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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 22, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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escalation, and russia will show weakness and indecisiveness, it seems to me that they have long had reason to understand that russia will not be bent, much less broken, and i would still very much hope that they in washington will not accept the adoption of this aid package for ukraine, that they will not accept the adoption of this package as... a mandate for new aggression, this could turn out to be a tragic mistake for them. dmitry sayems, host of the big game program on the first, and we continue with recognition of the head of the ukrainian police. he stated, and was confirmed in berlin, over 160 children, who were said to have been taken from ukraine to russia, were found in germany. and how now with all these horror stories of kiev and the west, from children’s deportation to us, adoption and admission to our citizenship.
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to poland, to germany, to austria, now all this is demonized, yes, it is shown that all the children are on the territory of the russian federation, well, we see 161 children whom ukraine found in germany and it is important that... now we do not denounce all this is some kind of myth that we are holding ukrainian children, and so that ukraine starts finally, look for your children in different countries , help them, especially since we know the information that, uh, in the european union countries, children are taken from their mothers, taken from their families, separated, placed in foster care, placed in an institution. today is 5 years since zelensky kicked the president out of his chair in the second round.
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when under poroshenko the so-called ato began in ukraine, a war against its own citizens in the donbass, another one in may of the fifteenth, but then the famous showman toured, performed, including in the dpr, and nothing strange, russian-speaking with the ukrainian, as zelensky characterized himself, did not see jewish roots; he was ready , after the coup in kiev, to beg for peace on his knees. russia and ukraine, we are truly fraternal peoples, i know.
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millions, i, i know thousands of people who live in russia, wonderful people, we are the same color, we have the same blood, we all understand each other, regardless of the language, if you want, but i personally, i tell you honestly, i ready, i don’t know, you need it, i can beg you on my knees, they believed him, almost 73% of ukrainians in 2019 cast their votes for the popular artist who promised to end the war, everything is like in the movie, the tv series servant of the people, where zelensky’s hero vasily goloborotko rides into power on a bicycle. 3, 2, 1, broadcast! throughout my life i tried to do everything to make ukrainians laugh, i felt this in my heart, it was not only mine.
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the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, he instantly turned from the president of the world into the president of war, he began to prove to the militants, remember then, i’m 42 years old and not a sucker, i went to the front, put on camouflage for the first time, put it on, that means that’s it, already like no one will not remember that this sweet, kind clown, yes, turned into an evil clown, and even more likely a bloody one, who organized the genocide of his own people. zelensky called on
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ukrainians around the world to return, but as a result, during his time in power, the country's population almost halved to 20 million. escaping the country is now the new ukrainian dream. war is the basis of existence for him, only war gives him power, only war gives him the opportunity to rob, only war gives him, him and his circle some kind of material dividends, and of course well, fame is that he is dependent on applause, and throughout the whole of the twenty-second and beginning of the twenty-third year , parliaments stood up in front of him, in congress they applauded him, crazy money hung on him in parliament, from nancy pilos to this one. a madman who was there for 182 years, of course, he was blown away, the lid was blown off, from the dizzying love of the west, hundreds of billions of dollars in aid and various weapons, to outright irritation from exorbitant appetites, a little more than a year passed, at the nato summit in vilnius, in the summer of the twenty-third, zelensky, like a white,
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or rather, a khaki-colored crow, is no longer interesting to anyone, everyone pointedly turned away, even his wife, and yet in the spring of the twenty-second , at negotiations in istanbul, kiev’s refusal... with which kiev officially agreed, but in in april 22, british prime minister boris johnson convinced zelensky to fight until the last ukrainian, they suggested. it’s unknown what he came up with himself, but zelensky forbade himself by decree to conduct any negotiations with russia. now zelensky is even ready to fight on credit. the british telegraph depicted him as a beggar on the steps of congress. inscription on the poster: money is needed to stop the third world war. urgently, really. you can
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also offer a tour. zelensky’s number with his pants down might have helped the western gentlemen become more generous in order to save the ukrainian, as they called it in france. you said that if the us congress does not approve the aid it is currently considering, about $60 billion that has been held up by lawmakers, republicans, you said that if this doesn't move forward, ukraine will lose the war. i tell you frankly, without price, i can tell you frankly, without this support we will have no chance of victory, you must be much stronger than your enemy.
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look, look, the presidential elections in ukraine have been cancelled, this violates the constitution of ukraine, but zelensky’s western sponsors approve, but only as long as zelensky fulfills the tasks assigned to him. on may 21, this whole image will turn into a pumpkin, into such a huge pumpkin, he will only have external, external legality, he will simply be recognized as president by those who benefit from it, no grounds for legality, except... he will not have the presence of the cross inside the country if in the end the west decides
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to get rid of him, and i i think, in general, this hour is not far off, then yes, this is the easiest, simplest option, just some current victoria nulan will come, who will be there instead of her, some pritzker there or someone else, will tell him in your ear, volodya, it’s time, that is, if you want, here it is... those guarantees about the safety of you and your family, they were in effect, leave now, otherwise tomorrow you will be illegitimate from our point of view, whether they will let you escape, like his serial hero , is unknown, but you obviously shouldn’t count on happy and zelensky. vitaly katchenko, irina bliznyuk and anastasia berestenko, channel one. a new arrest in the case of a terrorist attack in crocus, a court in tver sent a local resident who made a fictitious story to pre-trial detention. registration at their address for terrorist accomplices who provided money, an apartment and a car.
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ashurov, as the arrestee's last name is reported, had tajik citizenship and a russian passport. 145 people; eleven defendants with whom investigators are working in moscow face life imprisonment for their deaths. and whose connections with ukraine were confirmed by the secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev, recalling other examples of enemy terror. the regime deliberately commits sabotage against civilian objects, shells russian border regions, using fire weapons against civilians, commits terrorist attacks, in places where people are in large numbers, they organize assassinations of government officials, public figures, journalists; a striking example of inhumanity, fierce hatred of our country is the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in kroku city. during
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the investigation , the connection between the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack and ukrainian nationalists was confirmed and procedurally established. perpetrators, accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse traces of a crime. foreign influence on politics, so that the government for establishing order does not become worse than in ukraine, the president of georgia is against it, that is so, about this pavel krasnov. disagreements are combined with a hot temperament, the debate becomes really heated with eggs flying at
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the police on one side and tear gas on the other, and this could be attributed to street style, but in the parliamentary chamber the killer arguments are going on. the deputy most famous for his russophobia, after the start of the northern military district, this parliamentarian even went to ukraine to fight. a former french citizen who took the side of the protesters speaks to western television channels several times a day about the russian threat. this is an exact copy of putin's law, which was adopted in 2012. this is a law against all international organizations.
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to explain that these are pro-russian actions, that’s all, nothing more is needed, all this despite the fact that in fact, this supposedly russian law is practically a copy of the american law, the ruling party in the country must accept it. the georgian dream tried last spring, but then the deputies gave in under pressure from street protests. a year later, the law was returned to parliament, softening the wording: it would cover npos that receive at least 20% of their funding from abroad; all that is required of them is to register in a special register. this law protects
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democracy in our country from any foreign interference. transparency and accountability are a priority and this is confirmed. well, in this form, the law did not suit either the opposition or the european union, in response to the deputies' assurances of commitment to the european path , a registry followed first from brussels. let me be clear: the draft foreign influence transparency act is inconsistent with georgia's eu aspirations and trajectory, and will move georgia further away from the eu, rather than closer to it, and then away from washington. we urge the georgian government to heed the warnings. that this bill does not comply with the norms and values ​​of the european union, and this will certainly have a negative impact on georgia's progress on its way to the eu. it’s especially strange to hear this coming from representatives of the american state department, as if washington had forgotten which country was a pioneer in the adoption of laws on common agents. state duma deputy maria butina, a former russian student in the united states, knows this from her own experience. the book
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is a prison diary, her memories of how the american authorities threw her behind bars as... a foreign agent, american law is cruel, moreover, he is not alone, in america there are six laws on foreign agents, but in the case of my case, they actually raised a law that for 50 years has not been used against anyone except me, a citizen of russia and one, it seems, a citizen of iran, that is, this is selective justice, logically western officials, it turns out that the russian law is also in force in the united states, and for more than 80 years, acts of registration of foreign agents, known as the farah law, were adopted in the united states in 1938, this is what they say about it on government documents resources. headlight is an important tool for identifying foreign influence in the us and eliminating threats to national security. farah's primary goal is to promote transparency regarding foreign influence within the united states by ensuring that
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the us government and the public know the source of certain information from foreign agents is intended. influence on its territory from the united states, therefore the united states likes its own law, and does not like any laws that are adopted similar in other countries. laws on foreign agents, similar to the american one, exist not only in russia; the same rules apply in australia, israel, hungary, and a year ago they were going to adopt a similar directive at the level
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of the european union. why should such a law close the door to europe for georgia, perhaps because this... was already sealed tightly, and perhaps the real reason for the discontent is that georgia never decided to impose sanctions against russia, despite repeated calls . by the way, the leader of the ruling party has already promised that the law about foreign agents in the country may be canceled if georgia is offered eu membership. there has been no response from the european union yet. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, maryana soboleva and pavel yadakimenko, channel one. opposition in moldova on the eve of autumn. elections and referendum on the country's accession to the eu, united into a new political bloc. this was announced today at the congress of moldovan politicians. those who do not agree with the pro-european position of official chisinau came to moscow. they advocate rapprochement with russia, the cis, joining eurasian economic union. among the leaders of the new bloc is the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul. moldova is accused of allegedly
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illegally financing the election campaign. and president mayasanda has been dragging on the inclusion of gutsol for almost a year now. composition of the government, although this is required by the country's legislation. the pressure has intensified against the backdrop of the rapprochement of gagauzia with russia, which is what most of its residents are striving for, including the leader of the opposition to the chisinau regime, politician ilon shor. european values ​​in 2019 moldova and moldovan citizens truly maysand believed in a bright european future. she said, we will have roads like in germany, we will have a pension. euro, we will have factories, enterprises, jobs, and what, where is the zine money, no money, but empty promises left, i am today.
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that we are part of a european family, it would be nice to look at what values ​​this very family carries, in the vast majority of eu countries gay marriage is legalized, there is an official replacement with the words, mom, dad, and they are replaced by parent one, parent two. i, like gogouska, i don’t understand this, residents the republic of moldova, residents, in particular of gogauzia, we stand for the memory of
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the heroes of the great patriotic war, and that may 9 is victory day. on wednesday, the first news and the first footage, our peacekeepers are leaving nagorno-karabakh, a column with russian flags. blue stripe at the station, from there home to russia. the mission of technology moving towards the railway lasted 3.5 years. 200 soldier-officers stood along the line of combat contact between azerbaijan and armenia, ensuring a safe passage for 100 thousand refugees through zlochin corridor. urgent medical care, bread delivery, fire extinguishing are also in the area of ​​responsibility. seven servicemen died from stray bullets and while removing mines. the leaders of moscow, baku and yerevan have determined the deadline for the peacekeeping mission. until the fall of next year, but six months ago vladimir putin noted a fundamental change in the situation. events went in such a way that armenia recognized karabakh as part of azerbaijan. since january of this year
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, the unrecognized republic does not exist; it has self-liquidated. this means that the early withdrawal of peacekeepers from the azerbaijani territory, with gratitude for your service and wishes for a safe journey home. they provided us with water and everything we needed. i asked for medical assistance, they sent our filshers, they helped, accompanied them completely to the end of the route, they handed them over to civilian personnel, thank you very much, goodbye, have a good trip, thank you very much for helping the armenian peoples, peace, thank you very much, iran after israel will target the whole world, says the head of the israeli foreign ministry, tehran, as... when it is close to creating nuclear weapons, this is a matter of several weeks, writes the german newspaper beat today. it looks like an escalation, although on friday the american television channel cnn claimed that the iranians
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and israelis, who, by the way, as in ukraine , congress approved a new aid package, will no longer strike each other. the damage from those that have already taken place can hardly be called significant; at least iran certainly does not want to raise the stakes, although it could not help but respond to israel’s destruction of its consulate in syria. chapter. sergei lavrov told reporters this. and so they were telephone contacts between the leadership of russia and iran, our representatives and the israelis, and we very clearly recorded in these conversations and conveyed to the israelis that iran does not want escalation. we continue. agricultural producers who use domestic seeds. planting materials and fertilizers should receive additional support, this was the government instruction given by vladimir putin last week. sowing in the southern regions, including new ones, is now in full swing. despite all
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the difficulties, there is something to be proud of. aleksey ivanov about food security in all senses. what is this? passive material, seed. about how much is enough for a hectare? how many hectares? well, for 160 hectares. that's enough, that's it. that is, work for the whole day for sure? absolutely right. for farmers in the south of russia and new regions, in particular, now every minute counts, while there is a so-called weather window, they need to prepare the land and sow spring crops, in this field under the wave will grow sunflowers, locally produced seed, sunflower seeds, like here they say they are bringing the variety from the largest seed plant in the donbass, it is located in the village of volodarskoye, we process the seed, firstly we clean it, we divide it into fractions by size, that’s because it regulates the seeder. it is necessary that the size be the same, the seeds, no more, less, so that they are the same, against pests, against diseases, we have disinfectants and coloring, paint helps, how the adhesive
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works, the plant can. carry up to 25 thousand tons of seed material, currently only a little more than half loaded, but already fulfills the most important task in ensuring the food security of donbass, the needs of the donetsk republic, maybe even the neighboring lugansk republic, this enterprise will be able to provide, even crimea, probably, at one time we did the same in crimea , we did the same in crimea, that is, you are essentially returning , well, yes, we are gaining momentum, the most important thing is our russian enterprise, which prepares russian grain, all of its own, all of its own, all of its own, that is, we provide ourselves with bread, of course, grain grown in donetsk people's republic, also supplied for export. the dpr quota for duty-free supplies this spring was more than doubled, from 143,000 to 300,000 tons; the prospects for the 2024 harvest in donbass, as
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throughout the country, are optimistic. purchased as part of a state program, machine operators praise the equipment, powerful, reliable in the tractor cabin, air conditioning and on-board computer, the monitor clearly shows which part of the field is ready for sowing, well, the red arrow is like a tractor, cultivation is happening behind, everything is visible, chic for some for the farmers of the donetsk people's republic , the current sowing campaign is literally a battle for the harvest, some of the farms are located in the front-line zone and before the equipment enters
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the fields, they need to be cleared... the land is sown with explosive objects. the concentration of mines in this field near avdievka is such that under the trawl of the newest robot-sapper stalker, explosions thunder every minute. soon the bread of donbass will grow here again. yes, we are increasing passive areas, we are bringing into circulation those that were previously gray areas, which were mined, which were actually seized from agricultural production, with the help of our sappers. the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense, we put them into circulation, we clear the mines next, tractors go into the field immediately after the sappers and in the summer we will collect earthmovers from these. the fields are now being cleared by both military and civilian specialists. here's another departure. farmers turned to the sappers of the republican department of the ministry of emergency situations. quite often you have to go when, especially, the season of plowing and the like begins, when after a long period of idleness of the field it's in a messy state, they find a lot of, well, explosive
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objects. these cultivated areas were liberated during a special military operation, last year the farmers already moved here, as you can see, the greenery is now winter wheat, but this field is simply overgrown with weeds all because of one shell, this is a fragment from the uragan rszzo, its cluster weapon part, the dangerous place was fenced off with tapes, but farmers are still afraid to come here, because at any moment this shell could detonate, this the enemy shell, fortunately, did not reach the target and, falling to the ground, did not explode. there are 30 combat submunitions 9-210 or 9-235 here, each such ammunition contains 310 g of explosive. the inspection showed that the rocket fuse was not in a combat position, but in a transport position; the discovered fragments were carefully evacuated by sappers from the field, which had now become safe. yes, the tail is enough, why couldn’t it be destroyed on the spot, because? we
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are located not far from the road, in fact, if we destroy it on the spot, it is necessary the route will be blocked, but in this case it is relatively safe, so we can transport it and destroy it at a specialized site. rescuers estimate that since the beginning of the year on the territory of the republic, they have neutralized more than 4,500 explosive objects, the general fire team is ready. the weather makes adjustments to the sowing, soil moisture is low, machine operators have to set parameters close to maximum on the sowing machines, and in march-april we had practically no precipitation, we can say that these are the conditions now harsh conditions for critical conditions, we usually sowed sunflowers 4-5 cm, but this is a normal depth, if there is moisture in order to get friendly gatherings, now how many
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centimeters, if we sow deeper on... everything, we are already 2- 3 days later we will get the meeting. farmers say that the struggle for the harvest is never easy, and the donbass character helps not only to overcome difficulties, but also to make quite grandiose plans. the donetsk people's republic has set a goal in the coming years to enter the top ten regions of the country in terms of grain harvest, there are all possibilities for this. today we are working with 26 investment projects in agriculture, and these projects are the most diverse, from laying greenhouses, building dairy farms, modern granaries and other facilities. therefore , the region is quite attractive, and agriculture here will only develop at an accelerated pace. we have everything for this. in fact, donbass is not only industry, it is also a fairly strong agro-industrial complex. breadbasket, future, future breadbasket. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, natalya radeonova, channel one, donbass.
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this year, russian graduates will be able to retake the exam in one of the subjects before the end of the admission period. the topic of the unified state exam last thursday was one of the main ones at the meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of rosobrnadzor. on july 4th they are waiting for those who want to correct the result in computer science, social studies, russian, physics, chemistry and written foreign language. july 5, those who want to improve their scores in biology, geography, mathematics, history, literature and foreign oral. however, the points scored during the retake will be used as a certificate; the previous result will be cancelled. necessary for improvement. the unified state examination (use), of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions campaign. this is very important, because children are often worried, but everything happens in life, such a right for error is, of course,
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very important for children, i ask you to strictly ensure that all necessary conditions are implemented for all instructions of the message, and most importantly the main thing is for the unified state exam. on retakes, so that it is convenient and comfortable for children. and the procedures for obtaining vital medications should also be convenient, comfortable and quick for children and their parents. we are talking about the circle of good foundation. his work becomes even more efficient. according to the government’s decision , children will receive expensive medicines for rare serious illnesses on the sixth day from the date of application, and not after 3.5 weeks, as was previously the case. the corresponding decree was signed this week. let me remind you that the fund has been created. by decision of the president in 2021 assistance more than 24,000 children with orphan diseases have already received it. in germany, the postal service commemorates the soviet soldiers who died in the battle for the sielow heights. in april 1945,
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the red army cracked the german defenses in just 3 days, despite the fact that the reich, despite the loss of strategic initiative, resisted in an organized and meaningful manner. the path to berlin was open, but success came at a high price. mind you.
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podzilov, according to various estimates, killed up to 3,300 soviet soldiers, in the berlin offensive operation within the framework of which it took place the battle for the zielov heights, soldiers of the red army.
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reported that in less than a year and a half , the institute of national memory of the republic destroyed 38 memorials of the soviet era, including monuments to the red army, and 600 thousand soviet soldiers gave their lives for the liberation of poland from the fascist invaders. in poland, politicians are now rewriting history. this is very bad, but i haven’t forgotten how it was, i haven’t forgotten history. i know that russian and soviet soldiers liberated us. in germany the situation with monuments. of course, fundamentally different but the russian embassy receives letters from
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public foundations that oversee memorial sites on the sites of former nazi concentration camps, yes, including those prisoners who were liberated by the red army in 1945, we are not happy to see you, they write, don’t come to the official event, this some kind of purposeful company, we ask the russian ambassador, i have not read any internal guidance on this matter, but the very fact of the receipt of these letters of their preparation... it is sad, because it is, so to speak, causes a certain erosion of such an important process as russian-german historical reconciliation. we will not be able to interfere, says nichaev, the historian’s program of memorial events dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the great victory will be fully implemented. along the road we notice a police car that looks like a police car. on the hood there is a word written in large letters in russian.
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each of them knew the russian word "friendship". ivan the good, dmitry volkov, love was such a tradition among the east germans, and also dmitrieva, dalia serozhedinova, igor agafonov, channel one. we sincerely wish everyone wonderful things. spring day, with you today are svetlana zinalova and sergey babaev,
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personally, we say good morning to you, it will be a wonderful monday, april 22. so, we have huge plans, for this morning and in general for this whole week we will find out where we constantly lose 5 minutes, well, when we always lack these five minutes. let's try to jump into the last train of preparation for the unified state exam. yes, we find out that there is a shortage of nannies. the world probably knows this very well, let’s choose the most delicious ones canned food tuna fish and the best sunglasses, and that’s not all that awaits us this morning, right now, let’s warm up, we need to prepare for this cheerful, active day, sergei blucher invites us to fitness. good morning, male beauty lies in strength and endurance, let's strengthen our muscles. let's give a gift to our beloved women. girls,
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join us too. today i will show you a plank exercise. we get on all fours, lift our knees off the floor, and lean on our toes. the legs are bent at a right angle, the palms are clearly under the shoulders. we look down, don’t turn our heads back tilt it back. on the count of one, lift off the left foot and pull the knee towards the right elbow. two. we return to the starting position. and now i’ll show you a version for advanced athletes: we go into plank position, the body is extended in one straight line, the buttocks, back and abs are tense, again we bend our legs in turn, pull the left knee towards the right hand in the opposite direction. the workout
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will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, arms, hips and buttocks. you will start the day cheerful and in a good mood. the wonderful international event garden of memory continues. this year, by the way, this is already the fifth time. during the event, people took part in planting memory gardens. 27 million trees, this is how many participants in the memory garden campaign plan to plant this year throughout russia. this is the number of people who died during the great patriotic war . in memory of everyone, we plant a tree every year. subbotniks, which have become traditional , started as in previous years in the warm crimea. in the bakhcesarai district
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, a wasteland with an area of ​​more than a hectare was planted in one day. i pity this crimean pine of home front workers. in north ossetia, near the village of balta , a thousand red oak seedlings grow. schoolchildren, students, and older people also took part in the action. war veteran alexander pogay will celebrate his ninety- ninth birthday in may. i have planted a lot of trees in my life. there are so many young people, how happy they are to work. the main thing here is to show an example. vladimir zhemchuzhnikov from the lipetsk region has been planting trees in his native lebedyansky district for 20 years. he has... a goal of 700 seedlings, the number of dead fellow countrymen, in this year prepared 150 blue spruce trees for planting, extracted seeds from cones, kept the seeds in the cold, processed them, and planted them like carrots in april, at this time, it took 6 years for the seedlings
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to become so large and strong, now vladimir is together with volunteers, i transplanted them on the outskirts of the village of staraya rakitina, they will water them in moscow. one of the main sites of the action was the michurinsky garden in vdnkh park. here the organizers prepared an apple tree of the bellefleur chinese variety, bred by ivan michurin. among the participants and celebrities , radion gazmanov says this is important to him. when i come back, i’ll show it to my grandchildren and say: you see, grandfather was sorry. they dug up the seedling, watered it, and be sure to hang a tag on the branch with the name of their hero. grigory penyanov, my grandfather, defended stalingrad and received the order of the red star. this tree is in honor of him, i dedicated this tree to my great-grandmother anastasia, she is a resident of besieged leningrad. over the 4 years of implementation there have already been more than 100 million trees. on the official website of sadmemory 2024 of the russian federation there is a map where you can choose a place, date and join the promotion, it will last until june 22. yuri nesterov,
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stepan erofeev, anastasia zavidova, channel one. do you know that animals also love gifts? what did the residents of the stavropol region give to the elephants at the moscow zoo? oh, and the people of stavropol, they are very generous people, we will find out about what they gave right now. we'll tell you what they like. hello pipita. hello wonderful elephant. pipita died with their daughter capri. asian elephants from the moscow zoo. well done!
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took out his trunk, he had to figure out how get it, we make their life as difficult as possible. in their free time from studying, elephants eat 100 kg of food a day, mostly grass and hay, but not only. fruits, vegetables and bran are like cakes, a tasty, pleasant addition. among their favorite delicacies are apples, and with the help of them they decided to say hello to the moscow giants, their brothers from the stavropol territory. at the stand of this. the stavropol region calls itself the homeland of these animals, where archaeologists found the remains of two southern elephants, arkhipo in the sixties, nyusha in 2007, they are 2
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million years old, now posing in the regional museum. they lived with us in those days when the climate was quite hot, humid, the moscow zoo, this morning pomir pipita and capri will be as happy as elephants. asya ratkevich, elena savina, dmitry gordienko, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, vasily valetov. channel, wise people, barely after breakfast, are already thinking about lunch and dinner. if you
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haven't thought of anything like this yet, please think about pumpkin pot roast, what a wonderful recipe. it sounds so delicious, but you and i are so hungry, somehow cruel man, serge, not tomorrow, tell me it’s not tasty. no, it’s delicious, i can’t say that, it’s delicious. look what pumpkin i bought, i’ll make a delicious dish from it. roast in an edible pot, i cut off the lid of the pumpkin, remove the seeds and the partition, it turns out to be a pot with thick walls, you can stuff it with anything, chicken, vegetables, millet and rice, i’ll make a hearty mushroom filling, cut up champignons and onions, fry in a vegetable oil until the liquid... evaporates, salt, pepper, peeled potatoes i cut it into cubes, put it on the bottom of the pot,
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now fried mushrooms are next, and i’ll also add chopped garlic, alternate layers, fill the pumpkin, close it with a lid, put it on oiled parchment paper and put it in a preheated oven for an hour and a half, no less. i bake at a temperature of 200° to determine readiness, pierce the peel with a fork, if the teeth are easily inserted, then the stuffed pumpkin is ready, cut it, sprinkle with chopped herbs, serve, the taste is extraordinary, your loved ones will probably love it... this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel with you
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, me, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what is it, let’s quickly get to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, you’ve ended your relationship with the trainer sumo, i usually talk to men very little, i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one ever told me that i’m beautiful, we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems, grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit, being a husband with children, when being a girl, going on a date in this way, mom, dear, well, it’s not me anymore, all together, beautiful! beauty, the hazhers will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, today on the first. 165
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metastases in the lungs, the situation is absolutely hopeless, but such people are now being saved in st. petersburg at the petrov institute of oncology, about this great medical miracle, about many other important and interesting things. it’s great to live in the program, today is the first one. tee touch, what, what, what, what, i didn’t speak chinese, this is a word from the vocabulary of dog lovers, such a fashionable concept today is that the dog should be stroked more often, oh, listen, if only my dog ​​could shake your paw right now, hand, she constantly wants to be stroked, in general, everything is new, well forgotten and old, we will now tell you what it is, she loves... stroking her dog, i personally really love it, it turns out that touch can have very useful properties : calm the dog, relieve stress and a lot
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what else? this is what titouch is based on, it is a body-oriented method of working with dogs, and today cinnamon and i will try it. let's go to! svetlana soveleva will help us. hello! hello! she is a true expert in proper touching techniques for dogs. let's start with diagnostics. we remove the ammunition, the dog moves freely, svetlana looks carefully, she holds her back paw a little and periodically she still kicks her butt, note that here her fur grows a little to the side in a wave, and what does this mean, it says oh tension, this tension can be relieved t touch from english trust touch, trust and touch, through this, as fans of the method say, you can send a signal to the brain... this is not a massage at all, i rather give a new experience to the body, i move the skin, through this i give
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attention to the area with which... i am working, each touch has its own name, for example, zebra, and this is obolone, it looks just like stroking, yes, but at the same time it updates the body diagram, completely updated cinnamon, with renewed vigor , continues to test the equipment, and we we are preparing for the next stage: this is a wrapping tape, this is what we use to draw attention to the body, the wrap sounds like a spa treatment, there is something about...
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the load after the race, well, then they began to use it for both people and for many companion animals, they say it takes two to three sessions to see the effect. our first lesson is over, cinnamon has become a little calmer, and in general , even the owner can master wraps or a few correct touches, then use them with his dog in everyday life. tuna, how sweet this word sounds. directly musically, actually, well, it sounds good, but what do we know about it, that’s what? i know that it can be huge, that you can eat it fresh, cut the tuna directly, you know, for sashimi, and hop there, in japan they sell tuna at auction, the more, the more expensive, and i’m the only one in charge, this is the meat that pretends to be fish, and men, by the way, are generally recommended to replace meat with tuna, and
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now we will tell everyone how to choose the right jar of tuna, whether it should be taken in sauce or in its own juice. lots of protein and little fat, that's why they love it everyone loves tuna, he’s like an athlete himself. this fish is constantly in motion, a predator and reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h, that is , these schools move with lightning speed from place to place, while the size is impressive, from 50 cm to 5 m, the larger the fish, the longer it lived, and this means that it has managed to accumulate heavy metals, including harmful mercury, but peace of mind... the canned food contains smaller specimens, they are much cheaper, so as not to worry, we check the type of tuna on the can, it also affects the size. the largest tuna common, this usually lives in the tech ocean, midget tuna, skipjack tuna, they are smaller, this is in the atlantic ocean. our country does not catch this fish; tuna is always imported; if canned food is made in russia, it means it is made from frozen raw materials; during
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production it can be cut into pieces or finely chopped. the middle option is practically waste-free production, therefore the price is lower, but the taste and benefits depend more on the filling, tuna in its own juice is a lower-calorie product, at the same time a more complete product in terms of content of proteins and fats, those very healthy fats for the functioning of all our organ systems, it will be tuna in oil, it is also delicious in spicy sauces in tomato, but the mass fraction of fish... is less, plus thickeners, flavor enhancers, and flavorings are always present , canned food with a short composition is healthier. in addition, the product in its own juice or oil can be clearly seen. tuna in cans, it has such a dark color, just like meat, a slightly grayish-reddish color, and of course not white. the cooks are called canned tuna is a fish stew and is loved for
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its versatility. salads, pastas, bruschettas, tuna are ideal for many dishes. moreover, it can be prepared easily and quickly, so it’s just what you need for the dacha, on a hike, on a picnic. yulia kozlova, sergey falendysh, vasily yurov, channel one. so, dear friends, on the calendar april 22, on this day, in 1899, that is, exactly 125 years ago , the famous writer vladimir nabokov was born, he is the greatest writer of our time and scientist, by the way, he also wrote in english, by the way, in russian, studied butterflies and even discovered them. a separate view of them, by the way, vladimir nabokov with a net, this is perhaps his most famous photograph, in shorts with a net with a mischievous look, this butterfly catcher in the mountains of switzerland, world-famous entomologist vladimir nabukov, there are a number of butterflies that nabokov discovered, then he caught them for the first time , described them, they are named after his name, linen, of course, typesetting, there are a number
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of butterflies that he classified, only later... the milk and the writer are in this mansion on the big sea, in one of the richest families of st. petersburg, the house with linden ceilings went to his mother as a dowry. having already lived in exile for many years, 54 years in the usa, he is now writing an autobiographical novel, “other shores.” and there he describes this place from his childhood home in st. petersburg. this projection is called a bay window. nabokov writes that he felt here as if in the basket of a balloon. every day he looked out the window, waiting for a carriage with his mother, elena ivanovna, to appear from there, from nevsky prospekt. vladimir nabukov just wrote in in my novel, other shores, i was born near
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a safe, it was from this safe that elena ivanna’s jewelry was taken away by the sailors during the revolution, but some of the jewelry, after all, the bukov family was able to take with them. first to the crimea, then on the ship nadezhda to berlin, he will never return to his native other shores, he will go to cambridge and choose literature as his main specialty, not entomology. in berlin, an emigrant in beech will write in russian and earn money through translations, and then another new life will happen in the usa, and there he will become american writer. if you take novels written in the russian language in english. at the same time, of course , lolita stands apart, this is the original first edition of the fifty -fifth year, firstly, because nabokov himself first wrote lolita in
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english, and then in russian, and secondly, it was this novel that at the age of 56 brought scandalous fame, wild popularity all over the world, and at the same time financial independence. lalita deprived nabokov of the nobel prize; he was nominated a lot. times, but the author of such a novel cannot be given it could. nabokov didn’t seem to care anymore, he generally felt this reality differently, he was a sinistete with his own color alphabet. for him, every sound, letter, word was painted a certain color. it is interesting that even on other shores nabokov begins to mix taste sensations with his color sensations, for example, white, not just white, some kind of white. bodily, but like some kind of porridge like guriev’s. she never gave nabokov autographs. i signed books only for my wife vera, and then in my own way, drawing fictional butterflies calling them by her name. this is how he saw
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this world, an eternal boy in shorts with a juicy cheek at the ready. right now we are briefly giving the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one, just to know what. but the country is at peace by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. we 'll see you soon. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the flood in western siberia in the urals is gradually moving northward. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim river has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10. on the path of the waves of the ministry of emergency situations clearing congestion on the river, erecting and strengthening dams, and constructing temporary earthen embankments. in the region , almost 100 residential buildings, over 400
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country houses, and 650 household plots are currently flooded. more than 3,000 people were evacuated, several hundred were sent to temporary accommodation centers. there is also a rise in water in the tabol river in the yalutorovsk area. and in the neighboring kurgan region, tabol, on the contrary, is retreating. there the water sank. below the level of 10 m, while 5 residential and country houses, 13 bridges, five sections of roads. in the orenburg region, the level of the ural river has been steadily decreasing for three days. the day before, more than 400 houses were freed from water. about 13,000 residential buildings remain in the flood zone. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation, the s-34 crews destroyed an enemy stronghold and used high-explosive bombs. bypassed the air defense zone and, after completing all tasks, successfully returned to the airfield. in the kupinsky direction, our fighters from drones noticed the movement of militants and equipment. by they were hit by
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hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. we’ll build in all sorts of shelter, as you can see, we’re closing off the area here, all sorts of drones are flying, trying to find our equipment, well, we’re leaving anyway.
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guard sergeant major alexander krutilov was able to withdraw his car, in which he was transporting ammunition to the front line from under enemy fire. he delivered the cargo on time to the advanced units, who thanks to this destroyed several units of armored vehicles of the ukrainian formations. no more refugees from ukraine. german municipalities they are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head of the german association stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with so many migrants, both legal and not, it is impossible to integrate everyone into society, and many simply do not want this themselves. the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, or ideally to stay in western ukraine altogether. meanwhile, alarming opinions for kiev were voiced in the bundestag, and from two deputies at once, who cannot be blamed for disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with the publication of the funki media group, they expressed concern that the approved... could be the last from the united states
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for the kiev regime. us president joe biden may lose the support of muslims living in the country in the upcoming elections. this was reported by nbc channel with reference to the position of activists and leaders of large organizations, as well as muslim officials in the administration of the head of state. they were already furious that biden took israel’s side in the middle east conflict. writes a bill on providing military assistance to tel aviv, this will become a point of no return, as the tv channel points out. according to him, such a turn could play a key role in the presidential election in those swing states where biden won by a small margin in the twentieth year, such as at least three. arizona, georgia and michigan. joe biden is also subject to attacks in connection with the middle east conflict from tel aviv, for whose support he is reproached. prime minister benjamin netahu said. about
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the intention to protect the israeli army from the invasion sanctions against her. this possibility was previously reported by the american media. according to them , the us administration will within a few days announce restrictive measures against one of the idf units for human rights violations on the west bank of the jordan river. this will be the first time washington has imposed sanctions on an israeli military unit. he will be prohibited from receiving any u.s. military assistance from participating in american.
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the israeli army does not seem to be planning to take action. the general staff, as the idf press service reported, approved plans to continue the war in the gas sector. they were discussed at a meeting with military commanders. that's all for now, stay with us, the good morning program will continue to air on channel one. we are glad to welcome everyone who is greeting this wonderful spring morning in the warm company of channel one. monday today, april 22nd, svetlana zinalova is with you and... so, we wish everyone a wonderful day and quickly get ready for work, you probably know that for this very work or for some very important meeting or when you go to school, when you really need to be punctual, you start to be late for just 5 minutes, it’s not me, it’s the statistics that say five enchanted minutes, some kind of magic, but why can’t you feel like a disciplined person, calculate everything accurately and leave on time. i guess what's
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the point here? and, moreover, the earlier you get up, the later you sometimes go out. a woman always lacks five minutes. john agrees with this expression 100%. wife alesya doesn’t argue: how time jumped from 8:20 to 8:40 at once, that’s even self-deception in the family everyone knows that if john asks me, for example, how long will you be there, i write that it’s like, well, in 30 minutes, but that means expecting me in an hour, the question is, where does the time go? non-rhetorical experiment getting ready for the pool at alisa and her daughters for 15 minutes, we didn’t have time, why is the time management expert assessing, the first one where we lost valuable minutes - from quests, by the way, i realized that for certain items a specific place on the cell is important , yes, that is, they periodically go somewhere from one room to another, and this annoys me. your wallet olesya, by the way, never found it. this is such a good practice when you empty your bag and put all the things in it in
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some place. the next day, take only the set of items that you need for today's situation. the second point is that either the husband or the nanny are distracting. here you need to ask. discuss everything later; it’s more difficult to come to an agreement with children. yes, here i had to persuade maria to take off those very shoes, perhaps to divert her attention to something else, so that at that moment i could calmly, without conflicts, change her shoes. you can also give the task of who is collecting what and simply putting in an extra 10-15 minutes will definitely save you if you are in a hurry, for example, to the airport. according to statistics , every tenth person here is late. children find it difficult to be punctual, muscovites are in the lead, i always honestly say that if you oversleep, you overslept, they come up with the fact that they were stuck in a traffic jam, but i manage to overtake them, in big cities 10-15 minutes because of being late doesn’t count, when we know, that you can be late, we’re not in a hurry, for myself i’m not late,
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because i consistently arrive at 10-30, but at within the company i’m late almost every day, because our working day starts at 10, even in a corporate environment we no longer struggle with... lateness, so that we simply warn in advance, you see somewhere around 9:30 , that you don’t have time, that is, at 10:00 to write that i’m late for a meeting that’s at 10, forgive me, it’s an insult, if you add up the daily delay by 10 minutes, in a year you’ll accumulate about a working week, more than 40 hours of useful time , on the other hand, be a little less strict with yourself in the modern world it can be much more necessary. natalya leonova, dmitry likhov, channel one, in order to spend this day cheerfully, cheerfully and with pleasure, let’s take a look at the world wide web in the morning, i thought this was an advertisement for coffee, you’ll continue now, but it turns out this is an advertisement for yegor uspensky, who prepared we have super-duper funny videos for our hit parade, let's go, comrades, just
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look at this cat, his name is felix, he opens our super-duper cool hit parade, guess what he eats me. i'll tell you, this is dried sea cabbage, ugh, you say, and i will say, i would say so too, but the cat likes it and they gave him 3 million likes, i don’t know how he does it, but with such pleasure he wraps his rolls, wonderful things, that it seems to me like a valerian they turned him down, the dogs have a day off today, the elephants are taking the rap for them, specifically this lady named viola, she decided to escape from her traveling circus, she was calmly swimming, a car was passing nearby, the horn sounded, she was on her way to... they immediately turned to koloboks, the investigation is carried out by koloboks, they are looking for an escaped elephant, an elephant, and in in general, no one was hurt, neither the elephant nor the female elephant was a passer-by, she is cute, the hero of our next video you will watch, this is a raven, not to be confused with a crow, loves to play with the owner in the cross nog, look how it
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happens, according to the owner, the smartest bird the raven constantly wins against her, but the owner is not offended, he says: well, what about me, if i honestly admit, his iq is much higher than this raven. he easily gets hundreds of likes, well, finally, about the unique coffee machine in turkey, it gives out drinks completely free, you just need to yell at this coffee machine for 10 seconds, i can yell more, i can yell for a minute, you need two or three mugs at once, what the benefit is for the owners of the machine is not very clear, but for visitors it is, of course, pure pleasure. many young parents are concerned about finding a nanny, but where else to go?
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there is also a request for a nanny who is very good with gadgets, who helps the child, for example, manage social networks, this is a trend of the last couple of years, another trend is the nanny, she only takes and brings a child, for example, a sports section, or a baby sitter, a nanny for 2-3 hours, plus so that the educational experience is just where to look, first of all, the so-called word of mouth , contact friends, colleagues, neighbors, these can be district chats, this could be... they will look at education, it must be specialized, pedagogical or psychological, experience working with children for at
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least 3 years, absence of bad habits of diseases. well, the third option is to look for a nanny online yourself. almost everyone’s profile is a carbon copy; it’s better to call and talk. this is how recruiters do it. can you please tell me why you are looking for part-time employment? since i recently arrived from abroad, now i want to pay more attention not only to work. but also for yourself, the main thing here is that caring for the child also does not fade into the background, what else should you pay attention to? of these possible disadvantages, yes, this is that he does not have an education that is valued, for example, in russia, he does not have any specialized pedagogical education there, although for some on the contrary, it will seem interesting, for example, practicing a foreign language. i taught children english, and also a little chinese, so i know how to teach a child to do this. so that it improves the language as a whole, but as for experience, each parent decides
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for himself whether something else is more important. when calling with a candidate, we pay attention to the candidate’s speech itself, how clean it is, since in this vacancy it is important for us that the child has a role model, and that he speaks. well, and recommendations from previous employers, if the nanny wants to get place will gather them, but if you still doubt, one more...
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of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. from all regions. to date, people have already traveled through 79 regions of russia and people come to us in odogeya to look at these beauties. many, many, many, many know our sharigezh. russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon. travel, get to know our world, our russia. so, comrades, the main topic remains the flood in russia, the largest in the last 100 years. in orsk the water is slowly is retreating, but in general there are still more than enough problems in the orenburg region, the most difficult situation is in the temen and kurgan regions. kurgan region, the water level in the tobol river continues to rise. it’s difficult to predict how the elements will behave further: people on the streets help build the dam, here
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they fill bags with sand, load the bags, carry them to the dam so that the water does not leak, so that there is no flooding, then the bags are taken to the dam itself, in flooded areas they continue volunteers work, collect animals. yegor penkov remembers how on his water quickly began to flow through the area and we had to flee from there ourselves. continues to remain, the ministry of emergency situations employees have already laid out the second circle of the protective dam,
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clearing of congestions in the ishim river continues, evacuation also does not stop, volunteers are also helping. many thanks to the guys who came from everywhere to help. ishim city, volunteers bring food every day. someone cooks pies for us, someone makes buns, someone makes pancakes, that is, we take it all, bring it here from people and feed them, that is, in three batches. tomorrow. dinner for those who help rescue people to strengthen the dams. orenburg region. the water goes away, and here is another job. water from the street areas is pumped out and disinfected. in orsk, emergency situations ministry employees filter and purify water from the elshanka river. and everywhere, in all regions affected by floods, now the first thing we need is water. help is coming from izhevsk, udmurtia, and nizhny novgorod. the vladimir region joined. in addition, the victims need food, disposable tableware, and napkins. clothes, shoes, bed linen, personal hygiene products, the restoration of houses is ahead, will be needed
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heat guns. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. the most fashionable, summer, spring, autumn, and winter year-round accessory, without which it is impossible to see the sun, is sunglasses, and how they are absolutely necessary, especially for drivers, how do they protect our eyes from ultraviolet radiation, what are they made of, what do all the numbers mean, how should we choose this accessory, how the more expensive the better, no, no, the choice of sunglasses . complicated if you think about both reliability and eye health, but it’s easier for the algorithm to do this: let’s start with the lenses: glass ones won’t be scratched, they can last a long time, unless, of course, they break, plus they’re a bit heavy. plastic lenses are safer and lighter, the main thing is that they have a protective coating. a hardening coating is applied, the so-called, yes, that is, they increase the hardness
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of the anti-scratch, because plastic, if there is no such protection, then it quickly becomes unusable and scratches. and this, accordingly , is all problems with vision, we look for a note about a hardening coating on the label, what next? answer to the question where are you going? to wear glasses? on the back of the temple there is a numbering, what the glasses are for, this is the number three, which means the beach and relaxation. four mountains, such lenses are very dark, for city life in a non-sunny region they will be uncomfortable, so it is better to choose a lighter one, and the first category for walking in cloudy weather, the second in sunny weather. now, actually, about ultraviolet protection, dark lenses should have it as well as light ones. to check the uv filter, you can ask the seller for a declaration or check glasses on the spectrometer. available in many optical stores. we bring the lens to the device, it shows us the degree of protection, numbers: 380, 400,
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everything else, the lenses are of poor quality. if you wear glasses with such lenses in sunny weather. a signal will be received that there is not enough light, the pupils will dilate and become vulnerable. this is the most dangerous thing about lenses: the pupil is dilated, but ultraviolet radiation passes through very well, and you can get big problems with vision. glasses with wide lenses will better protect your eyes; narrow rays will hit you from the top from the side. for mountains or for a holiday at sea, it is better to have another pair marked polarized glasses, the so -called polarizing lenses, in which they are reflected. horizontal reflections from sea water and river water are cut off, yes, they are very convenient for drivers, whether polarization works or not, you can check it in the store, just point the glasses at your phone , and you don’t need to download any programs if there is a filter, the lenses will darken, finally the frame, it is better to choose it because of the cellulose quotes, it is soft plastic, it
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bends and is not easy to break. evgenia popova, olga sorokina, sergey falendysh, tatyana yus, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. many regions remain at risk when it comes to flooding, don’t relax, be sure to listen to emergency messages, don’t ignore them, if you need to evacuate, then, well, what to do, yes, this is vitally important if you are, live in zone of possible flooding, then you may need a signal buoy, which also glows in the dark, well, what it is, how to make it, the instructor will now show and tell you survival dmitry. your house is located in a flood zone, think about how to send distress signals as a rescuer, i suggest making a signal buoy, it will work even in the dark, we need nine one and a half liter bottles, fill them halfway with sand or earth, now take a five-liter container and cut it in the center,
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insert the blanks into each other. now we will wrap the bottles with sand to it with adhesive tape, take out the lid from the center, this will be a container for the signal light, and so that it shines upward and is noticeable from afar, we will make from another one and a half liter plastic bottle, a stand for balance, we cut out the petals, bend them in turn, first inward, then outward, insert the lantern. we put this structure inside our device, close it with the other half of the bottle, that’s all, tie a long rope to the buoy, you can store it in the attic or roof, if we had to wait out the flood here, then turn on the flashlight and let it float near the house. let's
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do a water test. you see, the signal buoy holds up perfectly, the sand prevents it from turning over, the light of a lantern will help rescuers will find you. to the sixtieth anniversary of the theatre. on taganka i'm not lying, i'm not lying, start playing everything, a world fire is in the blood, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and god bless, we have a restaurant nearby, and people come out of it , they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is this, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also... just strangers on the street, so my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be
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or not to be, they ask why you want to play the role of gant, simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, kuzatik premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage like vysotsky. broke chains, lyubimov as a director, was eager for freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, this is all nonsense, there is a method of work of a great master, yuri lyubimov, a man of the century, suddenly leonit ilich says, good theater, don’t touch it, first thing tomorrow. right now we ask for the attention of passionate fans, we want to talk about incredible world records, i would say even crazy world records, right now sports news from journalists
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from channel one: people have always had a craving for records, they allow you to push the boundaries of the possible, use hidden reserves, find followers and like-minded people. swiss freestyler kim gubzer has not achieved great heights in his career. at the kikin olympics i was twenty-third in bigari, at world championships reached a maximum of three. places, but gubzar still found a way to write his name in history. this really required a large number of assistants. at the top of shieldhoorn, where snow remains until the end of may, a huge springboard was built. after several attempts, gubzar made the highest jump in history, soaring to 14 m 60 cm. the achievement of american david wise in 2016 was exceeded by 40 cm. nazary is a place prayed for by surfers all over the world. hundreds come to portugal in winter. extreme in search of not only adrenaline, but and the highest wave. the german sebastian steutner set a world record here four years ago, conquering a wave 26 m/21 cm high.
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last february, the thirty-eight-year-old athlete again conquered with his fearlessness, performing on an innovative board that allows him to reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. for almost 2 months, specialists were busy taking measurements, and thanks to the latest technologies they were able to determine that steutner rode a wave 28.57 cm high. the new achievement will be ratified after certain approval procedures. there are world records in kite surfing, which will debut in the olympic program next summer. in the big air discipline last year, joshua emmanuel from south africa was able to soar off the coast of denmark at 36 m 20 cm. the french resort of barcare this season hosted the first stage of the world cup, where new records were expected. the local shallow lagoon is famous for the fact that some of the strongest winds rage here, and for...
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the channel is launching an amazing multi-part detective story based on the laws of war, a great war movie, a story with a continuation. investigator of the prosecutor's office svetlana elagina, military lawyer yegor shilov and, of course, our favorite driver fedorenko, are getting down to business again. don't miss the first episodes, right after the program today. svetlana petrovna ilagina, military lawyer, no big deal. the heroes of the film, according to the laws of war, are again on the front line.
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and says: alexander vasilyevich, get ready, we will film eight more episodes, this is history, and history still educates us, our series is quite reliable. always, when we are there referring to some time, location where we are filming, we really we rely on the facts that existed, elagina's touch, since you are here anyway, you will begin an investigation, i obey, svetlana elagina is again in an overcoat and chrome boots, in her hand a pistol, a gift from ivan rokototov, her beloved husband, with whom they are again separation, but now for them could be the happiest moment, what a month it turns out, 3
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months. little roar, i imagine how happy he is, her dreams are the world of the rokots, their child, her everyday life, interrogations, pursuit, shooting, in a besieged city she investigates murders and robberies. we became aware of an underground restaurant operating in the city. is this what we have now? i think we'd better show up there as visitors. what a lagina, i wanted a beautiful life. svetlana's new boss, her childhood friend, egor shilov. let's see, by the way, i was in love with you, well , just a little, disgrace, well, it was necessary to go to the capital, now it's too late, why, since i 'm married and he feels for her, i think, a warm, tender feeling, but he hides them in every possible way at work, they are different if shilov walks along some kind of logic, makes quite sharp decisions, then ilagina relies on some of
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her feminine wisdom on... hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10 m. in the direction of the wave movement , emergencies ministry specialists are clearing blockages on the river, erecting and strengthening dams, and constructing temporary earthen embankments. in the region , almost 100 residential buildings, over 400 country houses, and 650 household plots are currently sunk. more than evacuated 3,000 people, several hundred sent.
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temporary accommodation points, there is also a rise in water in the tobol river in the yalutorovsk region, in the neighboring kurgan region the tobol is retreating, there the water has dropped below a level of 10 m. at the same time , 5,500 residential and country houses, 13 bridges, and five sections of roads remain sunk there. in the orenburg region, the level of the ural river has been steadily decreasing for three days. the day before , more than 400 houses were freed from water. about 13 thousand residential buildings remain in the flood zone. it's a busy time for rescuers right now, due to dangerous fire seasons, a special fire regime is in effect in twenty- three russian regions, where people are prohibited from visiting forests, since the human factor is the main cause of fire. emergency situations ministry crews are quickly fighting the flames. also, department employees conduct preventive conversations with the population, all dangerous areas are identified using a space monitoring system and...
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through the application of thermal points. the most active fire hazard situation is currently developing in the territory of primorsky region, trans-baikal territory, the republic of buryatia and the astrakhan region. thermal points are zones with elevated temperatures. to provide information about thermal points, the thermal points mobile application is used. information about terminal points is promptly communicated to officials of local authorities. management of the day-to-day management bodies of the rschs and officials of the management bodies of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. to the news of the special operation in the southern donetsk direction, fighters of the vostok group occupied a stronghold armed forces of ukraine in the volnovakha area. they attacked in small groups of four people. the battle lasted a few minutes. despite the fact that the enemy actively resisted and dropped grenades from drones, our soldiers passed through without losses. russian drones helped them in this, with the help of which the commander directed
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the assault force. air, when we enter their strongholds, they are not really visible, they hid behind the board, my fighters get there, there is heavy fire, that’s it, we start practicing with grenades, fighters from buryatia... captured the stronghold to west of chasovo yar, first the equipment came into play, t-80 tanks destroyed the firing points , and then the paratroopers arrived at the fortified district and occupied it. several fighters. they chose to immediately lay down their arms in the vdiya direction, the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by the crew of the t-90m tank, they were fired with high-explosive fragmentation shells at a range of up to 10 km, they fired on fire from drones, without missing a single target. at the rehabilitation center at
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the kirov military medical academy , participants of the military medical academy were awarded state awards, orders of courage, medals for courage for bravery. those who decided to continue serving were provided with housing. in selected regions, military personnel are currently studying to obtain a new specialty; they will be able to continue serving in new positions in organizations of the ministry of defense. no more refugees from ukraine. german municipalities are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head of the german district association, reinhard sager, stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with such a number of migrants, both legal and not so, to integrate it is impossible for everyone to join the society, and many simply do not want this themselves. the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, or ideally to stay in western ukraine altogether. meanwhile, alarming opinions for kiev were voiced in the bundestag, and about two
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deputies at once, who cannot be blamed for disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with the publication of the funki media group, they expressed concern that the package of almost $61 billion approved by washington could be the last from the united states for the kiev regime. now the deputies are gathering use the decision of congress as a reason to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer new batches of equipment and weapons to ukraine, including taurus missiles. us president joe biden may lose the support of muslims living in the country in the upcoming elections. this was reported by nbc channel with reference to the position of activists and leaders of large organizations, as well as muslim officials in the administration of the head of state. ah... they weren’t so furious that biden was in the middle east took israel’s side in the conflict, and now if he signs a bill on providing military assistance to tel aviv, this will become a point of no return, the tv channel points out. according to him, such a turn could play a key
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role in the presidential election in those swing states where biden won by a small margin in the twentieth year, such as at least three. arizona, georgia and michigan, despite the fact that the current president’s ratings are already low, so there you go. could be decisive for him. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, our dear, beloved, best tv viewers in the world. you remember that the calendar says monday. you and i are all getting ready to go to work and study. april 22. and we remember that teaching is light, and not teaching is just light for work. although with teaching i teach for work. svetlana zeynalova and sergey babaev. that's right, absolutely. april 22, this means that in just a little over a month, the main stage of passing the unified state exams will start, my god, you don’t even know what to buy, what drops or pills, because my nerves are acting up, everyone
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’s hands are shaking, seryozha, you’re not very like me, because my daughter is taking the unified state exam, it’s absolutely terrible, guys, what should i do, you have to pass the exam, and therefore you need to remember that who wins , the calmest one wins, more than a month before the unified state exam. on may 23 , geography, literature, chemistry, on the twenty- eighth - russian is compulsory, and this is just the beginning. they're not shaking, are they? there are concerns regarding the russian language. i didn't spend enough time on the testing part. not very confident in computer science, the tasks with excel tables, from ancient times, something is probably often forgotten, we are afraid not to know. school psychologists have already gotten involved. they conduct training using the 4-second method, that is, you hold your breath for 4 seconds, then take a deep breath, hold it for 24 seconds and inhale again, it helps the body concentrate, calm down, for the last
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six months, eleventh-graders were freed to prepare for the ige, they write samples to find out their weak points and improve classes in groups according to levels of knowledge, relative to the first and second tests, the increase was around twenty. this kind of preparation gives high results and the number of unsatisfactory results has decreased dramatically, the number of stubbleniks has increased. good tutors are, as a rule, already sorted out a month before the unified state exam; those who look for recommendations from friends in advance, back in the tenth grade, are calm. please write the derivatives of the sine, well done, smart girl, let’s remember what the formula for the derivative of a product is, it’s very important not to run into those who just want to make money, a month before exams, this is the key time when you need do. very precise steps, and you can’t just study mathematics or just study
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social studies, a clear self-study plan is important, for example, on sunday from 2 to 4 i do this and that and the daily routine: you don’t do any tests at night, you sleep at night, you get up early in the morning, why this is important because exams always start at 10:00 in the morning, which means that our brain must work brilliantly from 10 to 2. in order for information to be truly preserved, it must be processed, and we process information exclusively during sleep. what do you need from parents? motivation and support. ekaterina’s son sasha is already responsible and studies at home using a timer. so, by being able to predict what will happen in the real exam, it is easier to choose a strategy. but a gift for a successful test will not hurt. he who works well rests well. the main thing is that the child comes home, in any mood, in any condition, and understands that he will be fed and cared for here. accepted, understood,
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it’s better to give up gadgets before bed, you’ll fall asleep faster. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetveryakov, evgeny smirnov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. right now, let's warm up, we need to prepare for this cheerful, active day. sergei blucher invites us to fitness. good morning, male beauty lies in strength and endurance, let's strengthen our muscles, give a gift to our beloved women, girls, and you join, today i will show you a plank exercise, get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, lean on your toes, legs bent at right angles , palms clearly under the shoulders, look down, don’t throw your head back, about we tear off the left foot once.
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and now i’ll show you the version for advanced athletes, we go into the plank position, the body is stretched out in one straight line, the buttocks, the back and abs are tense again... we bend our legs in turn, pull the left knee towards the right hand on the contrary. the workout will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, arms, hips and buttocks. you will start the day cheerful and in a good mood. wise people, having barely had breakfast, are already thinking. about lunch and dinner, if you haven’t
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thought of anything like that yet, please think about roast pumpkin in a pot, how wonderful the recipe sounds so delicious, and you and i are so hungry, some cruel person, tell me it’s not tasty, no, it’s delicious, i can’t say that, it’s delicious, look what kind of pumpkin i bought, i’ll make a delicious dish from it, roast it in in an edible pot, i cut off the lid of the pumpkin, remove the seeds and partitions, i got a pot with thick walls. you can stuff it with anything, chicken, vegetables, millet and rice. i'll make a hearty mushroom filling. i chop the champignons and onions and fry them in vegetable oil until the liquid is gone. will evaporate. salt and pepper. i cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. i put it on the bottom of the pot,
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now fried mushrooms are next, and i’ll also add chopped garlic, alternate layers, fill the pumpkin, close the lid, put it on oiled parchment paper and put it in a preheated oven for an hour and a half, no less, bake at 200° to determine readiness by piercing the peel with a fork. if the teeth can be inserted easily, the stuffed pumpkin is ready. i cut it, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve. taste aroma unusual. your loved ones will surely love this dish. but this is the most opportune moment to find out your... destiny for today , april 22, well, we predict that you
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will wake up and go to study or work, and what will the astrologers say? we'll find out now. april 22, the fourteenth lunar day meets the fifteenth, the fourth day of the sun, in general, quite pleasant, cheerful, open, good-natured, loves music, painting and other art, and he is also very sociable, knows how to approach people and is at ease holds his own in public, business meetings, negotiations, interviews, as well as everything related to the exchange of information under his strict leadership will go just with a bang, about the minuses he is a little uncollected, likes to argue, often sticks his nose into other people's affairs... "we on such days we don’t take our health, property and money very seriously, and this, you know, is fraught. aries stars hope that you heard this. be very careful when signing financial documents , try not to take too long. otherwise, it’s a good day. including for new projects, true, an office
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romance may interfere somewhat, but see for yourself. at first, some things may stall for taurus. you know, it happens that everything seems to be going well, but somehow." and don’t get angry, be patient, after dinner everything will work out, feel free to make a date for the evening, something romantic, maybe with the twins, and things will go quite briskly, especially with engineers, programmers , everyone involved in the transmission or processing of data, just be careful while driving and look in the mirrors, crayfish will do well in commerce, it will be possible to profit buy something, sell something, or exchange something with someone, and the evening, oh this evening, he clearly wants to somewhat... diversify your life, just let’s do it without alcohol. the stars strongly advise leos: firstly, to take care of plastic cards and not to carry a lot of cash with you, and secondly, to watch your words. in general, the day is very productive, when you can get some benefit out of everything. defa is having a wonderful day, the stars promise success for the opposite sex,
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good career prospects, the opportunity to earn extra money, but some of your plans may change, but this is also possible for the better. libra may unexpectedly spend money, however, on something useful and necessary, but what the stars do not advise today is arguing, especially about money, there will be no point, you will ruin your mood. scorpios have a fairly smooth day, when everything goes as it should, almost always to your advantage. after lunch, some urgent matters may arise, and in the evening, expect guests or some interesting news. if someone needs a good negotiator, call one of the archers, they are better speakers today. with whom they will find a common language , they will argue with anyone, the evening clearly wants to invite you somewhere. this day will help capricorns demonstrate their best qualities, including in the professional field. after lunch, some serious conversation is possible. be extremely correct, okay, and be extremely careful with fire. aquarius
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will do well with everything related to home and farming. by the way, you can buy something practical and useful, maybe something on the heart front. harda, however, the evening will help settle everything. fish, today is your day, away from uncertainty, fear, fortune is for you, everything will work out for you, go for it, just don’t let your emotions control you, and be careful when making new acquaintances. good luck to you. tuna, how sweet this word sounds, just musical. actually, it sounds good, but what do we know about it? that's what, i know that it can be huge, that you can eat it fresh, cut the tuna directly, you know, like soshi. and hop there in japan tuna is sold at auction, the more, the more expensive, this is the meat that pretends to be fish, and by the way, men are generally recommended to replace meat with tuna, and how to choose the right jar of tuna, whether it should be in sauce or in its own juice, we will now tell everyone, it’s high in protein and low
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in fat, that’s why everyone loves tuna zozhniki, he himself is like an athlete, this fish is there all the time. a predator and reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h, that is, with lightning speed, these schools move from place to place, while the size is impressive, from 50 cm to 5 m, the larger the fish, the longer it lived, which means it had time accumulate heavy metals, including harmful mercury, but peace of mind , smaller specimens go into cans, they are much cheaper, so as not to worry, we check the type of tuna on the can, it also affects the size. the largest tuna is the common tuna, which usually lives in the pacific ocean, midget tuna, skipjack tuna, they are smaller, this is in the atlantic ocean. our country does not catch this fish ; tuna is always imported; if canned food is made in russia, it means it is made from frozen raw materials; during production it can be cut into pieces or finely chopped.
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the last option is practically waste-free production, therefore the price is lower, but the taste and benefits depend more on the filling. tuna in its own juice. then a lower-calorie product will, at the same time, be a more complete product in terms of protein and fat content, those very healthy fats for functioning. of our all organ systems, it will be tuna in oil, it is also delicious in spicy sauces in tomato, but the mass fraction of fish is less, plus there are definitely thickeners, flavor enhancers, flavorings, healthier canned food with a short composition, besides , the product in its own juice or in oil can be clearly seen, canned tuna, it has such a dark color, like meat, a slightly grayish-reddish color, and of course not white. cooks call canned tuna fish stew and love it for its versatility, salads, pastas, bruschettas, tuna is ideal for many dishes, and
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it can be prepared easily and quickly, so it’s just what you need for the country house, on a hike, on a picnic. yulia kozlova and sergei falendysh, vasily yurov, first channel. a simple boy, benito muusalini, would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, who published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives.
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so, dear friends, on the calendar april 22, on this day in 1899, that is, exactly 125 years ago, the famous writer vladimir nabokov was born, he is the greatest writer of our time and scientist, by the way, he also wrote in english, in russian, studied butterflies and even discovered a separate species of them, by the way, vladimir nabokov with a butterfly net, that’s probably it. his most famous photograph. in shorts, with a glasses with a mischievous look. this butterfly catcher in the mountains of switzerland is world-famous entomologist vladimir nabokov. there are a number of butterflies that nabokov discovered, that is, he first caught them and described them. they are named after his name, in latin, of course, on the side. there are a number of butterflies that he classified. but only later entomologists began to name their butterflies in honor of nabokov, but by name. we have a lot of characters, that is, there are butterflies, for example, lolita, mashenka, humbert-humbert, puddle. the future
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entomologist and writer was born in this mansion on bolshaya morskaya, in one of the richest families in st. petersburg. the house with linden ceilings went to his mother as a dowry. having already lived in exile for many years at the age of 54 in the united states, he wrote an autobiographical novel, “other shores.” and there he describes this place from the st. petersburg house. of his childhood, this protrusion is called a bay window, nabokov writes that he felt here like in the basket of a balloon and every day he looked out the window, waiting for a carriage with his mother elena ivanovna to appear from there, from the side of nevsky prospekt. vladimir nabukov just wrote in his novel, other shores, i was born near a safe, it was from this safe that elena ivanna’s jewelry was taken.
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sides to his color sensations, begins to mix taste ones, for example, white is not just white, some kind of white flesh-colored, but like some kind of porridge like guryev’s. she never gave sides or autographs, signed books only for her wife vera, and then in her own way, drawing imaginary butterflies and calling them by her name, this is how he saw this world, an eternal boy in shorts with a net at the ready. let's think about the fate of a motorist in a big city; he sits in a traffic jam for hours
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and everything begins to ache, his lower back, his legs, his back, everything in general. i once took my daughter to the airport, and so she flew to sochi, and during this time i still didn’t get home we’ve arrived, that’s it, what to do about it, a chiropractor, neurologist, sergei dlin will tell you, you have a long car ride ahead, so that your back gets less tired, put a small pillow under your lower back and adjust the position of the seat, you shouldn’t drive reclining, we need evenly distribute the load on the spine, to the maximum... there should be about 2 cm between the back of the head, it is important that you can recline in traffic jams now adjust the position of the headrest, head and rest, check what’s wrong with the legs, put your feet on the pedals, if the muscles
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tense, it means the chair is pushed back too much. when the knees are at a right angle - this is also the wrong option, the optimal angle for us is 120°. now my arms, elbows are slightly bent, forearms are almost parallel to the floor, this is the correct position for the driver, you can drive, but no matter how comfortable the chair is, once an hour i stop. and do a warm-up, walk, this helps relieve tension from the legs and hip joints, we stand on our toes and sharply lower ourselves, this improves the outflow of lymph and prevents blood stagnation, now we stretch up with our whole body, this is great warm-up for the spine, and also pat
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ourselves on the body with both hands, start sykor. we go up the legs, sides, arms, back, great, we can hit the road again, so, hurray, it's back, a fashionable verdict, my favorite show, but now it's in a new format, wow, wow, because there is and male and female versions, and new presenters and... judges, we’ll find out very soon, because the first episode is already on channel one today. this is what i call a spectacular appearance. fashionable verdict is back on the air. a spectacular return today. i like that there's rock 'n' roll in there. the audience gave their votes to stylist alexander rogov, and now he is in the judge’s chair. from
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today the program has two versions, a male one, in which alexander makes a compliment. gives advice, fills you with a good mood, here you are, absolutely, what a 65-year-old, you can’t help but fall in love, the female version of the program will be presented by lilia rakh, for the first time in the history of a fashion verdict, a judge, the lady speaks the same language with the participants, lana, there is a man, they’re fired, that’s it , everyone is fired, everything is bad behaved, but maybe you really need to imagine this man, attract him to yourself, think about him, lilia is a stylist and blogger, she has more than a million. based on subscribers , she made a dizzying career herself, from a girl in a kazakh village, she turned into one of the most influential people in the fashion industry. a fashionable verdict is not only about fashion, it is about destinies, feelings, relationships, here you can talk heart to heart and not be afraid that someone will judge. how do you feel when you hear that your daughter is embarrassed by you? no, no, i really like it
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it's a shame, let me leave you alone. today, experts will not only dress you, but also tell you how to care for your eyebrows. it turns out that they need to be combed in two directions. and how long? until they grow up. a fashionable verdict on numerous requests from tv viewers is back on the air: in order to feel good, a woman definitely needs what are usually called wings on her back, let’s make sure that our heroine
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grows them as quickly as possible. so, let's put things aside, in order to watch the fashionable verdict, let's begin watch amazing transformations today. good thoughts, girls. maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. it's time for news. on the first channel. stay with us. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the leash in western siberia in the urals is gradually shifting northward. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim river has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10 m. the ministry of emergency situations is in the path of the wave. congestion on the river, erects and strengthens dams, arranges temporary earthen embankments. almost 100 residential buildings, over 400 country houses, and 650 household plots are currently sunk in the region.
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more than 3.00 people were evacuated, several hundred were sent to temporary accommodation centers. there is also a rise in water in the tabol river in the yalutorovsk area. and in the neighboring kurgan region, tabol, on the contrary, is retreating. there the water dropped below the level of 10 m. at the same time, they are still flooded.
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the marines of the northern fleet hold back the enemy in the dnieper delta every day; he does not give up trying to enter the islands. on this video: fighters are preparing to go on a raid; a detachment is leading drone crews from the shore. and in these footage that appeared on the internet, a trophy german leopard was filmed being transported far from the front line. new examples of the valor and courage of our military guards lieutenant alexander moshkin commanded an engineer platoon, which... a detachment of enemy saboteurs tried to interfere with our fighters, but thanks to alexander’s competent management, the attacking militants were eliminated. guard sergeant major alexander
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kritilov was able to take his car, in which he was transporting ammunition to the front line, out of enemy fire. he delivered the cargo on time to our units, who thanks to this destroyed several units of armored vehicles of the ukrainian formations. from ukraine, german municipalities are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head of the german district association, reinhard sager, stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with such a number of migrants, both legal and not quite, it is impossible to integrate everyone into society, and many simply do not want this themselves. the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, or ideally to stay in western ukraine altogether. meanwhile, alarming opinions for kiev were voiced in the bundestag, and about two deputies at once, who cannot be blamed for disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with the publication of the funke media group, they expressed concern that
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the nearly $61 billion package approved by washington could be the last from the united states for the kiev regime. and now the deputies they are going to use the decision of congress as a reason to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer new batches of equipment to ukraine. weapons, including taurs missiles. us president joe biden may lose the support of muslims living in the country in the upcoming elections. this was reported by nbc channel with reference to the opposition of activists and leaders of large organizations, as well as muslim officials in the administration of the head of state. they were already furious that biden took sides in the middle east conflict israel. and now, if he signs a bill on providing military assistance to tel aviv, this will become a point of no return, he points out.
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joe biden was also attacked in connection with the middle east conflict by tel aviv, whose support he is reproached for. prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced his intention to protect the israeli army from the imposition of sanctions against it, and the american media had previously reported such a possibility. according to them , the us administration will announce restrictive measures against one of the idf units for violating human rights in the west bank. this will be the first time washington has imposed sanctions on an israeli military unit. he will be prohibited from receiving any us military assistance from participating in us training programs. in this regard, benjamin netanejo threatened that he would fiercely defend his army. if anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on idf units, i will fight it with all my might, just like our soldiers united, to protect us on the field. the general staff, as
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the idf press service reported, approved plans to continue the war in the gas sector. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, dear friends, wake up soon. a new, beautiful, bright april monday has arrived. and he tells you that april 22. will definitely be an amazing day. sergey bobaev in the studio and svetlana zeynalova. the wonderful international garden of memory campaign continues. this year, by the way, is already the fifth time. during the campaign, planting memory gardens more than 5.5 million people took part in more than 50 countries. yes, that's true. last year, the campaign passed an important milestone: the 100 millionth tree was planted.
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schoolchildren, students, and older people took part, war veteran alexander pogaev will celebrate his ninety- ninth birthday in may, i have planted a lot of trees in my life, how many young people, how happy they work, the main thing here is to show an example: vladimir zhemchuzhnikov from the lipetsk region has been planting trees in the region for 20 years in his native lebedyansky district, he has his own goal - 700 seedlings, the number of deaths... this year
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he prepared 150 blue spruce trees for planting, extracted seeds from cones, kept the seeds in the cold, processed them, so he planted them like carrots in april, at this time, it took 6 years for the seedlings to become so large and strong, now vladimir, together with volunteers, transplanted them on the outskirts of the village of staraya rakitina, they will start watering, in moscow , the michurinsky garden became one of the main sites of the action. in vdnh park. here the organizers prepared varieties of apple trees bellefleur is a chinese breed, bred by ivan michurin. among the participants and celebrities, radion gazmanov says this is important for him. when i come back, i’ll show my grandchildren and say: you see where grandfather squeezed. they dug up the seedling, watered it, and be sure to hang a tag on the branch with the name of their hero. grigory tynyanov, my grandfather defended stalingrad, received the order of the red star. this tree is in his honor. i dedicated this tree to mine. great-grandmother anastasia, she is
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a resident of besieged leningrad. over the past 4 years , there have already been more than 100 million trees in on the official website of sat memory 2024 of the russian federation there is a map where you can choose a place, date and join the action, it will last until june 22. yuri nesterov, stepan erofeev, anastasia zavidova, channel one. in order to spend this day cheerfully, cheerfully and with pleasure, let’s take a look at the world wide world from the very morning. i thought this was an advertisement for coffee, you will now continue, but it turns out to be an advertisement for yegor uspensky, who prepared us super-duper funny videos for our hit parade, let's go, comrades, just look at this cat, his name is felix, he opens our super-duper cool hit parade, guess what he eats, i ’ll tell you, it’s dried sea cabbage, ugh, you say, and i say, ho-ho, i would say that too, but the cat likes it, they gave him 3 million likes, i don’t know how he... does it, but with
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such pleasure he wraps it up in rolls, beautiful things, it seems to me that they wrapped up valerian for him, they gave it to him, the dogs have a day off today, elephants pay for them, and specifically this lady's nickname. viola, she decided to escape from her traveling circus, she was calmly swimming, she was passing by the car started buzzing, she was on her way to run away, they immediately turned to the koloboks, the investigation is being carried out by the koloboks, they are looking for an escaped elephant, an elephant, yes, in general, no one was hurt, neither the elephant, nor the elephant, nor a passerby, she is cute, the hero of our next video, look, this is a raven, do not confuse it with a crow, it loves to play crosses with its owner nolge, look how this happens, according to the owner, the smartest birds are the raven, he constantly wins, but the owner is not offended, he says: well, what does he have , if i honestly admit, his iq is this the crow is much taller, he easily gets hundreds of likes. well, finally, about the unique coffee machine in turkey, it gives out the drink completely free of charge, you just need
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to yell at this coffee machine for 10 seconds, i can yell more, i can yell for a minute, you need two or three mugs at once, what is the benefit for the owners of the machine it’s not very clear, but for visitors it’s... a real pleasure, titach, what, i didn’t speak chinese, it’s a word from the vocabulary of dog lovers, such a fashionable concept today is that a dog you need to pet it more often, oh, listen, if only my dog ​​would now shake your paw, your hand, she constantly wants to be petted, in general, everything is new, well forgotten, old, we will now tell you what it is, do you like to pet your i personally love the dog very much? it turns out that touch can have very useful properties, calming the dog, relieving stress and much more. this is exactly what titach is based on, it is a body-oriented method of working with dogs, and today we will try it with cinnamon. let's go to. svetlana will help us
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soveleva. hello, she is a true expert in the technique of proper touching of dogs. to begin with, diagnostics: remove the ammunition, the dog is free. this is not a massage at all, i rather give a new experience to the body, i move the skin, through this i give attention to the area with which i am working. each touch has its own name, for example, zebra, and this is obolone, it looks
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just like stroking, yes, but at the same time it updates the body diagram, completely renewed cinnamon with new strength continues to test the equipment, and we... cinnamon makes a neck wrap, but in general this method was developed for horses to relieve stress after racing, well, then they began to use it for people and for many animal companions, they say
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it takes two or three sessions to see the effect. our first lesson is over, cinnamon has become a little calmer, and in general titach can even master the wrap or a few correct touches . then use them with your dog in everyday life, and you know that animals also love gifts, aren’t they people, or something, please admire that they presented elephants in the moscow zoo to the residents of stavropol, oh, stavropol residents, they are very generous people, we will find out about what they gave right now, and we will tell you what they love, hello, beeping, hello, wonderful elephant. pamir, pipita their daughter capri, asian elephants from the moscow zoo. well done! show your mouth, show your mouth to the population. elephants get five meals a day, manicures, outdoor games, and even
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get an education here. they have balls, they have barrels, you can give them just like, just like toys, then she lives for a few minutes. philemon kills the barrel. he really likes using his legs, so you can, for example, hang him up, put food there so that he can reach his trunk, he has to figure it out. how to get it, we make their life as difficult as possible. in their free time from studying, elephants eat 100 kg of food a day, mostly grass and hay, but not only. fruits and vegetables are like cakes, a tasty, pleasant addition. among their favorite delicacies are apples, and with the help of them they decided to say hello to the moscow giants, their brothers from the stavropol region. the region's stand at the russia exhibition hosted an unusual event.
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another important and interesting thing in the program is to live healthy, today on the first one, veda vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac, a stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, a stellar group product, mank whiskey.
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they think that there is such a holiday, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, even not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, creating a sustainable one, i at the beginning played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, they ask why you want to play the role, just because it’s a good role, he...
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don’t touch him, tomorrow is the first one, many young parents are preoccupied with finding a nanny, well, where to go? in a big city, if parents work, grandmothers can’t, don’t want to, anything can happen, our modern parents are busy, they have a long life there, they participate in various circles and in general they have already played enough of children, in us, in general, i look after my nannies , i love lyuleya very much, here’s how to find one so good that she was like mary poppins, not frankenbock? let us now tell you what a nanny should be like? parents' requests for this profession
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change every year. some parents also ask for a nanny who is very good with gadgets, who helps the child, for example, manage social networks, this has been a trend for the last couple of years, another trend is a nanny, she only takes the child away and brings him, for example, a sports section, or baby sitter, nanny for 2-3 hours, plus some educational experience. but where to look? first of all, the so-called word of mouth, contact friends, colleagues, neighbors. these could be regional chats, they could be recruitment services , agencies. yes. in agencies there is a large choice, but the price for services is higher, the people there are already verified, especially in march , the state standard was approved for nannies. agencies will now look at education when hiring; it must be specialized, pedagogical or psychological. experience working with children for at least 3 years, no bad habits and diseases. well, the third option is to look for a nanny online yourself. questionnaires
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almost everyone has it as a carbon copy, it’s better to call and talk. this is how recruiters do it. and please tell me, what is it connected with? that you are looking for a part-time job because i recently arrived from abroad, now i want to pay more attention not only to work, but also to myself, the main thing here is that child care also does not fade into the background, what else should i pay attention to? among these possible disadvantages is that he does not have an education that is valued, for example, in russia, he does not have any specialized education there pedagogical education, although for some it will seem interesting on the contrary, for example,
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the region has more than enough problems, the most difficult situation is in the temensk and kurgan regions. kurgan region, the water level in the tabol river continues to rise, it is difficult to predict how the elements will behave further. people on the streets are helping to build the dam, filling bags with sand. we load the bags, carry them to the dam so that the water
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does not leak, so that there is no flooding. then the bags are taken to the dam itself. on flooded areas continue to work. volunteers collect animals. yegor penkov remembers how water rushed into his area. we had to run away from there ourselves, quickly, evacuate. help our neighbors, and take our friends. we ourselves rescued two dogs whose neighbors had left. we swam and picked them up. they brought me here to the territory of the hippodrome. here is a temporary holding center, using scrap materials for...
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water is needed. help is coming from izhevsk, udmurtia, nizhny novgorod. the vladimir region joined. moreover, the victims you need food, disposable tableware, napkins, clothes, shoes, bed linen, personal hygiene products. ahead of the restoration of houses, heat guns will be needed. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. many regions remain at
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risk of flooding. don’t relax, be sure to listen to messages from emergency services, don’t ignore them, if you need to evacuate, then, well, what to do, yes, this is vitally important, if you are, live in an area of ​​possible flooding, then you can a signal buoy, which also glows in the dark, will come in handy. well, what it is, how to make it, now survival instructor dmitry kolesnikov will show and tell you. your home is in a flood zone, think about how to send distress signals as a rescue worker. i propose to make a signal buoy, it will work even in the dark. we need nine one and a half liter bottles, fill them halfway with sand or earth. now we take a five-liter container and cut it in the center, insert the blanks into each other, now with adhesive tape
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we wrap bottles with sand to it, take out the lid from the center, this will be a container for the signal light, and so that it shines upward and is noticeable from afar, we will make a balance stand from another one and a half liter plastic bottle. we cut out the petals , bend them one by one, inward and outward, insert the lantern, put this structure inside our device, close the other half of the bottle, that's all, tie a long rope to the buoy, you can store it in the attic or roof if we had to wait out the flood here , that turn it on.
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and how they are absolutely necessary, especially for drivers, how do they protect our eyes from ultraviolet radiation, what are they made of, what do all the numbers mean, how should we choose this accessory, how the more expensive the better, no, no, the choice of glasses from the sun is complicated if you think about both reliability and eye health, but according to the algorithm it’s easier to do it, let’s start with the lenses, glass ones won’t be scratched, they can last a long time, unless of course they break.
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becomes unusable, gets scratched, and this , accordingly, is all problems with vision, if there is no such protection, then we quickly look for a note about the hardening coating on the label, what next, the answer to the question of where you are going to wear the glasses, assemble the temples. the sides are numbered by numbers, what the glasses are intended for, this is the number three, which means this is the beach and relaxation. four mountains, such lenses are very dark, for city life in a non -sunny region they will be uncomfortable, so it is better to choose a lighter one, zero and the first category for walks in cloudy weather, sunny the second, now actually protection from ultraviolet radiation, it should be dark lenses, light ones, you can check the uv filter.
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problems with vision, glasses with wide lenses will better protect your eyes, narrow beams will hit you from above from the side, for the mountains or for a seaside holiday it is better to have another pair marked polarized glasses, the so-called polarized lenses, in which horizontal glare is reflected and cut off sea ​​water, river water, and they are very convenient for drivers. you can check whether polarization works or not in the store. just point the glasses at the phone and twist, while there is no need to download any programs, if there is a filter, the lenses will darken, finally the frame, it is better to choose it because of the cellulose quotes, it is
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soft plastic, it bends, it is not easy to break. evgenia popova, olga sorokina, sergey folendesh, tatyana yus, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. right now we are briefly giving the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one in order to find out what is new in the country and in the world at this time. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will see you soon, hello, we are broadcasting news in the studio sergei tuushev. level water in the ishim river in the tyumen region has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10 m. in the direction of wave movement, emergencies ministry specialists are clearing congestion on the river, erecting and strengthening dams, and setting up temporary ones. temporary
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accommodation. there is also a rise in water in the tobol river in the elutorovsk area. and in the neighboring kurgan region, tabol is retreating. there, the water dropped below a level of 10 m. at the same time , 5,500 residential and country houses remain flooded. 13 bridges, five sections of roads. in the orenburg region, the level of the ural river has been steadily decreasing for three days. the day before, more than 400 houses were freed from water. about 13,000 residential buildings remain in the flood zone. it's a busy time for rescuers due to the fire season. a special regime operates in twenty-three russian constituent entities. people there are prohibited from visiting forests, since the human factor is the main cause of fires. emergency situations ministry crews are quickly fighting the flames. department employees also conduct preventive conversations with the population. and all dangerous areas are identified using a space monitoring system and through a special the application is informed by local authorities.
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the most active fire situation is currently developing in the primorsky territory, trans-baikal territory, the republic of buryatia and the astrakhan region. thermal points are zones with elevated temperatures. to provide information , the thermal points mobile application is used. information is promptly communicated to officials of local government bodies, day-to-day management bodies of the rschs and officials of management bodies of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. to the news during a special operation in the southern donetsk direction , fighters from the vostok group occupied a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the balnavakha area. they attacked in small groups of four people. the battle lasted a few minutes. despite the fact that the enemy actively resisted and dropped grenades from drones, our soldiers passed through without losses. russian drones helped them in this, with the help of which the commander directed the assault squad. they defend the trenches and throw grenades. defend the trenches. you see,
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two of my fighters are coming, the worst thing is that they always have these ichtishkas at the ready, which they rush from the air when we enter their support forces, they are not really visible, they are hiding behind the board, my fighters reach, there is heavy fire, that’s it, we begin to work with grenades, fighters from buryatia have captured a strong point to the west of the ayar clock, first we go into action equipment entered, t-80 tanks destroyed the firing points at... then the paratroopers approached the fortified area and occupied it. several militants chose to immediately lay down their arms. in the avdievsky direction, the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by the crew of the t-90m tank. they hit with high-explosive fragmentation shells range up to 10 km. they fired on guidance from drones, without missing a single target. at the rehabilitation center at the kirov military medical academy, svo participants were awarded state awards and orders
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of courage. given for bravery for bravery, those who decided to continue serving were provided with housing in selected regions. the military is now studying to acquire new specialties; they will be able to continue serving in new positions in organizations of the ministry of defense. nadov shells, grenades and many other ammunition were discovered by fsb officers in cache in the city of avdeevka in the dpr. ukrainian militants hid all this while retreating. at the same time , the cache itself was mined, but our specialists neutralized it. all explosive objects, nazi symbols and medical syringes with a substance of unknown origin were also found at the site. no matter how much you help ukraine, it will not win. this message is contained in the analytical commentary of skynews. the article raises the issue of the delay in allocating washington to the kiev regime and the significance of this delay for the situation at the front. but the anatomist, the author admits, is not in favor apu. the morale of ukrainian militants
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has been undermined. there are still optimists who believe that with increased funding the situation can be changed; those who look at events realistically admit that even in this case there will be no victory for ukraine. no more refugees from ukraine. german municipalities are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head of the german district association, reinhard sager, stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with such a number of migrants as legal. not quite, and it is impossible to integrate everyone into society, yes, and many simply do not want this themselves; the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, ideally to remain in western ukraine altogether. meanwhile, alarming opinions for akiev were voiced in the bundestag, and from two deputies at once, who cannot be blamed for disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with the publication of the funke media group, they expressed concern that the package of almost 60.1
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billion dollars approved by washington could be the last from the united states for the kiev regime, and now deputies they are going to use the decision of congress as a reason to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer... to ukraine new batches of equipment and weapons, including taurus missiles. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. we are glad to welcome everyone, this is a wonderful spring morning, we meet in warm company with the first channel. monday is today april 22nd. and svetlana zinalova and sergei babaev are with you, wake up, little sluts. so we wish everyone a wonderful day. hurry up get ready for work, you probably know that for this very work or for some very important meeting, or when you go to school, when you really need to be punctual, you start to be late for about 5 minutes, that’s not me , this is written by statistics, that five enchanted minutes, some kind of magic,
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why can’t you feel like a disciplined person, calculate everything exactly and get out on time, no, it doesn’t work out, what’s the point, and the earlier you get up, the later you sometimes you go out. a woman always five minutes are not enough, john agrees with this expression 100%, his wife alesya does not argue with how time jumped from 8:20 to 8:40 at once, there’s even a feeling of self-deception, everyone in the family knows if john asks me, for example , how long will you be there, i write that it’s like, well, in 30 minutes, well, that means expecting me in an hour, the question is where does the time go, not a rhetorical experiment, getting ready for the pool at alisa’s with her daughters for 15 minutes. didn’t have time, why is the time management expert assessing the first place where they lost valuable minutes - searching for things. by the way, i realized that for certain objects it is important to have a specific place on the cell, yes, that is, they periodically move somewhere from one room to
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another, and this annoys me. by the way, olesya never found her wallet. this is such a good practice: when you empty your bag, you put all the things that are in it in some place. the next day, you take only the set of items that you need for today's situation. second point: either the husband or the nanny are distracting, here you need to ask it’s more difficult to discuss everything later, it’s more difficult to come to an agreement with the children. yes, here i had to persuade maria to take off those very same shoes, perhaps to divert her attention to something else, so that at that moment i could calmly, without conflicts, change her shoes. you can also give a task about who is collecting what and simply allow an extra 10-15 minutes, which will definitely save you if you are in a hurry, for example, to the airport. according to the statistics here. every tenth person is late, in general, when about 2/3 of the country is late, it’s difficult to be punctual, muscovites are in the lead, i i always honestly say that if i overslept, i overslept, they come up with the idea that they were stuck in a traffic jam, but i manage to overtake them, in big cities
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, 10-15 minutes of being late doesn’t count, when we know that we can be delayed, we’re not in a hurry, for i’m not late for myself, because i consistently arrive at 10:30, but within the company i’m late... a little less strict in the modern world is much more necessary. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia loginova. first channel. but the most opportune moment to find out your fate is today, april 22. well, we predict for you,
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that you woke up and will go to study or work. but we’ll find out what astrologers will say now. april 22, the fourteenth lunar day meets the fifteenth, fourth day of the sun. overall, quite pleasant. cheerful, open, good-natured, loves music, painting and other art, and he is also very sociable, knows how to find an approach to people and is at ease in public, business meetings, negotiations, interviews, as well as everything related to the exchange of information under his sensitive the management will just go with a bang, about the minuses, he is a little uncollected, likes to argue, often sticks his nose into other people’s affairs, on such days we don’t take our health, property and money very seriously, and this is fraught with... finding. aries stars hope you heard it. be very careful when signing financial documents and try not to borrow money. otherwise, the day is good, including for new projects, although an office romance may interfere somewhat, but see for yourself.
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at first, some things may stall for taurus. you know, it happens that everything seems to be spinning, but somehow at idle, and you don’t get angry, be patient, everything will get better after lunch. feel free to make an appointment for the evening. dates, something romantic, perhaps for the twins, and things will go quite briskly, especially for engineers, programmers, anyone involved in the transmission or processing of data, just be careful while driving. don't look in the mirrors. commerce will go well for crayfish, it will be possible to buy, sell, or exchange something with someone at a profit, evening, oh, this evening, it clearly wants to add some variety to your life. just let's do it without alcohol. the stars strongly advise leo: firstly, to take care of plastic cards and not to carry a lot of cash with you, and secondly, watch your words. in general, the day is very productive, when you can get some benefit out of everything. for girls at all. a wonderful day, the stars promise success for the opposite sex,
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good career prospects, the opportunity to earn extra money, although some of your plans may change, but this is also possible for the better. libra may unexpectedly spend money however, for something useful and necessary, what the stars do not advise today is arguing, especially about money, there will be no point, it will ruin your mood. scorpios have a fairly smooth day, when everything goes as it should, almost always to your advantage. after lunch they may fall off. some urgent matters, and in the evening expect guests or some interesting news. if someone needs a good negotiator, get one of the sagittarius, they are the best speakers today, they will find a common language with anyone and will argue with anyone, the evening clearly wants you somewhere invite. this day will help capricorns demonstrate their best qualities, including in the professional field. after lunch, some serious conversation is possible. be extremely correct, okay, and be extremely correct. be careful with fire: aquarius will do well with everything related to home and
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household, by the way, you can buy something practical and useful, but on the heart front , some kind of leapfrog is possible, however, the evening will help settle everything. pisces today is your day, away from uncertainty and fear, fortune for you, everything will work out for you, go for it, just don’t let your emotions control you and be careful when making new acquaintances, good luck to you. tuna, how sweet this word sounds, just musically, actually, well , it sounds good, but what do we know about it, this is what, i know that it can be huge, that you can eat it fresh, cut tuna directly, you know, on sashima and hop there, in japan tuna is sold at auction, the more, the more expensive, and meat is meat that pretends to be fish, and by the way, a man is generally recommended to replace meat with tuna, but how choose the right jar of tuna, should you use it in sauce or? we ’ll tell everyone about the juice now: it’s high in protein and low in fat, that’s
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why all health enthusiasts love tuna, it’s like an athlete itself. this fish is constantly on the move, a predator and reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h, that is , these schools move with lightning speed from place to place, and the size is impressive: from 50 cm to 5 m. the larger the fish, the longer it lived, and this means that it has managed to accumulate heavy metals. including harmful mercury, but peace of mind smaller specimens are canned, they are much cheaper, to make sure you don’t worry, check it on a tuna shaped can, it also affects the size. the largest tuna is the common tuna, which usually lives in the pacific ocean, bluefin tuna, skipjack tuna, they are smaller, this is in the atlantic ocean. our country does not catch this fish, tuna is always imported, if canned food is made in russia, it means from frozen raw materials, in production... cut it into pieces or finely chop it,
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the latter option is practically waste-free production, therefore the price is lower, but the taste is good depend more on the filling, tuna in in its own juice, this will be a lower-calorie product, at the same time, it will be a more complete product in terms of the content of proteins and fats, those same healthy fats for the functioning of all our organ systems, it will be tuna in oil. also available in spicy sauces. in tomato it is tasty, but the mass fraction of fish is smaller, plus there are always thickeners, flavor enhancers, flavorings, canned food with a short composition is healthier, besides, the product in its own juice or in oil can be clearly seen, canned tuna has such a dark color, this is how the meat is, a slightly grayish-reddish color, of course not white, cooks call canned tuna fish stew and love it for its versatility, salads, bruschettas, tuna is ideal for many dishes, and it can be prepared
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easily and quickly, so for the dacha, for a hike or a picnic - just what you need. yulia kozlova, sergey falendysh, vasily yurov, channel one. wise people, having barely had breakfast, are already thinking about lunch and dinner. if you haven't thought of anything like this yet, please think about pumpkin pot roast. how wonderful recipe. it sounds so delicious, but you and i are so hungry, some cruel person. no, it’s delicious, i can’t say that, it’s delicious, look at the pumpkin i bought, i’ll make a delicious dish out of it, roast it in an edible pot! i cut off the lid of the pumpkin, remove the seeds and partitions, i get a pot with thick walls, you can stuff it with anything, chicken, vegetables, millet and rice, but i’ll make a hearty mushroom filling, chop
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the champignons and onions, fry in vegetable oil until the liquid evaporate, add salt and pepper. peeled potatoes, cut into cubes, i put it on the bottom of the pot, now fried mushrooms are next, and i’ll also add chopped garlic, alternate layers, fill the pumpkin, close the lid, put it on oiled parchment paper and put it in a preheated oven for an hour and a half, no less, bake at a temperature of... to determine readiness, i pierce the skin with a fork, if the teeth are easily inserted, then the stuffed pumpkin is ready, cut it, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve, the taste is
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extraordinary, your loved ones will surely love this dish. simple boy benito mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, who published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians. all bridges decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to dispose of other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday.
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on the first. so, dear friends, here you go calendar. april 22, on this day in 1899, that is, exactly 125 years ago , the famous writer vladimir nabokov was born, he is the greatest writer of our time and scientist, by the way, he also wrote in english, in russian, studied butterflies and even discovered a separate one the view, by the way, of vladimir nabokov with a butterfly net - this is perhaps his most famous photograph, in shorts, with a net with an excited look, this butterfly catcher in the mountains of switzerland.
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there's a mule and a writer in this mansion on the big sea, in one of the richest families petersburg. the house with linden ceilings went to his mother as a dowry. having already lived in exile for many years, at the age of 54 in the usa, nabokov wrote the autobiographical novel “other shores”. and there he describes this place from his childhood home in st. petersburg. this protrusion is called a bay window; nabokov writes that he felt here as if in an airy slide. every day he looked out the window, waiting for a carriage with his mother, elena ivanovna, to appear from there, from nevsky prospekt. vladimir nabukov just wrote in his novel “other shores. i was born in safe." it was from this safe that elena ivanovna 's jewelry was taken away by the sailors during
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the revolution. but the bukov family was able to take some of the jewelry with them. first to the crimea, then on the ship nadezhda to berlin, and not to their native other shores. will return. he will enter cambridge, choose literature as his main specialty, not entomology. in berlin, the emigrant will write in russian and make money by translating. and then another new life will happen in the usa. and there he will become an american writer. , written on the side, in russian in... english, you get two identical mortars: eight and eight, while lalita stands apart, of course, this is the original first edition of the fifty-fifth year, firstly, because lalita nabokov himself ... first he wrote in english, and then in russian, and secondly, it was this novel that, at the age of 56, brought scandalous fame,
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wild popularity all over the world, and at the same time financial independence. lalita deprived nabokov of the nobel prize. he has been nominated many times, but the author of such they couldn’t give her a novel. nabokov didn’t seem to care anymore, he generally felt this reality differently, he was a sinistete with... calling them by her name, that’s how he saw this world, an eternal boy in shorts with a juice at the ready,
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we’re right now, let’s warm up , we need to prepare for this cheerful active day, sergey blucher invites us to fitness. good morning, male beauty lies in strength and endurance, let's strengthen our muscles, give a gift to our beloved women, girls, and you join, today i will show you an exercise in the plank, get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, lean on your toes, legs bent at right angles, palms clearly under your shoulders, look down, don’t throw your head back, just lift off about once. foot, pull the knee towards the right elbow, two, return to the starting position, perform the exercise in the other direction, 3, 4, now
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i’ll show you the version for advanced athletes, go to the plank, the body is extended in one straight line, the buttocks, the back and abs are tense again. .. we bend our legs one by one, pulling the left knee towards the right hand in the opposite direction. the workout will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, arms, hips and buttocks. you will start the day cheerful and in a good mood. and right now we are asking for your attention. fans, we want to talk about incredible world records, i would say, even crazy world records, right now sports news from journalists from
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channel one. people have always had a desire for records; they allow them to push the boundaries of what is possible, tap into hidden reserves, and find followers and like-minded people. swiss freestyler kim gubzer for his career did not reach great heights. at the beijing olympics i was 23; at the world championships bigger reached a maximum of third place. but gubzer still found a way. write your name in history. this, however, required a large number of assistants. at the top of schildhorn, where snow remains until the end of may, a huge springboard was built. after several attempts, gubzar made the highest jump in history, soaring 14 m 60 cm. the achievement of american david wise in 2016 was surpassed by 40 cm. nazaré - a place prayed for by surfers all over the world. in winter , hundreds of extreme sports enthusiasts come to portugal in search of not only adrenaline, but also the most. high wave, german sebastian steutner set a world record here 4 years ago, conquering a wave 26 m/21 cm high. last february
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, the thirty-eight-year-old athlete again conquered with his fearlessness, performing on an innovative board that allows him to reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. for almost 2 months, specialists were busy taking measurements and, thanks to the latest technologies , were able to determine that steutner rode the wave height 28 m 57 cm. new achievement. will be ratified after certain approval procedures. there are world records in kite surfing, which will debut in the olympic program next summer. in the big air discipline last year, joshua emmanuel izuar was able to fly 36 m/20 cm off the coast of denmark. the french resort of barcare this season hosted the first stage of the world cup, where new records were expected. the local shallow lagoon is famous for having some of the strongest winds, and for kitesurfing this has almost paramount importance. alas, this time the weather was not kind to the 36 participants who came for records. the wind, blowing at a speed of 13 m/s, allowed them to rise no
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higher than 20 m. but the winners of the competition, it seems, did not do so much. on the men's side, jamie overbeek, an eighteen-year-old prodigy from the netherlands, won the men's competition, and his compatriot pipa van iersel, who returned after a two-year break due to injuries, won the women's competition. already today , a stunning multi-part detective series based on the laws of war will start on channel one, a great war movie, story with continuation. prosecutor's office investigator svetlana elagina, military lawyer yegor shilov and, of course, our favorite, driver fedorenko, are at it again.
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time, location where we are filming, we really rely on the facts that existed, talagin, since you are here anyway, so you will start an investigation, listen, svetlana yalagina is again in an overcoat and chrome boots, in her hand a pistol, a gift from ivan rokotov, her beloved husband, from whom she is again separated, but now for them could be the happiest moment, what a it turns out a month, 3 months in a small rokuto
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already? i imagine how he turns around, her dreams are the world of roars, their child, her everyday life is interrogations, pursuit, shooting, in a besieged city she investigates murders and robberies, we learned about an underground restaurant operating in the city, this is now, with us , i think it’s better for us to appear there as visitors, then ilagin, i wanted a beautiful life, svetlana’s new boss, her childhood friend, yegor shilov, by the way, i was in love with you. well, just a little bit, here’s a little table, it was necessary dear, it's late now, why? so i ’m married, he has, i think, a warm, tender feeling for her, but he hides them in every possible way with his earnings, they are different, if shilov follows some kind of logic, makes quite sharp decisions, then elagina relies on some kind
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of her female wisdom, for some attention. sergey tugushev. the leash in western siberia in the urals is gradually shifting northward in the tyumen region. the water level in the ishim river has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10 m. in the path of the wave, the ministry of emergency situations clears congestion on the river, erects and strengthens dams, and constructs temporary earthen embankments. in the region , almost 100 residential buildings, over 400 country houses, and 650 private plots are currently sunk.
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more than 3.0 people, several, were evacuated. sent to temporary accommodation points, there is also a rise in water in the tabolo river in the yalutorovsk region; in the neighboring kurgan region, tabol, on the contrary, is retreating, where the water has dropped below the level of 10 m. at the same time, 5,500 residential and country houses, 13 bridges, five plots remain flooded highways in the orenburg region, the level of the ural river has been steadily decreasing for three days. the day before, more than 400 houses were freed from water. approx. remains in the flood zone. the s-34 crews destroyed an enemy stronghold, used high-explosive bombs, bypassed the air defense zone during the attack, and after completing all tasks successfully returned to the airfield. in the kupinsky direction, our drone fighters noticed the movement of militants and equipment. they were hit by hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. we are building
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shelters for all sorts of things, as you can see, here we have we are closing the area, all sorts of drones are flying, trying to find our equipment, but we are leaving anyway. a detachment of enemy saboteurs tried to interfere with our fighters, but thanks to alexander’s competent management, the attacking
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militants were eliminated. guard and foreman alexander krutilov was able to remove his car, in which he was carrying ammunition on the front line, from under enemy fire. he delivered the cargo to our units on time, who thanks to this destroyed several units of ukrainian armored vehicles. no more refugees from ukraine. german municipalities they are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head of the german district association, reinhard sager, stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with so many migrants, both legal and not, it is impossible to integrate everyone into society. yes, and many simply don’t want this themselves. the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, ideally. generally stay in western ukraine. meanwhile, alarming opinions for kiev were voiced in the bundestag, and immediately about two deputies who cannot be accused of disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with publications of the funke media group, they expressed concern that
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the package of almost $61 billion approved by washington could be the last from the united states for the kiev regime. and now the deputies are going to use the decision of congress as a reason to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer it to ukraine. us president joe biden may lose the support of muslims living in the country in the upcoming elections, nbc reported this with reference to the position activists and leaders of large organizations, as well as muslim officials in the administration of the head of state, and they were already furious that biden took the side of israel in the middle east conflict, and now if he signs a bill on providing military assistance to tel aviv.
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arizona, georgia and michigan. joe biden was also attacked in connection with the middle east conflict by tel aviv, whose support he is reproached for. prime minister benjamin netanyaho announced his intention to protect the israeli army, withdrawal against non-sanctions, this possibility was previously reported by the american media. according to them , the us administration will within a few days announce restrictive measures against one of the idf units for violating human rights in the west bank . this will be the first time washington has imposed sanctions on an israeli military unit. he will be prohibited from receiving any u.s. military assistance or participating in u.s. training programs. in this regard, benjamin netanyahu threatened that he would be violent. protect your army. if anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on idf units, i will fight it with all my might. just as our soldiers united to protect us on
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the battlefield, we united to protect them in the political arena. meanwhile, the israeli army does not seem to be planning to reduce the intensity of hostilities. the general staff, as reported by the idf press service, approved plans to continue the war in the gas sector. that's all for now, stay with us, the program "good morning" will continue to air on channel one. good morning, our dear, beloved, best tv viewers in the world, you remember that on the calendar it’s monday, you and i are all going to work for school, april 22, and we remember that teaching is light, and not teaching is just light for work , although with the teaching it’s almost daylight for work, svetlana zeynalova and sergey, you’re talking, everything is right, absolutely, april 22, which means that in a month completely.
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and this is just the beginning, they’re not shaking, no, there are concerns about the russian language, i didn’t devote enough time to the test part, i’m not very confident in computer science, there were complex tasks with excel tables, from ancient times, probably, something is often forgotten, we are afraid not to pass, school psychologists have already joined in, are conducting trainings, the four-second method, that is, you hold your breath for 4 seconds, then take a deep breath, hold it for 4 seconds , you inhale again, it helps the body concentrate, calm down, there is one class for the last six months...
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good tutors a month before the unified state exam, as a rule, have already been sorted out, the one who searches on the recommendations of friends in advance, back in the tenth grade, is calm. please write it down derivatives of sine. well done, smart girl, let's remember what the formula is for the derivative of a product. it is very important not to run into those who just want to make money, a month before the exams, this is a key time when you need to take very precise steps, and you cannot just study mathematics or just study social studies. a clear
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self-preparation plan is important, for example, on sunday from 2 to 4 i do this and that and my daily routine. you don’t solve any tests at night, you sleep at night, you get up early in the morning, why is this important, because exams always start at 10 am, this this means that our brain must work smartly from 10 to 2, in order for information to be truly preserved, it must be processed, and you and i process information exclusively during sleep. what you need from parents, motivation and support, ekaterina has. sasha is already responsible, he studies at home using a timer, it’s easier to predict what will happen in the real exam, it’s easier to choose a strategy, but for a successful test a gift won’t hurt, those who work well rest well, the main thing is that the child comes home at any time mood, in any state, he understood that he would be fed, caressed, accepted, understood here, it’s better to give up gadgets before bed, you’ll fall asleep faster, dmitry kuzmin,
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mikhail chetveryakov, evgeny smirnov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. to spend the day cheerfully, cheerfully and with pleasure, let's take a look at the world putin in the morning, i thought this was an advertisement for coffee, you will now continue, but it turns out to be an advertisement for yegor uspensky, who prepared us super-duper funny videos for our hit parade. go! comrades, just look at this cat, his name is felix, he opens our super. super cool hit parade, guess what he eats, i’ll tell you, it’s dried sea cabbage, ugh, you’ll say, and i’ll say, i would say that too, but the cat likes it, they gave him 3 million likes, i don’t know, how he does it, but with such pleasure he wraps it up in rolls, beautiful things, they wrapped up his valerian, they gave the dogs a day off today, the elephants take the rap for them, and specifically this lady named viola, she decided to escape from her mobile circus, elephant, yes, in general, no one
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was hurt, neither the elephant, nor the elephant, nor a passer-by, she is cute, the hero of our next video, look, this is a raven, not to be confused with a crow, loves to play tic-tac -nolge with its owner, look, how does this happen, according to the owner, the smartest birds, the raven, constantly wins against her, but the owner is not offended, he says, so what? machine in turkey, it gives out the drink completely free of charge, you just need to yell at this coffee machine for 10 seconds, i can yell more, i can yell for a minute, you have two or three mugs at once, what’s the benefit for the owners of the machine is not very clear, but for visitors it is, of course, pure pleasure. what what, i didn’t
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speak in chinese, this is a word from the vocabulary of dog lovers, such a fashionable concept today is that the dog should be petted more often, oh, listen, if only my dog ​​could shake your paw, your hand, she constantly wants, to be petted, in general, everything new, well forgotten and old, we will now tell you what it is, do you like to pet your dog, i personally really love touching, it turns out may have very beneficial properties. calm the dog, relieve stress and much more. this is what titouch is based on, it is a body-oriented method of working with dogs, and today cinnamon and i will try it. let's go to! svetlana soveleva will help us. hello. hello. she is a true expert in the technique of properly touching dogs. let's start with diagnostics. we remove the ammunition, the dog moves freely. svetlana looks attentively. she holds back her hind paw a little and periodically she still
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wiggles his butt. please note that here her fur grows slightly to the side in a wave. and what does it mean? this tension can be relieved t touch from english trust touch, trust and touch. through this, according to fans of the method, you can send a signal to the brain to calm down or relax certain muscle groups. this is not a massage at all, i rather give a new experience to the body, i move the skin, through this i give attention to the area with which i am working. each touch has its own name, for example, zebra, and this. obolone, looks just like stroking, yes, but at the same time it updates the body diagram, the completely renewed cinnamon with renewed vigor continues to try the equipment on the tooth, and we are preparing for the next stage, this is the wrapping tape, this is what we
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use to draw attention to the body, the wrap sounds like a spa treatment, there is something in common, no, sorry, no, svetlana points at me, wraps ribbon around my shoulders. asks to take a walk, it works, well, it always works, even if you don’t feel anything, either a coincidence, or the tapes helped, but after after a few minutes, my shoulders became straighter. cinnamon makes a neck wrap, but in general this method was developed for horses to relieve stress after racing, well, then they began to use it for people and for many animal companions, they say: to see the effect, you need two or three sessions. our first lesson is over, the cinnamon has become a little calmer, and in general even the owner can master the wrap or a few correct touches of titach, then use them with his dog in everyday life. do you know that animals too
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they love gifts, of course, but aren’t they people, or what? please admire what the residents of stavropol were given to the elephants at the moscow zoo. stavopol residents, they are very generous people, we will find out about what they gave right now, and what they love, we will tell you, hello, pipit, hi, wonderful elephant, peace pipit their daughter capri, asian elephants from the moscow zoo, here well done, show your mouth, show your mouth to the population, five meals a day, manicure, outdoor games... the elephants here even get an education, they have balloons, there are barrels of them, you can give them just like, just like toys, then she lives for a few minutes, philemon kills the barrel, he really likes it with his feet, you can, for example,
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hang it up, put food there so that he can reach the trunk, he has to figure it out , how to get it, we make their life as difficult as possible. in their free time from studying, elephants eat 100 kg of food a day, mostly grass and hay, but not only. fruits, vegetables and bran are like cakes, a tasty, pleasant addition. among your favorite treats are apples, with the help they decided to say hello to the moscow giants, their brothers from the stavropol territory. an unusual event took place at the stand of this region at the russia exhibition: visitors collected an apple elephant. the stavropol region calls itself the homeland of these animals, where archaeologists found the remains of two southern elephants: arkhipo in the sixties, nyusu in 2007, they are 2 million years old, now posing in the regional museum. they lived with us at
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a time when the climate was quite hot, humid, subtropical, and the landscapes resembled the modern african savannah, from our southern elephants to... what will stavropol elephants from the past give as gifts to modern moscow ones? they love barrels very much, sometimes they are in the mood to crush this barrel into a pancake, this protects them from boredom, from all sorts of obsessive movements, and we are always glad when they give us something like that. while you are watching this story, 10 brand new barrels are already on their way to the moscow zoo. peace this morning, pipita and capri will be as happy as elephants. asya ratkevich, elena savina, dmitry gordienko, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, vasily valetov, first channel. us senator linsey graham. terrorist and extremist, russians are dying, we have never spent money so
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well, he is not afraid to say the loudest words, because he is not responsible for them, he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations, now he insists on supplying ukraine with missiles that produced by the company, makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans, fight, and what are we going to do, this is not your motil, he was a member of one of the student fraternities, called fikapafi, if they entered, then for... they always have a symbol of silence, roses and the will of fate brought him together with the makele clan. the time has come for the russians to pay a big price. linsey graham acts as a catalyst for europeans’ fear of the russian threat, he constantly sells this very war, he is a representative of the military complex, they give him power. the americans set a record for the supply of their weapons, this is all, including his merit. republicans, democrats, come and go, and linzi graham is untouchable. linzi grem. american psycho. heir dolls tutti. today is the first one. cognac monte shocha is
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a product of the steller group. rom castro. product of steller group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac. many young parents are preoccupied with looking for a nanny, well, where to go in a larger city, parents work, grandmothers can’t, don’t want to, anything can happen, our modern parents are busy, they have a long life there, they participate in various circles and in general they’ve already played enough with children, in us, in general, i love my nannies very much, here ’s how to find one so good that she’s like mary poppins, not a frekin god, let us tell you now. what should a nanny be like? parents' demands for this profession change
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every year. some parents also ask for a nanny who is very good with gadgets, who helps the child, for example, manage social networks, this has been a trend for the last couple of years. another trend is a car nanny, she only takes and brings a child, for example, a sports section, or a baby sitter, a nanny for 2-3 hours, plus so that there is educational experience, only where to look, first of all, so on... district chats , this there may be recruitment services, agencies, yes, there is a large selection in agencies, but the price for services is higher, they already have verified people, especially since in march they approved state regulations for nannies. agencies will now look at education when hiring; it must be specialized, pedagogical or psychological. experience working with children for at least 3 years, no bad habits and diseases. well, the third option is to look for a nanny online yourself. almost everyone’s profile is a carbon copy; it’s better to call and
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talk. this is how recruiters do it. a please tell me why you are looking for part-time employment? because i recently arrived from abroad. now i want to pay more attention not only to work, but to myself too. the main thing here is that caring for the child does not fade into the background. what else should you pay attention to? of these possible disadvantages, right? he does not have an education that is valued, for example, in russia, he does not have any specialized pedagogical education there, although for some , on the contrary, this may seem interesting, for example, practice of a foreign language, i taught children english and also a little chinese, so i know how to teach a child to improve the language in general, and as for experience, here each parent decides for himself, what is more important is something else, when we call the candidate , we pay attention. ..
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first channel. so, comrades, the main topic remains the flood in russia, the largest in the last 100 years. in orsk, the water is slowly receding, but in general there are still more than enough problems in the arenburg region. and the most difficult situation is in temenskaya and kurganskaya areas. kurgan region, the water level in the tabol river continues to rise. it is difficult to predict how the elements will behave further. people on the streets are helping to build the dam, filling bags with sand. we are loading bags. we drag them to the dam so that the water does not leak, so that there is no flooding, then the bags are taken to
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the dam itself, volunteers continue to work in the flooded areas, collecting animals. yegor penkov remembers how water quickly came to his site, he had to run away from there, quickly evacuate, help his neighbors, and take our friends, we ourselves rescued two dogs that the neighbors had left, we swam, picked them up, brought them here to the territory of the training center, here is a temporary foster care center, volunteers quickly built kennels from scrap materials. those who can come every day to feed and walk. tyumen region, 17 settlements and four snt were flooded. the water continues to exist. emergency situations ministry employees have already laid out the second circle of the protective dam. clearing congestion in the ishim river continues. evacuations also do not stop; volunteers are also helping. many thanks to the guys who came from
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everywhere to help. ishim city, volunteers bring food every day. someone for us. cooks pies, some buns, some pancakes, that is, we take it all, bring it here from people and feed them, that is, in three batches. breakfast lunch dinner for those who help save people and strengthen the dams. orenburg region. the water goes away, and here is another job. water from the street areas is pumped out and disinfected. in orski, emergency situations ministry employees filter and purify water from the elshanka river. and everywhere, in all regions affected by flood, now the first thing we need is water. help is coming from. in addition, the victims need food, disposable tableware, napkins, clothes, shoes, bed linen, personal hygiene products; the restoration of houses is ahead; heat guns will also be needed. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. let's think about the fate
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of a motorist in a big city; he sits in a traffic jam for hours and everything begins to ache, his lower back, his legs, his back. that’s all, of course, for me, one day i took my daughter to the airport, and so she flew to sochi, and during this time i didn’t make it home, here’s how to deal with it, chiropractor, neurologist sergei dlin will tell you, you have a long car ride ahead, so that your back gets less tired, put a small pillow under your lower back and adjust the position of the seat, you shouldn’t drive reclining, we need evenly distribute the load on the spine. the maximum permissible tilt angle of the chair is 15°, and it is better to install the backrest vertically. now we adjust the position of the headrest, there should be about 2 cm between the back of the head. it is important that in traffic you could lay your head back and relax. we check what’s wrong with our legs, put
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our feet on the pedals. if the muscles tense, it means the chair has been pushed back. too far, when the knees are at a right angle, this is also the wrong option, the optimal angle for us is 120°. now the arms, elbows are slightly bent, forearms are almost parallel to the floor, this is the correct position for the driver, you can drive, but no matter how comfortable the chair is, once an hour i... stop and do a warm-up, walk, this helps relieve tension from the legs and hip joints, we stand on our toes and we descend sharply, this improves lymph outflow and prevents blood stagnation. now we stretch our entire body upward, this is an excellent
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warm-up for the spine, and we also pat ourselves on the body with both hands, and begin. sykot, we go up the legs, sides, arms, back, great, we can hit the road again, so, hurray, he’s back, a fashionable verdict, my favorite show, but now it’s in a new format, wow, wow, because there are both male and female options, and i lead.
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gives compliments, gives advice, charges in a good mood, here you are, absolutely 65 years old, you can’t help but fall in love with you, the female version of the program will be presented by lilia rakh. for the first time in the history of the fashion verdict, the judge, the lady, speaks the same language with the participants. lana, there is a man, they were fired, everyone, everyone was fired, everyone behaved badly. or maybe you really need to imagine this man, attract him to yourself, think about him? lilia is a stylist blogger, she has more than a million subscribers, she has made a dizzying career herself, from a girl in a kazakh village she has turned into one of the most influential people in the fashion industry. a fashionable verdict is only about fashion, it’s about destinies, feelings, relationships, here you can talk heart to heart and not be afraid that someone will judge, how does it feel for you to hear that your daughter is embarrassed by you, no,
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no, i’m very offended, by the way, i’ll hug you, stiletto heels are my favorite shoes, moreover, i’ve lived on them since i was 12 years old, sleep without them, thank god, i sleep without them, in the studio of a fashionable sentence they will awaken femininity. will add attractiveness, audacity and brightness; stylish outfits will help the participants regain their coquetry. since you are here, you just need just be a little bolder and everything will work out. i think, dear stylists, this is a dream woman. here, please, dress her in such a way that everyone can understand it. today, experts will not only dress you, but also tell you how to care for your eyebrows. it turns out that they need to be combed in two directions. and how long until they grow up. a fashionable verdict on numerous requests from tv viewers is back on air: in order to feel good, a woman definitely needs what are
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usually called wings on her back, let’s let's make sure that our heroine grows them as quickly as possible. so, let's put things aside, in order to watch the fashionable verdict, we begin to observe amazing transformations today. good idea, girls. maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. it's time for news on channel one. stay with us. hello, sergei tugushev is on the news in the studio. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region has risen by 140 cm and already exceeds 10 m. in the direction of the wave movement, emergencies ministry specialists are clearing blockages on the river, building and strengthen the dams. construct temporary earthen embankments. in the region , almost 100 residential buildings, over 400 country houses, and 653 estates are currently flooded.
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more than 3,000 people were evacuated, several hundred were sent to temporary accommodation centers. there is also a rise in water in the tobol river in the yalutorovsk area. and in the neighboring kurgan region, tabol is retreating, where the water has dropped below the level of 10 m. at the same time , 5,500 residential and country houses and 13 bridges remain flooded. five sections of highways. in the orenburg region the level the ural river has been steadily declining for three days now. the day before, more than 400 houses were freed from water. about 13,000 residential buildings remain in the flood zone. the hot couple is now with the rescuer and due to the fire season. a special regime operates in twenty-three russian constituent entities. people there are prohibited from visiting forests, since the human factor is the main cause of fire. the fire is quickly fought. accounts of the ministry of emergency situations, and department employees also conduct preventive conversations with the population, all dangerous areas are identified using the system space monitoring and
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informs local authorities through a special application. the most active fire situation is currently developing in the primorsky territory, trans-baikal territory, the republic of buryatia and the astrakhan region. thermal points are zones with elevated temperatures. for the purpose of providing information. the thermal points mobile application is used, information is promptly communicated to officials of local governments, day-to-day management bodies of the rschs and officials persons of the management bodies of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. in addition to the news of the special operation in the southern donetsk direction , fighters of the vostok group occupied a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the volnovakha area and attacked in small groups of four people. the battle lasted a few minutes. despite the fact that the enemy actively resisted. dropped grenades from drones, our fighters passed without losses, russian drones helped them in this, with the help of which the commander directed the assault detachment. you see,
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two of my fighters are coming, the worst thing is that they always have ready, these little ones of theirs, which are thrown from the air, when we enter their supporters, they are not really visible, they are behind the board... hid, my fighters are getting there, heavy fire is being fired, that's it, we are starting to practice with grenades, the fighters from buryatia have captured a stronghold west of chasovoyar.
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they will be able to continue serving in new positions in organizations of the ministry of defense. nato shells, grenades and a variety of other ammunition were discovered by fsb officers in a cache in the city of avdeevka in the dpr. ukrainian militants hid all this while retreating, while the cache itself was mined, but our specialists neutralized all explosive objects. also found at the site were nazi symbols and medical syringes containing a substance of unknown origin. no matter how much you help ukraine, it will not win. this message is contained in the analytical commentary of skynews. the article raises the issue of washington's delay in allocating funds to the kiev regime and the significance of this failure for
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the situation at the front. and she admits there that the author is not in favor of the armed forces of ukraine. the morale of ukrainian militants has been undermined. if there are any left optimists who believe that with increased funding the situation can be changed, those who look at events realistically admit that even in this case there will be no victory for ukraine. no more refugees from ukraine. german municipalities are increasingly less tolerant of ukrainians who moved to germany after the start of the special operation. the head stated this in an interview with welt. he noted that with so many migrants, both legal and not, it is impossible to integrate everyone into society, and many simply do this themselves. do not want. the official believes that it is better for ukrainians to move to poland, or ideally to remain in western ukraine altogether. meanwhile, alarming opinions for kiev were voiced in the bundestag, and about two deputies at once, who cannot be blamed for disloyalty to ukraine. in an interview with the publication of the funke media group
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, they... expressed concern that the package of almost $61 billion approved by washington could be the last from the united states for the kiev regime. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good” will continue to air on channel one morning." good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly. a new, beautiful, bright april monday has arrived, and it tells you that april 22 will definitely be an amazing day. sergey babaev in the studio and svetlana zenalova. ya. the wonderful international the garden of memory campaign, this year, by the way, is already for the fifth time. during the campaign , more than 5.5 million people took part in planting gardens of memory in more than 50 countries of the world. yes, indeed, this is true. last year the campaign was completed. important milestone, the 100 millionth tree was planted. 27 million trees, this is how many participants in the garden of memory campaign plan to plant this year throughout
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russia. this. the number of people who died during the great patriotic war, in memory of everyone, every year we plant a tree. subbotniks, which have become traditional, started as in previous years in the warm crimea. in the bakhcesarai district , a wasteland with an area of ​​more than a hectare was planted in one day. i am planting this crimean pine for home front workers. in north ossetia, near the village of bolta, now a thousand red oak seedlings are growing. schoolchildren, students, and older people also took part in the action. war veteran... i have planted a lot of trees in my life, how many young people work, how they work with pleasure, the main thing here is to show an example, vladimir zhemchuzhnikov from the lipetsk region has been planting trees in his native lebedyansky district for 20 years, he has his own goal - 700 seedlings , the number of fellow countrymen who died, this year prepared 150 blue spruce trees from
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cones for planting. extracted the seeds, kept the seed in the cold, processed it, and that’s it i planted them like carrots in april, at this time. it took 6 years for the seedlings to become so large and strong. now vladimir, together with volunteers, transplanted them on the outskirts of the village of staraya rakitina. it will go watering. and in moscow, one of the main sites of the action was the michurinsky garden in vdnkh park. here the organizers prepared apple trees of the bellefleur chinese variety. created by ivan michurin. among the participants and celebrities , radion gazmanov says this is important to him. i'll come back, show my grandchildren and say, you see, grandfather regretted.
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over the 4 years of the event, there are already more than 100 million trees on the official website of the garden of memory 2024 of the russian federation there is a map where you can choose a place, date and join the action, it will last until 22. the most fashionable and summer, and spring, autumn, and winter, generally year-round an accessory without which it is impossible to see the sun is sunglasses, and how they are absolutely necessary, especially for drivers, how do they protect our eyes from ultraviolet radiation, what are they made of, what do all the numbers mean, how can we choose this accessory? so, the more expensive the better, no, no, choosing sunglasses is difficult if you think about both reliability and eye health, but according to the algorithm it’s easier to do this, let’s start with the lenses: glass ones won’t get scratched, they can last
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a long time, if of course they won’t break, plus they’re a little heavy, plastic lenses are safer and lighter, the main thing is that they have protective coatings, a hardening coating is applied, the so -called, yes, that is, they increase the hardness of the anti-tsar. because an eraser, if there is no such protection, then it quickly becomes unusable, gets scratched, and this accordingly all vision problems. we look for a note about the hardening coating on the label, what next, the answer to the question, where are you going to wear your glasses? the temples on the reverse side are numbered according to the numbers for which the glasses are intended. this number is three, which means it’s the beach and relaxation. four mountains, such lenses are very dark for... in city life in a non -sunny region they will be uncomfortable, so it is better to choose lighter ones, zero and first category for walks in cloudy weather, second in sunny weather. now about uv protection itself, it should be dark lenses, light ones. to check the filter
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, you can ask the seller for a declaration or check your glasses on a spectrometer, available in many optical stores. we bring the lens to the device, it shows us the degree of protection, the numbers 380, 400. everything else and the lenses are of poor quality, if you wear glasses with such lenses in sunny weather, the brain will receive a signal that there is not enough light, the pupils will dilate and become vulnerable. this is the most dangerous thing about lenses: the pupil is dilated, but ultraviolet radiation passes through very well, and you can get big problems with vision. glasses with wide lenses will better protect your eyes; narrow beams will hit you from above from the side. for the mountains or for a seaside holiday, it is better to have another pair marked polarized glasses. so-called polarized lenses, which reflect and cut off horizontal glare from sea water, from river water, yes, they are very convenient for drivers.
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you can check whether the polarization works or not in the store, just point the glasses at your phone and twist them, you don’t need to download any programs, if there is a filter, the lenses will darken, and finally the frames will turn dark. it is better to choose it because of cellulose, it is soft plastic, it bends. so, dear friends, on the calendar april 22, on this day, in 1899, that is, exactly 125 years ago , the famous writer vladimir nabokov was born, he is the greatest writer of our time and scientist, by the way, he also, by the way, wrote in english, in russian , studied butterflies and even discovered a separate species of them; by the way, a butterfly with a sap is perhaps his most famous photograph. in shorts with a juicy look. this collection of butterflies in the mountains of switzerland is a world-famous entomologist vladimir nabokov. there are a number of butterflies that
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nabokov discovered, that is, he first caught them and described them. they are named after his name, in latin, of course, on the side. there are a number of butterflies that he classified, and only later entomologists stood up in honor of nabokov with their butterflies. name, but by the names of nabokov's characters, that is, there are butterflies, for example, lolita, mashenka, humbert humbert, puddle. the future entomologist and writer was born in this mansion on bolshaya morskoy, in one of the richest families in st. petersburg. house with the sticky ceilings went to his mother as a dowry. having already lived in exile for many years, at the age of 54 in the united states, bokov wrote an autobiographical novel, “other shores.” and there he describes this place. from the st. petersburg house of his childhood, this protrusion is called a bay window, nabokov writes that he felt here like in the basket of a balloon and every day, he looked out the window, waiting for a carriage with his
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mother, elena ivanovna, to appear from there, from the side of nevsky prospekt . vladimir nabukov just wrote in his novel “other shores”. i was born near the safe. it was from this safe that ilena ivannye took the jewelry away from the sailors during the revolution, but the bukov family was still able to take some of the jewelry with them. first to the crimea, then on a ship for... not entomology. in berlin, the emigrant nabokov will write in russian and earn money through translations, and then another new life will happen in the usa, and there nabokov will become an american writer. if you take novels written sideways in russian in english, you will get two identical stupas. at the same time, of course, it stands apart
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lolita, this is the original of the first edition of the fifty-fifth year, firstly, because nabokov himself first wrote lolita in english, and then in russian, and secondly, it was this novel at the age of 56 that brought scandalous fame, wild popularity in around the world and at the same time financial independence. lalita deprived naboky and the nobel prize, he was nominated many times, but to the author of such a novel, yes... such a gurievskaya
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never gave autographs, she signed books only for her wife vera, and then in her own way, drawing fictional butterflies, calling them by her name, this is how he saw this world, an eternal boy in shorts, with a point at the ready, with fabulous ease, a lonely resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i ’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i’m an avenger, i just left my rights, the script is real literature, we can’t leave it, thousands of journalists came to the kan festival, this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. crap it hurts, i feel like i'm
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made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodore on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. three chords. new season. on sunday on the first. we are glad to welcome everyone who is greeted by the warm company of channel one on this wonderful spring morning, monday today, april 22, svetlana zenalova and sergey babaev are with you, wake up, little sweethearts. so, we wish everyone a wonderful day, get ready for work quickly, here you go you probably know that for this very job or for some very important meeting or when you, yes for study, when you really need it. punctual, you start to be late for just 5 minutes, it
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’s not me, it’s the statistics that write that five enchanted minutes, some kind of magic, why can’t you feel like a disciplined person, calculate everything exactly and leave on time, no, it doesn’t work, in what is the point here, and moreover, the earlier you get up, the later you sometimes leave, a woman always lacks five minutes, john agrees with this expression 100%, his wife alesya does not argue, how did time jump? moment 8:20 to 8:40 immediately, even self-deception in the family everyone knows, if john asks me, for example, how long will you be there, i write that it’s like, well, in 30 minutes, well, that means expecting me in an hour, the question disappears to where time, not a rhetorical experiment, getting ready for the pool at alisa’s with her daughters for 15 minutes, we didn’t have time, why is the time management expert assessing, the first thing where we lost valuable minutes was searching for things, by the way, i realized that certain items are important. then you
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empty the bag and put all the things that are in it in some place, the next day you take only the set of items that are needed for today's situation. the second point is that either the husband or the nanny are distracting, here you need to ask to discuss everything later, it’s more difficult to come to an agreement with the children. yes, here i had to persuade maria to take off those very shoes, perhaps to divert her attention to something else, so that at that moment i could calmly, without conflicts, change her shoes. you can also give task, who? that collects and simply putting in an extra 10-15 minutes will definitely save you if you are in a hurry, for example, to the airport. according to statistics, every tenth person here is late. in general, when about 2/3 of the country is late, it is difficult to be punctual; muscovites are in the lead. i always honestly say that if i overslept, i overslept, they come up with the idea that
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they were stuck in a traffic jam, but i manage to overtake them. in megacities, 10-15 minutes because of being late does not count, when we know that we can be late, we are not in a hurry, for myself i am not late, because i consistently come to 10:30, but within the company i’m late almost every day, because our working day starts at 10, even in the corporate environment they no longer fight lateness, so that they simply warn in advance, you’re already somewhere at 9 :30 you see that you don’t have time, that is, at 10:00 to write that i am late for a meeting that is at 10, this will forgive me an insult if you add it up every day. being 10 minutes late in a year will add up to about a working week, more than 40 hours of useful time, on the other hand, be a little less strict with yourself, in modern the world is much more needed. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia loginova, channel one. in all russian schools, a special lesson begins on channel one,
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conversations about important things, and today’s topic is labor crud. today we are talking. russian student groups. why are student labor groups needed? friends, if you want to make a decision in this life, profession, find like-minded people, friends for life, then you definitely need to join the student group. if you want to travel a lot from vladivostok to kaliningrad. also to us at student teams, if you want to be a mentor for young guys, then come to us, and you will become counselors, if you want to feel like a real doctor, we have a medical direction, and if you want to become a machine operator and work on
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a super tractor, then you too come to us, if you want to be a builder and build nuclear power plants both in russia and abroad, then you should also come to the students. russian student teams are a profession, it’s your own business, it’s a journey, it’s romance, it’s new horizons that you haven’t even dreamed of. why is labor cool? when i taught jari radar's poem as a child, what crafts smell like, it seems to me that he answered everything, each business has a special smell, in the bakery it smells like dough from the quarry, you walk past a carpentry workshop, it smells like shavings from a fresh board, and it seems to me that this poem . why is there no success without work? my life experience suggests that what wins in life is not talent, but persistence. and perseverance
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means that a person must get up every day and become better than himself, better immerse himself in knowledge, do better sports. it is better to master your profession, your work, what he actually does, if you work well, then your work will definitely be rewarded, the reward will be different, this is the gratitude of your friends, your followers, wages and much more. what qualities will help you become the best in your profession? it seems to me that in our modern fast-changing world, especially with such a flow of information, a person definitely needs stress. sustainability, a very important point, it seems to me that this is the education team, the ability working in a team, communication skills, the ability to communicate, negotiate, understand each other, to actually be such psychologists, to understand people, it seems to me that these are very important things, of course, it seems to me, kindness, today there is no way around it,
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love, love both for your profession, and in fact for people, if from the point of view of such professional things, not personal, then... it seems to me that this, of course, is determination, the ability to achieve results, the ability not to burn out over a long distance, because what there are long, big projects here. every industry comes to digitalize, well , let’s say you are a doctor, but telemedicine comes here so that people with
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certain physical limitations can feel much better and freer. if we, for example, take the profession of a builder, then here we have bim technologies, here we definitely need 3d programming, so you need to be good with numbers. of course, i think that a neural network or some kind of chat-gpt can replace these or those monotonous kinds. up to work, but will never replace the true a professional, let's say, some kind of employment contract, gpt-chat can write very quickly, and we already see such examples, but it certainly cannot replace a good lawyer or advocate or prosecutor in the courtroom. become a true professional, use modern technologies, but also love the work you will be doing. already today , a stunning multi-part detective story on wartime laws, a great war movie,
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a story with a continuation, prosecutor's office investigator svetlana elagina, military lawyer, is starting on channel one egor shilov and, of course, our favorite driver fedorenko, are getting down to business again, don’t miss the first episodes, today, right after the program, it’s time for a military lawyer, crazy people, heroes of the film according to the laws of war. i understand that you need to leave here before someone recognizes you. forty -first year, rostov-on-don, the filmmakers were asked by front-line veterans to talk about those events. letters from them began to arrive immediately after the release of the previous episodes. and suddenly the producer calls about a month and a half or two after the end of filming.
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her dreams are the world of the roars, their child, her everyday life is interrogations, pursuit, shooting, in a besieged city she investigates murders and robberies. we became aware.
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dear friends, so unexpectedly, but our program has come to an end, we wish you a wonderful, bright, incredible
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monday, take care of yourself and your loved ones, be happy, and most importantly, be healthy, see you soon. svetlana zenalova and sergei babaev were with you, please stay with us on channel one, on the air right now news. see you. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. during the day by another 13 cm, the water level is rising higher. in the tyumen region, rescuers and local residents are patrolling around the clock to strengthen dams. we try our best, as
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best we can, both with technology, independently, and with our own hands. that the white house intends to impose sanctions against one of the idf units, as israel reacted to netanyahu’s statement. hundreds of young scientists from almost three dozen countries begin to fight for the title of the best. in the international mendeleev olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry is starting in china. our guys are determined.


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