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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 24, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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emphasizes all the advantages of your figure, do you think there is a threat that someone in such an outfit will dare to fire you, out of harm’s way, it all depends, i suppose, on the appropriateness of each set, in each specific situation, it seems to me that now more it’s up to you how you feel now, i feel really difficult, especially because of my hair.
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polina, if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the first channel website using the link that you see right now on well, if you are like our today’s heroine screen, or point your mobile device's camera at the qr code. see you at the first one, all the best. the first channel presents,
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everything is brilliant, spicy, here it is, ginger, crushed with onions, pepper and mustard, about ginger and... many other important and interesting things for your health in the program live healthy! so, friends, today begins world immunization week, immunization is vaccinations, and we decided, on the eve of the mass exodus of people to their dachas, to talk about what threats await you at your dacha outside the city, in principle, about what threats modern
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can medicine protect you? i want to start with a story that i found very interesting: tell me, volodya, how you built a roof for your beloved aunt at your dacha, and how did this end? yes, in fact, i then thought the worst thing was that my leg would be amputated, because when i stepped on a nail, it became very inflamed, swollen a little in the place where the puncture was, so they advised me to immediately calm down, and we went to the emergency room , what was done at the emergency room, the wound was treated at the emergency room, vaccinations or an injection were given. andrey petrovich, so, a dirty wound, a puncture, what kind of infection are we afraid of, we are afraid of tetanus.
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it is impossible to remove them from there, they survive cold, heat, and if they get there, living in such conditions, anaerobic, they get into the wound, they begin to multiply there, the horror of this disease is that they begin to secrete a toxin, and this is a neurotoxin, and this toxin sooner or later paralyzes the nervous system, i will ask andrei petrovich to come to the screen, i want to show you this wound with such clastridia inside. any dirty wound, not it’s important what you cut yourself with, a branch, a nail, it doesn’t matter if it’s the ground, that is, there is a threat of celiac disease, so this vaccination needs to be repeated, even if you were given it in early childhood, adults are used to repeating it, andrei
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petrovich, this is the classic picture of apistotonus, arched the whole body, all the muscles are tense, because the toxin acts on the central nervous system, all the muscles are tense. they make just an antiserum that blocks the toxin, because vaccination is already late, but you need to block the toxin if there is this, this microorganism, therefore, they give several injections, the toxin will be
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neutralized, so first, children must be vaccinated, this is the famous dpt vaccine against whooping cough and tetanus, second , they must be vaccinated. adults again after 28 years, mandatory revaccination every 10 years. and thirdly, take care of this. if there is a wound, a dirty wound, go to the emergency room, they will administer a special antiserum prophylactically, that is, you will be immunized, and you will be saved. if you do not do this, then death will inevitably occur, unfortunately, we are very sorry. more one. we have an amazing guest, he was bitten by a tick, this is one of the most literate people i have ever met, tell me what happened to you, in the summer, somewhere in july of twenty-one, i was on vacation in the moscow region dacha, i was bitten by a tick, at first
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it was the right leg, but there was redness, you didn’t see the bite itself, i didn’t take it off, i didn’t feel the bite, i just... then i discovered the redness itself, this erythema, let's show what this erythema looks like, it's a target, right, but it can another circle like this, you had one like this, it was like this - at the beginning, but it’s like a target, and then it begins to disperse along the leg in more spots, this is understandable, this is understandable, but in principle this circular arthema is directly pathognomonic , that is, it’s definitely a sign of illness, yes. i had it closer to september, well, the first one was very extensive, because summer happened, apathy, weakness, weakness, you can’t
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sleep, you think it’s at the level of depression, then nausea, i got terrible heartburn, my joints hurt , here further... what happened, i get neuroborliosis, damage to the central nervous system, that is , there is a lack of coordination, there is tremors in the legs, the impression that the brain has forgotten how not to just walk, but to run, you don’t understand how to run, that is, the legs just don’t move, well, this is a neurotoxic form of the disease that is transmitted by ticks, the great power of immunization is that if there was a vaccination against baryliosis, we would say it is necessary. get vaccinated, but we can’t say that here, we can only wish you to remove tick, now we will show how these ticks have absolutely mastered our human space, they live peacefully with us, crawl, andrei petrovich, here is this video, here is this tick, and as they say, there is complete
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happiness here, he is crawling, now i still want, so that they show us how a tick bites, because this is a whole epic, you really can’t feel it, because it... specially anesthetizes this place, and this, as they say, is an animal, first an anesthetic is injected, look, you see what does it, pushes it straight apart, and then... he pierces the skin and reaches the vessels, it begins to suck blood, and even to the vessels, you see, his tummy will now swell, and he will actually pump blood, and sitting on us, then he will fall off, and you may not see him, if you saw him you need to take it and see what’s there, here it is, you see how it’s already pumped and swollen, it’s already become so bogrovod, and... this is our blood inside it andrei petrovich, you see how interesting it is translucent, it
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feeds on it, it’s a female, then she needs this blood like food for her offspring, i want to say an important thing, how they diagnosed you, who was such a genius, at first my legs gave out, i just tried to feed the cats and couldn’t get up, i called an ambulance, they took me first to the buyanova emergency hospital. they kept me there for a month, they did an mri, a preliminary diagnosis, they gave me multiple sclerosis, after, yes, after a month of treatment and neurological symptoms, they had a suspicion, they called an ambulance from the infectious disease department, the infectious disease department had already arrived, and they took me away for another month to the first infectious diseases hospital, and there i was already i didn’t remove the tick, i didn’t believe that i had a bite, it was too late, no one, he no longer remembered about the erythema, he... didn’t remember anything, now it’s all connected together, then the young guy’s legs gave out, first guess ,
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that’s right, herman shaich, it’s always multiple sclerosis, always, even if we haven’t found plaques in the brain, we think about multiple sclerosis, we treat multiple sclerosis with large doses of hormones, by the way, about birds, which is not the best thing for barleosis, we have difficult profession, guys, in a month caused an infection, and the infection was determined. a blood test turns out, it is not done by antibodies for barelia, right, about what, as everywhere else, but infectious disease specialists know it, they began to treat with antibiotics, and a great miracle happened, healing, let's applaud all the doctors, because everyone fought for salvation, with neurological the symptoms are very difficult, if his joints hurt, someone would check the dial, but his joints didn’t hurt, so this is of course sad, the most common. the sign is the joints, so if you were healthy, young and beautiful, suddenly in
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september your joints began to hurt, a couple of months after they appeared, it means that the joint has been destroyed, mainly the cartilage is destroyed, the cartilage becomes inflamed in the joint capsule, because of this joint pain begins . barolyosis: the disease is transmitted by ticks, in the middle zone, where we live, it is widespread. everywhere, just all over russia, today, therefore, it is treated with antibiotics, well, it is treated well, if the diagnosis is made in time, neurotoxic forms - a rarity, let's be honest, thank god they figured it out, both the twelfth hospital and the first moscow infectious diseases hospital, well done, because these are very difficult diagnoses, very difficult, when compared with a car, you need to completely disassemble the car to understand that it is not broke. we are doctors, so it’s difficult, but we managed. i also want
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to tell you about one disease that is transmitted by ticks, there is a vaccination against it, this vaccination needs to be done, andrei petrovich, this is, of course, tick-borne encephalitis, because those the same ticks, they are called ticks, they not only carry barolleosis, but also tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis is now in the moscow region, the north-western region of saint petersburg.
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while in the hospital, i talked to him, read books to him, a seriously ill, paralyzed boy, tick-borne encephalitis, only prevention, treatment. no, there is a vaccine, if you are conscious, you will protect yourself and your children, if you are unconscious, i don’t feel sorry for you, i feel sorry for the children, very much, this is the topic, this is the world immunization week, we absolute supporters of vaccinations, absolute, because we are doctors, we are professors, we are vaccinated ourselves, because we cannot
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allow ourselves to infect you, and we... are preparing for vacation, due to, firstly, micro-micro-damage begins the development of roster factors, and this is a powerful stimulus for
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the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, a facelift without plastic surgery...
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and i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately , there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vanavan and lexus show, today on the first day, with fabulous ease , a lonely resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i am not repeating myself.
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russian vigorous mustard, onion and ginger, everything is brilliant, spicy, we talk about spicy foods, products, spices, spicy is not a taste, it’s a painful and thermal sensation, german shavich, a sharp feeling, it’s not
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a taste, it’s what it is , it's pain we feel. island with pain and temperature receptors, so we feel a burning sensation, everyone hears, here so, comrades, so today everything is brilliant, sharp, we will talk about ginger, bring us ginger into the studio, well, even if. there are peoples who deify ginger, but these are the japanese. in japan there is a ginger museum, there are beds made of ginger, there are some ekibans made of ginger, here in the center they made themselves such a ginger, all sorts of ginger sticks,
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sweets, what not, in general there is ginger, ginger, ginger everywhere , ginger, ginger, this is how this product is treated with great respect, the question arises, why is it useful, it contains gengerol, such a substance, it is ginger, or ginger, gengerol is ginger. it’s as if the current company was named after ginger, what ginger makes, let’s go to the models, ginger, yes, well, look, look, this is the eye, this is the inner part of the eye, it’s called the retina, it is very well supplied with blood, and from the condition of the vessel the health of our retina depends on what ginger does to our blood vessels, yes, it increases the amount of oxide. nitrogen in the blood, respectively , sechava, you have a very interesting effect, elastic and improves our blood supply , expands, relaxes our blood vessels, they
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look more, the feeling of nausea arises in us, in principle, in the medulla oblongata, this is the brain - this is the medulla oblongata, it turned out that gingerol suppresses the feeling of nausea, gingerol, this one right here.. the compound helps us kill microorganisms in the oral cavity, stimulates local immunity, so in ancient times it was used for oral hygiene, in ancient times it can still be done today, so we all do now. we ate a piece of hot burning ginger, it burns, and at the same time it kills everything bad that is in our mouth, well, what do we have a podium there, what do we have on the podium , we place the pedestal. in first place, in second place fresh ginger, in
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third of course pickled ginger, well, this is understandable, because there is less water in the dry one, the water is gone, the genderol remains dried, of course, i understood how to choose ginger, how to store it and how to eat it correctly, first question how to choose, we only see the root, but look at how luxurious the flowers are, here in sochi, maybe it’s ginger that blooms like that, what a luxurious beauty the flowers are, we instruct you to pull out a couple of flowers with roots and see if there are ginger roots there, so how to choose ginger?
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we have a paper bag, there is a plastic bag, which is better, paper is possible, the only thing that needs to be stored in a cool place in the refrigerator, closed like this, and we store it in plastic containers at home, this is also bad, it’s also possible, why not, it does n’t matter in a cool place because gangerol is a volatile compound. and if there is damage on the skin, that is, something like this, it will, firstly, really smell, and secondly, it will simply evaporate, and the concentration of gengerol at the very
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root will drop. how to eat ginger correctly? oh, you can eat it in different ways, but here you see, we see these seasonings here when they marinate it, well, the first thing i understood, i must say that... “not enough, then, he doesn’t tolerate it, so say, excessive heat treatment, do not heat process raw materials, and our lyosha prepared something for us, let’s give him the floor, so i’m here, hello, in fact, it’s a classic, we understand, well, this is a salad, we understand that, in principle, it ’s somehow difficult to just eat it entirely, well, because in any case it somehow burns. what we do, we add products that are rich in juiciness, juice, these are cabbage, apples, cucumbers, that is, we make a classic ordinary salad, especially now it will soon be the season, that is, it is quite possible, we grate here, yes, that
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is, we grate. and the most interesting thing is, look, when we make salads, we season them with oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, and here the concentration of gingerol, in principle, ginger itself helps to draw out the juice from the products and make it juicy, that is , in fact, it marinates, i hand out forks, i recommend picking it up from the very bottom, because it’s just catchy there, i have it, let’s, come on, gernushavich, you are gernushavich, yes, i’ll reach you, we have no doubt, yes, well, a little spicy, a good vegetable salad, very without marinade, now we’ll treat you, otherwise we eat here non-stop, i like it very hot tea, it’s just 60 degrees, yes, fresh ginger like this,
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i put a piece in,
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off season, he is an actor from god, behind him is the story of how you lived all that time, did you love someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such a foreigner, at the same time, ours, no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking my pun, neo doesn’t create his heroes that are completely different.
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new season on april 28th on the first. you know, our next conversation, we are moving to the medical site with such a large team, we called it this: light will conquer darkness, and we will talk about atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, if you turn your head like this, you will see this oblique muscle, this is the scernocleidomas muscle, this...
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that is, the ophthalmic artery originates from the carotid artery, understandably, and naturally the entire eye is supplied with blood through this artery. if there is a plaque, then a piece of it comes off, it can fly into the brain, there will be a stroke, it can fly into the ophthalmic artery, there will be blindness, there will be thrombosis of the ophthalmic artery, it’s clear, so what is the essence of the operation, this is what it looks like in the same way, look, this is the vessel with which we are born, and this is the vessel that you had and you see how the blood flow interferes, in addition to the fact that more pieces fly off, the point of the operation. take, remove this plaque, so that there is no chance of thrombosis and so that the pieces don’t fly off, you didn’t give you a test tube with this, surgeons love this game, the patient
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just takes it for sure, they take the same endorterectomy, that is, completely, these are just pieces fat, this is how it looks, this is an absolutely natural model, and if you put it in a test tube, the test tube is about a finger as thick as... this man is for us, this is your savior, call the doctor today, say, thank you for saving me from blindness and from a stroke, which was difficult after the operation, you know, feeling bad i felt
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like it was somehow hard to get on my feet, i had this kind of heaviness , how long did it last, well, it lasted for 10 days, i was in the institute of philosophy, i always couldn’t get up like this , it was really hard for me, i don’t understand. and this is psychological reaction to the operation, i’m telling you for sure, it means, so, atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, a serious situation, threatens blindness and threatens a stroke, doctors assess the degree of narrowing of the carotid artery, and decide what to do, you can put a stand, if possible, but there is always the threat that while they are moving, a piece will come off and fly away, so it is very often a choice. is taken on the anatomical features of this plaque and the surgical risk of the patient, that’s all, so the decision was made, you are saved, if already, stop making excuses, sorry doctors, but i
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i honestly say, i’m very grateful, because yes, naturally, i had such a surge in blood pressure, it’s impossible, i called an ambulance two or three times, and they kept telling me: woman, go to the doctor, i say, yes i i go, they couldn’t determine, then i got to a good specialist who identified us, i like it, the doctors kicked me again, i went, they couldn’t determine anything, but that’s enough, no, i can tell the detinova who is good or bad, this is a good doctor, detinova, she sent me for an ultrasound and says, let's see, then we'll make a decision, she sent it to me, i got to a good specialist, who really looked at me too, determined in fact that i had more than 70% there, here's the stenus, imagine, lina vasilievna. but at least dr. ditinova is being transferred, she works as dc1, in general, we say hello to you, finally, gratitude, if the patient came with thrombosis of the ophthalmic artery, is there a possibility to help, or
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will this be all blindness in this focus, and let's show how what is the symptom of this thrombosis, what a person begins to see, just look at the screen and you will see how the field s overlaps... like this, well, firstly, this happens quite quickly and painlessly, a person can completely lose vision in the eye, in one eye, as most often happens, or lose the field of vision, partly, this depends on whether there was an occlusion of the central artery, or one of the branches that supplies blood to some sector. now, of course, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because... only in the first minutes or hours is there anything you can do to help, you need to lower your blood pressure? eye, you need to use anticoagulants, of course, sometimes the pressure is reduced, even surgically they release some of the fluid
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and the pressure drops in order to reduce the pressure on the vessel, and in this way sometimes you can improve the blood supply to the retina, of course, unfortunately, unfortunately, so to speak, this is very a formidable situation that... this is the situation, friends, let's show once again how the fields of vision change, how the fields of vision in the literal sense of the word overlap, so you saw, you saw us, here is such a curtain that can go all the way. block the image, like this, is thrombosis of the ophthalmic
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artery, as a result of atherosclerosis, of the carotid artery. thank you to all the doctors who saved, and to those whom our guests remembered, and this is dr. ditinova, and to those whom she , ungrateful, forgot, forgive me, if only i could look, i’ll be there, but today i’ll have to look, because . now we have already sent a letter to god, and gratitude is the main feeling that should be, understandably, thank you, please sit down, and we, friends, will take a break for a while, and then continue, getting ready for vacation, at the expense of, firstly, micro-micro-damage begins the production of growth factors, and this is a powerful stimulus for the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, is it a tightening? without a plastic surgeon, what wrinkles can
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radiofrequency lifting eliminate? there is an organized spy network operating in the city, and we could reveal it, from now on you take a look at everyone he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently... grigory ivanovich, where are you going , with you, where he is here, egor was always nearby, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so you wouldn’t see it, suspect yegor of something, according to the laws of war, the story continues, watch the time after the program. you are irresistible, like a prima ballet, all the beauties
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of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom said, you are strong, without him no more bastin, unrequited, became nights we will remember such a cold wind, if you leave, i will stay, may i never stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the award ceremony people's prize, golden gramophone, premiere on april 29, on the first, this is a program to live
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healthy, friends, and if you think that this is a mattress, no, you are mistaken, so we want to show you the elastin and collagen of the skin, these are these springs, if they work for you, then your skin is taut, young and beautiful, if these springs, i’ll cut them off like this now, but... i can’t even, if they are destroyed, you don’t have them, then you have dips, sagging and wrinkles . keepers of youth, our special project, for both men and women.
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well, friends, the guardians of youth are working, which means that our youth has a chance to be preserved, ilina alekseevna shabonina and ilina dmitrievna vasilyeva are starting the procedure, in general we are sorting the skin into layers into...
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we will talk about collagen, but for now you are 40% of men , count half, today we are preparing the patient for the procedure, i want to go to the screen to show you what our skin looks like, what is the drama of what is happening in women, not in men. so, here is our skin, and if we look inside, we will see all the layers of skin, here you should understand that these springs, these springs, these are elastin and collagen, here they are, there are very, very, very many of them in youth, who has more, women or men, what do you think? men have many times more of them, unfortunately, we are women, not only do we have less collagen than men, over the years we begin to lose it, we begin to experience the so-called internal aging of the skin, you know, i just asked two people to sit next to each other, this is a young man and a beautiful woman, how old are you?
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years, please tell me, i’m 53 years old, 53 years old, how old are you, 50, look, natasha is 3 years younger than dima, but she looks older, and it’s always like that, if you take a man and a woman of the same age, he will always look better . elina alekseevna, how can collagen explain the fact that men always look better than women, even though they are the same age? why? the fact is that in men the skin is thicker and with elastin, respectively, they remain young with age, and in women, unfortunately, this process of aging begins a little earlier, plus they play a big role estrogens, female sex hormones, yes, because during menopause their quantity decreases, and they prevent
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the destruction of collagen and elastin, of course, that is, when we turn 50, we lose protection. therefore, those who are on hormone replacement therapy or so -called mennopausal therapy, dermatologists and cosmetologists always say that these people are radically different, correctly, it is clear, it is clear, it is always clear that a woman is on hormone replacement therapy, that is, she takes estrogens, female sex hormones in tablets, the skin is always better, of course, so today we have a procedure that is designed to increase the amount of collagen in the skin, what kind of procedure is this? what are you drawing? this is a micro-needle radiofrequency lifting procedure, the essence of which is that we use an attachment with 24 micro-microelectrodes, which we call needles, they enter a certain depth into the skin and produce powerful heating there. show us these needles, i
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will directly ask you to show us how many needles there are in the background of your robe at the beginning. four needles with a radio frequency at the end radio frequency at the end, which means the first is 24 points of damage, the second at the end is radio frequency, which means heat, warming up, and due to, firstly, micro-micro damage, the production of growth factors begins, which stimulates the launch of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and also warming up, because in cosmetology all hardware procedures are for heating, but because it thereby destroys , as it were, old collagen. which gives visible sagging, and is a powerful stimulus for the synthesis of new collagen and elastin. i think it's time for you to start the procedure, especially since you all we've drawn it up, now we can start using what we've outlined, but i want to go to the screen. so, once again, what is the essence of this procedure. microneedling lifting. this is how a person
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lies down, and this device pierces 24 needles into the skin, with heat at the end. the first is microtrauma , the second is thermal damage, as a result , these cells, macrophages, rush to these places of damage, they begin to secrete growth factors, as a result , the growth of collagen and elastin is stimulated, this is the essence of the procedure, since growth is time, elena alekseevna how many procedures when women will notice the result so that patients do not think that they have arrived. they guide patients in a month, that is, they often come, they say that after 2 weeks they already begin to see changes, but the synthesis of collagen and elastin
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takes time, so this is month -3, it grows actively less actively until 6 months, so once a year of procedure is enough, of course, once a year, you know, it turned out that i unwittingly offended you by saying that you look worse than your neighbor, who is 3 years older. that's why elena alekseevna, i want to directly ask you to sincerely take this woman under your wing, okay, otherwise why the hell should men look better, right? well, in general, only we, women, will soon be thrown out of this line to the cosmetologist; men have already reached 40%. we all go to cosmetologists as a dermatologist, and so that we have more optimism, the result is radio frequency.
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live healthy, hello, the information channel on the first starts working live, time will tell this program, in the studio ruslan astashka, olesya loseva, terrorists will not escape fairly. retaliation, vladimir putin stated this when delivering a welcoming speech at an international meeting on security issues. of course,
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international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of the terrorist attacks carried out in different regions of the world, behind which are not only radical groups, but also the intelligence services of some countries, is to undermine the constitutional foundations and destabilize. participants, including customers, sponsors, organizers, none of them should leave
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fair retribution. meanwhile , the west continues to finance and sponsor ukrainian terrorists, the united states senate has agreed on a new package of $61 billion for ukraine, american president joseph biden has promised to sign the document today. i will sign this bill tomorrow as soon as it is on my desk, and i will also appeal to the american people so that we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. and it’s interesting that following the united states about new injections into the kiev regime was announced in britain, well, there the amount is a little more modest, only half a billion pounds sterling, but even this is a record for the british, well, in the west we understand that they are ready to pay for ukraine to hold on, so that... ukraine did not lose in any way, here in meanwhile, the white house is concerned that the situation at the front is not in kiev’s favor.


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