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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 23, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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by the way, from the school of the olympic reserve, what are they doing in pervomaisk, next door to this popasnaya, they are holding a tournament there, bench press, bench press, barbells, and they brought a set of equipment there, presented awards there, in general , they presented diplomas there and will be because this is a city that is under patronage of kaluga, you understand, that is...
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once again , ex-diverter and president of the international olympic committee with eleven years of experience, thomas bach, who tried to prick russia, again got into trouble. or rather, he fell for the bait of our pranksters and i chatted a lot. turns out. there is a whole conspiracy against the russian friendship games in the west, moreover, a secret plan to finally devalue the well-known saying o-sport you are the world, so what is their plan, what to expect from them and how we will fight back, we will reveal to you right now, this is maria butina and the dolls of the heir tutti, forward, comrade. thomas bach, head of the international olympic committee, was born in the city of würtsburg, the capital of the bavarian wine industry. thomas
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has been fencing since the age of five, thanks to his successful performances at youth championships, selected for the german national team for the 1976 olympics in montreal, canada, and received a team gold medal. this sport teaches you to remain humble when you win, but to remain courageous when you fail . being at the peak of his sports career, he was supposed to shine at the next olympic games, but even then he found himself involved in a campaign organized by the west against the ussr. germany and a number of other countries boycotted the 1980 olympics in moscow. this did not have the desired effect, but the athletes were left without medals. obah completely completed fencing career. then two generations of athletes were suddenly deprived of their olympic dreams. the young man devoted himself to his studies and received a doctorate in law. in ninety-one, bach began his career as a sports functionary and joined the international olympic committee. during the same period he became a member of liberty.
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democratic party of germany, which, according to information in the german media, gave him a number of privileges. bach often unofficially accompanied the president and chancellor on trips. as a result, thomas first became the second man in olympic committee, and then took a swing at the chairman. his main competitor for the position was ukrainian track and field athlete sergei pubka, but bach's interests were lobbied by ahmad al-fahad as-sabah, a prince from kuwait, a major non-nato ally of the united states. thomas bach was elected the ninth president of the international olympic committee, began the greeting, at the sochi 2014 olympics he shook hands with russian top officials with a smile and even ran with the olympic torch. what feelings do you have towards sochi? to the holiday that came here? i am convinced that tomorrow we will have a grand opening ceremony of the olympics. then
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the doping scandals broke out. based on some investigation by the world anti-doping agency, russian athletes were already deprived of several medals won in sochi after the fact. the report clearly shows that this is an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the olympic games of sport. about a third of the declared russian athletes were not allowed to participate in the olympics in brazil. at the olympic games in south korea, japan and china, russia was stripped of its anthem flag, on... i greet you from the olympic village of the 2024 olympic games in paris, preparations are in full swing. if at first bach was viewed as a fair olympic functionary, which he himself emphasized more than once in his comments, then the german crossed out all his apolitical attempts with sensational confessions during the prank of vavan and lexus by russian comedians.
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the international friendship games, which russia plans to hold in the fall, are of particular concern to the collective west. what does he say macron? what does macron say about how... again, as far as macron is concerned, he is quite ready to do this at the level of the eu commission. bach knows what he’s talking about, working in high offices has more than once opened up brilliant opportunities for him, be it the promotion of sports goods of the famous adidas brand, where he worked in the management at the invitation of the son of the founder of the company, or subsequently in another german giant siemens, and even the position president of the arab-german. the chamber of commerce and industry is believed to have opened up prospects for bach, they say his victory in the presidential elections mok was ensured by a certain influential arab sheikh, who found it beneficial to have his own person in the sports elite to redistribute money to the national olympic committee. bach has always successfully managed to build all his careers
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at the same time, sports, politics and business, it seems that this is already starting to bother the athletes themselves around the world. he politicized the 2018 winter games in the south. korea, we are driven by the dream of being awarded the nobel peace prize. it all ended in dismal failure which dragged the games even deeper into the political quagmire. he could be pathetic, he needs a change of leader, especially since thomas bach never understood that the main thing is the olympic ideals, when they are violated or destroyed, the olympics turns into a cheap carnival. however, thomas bach does not seem to be planning to leave even after his second term. journalists ironically nicknamed him the lord of the rings, which seems to be going out at the complete closing ceremony of the olympic games. well, let's
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figure out what thomas bach said when he thought he was talking to, well, let's say, colleagues, with diplomats, and he revealed a lot of interesting facts, but first things first. first, thomas bach has retrained and is now training professional spies. the problem is whether those people who really support the conflict in ukraine deserve to participate in the olympic games. if they support the annexation of ukraine, how can we determine whether these people support the russian government? now those who support the government cannot take part in this. we have a special a monitoring commission at the ioc level , which also works with an independent company, they monitor the internet, the media and
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public statements, so that if an athlete appears somewhere with such statements, he cannot accept. this is now a new functionality of the mock, and if
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somewhere there is a mention of russia in a good what do they talk about with each other in chats and key, then such people should not be allowed, and even better, involve some kind of independent organization in this, well... i don’t think there’s any need to explain further, it will be some kind of washington company, and it’s even better to involve ukrainian colleagues in this, as he says, who will watch everyone, listen, maybe i don’t understand something, and this is what is included in the duties; i could track down some statements, opinions of athletes, on on the basis of this to deprive us of the opportunity to participate in the olympic games, and i naively thought that it was about sports, i was mistaken, sports are not politics, these same people have been telling us for so many years and politicized sports in all directions, but in the end they themselves, well, just to the maximum this is, of course, a revelation, it is significant and it is very good that we have learned, as it were , a fact that they are really doing this, but unfortunately it is not surprising for anyone, yes, because we see the same thing in political sphere in the field
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of diplomacy in all recent years, well, that is , literally every western embassy there looks at, for example, posts, social networks, speeches of those people who request from them, for example, a visa for... that is, if ordinary diplomats are involved, well it is quite logical that he is now doing this could, because this is an organization, well, let’s put it this way, that selects not a very large number of athletes, so it’s easier to keep track of it, and the same ukrainians, wonderful... tukachki, who every six months roll out their reports on which western companies continue to work in russia, why do they work around the sanctions and so on, so when he says that let’s use these other guys, well, or he hints that they can still be involved in spying on russians athletes too this, of course, is all terrible, but unfortunately it’s not surprising, but in general, boom, here i have three people who know him personally to one degree or another, here he is as a person. how would you describe him if you met him in person? well, i know him
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personally by telephone, let’s put it this way, that is, i talked to him on the phone in 2014 after the end of the olympics, at that time i was an executive official of the lssr, the ski sports association, so on behalf of the general director i called him , coordinated with him the composition of the russian team at the freestyle world cup stage in canada, which consisted. this means that i was in the mood for a business conversation with him there for 3-4 minutes , respectively, to discuss the composition of the national team there, the conditions were all, but as soon as he heard that an official from russia was calling him for approval, for about five minutes, i listened to an enthusiastic monologue from him , that is, these were continuous defamations about what a wonderful country russia is, what a wonderful organizer russia is, praises addressed to our olympic committee, praises in address to our athletes, to our political... leadership, that is, i said a little, and you know what people call it, sycophancy, exactly that,
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at the moment when i was talking with him, it could not have occurred to me , that we will hear something vaguely similar to what, well, looking ahead, our pranksters will give out, yeah, and what are the circumstances of your communication with bach, the feelings are the same, you can argue, maybe he was different, you were closer to him in sochi, but a smile the man's face never left his face, this is a fact, because he was very pleased that he was in... russia, the fact that the competitions are held with such success, magnificent weather, wonderful atmosphere, well, in fact , it turned out to us then when he replaced jacques rog as president of the international olympic committee, well, a man from sports, probably an olympic champion should in general, to be aware of all the problems and aspirations of athletes, coaches and so on, i myself went through the whole crucible of sports, but it turned out that everything really will continue, but unfortunately times have changed and... it is suddenly impossible for a person to imagine him in sochi, for him to talk, he probably
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would have just drowned himself in the black sea, i guess, i don’t know, we’re going for a promotion, so you talked on the phone, you met in person in a work atmosphere, and you in a non-work atmosphere, i ’ve been there for more than 20 years vice-president of the international sports press association, and since time immemorial we have been coming to lausana, every year they told us what... what was going on, we got acquainted, talked, well, for example, i had very interesting meetings in moscow, more of course, before sochi, he came here, he was a colleague, he was a man who understood that a lot in his fate depended on us, then it was already clear that sochi would take place, no matter what, and you know, he made toasts to russia, he made toasts to a successful olympics in sochi. what mr. parshitko said is completely unsurprising to me, he always knows everything, but about
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fencers, i remember him in 1976, this is the olympics in montreal, as you all know, of course, 1976, and he won in composition of the german national team, then there was germany also, he won a medal, he is a team fighter, he later became world champion four more times, but there is such a person on the team, they say that someone there knows little about his childhood, he said that if it weren’t for sports, well, this is a personal story, maybe it’s not recorded somewhere, maybe my many peers and my many neighbors in the area where i lived, maybe we would have ended up in prison, fights, drugs, drunkenness, but i ended up into the hands of a good coach, this coach was very tough with me, and if i violated something, he i was kicked out of the hall, and i wanted to make myself for this guy, it was...
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i resigned, russia remained, you know, bach is a different person, this is ah, you know, this is a man who forgot everything he said , and not him... somewhere last month, out of old memory, they sent me this olympic charter, one new word was added there, which bach came up with, together, now still together, but where is together, you know, complete confusion, complete absolute discord, boom, it seems to me that this is a man who not only changed his shoes in the air, he
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i managed to do absolutely everything in the air, it was a triple somersault, that’s what they said. about the fact that, of course, the sport of unpolitics, yes, all this still exists, and this is talked about all the time, by the way, bach also spoke about this, but you know, these are all words of lies and lies, at the time of his election , right after his name was announced, he gave a press conference and said, sports and the world of foreign politics, let's see, olympic champions are elected to the post of president of the international olympic committee for the first time, so you has the right to expect from me that i will make sport the main object of our attention. and now 10 years pass, 11 years to be precise, here it is, it turns out that sports and politics are already inextricably linked. i hope that we will always have problems with politics, because
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if we no longer have problems in the field of politics, it means that we are no longer relevant. for us, representatives. that our actions are also political ; be aware that the world is ruled by politicians, not us. this means the sports world, this means that we must effects must have a political effect. and here we modestly remind bach about the olympic charter, and one of the points of which says in black and white that, generally speaking, sports organizations must maintain political neutrality. but in the case of bach. it somehow disappears. roman, if you had communicated with him then, would you have figured him out? how do you think? i think no. why? but the fact is that he is an excellent manipulator; he can show himself very well how his interlocutor would like it. at first we see him so kind, charming, beautiful. but i’ll tell you this, this is a sheaf of a person, if anyone is lower than him in status a, or something does
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n’t matter to him, he won’t talk to you. it was well noted that they were counting on a minute, but talked for 5 minutes. that is, if he needs you, he will be just the height of courtesy with you. so, in childhood, dad dies at 14 years old, stays with mom, what to do, where to run, but he had very big ambitions, he is inherently very ambitious, where does fencing go, goes to foils, in foils it seems to me there is less competition , because the greatest competition is in swords, he also calculated, but in sabers there were always strong italians, hungarians, you know this, his sports career really begins in seventy-three. it’s okay, what you say, he has a medal, yes, a medal - it was a team competition, and moreover, he came out, even if i’m not mistaken, usually athletes go out onto the track all together, he was not allowed onto this track , this is due to his ambitions, so what do you think, who
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took first place when he lost, the ussr is only the ussr, in the absolute ussr. or comrade romonkov, who just kicked everyone there, i don’t know, sorry ass, well, everyone else, the germans were crying, they had a situation, maybe they showed themselves at the olympics because they lost, but because they lost everything, this is the olympics 80, this is his, you know, maybe some kind of dream to realize himself, and the germans don’t go there, and he understands that it’s not sports that are politics, but politics is primary, the question is, what does he do after that, as an ambitious, smart guy, he will get... what kind of legal education and his work, well, his doctorate, it means that it is devoted to the relationship between law and politics, he then already understood that politics for him, for his ambitions, is what he needs, and where he will realize himself, by the way, confirmation of your words , he was very upset, indeed, that he did not get to the olympics in 1980, he missed his chance, he even made a statement about this,
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let’s see: the boycott of the 1980 olympics in moscow did not have any effect. my gaze was pretending. in order to do there is a chinese expression, it is very interesting, to kill a tiger, pretend to be a pig, in fact, thomas bach spent his whole life on career growth, in order to succeed, he was ready, indeed, to be very complimentary towards his opponents and... in particular, please note that i would not
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be surprised , if this is the commission that he created to monitor the statements of russian politicians, in the end it will measure skulls, because german pedantry, because this is exactly how the german bach will further develop as a sportsman, i don’t want to say olympic. near-olympic official, moreover, he most likely has some other ambitions for sure, in general a person who works with edged weapons, in particular a rapierist, i don’t know anymore, the rapier chose bach or bach chose the rapier, but nevertheless this man, he gives the impression of being phlegmatic, but in fact inside he is a volcano of passions, explosive, indeed, and he makes a decision instantly, just like he licked russia as the hostess of the olympics, with exactly the same, exactly with... he she will continue to be oppressed, and this, unfortunately, is a given, which he himself cannot change. now let’s break into a very short advertisement, all the most interesting things, we take all the skeletons out of
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the closet in just a few minutes. this is a hiding place. does that mean robbery? i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers, the gilded watches, they weren’t germans, not germans, who? forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, well, that ’s what you are for, i came from that to turn around, and then to climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted either to destroy our wounded, or to help their own, or both, in anyway the group worked. and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war.
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a story to be continued. watch the time after the program. from the forest of command, ask for whatever you want. you know what i want. send some news to vanya. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. stellar group. montechoca cognac. product of steller group. rum. castro. product of steller group. vodka. veda. product of steller group. to the sixtieth anniversary of the theatre.
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galileo and hamlet. they ask why you want to play a role, simply because good role, he would probably be a great king. zatik premier, vladimir vysotsky, i walked out on the stage as vysotsky was tearing up.
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once these people determined the trends of rock pop music, but now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it, have ziganed, and there are artists who consider it suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well , you probably need to get better, every night i return to what was possible do differently. i'm doomed for the rest of the day.
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and other gambling, my income is meager, i actually get by on what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to catch some there is a glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vavan and lexus show is on the first tomorrow. with fabulous ease, a provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself, my god, there are no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i’m an avenger, i just left my rights, jane’s script is real literature, we can’t leave it. in caen for the festival,
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thousands of journalists came, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made of one piece of cinema, from head to toe, thank you for gathering here matodore on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. already for 11 years, the german thomas bach has been leading the international olympic committee, once he was very much for russia, more than anyone for russia, but now he is most against it. let's find out why this change occurs. do you remember this story, when a conflict occurred during the olympics, russian-ukrainian athletes
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took part in a duel. at the end, the athletes, well, as is customary, must shake hands, instead, the ukrainian athlete puts her weapon forward, and what does bach do, well, he must stop such a fact, but on the contrary, the next day he makes this statement, i am also a fencer, and i can’t imagine how you feel at this moment, the international olympic committee will provide you with an additional quota to participate in the 2024 summer olympics. case if you cannot qualify for the olympics in the remaining time before it. we also make this exception because rating points that you lose due to disqualification cannot be replenished. that is, the athlete grossly violates the rules, shows disrespect for his colleague, person, who participates in sparring with him, instead , on the contrary, he is also given some rewards from above. i don't understand
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this behavior at all. i seem to have a common denominator according to bach, this common denominator is impudent, but i will say it, i have evidence for this denominator, the biography of bach as a sports official, it was aside, yet this man was swimming in money and did certain things that cannot be explained logically, well, he has a contract with one of the most powerful german companies, in which he was prescribed 4,000 euros for his consulting services, while... then another 5,000 euros daily, daily, daily, yes, the siemens company, which is known for its corrupt steps throughout the planet, well, yes, and the simensko corruption component in general, business in germany is even if they are caught for corruption, they then pay a fine in germany, having received this money, i can say this, well, in any other country or any free press, this can only be explained by one thing: this person received a kickback, but there is one more thing that is even worse,
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few people know that there is an arab... german chamber of commerce and industry of gorf, this one here of govra, he headed it before he went completely into the big bureaucratic sport, and it is written there in the charter , that everything is in the interests of trade of the arab countries and germany, germany and the arabs, but the fact is that this chamber of commerce and industry is engaged in a very important matter for the arabs, a very dumb one, in quotes for the germans. they track whether the products contain parts from israel, here i am it seems that an interesting biography is beginning.
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more precisely, yes, here is a very important point, imagine, there is a conversation between the special services, which says: let's appoint or try to appoint, manipulate a new president of the international boxing association, a person who has a lifelong ban on participating somewhere more as a functionary , here is anwar choukhadry, when i was thinking about how to manipulate him into heading this association, there is the first evidence from the gdr intelligence that there present... in the foreheads during this conversation, that is, he was interested in how to manipulate something, a person who has fallen into the interest of kdera intelligence is already an object of development in advance, here it seems to me that we need to understand whether bach is such a corrupt official, good a guy who
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does everything, today the kuwaitis need it, let's help the kuwaitis, give money, siemens needs it, so we'll give siemens a kickback, that is, a good guy, but i have another suspicion, the reasoning behind this suspicion is very simple, the common denominator looks like this, this human has never been pro-russian, his work is for... this is again a corruption component, but in favor of germany, maybe in favor of himself. so my daring assumption is very
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simple and i will now prove it, this man works for the bnd, this is daring. the bnd is germany's foreign intelligence service and the person who works for the bnd is deeply conspiratorial, he must have one single point that proves my theory. takes place as a version. the fact is that a professional spy, just like that, is illegal, who acts in the interests of state, he may have one document that confirms this, and which has no explanation. the fact is that bach has a diplomatic passport, for all requests to the german foreign ministry, but why does bach have a diplomatic passport, why does he have diplomatic immunity, which, in principle, does not coincide with the charter could, he does not have the right to have a diplomatic passport, as a member could, then i say: the fact that meade does not answer every time he renews this passport says one thing: this person needs diplomatic immunity, this is how illegal immigrants work. explain then please tell me the scandal that arose in japan during covid, where he
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accidentally confused the japanese and the chinese, well, as they say, the great stirlitz has never been so close to failure. let's get a look. our common goal is safe gaming. for everyone, for athletes, for delegations, most importantly for the people of china, that is, for the people of japan. the japanese people can rest assured that we are making every effort to make these games safe for the people of the country, and we are taking the most stringent and stringent measures to combat covid, and we are also implementing a massive vaccination program around the world. all this is done as a sign of solidarity with the people of japan. a huge scandal broke out there and he was named, after which he received the nickname the ripper.
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all this is arranged, by the way, let's see, the budget could be formed as follows, which, by the way, is quite strange, because 61% are television rights, 30% are sponsors, then there are some other rights and other income, and now a little
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let's dig a little deeper and see who our main ones are buyers of these tv rights, please, usa, europe, japan, china, this is a legal form of bribe, despite the fact that this does not only apply to the olympic movement, this is the case everywhere. one way or another, as far as money is concerned, this is, of course, an interesting question, yes, that ’s exactly what the budget could, yes, is mainly formed through sales and television broadcasting licenses, the americans pour in, of course, an enormous amount of money, but the problem is that that... the ratings are falling, and very strongly, we see this at the latest olympics, that is, and the olympics, that means in south korea - that’s 20 million , the approximate audience in the united states, we’re not even talking about the rest of the world, and then the next olympics in china is 11 million, that is , practically no one watches it, but here the question arises as to why that kind of money to pay in america, the nbc channel, he controls these very licenses, he paid about 7 billion dollars for... all these shows until 1932, and now they want to negotiate, return the money
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back, because the audience is not growing , everything is bad with this, so of course, for the international olympic movement this is an obvious crisis, for thomas bach specifically, perhaps the situation there does not change, he receives his bribes, as he received them before, but of course he finishes off with himself, in general, everything olympic committee, how is the olympics without russia, imagine, it’s interesting to dig even deeper, and see where it came from, in 2013, when the junk just... got into its current position, in germany they made a film about it, where they dumped a huge quantity is very unpleasant facts, and we took only a few of them, well, for example, he is a very honored athlete and is very proud of this, but there are big questions about this, that’s what eyewitnesses say in that very film. thomas bach's opponent on the fencing track was then an athlete from the bon club. during the fight, a situation arose like... when bach blocked his jacket with his glove, the opponent's thrust was not
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registered. bach's glove was damp, perhaps just from sweat. the referee noticed this and asked bach to take a dry glove. i sat nearby when thomas bach reached into a plastic bag and pulled out a new glove, but it was also wet. i definitely saw it because i was sitting next to him. i believe that the glove was definitely treated with something. they must have learned this during training. i thought it was outrageous. after all, this had nothing to do with fair sports fighting with a sportsmanship spirit. if you touch the electric jacket with a wet glove, the enemy’s injection will not be registered, that is, with the help of the glove, the entire area of ​​the electric jacket is neutralized, and it becomes possible to falsifications. an obligatory element of any doll is the presence of incriminating evidence, and such that it was the most painful, and what could be more painful than this, than to challenge all sports. the presence of a person in principle in a position and competence
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to occupy such a position, but what if there is such a string pulling this doll, then you can refuse the money if the puppeteer from there orders it, so nashbach goes, contrary to all the rules, that russia cannot be ruled out, that he will lose this is where the money is, for some reason goes to zelensky, let's see, welcome, nice to meet you. very nice and special thanks for finding time for sports, i’m very glad. and now they have a joint press conference, where both are quite harsh in their statements, just don’t forget the principles of the olympic charter, political neutrality, so keep political neutrality in your head and watch this video. we discussed the need to continue international efforts to ensure that representatives of a terrorist power cannot participate. international sporting competitions, a terrorist power cannot be allowed to
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use sport to advance its political interests and promote its propaganda. i am grateful to mr. president for his unshakable position regarding the exclusion of russian and belarusian athletes from official competitions under the auspices of the international olympic committee. we can also assure you, mr. president, that we have supported your position from the very beginning of this war. it was very clear and powerful. we strongly condemned it. here is shown his visit to zelensky, it all started earlier, his
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transformation began, his metamorphosis, you can call it whatever you want, in my opinion, it all started in 2016, why? because in 2016 , on the eve of the olympics in riodogero, from the beginning in july, and then as a test shot in december, the publication of a report by richard maklarov took place. it didn’t work out to disrupt russian participation in the rio olympics, they participated, but this, by the way, there was the last olympics in which we took part with the flag, with the anthem in a normal way, we managed to launch this one... everyone finally in december 2016. winter olympics in penchang, no flag, no anthem. olympic games in tokyo - no flag, no anthem. winter olympic games in beijing without a flag, without an anthem. his visit to zelensky does not surprise me in any way; it is completely built into his current policy, his current agenda. what conclusion can be drawn from this? i think,
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that the decisions that were made by him were aimed at reconsidering the subject of turning the pro-russian agenda into an anti-russian one, then his colleagues said that it was beneficial for him, it was unprofitable when... the year could have been such a rap point, given that then it was raging with all its might the scandal about this russiagate in the west and in america about russian intervention, that is, this wave of demonization has of course reached a new level, but even if we look at, you know, such openly herbivorous years there 12, remember our olympics in sochi, yes this was before the return of crimea, before... the conflict in ukraine, where thomas buck himself may have made some pro-russian statements, but we all also remember the open pressure on russia, that rainbow flags were banned there , they don’t let me show it, and so on, it was then, maybe not on his part, maybe not on the official side, but the pressure on russia within the framework of that olympics was very powerful, and i’m also saying this before the start of this
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direct line confrontation between us in ukraine and nato. let's once again make a reference to that very film of 2013, when strictly speaking. they appointed him to a responsible post, which he has held for 11 years, and there, already there, they outlined the whole scheme of how he, in fact, took the money. let's get a look. we met with a man who, in the eighties, at the same time as bach, worked for a famous sports brand. he didn't want to reveal his identity. together with him, we reviewed the company’s internal documents of that time. columns with numbers, our informant believes, they show. the company paid amounts to sports federations and sports societies in order to increase the significance of its brand. according to the document, in october 1986, thomas bach promised the german football league club a payment of 15 thousand german marks as a donation, in order to avoid precedents, as
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it says here. that this could be is cleared up by another document: a donation of dm 50 thousand for another football league club, with the aim of having
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employees. and who do you think has the most big salary and who received the most? bah, understand? but now there is another very interesting thing, there is still something besides television, it used to be called so, top 12, top 12 sponsors, now there are 14
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sponsors, and the most important sponsors are the americans, now here and now for a second think about it. that is, the main sponsor of this whole orgy now is the company that sells alcohol, and it’s just, you know, this is some kind of terrible extravaganza that arises here, simply indescribable, svetlana, i should add, it seems to me that of course, now mr. bach is already in a direct fight for the next term, he just needs to get out of his way right now, so that he simply, or severance pay, deserves authority with his anti-russian statements and what is now... happening against us , yes, they received guarantees that no one would touch or move him anywhere, well , it would seem, stop, that’s enough, but they have the following goal, so that no one else... can ever have fair sports, here russia is talking about games friendship, what he thinks about this bah why he reads
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prayer, immediately after the advertisement. there is an organized spy network in the city, and we could expose it. from that moment on, you take note of everyone he meets; in case of danger, you do not show yourself. we are investigating a criminal offense and urgently need the files of these people. where are you going? with you. where is he? here. egor was always there. he didn’t go anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so you wouldn’t see it. do you suspect egor of something? according to the laws of war, the story continues, see after
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program time. cognac, old barrel, product of steller group. stirsman bourbon, a product of the steller group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. gin sheaf, a product of the stetellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, i saw him when i was playing some sailor there, he was sitting in the box, on the left, suddenly he said, give me some ice, please , back, everyone was running here, narzan wasn’t on the arbat. there is no such system by stanislavsky, it’s all nonsense, there is a method of work of the great masters, that's it. i stood against the wall, but with a real
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fodar, it was my military man, there were these green, white, red ones. the artists knew that the red one was a rehearsal until the last metro, why can’t you calmly sit on your hip, well, it would be hard for me now. run away and train you, i was generally kicked out three times, or even four, i walk into my office in the morning, someone is sitting next to me drinking beer, and i’m uh, that’s it, i’m done with you, why are you coming, i say, first, be kind, get out of here, yuri lyubimov, man of the century, today on the first, to the centenary before... you can you explain to me what happened? has, again his trace, so far everything is against us,
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there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him. pomilty, why me, why? well, thank god, i’m ladenikov. how is he going to get to khas? low season, he is an actor from god, there is a story behind him. how did you live all that time, did you love anyone? i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such a foreigner, and at the same time ours, no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking my pun creates his heroes so completely unique, behind whom there is a whole life, i played more humanly about my youth there, if wishes are not fulfilled? people will forget how to dream, he was a man from another world, in general, from a different time period, the premiere
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of a documentary film, the work of an intelligence officer , i must tell you, requires a great sense of self-esteem, patience, april 28 on the first. all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart. you leave, i'll stay, don't let them stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, award ceremony,
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folk! i have a golden gramophone. premiere on april 29, on the first. and now the main goal of this gathering called the international olympic committee, which excludes russia and put the corrupt official bach at its head, the main task is now to destroy the friendship games, which russia announced, which will be held in... already this september, here is the leader of wada, he so to speak, launches a campaign of hatred and says verbatim the following: i believe that federations should be avoided participation, committees and countries should also avoid participating in this event. the idea of ​​holding the friendship games is a little contrary
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to the olympic games, this is more of a political issue, specifically a political one. question: which country will or will not take part, but together with mog, with the african union, we can express our concerns, i definitely agree with you. sports are sometimes a good tool to spread your influence, they are very good at it. this is from my personal experience point of view. and i have a question again, what does the global the anti-doping agency, which is against the friendship games that are held in russia... which invite countries from all over the world, why are they even interfering in this story? well , because the russian games are just about coubertin’s vague olympic charter, the basis there is what is the dignity of the will of the body and spirit, when everything is honest, without any of these squats, what are they afraid of us taking over
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this topic? yes alexey, is he merciless towards the enemies of the reich? entry in thomas bach's personal file, in fact he is wonderful here in his consistency, he makes the career of such an official, he does it thoroughly, he needs a photo with a monkey with vladimir zelensky, he will do it, it is necessary to bury the games of friendship, he will definitely bury them, this methodical sequence, this is for the future, a very important element that arose in the world when the right was abolished , and rules were introduced, and bach realized that now is his time, he will form the rules for himself, i believe that the tools that he now uses are not everything, but these the instruments will most likely be reformatted into instruments of big politics in the future, he believes that he is worthy of becoming that very part of the elite that you call
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puppeteers, he is trying to be a puppeteer, this is his goal, the organization he heads, well, through doing this , in order to gain authority , your face, in this case, why not, but this is exactly the beautiful picture that you know, i wanted to say two more words about vada, what kind of organization this is, but it has no legal rights at all , in fact, this is an independent organization that, in cooperation with the olympic
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committee, conducts analyzes, but it has a task. let’s assume that if the olympic committee , our today’s character, were completely confident in their abilities, that the truth is behind them, and so on, they would be only happy about the competition, yes, they would be just glad, because they would win , of course, but they themselves understand how much they are finishing off the olympic movement, so they are very afraid that alternative, alternative platforms, before that they also fought with the brix games, when they tried to carry them out within the framework of this platform, now they are trying to fight back the games of friendship, and so on, but of course these processes cannot be stopped by all these western apparatchiks, yes i i think there , based on brix and other institutions , alternative ones will appear, and this will not only
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apply to sports, it will be a criminal court, everything else, because everything that is now. we see in the west, it is discredited and politicized to the maximum, well, i think that of course, the upcoming olympic games will also be a rather strong blow to these remnants of the olympic movement, because we are now hearing a huge... number of scandals around the upcoming olympic games in paris, with everyone there, and perhaps there will even be some terrorist attacks , god forbid, of course, and this will also be the arrival, by the way, of the israeli national team, this is also, of course, a grandiose provocation, there will be mass demonstrations of the same french muslims and so on, then games in italy, and then the twenty-eighth year of the game in los angeles in the united states, but given, of course, the deplorable state in which california is now, i ’ll be honest, i’m afraid to imagine at what level the games will be held there, but of course it will be a complete nightmare, but well ...since we are talking about macron, it is interesting that for some reason bach considers macron to be the main authority in his life; in conversations with pranksters, he appeals in every possible way to
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his opinion. i wonder why? let's listen and discuss. have you spoken to president macron? you talked to chancellor scholz about how they think they will join our statement if we do this. that is why i say that the easiest thing would be for the european union, the commission, to express this opinion on behalf of the members of the european union. this is a good solution, as i see it. i would contact the eu directly so that they contact you and agree on a common statement regarding these friendship games, and i will also ensure that
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president macron supports this move by the european union. bach is german, they ask him about macron and scholz. he doesn’t say anything about scholz and puts the main emphasis on macron, this shows the overall position of germany, that germany means nothing, there’s no way to call them and scholz is generally a six, he speaks for macron, he says that he is sure that macron will do so, here bach sees himself above macron, and scholz is even lower somewhere there, so he has already reached an agreement, i’m not sure, i think he thinks that he is now holding macron’s tender places, because...
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look, what is happening now in the fascist in germany, the nazis, the first small decree appeared, a small one, jews do not have the right to participate in sports competitions, even in courtyards, they were deleted from sports...
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explain to me why in the olympics , now i’ll argue with you now then the movement, which is this obscurantist, where do those who have not decided on their gender always come from, if you say that they are in this way...
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this is somewhere in the penultimate place, with bach money is in the first place only money, that’s my conviction, believe me , how only they create committees that are supposed to monitor what russian athletes say, this is no longer about the olympic committee, this is about the special services, as soon as, by the way, in many european media they call it the ioc intelligence service, well, i met it, friends, come on so, there is no need to put it at the forefront when it comes to corruption, yes, when it comes to politics, no, these are the special services, and you know, when it comes to... this is about such passion, love for
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taking photographs with famous politicians, great money, then you can do anything anything, anything, here is bach, talking with a certain representative of the african union, not even wanting to find out what country he is from, maybe he thinks that africa is a country, we don’t know, and it comes to the point that the culmination of the conversation, together with a certain african politician from an unnamed. countries they read a prayer so that, look for yourself, today is the holiday of the saints, wawan and lexus, these are the heroes of the continent, if you repeat this, it would be great, i turn to you, god, i turn to you, god, to help me, to help you, to help you, to help me.
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so, the decision has been made. great, now that we have divine inspiration, nothing can go wrong. we inform you. dear thomas bach, your prayer to vawan and lexus will definitely help. the fact is that vavan and lexus, these saints you talk about, are on our side. therefore, friendship games, they will most likely help, but thank you for this magnificent prayer. a moment of humor for not
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only our country, but the whole world, special dankaishen, maria butina was with you, doll heir tute, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. we have initiatives along the entire front line, sergei shaigo, about the situation in the special operation zone, the losses of kiev, what mina’s colleagues also talked about.


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