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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  April 20, 2024 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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the distance there is hundreds of kilometers, i finally realized the value. now, of course, it’s boring when artists are on tour. our conversation begins like horses, and ends, mother, with a kiss to all the horses. well, how do you want to live without them, it’s already impossible to live without them. mom is sure that in the end her daughter will continue the family business anyway. the textbook on the basics of dressage and riding, which is passed down from generation to generation, reveals, perhaps more often than not, the theory of control. my grandfather.
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hello, dear friends, today we are holding the third meeting of the second semi-final. you know that we call the smart guys who go out on the tracks agonists, and those who sit in the central stands theorists, but who are ours?
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the order of the medal is presented by my assistant, a fourth-year student at mgimo university, girl natalya. last name is fomenko. we invite camilla damer, tomsk. in
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the quarter-finals i won the prologue and won ahead of schedule on the yellow carpet, your honor i report, kirill epishenkov, yekaterinburg, in the quarter-finals he lost the prologue, but won on the red carpet, and kirill gladchuk. ulyanovsk, your honor, it’s almost the same thing, that is, in the quarter-finals he lost the doubles, but won on the red carpet, although he went all-in. vladyka, this is your first time with us, yes, although i ’ve known you for a long time, and you once admitted to me that you... were better off
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watching the program as a seminarian, well, you can say i ’ve known you a long time ago, back when school bench, but you watched it when you were a seminarian on vacation, because there was no tv in the seminary, absolutely, everything is correct, just in case, after all, i ’ll remind you that we have a prologue, we always use it we are starting, and there is only one competition - this is an eloquence competition, according to our tradition , 15 minutes before the start of the competition , i approached the participants and gave them a topic: for me, a holy person is, listen, please, hello, dear pack, hello, yuri pavlovich, for me, a holy person is , first of all, a person who has high moral principles and guidelines, it is not at all necessary that his actions are directly related to religion, because the holiness of a person is determined by his actions in ordinary life, i would like to emphasize that no one from... becomes a saint from birth only
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if a person follows a truly righteous lifestyle, has a high spiritual culture, strives from a pure heart to help everyone around him, only then can he be called a saint, and he will become... an excellent example to follow for the present and for future generations. thank you. 36 seconds. hello, dear ariap, hello, yuri pavlovich. for me, a holy person is , first of all, a person who is closer to god than everyone else. the lord bequeathed to us: there is no greater love than to give your life for your friend. and indeed, in my opinion, this statement contains the essence of any orthodox... christian, his quality of self-sacrifice. god is love, which means loving purely and immaculately, being closer to him, and for me, a holy person is one who loves god and his neighbor, purely and immaculately. thank you. 32 seconds. hello,
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dear pack, hello yuri pavlovich. what comes to our mind when we hear the question, who is a holy person? many will have associations that it is connected with the church, and i should. i thought about this myself first of all , however, as for me, a holy person is one who is morally pure, that is, one who is able to show the best qualities, such as compassion, love, honesty, and thus, a holy person is a person who is open to people, who impresses them, and is ready to help them, thank you, that was 28 seconds, and now you will have to determine who chooses the path first and who chooses second, right? and who doesn't choose anything? of course, you put me in a difficult position, because with on the one hand, one of the participants said something beautifully and logically, on the other, from a theological point of view, everything was correct, true, on the third
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, it was also said in a very modern way, but to choose from three, it’s difficult, of course, from a point of view. let’s present the information to eloquence, but i would still give it to camili, but from the theological point of view, of course, i would give preference to kirill from yekaterinburg, although kirill, from the point of view of holiness and truth, said everything correctly, my daughter, i choose yellow, but what did you look at the red one? no, i’ll still go for the yellow one. okay, please you. camilla, there is only a danger that one of the kirills will go to krasnaya, if this one goes to krasnaya, then he will win. i'm going
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to krasny yuri pavlovich. camilla, he's going to red. please, she is yours. who will win there, god knows, the green is yours, and the theme sounds like this, in the first world war, i remind you , just in case, that the first world war began in 1914, and in a few months we will celebrate 110 years. day of the beginning of this event, the competition will go step by step, three key positions, bay, svinten british, british, it was a terrible war,
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of course, not as terrible as the one that followed it, it was even more terrible, the second world war for us was the great patriotic war, but there was a terrible war, perhaps the most terrible losses in the entire history of britain occurred in the summer of 1916 on the somme river, on july 1 chains of british came out of the trenches and moved towards the enemy, officers walked in front, as the commanders behaved to the point of morality. support for the soldiers, i will assume that they dressed in ceremonial uniforms and walked along with the soldiers in a full -length chain, you are happy, happy if i pass further, you will go further, but with a penalty point, unfortunately, because the answer
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is incorrect, the city of arkhangelsk, i heard such an interesting fact that in the battle of the sommi, officers kicked soccer balls for... the australian-new zealand corps landed in this bay, in my opinion,
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as part of the dardonelles operation, but this corps definitely landed there, and why was the name of the bay only because they landed, and well, because anzac is like an abbreviation for the australian , they said it well, don’t remember how they fought there , how exactly, didn’t go very well affairs, in the end everyone had to evacuate from turkey. what do you know, i can see it in her eyes, because this girl usually knows everything very well, i want her to tell me more, i read less, but i still read the correct answer: the first world war on april 25, 1915 on the galleopolis peninsula, well, in general , the derdanel strait is nearby, anzac troops landed, this is an abbreviation for the australian and new zealand army corps, they found themselves in a particularly dangerous zone in ari bay.
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here's the story: at the end of 1914 british military writer lieutenant colonel ernest souventon, returning from france, met in london with the secretary of the national defense committee, colonel hankey. we talked, after which hanki wrote an official report addressed to the prime minister, i won’t even say what his name was, because he naturally didn’t read the report, he was busy with other things. but the report caught the eye of the first lord of the admiralty, he
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became interested and created a committee at the admiralty, i am interested in what was said in the report, what committee was created, and of course, who is the first lord, the admiral of the family, although i ask you about this, but keep in mind that the exact name of the committee, swinton suggested... winston churchill, the first lord admiral of the family, but wait, wait, well, i mean the report got through, winston became interested in it churchill, well, this is hankey’s report with swanton’s submission, yes, yes, be careful, because now is the red carpet and hankey submitted a report to the prime minister, i can mention the name, of course, herbert askite, and winston churchill was interested in the report, the report talked about the possible application. sheathed armor plates on tractors, using them
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as tools for breaking through enemy layered defenses, and winston churchel created why fighters, what trenches, and what was the name of the committee, unfortunately i won’t say what?
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the name of the tank appeared later, but the development was all over, i’m behind, you don’t know, now i ’m reading out the correct answer and you decide, because of course it’s a question. extremely complex, i’m being picky, but this is the red carpet, there is a competition here, you understand, you can see right away, one person wins, the correct answer is: in the report it was about, i quote, an armored all-terrain machine gun fighter on a tractor chassis, and the committee was called for
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land ships, we didn’t get that, the related committee didn’t name what these vehicles were created against, excuse me, i’ll interrupt and want to help you, yes it maybe go to the bank to recoup, well then let’s not count this as an answer, that’s right, i’m just making it easier for you, and there, and there’s a medal, please.
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i’ll assume that it was the neva, rest, dear, what a neva, it was such a river, it still exists, it’s called the ugra, it stood there a colossal army that marched towards moscow, then they all rolled back, from that moment the mongol-tatar yoke ended,
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i liked to hit this river now, they called it a belt. mothers, here’s a story, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, the tandem we have is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a shelving here, father and son leave separately or together from the room ass. in this corner everything is collected for cozy evenings, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, we got to our home, about the comfort, the premiere, today on the first, this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman,
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the guys met at work, we are playing, sales , well, here you are! there’s a girl on this side, the knife hasn’t been cut off, she’s driven me crazy, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, it’s just like our film crew, it’s very beautiful, just what we need, there’s a tradition of celebrating weddings with bells ringing, why do you have three heads the bride, it happened, she’s the second, it seems to me, we’re opening, hurray, the road, the floor, our premiere, we’re playing a wedding, tomorrow at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, come here and you will catch it, i was in
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the studio, dozens saw me. man, you ’re lying all the time, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, we received it from the nichaev spouses you know statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live together in the next world with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, you right now. i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving , after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he’s just... well, he doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lian, frivolous conversation, are they sure that truly love each other, what are you ready for, that's all, life after life, the premiere
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of a serial film, soon on the first one, orderly, driver, philanthropist, good to raise money for hospitals, shlyapin, there was such a singer, he gave free concerts , in petrograd, in moscow, they built infirmaries with this collected money, good ones, what did the moscow mayor offer the singer, and how did he respond?
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the cool people walked around with the livinka, a rollicking crowd, singing about their loved ones and their last days, goodbye to you, village, darling, dark grove and stumps, the poems were written by an employee of the tsarsko-selo ambulance train number 143, called up in 1916, as a member of the imperial majesty .
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from the city of tomsk, she is leaving us because she is smart, i would even say, super smart, so let her be there in the finale, well, you made a mistake twice, that’s why i’m not offering you anything, that’s why you’re a theorist, that ’s all, please, driver,
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maikovsky, it’s clear that maikovsky, but what is the name of the poem? nobody, the poem is called mom killed by the germans
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. i took the poems for you specifically because of this a wonderful name, because the fact that this is mayakovsky, in general, you yourself understand, who else could write such poems, volya, a vologda resident, she was born in the village of nikolskaya , kirillovsky district, when the war began, she wanted to enroll in the twenty-fourth reserve regiment.
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and what tactical unit asked her to create in 1917, the chairman minister anna vinogradova, the city of cherepovets, this girl is maria bochkareva, in the seventeenth year they proposed creating death battalions, these are battalions that were assembled from those soldiers.
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received george posthumously. matvey chigginsov, city of kamensk, uralsky, school number 34. the story about anthony smirnov, well, in the world he was named smirnov, actually begins a very long time ago, from the time when she served as a monk. after the disaster in the tsufin strait, there were not so many eromonks, but according to the fact that every ship must
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have a priest, he was included in... the very selection of those few remaining people who could accept this post, when the time came to resign his powers, the first world war begins, when in the black sea, and a full lecture, this mini-ship was surrounded by a sufficient number of ships, the captain ordered the entire crew to evacuate, a fire started, since the ship itself was equipped with a sufficient amount of explosive materials, and quick death could come to the entire crew very soon , since the fire had already reached the compartment, but it turns out that smirnov read a prayer and did not leave the deck of the ship, supposedly protecting with these special signs, and so that not a single shell from an enemy ship would hit or aggravated the fire and did not lead to the rapid destruction
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of the ship. when the whole crew had already gone down, good, good, he stayed on the deck, i have a different version, but very good, and went to the bottom, thank you very much and for your tears, thank you very much, because he was a wonderful person, a german battle cruiser goeben fired at and set fire to the russian ship, the captain decided to scuttle the ship so that the enemy would not get it, the crew landed on a boat, but anthony's father remained on board, not wanting to leave, i have an even more tender death wounded, in a cassock, with the holy cross and the gospel in his hands, blessing the remaining sailors, the monk went under the water along with the warship, and was posthumously awarded the order.
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for your tears, special thanks, because this is how real wars cry. order! and the last, lyrical, news rarely reaches our doorstep, they gave a white cross to your father, there was grief, there will be grief, there is no end to grief, may saint yegoriy protect your father. the poem is called a lullaby. let me ask who sings the lullaby, that is, who composed the poems, to whom and to whom in
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in quotation marks they gave me a white cross. oh, yes. nokhrina, kaliningrad city. i'll assume it's a force of nature. akhmadovo, a lullaby to her son, lev gumilyov, is a future historian, well, about the fact that her husband, nikolai gumilyov, went to the first world war. and they gave him a shortcut, or didn’t they give him one? perhaps they gave it as a gift? they answered absolutely correctly, such a lullaby was written by anna akhmatova, anna andreevna, nikolai gumelev, poet, cavalryman, in the end, no, then there was only one cross, a two-time knight of st. george, and a son. the scientific order can be worthy of axia, your honor,
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your eminence, only guests play epilogues here, the first and second stands are schoolchildren who have not yet become eleventh graders, and this is where the various students have gathered. school of economics, the red bell was sounded by the russian orthodox church on the occasion that nicholas ii appointed himself commander-in-chief. on this day , emperor nicholas ii became the supreme
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commander-in-chief, we only give medals. if you insist, we can give you an order. i would give an order for a martyr to the tsar. we accept the order, of course, or we agree, we agree to the medal. i accept the order. okay, order, please! question number two: on june 31, 1917, this german was wounded in the left leg, right arm, and neck; he spent the rest of the war in a military hospital in germany; his book was published in 1929. which sold a million copies in germany alone, what was the name of the writer and what is the name of his work? let's get up, cadets
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, deathly, and you didn't change me yourself, no, that is, vaselissa alexandra alexandrovna, yes, okay, that means... let's let him earn money, please georgy tsvetkov, school 283, moscow, tenth grade, they don't, they don't have westerns, they don't, of course, on
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the western front, no change, three medals should be given, all three have medals. how many lives did the first world war take? 10 million lives. well, go yourself, or should i also give you a medal? but i wouldn’t refuse a medal. so let's give it, well, i want freedom. the correct answer is 10 million, even a little more. the epilogue
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is over, but vladyka blessed me to talk to him, watch the advertisement, well, you can’t live without it, without advertising, well, and then my conversation with the lord, he is a very interesting person, to reach a star, or rather a meteorite, a unique material, it really came from... space, we have our own masters, there are not many specialists in our country who generally know how to work with meteorites, our the task was to do mass production, so that each side would touch something that is actually 4.5 billion years old, for the first time you find yourself in conditions of weightlessness, your body begins to rebuild, the design of the hydro pool is based on oil tanks storage, spacesuits are lowered into the water by a crane, divers already meet them there, we hover in a neutral position, do not float or sink, the effect of weightlessness is created. our satellites, they are designed to operate
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in low-earth orbit, satellite data is used a lot in transport, we see every ship that is moving with an activated beacon on the territory of the entire planet, you have a completely russian production, yes, all the ballistics that we use in our companions, we collect here, you tell us, there are aliens, our everything is premiering, today on the first, the show is a fashionable verdict on the first channel. i’m with you, alexander rogov, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she ’s gained weight, a difficult mother, a very mother wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet, well, a good attractive girl.
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from monday on the first, and for you, who or what is a holy man? for me, a holy person is someone who loves another person, and loves sacrificially, sincerely. above, but the one
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who sacrifices himself for the sake of another, i believe that holiness is still not some kind of external good behavior, which our participants talked about today, although one of them noticed some correct features of holiness, it is precisely sacrificial love , but as you and i know, spirituality, as it is called, sometimes holiness is still something that is not subject to our moral laws, necessarily, this is how that same love is tested, it is said, love the lord your god, this is your neighbor, as yourself, but for us christ is an example, he sacrificed himself, for our sake, for the sake of everyone, for your sake, yuri pavlovich, for my sake, for the sake of those boys and girls. which is on your show, so that we can be better, so that
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there is love between us. why am i also very glad that you came to us, because i have some kind of inner conviction that the vologda region is something, if i may say so say, more holy ground than others? i agree with your statement, because most of the school of st. sergei of radanesh spread there. and many saints are... disciples of st. sergius and the monasteries that were founded by his disciples. as you know, the heyday of russian monasticism was precisely the time of the monk. no one for me, the two most striking: this is the venerable demetrius of prilutsk, his interlocutor of the venerable sergius, and the venerable wonderful monastery you have there, and the venerable kirill of beloezersky, his the monastery was considered second in importance after the trinity lavra of st. sergius, there was such a huge
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outpost in the north of our country, and ian vach the terrible was somehow also very surprised at the day.
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didn't nikon ruin it? no, no way. i think to some extent he embellished it. and, by the way, it so happened that, uh, the feropontov monastery, that temple that was given to us for use, his holiness patriarch nikon himself prayed there in his time, a good memory remains of him. have you ever served in a coma? firapont, the feropont monastery, as diocesan bishops serving regularly. and you can’t light candles there. why are we given part of the temples that we can paint, the great frescoes of dionysius, where we don’t serve the frescoes of dionysius, we just go there to admire the wonderful ones, i was told that you can use electric candles, but it seems to me that god needs to bring all the best, not electric, well
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, you can pray everywhere and you can pray among these frescoes without candles, after all, with a candle you are friends with the museum workers. i ruined everything, no, just his smile, his humor, and the humor of this person at that moment when you want to howl from grief or something else, this person will smile and say something that makes you want to live, i love you very much, i value you very much, so i wish you so that the almighty protects you, just in
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case i use this expression, and for muslims, so that it’s good. god bless us all, let's put it this way. amen, i tell you. happy holiday, dear children, how warmly greets me, thank you heartily, thank you, let's pray to the lord.


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