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tv   Bolshaya istoriya  1TV  April 21, 2024 3:50pm-5:16pm MSK

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“me neither, she didn’t, it’s not scary, there are so many people there, i try not to think, but i can’t, i’ve already done everything i could, i can’t, my hands are shaking, i’m really scared, and i’m scared , i’m worse off than you, at least you can hold the steering wheel, i can’t even do that, our car is reliable, the other one in such conditions fell apart on takeoff, like in a simulator, remember, now it’s almost..." the same thing, you can handle it , when landing, balance to the last, reduce speed until you lie on the wing, the wing will rip off, that’s it, we’ll discuss it later soft landing, 117, i'm switching you to petropavlovsk, good luck to you guys, well, god bless you, vika, it's time to make an announcement, get ready, pull yourself together, leaving
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there is a light bag, we're going to land, get ready for evacuation, flashlight, flashlight please bring it, don’t leave, well, hero, how are you feeling?
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mechanization three, speed checked, position three, hold the machine, take it to the landing. all fire ambulances
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please listen, i don't see the lane, i don't see the lane, go by instruments, go by cresada, decision altitude, i don't i see a stripe,
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there’s a stripe here, i continue approaching what visually, pay attention, get into position, the reverse has shifted, the landing gear apron is on fire, go for speed until you lie on the wing, balance. more, more, control,
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come on, come on, come on, extinguish!
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not the softest landing. test, 117 sat down, tell me, sat down, what happened to the passengers, they arrived.
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give me your hand like this, i’m telling you, everything will be fine, elena, elena,
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take it, call before... and mom is on the other plane, right? andryusha, i... “i wanted to say, if we’re talking about you, i’m free, and you, oh, lyosha, now,
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now, now, now, why didn’t they wake me up? what's happened? everything is fine? what about uka? everything is fine.
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i was thinking, what if we take a vacation and palm trees together, huh?
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pilot pavalov, i am pilot fedorov, i am pilot gavrilyuk, pilot erikala, pilot kuzmina, pilot kuzmina. pilot gushchin i'm an intern gushchin i'm an intern zinchenko here on kanatyvich well now it will definitely be a shame intern zinchenesh catch up. svetlana
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petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, how beautiful you have become, by the way, i was in love with you, just a little bit, stay with me all the same, we'll work together, it's tempting. and how do you like it between the two husbands? well, they don’t look like murderers, they’re civilians, a jealous husband , an abandoned wife, that’s all the pies, a common thing, are you afraid? well, i’m not at ease, you should figure it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get in trouble, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, if you’re lucky and you’re alive, you should to live, it’s stupid to hide from life. a story with a continuation, tomorrow
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after the program time, grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i won’t i'll send it, i'll organize it now. history and me, vyacheslav nikonov, hello, this is a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. the collapse of great powers and subsequent turmoil does not happen suddenly. without intervention, or suicide, inadequacy
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of power, the collapse of the soviet union, the current reasons are either murder, that is, external military action with ukraine, largely a consequence of the suicidal actions of the inaction of the soviet authorities. in 1954 , the anniversary of reunification was celebrated ukraine with russia, this event, to be precise, was associated with the pereslavl rada of 1650, the fourth year, in which the zaporozhye cossack army under the leadership of bogdan khmelnitsky passed into the hands of the russian tsar alexei mikhalovich. the rest of russia still had to fight, with poland more than once, with the crimean khanate, with turkey more than once, with austria-hungary with hitler’s germany, as well as for crimea. russian blood was shed immeasurably before novorosiya, tavria, little russia became part of russia, and then the ussr. and in 1954, the first secretary of the central committee
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cpsu nikita sergeevich khrushchev decides to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. on april 26, 1954, exactly 70 years ago , a law was passed on the transfer of the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr. as it turns out, this will turn out to be one of the most powerful explosive devices planted under the building of the soviet union and...
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when khrushchev was removed from power, this topic did not leave the crimean dialogue, it took place in the kitchens, of course, it was one country, and even then it was perceived as injustice, i am alive to this the witness, having not been involved in politics for a long time, everyone thought it was illegal when the story of the crimean referendum arose for the second time, so to speak finally. when we returned to our home harbor, we paid a lot of attention to those documents, studied them in detail, and but when you, for example, talk to children at school, you need to tell them, if it’s illegal, then you have to be responsible for your words, yes, this is, if you like, our sacred place, because
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it was there in khersanes that saint prince vladimir, the black sea, was baptized it was called: listen, for the first time the idea that crimea should go to ukraine arose at the end of the revolutionary year of 1917, the so-called ukrainian people's republic, as soon as it emerged, immediately declared its claims to the peninsula. this was the time of the collapse of the russian empire, virtual general disintegration and redrawing of borders. the former empire was literally bursting at the seams, the central government did not control the situation on the outskirts, and
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the ukrainian independentists decided to take advantage of this. however, their power did not last long. in ukraine repeatedly governments changed. and the rulers fought with each other, they had no time for crimea, but when the power of the bolsheviks was established, its affiliation was no longer disputed by anyone, crimea remained part of russia, or rather the rsfsr. the crimean autonomous socialist soviet republic was formed on october 18 of the twenty-first year as part of the rsfsr, we can look at its map of 1928, and then it was all over...
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and as soon as this happened, the western powers, primarily england and france, began to strengthen and democratically observe.
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we are giving checherin ligran to the caucasian tatars, although, i quote, this is the ancestral armenian land, if sovietization in the caucasus occurs, everything will cease to matter, here is khrushchev, here we talk a lot, firstly, i recently read wikipedia, preparing for this. after all, it was written by enemy forces, of course, wikipedia needs this, yes, yes, it is written that russia extended or somehow means its power to... over ukraine in 1654, which, what in soviet propaganda was called the supposed reunification of ukraine with russia . listen, alexey mikhailovich doubted
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joining for a long time, because there were such problems with poland, the wars with poland were still ongoing. poland formally renounced its claims to kiev only after 30 years, 1600, in my opinion, 86, the so-called eternal peace with poland, which, of course, was not paid for yet. how much it was, it was clear, he didn’t want, just like paul i, he didn’t want to annex the caucasus for a very long time, i understand that these would be terrible problems with the same england, that’s all, but britain landed the schooner visgen, the circassians with thirty weapons, in my opinion, the fourth year after the treaty of iskelis, this is how we come to today, khrushchev was a jacobin, he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that... none of this would matter, a fanatic, my father is a historian, and said it, the tyrant. now, if you want to know the opinion
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of nikita sergeevich himself, why he did this, you will not be able to, because in khrushchev’s memoirs, which were first published in the west, there is simply not a word about this. moreover, if you want to read the transcript of the meeting of the presidium of the cpsu central committee there, then you won’t succeed either, because in the very thick protocol there is no transcript, no notes, that is, how did he make this decision, why? therefore, well, historians rely primarily on the opinion of people who were in power at that time, or who were close to nikita sergeevich, well , in fact, the explanation of nikita sergeevich’s relatives is that he gave birth for the crimea. let's listen to alexey adzhubey. in october 1953, immediately after the plenum of the central committee, at which khrushchev was elected first secretary, he left vacation in crimea. there were no government dachas in crimea at that time. stalin preferred
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the caucasus, and it was there that numerous special facilities were built to receive the leader or those whom he ordered to come for a visit. the khrushchev family settled in the varantsov palace, a pompous building on the very seashore, khrushchev rested in his own way. for several days, in torment, he wandered through the alleys of the park and went for walks along the royal path. sat for a long time on the seashore, constantly reading documents, khrushchev did not know how to swim, he was dangling in the sea on an inflated car tire, he was frightened by even a little excitement, then he got tired of all this and he came up with some other activity, not only the roads made khrushchev sad, somehow there was still a glimmer of life in the corner of the sea in the coastal resort villages, and a little higher, closer to the ipeitri pass immediately behind him, where nature is poorer, does not brighten up the surroundings with a subtropical color, the pictures were painted earlier, which is why khrushchev...
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all the documents were not signed by him, only the meeting that malenkov chaired, the meeting of the presidium, which
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velkov. no, when khrushchev first raised the question of transferring crimea from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr, i emphasize this, the ukrainian ussr, not ukraine, but this was november 1953, when he was actually in crimea, he had a conversation with pavel ivanovich titov , the then first secretary of the crimean regional party committee, and let me remind you that in the place of the crimean ussr.
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which you spoke about, in 1945 the crimean region was created as part of the rsfsr, and a little later in october 1948 another decree was issued by the president of the supreme council the rsfsr, which means, signed by ivan vlasov, the then legal head of the russian republic, about the separation of sevastopol from the crimea as a separate administrative-territorial unit, which was to be controlled directly from moscow, and it was. a separate line in the state budget for financing the black sea fleet itself is understandable for the municipal economy of the city of sevastopol. moreover, in the fifty-second year, the same kitov, as he himself recalled, at the nineteenth party congress, met with stalin and suggested that he rename the crimean region to the tauride region. i don’t know how correctly titov interprets what
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stalin said, he recalled that. was interested in this idea, but told him that now was not the time to raise this issue, he needed to think about it, in the future it is quite possible, indeed crimea should be renamed the tavricha region, so in november of fifty -three, khrushchev came to simferopol, he had a a rather tough conversation with titov, and titov in a categorical manner refused to take part in this adventure.
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the decision to urgently fly to kiev on a military plane, and adzhubey writes about this in his memoirs. let's listen. already late in the evening , the kiev leaders gathered in the marininsky palace, dinner was fun and noisy, as was usual in those days, obsequious toasts followed one after another. khrushchev kept returning to his trip to crimea , persuading ukrainians to help revive the land. southerners are needed there, those who love gardens, corn, and not potatoes. on the formal transfer of crimea to the jurisdiction of ukraine for there was no talk at the table; apparently, such a proposal had not yet received its thought. i’m thinking now what would happen today if khrushchev had fulfilled his intention to move the country’s capital from moscow to kiev, and khrushchev returned to this topic more than once, and said: kiev is the mother of russian cities, the air there is cleaner, not so many blank walls have been built. this is exactly the story of khrushchev’s urgent visit to kiev.
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the future president of the already independent ukraine, kravchuk, also confirmed this. i think the transfer of crimea was simply an objective necessity. khrushchev went into the office of the first secretary of the party of ukraine, kirichenko, said: “i came with a proposal that ukraine take crimea, because russia cannot cope with the tasks facing crimea, there are people in kherson, nikolaev and other regions who can help establish crimea has normal production. terichenko said that ukraine is not ready. then khrushchev invited him to go to moscow on a political trip to the presidium of the cpsu central committee, which decided to transfer crimea to ukraine. well, in fact, the details were best, of course, outlined by shipela in his memoirs. one of the then numerous meetings on agriculture was taking place in the large kremlin palace . during the break, as usual. members of the presidium and secretaries gathered in two rooms adjacent to the podium of the presidium of the large hall. for breakfast or lunch or dinner. depending on the time, one or another urgent issue was discussed. suddenly khrushchev made
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a proposal. in connection with... the celebration of the tercentenary, transfer the crimean region from the russian federation to the ukrainian republic. from crimea to russia it is far, ukraine is closer, it will be easier to conduct all sorts of economic affairs. i've already talked to someone about this. i think we will also come to an agreement with the russian federation, we just need to arrange all this wisely, so that the supreme council of both republics ask the union supreme council to make such a transfer, and voroshilov needs to carry it all out kindly through the presidium of the supreme council of the ussr. i think there will be no objections,” he said. bulganin, mikayan, kirichenko, koganovich and others responded with exclamations correctly, accept, convey. only molotov, who was standing at the door to the next room, waiting for some kind of telephone conversation, said: “ not addressing anyone.” of course, such a proposal is incorrect, but apparently we will have to accept it. here's the actual solution. you know, here i will support
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vladimir andreevich, i, as a native crimean, who was born in crimea, i was born, in particular, in the fifty-third year, when crimea was still part of the rsfsr, all my life.
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years of our being part of independent ukraine, we have a lot video materials, photographic materials, various resolutions that we held on february 19 almost every year, i note that the last such protest against this fact took place in 14, on february 19 , 14, just literally a few, well, actually days before the return crimea. into russia, that is, the crimeans clearly perceived this decision as illegal, unfair, to be honest, all the years we tried to cancel it, no, well, this is correct, absolutely, i have such a vivid personal experience, it is simply impossible, in the ninety-second year there was discussed in
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the supreme council of the crimean republic, here is a law on some kind of allocation on the restoration of the constitution, we and a deputy of the then supreme council, then shot by astafiev , arrived there all the time. it needs to be decrypted, why? because the constitution was violated by the soviet union, ukraine, and the russian federation. the question is, why didn’t they do it according to the law? to answer this question, your comments are very typical. we will answer the question immediately after the advertisement, you were still a boss, there is no rumor, no crazy, unexpected number, cool surprise, boyan
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is so into the vein, why do you need such a handsome one, why do you really need it when spring comes, i don’t know. look after the evening news for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganki theater, not in a single letter, i’m not lying, i’m not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can just
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lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and start playing everything. world fire in the blood, god, blessing. we have a restaurant nearby and people come out of it tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is this, maybe some kind missed, join... i initially played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be or not to be, asking why you want to play the role of a ganik, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, type , premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i walked out on the stage, as vysotsky was breaking the chains, break through, lyubivov as a director was striving for freedom, there is no system. stanislavsky, this is all nonsense, this is the method of work of the great master.
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yuri lyubimov, man of the century. suddenly leonit ilich says: it’s a good theater, don’t touch it. april 23 on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday. on the first one. today the grand opening of the 12th film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i ’m clear, come here, and you catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lying? in one heap, but we will get used to living separately, we will separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare. that i nichaev yuri nikolaevich want
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to live together in the next world with my wife nichaeva elena mikhailovna, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving her, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, frivolous conversation, are they sure that... they ask the armenian radio: is it possible wrap an elephant in newspaper? the answer from the armenian
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radio is possible, if the newspaper published a speech by dear nikita sergeevich khrushchev, he was carried on non-stop for hours, this kurdish peasant came out, so does he look like the peasant who was in kursk 40 years ago, this is a new man, this is a new peasant , and take our pig pens, so they know pig pens, you know, now these pig pens are our pig pens. these are new people who were born in our country, in our village, so with these people, i don’t know, damn it you can turn it around if you only understand correctly and be able to, so to speak, work with them, and not command and not pull people, for me in my childhood memories, i was already in the second grade when he was removed, khrushchev was a figure, rather their comic, family ours is sitting in front of the tv, watching the next speech by the head of the government party, laughing. and not so much because of his flat jokes, but because of how and what he said,
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and because of his whole appearance. of course, my family had special scores to settle with khrushchev; my grandfather molotov openly opposed the course khrushchev, for which he was thrown out of the government party, and i grew up in the family of an enemy of the party and the people with all the ensuing consequences, my grandfather always had the most popular epithets for khrushchev, starting with sovras without a bridle, corn grower, market prasal, ending with adventurers. but my family was far from the only one where the kruchevs were, to put it mildly, unsympathetic. the khrushchev factor, dmitry shepilov spoke very lowly of nikita sergeevich in his memoirs. let's listen. if khrushchov was an educated man, if he possessed elementary culture and the simplest school of marxist thinking, he could be an excellent speaker, but his brains were in relation to the theory of science.
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historian, americanist, academician, yes, yes, so especially our dad was a specialist alexei ilenovich narachnitsky, he has a major work, which is still considered an encyclopedia for everyone who begins to study international relations in the far east, the return of port arthur for him was just too, he says he doesn't, he doesn't understand, says what he does
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absolutely, that’s why khrushchev, having visited the united states, saw fields of corn there, taller than human height, with which both livestock and people are fed.
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grushevsky answered without fear, but he stayed, to work for the separation of ukraine, albeit today in the bolshevik form, and then in
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the one in which we now know it, so the historical, so to speak, judgment about khrushchev’s activities is finite.
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knew four languages, she had already learned english as an adult woman, she learned polish, ukrainian and french while still a high school student, she was very strong-willed, had a tremendous influence on khrushchev, but here i would like to return to history or to the background of this entire epic associated with the transfer of crimea, we talked about the fact that this question was first raised in november of the fifty-third year and adzhubiy was absolutely correct when he wrote that his father flew to kiev, he had them.
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at a meeting of the presidium of the central committee. already on january 25 , 1954, under the chairmanship of the head of the council of ministers of the ussr malenkov, a meeting of the presidium of the central committee was held, at which, according to the protocol number 49, members of the presidium of the central committee were present. khrushchev, voroshilov, bulganin, koganovich, mikayan, soburov, pervukhin, candidates for members of the presidium - shvernik, panomarenko, secretary of the communist party of the soviet union, suslov, paspelov shatalin. two obvious facts follow from this list: firstly, at this meeting one of the key members of the senior leadership, the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers and the minister of foreign affairs of the ussr molotov, absented himself, and secondly, the mention of khrushchev first in the list of members of the presidium the central committee de facto set. he is on par with malinkov himself, who was still considered the informal leader of the country. and this is what shipilov writes about this meeting of the presidium, he explains why
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no one actually objected to him, listen. this was one of the first acts of khrushchev’s subjective arbitrary approach to resolving state issues. khrushchev wanted to give ukraine a gift in connection with the anniversary and thereby put another weight on the scale of his, as it seemed to him, glory in ukraine . this was a clear and flagrant violation of the principles of the party's national policy. and of course, not only vyacheslav molotov, who submitted his remark, but also other russian, ukrainian, belarusian, georgian communists, understood the fundamental incorrectness and inexpediency of such an act from all points of view, but is it worth arguing about this at the presidium, and even at first, immediately after stalin’s death, then everyone agreed to try to maintain unity, not to complicate the situation in the leadership, is it worth it, is it worth it, now on february 18 the issue is submitted for consideration by the presidium of the supreme council. chairman presidium of the supreme council varoshilov, this is what he says at this meeting. the crimean region, in its historical development, in
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its territorial and economic position, is important for the entire soviet state; in the distant, not distant past, enemies repeatedly tried to take away the crimean peninsula from russia, use it for the robbery and ruin of russian ukrainian lands, and create there base for an attack on russia and ukraine, but the russian and ukrainian peoples were brutally beaten more than once in their joint struggle. brazen invaders and they were thrown out of ukraine and crimea. comrades, this friendly act takes place in the days when the soviet people solemnly celebrate the remarkable historical date of the tricentenary of the reunification of russia with ukraine. this is a big traditional holiday not only of the ukrainian people, but of all the peoples of the ussr. let our great homeland, the fraternal union of soviet socialist republics, grow stronger and develop. so it was a holiday gift on the one hand, on the other hand uh. a way to bribe the ukrainian elite, for which khrushchev did the main stake in his political,
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i’ll say a minute, the fact is that the protocol that we just talked about was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who became the chairman, for some reason khrushchev, this question is that when his great-granddaughter says that , that he didn’t sign anything, she ’s simply not aware, a professor at columbia university to the sources,
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of making this decision, since the list of members of the presidium at that time was 38 people, and only 15 were present, that is, this meeting did not have the right to make any legally significant decision, based on, in fact, a fraudulent legal decision. true, he spoke about this in the context of sevastopol, which was, when crimea was transferred, sevastopol was not part of crimea,
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so the transfer of sevastopol had no legal basis at all, but this also applied to the entire decision to transfer crimea by the supreme councils, that’s what our president said, vladimir putin. sevastopol has always been legally part of russia; it was a city of central subordination.
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not that, but they really laid a mine, here it is legally committed, a violation of all three constitutions was committed, in fact, illegal, illegality, it is obvious, but if crimea was transferred to ukraine, as a result of a crime committed, a violation of three constitutions, by bodies that were not authorized to transfer territories, further actions , related to the regulation of borders, there are cultural, humanitarian problems that no one at all... did not take into account, if we do this, at the expert level, not at the political level, at the expert level, it will be designated as this, to me it seems that it will restore historical justice and allow us to interpret events in a completely different direction, a crime has been committed, we can continue to talk about nothing, no one is his mother, no one is his dad khrushchev, a crime has been committed, he is a criminal, this will be the solution to this issue, if we do this, i believe it
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will be our historical justice.
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it doesn’t matter, because in real life nothing actually changed, well, other historians don’t think so, for example, oleg valobuev, so he writes that he was very worried, the protest didn’t could express himself openly, since the country had just emerged from stalin’s rule, but the mood on the peninsula was alarming, one might even say panicky, from time to time street signs appeared indicating a hidden protest in society, more precisely, this was evidenced by conversations, everything at the time of the transfer of crimea, the majority.
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it was not, it is clear that this was a political construct, and you are absolutely right that in crimea they always opposed ukrainization, which, by the way, was very active during the time of pyotr iefimovich shilist, which the ukrainian nationalist was hidden and
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who during his tenure as first secretary. hail, which were heading towards the soviet union, within its borders, and there we farted them, right away, you know, 3 meters into the ground, you know, we drove them, so you, gentlemen,
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hit them, but look back, we didn’t finish you off under stalingrad, in ukraine, in belarus, if you attack us and prepare an attack again, we will attack you so much that you will no longer attack us, with the name of khrushchev. there is another decision related, which may be recalled perhaps even more monstrous than the surrender of crimea to ukraine. on september 17, 1955, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr adopted a decree on amnesty for soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the great patriotic war. bandera's followers were released and with them, who fought on the side of hitler, on whose hands was the blood of millions of soviet citizens, russians, ukrainians, belarusians, jews, everyone, none. to be honest, i did not find any signs of discussion of this issue at the presidium of the central committee, as the politburo was then called, those same traitors and nazi murderers who are now organizing marches in kiev or lvov, supposedly war veterans, after whose
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names the kiev authorities call the street, those who have raised more than one generation of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren in hatred of the soviet people, have come out of freedom. the question is no less acute than in crimea, why did khrushchev need to be urgently rehabilitated? nazi criminals, what price are we paying for this today, this decree. considering the cessation of the state of war between the soviet union and germany, and guided by the principle of humanity, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr considers it possible to apply an amnesty to those soviet citizens who, through cowardice or ignorance, during the great patriotic war found themselves involved in cooperation with the occupiers. yes, yes, very seriously, and you know, the thing is that it was.
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the essence of which was that if another military conflict arises between us and the nato countries, then our enemy will actively use collaborators, those who find themselves on territory of central western europe, having escaped persecution for crimes during the war, including collaboration with hitler’s nazis, in order to protect ourselves... from this, in order to remove this threat, we must agree to an amnesty for these individuals, and so justifying the appearance of this decree, khrushchev referred primarily to sirov’s note, as
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a result, this completely thoughtless, now we understand criminal, decree appears, which cost us very dearly, i just want to remind you at the end of the words of the unknown. cook, who replaced shukhevych as leader of the upa. he said when we defeated bandera’s units that the period of armed struggle against the soviets was over. we now need to become respectable soviet citizens, get a job, go to study, advance in government bodies, and into the cultural sphere. and wait for their finest hour, during the years of gorbachev’s perestroika, they waited for this very finest hour, they played for the long haul, it is clear that this was all well known
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in the usa and canada, well, of course in the european union. i i can give you this example, remember, there was such a figure tegnebok, an open fascist, so he exists now, he still exists now, so i found out on the internet, the authorities during the first world war, his name appeared in the crime investigation commission at the versailles conference, he then fled to the united states and died there safely, so tsygelsky is the poles, this is the polish family, well , this is langin tsygelsky to me, but this is galicia, so in my opinion uncle podegimbok was also in the camp and so further, that is, them everything, and his father was already the head coach of some all-union team.
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there was no need to annex galicia at all. but a knowledgeable person of that time told me that stalin understood what kind of ulcer he was taking, stalin was very smart, like molotov, you read their negotiations with burns, with byrnes, with bevin, such knowledge of politics, this is not khrushchev, of course , well, but the military who shed blood for galicia, well, how come, we fought, we can’t do that now, so she poisons and the bad guy turned out to be right,
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kiev, we always wondered where such people came from anti-russian sentiments in kiev, very quickly found an answer that just after the cancellation of this decree, in fact, those people who were released, they all rushed to kiev, absolutely.
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lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who controls these states? we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. now supports promotes
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leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves , my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you use social networks, is this interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet. devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. the new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad, is on the first channel today. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, not khokhrym.
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there’s a commander here, otherwise he’ll blow me away, you may never wait for him, well, look around, there’s a war going on, people are dying, if you’re lucky and alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life.
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from a single piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. in
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the soviet union, we rarely thought about which one. who owns the land, russia or ukraine. russians felt at home anywhere in ukraine, almost. ukrainians felt at home anywhere in russia. everything changed dramatically when, during the years of gorbachev’s perestroika, this terrible virus of nationalism was released. when we began to divide everything to please our worst enemies, whom too many mistook for friends. and when ukraine separated, there were too few of those who, besides the crimeans themselves, thought about crimea, because for the sake of independence, kravchuk and his retinue were ready to give up crimea, because the crimeans more than once in referendums unequivocally answered who they were with, and after all the supreme the council
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recognized the decision to transfer crimea to ukraine as illegal, and crimea lived with the dream of returning home, and the more strongly the more ukraine lost its independence. few people remember, but there was a crimean referendum in january 1991, even before the union referendum, there were 93 more than a percent declared that they were for the restoration of the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic as a subject of the union ussr and a party to the union treaty, this was a referendum on january 20, 1991 . then there was a referendum on preserving the union; in the referendum on preserving the union in crimea, 87% of citizens voted for it. yes, the act of declaring the independence of ukraine was widely supported in ukraine after the famous
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putsch, including, by the way, in crimea, although support there was the least of all regions, but even then, in general, crimea is absolutely.
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viable, not understanding that the people who started this, they didn’t need a new format, they needed the collapse of the union, it’s obvious that they started it all right away, i was lucky enough to have lunch with koravchuk during the work of the constitutional commission, i asked for it to this answer, because i understand that no powers are moving for crimea, yanukovych organized this commission at our insistence, to give us greater powers, nothing was moving. it's been over a year now we stood still, and i realized that not yet, but he was the chairman of this koravchuk commission, until i make up my mind, and he told me frankly, we had lunch with him, this is... so to speak, together, he told me frankly , we won’t give anything to the crimeans, right now,
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i’m saying right away, frankly, since you asked for this conversation, we won’t give anything, that’s why i said about belovezhskaya pushcha, so he begins the story, you’ll see how often this happens to every people happens when you start telling the same story to yourself what was happening, he started it and told everything, without stopping, although he no longer asked him about it, he told everything, how it happened, that he was going there, his wife collected it. warm clothes, because he understood that he had committed a crime, that’s what he confessed to. in fact, all possible constitutional norms were indeed violated when the soviet union was destroyed and when crimea was annexed. and the supreme council, in fact, the russian federation, already in ninety-two and ninety- three, made decisions that declared invalid the decisions of the supreme council of the rsfr, 1954, in particular there was a resolution.
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this is a resolution of the supreme council of the russian federation. i’m just a participant or, let’s say, a witness to many of those events of the nineties, i was just a deputy of ukraine from 90 to 94, i know all the processes that took place. at this time, and so the fear of the collapse of the union appeared in us at the end of the eighty-ninth year, after the law of the ukrainian ussr was adopted, which the ukrainian language became the only state one, that’s all that concerned the restoration of crimean autonomy , we started in the nineties, here’s the election campaign of the nineties, all the candidates for deputies who ran for both the crimean regional council and the supreme council. ukraine, then the people's deputies of ukraine, they offered almost everything, they proposed to recreate
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the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic, that is, this process came from below, for us in general, the referendum of the ninety-first year, this is, well, one of the most key events in the modern history of crimea, well, along with the decision of the fourteenth year on the unification of crimea with russia. made a request to the archives of the supreme soviet of the ussr, and from there a certificate came that the city of sevastopol, by decree of the year forty-eight, was removed from the crimean region, made a city of republican subordination of the rsfsr, and further it was, during the transfer of the decree of the crimea of ​​the fifty-fourth year, the decree of the forty-eighth year was not canceled or commented on, i quote.
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found himself on the territory of a state that, in my assessment, a priori, he necessarily becomes at best a rival, at worst hostile, because of cain’s jealousy of kavel. you know, what i would like to draw special attention to is why kravchuk went to viskuli and why yeltsin began to dance to his tune, kravchuk referred precisely to the results of this very referendum,
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the act of independence of ukraine, which was adopted on august 24, could be submitted to a referendum only no earlier than february 24 , 1992, and no later than may 24, this was directly stated in the law, no earlier than six, no later than 9 months, which means that this referendum from the very beginning was unconstitutional and anti-legal.
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relations between kiev and crimea: how the mother-in-law treats her little boy. in principle, the ukrainian leadership had no desire to implement any programs in crimea. crimea is a place where those in power tried to equip themselves with dutch, a summer capital, a vacation at sea, that’s kiev’s whole program in relation to crimea. crimea was viewed as a refuge for the chuvoda. he was given to one, then to another, to all sorts of
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scoundrels of different stripes, then to the orange ones, then to the blue, were considered only as a platform where it was possible to illegally. there were almost 150 factories around simferopol to make money; there are ten times fewer left. all this has been systematically reduced over 20 years, going downward, no one worked for growth, for the future, no one even set such tasks. and of course, there was cultural degradation and the fight against the russian language. all this, of course, was done systematically; gradually, the annotations were translated, including into ukrainian. broadcasts of russian-language films in cinemas were also translated into the ukrainian language, they tried to forcefully transfer higher education into the ukrainian language, they wrote answers to citizens, if citizens , for example, went to the police there, well, later the police began, so they received answers in
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ukrainian, the decisions of the courts were sent in ukrainian, so... here are the feelings of the citizen, yes, the citizen does not understand all these legal norms well, reading them in russian, but he also receives a decision in ukrainian, nothing at all, and in general there were a lot of completely outrageous things, but the great russian word lived on, i remember these festivals, i supported this festival at them from the first time i worked, there was such a thing, 10 years ago there was a ukrainian maidan supported. an anti-constitutional coup in the west, the nazi regime planted by the west comes to power, people are shot in kiev, stormtroopers go to the east of ukraine, to crimea to restore their order, people are burning alive, in odessa, in the donbass, there are already ukrainian troops. at that difficult time, the people of crimea took their fate into their own hands, the crimean spring became a symbol of revival, and not only of crimea, but
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of our entire russia, we again felt the strength, as always, to resolve issues. on a global scale, but it was the crimeans who gave us faith in our own strength? of course, the crimean spring is an incredible event, it is an outbreak when all factors coincided, this happens extremely rarely in history, and the president of the country, the people of russia and aksyono in crimea, the people of crimea, in general, everyone was in their place and did everything is on time, if we always did this, we would succeed in a lot of things, but here’s the plan... on the de-russification of ukraine, it did exist, and it was there in advance, that’s what the coup d’état, as a result of which the ukrainian nationalist community, formed in galicia in a very narrow part of it, perceived as a chance to destroy everything russian, that’s the tragedy of all ukrainians,
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good russian ukrainians , what we understand as acceptable for ourselves, so they accepted it, but we underestimated this... they amaze, of course, with their cynicism and their lack of understanding of what happened there and their understanding of reality too, here is boris johnson, prime minister of great britain, let's listen to what he has to say. i think that crimea is a very interesting prospect, because before everyone thought that putin would never let go of crimea, there was no need to even try. now people say that, firstly, it is possible to return crimea, and secondly,
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putin is very vulnerable in crimea, and if you look at the infrastructure, logistics, there are great opportunities there. therefore, i think that people’s attitude towards crimea has changed. now let's listen to the talking head of the white house, john kirby. we don't take ourselves definition of legitimacy or... cia, let's hear it. according to our estimates, with additional assistance, ukraine will be able to independently hold the front line during 2024 and until the beginning of 2025. in this way, ukraine will not only be able to weaken russia.
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