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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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and the most terrible plans, and they fall apart when a person loses orientation in space , believes that he is the greatest, the smartest. you know, i have the impression that what is happening now in the united states, in particular with this general brown, is approximately this situation, as a rule, it is a collapse. maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, the program is on air, in ikatorin andreev’s studio, the main event of the day: business development as a path to improvement people's quality of life what?
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the state proposes a statement by vladimir putin at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. hunting for abrams. our soldiers destroyed another vaunted american tank with a precise drone strike. forge of personnel for elite units. russian special forces university in godermes. how volunteers from all over the country who want to participate in a special operation are trained. at the invitation of the qatari authorities, a seaside holiday for families to which they managed to return children from the territory of ukraine and the results of new important negotiations they want to seize one of the regions of belarus and send nato troops there. alexander lukashenko about the plans of the oppositionists who fled to the west. not only nuclear energy from medical technologies to space installations, the results of rosatom’s work for the year. report. the head of the state corporation to the prime minister.
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the world's first ministry of health registered a drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic joint disease. tests have confirmed high efficiency. for those traveling to crimea, how to get through inspection faster in front of the bridge across the kerch strait. important information before the may holidays and the season from pieces. more than 100 new premieres. beijing international motor show, what cars from china can we expect in russia this year? the state will continue to support businesses so that they launch promising projects and create new jobs. ultimately, this leads to an increase in the well-being of citizens. vladimir putin announced this today at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. after the president's opening remarks, traditions of a large substantive conversation with business captains about taxes, key rates, technologies. personnel training.
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konstantin panyushkin collected the main points. the rsp congress is vladimir putin’s first meeting with the business community after the elections. vladimir vladimirovich, congratulations on your election as president of russia. i am confident that the business will achieve all the goals you have set for the benefit of the fatherland. and this is true even in those regions of russia where hostilities are taking place. a word from senator from the dpr alexander. i want to convey my words to the great gratitude from the residents of donbass - for the fact that they were not abandoned at a difficult moment to be eaten by this fascist evil spirits, and the people are grateful, the whole of vast russia came to the rescue, of course, of course, without your such a strong-willed, wise, very far-sighted decision, nothing would have happened, those election results that have passed. our
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people, they expressed their position and attitude towards our national leader not in word, but in deed. thank you very much, we, in turn , must all thank the residents of donbass, novorussia, for their courage, patience and heroism. the most difficult trials that people go through in these regions. 2014 , of course, sometimes they don’t fit in my head, it’s just painful to look at, but we will put things in order there, that’s for sure. in 6 years, donbass and novorosiya should reach the all-russian level in terms of key indicators of quality of life. over the decades of ukrainian rule , everything was simply washed out of the region, washed out of industrial enterprises, the mines were mercilessly exploited, the entire infrastructure was destroyed, there in donetsk.
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the return is already coming, the enterprises are already earned money, there is a return, that is, the business of new regions is already contributing to the overall russian economy, again, it is private initiative that helps our military to always be several steps ahead, the so-called people's military-industrial complex is already working at full capacity, the ministry of defense does not have time to follow up on proposals that
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proposed by people involved in this area, new proposals are born every day, moreover, success on the line of combat contact.
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it will be necessary to decide on key sectors that require government support, including through tax mechanisms, the task is generally ideal so that active investing companies, well, at least for them, the situation does not worsen, does not worsen, yes, but preferably maybe it even improves somewhere, and in order to stimulate, direct the money not for dividends, conditionally, yes, for consumption, specific parameters of the updated tax systems have not yet been disclosed, the government will still discuss possible values ​​with business legislators, the day of may, they will be open as parameters, spring session, which means consider that june should be accepted if we find a consensus. the discussion on this topic continued today at a closed meeting between vladimir putin and the rsp board bureau. this is the first meeting of the president after his re-election, of course, business was
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interested in what thoughts, but the president’s thoughts are positive, positive, encouraging, there will be business support, so i think in general everything is fine, there was a lot. specific questions about taxes and various kinds of government programs, so it was very businesslike interesting conversation. an important issue for the business community - the return to the balance sheet of the state, private assets with the courts at the request of the prosecutor general's office, i would like to emphasize that this is not about revising privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about cases where the actions or inactions of enterprise owners , property complexes cause... direct damage to the country's security and national interests, i would like to draw the attention once again to my colleagues in this room in law enforcement agencies, seizure of business justified only in the situation that i just mentioned, and i will add that to
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explain the claims to the owners, no formal reasons for the lead are acceptable. it was extremely important for the business community to hear this personally from the president. in general, to be honest, i was surprised why there was no stormy applause, turning into a standing ovation, i can say why there was no applause, because the actions of the law enforcement agencies, despite our conversations. continues, here's applause, i hope we let's really develop the approach that i just talked about and normalize this situation. in the end, the state owes the 3.6% economic growth last year to the responsible behavior of private business. positive trends in the domestic economy are strengthening in january of this year. 4.6% in annual terms in february - 7.7% in annual
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terms, but in the first 2 months there was an average of 6% growth, that’s where these numbers come from, only producers of mineral fertilizers who faced restrictions on freight and transportation insurance, this year will increase production output to record levels, the first quarter of the twenty-fourth year, compared with the twenty-third, and the growth in mineral fertilizer production was about 18%. it's clear that it's business. the soviet union, in russia, but can you sell all this? we can sell all this, the domestic market is growing, global demand is growing. against this background, the incomes of russians are also increasing, the average monthly salaries in real terms for january of the current year.
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what else can the state contribute to? business development? now the government is preparing to launch a modernized regulatory mechanism, that is, in fact , another large-scale stage of clearing the regulatory framework is ahead. the government will support programs to increase labor productivity and automation of production, and expand industrial mortgages. we mobilize such a significant, in-demand mechanism as the industrial development fund; its capital will
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almost double by 300 billion rubles. at the same time , businesses have something to complain about. after the central bank's key rate as part of the fight against inflation, it was increased to 16%; development loans at market prices are not suitable for every business. banks today have accumulated large financial liquidity. but this is often complicated by high rates, lending volumes are growing and the pace is good, well, there is a threat, the threat of inflation, according to the management of the central bank, it still hangs over us, we see trends, positive trends in the downward direction , i hope the regulator will have an appropriate reaction, the position of the central bank is known.
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in 2023, igor mishkov, in a conversation with vladimir putin, criticized the unified state exam, but
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now he is quite pleased with the president’s decision to allow retaking the exam. we talked about the unified state exam last year, right? and i’ll say these everyday things, right? well, you really helped people, i’ll explain why. and we will put a full stop on the unified state examination today. i'm done now. let me explain, i delved into this issue, our ministers come and go, but fursenko, he will always be there, i’m just in them,
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i studied in special educational institutions through the security service. we're almost with you we've walked the same path, let's face it, it was an atypical appeal from an entrepreneur to vladimir putin, so viktor filipovich and i were sitting in magnitogorsk, and viktor filipovich, in october, and i wanted, i wanted to communicate viktor filipovich, congratulations on your victory in magnitogorsk, yesterday i wanted to call you, but you were so busy, it was impossible to connect with your friends, apparently you were celebrating the victory with the team, the art of stand-up. is this an fsb school? uh, this is a school, this is an fsb school, yes. igor mishkov continued. he said that he listened to sidinpin’s lecture in magemo in 2013, from which i learned that the chairman of the people's republic of china has great respect for roman chernyshevsky, what to do. and this is exactly that book. here is the stamp and the date when she entered the library. june 15, 1953 book. this is the birthday and
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year of birth. ukrainian militants hit a residential building in takmak, zaporozhye region, there are dead and wounded, their number is being clarified, the governor of the penza region oleg melnichenko announced the attack in his telegram channel. volga region specialists are helping to restore takmak and have witnessed
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crimes in the ssu. the blast wave knocked out windows and doors in four houses, and also broke through the roof of a kindergarten. she. including a fourteen-year-old teenager, all victims are now in the hospital. in response to attempts to attack our infrastructure, the russian army continues to attack facilities that serve the needs of the kiev formations. explosions in nikolaev, according to some sources , an ammunition depot was hit. in this video , dnepropetrovsk region, senelnikovo railway station. logistics hub of the armed forces of ukraine, a military man was destroyed there by high-precision weapons echelon, also footage of the consequences of a strike on a military unit in odessa, in the area of ​​​​the gorbaty bridge, appeared on the network, it is reported that equipment, air defense and electronic warfare systems were repaired at the facility, hangars were destroyed, repair areas were completely destroyed, a fuel depot with defense reports about the situation at the front, our the troops occupied more advantageous positions in
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several directions, equipment was destroyed, including several american, one british howitzer, and haimers combat vehicles. vampire, mercenaries from the so -called foreign legion were struck. weapon, against which defenseless advanced nato equipment, our lancet loitering ammunition, easily turns tanks and enemy armored vehicles into piles of metal, so the notorious abram did not escape his purification. special forces soldiers from the center group of troops told yevgeny lyamin how the hunt for the american went on. this tank is very well guarded by enemy troops. we discovered it, the target was immediately handed over to us, of course, we were told to destroy it, but the situation did not allow it, we retreated, flew around from different directions to understand where the turn was directed, different directions it or clearly with a beam, that is, how would it be possible to enter, would it be possible to enter, they worked along the altitude levels, that is, they tried to somehow penetrate there, abramets was monitored for three
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days, what roads he moved on, where he was hidden, but the main thing was to understand how the enemy's electronic warfare system is working, in these frames, our loitering... ammunition overcomes the rap system, they are trying to jam it, on approach it seems to be floating on the waves, this is due to a strong gusty wind, but in the end it hits accurately, the skill of the fighters special purpose formations of the group of troops center. you can see in the video, and they say there, how he dived like a dolphin, everyone stood out there, it was just a difficult weather situation, different winds at the echelons and the product tried as hard as possible to taxi, to hold the target in order to hit, fortunately it was possible, but it was difficult, we decided to tank
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technically, they started putting up mock-ups and stretching anti-lancet nets, but this doesn’t help much, of course, why? well, i can’t reveal the technical specifications, but based on them it’s clear that it’s like it won’t save you, and neither will the mock-ups, only at first glance they look like real equipment, but if you watch for a long time, it becomes clear that the same self-propelled gun does not go anywhere for days, at night the thermal imager shows a cold object, all the equipment where it once passed. it can be seen where it was fired once, the cannon artillery may have fired, you can see it from above, that there was an exit there, and you already go there purposefully and work there. lanceto
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destroys enemy equipment day and night, here is footage of night work destroying infantry fighting vehicles in a forest belt, no matter how you hide, our people say scouts, you can see everything from above. evgeny lyabin, dmitry kachuri, nikita sebastyanov, yulia khodorova, vladimir arkhovsky, channel one, donbass. and new examples of the heroism of our front-line soldiers. guard senior warrant officer evgeny sbarassky delivered ammunition to the front line on time, despite the shelling, helped the wounded soldiers, hid them in a safe place and organized the evacuation. guard junior lieutenant ilya noskov, during the assault on the enemy position, destroyed two machine-gun crews, discovered a place where the militants were hiding heavy equipment, conveyed coordinates to the artillerymen and adjusted the fire. many of those who are fighting in the zone today were trained in the chechen republic and many more will undergo training. soldiers from all over the country come to the russian special forces university in godermes. ramzan kirimov was impressed by the level of preparation. the russian
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special forces university in godermesi is rightfully considered one of the best centers for training special forces soldiers. there are all the conditions to practice storming houses, jumping with a parachute, rescuing hostages and providing medical assistance. actions in forest conditions, in mountainous areas, courses are being implemented, special courses, special reconnaissance, a training fortified area was built here, that is, an area with trenches, riflemen...
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with the beginning of a special military operation , the university developed a course for volunteers, people come here.
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everything is thought out here, everything is prepared. volunteers receive 200,000 rubles monthly. the contract lasts 4 months. in addition, the akhmat kadyrov foundation pays everyone 100,000 at a time and provides them with everything they need. flight and travel paid, all sorts of benefits are paid, which means accommodation and meals, all at the expense of this training center, the specialists themselves are at the highest level, everything is carried out very well. equipment too, as i understand it, yes, you have equipment, everything is given to us. these guys will soon go to the svo zone, as they say, fully armed, according to them, after studying at the special forces university, on the battlefield they are ready for almost anything, after completing their contracts, many have plans to return here
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to become themselves. instructors and share combat experience with comrades. ramzan kerimov, ibragim amirkhanov, channel one, chechen republic. 345 ukrainian militants are already serving sentences for crimes against civilians. 35 former military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces received life sentences. the head of the investigative committee of russia held an operational meeting in mariupol. alexander bastrykin heard reports on the crimes of the kiev regime, among completed cases, investigations against mercenaries from the united states, britain and france. a separate topic, support for the families of our soldiers, svo participants. once again, regarding educational institutions, we must have orphans in the buildings at the academies, which means we must endure, and of course, pay attention to the pso participants, the people of the dead participants, that is, we must, of course, have guys who need support, first of all , we create it for them, to support them;
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the children who were managed to be returned also need support. they are now resting there from grief. report by kristina levieva. they are relatives of our guys, who have seen a lot , experienced a lot, shelling, basements a terrible loss of loved ones, but today everything is fine, the warm waves of the persian gulf are nearby. 10 children flew from russia to qatar and were only recently reunited with their families. together with them, their brothers, sisters and relatives. the mission of our delegation is to relax and improve the health of families who were united during a special military operation, and 10 families arrived, 33 people in total, these are the amazing emotions that children and their parents experience, finally, peaceful emotions. at a meeting with children's they share the most important
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news for themselves with the obbudsman, someone...
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feels uncomfortable, or what? just don't cry, but just don't cry. katera's minister for international cooperation, lolwa al-khatar, also attended the meeting with the reunited families. the minister talked for a long time, played with the children, and then gave them tablets. how are you? high five? in addition, through the mediation of kater, the children's ombudsman for the first time held face-to-face negotiations with the ukrainian side on the return of those who were not in their homeland. we are talking about another 29 children living in russia who are waiting for reunification with loved ones in ukraine, as well as about eleven living in ukraine, their relatives are waiting for them in the russian federation. as you can see, no thousands, tens of thousands of children, about whom ukraine is so actively talked about by the western media, do not exist, this is all a myth and we will be on the 29th and 19th, if new family situations arise
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... let me remind you that last week the german police announced that more than 160 ukrainian children were found in berlin, who were considered to have been brought to the russian federation. it was not reported how they ended up in europe. at the end of the negotiations, the russian side once again noted the contribution of kator representatives to the process of reuniting loved ones. since october 2023 , with the direct participation of doha, five children have returned their families to russia and 28 to ukraine. kristina levieva, larisa nikitina. warsaw is ready to help kiev return to their homeland ukrainians of military age who are on the territory of poland, the head of the polish ministry of defense stated this, according to him , only a request is needed, while there is none, the zelensky regime is trying to return those who left in other ways, the other day the ukrainian government banned extradition foreign diplomatic institutions any passports, both foreign and domestic, this outraged ukrainians who are outside the country. in warsaw, several hundred people blocked
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their passports. they refuse us, they say that the system has stopped working, resto, and to their people, they issued passports in one day, 20-30 people came, received them, their people, and then the system stopped working, i traveled 700 km to get a passport, because i received an sms saying that i had to pick it up, i’ve been standing here for the second day, we spent the night here, i’m already on the way to the point that i can refuse my ukrainian passport, just return the money to me, operatives in tver. the fsb detained two attackers, their alleged accomplice fled abroad, and an international manhunt was announced. last fall , employees of private organizations involved in the field of transport security planted dummy bombs under the supports of two highway bridges and themselves reported to law enforcement agencies. now
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they will be tried under the article of deliberately false reporting of an act of terrorism. belorussian the state security committee revealed the west's plans to undermine the situation in the country. at the all-belarusian people's assembly, president alexander.
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in our belarus to liberate from dictatorship, nato troops will march in the second rank, therefore the belarusian volunteer corps, the so-called belarusian volunteer corps or liberation army, are created, essentially the same terrorists and extremists as the russian volunteer corps banned in russia. belarusian intelligence services reported that the west has trained about a thousand militants. after training in training camps in europe, belarusians are sent to ukraine to practice their acquired knowledge in subversive practice.
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belarusian liberation army, russian volunteer corps and belarusian volunteer corps. according to the belarusian kgb, poland and lithuania have become bases for the production of weapons, explosives and their transfer to organized hiding places. moreover, the special services have already neutralized an attempt to strike belarus with drones. recently, a number of acute security measures have been carried out, which made it possible to prevent attacks by combat drones from the territory of lithuania on... objects in minsk and its suburbs. in lithuania and poland, radicals are producing combat drones to attack critical targets on the territory of the republic of belarus. belarusian intelligence services said they had discovered sleeper terrorist cells that were to take over after
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the invasion. they also blocked more than 40 channels for the transfer of explosive weapons from ukraine, eliminated a network of twenty ukrainian agents and thirty local collaborators, in this the citizens of belarus themselves help counterintelligence officers in their work. imagine, these are hundreds. explosives, didn’t even spend, plastic, the secret services quickly told them for american money and other countries, take a gun, train, go to belarus, blow up russia, kill the president, children, families, whoever is closer, security forces, everyone is under attack, to protect the borders minsk deployed additional troops to the western border, but... in order to drag minsk into the ukrainian conflict, everything indicates that the united states wants escalation, lukashenko called its most important factor
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the allocation of 60 billion dollars to kiev, it is very dangerous that long -range missiles were allocated, and this is how the war escalates, i know the mood.
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“can i ask if she will enlighten us on who carried out this nuclear bombing, for the only time in the history of mankind, or maybe our japanese colleague will talk about this, a country that has never in my memory named the country that bombed it, as if the nuclear bombs dropped on jeroshima on gosaka really came from outer space and came out of nowhere.” about another unfriendly step was announced by our
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ambassador to america anatoly antonov. and it is especially sad that all these events are taking place on the anniversary of the historical meeting on the elbe in april 1945, when soviet troops met with american troops, as a result of which the remnants of the wehrmacht were split into two parts. and now, by order of the american authorities, the ceremony at orlington cemetery in washington has been canceled. the american authorities began to forget history. this is the third year in a row that the embassy has been banned. conduct a laying ceremony wreaths for the spirit of elbe plaque at arlington national cemetery in washington. we did this together with friends of the cis countries. i would like to believe that sooner or later in washington they will remember the legacy of the heroic generation and realize the importance of the elbe spirit as the basis for equal, mutually beneficial relations. and while washington is busy pumping up
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the kiev regime with weapons, some samples from those that were not badly burned end up, for example, in moscow for an exhibition of trophies; let me remind you, it will open on may 1 on the square in front of the museum victory on poklonnaya hill, today a new batch was just delivered to the exhibition site, in total there are plans to exhibit at least thirty samples, including the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, the german leopard tank and much more. in general, it will be interesting. about a thousand residents of kazan were stretched out from one. from city parks, a huge 300 m long st. george ribbon, a symbol of victory, gratitude to veterans and the connection of generations, we remember, we are proud, said activists of the young guard of united russia and the movement of the former. traditional the action takes place throughout the country in dozens of foreign countries. volunteers distribute st. george ribbons to everyone for whom victory day is a holy holiday. an important topic at the meeting between mikhail mishustin and alexey likhachev, head of rusatom, was reported by the prime minister.
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contribution to strengthening our technological sovereignty, i would like you to talk about the results of the work of the state corporation over the past year, regarding the most important events of last year, of course, i would like to start with our international projects, this is the delivery of the belarusian nuclear power plant to our belarusian partners, this is the delivery of nuclear fuel to bangladesh, to the turkish republic, and a record in nuclear engineering: five reactor vessels, 18 steam generators and for a modern one.
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obtain a license for a small station, for the construction of a small station in yakutia, and fispusk kursk npp is the first contribution to the movement towards twenty. mikhailanovich, another task of the year is to maintain our international leadership; we are absolute leaders here in terms of export nuclear power plants. let us remind you that rosatom is building nuclear power plants in bangladesh, turkey, egypt, india, hungary and two in china. work is underway on the national digital platform logos.
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the brachium gamma therapy medical complex has been launched into mass production. deliveries of the onix radiation therapy complex have begun. the development of power plants is underway. order is being brought to accounting and control systems, and russian rules for the circulation of electricity are being introduced. as for the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, a lot of work has been carried out, primarily on the safety of the plant, there is no doubt about it
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we don’t have a steady state, well, firstly, all units are in cold shutdown mode, and secondly, physical protection systems have been completely restored and created. fortifications, defensive structures around the fuel storage facility, the required number of backup diesel generators and diesel fuel were delivered. according to the head of rosatom, the station is equipped with a system for combating unmanned vehicles, but shelling from the ukrainian armed forces is a serious concern. eshusin outlined another important area of ​​work for rosatom in new regions: scientific and technological development. in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, according to him, it is necessary to create.
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a major success for domestic medicine. the ministry of health today registered the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. this is a chronic disease in which the joints of the spine are most often affected; gradually it becomes deformed and
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it becomes difficult for the person to move. the drug was developed by scientists from pirogoov university and the institute of bioorganic chemistry. clinical trials have confirmed high efficiency. registration makes it possible to begin industrial production. our drug very carefully destroys the cells that lead to the disease without affecting the immune system as a whole. we observe complete remission in a number of patients. those patients for whom the drug is effective will completely avoid the process of disability and remain active throughout their lives. this is a revolutionary breakthrough technology, today we are the absolute leaders in this area, it makes me wonder we are proud that in russia we managed to create, in fact, a new generation of medicines.
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the federal medical-biological agency is also working on the creation of new drugs; today a board meeting of the department took place and summed up the results of the work for the year, one of the successes in the development of the blood service. the number of donors in the country exceeded 1.4000 people, this is a record. all-russian medical institutions are provided with donor blood and its main components. the focus is also on work in new territories and the rehabilitation of participants in the special operation. stopped at the program "dispensary examination". in december of the twenty -third year, for the first time , a separate tariff for dispensary observation of workers was introduced into the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. this innovation is of exceptional importance and guarantees special attention to the health of workers, allowing them to receive quality medical care. at your place of work, you look at the time, now there is advertising, immediately after, what you need to know if you are going to crimea for the may holidays, by
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car and the premiere of the beijing motor show, what new products to expect from china this year, stay with us on channel one, i ’ll get a document, military prosecutor’s office, colonel shilov, this is captain yalagina. why captain, you didn’t fulfill the caste, why did you go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who are the forest brothers, a lithuanian partisan, he is from the forests, from the forests, and this is marta, his daughter-in-law, what is it like, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people all around, you are afraid, but i don’t feel at ease, they wanted either to destroy our wounded, or to help their own, or both, in case a group worked, you would have figured it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, then , according to the laws of war, new
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series will not be welcome, from may 1 on the first, where is the real map, if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main blow, that's all. cognac old barrel product of steller group bourbon stearnsman product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. montechoca cognac. product of steller group. rom castro. product of steller group.
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got away with it, got away with the service of bill gates, his path was built so that he would engage in global experiments in the world, his connection with certain secret societies, they destroy humanity, they reduce the population of the planet, having come to nato, he automatically began to lobby the interests of bill gates, you give us the opportunity to conduct any experiments, this is an alternative structure that is preparing quite a lot of bacteriological weapons, if it is beneficial to nato, some kind of epidemic may break out, a person without...
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you’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one a bunch, but we will get used to living separately, we will separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, will begin, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll say right now,
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this is the time of the program and we continue, the may holidays are ahead, many have already decided where relax, a large flow of tourists is expected in the crimea, the crimean bridge is being prepared for peak loads, inspection of cars is mandatory, this must be taken into account when planning a trip, our correspondent vitaly kachenko talked with experienced road travelers, crimea is a favorite place, we always strive here, a wonderful road, no traffic jams, nothing, everything is just an adventure, everything is fine, you can have lunch, relax, everything is calm, the may
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holidays are like a dress rehearsal. they go to see relatives in crimea several times a year, if you remember how we were in 1914 we went, of course, yes, when the ports stood, when we could spend the night here, now everything is very organized, now it’s possible. i can say that everything goes by with lightning speed, it’s just another trip with my family, everything is quite comfortable and convenient. we really like the quality of the track, the quality of the roads in crimea, and the access to the roads, everything is quite good at the highest level. here's some advice from experienced travelers on how to get through security faster? we leave at night so that the road is less congested, and we take less
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unnecessary things with us that you usually don’t you take it on vacation. we get by at the family airport in the left lane; they only let one suitcase through the inspection as for passengers with hand luggage; on a weekday it takes 15-20 minutes. this is the best example of how you don’t need to pack a car with so much luggage for crimea, they will first inspect it here, then send it through the scanner to the inspection complex, but if you are still traveling with two suitcases, the road through the crimean bridge with inspection will take much less time. these cars, that is, using this as an example, we... see, they are sent for scanning, and all of our buses and passenger minibuses are also sent for scanning, the same applies to electric cars and cars with a hybrid engine, since in this case it is also not possible to inspect the battery manually, in order to avoid queues for in the upcoming long weekend, the number of inspection points on both sides of the bridge will be increased, based on the flow of traffic, the peak
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of last summer was 1,500 cars per day in both directions, the number of guests of the grandiose exhibition russia at vdnkh exceeded 11 million, anniversary visitors to sebya from the eagle. today at the exhibition the winners of the you're in the game competition were awarded. this is part of the large all-russian project sport-norma of life. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko noted that the state is doing its best to encourage physical education and sports. if you bought a membership, gym or swimming pool, you will receive a tax deduction. we generally expected that this would be more actively used, since the twenty-fourth year it has become much more convenient and profitable ; a simplified registration procedure has appeared, on behalf of president, and i take advantage of our large global audience, i wanted to draw your attention to this once again, the limits for social deductions have increased to 150,000 rubles per year, that is, if you buy a subscription worth
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150,000, you have a maximum amount: payments will be almost 20,000 rubles. what cars will we drive in the coming years? the world's attention is now focused on beijing, where the international auto show has started. at the end of last year, china became the largest exporter of cars, so the enormous interest is understandable. more than 100 new products are presented in the capital of china. there are middle class cars, luxury cars and, of course, hybrid cars and electric cars. our own correspondent in china, natalya lyublinskaya, has already seen everything. 17 auto premieres, of which 40 are concept cars, that is, the latest developments, what manufacturers are striving for, it used to be that the whole world went to geneva or detroit for the latest in the industry, now the world's largest auto show is taking place in china, not just a premium chinese brand, and strategically important, it is on mobile phones of this brand that he drives chairman si, this is their brand new concept car, look how the door design is thought out to completely open up
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the space inside the car for passengers, the models shown are not for sale, they are exclusively for the special purpose garage of the people's republic of china, so the chance to sit inside is unique. most people can't buy it. you need to be a very high-status person; inside, of course, it is very comfortable and luxurious. the exhibition occupies eight pavilions at once. japan, europe, korea, usa, as if the whole world is competing with china today in terms of price quality. nowadays it is common to compare western premium brands with modern chinese ones. that's what first catches your eye, it's relative. modest display here is the glove compartment, i’ll specially bring the microphone, it’s surprising to hear that it wobbles in a car of this class, but at the same time the rest of the interior trim looks very nice, realizing that we have to compete with the ultra-modern chinese, many premium manufacturers also install large displays, make panoramic roofs or exclusive interior trim from precious wood with
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aluminum inserts. hybrid and electric vehicles, which both look futuristic and can offer completely different functionality. a completely new vision of the space inside the car, look, the front passenger seats unfold into the interior, and here a meeting room is created, there’s even a table, you can sit down, lay out your equipment, papers and get down to business. but here is a real tourist camp on wheels, a hybrid engine with a power reserve of 780 km for travel lovers.
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the suv has become even more popular in russia larger, even more spacious, they plan that this year it will appear in russia, the new product is very pleasant, what i want to pay attention to is the gear shift knob, such a robotic joystick, very unusual, this brutal suv has already established itself as an ultra-passable flagship model , now in a new body, few people can boast of such a little thing on the dashboard, it’s an adaptive recognition system.
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battle for rostov. let's go!
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