politicians, even the most limp liverwurst, scholz, who made such a statement, let’s listen. we know that ukraine needs our support, they need a clear signal that it will be long-term. we are currently trying to ensure sufficient volume weapons, artillery and ammunition. air defense systems are of greatest importance. germany conducted a comprehensive assessment and supplied both small and large systems to ukraine. speaking about large systems, i mean patriot, we have already transferred two systems, and are now busy transferring a third. we heard that
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seven more systems are needed, one of them is ours, we hope that six more will be found in nato countries. attention, they are removing the systems from service, not ordering new ones because they don’t have time to do it, they are removing the systems, and conditionally speaking, they are weakening their defenses, including europe. the second point is that they will indeed give money to ukraine, but most of the 61 billion will be used to replenish the already wounded transferred aid, that is, it will not actually leave america, some part there, about 13 billion
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, will be for the purchase of new weapons, here it is possible that how since these complexes will simply be bought from germany. americans and transfer to ukraine new types of weapons, but in fact it is necessary to establish parity, the fact is that in order to take an equal position and try to stop this movement, it was not for nothing that the director of the cia said that russia dominates and the important task is to stop the russians from moving, it is necessary to deploy troops and forces on parity, now the air defense will only be able to cover some important objects that are under daily... nightly blows from us, so the situation is quite difficult for them, even including the massive mobilization that is being carried out in ukraine, it will not give the result that they hope for, because that a modern soldier is not just a shooter with a machine gun, he is an operator of something, an anti-tank defense complex, an anti-tank complex, an anti-aircraft tank, and so on, that is, equipment and weapons are of
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great importance, and the absence of one element such as air defense, front-line, military directly on line. we listen to kristalina georgieva, head of the imf. us support remains consistently strong. you all know that the european union has allocated 50 billion euros. the us administration is now working to ensure that congress also allocates facilities. many other countries, including japan, canada, great britain, south korea, the list is very long, are also increasing
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the volume of assistance. regarding whether ukraine’s needs will grow due to...
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taiwan, perhaps somewhere else will explode, the philippines there and so on, so i’m not hinting at anything, but this is called a multiple system, and a multiple decision-making system is a very complex structure, a crisis structure that needs to be managed , crisis management, in my opinion, many countries, especially the united states of america does not know how, they solve the problem by simply pouring money, here... i am afraid that the experiment that they started and which, supposedly allocating even more enormous amounts of funds to ukraine, is in fact fake, it is a big financial one.
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conflicts are breaking out in the regions, the united nations organization yesterday, in our time, today considered the issue related to the inclusion of palestine in
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the un, the situation in the gas sector, well, of course, everyone was waiting for how israel would respond to iranian attack, israel responded, and how iran will respond now, more on that after the ad. voice live. watch the time after the program. today we will introduce you to a person whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clone. brilliant people who found some kind of poetry in the circus. fantastic reality, this is fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create does not exist. we we continue our series of half-hour portrait
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programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language. this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at the table in st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor, today on the first, reach for the star. more precisely to a meteorite. a unique material, it really came from outer space. we have our own craftsmen; there are not many specialists in our country who generally know how to work with meteorites. our
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task was to do mass production so that everyone could touch what is actually 4.5 billion years old. finding yourself in zero-gravity conditions for the first time, your body begins to rebuild. the design of the hydraulic basin is based on oil tank storage facility, spacesuits are lowered into the water by a crane, and divers meet them there. we hover in a neutral position, do not float up or sink, the effect of weightlessness is created, our satellites, they are designed to work in low-earth orbit, satellite data are used a lot in transport, we see every bag that comes with a beacon on throughout the entire planet, you are completely russian -made, yes, we assemble all the instrumentation that we use in our satellites here, you tell us, there are planets, ours that's it, premiere tomorrow. on the first, this is a hiding place, does it mean a robbery? i don’t think they would
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have taken down the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, but why are you, i came to say goodbye to the wall, and then climb to the front now, you don’t a group worked with me, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, the story continues, from monday on the first, from the command forest. ask for whatever you want, yes you know what i want, i want it send some news to vanya, a simple boy, benito mussolini,
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would never have achieved what he achieved, if not for... the ardent support of educated and thinking people, his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovani gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text , a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all stripes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. ordinary fascism 2 premieres on monday first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything into
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one a bunch, but we'll get used to it. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, len, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you on ready? yes, life after life. premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first.
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the big game is on the first: the issue of recognition of palestine as an independent state has long been on the agenda, all countries of the world, without exception, except israel, are in favor of this, for the existence of an arab palestinian state. well, yesterday the question became more practical: they offered to accept palestine as members of the united nations, since you recognize it as a sovereign state, it should be there. so what happened? what happened what they expected. a veto from the united states of america followed. the united states was the only country that stood in the way of palestine's admission to the united nations, defying everything without exception.
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vasily ne benzia. let's listen. it took washington 6 months to finally realize that it had lost almost all sources of influence on israel and found itself in a situation where the tail led the dog. when tel aviv actually dictates its terms, demanding unconditional support from the americans for any of its reckless decisions. israel's gas sweep has already broken a historical anti-record for casualties among un humanitarian personnel. more than 240
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people were killed. including 170-80 beauport employees, and this purge is not over yet. the israeli military is attacking humanitarian convoys, blocking their access, and slowing down the passage of cargo. western countries harshly criticize them for this only if western citizens die as a result. all calls for deconfliction, which are based on the goodwill of warlords, are empty and have nothing really to do with the plight.
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the dangers of the recent vote on a truce during ramadan and israel naturally ignored it, but again, a us veto here will be in the way of our proposal, like this. world, and not only the muslim world, but also the christian world, if we take it by and large, we have to try very hard, we really have to show weakness, what the americans consider to be strength there, that is, in principle we stand for israel, we
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support israel, ukraine in all forms and so on, this is truly a global weakness, and now everyone can see it, you can call it strength as much as you want, you can call it integrity as much as you want, but the choice is between freedom. democracy, it is always like this, because if you put your own concept into the concept of power, then in the end it becomes obvious to everyone that you simply invented this beautiful wonderful world in which you live, but which is this beautiful wonderful world only for you one, that is, for the united states. israel has been threatening powerful in response to iran, after iran launched a powerful missile attack on israel, the iranian side issued a number of very harsh warnings, in particular , listen to what iranian president raisi said yesterday. america and the xianist regime thought it possible to harm islamic iran, so they attacked iranian soil and interests.
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the islamic republic and the people of iran first tried to prevent this attack, but when the enemies committed the crime, they had to be punished and the great nation of iran punished them. i speak on behalf of a great nation and powerful armed forces. although, in accordance with international standards, all countries are prohibited from attacking nuclear facilities, in previous years the zionist regime not only threatened, but engaged in sabotage and terrorist activities in this area. our country is ready to confront any threat from
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the zionist regime on iranian soil. the armed forces are in full readiness, the nuclear facilities of the zionist enemy have been identified, all necessary information about these targets is in our in case of a possible response, we... keep our finger on the trigger to launch powerful missiles to destroy selected targets. these warnings probably played an important role in the fact that israel’s response was, to put it mildly, weak. today we know that there was an attempt to strike the tabrizo airfield. the iranian media showed one hole from here, this is actually the only one.
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shot down by the country's air defense systems, the range of these small drones was extremely short, they were released within the country, well then there is, apparently, these drones were even launched from somewhere inside iran in order to, well, probably not, lead to an israeli trail, and that’s all, this is israel’s response, well, how will iran react to this, you know, i think , that i would like to believe, of course, that this is all, i would like to believe that the rates that have been raised.
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which he is being stopped for now as part of a strike on iran, firstly, this is tomorrow’s vote in the us senate, after all , 26 billion is much needed money for israel, they are waiting for it, they have the economy. in severe situation and the second is that the most important religious holiday for them, passover, is coming on monday, not to be confused with easter, which will end on april 30, they will always celebrate it very seriously, so we will monitor the situation in may, when the restrictions will be lifted, so to speak. , after all, iran, inflicting its act of retaliation, was also waiting for the end of ramadan, well, the response of western countries to iran for its attack on israel has already followed, that’s what reuters reports. the united states announced the introduction of new sanctions
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against iran. great britain stated that acts in coordination with washington. the us treasury department reported that the us measures are aimed at 16 individuals and two entities involved in the production of iranian uavs. britain imposed sanctions against seven individuals and six entities, including the general staff of the armed forces and the ksr navy. what do these sanctions mean? nothing, really. it's obvious that. in london and washington they are now afraid of seriously offending iran, because they are afraid of being drawn into a military conflict, in the midst of american elections, in the campaigns in the territory of the former soviet ukraine are in full swing, and we understand that netanyahu would like to involve them, but in london and washington they prefer to limit themselves to decorative sanctions, showing that they still limit iran, but without moving to any radical actions. moreover, in this situation iran seems to
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be ready for some kind of hidden dialogue so that the situation does not escalate, but in reality it is still like boiling, slow cooking of an israeli frog, over low heat, yes, when together with the israeli frog there is also an american frog, because american bases are present in the region and the creation, gradual creation. for these bases, the forcing of the united states to evacuate these bases, the losses of the american military, all this will step by step lead to iran winning in the region. well, sanctions against iran have been imposed for many decades, since 1979 , the united states has imposed imposed imposed. of course, the number of sanctions imposed against iran cannot be compared with the number of sanctions imposed against russia, but iran.
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will worsen for the islamic republic, but the situation of legal entities in iran definitely remains tense, tense primarily because of the position of netanyahu, israel, because netanyahu has such a peaceful outcome, as it seems to me. satisfied, this will be followed by demands for his resignation within israel and from the united states, and most likely he will want to escalate the situation only in order to survive politically, and not go to prison under the weight of the charges against him have already been put forward now, so a lot now depends on him, the americans naturally hold him by all possible parts of his body so that he doesn’t do anything, but he can shoot, and of course israel, having taken on itself... iran received a blow from america twice as much money as planned, in
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fact. indeed, the amount of funds is growing, and the americans have confirmed that they are ready to go with israel to the end financially and even put their political interests and their political prestige on the line, as was the case in the organization united nations. but uh, this is a losing country, because our cause is just and the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the word. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. the whole world is watching the escalation in the middle east, israel struck iran this night, the media reported this, but it is not clear what and how exactly. there was information about explosions in the province.


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