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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 21, 2024 2:00am-2:46am MSK

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textbooks, there is no time for any connections. producer control over what is happening on the screen is lost somewhere in the middle of the fourth episode. absolutely chaotic events are already happening there. scalped girls promise something terrible in the dreams of the main character. raped girls take revenge on their fathers by killing them with a pistol. witches aim their knitting needles at the eyes of children and opponents. and these are not spoilers, producers. clearly, as seen in the tv series , the cyber village and the magic area have completely immersed themselves in utopian folklore and it will be very difficult to get them out of there. and the directors, thank god, seem to thank fate that they actually got rid of this picture at least by the eighth episode. wonderful artists vorozhtsov, rozin, yakomasovo and velkova, judging by their facial expressions, constantly ask themselves the question of what i’m doing here, but some...
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irritated stunnedness is only beneficial in the series, this is quite suitable for teenage horror, and the viewer this time is quite clearly holding on to the jug, recalling the grumpy cop durov from the film i'm walking on moscow, lord, you have messed with my head, hypnotized writers, shell-shocked horses, go to hell, but as for the critic, he sits just like the artists and thinks, lord, what am i watching all this with? this is still the podcast burn with fire and i, its host denis gorelov with a story about the main series new releases on the russian television screen. we are finishing our program with stories about the series kesha must die, directed by the wonderful director bogomolov. it should be noted in advance that behind the transgender heresy that openly outraged russia, we somehow they missed the main message of modern... european cinema, this is a quiet,
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total and consistent struggle with a man, men need to either be fired, expelled, relegated to the periphery, or as often as possible, make them get into dog shit, or leave them in in one underwear in front of the general assembly, nations that have long ago forgotten what war is and what manual labor is, to which men are still more... predisposed, clearly completely nullify their male gender, and profane women's appointments, and defense , and law enforcement, and public administration, modern western countries have a clear feeling that they are heading towards the abyss, making frankly suicidal decisions, which everyone is free to see in the daily news, against this background is the outstanding producer todorovsky, a wonderful director.
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bogomolov and the golden asset of our feminism, screenwriter kozlov, feminism is not always harmful in highly gifted characters, it can be good, as always happens with kozlova, so this trio decided to re-sing in a new way, a modern way, the film the witches of eastwick, once filmed in 1987 , this film came to us in the early nineties and made an impression on many, firstly with a beautiful picture, and secondly with a quartet of star... performers cher, nicholson, phifer and sarandon, now this film is completely impossible to watch, i tried it, it tells the story of three provincial abandoned women doing approximately nothing: one conducts a school choir, the other writes a culinary column in a rural newspaper, and the third churns out identical plaster sculptures of women for souvenir lovers, half a film.
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17 minutes after the start, cher utters an important catchphrase: it’s time to think with your head, and not with what’s between your legs, which the heroines are completely incapable of, and even more so the director of the film miller is not capable of this, because he filmed the motorcycle saga mad max, he is capable think only about what is between your legs, that is, a motorcycle. nicholson, who at the end of the picture still satisfies all the most varied fantasies of heroin, is killed himself. in a perverted way to the delight of the village, and the wealthy architect kesha performed bogomolov himself, has three former wives, a fourth current one, and an extensive personal life with all four, by whispering in the ear of each of them, how much
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he directly loves each of them, all the rest are a complete zero for him, well, somewhere soon enough there will be a trinity ex-wives decides to beat the hell out of him, which, in general, is beyond their strength, due to their brainlessness, armlessness and lack of pomp, screenwriter kozlova is completely merciless towards sisters by gender, which, in fact, is what makes her outstanding authors, the three main furies national screen, yulia snegir, yulia alexandrova and alexander rebenok, play a wide variety of quirks, fools of three such anti-witches. absolute waste, only when looking at the fourth, vasilisa perilogina, the sharp-eyed viewer will catch, this one might succeed, in general, frankly speaking, she is not mistaken, references to the film the witches of eastwick are visible in the film at every step, and
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firstly the hero has such an arrogant, sleepy look like jack nicholson, director bogomolov has had this since childhood, it’s clear that no one except himself... he simply could not trust himself with the main role. in addition, by inseminating his girlfriends, the devil still produces only boys with a clear hint that he will teach them bad things. and besides, kesha, like nicholson in the witch of east, played the violin as a child. finally, an obvious reference to witches is that in the film everyone constantly vomits, including the dog, which is the script and...
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he groups these young ladies around himself because, firstly, he loves them, and secondly, he loves thrills, there are people who are very interested in all sorts of under-the-carpet pins, various jokes, and the general atmosphere of a social gathering with poisonous slander, and people of this kind love life very much, they very easily take root in any atmosphere, in any society, be it here, even in emigration, even in the past council.
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she copes well, basically, after all , her role is masked, but it is obunin’s monologue that gives her some volume, and some ambiguity, to which , frankly, director bogomolov, screenwriter kozlov are great masters, just remember
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the trip of three clujs to pick mushrooms, and where they explode a joint, get stoned with substances prohibited in russia, laugh for a long time, and then... for the sake of a chic gesture, they take off their panties and begin to inhale the magical energy of the wild forest from below, there are no anatomical details there, everything is fine in... the skirts, but at the same time, an obvious group caricature within her reveals that there are actually three truly stellar actresses. in general, the poor, but quite colorful american production became a golden stepping stone to the current gender madness of the united states and europe, which we all we have the opportunity to observe that with regard to our quite respectable series, it demonstrates obvious national characteristics. health, yes, of course, a misogynist, an abuser,
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a manipulator, a male chauvinistic pig, you want to kill kesha directly, i understand girls, but the question arises, crumbs, sweethearts, the crown of creation, what will you do without him, all the heroines, without kesha they are completely unable to earn the standard of living to which they were accustomed. they all didn't have enough fun with their men, they were quite upset with their own children let's say, they are quite frankly bored without the cache without any thrills that it brings them, what to do in this case, absorb the magical energy of the wild forest from below, there is nothing more to do, in conclusion we can say that all sorts of anomalies, paranmalities and so on have become, perhaps , the main topic today.
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that zone, which was previously monopolized by the four graduates of the belarusian kvn and layan shlippok zhalinsky, whom i mentioned many times, these four, after the hyper-success of cheburashka, began to invest with the widest fan into any topic, little by little beating off the theme, for example, tsekal and samokhvalovo, they were replaced by new ones, so we can expect that the next tv series seasons will be held precisely under the sign of all sorts of psychics,
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paranorality and unusualness. it was a podcast, mount with fire and i, hosted by denis gorelov, with a story about the main series new releases on the russian television screen. this is a must-read podcast, i'm gla anabatnikova. today we are discussing gustov flaubert and his novel madame bavari with actress alexandra revenko and oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that today our guest is the director of the moscow transport museum, because in the novel mrs. bavari plays a very important role in transport. there are several scenes with caretta, and also with... with coachman and ver, who takes mrs. bavarie on a date, and
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mrs. bavarie encounters this beggar moment, which foreshadows her tragic ending. in general, we can say that transport plays a huge role in this novel, and oksana, as an expert in french culture , is well versed in this and will tell us today the entire sociocultural background of this novel. oksana, you are a francophone, you have lived for 13 years. paris, you probably represent the sociocultural context of this novel better than all of us. please tell us why he made such a big impression, why he, so to speak, shook the moral foundations, why flaubert was put on trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why did this novel so shake the moral foundations of that very beautiful france, i was always surprised by this moment. yes such a system. very interesting double standards, yes, of a peculiar french society, on the one hand puritanical, for
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catholic, now we will talk about another iconic work of the great philosopher, jean-jacques rousseau, émile education, yes, who actually gave the definition of woman and her place in french in the first society, on the other hand, we know that this is a country of great courtesans, in general in our russian, french imagination... a fantastic work of course, like this, if you skim through it, read it, you think, god my, wow, how good it is that we are not at the end of the 14th century or there at the beginning of the nineteenth, and so a woman was defined as a certain, jean jacrusoo defined as some other alien creature, attention, attention, deeply different in moral,
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ethical foundations, the principle of life and even for some reason food, apparently because the french love to eat very much, they still love it. pleasure rather than the defining difference with a man, and who a woman was supposed to be, which accordingly left an imprint on her upbringing, she should love her husband, cook deliciously, please him, this is a kind of representation of bourgeois society, yes, this is the absolute work of a great philosopher with definitions, almost quotes, she should like to read, listen carefully to her husband or her man, we remember that interesting... .
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just as when he wrote, he probably experienced even more changing handkerchiefs and sobbing, yes, that is, when he finished the novel, he burst into loud crying and said to madame bavari semois, it’s me, it’s me, by the way, we are still there. let’s raise this topic, that is, how, as a flapper , he managed to embody this female psychology, but it seems to me, alexandra, when you were preparing and reading, you found this emotional portrayal of this role, that is, the beginning, convincing. and the end, this is how it comes to it, this tragic end to which it comes, it is justified, it is understandable, this path, you can describe what is happening to her in general, so she married this charles bavari doctor, when i took novel in my hands, i have already begun to prepare for the role, and as they often do actors, and most often you speak for your
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character, and from the very beginning you begin to justify him, because... your logic is only contained in this story and it will be strange to disagree with the characters and you are just doing what you justify you justify it, you justify it, you come up with why she acted exactly like that, more logically you look for these moves so that it fits into the emotional background, it was simple, it was very, very difficult, because in our play the director is andrei.
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loves her madly, just the way she is, and he makes many sacrifices in this work, for her sake, well, again, not because of his knightly nature or let’s say some pompous ideas, he simply accepts her as such or accepts this world, because it is as it is, because it is, in fact, one of the players in that society, the bourgeois society, which flaubert is very beautiful, possessing practically... the work really sounds - very colorful and musical, with him has its own rhythm, which is very beautiful described on the sides, yes, that is, there are three sections, in each there are, or rather 13 sections, in
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each there are, in my opinion, 10 certain sonnets and so on, in general, the symbol of the circle in the novel, firstly, charles, ball, yes , nabokov, he has an absolutely wonderful lecture on foreign literature, one of them is about the novel by madame bavaria. and just there it is very interestingly described about these circles, for example, weddings, the symbol of a circle, how the procession goes, around, a round cake, then also the funeral of charles’s father, emma’s funeral in three coffins, in general, this is all multi-layered i think she was buried in three coffins, again, and charles, who promised this, they tell him: it’s expensive, but he says, i don’t want anything. yes, he tells his mother, you didn’t love her, well, by the way, here again i also cannot agree with you, it seems to me that again
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there is a symbol of a circle in this, charles is so closed in himself that i can’t say that he loves emma as she is, it seems to me that he doesn’t know her, he fell in love with her, for him, well, with her appearance, but it turns out, well, maybe inside, she was young the girl who lived. on the farm, airy, sublime, with some dreams, dreams of a big city, reading novels, yes, of her life together, reading novels, she had some kind of education, which she received in a monastery, and some completely , apparently, she read low-grade literature, but maybe, of course, she had a rich imagination, yes, that is, a lady with a rich imagination is really filled with a global illusion...
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the narratives in the novel, well, about ten ten years earlier, the thirties, forties, but precisely at the end of the 19th century, in the sixties of the 19th century, that
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big problem arose, including problems associated with the transformation of family life in general, the female role, the female role in society, and so on and so forth, which well, it was dictated by the context. constant change of regimes in france, then it’s a republic and great freedom, then it’s again a monarchy again, like such an ossified way of life, then it’s again the bourgeois spirit of the era of napoleon ii, but we all remember these shiny and black fireworks-like times and the first thing that affected women and lifestyle changes. the emergence of the first, probably, feminist movement at this moment, this is precisely the need for education, a change in education, because surely a woman, and the same madame
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bavari, having great opportunities in education, would not have fallen for the bait of this cunning dress merchant , yes, who absolutely screwed her up and entangled her in a terrible credit history, which led to that same family tragedy later. cities and in general a person who knows medicine, with an education, just a man who you can cling to and somehow get through so that he can take you out of there, we’re talking
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about charles, right? to raise from his charles, a mid- level physician, a great medical scientist who performed a complex operation to become a hero, of course, a poor unfortunate coachman. became the hero of the tabloids throughout paris - he was definitely provoked, and ema supported and moved to the big city, that’s what she wanted, she understood that on her own, i i think she understood that on her own, that she didn’t have her own strength to change the foundations of the system, but she really wanted to, in general, now i think so, that of course
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a flaber’s novel is an amazing...
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something like that, this is a podcast a must read, i'm aglana badnikova, we're discussing the novel by gustoy flaubert, madame pavari, with actress alexandra revenko and director of the moscow transport museum, art critic oksana bondarenko. you can find all episodes of the podcast as a must-read on the website of the first channel, here is emma at first she becomes interested in her neighbor, the insidious
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rudolf, who seduces her greatly. at first she gets carried away, without the physical, it’s platonic, but she revels so much, with this feeling that this is platonic love, she cannot afford to come closer, yes, that this is love that cannot happen, like in those beautiful novels, which she read in the monastery, of course, but then we move on to more realistic situations when the neighbor rudolf seduces.
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i was so in this sense, i don’t even know how to say, melancholic or hippochantic, because for him, as it were, the meaning of his prose, in particular in madame bovary, is an image of current modern society, obviously, as vulgar and disgusting, that is, he did not have any other terminology or even a different message to describe the environment. he does not give any evaluative opinions about his heroes, that is, he does not say or condemn bad, good, cunning, flatterer, madam bavari, vicious, absolutely not, but he somehow guides you through the work in such a way that turns each of the characters, well...
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because what a stupid, naive girl, in the third moment, hmm, how beautiful she plays, how playful and sensitive she is, how beautifully she plays with this young leon, in her relationship with whom, it seems to me, she is taking the rap for all her resentment received from the first lover, yes, this skilled heartthrob, on the other hand you think, my god, looking at this character through a strict prism, wow, what a strong woman. like this, take actually resist take jump headfirst into this in this omot from the very beginning it seems to me that she walks, that is, like a horse, but she is desperate, of course, very brave, she runs through some fields in the morning, but she draws
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vital energy from this, she somehow came up with this for herself, this is the philosophy of her life, she sees in this the very real life, its only representation. a woman must live, okay, so emma has a moment, as it seems to me, of choice, that is, she is seduced by this rudolf, they live some kind of beautiful story, stereotyped, vulgar, but nevertheless , for emma, ​​probably for the first time, so to speak, she's somehow an adventure, yes, she experienced the one she wanted, having already lived this story, she is abandoned by this lover, having dug... emma experiences nervous days and 43 nights, and she actually has a new breakdown, having received this farewell letter, yes, 43 is learning to eat, learning to walk, that is, it’s like she
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’s being born again, yes, but having survived this crisis, there ’s also a big question whether she really was sick, in fact, when she was working on the role, and we talked a lot about this, how long she was actually sick, no one does not know. and where she played, it seems to me that even she herself could not understand, that is, perhaps she played some kind of role, right? of course, on the other hand, she also wanted to attract charlie’s attention, in fact, throughout the entire novel, everyone is surprised how charles didn’t see it like that, emma herself wanted him, somehow yes, so that he would pay attention to me, this illness, too , as, perhaps, one of the reasons to pay attention to it, well, okay, so she survived this illness, perhaps feigned, yes, but nevertheless... she believes in it, so she, having survived this, she descends into new novel, that is, she has a real family for whom she can really do something, but she chooses, let’s say, to continue to follow
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this path of conformity with her illusion, this simulacrum of a beautiful life, because we can say that this is the point of choice, we have already we can’t say about her that she’s naive, she didn’t know that this was happening, that this was happening? after this story with rudolf, she already understands that everything is not as it seems to her, she has already faced, so to speak, reality, which destroyed her illusions, mm, well here, for me personally, this is still a controversial question, whether it was a choice, and this may be a great reluctance and not the inability to abandon the chosen illusion, in fact, it seems to me, following this novel, there really is a clash of understanding of reality. at the very end of the novel, which led to her death, is connected with one thing: after all, every love in the person of her lover, although it was viciously personified for her, judging by the books that she read, but by a certain knight who must definitely come to her aid,
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save her from her hated husband, which did not happen with her first lover, or at least get her out of the debt hole, yes, that is, wait for money, and after all, the first one to whom she rushes to find out about her crazy... there is no more this illusion, leads her, in fact, to this monstrous poisoning, here most likely, as if there is that very point of choice, to die from the pain of realizing reality, this very terrible thing
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was hit only by charles, who in the end already knew about the fact that there were these lovers, he found their letters, but after emma’s death, but he still still dies with a lock of hair in his hand, he was ready, in theory, to accept it as it is, that is, he is essentially the only bravest person in general, i also can’t say that i’m not sure that emma wanted to die, it seems to me this is some kind of romantic image... she already sees herself as the heroine of the novel and now she is being poisoned, it even seems to me that she doesn’t think that she will die, that she will be hurt, she herself reads the novel to herself, just as she wrote letter to rudolf, i am the heroine of my novel, i am a criminal in love, she, she thinks that she is some kind of character that she is leading, already when she feels the effect of arsenic on herself, then she understands that this is real life, that she really feels, it’s scary, here... she feels that same real life, finally, that she can’t just
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poison herself, then she will suddenly feel better, that’s it, this is the end, here she remembers charlie before her death, that he is her only love of her whole life, we can say that emma, she is in this game of hers, yes, well, let ’s say, this illusory one, where she plays this the heroine raman, in whom she believes, we can say that she is talented, because, for example, when she, having already met leon in rouen in the theater, having met him, let’s say, with a break of several years, she decides that makes an appointment for him in the cathedral, just think about it, a date in the cathedral and he is waiting for her, she comes, and that she is going to make a confession to the priests, because it’s beautiful, because it’s a move, or in general he’s even dumbfounded, yes, when he sees, that the mistress came to...
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it seems to me that flaber outraged everyone by that he showed uh, this inner secret life, very clearly, very truthfully, it seems to me that every person has some kind of secret life that he does not want to show to others, some kind of shadow country, everyone has it, and since the novel is dedicated to this shadow country, the focus is on it, yes, on this shadow side of emma, ​​then it outrages... but in fact it outrages, because everyone has this country, because it is
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very truthful from the point of view of life, it just has true, artistic true, sometimes you just don’t want to look in the mirror, what flaubert did with this novel, he put before the entire french society, catholic, puritan, he put a big, huge mirror, and it’s not bad, in my opinion, of course, he caused a storm .
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oksana, as an expert on french society, please tell me, here is emma bavari and her husband, charles bavari, who are they? is it middle class or what, are they rich, are they poor, it's difficult to understand from our point of view, because it seems that the doctor, it seems it seems that they have servants, they even have some kind of estate that she is secretly selling at the same time. there they ride on some kind of, well, relatively speaking, minibus, yes, it goes to rouen, on this carriage, where everyone is packed, well, this is our minibus, yes, or there they tie up some kind of wooden shoes - so that with these yes , and her mother-in-law scolds her for the fact that the upholstery of the chairs costs two francs, the material, a meter of two francs, is very expensive, it should be a maximum of 10 sous, and - only the senior member should have a chair
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families and a lot of armchairs - it’s too luxurious, new curtains are too luxurious, in general, it’s stra, well, that is, i want to somehow correlate this with our reality, that is , what class do they belong to? i’ll answer in flaberian style, they belong to the bourgeois class, but only in flaberian terminology, a direct translation of bourgeois or there, plus or minus a similar translation, this is a citizen, this is a resident, a citizen, well...
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which you just talked about and charles’s mother is this such pettiness in the details of the same cunning seller of outfits for flaubert the same charles, that is, for flaubert, although he seems to be a physician, for flaubert - this is just a vivid description of a purely material bourgeois society or the one that has developed. some kind of speech against mishchansky society, she dared to make some kind of revolution, some trying to break it with her behavior, which was completely out of context, trying
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to break these foundations of materialism, but it seems to me that she herself, that same bourgeois, well, including her mishchanka , but she tried?
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persuades, she says: it’s very expensive, we can’t help ourselves, we can, just study music, go to rouen, take lessons, and flabert, when he says, madame bavari is me, do you agree that he managed to penetrate into female psychology, we believe emma and to her feelings, when we read a novel,
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it seems to me that when we even pick up a book, then we are somehow offered circumstances, as... they say in our theater, we are immersed in them and also become part of this story, of course, we believe because we get used to the narrative style, to the language, we ourselves become part of the book that we are reading, but i considered this statement of the flauber somewhat differently when he said, madame bavraisa imua, mm, not from the point of view. comparing oneself with a female psychotype or understanding female psychology, but rather, most likely for him, buvari is a kind of collective image in which he, among other things, sees himself as a person, mm, who does not recognize the environment, well, this mishchansky way of life, here's my ...


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