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tv   Vor  1TV  April 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:50pm MSK

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soldiers, listen to the commander’s order, you’re good, man, oh well, you don’t care, let’s go home, you won’t bite, now such a glutton will begin, this weather, you know, will bite. i told you, it’s polenvodka, so you’ve already written it down, guschin, you hear, you’ll hand over the key to the room to the commandant, yeah, just don’t forget, oh, lyokha, lyokha, he’s not a good person. well, yes, he’s an idiot, but not
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all of us are like that, so now what, why are you born a dad? sanya, you would have done it differently, well done, they say rightly, stubborn from the second happiness, well done, now you even the maize workers apparently decided to finish off their ears with your ticket, thank you, lyokha, you’re a great pilot, you can’t live without the sky.
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i know, they wanted to kick me out too, thank you for taking yourself, forget it, lesh, come to moscow, but ask your father, no. “listen, there is no point in continuing our conversation, you understand, you killed me, i didn’t kill you, i wrote a report that you cannot work as a pilot in our company, but you got a job here, okay, this one is not good, that one is not good , yes, you are the only one here, pilot, excuse me, but not a single pilot trainee passes through your company, maybe it’s your fault, but excuse me, maybe it’s me too, maybe i should not allow “unbalanced” people into the company? uncontrollable,
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inattentive people, like i do, i have the honor, young man, yes, but the problem is solved simply, you need to stop typing, who, these, and why were you late, it’s your fault, you woke up, you will tell the passengers this, okay, give me the documents well, why are the characteristics so bad ? ? let's figure it out, let's go to the simulator, it's a standard takeoff, have the conditions favorable, proceed.
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the landing gear is retracted, the mechanization position is zero, that was it. mikhail pavlovich, give us cloudiness and average turbulence. you would occupy the 160th echelon, be calmer, you hear me, i hear, i hear, it’s more convenient for me, it goes around from above, dashingly, mikhail pavlovich, add a little. and the engine is right.
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engine fire, i'm landing, leaving for the nearest airfield, mikhail pavlovich, external -5 celsius, runway 800.
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so what, what did you land? i look at the facts: a military pilot crashed a plane, which is great, you started to bring it down on purpose, because don’t say a word against you, as always absent, pilot gavrilyuk, pilot buremenko, pilot shapovalov, pilot prokhorov, prokhorov on the ropes, there are rules, there are instructions, and his characteristics are worse than ever, so there’s nothing to defend him, i’m not defending anyone , it’s just that even you wouldn’t have landed the plane in such conditions, and no one would have landed it, okay,
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hold it, let’s do the same thing. why are you so your it seems like no, is it really similar, what a rhinoceros left it here, forgive me, a woman would never put it like that for sure one of the pilots, what kind of people, give me the keys, why, let’s try to fly, come on, what are you a pilot or something, hold on!
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thank you, these are the keys for you. i'm lyosha, alexandra, alexandra, can you give me a lift to the metro? leonid savich, you need to sign the exam protocol, what are you thinking about, mr. pilot, former, former pilot, the exam today
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was a complete failure, a dude, or something, but on the contrary, he decided to show the authorities the level, so you chose smarter, you have to be smarter, wow. and what are you doing? well, not all this nonsense, but flying is nonsense? argue with an instructor - this is stupidity. i envy your confidence. what is important to you? fly or your ego? what does the ego have to do with it? this is what i adore in men, what does the ego have to do with it, what does it have to do with me, it’s everyone else’s fault, is this how it all turned out? will you finally take off this where are you going? what do you even understand about this matter? here's another? of course, what do i understand? you might think, only you understand? who? are you quiet, what? just shut up, what? yes, i will. get out of the car. hooray. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decides to transfer crimea
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to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first ones more, that none of this would matter. a tyrant fanatic. there is nothing there, as he likes to say, an attempt... they pulled their hands like that and said to the russians, my tears flowed, the premiere is a big story,
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how khrushchev surrendered crimea, today on the first, voice, final, live broadcast on saturday on the first. this doesn’t mean anything yet, everything will depend
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on how you show yourself, you are not yet an airline pilot, but a trainee, you have a probationary period, you obey my orders and service instructions, after each flight i will submit a report on how you performed, but keep in mind, i see everything, if anything is wrong, the report is on the table and goodbye, uh-huh, thank you, and forgive me for doing something that's not how it happened there, he said.
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thank you, it’s better to go to voronezh, but is she also a pilot? who? this girl who was in shturbansk, alexander, are you at work or where? hello, meet our new co- pilot, trainee. girls, hi, hello, oh, sorry, old man, i didn’t
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see you right away, well, yes, i’m invisible, so what? about the climbing wall, vick, maybe we can go together, adrenaline, i have enough adrenaline without the climbing wall, yeah. victoria, it’s very nice, flight attendant foreman, if you need to figure something out, please contact me. got it, andryush, calm down, you’re not a pilot, light, i don’t want to be a pilot, victoriously, except for pilots, he doesn’t perceive other men. good afternoon, dear passengers, says ship commander lomet tinchenko, on behalf of the crew, i welcome you on board our aircraft, the flight operates on route.
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remove chassis. the landing gear is retracted, well, here we are at home, i don’t know, everything is fine, the passengers there are worried, it’s normal, that’s it, can i have some black coffee, girls, stronger, demon.
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i won’t allow a crew member to be rude, but where are the rude people? how do you talk to andrey, is he your friend? yes, i was joking, i’m just a woman’s job, in the sky any job is a man’s, wife, children, who do you have? yes, no, komikaze, don’t take care of yourself, and bury others, well, in general, thickets, draw conclusions, i
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warned you. it’s possible to congratulate, well, okay, we’ve had lunch, so we’ve turned around with their backs to each other, then sveta comes in from the second case and says: i just saw this, did you say something, did you say something that you didn’t like? let me put a cutlet, something happened to you, they gave you a problematic intern, oh, my god, again a problematic intern, it would be better if you were like that - messing around with your son, you actually have a family, it’s normal, we have a family, yeah, my husband works , the wife too,
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the son is a idiot, he is not a idiot, he just doesn’t see you, i don’t see you either. what are you doing, what are you doing? valerie, are you crazy? do you understand that this is the third floor? normal, what? i how many times have i said, there’s a door in the house, stop climbing the windows, acrobat, you’ll come up from the balcony, who ’s going to collect it for you, what is this, where is this new one or something, and why are you going to prison, yeah, let’s start drinking some more, smoke, i don’t drink, i don’t smoke, i’m a street guy, who, thank you for finally asking, so you and english have
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a strong male friendship, you ask me again, oh, listen, i’m saying, when you retake the session, i don’t know , bye, who... face the door, good night, son, oh, helen, it’s you that i need, wait, listen, len, there’s an idiot here, we need to improve his english, i mean, a tutor, yeah,
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i’d love to, i just, well, it’s really, really necessary. a relative or what kind of relative, the son was taught the language somehow, well, he failed the test, look, he’s generally capable, but he’s just an idiot, and you’re reliable, help me out, just don’t let him down, you’ll drop by in the evening, you know,
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i’ll allow boarding , wind 180° 2 m/s, cup, just get out please, please, vic, listen, what is this? chassis retracted, mechanization, position one, speed checked, position one, line 117, missed approach, let me take control, lost control, are you crazy, do you
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realize what you are doing, excuse me, it seemed, well, leonid saevich, you give me, the whole control room is there now it’s worth my ears, i think. what a toman, yes, but if it weren’t for you, yes, they would have done something bad, but i already told this intern, which intern, this is a turkish plane , for no apparent reason, began to enter the runway right where you were boarding, i don’t even know how you saw it there in the fog, what did you see, well, what, a turkish boeing, if only they wouldn’t have reacted so sharply, they wouldn’t have gone for a second round, i’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened, hello, hello, but i tell you...
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the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, to the right, to the left, up to down, to everything, answering, yes boss, and my father
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never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you use social networks, is it interesting for you, before i became president, i headed the state development organization. and the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad, today on the first. cognac oldbar is a product of the stellar group, there is an organized
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spy network in the city, and we could reveal it, from now on you take on everyone he meets, in case of danger you will not show, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. egor was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so you wouldn’t see it, suspect egor of something, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, tomorrow after the program time.
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how beautiful you are, you are the most beautiful pilot in the world, it’s so difficult to be a pilot, but do you know what it means to be a woman, a pilot? how much it takes to fight my way, i need to be two heads taller in order to be accepted as an equal, otherwise, they will trample on you if before the flight i say over the speakerphone, dear passengers, i am the co-pilot of alexander kuzmina, these respected passengers will raise such a cry, the woman shut her up, you know, how insulting. well, here we
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are again talking like two pilots in an sturmov aircraft, well, let's start with the fact that you are not a pilot yet, but a trainee, maybe i shouldn’t come to you, but he was kind, don’t worry, be tougher with him, okay ? your coffee, thank you, thank you, black strong without sugar.
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vic, get on the plane, andryush, didn’t it seem to you that our co-pilot today some kind of strange, vic, get on the plane, please, get on the plane, vika. so what is it? this is a revolution, vika. why are they going to make us red? quiet, dispatcher. passengers are being checked. only foreign citizens will be released, locals will remain here. why? the rules are like this.
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what about those, you can’t, they’re screwed here, read the control card, wait, let’s try to do something, you can probably contact the consulate, read.
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we are foreign citizens, we have no right to interfere, this is their business.
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hi, what happened to you, something happened, hello, these rules of yours are completely similar, lyosha. where's your corkscrew? lyosh, someone is dying, but they tell you, our rules are like this, well, yes, this is exactly what every girl wants to hear, sash, why is the whole city bathhouse, you know what happened, that we were in africa, we were there refugees, we could take them on board, yes, i know, then why am i wondering, lesh, why do men, instead of... acting, start complaining, well, i should have stopped the plane, what’s the problem? sash, let’s just go without these guys of yours, and you’re just on you're brave in the kitchen, and you're out of your mind, don't yell at me, don't yell at you, don't yell at me, you're a complete
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fool, that's it, don't say another word, hello, taxi, sasha, can i get a car, festival two, first entrance, i'll put you in. will be waiting at the entrance, yes, thank you, he is undergoing treatment, yes, the money is at the helm, hello. you think that i fly often, you’re wrong to think so, i don’t fly often, when we fly, we’ll fly soon, yes, you probably think that i
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fly often, but i don’t fly often, well, i ’ve organized everything else, please, thank you, maybe you too something? no, but we finally waited, board 117, all passengers are on board, we are ready for takeoff, your seats are here, please sit down like this, come on, fasten your seat belt, have a nice flight, so, lady, bring me some brandy, now it’s no longer possible, taxiing begins, as soon as we land, i ’ll bring it right away. and you don’t understand who it is? we don’t read newspapers, we don’t watch tv, right? seryozha, don’t play around! wait a minute! leonid savich, this one there, demands cognac. well, come on, let him choke. yes. trimer, 30%. management, verified.
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well done, i like everything. your cognac. thank you, we tried. please stub out your cigarette; smoking is prohibited on board during the entire flight. and why are you dropping me off? are you violating the rules of conduct on board, who don’t you know? on the spot, according to the instructions , the pilot has no right to leave the cockpit, and if this is a provocation to hijack the plane, cigarettes, please, who are you? co-pilot, here you go, don’t drive, don’t get distracted, what are you doing, says port-117,
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emergency, i’m going back to the terminal, yes, i’ll tell you let me tell you, this intern let everyone down under the monastery. and what he’s doing, come on, come on, don’t be lazy, let him go.
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hello good bye. “i told you that he’s just about to do what, can’t you see that he’s going crazy, you need to lock yourself away, you yourself said not to lock yourself out, come on, move away from the crossbar, do you even realize that...” you do , her husband works in my air squadron, how can i look him in the eye, what kind of husband is he, he’s not at home, he flies all the time, like you, what did you think , what did he think, what did you tell him, didn't say anything, buzz, buzz, what happened? people!
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come on, repeat, i won’t apologize, and i envy this brat, as i was taught, sit tight, they harass you, keep quiet, they spit in your face, be patient, i can’t say it here, it’s emphasized here, we’re afraid of everything, we hide behind the instructions, it’s unclear when and by whom they came up with it, every day like this, you know nothing, i endure it, and i tolerate it, but he doesn’t tolerate it, because the guy is right. first teach your right guy to behave normally, that means we have the same board the asians have secured, he's leaving today, we're changing the crew, you're flying, the trip is for at least a month, so you can sit out while you're in the noise, he'll take with him two experienced co-pilots for a shift, take anyone, the best one, we're firing this sucker, daughter , no, we’re not firing, i don’t understand, we’re not firing, is he your son or what? no, not a son, he is a pilot from
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god, you and i have hands, and he has wings, he does such things in the cockpit, i can’t do that, so thank you, of course, but i won’t fly without him, there was also a cop in charge , no hearing, no intelligence, unexpected number, cool surprise , button accordion, so ingrained, why do you need such a handsome one, why do you need it.
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look after the evening news, this is a fashion verdict on the first channel with you, i, liliya rakh, girls, we are guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what is it, let’s quickly get to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, you're done. relationship with a sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one told me that i’m beautiful and never, we try, we start a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit, to be a husband , children, when to be a girl? let's go on a date in this image,
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dear mother, well, it's not me anymore, all together, beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on the first, with fabulous ease the lonely resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why you are repeating yourself, but i am not i repeat, my god! are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i'm an avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being
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here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there is a film. for everyone, this cannes, i decided so, let him stay with me, and the retake, he’ll be kicked out of the institute, he’ll retake it in a month, he’ll just learn the language, they only speak english there, well , that’s impossible, you know, is it like a fire or something? i left half of my things at home, i caught a taxi, i forgot to put my socks in, i’ll buy them myself, okay, just don’t forget, why are you so smart, where did you dress up, me? “i go to work like this all the time, always, always, every day, uh-huh, what are you doing, why, well, get out of there, you heard what i told you, what there’s no point in taking him away for a whole month, he’d sit at home with his textbooks, and i’d keep an eye on them,
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which means it’s just disgraceful, valerka, stop, do you hear, i said stop, but it’s not humanly possible to kiss sein? that’s it, bye, cool, well, let's say goodbye, this is a pass, don't forget to return the socks, uh-huh, bye , bye, bushchin, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot will be flying together in the same crew for 4 weeks, getting ready for takeoff, first watch . kuzmina, second gushchin,
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hello, dad, can i be a stranger here, you can’t go in the cabin, go into the cabin, i’ll take your bag. and stewardest? you did it on purpose, right? why did you take me on purpose? on purpose, they say, your hand is light. sash, get ready for eh.
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kanwu island was heard, a volcanic island in the north, they just reported that there was an earthquake there, there is a possibility of new tremors, they are asking for help to evacuate the injured and wounded, we are the closest flight empty, the airline says the decision is at our discretion, we flew, says 117, changing course to convo.
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two decimal 36 guas 117 you are cleared to land at runway 0917 located the gas 117 convo tower.
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"je suis là, on est là, tout le monde s'occupe de nous, t'inquiète pas, regarde, je
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suis avec toi, respire, tout va bien, tout ira bien. olya, olya, you cover yourself, olya,
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ah !
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where are your parents
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get it where are you where are you get it?
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listen to me carefully, don’t move away, don’t move away from the plane and don’t worry, in a few minutes we will receive permission,
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the main runway is destroyed, we’ll have to call for backup. from the mainland, but it’s only in the morning, over there is the pressure tower plant, there’s another runway there, no, you see what’s going on there, a sea of ​​fire, the fuel is burning, the fuel storage has exploded, of course, when it burns out, you can try to fly in, but that runway is short, it’s for small aircraft, your plane is too heavy, it won’t even have time to accelerate, so here’s the bus.
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drivers, let's go back, and they collapse me there, and if on the mikrike, of course you can. i don't know what to do with them, i say try, but there are still 30 people left, they won't fit in one car, what did i go, no, i didn’t go, yes, we still can’t fly yet, i’m quick, so you’re a pilot and your business
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is the plane, stay here, and what then? “we flew, we’ll leave them here, why are you here at all, i’m quick, i’m with you, i’ll show you to the plane, stay here. they’ll sort it out without you, these are adult matters, and i’m not 7 years old anymore, leonid saevich, leonid saevich , he won’t take everyone away, let me, i’ll go with him, andrei, look after my boy, okay,
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the simple boy benito mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if it weren’t for the warm support of the educated and thinking. of people. his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, who published the first one. a grammatical fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism two. tomorrow, on the first day. today. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i’m talking about, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, me
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saw dozens of people, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well , understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the non-tip spouses you know i received a statement after death... they don’t want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll say it right now lenka, that i'm leaving, to in the end, she’ll be the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i’ve worn him out with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, lean, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? for everything, life after life, the premiere
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of a multi-part film, soon on the first one.
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help, help us, help, we're here, please. calm down, speak russian, are you following us? yes, there is a child stuck there, where on the bus, bus he fell down, he can’t get inside , he can’t get inside, please don’t stop, do something like i told you there, my son is there, help, where are you going, bush, valera, valera, got out of there, i got through, little girl, he’s alive there, nastya, i told you, sit tight, unfold your mitriks, seat people in cars and wait, yeah. okay, maybe he can
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help, don’t, go to the car, follow me, don’t panic, now we’re being evacuated, organized, everything is behind me, organized, let’s follow my comrade, i’m here, you’re wounded, no, come on crawl here, i can’t, my leg is pinched, give me your hand, push with your foot, come on, come on, we can do it. what is this, oh my god, the radio broadcast, it’s really bad there, lava is burning, soon there will be roofing felt.
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and variera, variera, come on faster, faster, let’s fire faster, oh my god, come on faster, faster, please,
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what kind of plane is this, that light cargo plane, it’s in working order, it should be in working order, and where are the pilots? the pilots were killed, where is the crew, their takeoff run is short, there is a chance that the remaining runway may be enough, but if it's not enough. we have no choice, we have to get out of here, what's on this cargo plane? yes, prepare passengers for boarding, wait for the buses and take off.
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let's go back, where to go back, the airport is ahead, quiet. back, but i'm trying to go back, where? let
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him do something, quickly everyone out of the car, quickly, let's go, let's go, let's go, faster, faster, get out of the car, quickly out of the car, come on. hurry up, hurry up, come on , come on, hurry up, andrey, andrey, through the roof, can you hear, hurry up, alive, alive, i’m asking, thank you, great, oh, thank you, look, thank you, there are miracles, go
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here, this is the airport, and there is also a road, yes, yes, yes, now, comrades, what... do you know another road to the airport here, you can go down the cliff, but don’t lag behind, don’t stretch, have the buses arrived? i didn’t understand something, what road should they take to return? there is nothing there anymore, they will not return. i, of course, apologize, but if we don’t take off in 5 minutes, then there will be no runway at all. everyone on the plane? so, come on, come on,
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come on, get out,
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lower the flaps, let's go, maybe to the side, i need more, hold it like this, and i climb, you are in the middle, yes, what is this, yes, calm down, you are a woman, step, speed of decision-making, leonid savich, there is not enough stripe, separation.
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you got up, why did you get up, who’s in charge here, are you the commander? you're the commander, hey, so , that's it, stop panicking, let me figure it out, we're asking you how we're going to fly, we'll fly along the second runway at the end of the field, everyone's on board, quickly,
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organized, organized, calm, calm, so prepared, they said that women and children, come in, women. please sit down, please sit down, please sit down.
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please take off your helmet.
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why are we up, commander, why aren’t we taking off? the fuel is burning, so what to do? do you see the tower? well, there is water there, the cables are about to break. the tower will capsize, we will have a few seconds to take off, and if it doesn’t capsize, we’ll discuss everything after the soft landing, come on, go to the salon, you are needed there.
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the takeoff was carried out in extreme conditions, the plane is flying through volcanic ash, how soon they can get out of the ashes is unknown, but the second one could catch fire, is there anyone nearby?
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chkal, yes, come on, go to the salon, see what there, tell me, they will feed me, but what, i have people, the engine vibration is strong, the engines are filled with ash, the chassier is also in trouble, are you ready? new information, switch to the second channel, the fuel tank was damaged during takeoff,
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there is apparently a fuel leak, fuel reserves are decreasing, and there is not enough land. i repeat tuklny tank leoniz saevich intern intern gushchin gushchin are you alive and how are you, are you okay, what’s wrong with alexandra? everything is fine, where is valera, put on your headphones, put on your headphones, there they are, valera, can you hear, can you hear, i would never didn't germinate. valera, valera, can you hear me? danisavich, this, this is me already, i understand, an intern, alive, well, you’re powerful, you’re 5 years old or something,
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i waited until the last moment, the plane was refueled. lenya, how much fuel do you have left there, about 20 minutes, if you’re lucky, maybe you can reach the net to the ground, it’s impossible, it’s a miracle that we’re flying, what instructions are there for such situations, and what instructions could there be,
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i... once i saw a tv show, there was an acrobat climbing from one plane to another, right in the air, natsavich, there’s an idea, as one says... familiar, final, final, this is what is needed now, so, you descend to a minimum altitude of up to 300, this is possible, let’s say you can keep the minimum speed, 350 no higher, well, let’s say, if the pressure is close to normal, i
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’ll try open the door, i close your tail, you open the trium. but we transport people along the cable to my port, and this is generally possible, theoretically it seems yes, but practically no one... well, chikalov, it’s only the military man who has a parachute behind him, and we have 200 souls, but not 200,
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dear passengers, pilot alexey gushchin is speaking to you, our plane is flying to the mainland, soon you will be safe, but next to... then look, it’s easy for you to say, tamara igorevna, you probably haven’t found yourself in such a situation, are you sure who will be responsible for this? we just won’t bother them now.
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i can't change it. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, made decisions from the barsky shoulder. transfer crimea to ukraine. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. fanatic, madur himself. none there as he likes to say, an attempt to bring down
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the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who gave birth in western ukraine. the protocol was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, for some reason khrushchev. crimes and violations of three constitutions were committed by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory. accuses khrushchev of transferring crimea, after all, he did not transfer crimea to romania, not bulgaria, not great britain, not france. all this happened within the framework of the union state. when the processes of the collapse of the soviet union had already begun, we suddenly felt that we might find ourselves outside our homeland. the entire square was cordoned off by people holding russian flags , holding out their hands like this and saying to russia, my tears flowed. premiere, big story. how khrushchev surrendered crimea, today is the first.
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stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. voice. the final. live. on saturday. on the first. that's it, guys, take out time insurance and open the door, just be careful there, it's clear, let's go, chikalov, and chkalov, this especially concerns you, i understand, let me go uncle i’ll help, can i come with you, of course, here for the eldest, and mom, on that plane, fasten it and once, come on, no, again, and again,
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leonis saevich, i would blow this door to hell, it doesn’t work, sorry , lyusha, listen to me, dad.
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listen, carefully, don't get distracted, have an idea, what's the idea? well, what kind of idea can i have, the final one, raise the floor in the cabin, so dad, is that you? yes, it’s me, it’s me, who else? according to the instructions, you can’t enter there until the plane is de-energized, there are all on-board avionics nearby, as i wrote this myself instructions for a normal situation, but what the hell is your normal situation now? let's raise the floor.'
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thank you, dear passengers, i am the co-pilot of alexander kuzmin. now we have to transfer to another plane. right in the air, put on all the warm clothes you can find, if you have creams and gels, smear your face and hands, we will panic, we will all die, but we will act harmoniously, we will remain alive, i will now text you my daughter’s phone number, i really appreciate you please call her, i'm really sorry for you, i won't leave here, i i’ll stay here, i’m in front of her. very guilty,
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her name is sofia, we are 7 years old, my sister stayed on the bus on the island, with two children, and talked to me, she again, we quarreled, and the last thing she heard from me, she was a fool, like a fool, how i hate you, god, step back, carefully, step back, we open the hatch,
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i can’t catch the cable, i’m trying to turn the car to the left, give me my foot, just be careful, i understand, i give my foot. more more more! and also, come on, come on, let's go, i'm holding on, comrades, yes, yeah, yes, we are ready,
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leonid sivich, most importantly, maintain your altitude and speed, and i hear from a distance, pass quickly.
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good, eh!
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3:38 pm
mom, mom, mom, come here, wounded, wounded, help, hold, yeah, oleg, oleg, he died, yes, calm, calm, take your hands off, help, natya, hold under your head, head, sit down, the mine is worse , but she’s gone, yes, she’s gone, let’s pick him up, you’d better go to your son. actually, he’s not my son, he’s a neighbor’s kid,
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when the earthquake started, his mother died, and i don’t know how to say that he’s crazy? yes.
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a thunderstorm front is directly ahead. you can there faster? leonid savich, i'm dispatching the last passengers. go with them, i won't go without you. go, he said. please go. hold on tight.
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3:42 pm
lord, my dear, lord, dear, even faster, hand, i don’t bother, autopilot, faster!
3:43 pm
the picture was torn off, let's go to the throne, let's try, you're at a critical height, get up, hold on, yeah, take a break. get up trainee, fall down, let him fly lower, lower, lower, ah... ah, who is it?
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dad! go up, trainee, go up, even lower, lower, go up!
3:45 pm
this is a fashionable sentence on the first channel with you i, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, fleece leggings, how do we feel about this? so what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, good! you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, that ’s what... i’m beautiful, no one ever told me, let’s try, start a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i i’ll hug you, of course, it’s all fixable, it’s all bullshit, life with a husband, children, when to be a girl, we go on a date in this way, my
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dear, well, it’s not me, all together, beautiful, beautiful. hazhers will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, tomorrow on the first, with fabulous ease the provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, and i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i’m playing a negative hero, i am an avenger, i just left my rights. jane's script is real literature. we we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists arrived. this is more of a movie, please be careful jack. i feel like i'm made from one piece
3:47 pm
of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodore on saturday. on the pen, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is a channel, thank you, but what about zinchenka?
3:48 pm
sit down, help me buckle up, yeah, what are you doing, comrade pilot, there’s no living space left for you, you can’t even move now, i’m telling you this as a medic, come on get up, everything is fine, no thanks, i wanted to tell you, i was a little naughty on the island, a little, says the commander of flight 117 zinchenko, i report, the crew took their
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places, passengers are at the port, take control, the co- pilot will control the ship, here. 117, we expected to land you in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, but received a storm warning. petropavlovsk airport is closed, there is a continuous cargo front, low clouds. the sick wind will reach the mainland, our engine is at its limit, clogged with ash, the second one is turned off, there is no thunderstorm let's go around, we'll get into the petropalovsky, prepare the runway, sasha, come out for a minute, come out, i said. “i can’t, i can’t, busana, she’s more experienced, i ’ve never done this, neither have i, she hasn’t
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done it, daevich, it’s not scary, there are so many people there, i try not to think, i can’t do it, i’ve already done it i can’t do everything i could, my hands are shaking, i’m really scared, and i’m scared, i feel worse than you, do you want to hold the turret?” "


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