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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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who absolutely does not accept the rules of the game, or isn’t it crazy for the united states alone, the only country in the world to support the genocide of the palestinian people in the gaza strip, from the outside and fully support israel, give it money now. the united states is absolutely alone in this world in supporting this policy of genocide. and this means that our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours. the big game will be back tomorrow, all the best, goodbye, hello, the evening news is on the air studio ekaterina berezovskaya, this is the main theme, about interethnic harmony and well-being. ney and more. statement
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by the president at a meeting of the council of legislators in st. petersburg. the enemy's plans are thwarted. our military attacked the militants right at the railway loading station in the kharkov region. details from the ministry of defense in daily reports. we have never threatened nato, we are simply protecting people in our historical territories. big conversation in astana at the level. defense ministers of the sco countries, what else was emphasized in sergei shaigu in his speech? preserve the connection between generations, protect the truth about the great patriotic war, victory dictation, writes the whole country. this year’s assignments are dedicated , among other things, to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. vivid experiments and a declaration of love to the legendary work of lewis kerala. all. wake up, time
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is waiting, what time is it, who are you? alice! alice in wonderland premiered at the obraztsov puppet theater, and this is the first theatrical role of musician evgeny margulis. and first let's move to st. petersburg, more precisely to tauride palace, where the main political event of the day is: a meeting of the council of legislators, the president took part in it. the well-being of russian families,
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fair competition between different political forces with an unconditional and clear understanding of the priority of national interests and state security, in a common desire to work together to seek the most effective solutions to issues vital to people. in this regard, i would like to note the constructive interaction of legislative bodies, party factions, with the russian government, heads of constituent entities federation.
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authorities in the field of education, mentoring, in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to note is that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel and from which we must choose for the future. choose people
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who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing themselves, their health and life, it is necessary that a person, no matter a school teacher or a minister, be as capable as possible. active in his place, an important stage in the formation of a new government is ahead. parliament will have to exercise its constitutional powers, established in 2020 by amendments to the country’s basic law, and approved based on the results of a nationwide vote. i am confident that parliamentarians will justify such trust, the decision of citizens, increase the role of the legislative branch, and show responsibility and willingness to work together on the agenda.
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one and a half times the growth. who controls these issues and with whom we will discuss these issues. the president gave parliament the right to make decisions. who should be a minister, who should be a deputy prime minister, who should be a prime minister, tomorrow people will ask why such a minister, why such a deputy government, from whom, from deputies, demography and support
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for motherhood and childhood - the main topic of the meeting of the council of legislators, specific there are many working measures, for example, in some regions student maternity capital has appeared, in the ivanovo region it is a million rubles, an issue that worries large families needs to be resolved.
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in honor of both the problem and the opportunity, the potential of each subject of the federation and, if necessary, help them to reveal these potentials. i am appealing, i am now addressing the head of legislative assemblies, as
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well as the chairman of the relevant committees of the state duma and the federation council. when adopting budgets and key laws, everyone needs to act in the same logic. with understanding of the general objectives of the country. these national projects, among other things, will necessarily take into account all pressing and as yet unresolved issues and problems. it is for this purpose that once a year those who write laws and those who implement them gather in the tauride palace. olga knyazeva, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, olga merkulova, channel one. and more footage from the northern capital, which we received shortly before our release. vladimir putin had a meeting with the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov. we talked about how it is developing.
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one of these issues is, of course, comprehensive support for the svo, the families of the svo participants, we support in every possible way, we work together with the defenders of the fatherland foundation and... you know, we have a local social service officer assigned to each family, all the issues that need to be resolved, are being resolved, we practically don’t have any complex, difficult issues, the system is generally well-established, thank you very much for your support, for the fact that the fatherland defenders fund was really created, it works very effectively, it helps a lot. and now the last ones data on the progress of the special operation. units of the southern group improved the position along the front line. defeated by the formation of several brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once. equipment was destroyed, including an american
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howitzer and two electronic warfare stations, as well as four more field warehouses with ammunition. the fighters of the center repelled eight counterattacks of enemy assault groups; aviation, missile forces and artillery hit a train with western weapons and equipment in the area of ​​​​the village of udachnaya in the dpr. also dealt a blow to a cluster of living enemy forces at a railway loading station in the kharkov region. the head of our military department, sergei shaigu, spoke about the special operation and its tasks today in astana at a meeting of the defense ministers of the sco member states. the collective west continues to supply kiev with weapons, transmits intelligence data to them, and foreign instructors participate in the preparation of sabotage. at the same time, russia, shaigu emphasized, has never threatened nato. it has neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the countries of the alliance. who himself came close to the russian borders, we are simply protecting our people in
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our historical territories, and have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states, on the contrary, first created and is now purposefully prolonging the conflict in ukraine, demonstrating an alleged desire for de-escalation; the collective west continues to pump kiev with weapons. uncontrolled movement, which creates the risk of ending up with terrorist organizations. intelligence is transmitted in real time. organized training for ukrainian there are western military specialists and mercenaries in the combat zone. with the direct participation of advisers , sabotage is planned and prepared, including on russian territory.
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interstate organizations and the formation of independent and relatively autonomous ones , we consider unification into macroregions to counter such risks. our country is actively working in the eurasian economic union, in a union state, we are increasing the efficiency of the commonwealth of independent states. it is important that integration associations show convincing results. two significant events for our railway workers at once.
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the geological builders had to act in extremely difficult conditions, meeting each other halfway; the second project was the opening of additional tracks on the stretch in the khabarovsk territory. all facilities will become part of the large railway network of the eastern range. dmitry tolmachev will tell you more. with the striker of the railway tunnel on the shkotovo-smolyaninovo section in podladivostok, they are in charge from the stand of russian railways at vdnkh in moscow. crash i authorize to produce. attention. not only railway workers are waiting for this new tunnel, or rather there are two parallel to each other, this line carries out the cargo turnover of the russian vostochny port in nakhodka bay, it is called the main gateway in trade with the countries of the asia-pacific region, now this the flow of cargo is limited only
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by the capacity of the railways; due to the difficulties of the terrain, trains in this place are forced to overcome serious... which, of course, slows down movement, you have to stop, line up in order to get up , locomotives need the help of special tugs, pushers, the construction of a tunnel greatly simplifies the route, none of the other options for solving the problem worked , the terrain features a lot of water, what is called soft soil, and the tunnel is unusual egg-shaped sections are more reliable; the service life without major repairs , according to the builders, will be at least 100 years. all modern technologies that are used in railway construction. they are used at this facility, including an automatic tunnel space management system, which monitors all stages of the life cycle of this facility during the operation phase. only 3 years have passed since the start of work, which is considered a short period of time for the construction of such a facility. we can say that the most difficult stage of one tunnel is over, we expect to see the same stage in the second
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tunnel at the end of may and we will already be working on the construction of the tunnels. according to our plans, at the end of the year. launch the first train here, commissioning of facilities in june twenty-fifth. in today, the entire megaproject to modernize and expand the carrying capacity of bama and the trans-siberian railway under the general name of the eastern polygon is being implemented within a short timeframe. we understand that the economies of asia-pacific countries are growing, and these countries, friendly countries, want to trade with us. we have competencies in the country, we have what we need.
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the railway in this section runs along the very shore of the sea of ​​japan, and until today, the transportation of goods was carried out here along one single route. only 11 km, but incredible volume of work to smooth out the relief, half a million cubic meters of earth were removed, three bridges were built, and two more rivers on the way now flow through concrete pipes, but the cargo flow in this section immediately increases by one and a half times. the port of vanino is not the end point of bam, the railway continues a little longer, but this is where the land route ends for... millions of tons of cargo transported from west to east, this is, for example, the largest coal terminal in the khabarovsk territory, coal is brought here by train and here nearby they are already loading them onto ships. for the dal-transugol company, this is like the beginning of a new era, and now one of the city-forming enterprises, the largest taxpayer in this area of ​​the khabarovsk territory, is already planning an increase in volumes and creating new jobs. this is
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a big synergistic effect, this is the railway, these are our main related enterprises with which we interact, well, these are taxes, this is deductions, this is the development of the industry, and the development of the industry is great prospects for the country. in general, the entire vostochny project the testing ground is a breakthrough for hundreds of russian enterprises located or just being created on the route of the bama and trans-siberian railways. now the first stage of work can be considered completed ; the second stage is in full swing; the third has already begun; it is expected that by 2032 the volume of freight traffic on our largest railways will be completed. will almost triple, from 150 to 400 million tons per year. dmitry tolmachev, nikolay maloshenko, andrey nekhoroshev, nina khoreva, alexander gornostaev, channel one. today the famous 106th guards tula airborne division celebrates 80 years since its founding. these are the years of military glory and exploits. soldiers from 106 took part in
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the great patriotic war, then carried out tasks in a variety of hot spots. the paratroopers are now deployed. they courageously fight for russia, for their units and security forces , for the future of our children, and do it with honor, heroically and selflessly. the memory of the feat of the soviet people during the great patriotic war is priceless for millions of people, this also confirms the enormous interest
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in victory dictation. international action today it was held for the sixth time, the geography of participants was all regions of our country and over fifty more states. 45 minutes, 25 questions, some of them were dedicated to the anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. this january we celebrated 80 years. in moscow. siege survivors are people of special character and incredible will. in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad, another large-scale exhibition project is dedicated to their feat. the exhibition “i’m talking to you” opens at the nizhny novgorod state art museum from leningrad". it was created jointly with the russian museum in st. petersburg. the main exhibit is the original, the very diary of tanya savicheva, who... wrote down her relatives in the hungry 1942, that her grandmother, mother, uncle were gone, only tanya remained, lines from which it hurts terribly, but the savichev family
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continues, relative tanya came to the exhibition with his family, a report by lyubov filipova furniture, which was used to heat the stoves , sleds, at some point the only transport left in the city, everything here is a reflection of the terrible, besieged time, one from the aisles at the exhibition.
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we had jelly, a very good jelly with mustard, good from carpenter’s glue, under the bombings in famine, we already ate the glue, the exhibition i’m talking to you from leningrad, was created by the russian museum together with the nizhny novgorod museum and in everything it is completely unique. is not similar to what took place in st. petersburg for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad, here, in addition to fifty paintings, many installations, extensive work with sound, interactive activities, the famous all over the country was shown for the first time tanya savicheva's diary, penetrating her soul, notes from a little girl about how her family died during the siege, the last entry, everyone died, tanya was the only one left, she was evacuated to the gorky region, a small phone book in which tanya kept all her notes, even her you cannot open it on the sides, these are sheets with digital copies. behind the glass, a certain temperature, a certain humidity will awaken this diary here for only a month, it can’t be longer either, here are another unique documents, these are letters in which my brother was looking for tanya, alone
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from the answers from the orphanage, there are no documents regarding her departure, but according to the technician maria efimovna zakharova, who took her to the district hospital, the name was that she, savicheva t, died, they kept her in the hospital, well, what date and year, she does n’t remember, weakened by scurvy and tuberculosis, she died in 1940. the fourth older brother was in the pskov region at the beginning of the war, joined the partisans, he is the only one of the whole family who survived, his grandson and his family came to the exhibition today, he says: it is important for them to convey to all savichev companies, continues. the savichevs are alive, the country is alive, they have defeated, excuse me, fascism, and so on, this is all the personification, essentially, of victory, which is important, now it is doubly important. lizi savecheva is now 12, 2 years younger than tanya was then. she voiced the audio gt, telling the story. my relative, her relatives, mother, grandmother, died literally before her eyes, i felt so sorry for her that i re-recorded several times, it’s very
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sad, i re-recorded why i was crying, but nizhny novgorod connects with the russian museum a lot, it was here that masterpieces of world painting were first evacuated from leningrad, among which, for example, the last day of pompeii, no one knew where, you can’t say, you can’t say, because who knows, there’s not enough information? i’m from leningrad, it’s written in my passport, i was born in leningrad, my grandparents survived the siege, the stories of the siege are constant, it’s enough to spend one minute here to be transported... to this state where you get goosebumps, most of the works presented was created directly during the blockade, sketching children in an orphanage, the artist alexey pokhomov did not leave the city, always and everywhere he carried a pencil with him
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and... entire families, here, for example, there is a children's corner, master classes will be held here, the exhibition will last until 4 august. lyubov filipova, roman serebrennikov, khristina ivanova, alexander kovalev, channel one, nizhny novgorod. and the premiere at the moscow obraztsov puppet theater of alice in wonderland. the main role is played by the famous musician evgeniy margules, for whom this premiere work is already personal, he's in the theater. i had never played and decided to plunge into a fairy-tale world, where you need to run as fast as you can to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast. the production turned out to be bright, poignant, surreal. olga pautova was convinced of this. sir, wake up, time is running out. what time is it, who are you? alice. and you? alice. and you? this is what happens when alice
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fails. not in a rabbit war, in a musician's dream, it's also a wonderland, everything is possible here, there are eight main characters at once, they travel on the london underground, instead of playing cracket, rock concert, this is generally the main miracle of the performance, the best rock music of the 20th century, the beatles, rolling stonnes and, of course, the songs of yevgeny margulis himself, i am made of old unnecessary things, records on... 78 i am excited before the premiere as a pioneer , i’ve tried everything in my life, but i’ve never acted in a theater, will you, i say, of course not, that’s it, but again the proposal is unusual, because it’s a puppet theater, the big thrill of this theater is that it’s so ageless, for the most puppet theater named after sergei obraztsov it was also challenge, it all started with alice in wonderland, but not carroll, but vysotsky, the legendary poet and actor,
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gave one of his last concerts... you now see someone, an actress, an actress, now you see a doll, where are we going, there , hmm, or there, we need to figure it out, the idea, let’s go straight, such dolls are called flat, it’s amazing what three-dimensional images they create,
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the chushira cat is about to hypnotize, and how can a tea party at the mad hatter leave anyone indifferent? what a terrible song, let's have some tea, the audience sometimes and they don’t realize how many actors are actually on stage, it seems like there are only three characters: are you out of your mind? i don’t know, it must be in someone else’s, you see? i don’t see, but this caterpillar in the image of bob marley is controlled by several people at once, thanks to the black suits we don’t notice them at all. yes, they themselves see little, now i’ll try to demonstrate it to you, well , something like this, it’s up to you to decide, of course, everything is thought out, look, if we are uncomfortable, then it’s right, yes, if everything is comfortable for us, then something's wrong, theater puppets does not mean theater for children, this performance, like carroll’s work itself, only pretends to be a fairy tale, and for adults it may even become sad parables about themselves, the most important theme, which, when we
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were composing the play... probably, it came and loudly declared herself, who is killing time here, and apparently i, cut off his head, and the older you are, the faster time rushes by, this is probably what our performance will be about, the stage is the spirit of freedom and hooliganism, the riot of imagination that is possible only in a dream, and how you don’t want to wake up, sometimes of course it's worth it to see what happened while you were sleeping, i'm made of very good people, this suits me very well. olga pautova, pavel volkonsky, dmitry skvartsov and sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell."


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