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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm MSK

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the global majority, because the world is big and diverse, and let it always be so. hello, on channel one the evening news is with you andrey ukharev. bogdanovka was liberated by russian troops, a message from the ministry of defense, footage from the front line. and news from
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gunsmiths, developments that have passed battle tests. deliveries to vska have already begun. money for ukraine that will remain in the states. nothing will help ukraine anymore. the new financial package will only prolong death and destruction. congress approved the allocation of a new tranche, but even washington no longer believes that american donors will save zelensky. flowers at the memorial, where more than 3,000 soviet soldiers are buried; if it weren’t for the red army , there simply wouldn’t have been one until today; in germany they honored the memory of those who fell in the battle of the zaelovsky heights. clashes with the police, tear gas, arrests in tbilisi , unrest continues, the west is shaking up the situation. in georgia, afraid of losing their
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influence due to the law on foreign agents. the maximum water level is high. the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its group in the tyumen region. the only way to travel safely here now is by boat. the depth in some places reaches 3 m. and the peak of the flood in the kurgan region, a thousand houses in the flood zone. covid record, more than 50 mutations. how is this possible? no antibodies? can be used by the body many times. in the netherlands, a man fought the virus for almost 2 years, but was unable to defeat it. vintage, rare, but still capable of a lot on the track. seagulls, volgas, ladas, muscovites, all foreign soviet classics. races in moscow - motor rally
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of legendary cars. the russian army is completely liberated the village of bogdanovka in the donetsk people's republic. this is practically the outskirts of chasoy yar. the city is just a stone's throw away. the fighting for it is fierce. well, today the ministry of defense reported the destruction of the ukrainian mig-29, the launcher of the control center of the s-300 anti-aircraft complex. valentina solovyova has footage of this strike and news from the front line. the settlement of bogdanovka is located in the hottest section of the front right now, near chas ofyar, from where russian troops continue to knock out the enemy, from bogdanovka was knocked out, the ministry of defense says today. a unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the settlement of bogdanovka of the donetsk people's republic, improved the situation along the front line and inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the fifty-third mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the settlement of krasnohorivka of the donetsk people's republic. in these shots.
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russian aviation operates in yar. the ministry of defense reports that during the day the enemy tried to counterattack twice, but suffered in this direction biggest losses in manpower. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. during the counter-battery fight , a 152-mm d-20 gun, a grad multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle, two electronic warfare stations no, as well as five field ammunition depots were hit. it’s intact, we can steal it, the landing party is empty, and these are the trophies of our military in the donetsk region, an american armored personnel carrier was thrown into the ssu on the battlefield, the armor was damaged by russian shells, but the vehicle move, she is not even alone, the armed forces of ukraine have losses in equipment in the deep rear, objective control personnel from the dnepropetrovsk region, the dnepr airfield. an accurate hit on a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft detonates its ammunition, apparently the fighter was preparing for combat. take off and
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the fuel burns out for a long time. here our reconnaissance officers discovered the position of the s-300 division, covering the airfield from air attacks. destroyed anti-aircraft missile control center. complex air target detection radar and launcher. ministry of defense reports accurate hits on a number of military targets behind enemy lines. this is a response to attempts in the ssu to damage our energy system. the unmanned aerial vehicle production workshop, the pelican phased array all-round radar station, as well as manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 104 districts were hit. footage of the real battle, our progress in kupinsk. front sector in the case of an attack aircraft of the first guards tank army of the west group of troops, sharpened cuts and maneuverable throws close contact with the enemy, moving virtually through open terrain, the forest belts here are mowed down by artillery, our attack aircraft are recapturing a number of positions in the ssu, those who are still left in
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the dugouts surrender, come out, come out, come out, surrender, surrender, surrender, that's it, look again . comes out, surrenders, surrenders, the second, quietly, they come out of the locker, surrender, let them help him, boys, they surrender, among the prisoners, an officer, muted the senior lieutenant in the ssu, we tied him up, took him prisoner, unfortunately, his partner, who according to the words he was a captain, he ran away on his heels, having abandoned both the machine gun and your documents, the greater the losses at the front, the tougher the work of the ukrainian military commissars,
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or rather, leaving it at a calm, even walking pace, as in this video, four people are accompanied to the hungarian border by people in camouflage. valentina soloveva, anastasia slobodenyuk, alexander kovalev, channel one. provide our attack aircraft with weapons to destroy fpv drones. this task was set by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu. the minister examined the latest weapons at a training ground in the moscow region. during development special operation experience is taken into account. moreover, if the tests on the battlefield are successful.
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this is the first footage of testing the newest combat module courier, it works for up to three days without recharging, maintains communication with the operator at a distance of up to 10 km, this robot is a real universal soldier, it can be a machine gunner, grenade operator, sapper or reconnaissance, depending on the surveillance weapons restored on the bush platform. the idea is to use robots in the zone instead of humans. enthusiasts were the first to start implementing it, almost not on the knee, creating prototypes, a tracked drone called brother, originally from kazan, can evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, and this is the know-how of the craftsmen from the repair brigade of the 255th regiment, a radio-controlled
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four-wheeled platform designed for transporting ammunition and transporting soldiers. this baby can deliver a load weighing up to 150 kg over 12 km, thanks to its small dimensions and strength. spotted from the air, but just a couple of years ago the use of robots in armed conflicts seemed like a thing of the distant future, now an unmanned protective capsule for evacuating the wounded is already entering production. built-in rap, camouflage smoke, heat traps, such a medical armored car is difficult to hit from the ground from the air and most importantly there is no risk for military doctors. there is nothing more valuable than human life, of course at the front we have to try everything and start it immediately, they are waiting for the car in general.
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light mortar on a mobile and walkable platform, these promising models were created in just a few months, new formats and methods of combat operations with a predominance drones also pose new challenges for the defense industry. not only huge concerns within the military-industrial complex, but also small companies are now working to win. it is very important now that we have the so-called private military-industrial complex, a huge number of small large companies that offer revolutionary solutions, focusing either on medical products, sniper weapons, we have appeared. world-class companies, all this thanks to the fact, including targeted
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targeted support from the state. if earlier testing at testing sites took months, or even years, but now it is possible to test samples immediately on the battlefield. the position of the amin of defense is that if there are no complaints about new products after testing in the north-eastern military district zone, put them into production without delay. launch everything by the end of may, we’ll make 30 pieces. that's it, not enough. many discoveries and solutions that have proven their effectiveness were born not in the comfort of design bureaus, but actually on the battlefield . i can no longer remember who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​welding protective grilles onto armored vehicles against kamikaze drones, the so-called mangaly, now this is an element of the standard equipment of the tank, which is installed directly at the plant in omsk, where the modernized t-80 vvm is produced. the samples that are now going to the front are very different from what was originally included in the technical specifications. now eight... have special materials that make the tank invisible to a thermal imager, and dynamic protection of the new generation relic,
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and a mobile electronic warfare complex, the last time we washed here, we looked, which means protection of sights, protection of sights, it yes, seriously, yes, of course, the tank also received a new, more powerful engine, it is produced at a plant in kaluga, the first order from omsk in the last 30 years, during this time it was possible not to lose either personnel or production base, here in the united states in the states, the program for... the production of gas turbine engines for the abrams turned out to be a complete failure. during all this time, the americans were never able to establish production, then it was stopped in the eighties and nineties, now the production of gas turbine engines for tanks abrams is not. and now, by producing t-80 tanks, we have completed a full cycle of their modernization and production, including the restoration of production of gas turbine engines. experts believe that the inability or unwillingness to keep up with the times has made expensive abrams and leopards easy prey. for cheap drones, according to analysts , our attack drones account for
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up to 2/3 of the total amount of destroyed enemy armored vehicles, drone specialists constantly receive feedback from the front, from fighters, experts, and military journalists. here the guys are complaining about this, they would like this, so we can develop this direction, on the one hand there are hardware engineers, and others, on the other hand, software, that is, it specialists who are setting up this, that is... developing it, and so on. software capabilities, we have several dozen such private design bureaus now working on the development of drones, from fpv drones with such a small range of action to tactical drones, here is the result of such work, a promising attack quadcopter can carry mines, wogs, and grenades, universal ones, there are drops for different ammunition, so that a serviceman can use any ammunition he received, we confidently produce 30 devices per month, we are already producing or will be producing, yes we are already producing, the minister of defense was shown the line drones with
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a payload of 10 to 200 kg, this is many times more than that of the enemy woman egi, but the whole point is in the filling, thanks to the unique, as experts say, multi-band communication system, the drone cannot be jammed by means electronic warfare, we will now create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time, a design bureau for all drones in this technology, well financed through procurement through. if they don’t stop, create laboratories with them, then it will all unite and it will be a big association. according to the minister, it is necessary for new items to reach the front as quickly as possible, without bureaucratic delays. this is no less important a task than the development of promising types of weapons. oleg shishkin, irina bliznyuk, kristina neznanova, first channel. washington, providing new military aid to kiev, is being drawn deeper into the conflict, but will receive a harsh rebuff. in a hybrid war against russia, the states are waiting. a humiliating failure, as was the case in vietnam and afghanistan, these are the words of foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova. the
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us congress approved a package of more than 60 billion dollars so that zelensky would fight until the last ukrainian. the draconian mobilization law was a condition for receiving funds, sources confirm. the lion's share of the money, however, will remain in the states, in the cash register american defense factories. representatives of the american elite themselves are already saying that pumping up weapons will not save ukraine; they are asking the question: will it save the election... cancel saturday's vote. according to the rules, any bill is first approved by the relevant committee, in this case on foreign affairs. the republicans in its composition refused to even talk about this topic. therefore, on friday morning it was necessary to urgently convene a full meeting of congress, at which the majority decided that in this case it was possible to use the rules and neglect. at the same time, the approximate breakdown of the number of supporters of the ukrainian
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bill also became clear. 316 votes, more than enough to leave no one in any doubt about the outcome. we will begin to act as soon as the president signs the law. we have very strong logistics chains that allow us to deliver goods very quickly within a few days. for security reasons, i will not talk in detail about what will be included in the supply package, except to say in general terms that there will be important things that will improve the capabilities of air defense and artillery. the most irreconcilable republicans were not going to give up so easily, they literally flunked the ukrainian bill...
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well , she suggested to her colleagues from among the supporters of the kiev regime to be consistent and go to the end. well, you can stretch your legs from hunger, after all, almost 61 billion dollars, such wealthy people as congressmen are unlikely to even chip in, so as usual, american funds will pay for everything... the federal government continues fund the military-industrial complex, a business model that requires congress to continue to appropriate money to fund foreign wars. the american people do not support this business model of blood, murder and war. 70% of americans do not
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support this. however, the majority in congress thinks differently, and in order to appease the most irreconcilable, they promised to return the money. for peace in ukraine, we have approved the concept of loans, so that any funding that will be allocated to support the government ukraine will be issued in the form of loans. we have introduced a bill that allows the assets of corrupt russian oligarchs to be seized and used to also support the ukrainian resistance. the congressmen themselves , however, do not want to get their hands dirty directly, so they delegated the right to steal russian money, which is still considered frozen under the pretext of equally illegal sanctions decisions, to the american one. to the president. one thing is clear: the ruling elites in the united states, regardless of party affiliation, are ready to pump up the regime into kiev with weapons so that it would be able to fight until the last ukrainian, including continuing terrorist attacks on civilian targets on russian territory, sabotage attacks and killing journalists. to do this, washington is resorting to the banal theft of frozen russian assets,
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which the joe biden administration has given the green light to in congress. frozen directly in the united states. about 5 billion dollars owned by russia, the main assets, estimated at no less than 260 billion, are located in europe, where he was sent signal, they generally support the thieving inclinations of their overseas accomplices, except that they are not yet mentally ready for such a scale. german finance minister christian lindner proposed starting with 2-3 billion. this is the interest that is accrued annually for the use of russian money, but even such a relatively minor theft is still the same. in the eyes of the whole world remains theft, this is where the main risks lie, the imf warns. we are assessing the possible consequences, and of course, it is extremely important how this news will be received in the world, in the countries which keep reserves in dollars. let's not forget that this is 11 trillion dollars, and the countries that own it will be watching closely. we
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believe that whatever decision is made, first of all, it is necessary to think about the consequences, but washington. the political establishment is much more concerned about the consequences of a completely different kind . over the past couple of weeks, on american television channels there has been nothing but talk about the impending collapse of the kiev regime, its head tirelessly broadcasts the gloomiest forecasts in every interview. i’ll tell you frankly, without this support we don’t have a single chance of winning. perhaps it will not be cheap money, perhaps it will be issued as a loan, yes, yes, loans, loans. yes, do you agree with this? i said that today we don’t care anymore. all the same, despite the fact that 80% of the borrowed money will remain in the united states. will be spent on the production of new weapons that will replace the old ones written off in ukraine. only about 8 billion will be given to the kiev regime, but on condition that they will not spend it on paying
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pensions. zelensky doesn’t even try to argue, perhaps because, according to the new law, the american president also receives the right to write off debts, and half of them already this year, but not earlier than november 15, that is, after the elections. even if biden loses them, he will continue to serve as head of state until the end of january. besides. probably the head of the kiev regime believes that bribes from him are smooth. firstly, his presidential powers end in a month, and secondly, kiev still has no money and is not expected to. the ukrainian economy is completely destroyed, they have no way to pay back the loans, what if they don’t pay them back? ukrainians sit on the richest mineral deposits in europe, if they manage to get back on their feet with our help, we will see how they do. ukraine, if the ruling regime there continues
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. the only question is what will happen to itself and will continue in the same spirit. nothing will help ukraine, but... the values ​​of the western world, everything he needs so that he can repeat this until november, this money is completely contrary to the interests of ukraine, since it only means more deaths and destruction, this is solely in the interests of biden and zelensky personally, because they are too concerned about preserving their own skin in this, of course.
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first of all, and no money to ukraine, until the southern border of the united states is reliably closed from the flow of migrants, everything is unchanged at the border, in contrast to johnson’s political position.
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mike johnson has completely changed, he has changed his views, and people are literally asking if he is being blackmailed, what is wrong with him, because he has completely distanced himself from us? do you think he's being blackmailed? according to rumors in the white house, mike johnson made a deal in exchange for a bill on ukraine;
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he was supposedly promised that democrats in congress would vote against his resignation. if this is so, then the speaker’s seat will, of course, remain, but on the eve of the elections, the republicans risk losing a significant number of their supporters, because it is now absolutely impossible to understand what their difference is from the democrats.
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in memphis, america, a search is underway for criminals who started shooting on the street in the midst of a party. at that moment there about 300 people gathered. a whole series of shots fired, people began to run in panic, but not everyone managed to escape the bullets. two were killed and at least 14 others were wounded, some in critical condition. similar news comes from the states regularly. only on the eve of maryland, an attack on a group of schoolchildren who had gathered in a park for a holiday, five were injured, the attacker has not yet been found. and... in early april, shootings were reported in philadelphia during the celebration of eid al-fitr and in florida, where a criminal killed two people and injured seven at a shopping center. in germany, they honored the memory of soviet soldiers who died in the battle for the seelow heights. in april 1945, the red army broke the seemingly impregnable german defenses on the western bank of the odor, and from there there was a direct path to berlin.
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there are flowers today at the memorial where more than 30,000 soviet soldiers are buried. the russian diplomats were joined by local residents, schoolchildren, representatives of many public organizations, those who are united by a common view of history and attitude towards attempts to rewrite it. from germany, reporting by ivan blagov. these flags were brought to the memorial on the sell heights by the germans, people of leftist views who advocate friendship with russia and the preservation of historical memory. with alarm , they discuss news from the united states, the allocation of more and more billions to support the kiev regime. bad, this is more than just bad, this is terrible, it turns out that the war must continue, and people in ukraine must die in order for the united states to advance its interests against the russian people. we grew up with russians, and i don't understand why the us must impose their will on everyone to teach life. we see a man with a copy of the victory banner in his hands , it turned out to be a former officer of the people's army of the gdr. this is a good opportunity to showcase it here. there are a lot of soviet
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soldiers here from... by the way, kiev is now actively using the same propaganda technique. the fortress was not only taken as a result of the heaviest battles; it was possible to grind down large wehrmacht forces, which otherwise could have retreated to berlin and made its assault even more difficult. according to various estimates, podzelov died until 33.00 soviet soldiers, in the berlin offensive operation within the framework of which it took place.
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the opposition in moldova, on the eve of the autumn elections and referendum on the country's accession to the eu, has united into a new political bloc. this was announced today at the congress of moldovan politicians in moscow. those who do not agree with the pro-european position of official chisinau came to the russian capital and advocate rapprochement with russia and the cis, joining the eurasian economic union. it would be good for the people to hold such a congress impossible due to severe persecution of the opposition. any political event. ends with arrests - explained politician ilan shor. he has repeatedly stated that the authorities who serve the interests of the west are destroying the sovereignty of their own state. the opposition has a clear understanding of what moldova really needs. i'll bring it. in 2019,
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moldova and the citizens of moldova truly believed in maysand's bright european future. she said: we will have roads, like in germany, we will have a pension of 5,000 euros. we will have factories, enterprises and jobs, and that where is the money, no money, but empty promises remain, today i am sincerely glad to announce the creation of a political bloc, victoria’s victory, the time has come, we cannot afford to wait any longer, today we face two. important life events. the first is the presidential election. and secondly, this is a referendum. together with elon shor , the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutzu, will also take the helm of the political bloc. she's
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also going to the convention today. let me remind you that in moldova she is accused of allegedly illegally financing an election campaign, and president maia sandu for almost a year now the inclusion of hutsul in the government has been delayed, although this is required by the country’s legislation. the pressure has intensified against the backdrop of gagauzia’s rapprochement with russia, which is what most of its residents strive for. when we are told that we are part of a european family, it would be nice to look at what values ​​this very family carries. the vast majority of eu countries have legalized gay marriage. there is an official replacement with words. mom, dad, and they are replaced by parent one, parent two. as a gogauzian, i don’t understand this. residents of the republic of moldova, residents, in
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in particular and gogauzia, we stand for the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war, and that may 9 is victory day. passions around the so-called european integration in georgia too. opposition supporters again held rallies in tbilis until late at night. there have been street protests since the beginning of the week, clashes with the police, tear gas, detentions and fights in parliament, which nevertheless approved the law on foreign agents. we are talking about control over npos that receive money from foreign sponsors. the prime minister's argument is that it is important to protect sovereignty so that it doesn't happen like with ukraine. but the west has a different opinion on this matter. countries where such... when political differences combine with a heated temperament, the debate becomes
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truly heated with eggs flying at the police on one side and tear gas on the other. and this could be attributed to street style, but in the parliamentary meeting room , killer arguments are used. europe, uk and usa. demonstrators on
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the streets of tbilisi hold posters in their hands: no to the russian law, although the inscription in english makes it clear to whom it is addressed this is an appeal. this is the creation of a picture, which will then be broadcast by the american media. around the world, that’s why they go out, there are manipulative information technologies, russia is the enemy, everything connected with russia is evil, russia is the world’s main scoundrel, so if you need to speak out against something, then you need to... explain what these are pro-russian actions, that’s all, nothing more is needed, all this despite the fact that in fact this supposedly russian law is practically a copy of the american law, to accept it, the ruling country, the georgian dream party tried last spring, but then the deputies gave in under the pressure of street protests, a year later the law was returned to parliament, softening the wording, it would cover ngos that receive at least 20% of their funding from abroad, everything that will be required of them.
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this law protects democracy in our country from any foreign interference. transparency and accountability are a priority, and this is confirmed in the european union. well, in this form the law did not suit either the opposition or the the european union itself. and in response to the deputies’ assurances of commitment to the european path , an attack came first from brussels. let me be clear. the draft law on transparency of foreign influence does not meet georgia's aspirations. eu accession and its trajectory, and will move georgia further away from the eu rather than closer to it, and then from washington, we urge the georgian government to heed warnings that this bill is not in line with the norms and values ​​of the european union, and this will certainly have a negative impact on georgia's progress on its way to the eu. it’s especially strange to hear this coming from representatives of the american state department, as if washington had forgotten what kind of country it was in adopting laws on foreign agents. passerby state duma deputy maria butina, a former russian student in the united states,
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knows this from her own experience. the book is a prison diary, her memories of how american authorities threw her behind bars as a foreign agent. american law is cruel, moreover, it is not alone. in america has six laws on foreign agents. but in the case of my case, they actually raised a law that had not been used against anyone for 50 years. iran, that is, this is selective justice. according to the logic of western officials, it turns out that russian law is also in force in the united states, and has been for more than 80 years. the foreign agents registration act, known as the law in the united states, was adopted in 1938, this is what government resources say about it. headlight is an important tool for identifying foreign influence in the united states in eliminating threats to national security. main. promote transparency regarding foreign influence
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within the united states by ensuring that the us government and the public know the source of certain information from foreign agents intended to influence american public opinion, policy laws, why a law good for america is bad for other countries has long been a rhetorical question, this is another matter, they also have such a wonderful formulation, this is another matter, the united states can. states, therefore the united states likes its own law, and does not like any laws that are passed similar in other countries. laws on environmental agents, like the american one, exist not only. the same rules apply in australia, israel,
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hungary, and a year ago there were plans to adopt a similar directive at the level of the european union. why should such a law close the door to europe for georgia, perhaps because this door was already sealed tightly. or perhaps the real reason for the discontent is that georgia never decided to introduce sanctions against russia, despite repeated calls. by the way, the leader of the ruling party has already promised that the law on agents in the country could be repealed if it is proposed to georgia.
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and we’re not talking about a flower at all, that’s the name of cluster mines that ukrainian militants began to use, so in gorlovka the private sector is literally dotted with them, residents are afraid to go out into the garden, since the beginning of the year... sappers in the dpr have already neutralized over 400 enemy shells and min. due to such explosive objects , many farmlands are idle. because specialists are trying to inspect the territories as quickly as possible and inspect them thoroughly, where possible, sowing is already in full swing. new
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russian-made equipment to help farmers. report from the donetsk people's republic by alexey ivanov. what is this? passive material, seed. about a hectare for... how much is enough? how many hectares? well, for 160 hectares, this is enough, but that is, for a whole day of work , exactly, absolutely right, for farmers, the south of russia and new regions, in particular, now every minute counts, as long as there is the so-called weather window, you need to prepare the land and sow spring crops, sunflower will grow in this field under the wave, the seed is locally produced, the seed, as they say here, is brought from the largest variety of seed plant in the donbass, it is located in the village of volodarskoye, we process the seed, -first, we clean it, divide it into fractions according to size, because the seeder needs to be adjusted so that the size is the same, the canopy is no more, less, so that it is the same, we have disinfectants for pests, diseases, and painting, the paint helps, how the adhesive works, the plant can produce up to 25 thousand
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tons of seed material, now it ’s a little more than half loaded, but it’s already fulfilling the most important task in ensuring food security. donbass needs of the donetsk republic, maybe even the neighboring lugansk republic, this enterprise can provide, even crimea, probably, at one time we did the same in crimea, we did semina roofing in crimea, that is, you are returning, in fact, well, yes, dialing turnover, the most important thing is our russian enterprise, which prepares russian grain, all of its own, all of its own, all of its own, that is , we ourselves are bread. i ensure, of course, that grain grown in the donetsk people's republic is supplied, including for export, the dpr quota for duty-free supplies this spring was more than doubled, from 143 thousand to 300 thousand tons, plans for the 2024 harvest in the donbass , as throughout the country, are optimistic. the progress of the sowing campaign
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was discussed at a meeting of the operational headquarters of the ministry of agriculture this week. spring sowing and its area are gaining momentum. we are already approaching 5 million hectares, the pace is slightly higher than last year. that's it, let's get going, yes, in the fields near donetsk, new russian-made agricultural machinery, a tractor and its accessories were purchased on this farm as part of the state program. machine operators praise the equipment, it is powerful, reliable in the tractor cabin, air conditioning, on-board computer. the monitor clearly shows which part of the field. the battle for the harvest, some farms are in the current sowing campaign in the literal sense front-line zone and before the equipment reaches the fields, they need to be cleared, the lands
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are sown with explosive objects, the concentration of mines in this field is under... both military and civilian specialists, here is the next visit, farmers turned to the sappers of the republican department of the ministry of emergency situations, quite often they have to go when, especially, the season of plowing and the like begins, when after a long period of inactivity the field is in a well-unselected state, they find a lot of, well, explosive objects, these planting
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the area was liberated during a special military operation last year, the farmers have already moved here, as you can see, the winter wheat is now growing angry, but this field is simply overgrown... all because of one shell, this is a fragment from the uragan rszzo, its cluster warhead , a dangerous place, they have fenced off the tapes, but farmers are still afraid to come here, because at any moment this shell could detonate, this enemy shell, fortunately, did not reach the target and, falling to the ground, did not explode, there are 30 combat submunitions here, 9-210 or 9235, in each there is only one type of ammunition available. 10 gm explosive. the inspection showed that the rocket fuse was not in the combat position, but in the transport position. the discovered fragments are carefully evacuated by sappers from the field, which has now become safe. enough, the tail, yes the tail is enough, in fact, if we destroy it on the spot, why couldn’t we destroy it on the spot,
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because we are located not far from the road, it will be necessary to block the highway, but in this case it is in relative safety, so we can do it transport and destroy already at a specialized ladra site, rescuers have calculated that since the beginning of the year on the territory of the republic they have neutralized more than 4,500... explosive objects, ready, the general fire team, the weather makes adjustments to sowing, soil moisture is low, machine operators have to set the parameters on the seeders close to maximum, and in march-april we had practically no precipitation, we can say that these conditions now are harsh for crops, critical conditions are critical, we usually sowed sunflower 4-5 see, well, this is a normal depth, if there is moisture in order to get friendly shoots, now how many centimeters? if we sow deeper at 6-7, we will
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get harvests 2-3 days later. farmers say that the struggle for the harvest is never easy, and the donbass character helps not only to overcome difficulties, but also to make quite grandiose plans. the donetsk people's republic has set a goal in the coming years to enter the top ten regions of the country in terms of grain harvest, and there are all opportunities for this. we are today. will develop only at an accelerated pace, and other objects, so the region is quite attractive, and here we really have everything for agriculture, and donbass is not only industry, it is also a fairly strong agro-industrial complex, a breadbasket, a future, a future?
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covid record, more than 50 mutations, how is this possible? there are no antibodies, the virus can use the body repeatedly. in the netherlands, a man fought the virus for almost 2 years, but could not defeat it. vintage, old-fashioned, but still on the track capable of much. seagulls, volgas, ladas, muscovites, all soviet classics, foreign
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models, in moscow, a motor rally of legendary cars, more on this and more in a couple of minutes, don’t switch, you were still a cop boss, no hearing, no intelligence, unexpected number, surprise i'm hooked, i'm so hooked, why do you need one like that? and he wears a hat, he wears shoes in three chords, a new season, look after the evening
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news, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, look after the program for the time. this is a hiding place, which means a robbery, i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers, the gilded watches, these were not germans, not germans, who are
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forest brothers. wartime, a story with a continuation, tomorrow after the program time, from the command forest, ask for everything you want, and you know what i want, send me some news to vanya, for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, i’m not lying in a single letter , i'm not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this
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theater, can i just lay out a rug somewhere? we have a restaurant nearby and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is it, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers people on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo. and hamlet, asking why you want to play the role of hamlet, simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i walked out on the stage as vysotsky broke his chains, lyubimov as a director was eager for freedom, there is no system for stanislavsky, it’s all stupidity,
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there is a method of work. the center is decreasing, however, very little at the moment, the level in tabol is still about 10 m, -5 cm in a few hours, the authorities emphasize that it is too early to relax, the value remains dangerous, the situation in the area of ​​the dam is especially tense, it continues to strengthen, in addition, settlements in the belozersk district are now under threat, the flow from kurgan goes there, residents are evacuated, in total more than 5,500
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residential and country houses, as well as bridges and road sections, have been sunk in the region. rescuers rescued 15 thousand people from areas affected by floods, over 2 thousand of them children. vyshimi is expecting the peak of the flood this night. this is the tyumen region, the river on which the city stands has flooded to a record level, above 10.5 m, six of them in just 3 days. the situation in others is becoming more complicated areas, hundreds of settlements could be flooded , which is twice as many as experts predicted just a day ago. footage all the latest information up to this minute in... footage from a bird's eye view. the road to the village of kashkaraga in the tyumen region was under water. now the so-called head of the flood is approaching the populated area. in front of the village the floodplain is flooded with water, below and shim is still in the riverbed. large waters came to the village of plodopitomnik, more than a hundred houses and summer cottages were flooded. move safely here now you can only go by boat. the depth
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in some places reaches 3 m. rescuers. patrols the territory, tell us how your work works now? the main task is to evacuate the population from flooded houses. have you already managed to save or evacuate someone today? yes, two men were saved. valentina ermakova still has chickens at her dacha. thank you very much, at least a little, you saved something, nothing, nothing, take care of yourself. and stick around, thank you very much. we are trying underwater, now there are several streets in the private sector and three snt village of plodopitomnik. the water near the city of ishim continues. making a reserve for an emergency turned out to be not in vain, because a little to the side it crumbled a little, but there are still a few places, we have already found where they need to be strengthened, now we are urgently strengthening them so that the water does not go to multi-story buildings, i
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have been working with sand here since monday , that is, i am burdened with melancholy from morning to evening. we ask all residents to leave their premises and arrive at the evacuation point together with their family members. psychologists persuade residents to leave houses that are in flood zone, but not everyone responds, people hope that this flood will not be worse than the one that was here 7 years ago. in the seventeenth year, the water came up, it came to our site, that’s it, it was in the neighbors’ garden, we did all this. we saw, we live on a river, we like it, well, the elements, yes, what can you do, but we have to survive it, that is, within this hour we leave here,
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well, we don’t leave for an hour, no, how long, we’re not leaving yet, we’re waiting for water, but many still agree and move to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, 22 temporary accommodation centers have been created for citizens, they were created on the basis of a city hotel. so far i took lunch for the youngest, now we can put it in the refrigerator, there is a microwave, we will heat everything up, so everything is fine, there is a shower, there is a toilet, again footage of a copter, the flood of the ishim river near the village of
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larihi in dynamics, the flood forced us to flee literally words from familiar places and wild animals; while patrolling the ishim region, rescuers noticed a herd roes that were running away from the water spill. the flood is expected to peak tonight. alena sanoeva, alexey vaskov, evgeny evgoshin,
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alexey simonov, natalya sidorova, channel one, tyumen region. the medical community is discussing a record- breaking case of covid. 613 days, that’s how long an elderly man from the netherlands fought the infection. in the anamnesis, and without destroying the cell, it comes out, that is , using the cell repeatedly as a small reproduction factory.


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