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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 27, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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you decide, we have another gift, come on, we have a factory in volgograd, these are our candies, oh, thank you, thank you, respected everyone, we have a contender, a competitor, one, and now he bets, it turns out, now yes, now choice, it should have been me in his place, you were getting divorced.
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because it’s another common practice, first a person gets married, then he talks about children, and you started before marriage, it’s just that it worked out for us for a long time, plus we had a joint business, one might say, that is, we supported each other there, we helped , but although there was probably no love anymore, well , it’s still like you get used to the person and somehow treat them warmly, that is, well, if the person is with you, she just physically couldn’t get pregnant? yes, we kind of, well, we
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also went through all sorts of examinations there, so tell me, she considered surrogacy or another way to get pregnant, they honestly considered it, but it never came to that, for me it’s strange, children out of wedlock , having children outside of marriage is generally nonsense, and secondly, dating for so many years and not want to get married, for some reason, for 15 years she has been fooled for a year, for two, well, for a maximum of three people don’t propose already in the sense? there is no such relationship, that is , there must be development in the relationship, at a minimum, she was treated well by her mother, who was good, she also seemed to treat me well, she offered you another girl, i understand correctly, no, well, you can say it was a mutual decision, because well, i talked about my desires, so she said that i , as it were, could not, as it were, restrain you something, let’s just live for a while and you’ll see how it goes. and well
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, even if i continued my life with this person, it would still be like this thought was eating me up from the inside, but you don’t regret that you didn’t break up earlier, didn’t break up, no, i don’t regret it, but you know how it happens, a woman can’t get pregnant with one man, she took a left turn, or she has someone else next and there’s a child right away.
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because the girls are fooling around, they also put things off, they have their own plans in life, you are not the first, yes, of course, i ask, so you are not alone and do not bite yourself, please, endelson, please tell me why many men do not enter into an official marriage until the girl becomes pregnant, this is just a trend some kind, or will not give birth, is this a new way of manipulation on the part of men or what is it? well, the problem can be looked at from several angles, many. men don’t want to get off on their partner’s inability or unwillingness to have a child. in russia, over the past 5 years , the proportion of women who, in principle, they don’t want to have children, so the men on the shore check their beloved using this rapid test. it’s strange that there is some kind of trend that a man gets married after a girl gets pregnant. well, apparently, he’s probably somehow insuring now in case it doesn’t work out with the child in the future or something else, so as not to get divorced.
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thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, dmitry, go to your room, girls come to us, you are the most eligible bachelors in general on the planet, how could it be otherwise, don’t you doubt it at all, what kind of grandmothers you are, girls, well what kind of grandmothers you are, you girls, just lighters, so much energy, of course, it won’t tell from you that you ’ve lived some kind of hard life, it’s lucky that you’ve preserved yourself this way, and your soul, and energy, and the desire to live, and desire just like that, saiga across the stage, that’s just great, i’m happy for you, honestly, well, the time has come to choose, ilya, ivan, andrey, sergey or dmitry, such lighters,
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i feel positive emotions, it’s all the same from communication, andrey sergey i didn’t recommend it to you, young people, they need kids there. that's why i'm for ilya, for ivan, well, here you are figure out who suits you best, of course, girls, you liked andrei and sergei, and it would be very impressive, such a scene would come out, two pairs of gemini, but i think you will make a choice on your own, after asking for about three seconds who is whoever it suits, yes, and we will support you in any case, mindelson. darling, tell me, you’re not confused there, you haven’t boiled yet, no, no, no, you don’t need to cool, no, i was shining another famous farmer, matroskin, who rejoiced at the offspring of a cow, i would choose andrei and sergei, he said, i am now doubled i’ll be happier, in any case,
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no matter who you go to, we will support you, come on in, the girls are generally cool, whatever you say, i hope that we will win their heart. i invite everyone to come out and support valentina and zhanna. we choose you boys. hurray, we are very happy. we are incredibly happy. it seems to me that the way we stand is the way we chose. well, it seems to me that this is how it was originally. today we have two couples, valentina and andrey, zhanna and sergey. one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i'm larisa guzeev and i wish that your loved one would definitely tell you, let’s get married,
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when we started having children, we had nowhere to live, we gave all the rooms to them, we got into a promotion, you take one, one as a gift. i just walk in and there are two children at home, this bonus almost destroyed your home, but it’s so funny here, but what do you like most? are you sure that you decided to become foster parents because you wanted a son, and how old was he at the time you had him? 13 years old, wow, absolutely a successful woman, my mother works as a prosecutor, and dad is the chief of police, everyone has their own responsibilities around the house, you are like a general, a whole army of my children. how many of them are blood one, so i also wanted to tell a story about my wife in a nutshell, now they will come out and you will tell us.
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good afternoon, this year in our country has been declared the year of the family, and today the brightest representatives of families will gather in this studio. for me, these are real heroes, it’s one thing to raise relatives, and another thing to make strangers family, it’s true, today in our studio tatyana and sergey khodus, hello, you parents of many children, yes, but how many children do you have, we have two natural children, three adopted children, our gifts, yours is very difficult. 5 years before sasha was born, we
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lost our first child, but what happened? well, it was a difficult pregnancy, and we were fighting for life, i didn’t want to give up, but unfortunately, it turned out the way it did, and of course, this situation, it divided our lives into before and after, there were a lot of worries, i’m almost 2 years old i was probably so deeply depressed, but ultimately it led to the fact that we realized... that there is a price, that children are not just like some kind of free addition to marriage, that this is not given to everyone, they didn’t let you take the child from the executioner from the maternity hospital, right? yes, that’s right, but at what point did this happen? well, right after the stillborn child was born, it so happened that on those same days they abandoned the child, the girl, and my thought was to immediately take her, to return home with the child after all. and my husband supported me in this thought, that is, we had absolute unanimity on this, but the doctor, she
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she spoke to me very wisely and said that the desire is very good, the motive is wrong, that we want to close our loss now, our pain, but we need to do it for the sake of the child, not for ourselves, yeah, at that moment i trusted, trusted the person, who understands what he is talking about, and i just left this thought... just left it in my heart to bear it, from this first thought, from that moment almost 18 years passed until the moment when children appeared in our family, adoptive names, but you had the option of two more in one, this is when you took the boys, at what age did you take them, and at 2.5 and 4 years old, when i saw them separately, i immediately realized that on the screen there was this one, then i realized that these were brothers, our documents were issued for one child. when i came to the specialists for guardianship, they said: no, you have documents for one, and these are brothers, i say,
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give two, so we laugh, we got into a promotion, you take one, one as a gift, a bonus, this bonus almost destroyed your home, well, just completely, well yes, yes, he is so very cheerful with us, but it’s normal when you come and the things in the closet can all be stripped, when the sink is painted red, that’s also very funny, and when the drywall walls are dismantled, the holes are scraped out, that’s also such a creative moment, but there were no thoughts, well, maybe we can return this action back somehow and finish it already as it is no longer there, there were never any thoughts of returning, you wanted to go out of the window, that’s better , yes, well, okay, let them be here live if they have already arrived, and i went somewhere, yes, listen, but you and the eldest, understandably little, 2.5 years old, he didn’t remember anything, but with the eldest you also took a sip, right? yes, it was the hardest with him, because until he was 4 years old, this is the most important period of infancy, he
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lived in this destructive family, almost six months in an orphanage, and he was simply completely imprinted with this negative stress, because he was like an adult, thanks to him he survived as a child, he fed him, protected him, uh, stole food, well, that is, this was their way of surviving, he, of course, learned all this as model of life when he got into the family... he broadcast exactly the same thing, which was very difficult for him, well, when you understand that you are a stranger to him, your word has no meaning for him, he is not afraid ruin the relationship with you, because they don’t exist yet, he has nothing to lose, let’s put it this way, well, now what you’re talking about is already in the past, and you introduced us to your kids, let’s look at them; we got them in april twenty-third year, in the fall she took up boxing with us, in general she is very creative
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a person who draws very well, yaroslava is jealous of them for me, yes, they are jealous of her, but in general i see that they support each other, i understand that these are three happy people who will have each other all their lives, but in general we have such a little man, he... if he said something, that’s it, so it will be. sasha is an athlete with us, he really likes to read history books, although in fact sasha had a very difficult time with reading; for six months we only taught the color yellow. and count to five. sasha said that they were beaten and beaten by men who came to their mother. apparently some kind of cigarette butts were being extinguished, or a stove, when i saw on their little bodies there were a lot of scars and burns, i could only guess what
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was happening to him. i remember when they asked me this question. so how did yaroslava appear in your family? well, after the boys, for several years i don’t remember at all, when i ate, slept, that is , i generally lived in some kind of effect, it turns out that 5 years passed, and i realized that probably my inner self had let me go, somehow they stabilized condition, yes they went
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to school, began to study, achieve success in sports, then i realized that i cannot... ignore the situation, that many children remain in the center, they will never end up in a family, these are teenagers, i began to look for a mentoring program, or rather i was looking for some methodology, some way to help these children, found a foundation in moscow, contacted them, came for training, and a few months later i was offered to become the head of a department in the altai territory, just like that , implementing the program in our region, i met yaroslava, she was in our program, it was also like that, you know, carrying out, we didn’t plan a fifth child, but the thought came again, somewhere there is a 12 -year-old girl, i just put it in my heart again, like i saved some dream, shared it only with husband, no one knew, after 2 months the director of one of the centers called me
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and said: “we have a 12-year-old girl who needs to be taken into the family, you...” can help us, you can take her, that is, it’s simple there was some kind of conduct, that’s god’s truth, but my husband immediately gave the go-ahead, yes, yes, and as i understand it, everything now falls on you, because you began to take care of the branch of the foundation, yes, and family worries, chores, children, are now on you, well, yes, at some point our mother disappeared altogether, fry scrambled eggs, cook something like this as we go along... he knows how to do everything here, he can prepare salad, he cuts everything when there is nothing to eat and no one does it , the children learn right away, so there are many advantages in this. i can wake up in the morning i have breakfast on the table the product is
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a deck of love two of your children are in ours today studio let's call them. thank you very much, thank you, well, vladimir vladimirovich, you are so gallant, what grade are you in now? in the third, how are your studies going? yes, yes, what do you like most? we have to solder, something, solder, you know that i ra,... said, it seems to me that you like to solder a chandelier, for example, with a sofa together, but just in case, suddenly something interesting will turn out, yes , well , seriously, mark, how old were you when these two whirlwinds burst into your life, seven, yes it was eight, there was jealousy, there was jealousy, which means that most likely there was just some kind of misunderstanding, where did
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this come from, and where else, but as you were told, i just go in and... to be honest, well, when we’ve already become so attached, and quickly, yes, yes, after forty-three of you were broken, it was as if everything had already glued itself back together, well , that is, when they were picking holes in... you, apparently, were already doing it with them, my very, very, very best impression of you, you have a very beautiful, wonderful family,
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good health to you, may god give you strength, patience, you are extraordinary, i am good, good man, i know this, but the reflection doesn’t make me happy, a beautiful snub nose, eyebrows scattered, you covered everything here, and we even have a waist there, so... you need to learn to praise yourself, you are very beautiful, we tell you today we’ll prove it, a fashion verdict, a new season, tomorrow is the first one, you’re crying, these are tears of happiness, she will definitely have a desire to somehow experiment with what she had before, fit it in, try, but nothing will work out for her, i so glad anapa, hello! it's called the steamboat technique, it's when you smear your foot on the bread and do this, steamboat, steamboat, you really feel as if they love you, now turn your cheek,
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they will kiss you, it’s true that people come to you from all over the country for chebureks, it’s true, this is really the most delicious cheburek , which i ate, we have red mullet and rapana, i'll take care of the rapana, and i'll start by preparing a mixture for my peppers. help, friend, it seems to me that we have a great duet, look, op, maestro, aspiring pastry chef, premiere, cooks on wheels, tomorrow on the first. home, absolutely different styles were under his control, you seemed to laugh at yourself, but you were silent, this is the same one.
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what this genre was for, will be for many, many years! three chords, new season, tomorrow after the evening news! beloved, beloved, beloved! on the roads, on the roads! rapids, we run away on different roads, don’t guess at love, if you are happy in your eyes,
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we know for sure, the ice will melt, the silence of midnight and the wolf will sing, it’s a long day, it’s long, it’s so short, the heat of the dubai is whispering to us, hugging something. the ice is melting, it's winding, you're a sailor, i'm sailor, you are a fisherman, take a walk, april 30 on the first, let's meet our next heroine, irina balashova in the studio, hello, good afternoon, irina, tell us your story, how you became a foster mother in 2019. my husband and i became adoptive parents, at that time we had two daughters growing up in our family, and we wanted a son for ourselves, we had an eldest son, he
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already lives separately, kirill, and how old was he at the time when he you appeared, 13 years old, wow, you took into your family, having no experience as foster parents of teenagers in kubertate, and how hard it was, how did everything turn out? in different ways, honestly, in different ways, listen, you told us about how you became foster parents the day before, let’s see the plot, then we’ll talk, i wanted to take a foster day because i wanted a son, my wife and i don’t have a son it was, it was, two daughters were born, the first one we took kirill into our family, that is, he was a teenager, naturally, as if complex. maybe he was in adolescence, but at that time he himself asked to join the family, he was visiting us, after which he asked to join our family, and we they took us, we took our second child, we took
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two. here are vyacheslav and maxim, maxim was 3 years old, slava was 6. we took kirill for ourselves, yes, and we already took other children, probably for them, so that, as if the idea was that we could get more children out of the system, the children would grow up in in those families where they saw the role of mom, the role of dad, the next one we took was vasilisa, a beautiful daughter, we took her recently, six months ago. in the new year we got zhenya, he is now a year and 7 months old, now we already think that this is yes, our own children, we have gradations no one is not our own, we all have our own, we have the same relationship with everyone, that is , there is no difference, all our beloved children, we are glad that we are now a happy family with many children, yes, despite some difficulties, sometimes there are children and play pranks and so on , well...
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well, i couldn’t continue to combine it, three children appeared, naturally the family couldn’t live in the same regime, the shoulder strap service is always connected, that is, you don’t have a choice to go or not to go, you break down and go, naturally , it was difficult, i realized that either children or work, the deputy prosecutor of the whole city, balshovo, province, regional center, yes, that’s how many years you had to go, you can’t jump over shoulder straps, well... 22 years old,
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22 years old, and then three children, you’re like, that’s it, i went on maternity leave , three bonus recipients, two blood-born, five in total, yes, but my colleagues were like that, well, in principle, half of my friends, neighbors, colleagues, took it like that, yeah, the first reaction was that we don’t just leave such positions, yeah, you introduced us to... your children, let's see how you live, the boloshov family, wife, irina, evgeniy, here is maria, vasilisa, our daughters, slava, he is now the eldest, and maxim, and i, the head of the family, in the house we all have our own responsibilities, since the house is big,
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it’s like children always accustomed to work. help us, this is our boys’ room, slavik and maxim live here, they live here, they clean themselves, this is our crib, i sleep upstairs, slava is downstairs, my brother, girls, well, show me how you live, this is my table, i do lessons, here, this is my bed, we clean our room together with my sister. this our bedroom, here now is our bed, plus we had a baby in december right before the new year and his crib, here is my creativity room, flowers, before this was generally my hobby, now time is getting less and less, here i have a sewing room the machine is standing, i can install the overlocker,
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how many have already been imposed a little, like... the so -called grandmothers into squares, then i will connect them and there will be a blanket for someone, and this is my room, the so-called cell, where i study, prepare for the session , learning, our such a home mini-gym, come on maxim, let's show what you can do, let's hold it, come on, bam-bam, oh, oh, oh, we always sit down in front of this, we pray, here's dad, in the name of the holy father and son spirit, amen, that’s it, we sat down, let’s get started, but you don’t plan yet, well, for this you need a resource for yourself and a resource, of course, for housing, for conditions, i think
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that a situation is possible. what else will happen, let's meet some of your children, guys, go to the studio! hello, what a beauty, what do you have there? vyacheslav? this is a gift, a gift, for whom, i i forgot my name, that’s right, my name is grandfather, grandfather gardon, just everything, yes, you prepared a gift for me, but what’s there? yes, well, maybe let me give it to you, and you open this one? come on , i’ll do it myself, thank you very much, that is , dad did it himself, now we’ll see what ’s here, oh my god, oh my god, what a beauty,
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thank you very much, your husband did it, yes, my husband does it, here sitting in front of us is a successful woman, absolutely. deputy prosecutor of a huge city, and by the way, you children know who your mother worked for, yes, well, i knew from a young age, well, what do my parents work for, what, they told me that my mother works as a prosecutor, my father is the chief of police, and everyone was afraid of you at school, yes, well, no, until the fourth grade i didn’t tell anyone who i was well , my mom and dad work for me, then we got a girl whose, well... dad died, and my mom was, well, a police officer and everyone said, be afraid of her, don’t touch her, i, well, i said about the profession of my dad’s mom , uh-huh, well, in the end, your mother actually chose the final profession
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for herself, which, prosecutor himself, mother’s profession she chose, i’m generally very glad that such strong, bright... raise, take in children, to whom they can pass on such values, to whom they can pass on so many important, human things, it seems to me that this is awareness of their true needs, being a mother, shoulder straps suited you very well, and this is completely understandable, now motherhood is underway, now yes elena stepanova is in our studio today, hello, hello! hello, elena, please tell us how many children you are raising? now there are eight in our family children, this is now, now, but in general, well , there are already grown-up children, in general, we raised
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10 children with today’s children, they are already adults, yeah, 18 in total, i didn’t hear correctly, listen, how do they provide shelter? one emil, emil, how old is he now? 15. and how it all started, when the first adopted child appeared, we also had one, i had a son, and he was disabled, and he was 7 years old, when this is your first child, yes, yes, yes, but i really wanted a daughter, i really wanted a daughter, but somehow it didn’t work out with our daughter, and we... took from our boarding school for a girl, yeah, it's a doymila, yes, and then two more boys appeared in our family, and sometimes my husband and i stopped by, there was also a rehabilitation center, and we
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stopped by and brought goodies there for the kids, so one day we like- then we stopped by and i just saw this sun, just this sun, i felt everything, this is mine... this is mine, and he also had a brother, then ruslan was 3 years old, and kirill was 5 years old, just like that we got two more, two more, yes, and before emily there were so many more, yes, then when our orphanage was disbanded , we also took in three children. voice. the final. live. today is the first one. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr.
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wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave piano. thousands of journalists came, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts it feels like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador, today on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. the pet can even transform. ordinary, everyday affairs into a unique
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quest, here i am sorting out the dirty laundry, my husband was often at work and i had to take care of the upbringing, make sure that the turtle doesn’t overeat, and taking it away is more interesting than just eating it in a bowl, but it doesn’t grow after maincoons sasha, it seems to me, in comparison with my cats, even you everyone is small, now it seems to me that you may not understand anything, look at how cool the style is, these pants are just right... the most relish, i have a lot of ideas about what i want to become, now i have a school, i have my own professional job, saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, ordered, sir, to leave the cross of st. andrew the first-called in this place, founded a fortification and called it st. petersburg, we will drive the swedes out of here, here even... the air is special, this is the sea, and
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europe is there, i wish i could fuck you, yours europe, i’m ready to die, for every breath with you, i’ve done a lot of crap in my life, now i’ve earned it with goodness, transfiguration people, go ahead, peter and i will change everything here. we will live happily, the cathedral is on april 29, on the first. you told us before the program that you suffered a heavy loss, but it was these foster children who simply pulled you through, they, they helped you survive. let's see the story, then we'll talk. well, i gave birth to styopka in
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1995, and it was such a big unexpected surprise for me, very pleasant, when he was 5 months old, i i found out that he has a severe disease, wernig hoffmann's meopathy, i was told that such children usually live up to 5 years, but he lived with us until he was 14 years old, so... not long before his death, he once told me: mom , i’ll probably die soon, i say, why are you doing this, why do you think so? he says: i don’t know, i feel it, you know, when it’s scary, when he, he looks at you, with those eyes, bottomless ima, help, you understand that you can’t do anything, there’s nothing you can do, this is the worst thing you understand, you want to take him, say,
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open your eyes, i can’t, i miss you so much, i miss you madly, and after this happened, the adopted children essentially saved you, really, yes, i after the funeral, i ... a year, a year before styopa’s death , emil appeared, uh, emil was one year old, and i, after you decided on emil, you know, it’s hard to explain, yes, when you have a sick child, yes, well, but you have dreams, to take her by the hand, take her to first grade, see her off to the army, have a wedding, you know? and i also believe that this is the lord emil sent me, i already gave birth to him at the age of 42,
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well, that is, well, a very grown woman, emil was a year old when styopka died, so i just, and before that my brother died, he was 49 years old, well then there is unexpectedly, and after 3 weeks styopa dies, i was just in such a crazy state, i didn’t want anything, and i remember, i was lying on the bed. they all came up around the bed and said: mom, get up, if you die, the orphanages will take us away again, so they saved me, i pulled myself together... pulled myself together, i stood up because i have there was someone to live for, a whole, whole army of my children, so i am very grateful to them, they saved me at that moment, and they also went, let’s not talk about your army, we, as the generalissimo, told us about this army
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the day before, let's see, our first girl is ira. big family, and these are my kids who now live in our family, my name is nadya, my name is egor, i’m 14 years old, my name is tanya,
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i’m 15 years old, my name is zhenya, i’m misa, my name is lera, i’m 16 years old, my name is artyom, i’m generally very friendly. say because they they do everything together, there is no such thing that someone will sit, someone will do, no, it’s like a family, you know, now we will do everything, and then we will relax together, and then we will drink tea together, and then we will have breakfast, lunch, play together, they have everything together, and it’s great, we love mom, now a small one will come into this studio, just like that .
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that my grandmother is looking for a foster family, it was a long time ago, 3 years ago, when we met her, sorry, we have such a tearful program when we are with her met, she simply said, i’m dying, but i want my grandson to go to a family, we took him, and the hardest thing... leaving, when she stood and waved to us, she cried there, we cried in the car, then she was in touch with zhenya every day, she asked every day, how are you, are you not being hurt, i
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called her, i said, ice, i ask you, help me, please, don’t ask him such questions, he’s starting to be afraid, but i did n’t take it in order to... escape, i’m just saying, help me, it’s hard for all of us, and i decided, for in order for her to do this, phew, i’ll call her over, so she came, stayed with us for a few days, but that was their last meeting, she calmed down and after 3 months she was gone, that’s how we got this one child, but of course he calmed down a little, just now... he was nervous, you lived with your grandmother for a long time before - yes, from birth, and that is, it turns out that your grandmother is like your mother and father until you are 10 years old, listen, well grandma found a good family for you, right, yes, ler, but you remember how you ended up in your new family,
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yes, i was taken to the gym at the age of 6, i remember when my mother arrived, i was very happy, and how old are you now, i’m 16, that is, you’re already 10 years old. emil, do you remember, this is the moment when your brothers and sisters began to appear, appear, appear, appear, appear, appear, appear, i remember when lera arrived, well, i went with her parents, well, at first so modestly , everything is as it should be, and then, and then, and then like a normal child, listen, here, but i’m just thinking, well, you understand what you are? could be - one, but no such, cats not scratching at my soul, but why did my mother do this, i would live like a king and everything would be fine, but no, of course, i’m already used to it, but they are all to me... just like family, i can’t live without them anymore, i imagined what the size
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of the new year tree must be to put all of you gifts there, the kremlin, so that they all fit, it would be necessary what kind is needed, so to seat them all, a bus is needed, yes, but it’s far from school - well, no, it’s a 10-minute drive, well, through the whole village, yeah, well, you still have to go by car, definitely, you can’t get there on foot. no, it’s far away, my husband takes it in the morning, he picks up every day in the evening, he also takes the children to school, yes, he does a lot, he is very, he also cooks incredibly deliciously for us, very tasty, his pilaf, yes, let's find out the story of another family, we have press in the studio , how many children?
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quite complicated, let’s first look at the story in which you talked about this, i’m probably one of the pioneers who, 10-11 years ago , started taking in children with disabilities, the first five or six children i had, in general, were all with severe disability, in fact wheelchair users, i treat children, everyone, as healthy, he has responsibilities within the framework of what he can do, i always tell them that you are healthy, you just have some restrictions in some actions, even those who can’t walk well, i always have them... they washed dishes, looked after the younger ones, this was probably the biggest problem at that moment - these were my close relatives, it was a storm, indignation, it was generally just a squall
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such negative emotions, to the point that we won’t come to your house, but now they are proud of me, they support me, there were five or six of us in one room, at that moment the idea came to me that if we had a big house, then i could take even more children, and then i announced a gathering for on the internet, in general, we are this house, in which we now live, we built it , one might say, with the whole country, we moved immediately with the children that i had at that moment, five new children, five teenagers at once, the children started growing up, began to leave the family in adulthood, and i at that moment i thought, we have a place, we can take someone else, i only have 16, i think i haven’t counted them for a long time, i treat all my adopted children like family, and i love them like family, and i punish them like they are. .. and this gives its results, they begin to learn their lessons themselves, they begin to improve themselves, well, there are twos, there are fives, everything happens, all my methods
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of education are honed, worked on my own children, i am a good, kind person, i know this, but the reflection doesn’t make me happy, a beautiful snub nose, scattered eyebrows, you here everything is covered up, and we even have a waist there , here it is, you need to learn to praise yourself, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today. fashion verdict, new season, tomorrow is the first one, you are crying, these are tears of happiness, she will definitely have a desire to somehow experiment with what she had before, fit it in, try, she won’t succeed, i’m so glad, prima , all the beauties of the world, from my heart. i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want,
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say, mom said, you are strong, without him the sky is stronger, unrequited, you didn’t wait at night such a cold wind, we will remember our cosmic paradise, it was for us your hutch u... i know that if you leave, i will stay, let me not stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the golden gramophone people's prize ceremony, premiere april 29 , on the first one, marks on the neck, not from a rope, a cord and a thin leather tourniquet, this does not look like an accidental murder. i don’t understand that there can be this crazy person in his head, so, colonel shillov, we owe everything, you know, even if
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there’s a devil with horns in front of us, someday all this... will end, grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya, now i’m organizing, according to martial law , new series, from may 1st on the first. natalya, i honestly don’t understand how you can have time to pay attention to all the children with special needs and health problems. after all, this is a massage, there is gymnastics, everything, everything, everything, do you have some help in this particular direction or do you cope with everything yourself, well , firstly, many of our diagnoses imply, how would they, they they are not they are being rehabilitated, uh-huh, yes, that ’s the diagnosis of spinnobids, as it were, well, there is some kind of rehabilitation, in the first years, of course, there were regular massages, there, well , massage therapists came to the house, uh-huh, they came immediately to three or four and gave massages, so - there are children,
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well, there, for example, i have... he’s just short, our passport, home, yes, he doesn’t have any special, yes, besides taking him to training, he’s on our paralympic team, he’s we are swimming, here are his medals, yes, we have anechka, who has quite a deep mental retardation, well, in general, we look after her as a whole family, she is 14 years old each, she, unfortunately, is still in diapers, but she doesn’t understand, yes, well, any child in our family can change and feed her, so styopa is in a stroller, he is our main caregiver, he feeds her. when i brought her, in general , practically dying, at 4 years old she weighed 7 kg, so those who nursed her love her very much, and those who have new children, they gradually, of course, the shock goes away, they get used to her and they also seem to treat you very well, and how did she get to you? once i saw volunteers on the internet, they wrote that the photographs had been changed in the database, a child who was cute and plump at 3 years old, there was a photograph
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of a dying child of a withered old woman. here i was, just in 10 minutes, i honestly had a feeling that she was dying, oh, yes, this, this photo i saw and 10 days later i took her, and where was she? something like this in the tver region, and this child reacted this way to being transferred from malyutka’s home to a children’s home, oh, to an orphanage, but you didn’t they were afraid that she, i thought that she would die , i had a goal that she would die in my arms, rather than in these bars there in this iron crib there in the hospital, but she survived. “we love her, thank you, lord, we will honor her, i wish both parents and children fulfillment in this world, but this world should still be bright, stories insist on this, health, prosperity, peace, beauty,
5:00 pm
when... "the reasoning goes on about family values, family values, then someone stops and asks, well, what family values someone has values, that person is confused, because he hears this, these abstractions, but here is a whole heap of bright, worthy, convincing family values, love, live, in general, i am sure that you... you will become an example for many, inspire many today, i have no words, i am delighted, you are the best women, girls, fathers, the best people in russia, my wife has gone somewhere, this is somewhere to rest, i have two children, two neighbors


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