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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 28, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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now we have already moved on to art and for good reason, of course, leonov is a wonderful artist, and with his paintings he works to popularize space no less than with the legendary stories about the first spacewalk with pavel belyaev, as we remember again these names, pavel ivanovich belyaev , alexey arkhipch leonov, these are all the names that my generation knew by the names and patronymics of these people, even if we woke up at night, we would have said it. well, i turn my question to vasily vladimirsky, let's talk about art, or rather literature, after all, space is what is around us or what is in art, or what is inside us, and if briefly, after all, where is the point where modern science fiction starts, of course, we can say that plato had fantasy in atlantis, in prira, in the cratyle, and...
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this is where you started with the classics in almost the sense of the word in which they generally use this word, the classics of antiquity and the authors of modern times, the authors of the 19th century , they generally set, it seems to me, a certain vector, a space for writers of that period, of that era, of those eras, it is something more, something better than the earth, that is, it is some kind of ideal, and this is a certain one. i would
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even say a place where all sorts of different utopias rotate and grow, the world mind, the world mind, yes, well, starting from the fact that this period of rotation of the moon is 12 times longer than the revolution of the earth, so on the moon since ancient times it was believed that everything was 12 times better, 12 times larger, 12 times more perfect, beautiful, but it seems to me that this was largely preserved in...
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well, actually dystopia, dystopia is practically the same thing, but we’ll say dystopia for a better understanding, but still, after all, very many people in the 20th century, at least, well, probably until the year fifty-seven, until the moment when humanity actually went into space finally broke through, really broke through, you mean sputnik, sputnik, naturally, yes, sputnik in the same year, as we remember, a novel by ivan antonovich efremov was published.
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and the main goal, the main task of the heroes from a cannon to the moon is just yes, yes, it’s just to make some kind of journey, to prove that it’s possible, pick up speed, show how it happens, prove that it’s possible, that is, first of all, it’s still at the center of technology, yes, then humanity begins then, you know, i wrote my thesis, rarely about it i remember, but you know about it, because in a sense we are also on the same page.
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it is clear that when this flight into space, so desired by humanity for thousands of years, took place, i was born in the year sixty-one , so i feel like i am the same age as the space age, but still some kind of looking back on literature was, and this confirms our
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thesis that space is not only the stars, but space is also what is in us and what is in art, now we will have the traditional middle of our podcast. the dream of the universe is openly rolling into the sanctuary of heaven, but i decided to read a wonderful, short poem by nikolai alekseevich zabolotsky, a brilliant russian poet, in which the cosmos is given precisely as a projection
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of the universe onto ourselves, onto our inner world, when the light of day fades away in the black darkness , leaning towards the huts, "the whole sky will play over me like a colossal moving atom, which for a year has tormented me with the dream that somewhere out there in another corner of the universe, the same garden and the same darkness, and the same stars in imperishable beauty, and maybe some poet is standing in the garden and thinks with melancholy, why am i at the end of my life?" i worry about my vague dream, and this, by the way, brings us back to the discussion between tarkovsky and lem. well, we return to our studio, literary podcast, let them not talk , let them read, we talk about how
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they read in space and how they read about space. oleg, how do astronauts spend their leisure time on the iss, how are day and night there, uh, they replace each other, day and night replace themselves very simply, we get 16 orbits a day around the planet, respectively, 16 sunrises, 16 sunsets, we are guided by the grisnic time, so that, well, there are simply chess, well , there are no such chimes, of course there are big ones, there are wristwatches, but not in moscow time, no, we live in greenwich, in greenwich, the most interesting thing is the soyuz ship, it flies in moscow time to station, back from the station, only by moscow, but we go to the grinovich station, it’s so convenient for all the trains. regarding books , i can say that there are very few of them now, because we ourselves understand perfectly well that there is not enough space, and, probably, delivery is very expensive, since we are only allowed to take a kilogram of personal belongings, so thanks to all our technologies e-books are in charge, we have a very
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large film library, a very huge amount of recorded music, so there are a lot of e-books, yes there are books, but again, well, not i know, let’s say i like to read what i can hold in my hands, it’s hard, yes, that’s why everyone spares the office, but i also don’t want to clutter it up with literature in a good way, because there’s very little storage space there, yeah, we have all the compartments, they’re basically overloaded, with property, some equipment, and even
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a small book, it’s already taking up space, of course, of course, well, that is, from this i conclude that we also live at the station, yes, because we have less and less places, yes, i have 30,000 books. i repeat this, not without reason, it’s not for nothing that i host a podcast, let them not talk, let them read, i have more than 30,000 books, and there’s really nowhere to live, i have them in two dachas, that is, we live, as it were, at a station, saving space, but what? we do n’t have a lot of free time on weekdays, maybe about an hour and a half, 2 hours, one and a half to 2 hours, how long do you sleep? we sleep 1.5 hours, oh, 8.5 hours, that is, well, there is actually no library, only an electronic one, but mostly yes, yeah, well , it’s still not bad, but we watch films together or everyone separately, in mostly, probably jointly, after all, because this requires more time, yeah, i wanted to say that on a weekday we are basically either preparing for the next working day, we need to find some equipment, study radiograms, so we have pure video leisure only on weekends and only after cleaning
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our segment, we spend half a day cleaning our segment, our partners do the same, then on saturday evening, let’s say, we can get together, watch some kind of film, or a good soviet one, or let’s say some kind of that an imported film, and what is very good, they very often bring films that have not yet been released, yeah, that is, we watch these films first at the station, wow, how curious, that is, you are the first viewers, yes, exactly the first viewers, which - it's a document, huh.
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you know, it was collected here with permission, with permission nina ivanovna gave this permission in writing before passing away, when some time has passed, to publish them, against the backdrop of the events of fifty-six, fifty- seven, fifty-nine, he writes a letter to his wife, and the wife answers from this a small house, a house on nastankino street, this is very interesting, because it turned from such, well, 4765, that’s 17 years of life, you know, in the house in which i ’m telling you, he lived in total. 6 years old and i was amazed by the number of suitcases in this house, because for the most part it was
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vnukov’s house, car, and, accordingly, a business trip, a cosmodrome, or to an enterprise that he led, and i just can’t lie down but say, remember, that there is an amazing tradition, now i’ll say about gagarin, there is an amazing tradition associated with sergei pavlovich’s house, you know, once upon a time, sergei pavlovich was walking for a few seconds , yes, he was walking and found a horseshoe in his house. there in the yard, and he nailed it to a tree, right on ostank, on the first ostankino, on the first ostankino, and he nailed it to a tree, and now there has been a tradition for many years, when all the crews and russian crews are together, by the way, with our foreign colleagues, with partners, they come to the house before the flight for good luck and sit on this bench under the horseshoe sergei pavlovich, so oleg was with his crew, they will always give you tea, a bite, how great it is, i didn’t know that, it’s very interesting, i don’t want to leave. this kind of literature is also a museum, it also has to create some
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important things, create some new traditions, this is such a new one, some new meaning, that is, this is a museum event that is repeated, which is created around the museum, yes it was created by a museum, but it was created for astronauts, for the community, for those who love astronautics, in general, this is just some very important bond, you just picked up a book, this book is called an amazing story of the first flight, here we are... trying to figure out who yuri gagarin is? it’s incredibly interesting, i remember the words that gagarin himself will say in his book, that the road to space, he will say, i’m a simple soviet man, that says it all, here’s a little boy from a small village, and near the city of gzharsk, that’s how this path is, the path to bosto the celestial being, to the first man in space, they tried to show these books, so in the museum, in the museum they read, the museum loves it very much...
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they give it away, because the truth is a huge amount meetings, that is, even after the flight , it all seems to continue, but oleg, of course, never has an end, there are no exes, no, no, no, it’s clear, well, ilyana yurievna gagarina, director of the museum in the kremlin of the kremlin, we have it happens, and we go to her, of course,
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there is also our information, it is important that all this continues, well, our conversation has already turned to how... the actual traditions are born, which will be included in the anal, or have already entered into anals, chronicles of the cosmic conquest of the universe, and what is happening with modern literature, i turn my question to vasily, because after all, well, it’s clear, yes, science fiction, which was once compiled into multi-volume books, in my childhood there was a library of modern fiction, 25 volumes and a few more...
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unfortunately there are no living ones , and what is happening now, here is the new horizons prize, i recently read an interview with a very famous publisher, who says, the publisher, more precisely, she talks about the fact that science fiction among the younger generation of writers is again very popular, and what does this mean? some kind of escapism, this
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continuation of the dream, these are some developments in themes, these are the names, what is happening, tell us. if we talk about space, and we are still talking about space, then this is a very sore, painful, painful question, painful topic, there is less science fiction in space, there is practically no science fiction in space, that is, if we are talking about science fiction, about fiction that is based on some modern scientific ideas about the world around us, then most often the authors turn to information technology, to... science fiction, is present so in the background, maybe it is she who is present, of course, but she is such a fork, which, by the way, stanislav lem spoke about already in such mature years, in recent years, that humanity, instead of conquering the universe, as it seemed, at the end of the 19th century, yes, that we would first fly from a cannon, then further away, away to the stars, it somehow went
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onto the internet, into some parallel worlds, no, it seems to me that there is a connection here, of course, the connection with what is happening with our space industry is precisely the lack some kind of practical understanding, in fact, why does a person need to go into space, practically, what is the exhaust, but what is needed is that in the foreground, i see how oleg novitsky looks at you with doubt, me too, no, the question is generally correct, you well, oleg also said that space is work, although romantically it is very expensive to go there - even a book to take a kilogram of everything personally, why is the question. maybe we need to return something else, and also return, bring some kind of payload from there, well, i didn’t expect from you, vasily, i thought you would direct us to some distance, but are you saying that we need to understand why? well, unfortunately, i talked a lot with our st. petersburg specialists, so to speak, and experts in piloted cosmonautics, with anton pervushin, who they probably know, yes, a historian of our piloted
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cosmonautics, is not very optimistic about the future, the future of astronautics , i mean here are the people. must happen, some kind of technological breakthrough must happen, so that all this can return, so that, for example, the delivery of payloads into and from space will become exponentially higher, or it will be in order, or so that we can get ahead of time, what a mess, that i think everything is much simpler, the second king must be born, the second must be born, the second queen in a row has already been born, we just don’t know yet, something really technologically very serious must happen. they use it in their works one way or another, but as a rule, space is...
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there are certain minerals, they are delivered to earth, we understand that this is, well, unprofitable at the current level of development, but nevertheless, here it is allowed fantasy, the moon is a practical one for him, so again we continue the romance and work, is this a designation of the practical sphere or is it some kind of cultural symbol? there, in addition to purely practical mining, there is also such a laboratory - social, that is, as different scenarios for the future. where in what direction humanity will move, this is where all this is happening, developing in real time. in principle, unfortunately, uh, our russian-speaking
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authors turn to symbolism much less often cosmic, to even - to space as a purely entourage, uh, but - i can say that not so long ago the collection new future was published, and there, unfortunately, again the same story, there is not very much space there, there, really in fact , the most interesting, probably, space stories is the story of eduard verkin, who describes precisely under the influence of, well, how to say, in the footsteps of alexander green, the strugatsky brothers, ivan efremov, he describes exactly the very technology that we were talking about , e- transportation technology, zero-transportation, yes, transfer from our space to another, to another part of the solar system, or not only solar.
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someone will learn from books, in a word, thank you very much, dear friends, i think that we have succeeded in this threefold approach to space from different sides, i will remind you once again that our guest was the russian cosmonaut, oleg novitsky, our guest was the deputy director for scientific work of the museum of cosmonautics vyacheslav klimentov, we had a book reviewer. vasily vladimirsky, this is what happened today, and this is how i i’m sure you will succeed, our dear witnesses and participants in the next edition
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of the literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, and with my usual consistency i say my usual final phrase: read with pleasure, dear friends. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. economics - proposals, technology.
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the object and the railway were the main hunt of the special operation for the week. nothing without electronics. mine clearance vehicle based on the vaunted american abrams, after accurate strike from our drone, it actually lost control and drove into a minefield. now our specialists are studying the trophies. unity of thought, unity of purpose. 10 years since the proclamation of the lugansk people's republic. the first step towards independence from ukraine and unification with russia. they remember and honor, despite the attempts of western politicians to rewrite history in german taargao, they celebrate the anniversary of the meeting of soviet american troops on the elbe. special awards were awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art in moscow golden mask. who has received awards? the finale of the show
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is a voice, we support the participants, we help those affected by floods in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, we will tell you what needs to be done. russia's current economic indicators are higher than forecasts and this is a good basis for the growth of budget revenues. vladimir putin announced this today. the president held a meeting on economic issues. the head of state called on the government and regional authorities to support investors and help open new ones. may 7 means that the government is supposed to resign by law. happens immediately after the words of the presidential oath are spoken, there are only 10 days left, but at the meeting today the results were not summed up, they were talking about long-term prospects, at least until 2030,
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as for current economic indicators. as the president put it, they have a positive impact on the federal budget, revenues significantly exceed last year’s levels, so in the first quarter non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. in general , federal budget revenues over 3 months increased by more than one and a half times, according to compared to last year, but this means that we have other indicators, including a smaller deficit. is becoming, and in this regard we can confidently say that a solid base is being formed for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon. so far, economic data from the beginning of this year are higher than the forecasts of both the government and experts. russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms. at the same time, the country’s entire industrial production increased by 4.6% in january, and already in february it doubled again and, as expressed president, which is especially pleasing, not for the first month
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, very quickly. and its development. already, many experts are saying that by the end of this year , russia’s gdp may increase by more than 3%. for sustainable economic growth, according to putin , active actions by the government and regional authorities are needed, who need to support investors in every possible way and open new production facilities, including high-tech ones; in other words, create competition for foreign suppliers, that is, they need to develop and occupy their own.
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in view of strengthening technological the country's sovereignty through the support of domestic science, promising startups, and the widespread introduction of innovations in production. at the same time, of course, i believe that for this period it is necessary to maintain a moderate, conservative approach to budget planning, to concentrate its main expenses on those areas that provide the maximum effect for the quality of life of people, the well-being of russian families,
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for the development of territories and regions .
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from april 20 to april 27, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage facilities energy and industry of russia, the armed forces of the russian federation. as a result of which objects
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, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, were damaged in the energy industry of ukraine, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel depots, workshops for the production and repair of unmanned boats. unmanned aerial vehicles. in addition, points of temporary deployment of units of nationalist formations of foreign countries were hit. mercenaries. accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine at railway loading stations. within a week , the situation at the front was improved by four military groups. units of the southern district liberated novomikhailovka and bogdanovka in the dpr and advanced deeper into enemy defenses. cumulative losses in the ssu for the week with more than 8.00 killed and wounded. dozens of armored vehicles and guns, the list includes eight combat vehicles, a vampire igrad, an s-300 air defense system, two combat vehicles of the hawk and osa anti-aircraft missile systems, a downed fighter mig-29 and su-25 attack aircraft of the ukrainian air force. another mig-29 was destroyed at
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its home airfield. a new day, a new story of the heroism of our front-line soldiers. during the offensive operation, guard lieutenant artyom shmilev personally destroyed an enemy squad with hand grenades. took up a firing position in the rear of the defending militants, this made it possible to capture the strong point without losses. warrant officer andrei priluchny, at the risk of his life, in the field repaired a vehicle with fuel, which was damaged after shelling. thanks to the professionalism of the warrant officer , the armored units received fuel on time. and another example of the courage and ingenuity of a russian soldier. in the footage that circulated on social networks, the ukrainian fivedrone is trying to attack our fighter, when in...
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belgorod region, the head of the region reported this, two are in serious condition, a seventeen-year-old girl received a moderate shrapnel wound, one of the victims was sent home, he received medical treatment necessary medical care. this was previously attacked in so the village is right away. evgeniy lyamin examined the expensive trophy. this is a so-called mine clearing vehicle based on the american abrams tank. it only has a machine gun, but the main task is different - mine clearance. there is a large anti-mine plow ahead, linear charges on the sides,
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its task is to move first and break through the road. this machine has a bulldozer blade with a mine plow; they are interchangeable depending on the task. both are made in the uk. optics, video surveillance systems here. hundred-meter sleeve c4 active engine takes off at a distance of 100 m, drags sleeve c4 with a length of 50 and a length of 100 m, after landing an explosion occurs 8 m wide, 100 m long. there is a special system at the back of the car, with these pegs, it is on both sides, around are necessary to indicate a cleared area, they fire...
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as they said on ukrainian television last year, it was a secret, in total the ukrainian armed forces probably received several of these, apparently, high hopes were pinned on them, photographs of a heavily armored vehicle zelensky then published the barrage, the equipment stands as a decoration behind him during a speech last fall, after the failed so-called counteroffensive, it was important to show that help from the united states had come and no help of any kind.
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naturally not trained to operate analog triplexes, the ukrainian mechanic took off the armored vehicle himself, due to the inexperience of the crew of this vehicle, the vehicle drove into a minefield and blew itself up, the explosion occurred in the rear left part, everything is visible here, we have already replaced the rollers with ours , crew abandoned the equipment, the outcome escaped, the outcome could have been completely different, if there had been a charge at the top inside the remote mining missile launcher, and if the drone... had pierced the box itself, the weakest point, there is 750 kg in the tratil equivalent of c4 explosives, if our drone gets there, this machine will explode, is it armor on top or what, no, it’s a rubber-fabric material, kivlar, as you can see, which can be penetrated by our usual light unmanned aerial vehicle, the machine was developed in early 2000, entered service... usa in 2009. there is no protection against fpv drones. the lid
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of the top box is as lightweight as possible, possibly in order to reduce weight. so, over 70 tons. for the desert, where sand is like asphalt, it often gets stuck in the soil of donbass. not for this area, our officers say. it was pulled out by the rimbat fighters, the center group of troops, with two armored repair and recovery vehicles at once. thanks to the fact that this machine fell into our hands, we studied the features and weak points of this particular machine. also, in general, all tanks of the abrams family, and this american brem based on the m-48 tank, it was before abrams, everything inside is in english, in ukrainian, signed next to it with a haste marker. these cars were produced in the usa from sixty-four to eighty -three, today they are already morally outdated, our officers say, modern technology, as they say, does not work in the literal sense, the same abrams is already too heavy for it, but it’s just a damaged american ukrainian repairmen tried to pull the tank out of the battlefield. where they were waylaid by the brave fighters of the group. this car was
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stopped by our assault units during the evacuation of the abrams tank. the hit was on this side. here. what's behind the armor here? behind the armor is the battery compartment. after the hit, a fire occurred. but, as you can see, the soldiers of our unit have already restored this car. now we’ll put it on caterpillar tracks and try to launch it. it was not possible to evacuate the damaged abranz from the vcu, as reported the day before. referring to the american military of the armed forces of ukraine, they took the remaining abrams tanks to the rear due to the threat of defeat and will work together with the united states is trying to develop new tactics for their use. our drones fermenting lanset ammunition and kornet anti-tank missile systems are destroying american tanks; neither armor nor a multi-layered electronic warfare system can save us. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kochurin, nikita sebastyanov, larisa nikitina izgorbamberdiev, channel one, donbass. at the american assault. in principle, there is every chance of getting to the trophy exhibition in moscow,
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which opens on may 1 at 10 am and will last a month. today the exhibition was replenished with new samples of nato equipment. thus , in front of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill lined up were a german leopard tank and a marder infantry fighting vehicle, an american camvi military suv and a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, a french amx10 armored car, armored personnel carriers of finnish and swedish ukrainian production, turkish armored vehicles, a kirpi three-seven howitzer, and that’s not all, they promise western small arms. an important date: 10 years ago in lugansk they announced the creation of a people's republic, this was the first step of independence from... kiev, where they came to power in the wake of a bloody coup radical nationalists. the majority of lpr residents will then vote for sovereignty in a referendum. these shots became a real test of strength for them. report by alexey kruchinin. sovetskaya central street of lugansk. now there is busy traffic, fresh asphalt, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights. and exactly 10 years ago
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it was impossible to travel. this is where the barricades began. and in the park opposite there was a tent camp for the defenders of the nascent republic. rallies took place every day, but this one was especially memorable. today we are with you must declare themselves the lugansk people's republic. neli zadiraka, a political activist from the city of rubezhnoye, was on duty at the tent camp from the first day. in fact, he recalls, the rallies were only supposed to announce the project of creating the lugansk people’s republic. and i went out and decided to myself that i had no projects.
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andrei parubiy, they all gave an ultimatum to lay down arms and leave the building, and then they say, we can discuss your demands. koryakin and his friends understood that then, at best, they would face arrest. with parubiy too finally there was such a unique situation when he said goodbye, so to speak, to us after. 5 days he said that i understood that i had been led for 5 days for us, to which we said: no, we tried for you to hear us, but unfortunately you are deaf, then he said the following phrase: well, you are good guys , it’s a pity, i won’t see you again, rest in peace or something like that, it sounded, to which he was
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given a mouth guard in response, an ordinary boxing mouth guard, in general, that’s where we parted with the gift. was symbolic, it became clear that the negotiations are over and a difficult duel with kiev awaits. in the most menacing moments, when the militia learned about the impending assault , the rector of the church, father pavel, climbed to the bell tower. this is how you climbed 10 years ago, right? yes, yes, yes, just hurry up. here, from there was a request: father paul, call. now the bell calls for service, then it sounded like a baht, warning the inhabitants of the tent camp about danger. faith, language. country, death to fascism, again, my father, he is a front-line soldier, so i could not betray my faith, neither my father, nor anyone, this what led me to stand was the famous luhansk military correspondent, ex-chief of the press service of the people's militia, ivan filipponenko was then in tenth grade, the turbulent events
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of april and may 14 determined his future fate, first of all, i definitely have this side immediately accepted by the parents, that is , then the father, being an entrepreneur, tried to help there as best he could... almost immediately we headed here to the regional state administration, an hour later the assault began, our film crew was working at that time, well, about here, a trip to the administration the lugansk region ends with the seizure of the building, self-defense fighters break the windows and go inside; apparently , people without sticks will now follow their example.


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