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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 28, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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just and calm, i am the only warrior in the field, just and calm. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. home is better, we will provide the maximum. predictability of conditions for
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conducting and developing business. the meeting of the president with entrepreneurs is the task of the government. a solid base for the growth of budget revenues is being formed. action plan for 6 years. the story of the feat of the special forces company akhmat held the defense for 3 months, despite the blockade. it was difficult, but we held on, lost a little weight, but that’s okay. the defenders are moving the front line, in ukraine they are ready to throw yumtsov into the trenches. i’m not 18, you hit me, you shake your hand, you break your hand, i say, and they started hunting for those hiding abroad. american long-range missiles for ukraine and not only them.
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traces, nothing personal, just a choice on the nose, we have bankrupted the country, we are starting a third when we do something, we are leaving a lot of world war, how to feverishly for the ocean giant, which fancies itself a hegemon, that it worked out well for the germans, it didn’t work out for napoleon, it didn’t work out for hitler. nato doesn’t succeed either, then the euro official is in trouble. global markets are now flooded with cheaper chinese cars. we figure out how it happened, different, but always honest. they say terrible things about you here, well, that’s to be expected. donat from banionis, what role did he play in the life of vladimir putin? he told me personally then. that i watched the film and
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wanted to become a spy after this film. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of a loved one artist. and first about the feat. in the artyomovsk direction, his international special forces detachment akhmat was under blockade for 3 months. the enemy imposed such an attack that the delivery of ammunition, food, and especially rotation was simply impossible, but they gritted their teeth and survived... they did not surrender. stories of courage, heroism and military skill from alexey kruchinin. special forces roto shcherbak akhmat knows this village in the artyomovsky direction well. the guys held positions there in the summer of last year. contact of hostilities 500 m, early morning, moving with quick dashes, positions to positions, well , it was a hot morning, akhmat did not lose a single centimeter. positions in this direction and
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their attacks happen every morning, we are consistently repelling them successfully. since then, the commanders have successfully carried out rotations, but on the last call, shcherbak’s company seemed to be in a trap, the enemy pressed on and established total fire control over all roads. the entire delivery route was monitored around the clock by uav crews, all their artillery, cluster munitions, mortars were aimed at this... road at all points they didn’t stop tightly, they worked, so to speak, and didn’t give an approach route, they cut off everything, no change, no supply of ammunition, no delivery of food, no one could have imagined that the blockade would drag on for 3 months, they used to drink water from a puddle, boil it, they found grain, millet, in the basements, so to speak, twists and survived, they ate that way, they waited for us, i think the calculations of our cargo had already been dropped. somewhere out of the sky we got some water,
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some stew, some chocolate, and it was difficult, but we held on, we lost a little weight, but that’s okay, a little - that’s 15-20 kg, but shortage... time merged into a continuous whistling of shells and the buzzing of enemy drones, reflecting the service, our house is on fire, it’s burning, fortunately we got out, they rolled into su, the akhmatovites themselves successfully launched drones and mined the approach routes to the village, and remained standing for all 3 months to to the admiration
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of their comrades, all the guys, and sophon, and phil, and sherbak, and the guys, brothers, altaians, kipchak and khachkor, they... showed such courage, such courage that it is beyond my control, on such guys, let’s say , this whole front is holding up, and one can say that such guys are on their shoulders, let’s say, they lead our country to victory, we don’t live, we survive, we hold on to nothing, no, no one asked for a replacement, as my senior commander said, and recently, we were even inspired by what they answered us when, for a moment, guys, how are you, what are you doing there, maybe there is some help, or try to rotate, to which they said, no, we will not leave here, yes, and we will
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hold on until the last, in the evenings we dreamed that we would roll out, that we would to do, it was encouraging, just coordinated work, they encouraged each other, even if someone fell spirit, a friend always extended a helping hand. finally, when the situation allowed, we managed to change the guys. in one formation are altaians, chechens, russians, special forces akhmat, as he is, there are many regions, russia is one. the commander in charge of this sector of the front thanks everyone. i am proud, guys, that i serve, work, in this area that was entrusted to us, we completed this task. and they defended themselves with dignity, the fighters were nominated for state awards for their feat, but they say the main reward for them is a proud military feeling, they withstood it, did not give up positions, did not let each other down, the commanders and the country. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and vitaly zaitsev, first channel donetsk people's republic. now
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reports on the defense about the progress of the special operation. our aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed hangars with attack drones of the ukrainian armed forces at the kamenko airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region. in addition, warehouses from... the chernihiv region and starkonstantinov in khmelnitsky, as well as temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, were hit. air defense systems shot down 46 drones, five american missiles, atakomsa. groupings of troops west and east occupied more high-lying positions, and fighters from the southern district improved the position along the front line, defeated enemy positions in kleshcheevka, andreevka, krasnoborovka and repelled four counterattacks under a sentry. our ministry of defense today also confirmed the liberation of novobakhmutovka in the avdeevka direction. active promotion in the areas of the villages of ocheretina, semyonovka, berdychi and novokalinova. russian troops began a large-scale attack on ovdeevka in october last year. they didn't storm head-on, as ukrainian militants turned
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the city into a fortress. ovdeevka was bypassed from the flanks and captured in a pincer movement. in february 2024, as a result of a brilliant defense operation, vysu was hacked. then the front, as they say, crumbled. only for... maintaining the tempo of operations while moving forward steadily is a key element in maintaining the initiative on the battlefield. russian troops continue to put pressure on the enemy, primarily in the central sectors of the front. they can’t hold the armed forces; they leave behind not just populated areas, but full-scale fortified areas, which. in the avdiivka direction, our troops continue to expand the strategic bridgehead in the ocheretin area, which threatens to cut the ukrainian front in half. to the south of ocheretin,
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novabakhmutovka was taken with a powerful throw. in the donetsk direction , russian units are developing an offensive after the liberation of pervomaisky. on marinsky they took novomikhailovka and drove the enemy out of the fortified area in krasny. taking control of bogdanovka under the sentry of yar will essentially decide the fate of this strategically important city, while the ukrainian general staff had very little opportunity to make up for the geometric increase in combat losses in... the kiev regime was unable to achieve its goals for counter-offensives, prepared by nato instructors. our military personnel have dispelled the myth of the superiority of western weapons. enterprises of the russian defense-industrial complex have increased their capacity significantly and significantly increased the combat capabilities of our armed forces. about it.
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friday night is one of the busiest this year. explosions sounded in ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, zhytomyr, khmelnitsky, vinnytsia, 35 group high-precision strikes in the past week, in cherkasy, lviv and kiev regions. as a result, ukrainian energy industry facilities were damaged. military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel depots, workshops for the production and repair of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. in addition, points of temporary deployment of units of nationalist formations of foreign countries were hit. mercenaries, accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces at railway loading stations. the fact is that in fact most of the military equipment promised by the americans to ukraine. already in europe, it was brought there under the pretext of numerous nato exercises, and delivering it to
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the front line, subject to almost complete control of the sky on our part, is only possible by rail, our high-precision strikes are aimed at preventing this, which infuriates and kiev and its curators, in the west they are actually shouting about that there is a big russian offensive ahead, they see that we have a huge wave of volunteers who are joining the armed forces, they see that we are forming a new army ... corps, these units are equipped with new equipment, they are undergoing combat coordination somewhere , on huge training grounds, these forces can be used, they are trying to understand where the russians will strike, in which direction, in order to lay a fortification in this direction, they can guess as much as they want, the decision is up to our general staff and supreme commander-in-chief, united with the kiev regime, his desire to fight to the last ukrainian, the collective west, finally scraped together money for new military tranches. the process is led, as usual, by the usa and great britain, but with the presence of the main human resource, the armed forces of ukraine have catastrophic
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problems, there are virtually no people left willing to go to the slaughter, and the militants who returned from the front line alive do not want to go there again ; they are engaged in counter-propaganda, because i see the attitude our government to us, that's it, they drove us into such a framework, every time they are not like even the military, in relation to even ordinary citizens...
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ukrainians from 20 years old, his argument is deadly simple, this is the only way to recruit young people for assault brigades, which are capable of carrying out offensive operations without equipment the ukrainian foreign ministry took up the operation of draft dodgers who had fled abroad and introduced a ban on the provision of consular services to men of military age. staying abroad does not relieve a citizen of his duties to his homeland. that's why i instructed yesterday take measures to restore fair treatment of men of military age in ukraine abroad. it will be fair. advisor to the head of zelensky's office, podalyak,
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stated bluntly. if you want new documents, including international passports, come back.
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we have to make efforts to help ukraine. the polish colleague was also supported by the lithuanian minister of defense lyubomiros kasciunos. according to eurostat , more than 4 million ukrainians live in the eec countries, of which about 860 thousand are adult men. poland provided temporary protection for almost a million ukrainians, which is the second highest figure after germany. poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia - these will be the skirmishers, and germany and other european countries will simply join in. as always, there will be those who join him, but the hatred is already monstrous, they get our money for free, they get more than we do, and what do we get, the europeans say, on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, the europeans, of course, need certain actions. ukrainian public pages write that zelensky’s office has long been working with the european union on the issue of returning ukrainians to their homeland.
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the first results were achieved at the last nato summit, so poland and the baltic states are already at a low start. but the main word is, as the usa usually said. ukraine itself will have to supply troops. as we worked day after day to pass this bill, president biden also worked with president zelensky to discuss mobilizing and delivering sufficient troops to fight. that is, catching as much as possible more potential ukrainian corpses became a condition for the provision of a us military aid package, the newspaper. the new york times directly writes about washington's pressure on kiev on this issue, citing the words of us assistant secretary of state james o-brien, who visited kiev this week. ukraine needs to make sure it has the people it needs to fight. and the european union in this scandalous situation has once again demonstrated its mastery of hypocrisy and double standards. in september 2023, the european commission condemned the law
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belarus to stop issuing documents to citizens outside the country. we're talking about those who ran away after. failed attempt to rock the belarusian maidan. the european union strongly condemns this decision and we will continue to stand with the people of belarus. we need to see what practical consequences there will be for belarusian citizens living in the eu. representative of the eu foreign service, peterstan. in the ukrainian case , the european commission believes that everything is in order, there is no cause for concern. we have taken note of ukraine's statements. representative european commission anita hipper. so the moment of truth has come for those who rode on the ukrainian maidan without visas. ivankanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one. so, the white house pushed through a package of military assistance to the kiev regime for six months.
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its speed is three times the speed of sound; this is not the only feature of such missiles. the missile can descend unpredictably, maneuver its way to the target, can even follow a moving target, making course corrections, and fall vertically if necessary. in this case, the warhead carries charge weighing more than 200 kg. these are the weapons that congress instructed the american president to transfer to ukraine, with one caveat, however, if this does not harm the national security of the united states. biden appears to have decided that...
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president biden secretly approved the decision to send more than 100 longer-range missiles, as well as additional cluster munitions, in mid-february, according to a senior us official. they were included in the march arms package worth $300 million (the first since december, when funding ran out), administration officials. territory of ukraine and will not use them outside their borders, they have fulfilled these obligations time after time in relation to other weapons systems. jake sullivan is, of course, lying. back in december 2022
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, american haymarc installations transferred by the ukrainian army struck the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region. in january of this year , an il-76 with ukrainian prisoners of war on board was shot down from a patriot installation near belgorod. moreover, in the latter case, according to available data, operators... when we do something, we leave a lot of traces. let me explain: approximately 700 of them are administrators and those who provide delivery. another 3.00 people are associated with the cia,
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engaged in intelligence and information processing, including being directly on the battlefield . and about 3 to 5 more are engaged in ensuring the activities of the ukrainian government. and the need for western specialists is only increasing. the stockpiles of weapons are still of soviet production .
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not even in poland, in western europe in the country production, otherwise send from the ocean, it turns out that the efficiency of sending a return is close to zero, whatever one may say, but it is impossible to do without on-site repair shops in which western specialists will work, the only catch is that these specialists, as a rule, with shoulder straps, that is, active military personnel of nato countries. it is simply impossible to hide their presence under the guise of civilian personnel or volunteers, but there is no choice, foreign affairs assures, they are frightened by the imminent collapse of the kiev regime. threatening to send troops, european countries are trying to prevent this alarming prospect. however, to seriously turn the tide in ukraine, european countries must not limit themselves to mere talk, they must seriously consider sending troops to ukraine for logistical support and training. protecting the state border of key infrastructure or even the defense of ukrainian cities, they must make it clear to russia that europe is ready to defend the territorial sovereignty of ukraine. for
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some reason. for obvious reasons, the authors of holy are confident that the prefix rear in relation to western military units in ukraine will protect them from destruction, however , according to all the customs of war, they automatically become a legitimate target, but western readers are urged not to be afraid of this either, and even describe all the benefits of a direct collision with russian army. europe needs to consider a direct combat mission that would protect ukrainian territory west of the dnieper. the presence of european troops will make it unlikely. rivers from russia and will secure the main part ukraine from conquest. one of russia's potential targets is odessa, ukraine's main port. if russian troops approach the city, nearby european troops will have the right to defend themselves and open fire on the advancing soldiers. the overton window, opened by the french president in february, when macron first voiced the idea of ​​sending western troops to ukraine, initially caused a lot of noise, but the topic was not closed; on the contrary,
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since then the western... as they say, to the last ukrainian, while westerners are dangerous balancing on the brink a direct military clash between nuclear powers, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences, and only the russian minister warns about this; there are also many in the west who are able to discern where everything is heading, but they are in a clear minority. on tuesday, the upper house of the us congress overwhelmingly approved a bill to allocate money to ukraine. 79 votes for, 18 against. the only one who was not afraid to share his concerns out loud was senator jay. this is war fever, this is our inability to understand what
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is really happening in... a foreign government just because they don't like what we are doing in ukraine, this is not a good faith discussion, slander, which only leads to us making increasingly bad decisions, how strange it is when your compatriots give arguments, instead of answering... you are wrong for such and such reasons, or i do not agree with you for subsequent reasons, they point a finger in your face and say, you are putin’s puppet, you represent the interests of a foreign regime, making a decision, just like that thus we bankrupted the country and begin the third world war. the senator was clearly referring to his colleague from the lower house, congresswoman margery greene. for her anti-war position , she was subjected to real obstruction in her homeland. the new york newspaper even featured
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one of them on the cover... he was personally criticized by the republican minority leader in the senate, mitch mccon. this time , contrary to his habit, he didn’t even get stuck while talking to journalists. the demonization of ukraine was started by tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where shouldn't have been there from the very beginning; it was vladimir putin who interviewed him. tucker has a huge audience and many republicans have followed him. it was a mistake. tucker carlol, however, does not give up and continues to explain to the audience the whole deep meaning of what is happening on the capital hill in white.
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american republican, presidential candidate donald trump. previously, he had repeatedly spoken out against the allocation of money to ukraine, but when it came to making a final decision, he simply withdrew, and this may have become one of the decisive factors, reports abc. former president donald trump scuttled plenty of deals on capitalist hill, but senate minority leader mitch mccon says trump's decision to hold his tongue on the $95 billion foreign aid issue.
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including for ukraine, turned out to be decisive in the passage of the bill. donald trump did not get involved in the fight as he had done before. he was more positive about the issue of support. ukraine, so i think he also played a role in this, he did not speak at they surrendered to the republican minority. one can only guess what made trump silent; one cannot help but pay attention, for example, to a closed event called trump’s visit, which took place at the former president’s estate in early april. then all the key sponsors of his election campaign gathered for dinner with him; according to rumors, among them were people associated with the largest military corporations, ray thon and lockheath martin, the same ones that... are impatiently waiting for the opportunity to grab their share of orders from package worth tens of billions of dollars, and they, apparently, did not become greedy. former president trump's campaign received a historic amount of contributions, more than
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$50 million in palm beach at a fundraiser. trump broke all records for republican and democratic candidates. money is what trump so desperately needs today, overwhelmed by a huge number of lawsuits. lawsuits and exorbitant fines, he has already encountered difficulties in paying his election bills, the number rallies with his participation have clearly decreased recently, so generous contributions turned out to be just right; by the way, after the party with sponsors , british foreign minister david cameron came to visit trump, the meeting was also closed and no leaks about the content of the conversation happened , soon speaker mike johnson was in the same place, after which he immediately brought the funding bill to a vote... is there a connection between these events? the question is rather rhetorical, while trump himself carefully avoids answering the future speaker of the house of representatives, whom some republicans propose to strip of his powers. mr. president, how are you
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going to defend speaker johnson? we'll see what happens, i think he's a good person. behind the words about a good man johnson, there is a hint that the speaker simply had no choice, and indeed, when you are being pressured from all sides by both the current president and... the former, who may well become the future, it is incredibly difficult to resist, everything , what johnson could do was just come to terms with his role as a scapegoat. it is also impossible not to notice that the american mainstream press mostly prefers to remain silent about trump’s role in allocating funding to ukraine. both democrats and republicans are equally unprofitable from talking about this topic. for voters, they must remain bitter political rivals. this is what the laws of the genre require. american election show. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo, sergey chivelo, channel one usa. american secretary of state anthony blinken is divided personality. otherwise, it is difficult to describe his behavior during his visit to china. at the meeting with
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chairman xi, damn demonstrated unexpected friendliness, but as soon as the meeting ended and the head of american diplomacy alone came out to the journalists, it happened, according to the astap classic. at meetings with nato allies and ours. partners in the group of seven last week, i heard the same message: fueling the russian military-industrial complex with china threatens the security of not only ukraine, but also europe. china should end this activity. the united states has already imposed sanctions against hundreds of chinese entities. we are determined and ready to take new measures. in eastern diplomacy , at first glance, purely external nuances are of great importance. how a guest is greeted and seen off speaks volumes about the degree of respect. disposition towards him. blinkin was greeted in shanghai, where he landed on his way to beijing, only by the chairman of the local party committee. there was no red carpet, but the farewell of the united states secretary of state from the middle kingdom has already been called the final humiliation blinkin. only the american ambassador arrived at the airport. political scientist, host
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of the big game program on channel one, dmitry simes, is well acquainted with the peculiarities of american diplomacy. and here is his analysis of what happened in beijing and what it might lead to. good evening! thinking about the main events of the past week, naturally, the visit of the united states secretary of state, antony blinken, to beijing immediately comes to mind. the idea was to try to strengthen chinese-american relations and somehow smooth out serious contradictions. but we have to to put it bluntly, secretary of state. denied any real flexibility to american desires, if not to break china, then at least to bend it in order to strengthen american hegemony. the us secretary of state and the chinese
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leader tried to maintain a conciliatory tone, but in essence, obviously, the main differences remained, and these differences are central to the definition. relations between beijing and washington, well, if there were any doubts about how washington actually evaluates the results of the visit, then anthony blincon clarified. in his latest interview with cnn, where he accused china of neither more nor less interference in the american elections. it seemed to me that this was a very strange statement, given that, after all, president biden is running against donald trump, who is considered tougher on china than biden himself. what specific violations did blinken refer to? from a chinese country, he could not explain, china is by
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definition to blame. speaking about the results of the visit, the chinese leaders really did not wanted to create the impression of a crisis and emphasized their interest in normal constructive relations with the united states. but it's clear, if you look at the level of trade between the united states and china, it's clear that. beijing is in no way interested in breaking off relations, but on the other hand, sizemping, determining what was happening in relations, clearly told the us secretary of state that, in general, china has the right to its own line of development, and does not expect and will not tolerate it dictated like china should conduct its foreign policy, and even more so, how it should... if you look
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broadly at the relations between china and the united states, then it must be said that in general, the biden administration is behaving, in my opinion, more like napoleon and hitler than in the american tradition laid out. the first president george washington continued largely by richard nixon. hitler and napoleon proceeded from the fact that their countries were superpowers, that it was not necessary to agree with anyone, that everyone should listen to their instructions, and if they did not listen, they will be forced. and so mr. blinken, speaking about what... he managed to achieve in beijing, said that from the point of view
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of the biden administration, it is not permissible for china to have at least some kind of military-technical cooperation with russia, and added that if china does not correct its behavior, then the united states will do it itself. i would be interested to know that the secretary of state meant that they would strike at the trains coming. from china to russia, or maybe via airfields through which cargo is sent, very interesting it would be understandable, this is what was meant by this kind of phrase, which, it seems to me, is absolutely inappropriate when you are talking about american relations with two great nuclear powers; at one time , us secretary of state kissinger defined nixon’s policy towards china this way. and the soviet union. he wrote: in fact
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, we had an even more difficult strategic task to accomplish: transform the cold war world of two superpowers into a triangle, and then manage it so that our country, he in view of the united states, naturally, it interacted with each of its rivals more closely than they would cooperate with each other, thereby we and...
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blinken came to beijing supposedly to reconcile to create opportunities for cooperation, but before his arrival an increase in steel tariffs was announced, which is
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largely chinese steel, we export to america, but what’s even cooler is that in addition to problems with... steel, there are problems with the advancement of american alliances closer to the chinese borders, and now they are going to to send, according to the new american agreement with the philippines, no more, no less, american marines , american warships to patrol areas of conflict between china and the philippines, and these troops are supposed: at least for possible use against china, but that's it, come on calling a spade a spade is already diplomacy of an open announcement that if you do not obey our wishes in your own, if not territorial waters, then at least
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waters that are much closer to china than to to the united states, that if you do not do this, we will be ready to use force against... you, and not in the distant future, when necessary? i think it is not surprising that on this basis, the united states will not be able to develop relations with china, and if we speak by and large, we are talking about washington’s frantic attempts to strengthen the preservation of american hegemony, but they no longer think that it is effective, that it can work, this is dangerous diplomacy, dangerous for... international security, but above all, very dangerous for the united states itself. in china, however, an event more interesting than blinkin’s visit took place this week: the beijing international motor show started, it became the largest in the world, beating three whales - frankfurt, geneva and takiy. the main focus of visitors is on the latest products
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of the chinese automobile industry, high technology, efficiency and maximum comfort, both in luxury cars and in models designed for the mass consumer. by the way, american. the secretary of state promised problems to china in europe, but ordinary people europeans, as they say, vote with their wallets. germany, the leader in the old world for car production, is handing over the market to the chinese, and not only germany. ivan the blagoy was convinced. it didn’t work out, hitler didn’t succeed, nato won’t succeed either. of course, it is unexpected to see on the window of a car show in berlin a text about the broken promise not to expand nato to the east and that russia has the right to defend itself. 2 years ago bernt quincie was told that... you do, you will ruin the business, but no, things are going uphill. queens sell chinese cars, the difference in price with german cars often reach 10-15 thousand euros, while there are simply no poor basic configurations. you can’t say, i don’t want a panoramic roof, it’s always included, you can’t remove anything, if someone says:
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i don’t need a lane departure warning system, it won’t work, or massage seats in front, this function is always there.
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but they are definitely no longer rare, there are more and more of them. a year and a half ago there were only 70 chinese car dealers, now there are twice as many. kwinky previously worked with a south korean brand, which had tough requirements even for furniture in a car showroom. the chinese don’t care; there are also no standards for dealers on the minimum number of cars they can order. such tactics , together with low prices and work on quality, bear fruit. in 2022, china overtook germany, the world's second largest exporter. cars. this quarter, chinese auto exports grew 58% compared to the same period last year. china has overtaken leader japan. it was a shock. the american edition of the wall street journal released. article, saying that with the help of russia, china has become in the world number one. western automakers, having left our country, themselves made this possible offensive. they are watching closely, an article
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in the german publication focus. russia produces chinese cars at a german plant and mocks mercedes. they say the quality is not worse. this is about the plant in solnechnogorsk, but how it all started at the geneva auto show, we have repeatedly heard complaints about the chinese with cameras, who, as we were assured, were engaged in industrial espionage. i was interested in the smallest details, for example, how the materials were joined, how they were made what the door handles or window keys are made of, color, texture, everything was photographed extremely carefully. in 2012 , the hosts of the cult british show for car enthusiasts, top gear, happily mocked chinese attempts to copy european and japanese cars. then jeremy clarkson, however, uttered a phrase that turned out to be prophetic. in just 5 years , china has gone from producing this. producing something like this with such a speed of progress, where will they be in another five years? 2016 german concern bmw lost immediately
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three leading specialists from the team of electric vehicles of the series and. they were lured away by the chinese. earlier, the former vice-president of the american division of volkswagen left for china. the chinese bought up foreign specialists en masse, betting on segments that could take off in the future and eventually became leaders in the creation of electric cars. the most important part in electric cars. a modern battery, and it has its own know-how and its homeland in china, where new technologies are being introduced. communication with the car software, development is going very quickly. how many of you have a digital car key in your smartphone that you can share, for example, with your son or daughter, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. another german blogger is surprised at the slowness of european automakers in china; such things will surprise few people; the european commission sounded the alarm a year ago. global markets are now flooded with cheaper chinese cars, and the price is kept artificially low by huge
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government subsidies. in general, funderline announced the beginning of an investigation into subsidizing the production of chinese electric cars. forbes reported this week that brussels is on the verge of introducing protective duties. at the same time, the europeans drove themselves into a trap. the production of cars with internal combustion engines has been prohibited since 1935, but with electric cars everything is complicated. according to. investment bank ubs the eu did not seem to realize that chinese manufacturers are about 5 years ahead of europeans, and their production costs are about 30% lower. and all this was compounded by high energy costs as a result of sanctions hysteria in relation to russia. a trade war with china could have devastating consequences, especially for german automakers. from 30 to 40% of cars sold worldwide are bmw. volkswagen, porsche, the rest, they are sold in china. for the volkswagen group, its factories in china are the most important market,
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with over 200,000 vehicles sold there in january alone. and the songs the band's management sings are completely different from those of fonderline. i think all car manufacturers around the world can benefit from chinese speed, chinese spirit in development of innovations. last year, the german giant acquired a license for the platform from the chinese manufacturer xpen. russian crossover g9. we are talking about packages of hardware and software solutions for electric vehicles. how did it come to this? the germans have problems with development. but there was so much skepticism when in 2010 the swedish brand volvo was acquired by the chinese company jieli. the deal gave the brand a new lease of life. the global development program is now developed at headquarters in shanghai. models of the brand are produced including three chinese factories. well, potential buyers came to a car dealership in berlin. have you already had experience with chinese cars? i don’t have one, my brother-in-law bought one, so how does he like it? at the moment i am quite satisfied, so far there have been no technical problems, nothing
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to say, excellent price-quality ratio. the owner of the car dealership, bernt quincke, does not believe that tariffs can be used to stop chinese automobile expansion. things are going well for him, and he continues to provoke the authorities with pro-russian inscriptions on the windows. moreover, he also rented space on the wall of a house nearby, where he wrote everything he thought about the conflict unleashed by the united states and nato. german political elites playing along with the americans. ivan blagoev, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, yulia zagranichnogo, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. the development of relations between russia and azerbaijan was discussed by vladimir putin and ilham aliyev. the meeting took place on monday in the kremlin. the focus was on regional security issues. our trade turnover is growing, it has already reached more than 4 billion dollars, and a lot interesting areas of cooperation in
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the real sector of the economy in cooperation. in infrastructure, some of them are rumored, in my opinion, by the public of our countries, of course, we will talk about the situation from the point of view of ensuring security in the region, there are a lot of issues here, they are very sensitive, we are in the material on each of them, we are very we are pleased with how our ties are developing, for more than 2 years we have been working within the framework of the declaration on allied cooperation that we signed here in the kremlin in february 2022, questions regional security is constantly on the agenda of our meetings, and we are also pleased with how they are being addressed. russia is a fundamental country in terms of regional security in the caucasus and wider geography, and it
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depends on the effective interaction between our countries. a large, substantive conversation between the president and business captains about the rules of the game and personnel training technologies. vladimir putin took part in the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. the president stressed: the authorities will continue to support entrepreneurial activity. the launch of promising projects creates new jobs, and therefore leads to an increase in the well-being of russian families. the key statements of the head of state were collected by konstantin paneshkin. president of russian federation. the first meeting with business after the elections at the rsp congress is a kind of message from the president to the business community. for the next 6 years, we will ensure maximum predictability of conditions for conducting and developing business. i am sure that, of course, everyone has many questions on this topic. indeed even the richest people in the country are complaining.
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the last few years have been distinguished by the fact that there was not some kind of stability, but there was. many decisions have been made, well, of such a one-time nature, that is, export tires changed, appeared, disappeared, mineral extraction tax changed, well, all sorts of other rules changed, this of course introduces great uncertainty, we hope that in this cycle of conversations that is now happening with government and so on, well, it will be possible to form something more or less stable for some time for several years, at least until 2030, this is the period vladimir putin ordered. modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden, while stimulating businesses that develop and invest, including in infrastructure, social, and personnel projects, such as
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the rsp proposal to increase investment deductions in exchange for tax increases. profit has already been taken into account by the government, we will expand this tool, we see that it is in demand, we will need to decide on key industries, which require government support, including through tax mechanisms, the task is generally ideal so that active investing companies, well, at least for them, do not worsen the situation, it does not worsen, yes, but preferably it may even improve somewhere, and with that, to stimulate, to direct money not for dividends, but conditionally, yes, for consumption, updated tax parameters. vladimir putin himself raised another painful topic for business: the nationalization of enterprises, which, according to the prosecutor general's office, were illegally privatized in the nineties. i would like to emphasize that this is not about revising privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about
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cases where actions or inactions of the owner. enterprises, property complexes, cause direct damage to the country's security and national interests, i want to once again draw the attention of my colleagues in this room, in law enforcement agencies, the seizure of a business is justified only in the situation that i just mentioned, and i will add to explain the claims owners, no formal reasons are allowed clues. business is counting on this, the president today made it clear that in cases where, say, mistakes in privatization are associated with incorrect decisions of federal or regional authorities, it is impossible to apply all, so to speak, harsh sanctions to those who became the owner of the state or municipal property, so this is certainly a big step
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forward, not only in understanding the situation, but also we see... in law enforcement practice. question about the cost of debt a year ago, the central bank's key rate was 7.5%. today it’s 16, in commercial banks it’s even higher; not every business can borrow for development at such a percentage. banks today have accumulated large financial liquidity, but this is often complicated by high rates, which greatly complicates the process of attracting extra-budgetary financing. banks have enough liquidity, the key rate is in the way, but just yesterday, the day before yesterday i was once again in constant contact with the chairman of the central bank, lending volumes are growing and the pace is good, well... a threat, a threat of inflation, according to management of the central bank, it still hangs over us, we see trends, positive trends, in the downward direction,
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i hope the regulator will have an appropriate reaction, a little later the president spoke about the rate even more optimistically, i am sure that changes there will be, i very much count on, stormy, prolonged applause, i ask you not to consider any pressure on the central bank on the central bank, but the applause is ready and didn’t help the very next day, friday, chairman of the central bank elvira nabiulina did not rule out maintaining the current key rate until the end of the year, and if inflation accelerates, even raising the rate, but this is already a negative forecast, the weighted average on saturday at a meeting with the government , vladimir putin formulated as follows:
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a solid basis for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon. all this will be useful for implementing the most expensive presidential message in history, for example, for the restoration of new entities. over the decades of ukrainian rule , everything was washed out of the region, washed out of industrial enterprises, mines were simply exploited mercilessly, the entire infrastructure was finished off. there in donetsk the networks are worn out, the water supply there is 90%, there are more heating systems there. you know exactly what state everything is in, in general donbass has a very good industrial potential, it is no coincidence that in the twenties, we all remember these posters of the twenties:
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donbass, the heart of russia, that’s how it was then, to a large extent, this is due to the huge industrial potential, and it remains, you said that the situation at many enterprises is difficult, and it is, that's for sure, but the potential is very good. and enterprises, many enterprises in donbass have good prospects, but what we see is the result, there is already a return, and since the representative of donbass has received the floor, i want to convey words of great gratitude from the residents of donbass for not being abandoned at a difficult moment to be eaten this fascist wickedness, and people are grateful, the whole of vast russia came to the rescue. of course, of course, without your strong-willed, wise, very far-sighted decision, nothing would have happened, the election results that passed, our people, they
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expressed their position and attitude towards our national leader not in word, but in deed. first of all, everyone should thank the residents of donbass and novorossiya for their courage, patience and heroism, the most difficult trials that people have been going through in these regions since 2014, of course, sometimes they can’t wrap their heads around it, it’s just painful to watch, but uh, we ’ll get there order, that's for sure. private initiative helps to bring this moment closer. the people's military-industrial complex is already working at full speed, the ministry of defense cannot keep up with the proposals track what people working in
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this area offer. every day, every day new proposals are born. moreover, success on the line of combat contact depends on how efficiently and quickly technological problems are solved today, and with what advance. the opposing sides simply do this in real time, and we have our own victories for russian business. at the moment, we can say with confidence that... sovereignty in the russian transport industry has been restored. in 2022 sanctions have limited the possibilities of sea transportation for our entrepreneurs. after 2 years, the pressure is not decreasing, but the russians have found the necessary merchant fleet and established safe routes. domestic corporations purchase warehouses and even entire ports abroad for their needs. here, state help will not hurt. the creation or acquisition of their own structure abroad will allow russian companies and, most importantly, russian vessels, even after the introduction of targeted sanctions , to ensure direct ship calls between russian. ports, our own
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russian ports and our own ports abroad, without the possibility of creating any restrictions from third parties. of course, supporting the process is 100%. those who did this feel quite confident, now we don’t even need to name them, but the acquisitions are large and work effectively in today’s conditions . russian port infrastructure is needed primarily in friendly countries in africa and the middle east, of course, in india and china, and speaking of china, this is according to one of the members.
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a visit is planned, in may, i will definitely take this book with me and give it to our friend, he is a strong leader and a real man, so yes, yes, so this is jokes aside, but really, if this is so, he loves the book, with i’ll be happy to give it to him, as soon as the president’s conversation with business ended, they came for the book, let’s go hand it over then, the representative of the president’s protocol, that ’s it.
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there is no one helping to reunite families. at the mercy of the elements, the latest data on the situation with floods are the beginning of the wildfire season, what do you need to remember? the heroes who won a great victory are always with us, as the immortal regiment event will take place this year. different, but always honest 100 years since birth. what role did he play in the life of the president? we 'll continue after the commercial. the sovereign ordered the cross of st. andrew the first-called to be dug all over the place, and he founded a fortification and named it st. petersburg. we will drive the shers out of here. pali! wow! charge, mr. sergeant, the swede
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is walking with his fist, and we are stretched out in a line, it will tear us to death, we are peter’s guard, we there’s no way to run, get up, otherwise you’ll be killed, fuck you, i envy peter that he has such guards, closer to the tsar, you have to stand up, there are new people around him now, daddy, take a breath, there’s even a special air here, a country dance, it seems like the tsar a new favorite has emerged. cathedral, tomorrow on first. genie cnop, a product of the stellar group. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. veda vodka,
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stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, steersman bourbon , stellar group product, mancacher whiskey, product of the stellar group, when i arrived in paris, i was not famous, fashion seemed to have frozen between the 70s and the years, here inside. i think he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i was once young myself, and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of costumes and dresses; most of the time in
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couture he gives preference to a large evening dress. how long does one collection last? it practically lasts until the next fashion show, that is, 6 months. i really liked yudashkin's show, i think his level corresponds to international fashion. congratulations valentin. in loving memory of vyacheslav zaitsev and valentin yudashkin on may 4 at the first. dear friends, i congratulate you on your significant, bright anniversary. half a century ago, the construction of the legendary baikal began. amur highway. joyful tuning of guitars, furious tuning of the squad. there is my country. and the rest is all you. the dream comes true. and it doesn't fucking come true.
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platbands walk oponichniki. everything for you. shillov is alive, svetka, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, sidorenko, work together we will, there’s nothing, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone should stand, we are investigating a criminal offense,
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we urgently need the files of these people, why did you take her with you, every fighter in our country is on a set, she is not a fighter. she's your wife. grigory ivanovich, where are you going? with you, some kind of unkind, but also evil, just shy, not evil, incredulous. where is he? here, life without pain simply does not exist. all we can do is try not to cause. others according to the laws of war, new episodes from may 1 on the first, you think that i have no heart, or i don't feel anything, it's sunday
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time and we continue. experienced the loss of loved ones, saw a lot of grief beyond their years, children separated by combat operations are finally with their relatives. negotiations between representatives of russia and ukraine in kathor are bringing results, and if the mediation mission of the arab country is noble, then the west is not just speculating on such a sensitive issue, but is outright lying. the main thing is that the worst is over for the children themselves. report by vitaly kachenko. you also confuse ukrainian words with russian letters. nothing, life from scratch, moscow school, another program, new friends, fourteen-year-old bogdan, his grandmother tatyana alexandrovna miraculously managed to get him out of ukraine, his parents died several years ago, bogdan lived with distant kiev relatives while his grandmother from
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russia tried to get guardianship . of course, i was scared for my grandson, because firstly , he will be 15 now, in june, that’s why. what is already scary, who knows how they are there, what else they will come up with, this is tatyana aleksandrovna about conscription and mobilization in the ssu, but there were other concerns, they tried to take bogdan abroad, italy was also involved, they wanted to send him to italy, at first they said to his family, then they told him to just treat his leg for a month, then they told him to go to germany, you know, these were the ones like that, therefore, all this would lead... either they would not make contact at all, or would subsequently abandon the agreements reached.
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ukraine often behaves ugly, at the beginning one thing is said, then it is immediately turned around, but this can be seen in the example of our reunited families, that is, here we are we reunite relatives with children there, here in moscow, yes, i communicate there with grandmothers, with mothers, everything is fine, only they cross the border, the rhetoric changes, accusations towards russia immediately begin, that’s why this fixation of the third is very important for us . countries of intermediaries, and kator acted as such an intermediary. the first face-to-face meeting between russia and representatives of ukraine took place in doha this week. children also flew to qatar and were recently reunited with their families. together with them, their brothers, sisters, many had to endure the horrors of war, bombings, and the death of loved ones. the mission of our delegation is to relax and improve the health of families that were reunited during a special military service. these are the amazing emotions that
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children and their parents experience, finally the emotions are peaceful, we are going into the clouds, the waves of the persian gulf, an excursion, a water park, in addition to relaxation, a course of treatment for psychological assistance, how are you doing, high five, i was present at the meeting with the families minister of state for international cooperation. then - we’ll also go to the camp, near moscow, the eldest son will go to university, he will also
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help, because he has a ukrainian certificate, and milana’s separation from her mother lasted 9 years, her ex-husband took their common daughter to an unknown direction without consent, irina searched for the girl for years, found her on social networks in october twenty third in ukraine. maria liksin helped us with the documents so that we could connect and transfer through the moldovan side. to milan to russia, that her passport is russian, and that she should be with her mother, because according to the law, she must live with me. and what does our country, through the mediation of kater, is not dictated by politics, solely by the interests of children. here are the statistics: just from last year’s meeting, five returned to russia, another 11 should return from ukraine and eight from eu countries. and in ukraine, 28 children were reunited with their families. another 29 families are waiting there in the near future. that's all.
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the task set by vladimir vladimirovich, putin is that there must be applicants, that is , there must be a specific person from this or that country who is looking for this child. screams the loudest, hold on vora, the thief himself, this is the conclusion of the entire information campaign that is being waged against our country, ukraine, together with its western curators, 161 children, whom they accused russia of abducting, were recently found in germany, of course, there was no apology, so come back . germany, as well as italy, spain, norway,
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austria, are taking away children en masse from refugees from ukraine; no one can help them. ukrainian consuls in the eec countries refuse to even accept applications from their fellow citizens. my children were abducted by social services in spain, in the city of derio, my child richard kovalev, 9 months ago strangers came and took me away, they are not giving me the child back and they have not shown me my little son for 83 days, please save my ukrainian son, the children were seized by the juvenile system of portugal , we are not fakes, my daughter is really being held by the german juvenile service, i inform the ukrainian media that i am not a fake, i am a real person from ukraine, we ask you for help, so that you can help us take our children, in europe this is not a random case, human rights activist living in the uk recently managed to help a family from transcarpathia bring home four children,
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but this is rather an exception to the european rules. they apply home jurisdiction by default. the grandmother has only seen it once since april 3, they have no intention of giving it away, neither to the grandmother, nor to the father, to anyone, a unit of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs is acting unceremoniously with threats against civilians with children, for the first time about the armed formation of the white angel, my colleagues were told by residents of the liberated artyomovsk, which were hidden from these angels of their children. our grandmothers
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stood guard like sentries, so the military came into the yard, one grandmother distracted them, the second... from the parents, where they went is unclear, yes, no one knows. local residents told us about the white angels organization. they begin to hide their children literally immediately after this so-called mandatory evacuation is announced. and just some time ago, having returned from yasenovataya, we just met with parents who had been hiding their little son from
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four years old, he spent 2 years in the basement without light, children who were in orphanages . pretemovsk was found in different children, we never know the information. irina, italy, spain, and so on, and about how many european countries was there information about a mother of many children from avdeevka coming face to face with white angels. they come there to the gate. for almost 10 months, from april last year until the liberation of the city by our military, irina had to hide her twelve-year-old son. they were looking for the boy, armed people from the white angel were walking around the courtyards. the neighbors asked, supposedly they wanted to take the child to a safe place or to his father, have the legends changed? i am a mother, i am responsible for him, and his father wants to take him away, which father? well, where is he there in zhitomir or chernigov? i say: wow, so where is he? in zhytomyr or chernigov? you don’t know his last name, you still don’t know my last name, but do you know your father’s last name?
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irina's testimony, as well as other parents who were kidnapped by the kiev regime or tried? the forcible removal of children will form the basis of a large criminal case about the atrocities of the kiev regime. the state duma will present the results of the investigation into crimes against minors in the near future. vitaly katchenko, mikhail kunitsin, artyom tikhonov, veronika elvuchenkova and arseny baibulov, channel one. now about the flood situation. forecasters warn that floods are still ahead in most of russia. for example, in siberia there are two, sometimes three peaks. this happens because at first. snow melts in the lowlands, then in foothills only then in the mountains. so far the most difficult situation is in the tyumen region. in the orenburg and kurgan regions the water is gradually draining. the issue of assistance to victims is under constant control of the president; alina sanueva knows all the details. the tyumen region was one of the first to flood the village of
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plodopitomnik. the temporary embankment could not withstand the pressure of water. fortunately, there were no casualties or people. evacuated , several streets in the private sector and three snt remain under water ; you can’t do without high rubber boots here, but it’s not safe to go further in them, depth in some places it can reach 3 m. the water near the city of ishim also approached apartment buildings; local residents, men and women, spent several days building a protective structure in their microdistrict. we came to stock up for an emergency, but it turned out to be a good idea because it was a little out of the way. crumbled a little, here the embankment held up, this picture was back on april 20, in these frames it’s already the twenty- seventh, the water began to recede, to the shimino dam itself, which protects the city, there are round-the-clock patrols, and there rescuers are helping to strengthen the coastline volunteers, somewhere we won’t even rest once again, but work, because we need to work, because the water doesn’t
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rest either, the most difficult situation remains in the obat district, the water , although not as intense as before, continues to exist, level the ishim river exceeded the critical level. the tyumen-omsk federal highway is under threat of flooding. an embankment with a length of almost 13 km was erected here. now it is clear that the water has come close to the road. but the embankment was specially built with a margin, and it really is there visually about 3 m. in the area nine settlements are cut off from the mainland. there used to be fields and roads here, now there is water all around, so you can only get to some settlements by boat. residents are evacuated from temporary accommodation centers. but not everyone leaves their homes. we are ready to run for the hills. what is uval? this mountain is so high here. aiibzhupov breeds sheep horses, he simply cannot leave them if the water floods his village, he says he will live on the mountain. i have already brought a generator, a boat,
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set up a big tent. inside there is a bed, a table and even a samovar. aiib purchased medicines and products necessary for the first time. the tent, that’s how it is, according to the instructions, it’s written with 12 beds, if you take everything away, a lot of people will fit in. the situation in the tyumen region remains tense, but it is already possible. to say, a repeat of orsk or kurgan will not happen here. drawing on the experience of its neighbors, the region had time to prepare. the high water in the orenburg and kurgan regions is slowly but beginning to subside. the situation with floods and their consequences is constant control of the president. at every meeting , the main issue is helping the victims. the main thing is the problems that people face.
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applications, and in the tyumen region, 320 applications from 87 people in 87 families, i have your note in front of me, more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance have been accepted, and you just said 46,000 have been issued. well , this is a little more than 10%, and in all other regions the same is true in percentage terms, why is it so little? because residents submit
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applications in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency absolutely everything, and not just within the borders of flooded areas, i don’t really understand what it means that everyone serves, well, that is, people who did not fall into the flood zone serve, or what? yes, yes, yes, then it is not clear why you are accepting these applications, the person submitted the application. he was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, work needs to be organized so that people understand who has the right to what, please be more careful with this, especially since among those who really suffered were people who were formally for help they have no rights, natalya saprykina has two children, her husband is in the northern military district zone, their house is in a gardening partnership, which means, according to the law, they cannot yet count on payments from the state, our life is at stake here. he is our family, that is, we are with him, he is everything, what payments were made during the war, we invested everything in this house to pay off the mortgage,
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but now there are no houses, no capital, i don’t know, and they don’t promise any payments, but olga and victor and their two children lived in their new home for only a year, i held on, really, i held on, you know how painful it is, everything, everything, all the work, everything, everything health, everything is simple here. now they temporarily live in their parents’ one-room apartment, where they own 1/10 of the property and 1/0 also deprives the family of the right to compensation for damage. the heads of municipalities told vladimir putin about similar situations, the president indicated that a formal approach here is unacceptable. we definitely need to look at this issue more closely and resolve it informally. informally, this formalism has nothing in common in this case. has with those measures that are aimed at state measures to support people who find themselves in difficult life situation, and in general we need to once again,
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i want to say again, special attention needs to be paid to families with children, to large families. another order of the president concerned the revision of the cost of major housing repairs and the amount of one-time payments. the amount of payments itself was set in... in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount was not indexed either, i... ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments, to return to this and resolve the issue indexing. let me remind you today these are 10 thousand, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed. now there is a list of property for the loss of which
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compensation is paid, well, accordingly there is 100,000 or 50,000 rubles. so, depending on whether this property is included in this list or not, the corresponding funds are paid, should this list be canceled altogether? all your instructions will be carried out accordingly, money, resources, i have already reported, we have reserved, help, help. and the situation has already begun to change, according to the head of the ministry of construction irika fayzulina, payments will be made according to new federal standards. so, for example, for partial loss of essential property, the amount increased from 30 to 50,000, for complete loss from 50 to 100, work continues. a decision is being made on compensation, on making decisions on those houses that will be rebuilt, issuing certificates, those, all those support measures
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that... the president instructed us, they will be worked out for each territory, for each territory, i say this and dacha association, this means residential buildings, this all the necessary actions for the future too. this year’s flood has become a record for the last 30 years, tens of thousands of people are involved in eliminating its consequences, rescuers, military personnel, volunteers, officials, for the sake of the common cause everyone is working, as they say, to the max, and the president , of course, knows about this. we will reward everyone, we will celebrate everyone, but first we need to do the work, bring it to the end, everyone must work, and then we will distribute the rugs. alina sanoeva, alexey vaskov, evgeny yegoshin, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. so far only regions they are fighting the water element, in others the fire situation has become sharply complicated; if in the case of water this is a natural scourge, then in incidents with fire it is most often
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the person who is to blame, a thrown cigarette butt, or fallen grass. after school i went to check, and the fire was already moving into the trees in the forest belt, i decided that it was not worth bothering the firefighters, and decided to put it out myself. a local journalist wrote an article about artyom, for everyone lenev is a working-class village in the novosibirsk region, the boy became, albeit small, but a hero, and of course, an example for many adults who ignored the starting fire. i went to my social network feed and saw that the child had accomplished a feat, extinguished a fire, about which
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he himself had not spoken much, i’m proud. a very son, i think, we are raising a real man, already the second barrel, in the shpakovsky district of the stavropol territory , the workers of the local agricultural enterprise extinguished the burning grass, they reacted on time, the flames did not reach the buildings, there are public roads nearby , local residents, mushroom pickers, tourists constantly walk, you think fire caused by people started, well, because of what, from what, maybe something else, well, what from what, tell me, why might it not catch fire on its own now, right, on purpose, no one at home...
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nothing will happen, in shkotovo in primorsky becomes uncontrollable, he thinks that in the region, a little more than a month ago, at first only dry grass caught fire, but people noticed the fire too late, and it spread rapidly, two streets flared up, that day there was a very strong hurricane wind, well , actually, well, there has never been such wind before it happened, i turned my head, everything was in smoke everywhere, nothing was clear, nothing was visible, my house was already completely engulfed in fire. the neighbor's house started to burn, it burned down in less than 2 minutes. that day, the squally wind left neither residents nor firefighters a chance to cope with the flames, but this situation is rather an exception to the rule. usually... this is the control center in crisis situations,
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information about all ongoing emergencies flows here, it is received by operational duty officers and federal specialists, regional ones, statistics are compiled by mailings, these are the same messages that come to your phones with a mark from the ministry of emergency situations, but the most important thing here is that they predict how the emergency will develop. that is, they determine where the fire is moving and how easier it is to stop it before it reaches a populated area. if earlier emergency services relied only on calls and messages from local residents, now every thermal point on the country’s map is detected by space satellites, stationary cameras, and quadcopters. coordinates automatically appear in the database even even the smallest fire, the fire recognition system especially helps at night. when people sleep at night, they may not notice what is happening around them. well, most often this happens, at night thermal anomalies are most often not visible, but the system picks them up with infrared sensors and sends them, the satellite picks them up with infrared sensors and sends information to the portal. satellites and drones
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today help to detect arsonists and, of course, prove their guilt, footage filmed in the amur region. found two cars in the center fire, they saw that these two cars were leaving directly from the winter hut, they accordingly... burned it and thereby caused a forest fire in the state forest fund, they burned it because in the spring fires could come there so that their property there would not burn down, hunting, they protected it by the fact that it had already been burned, that is, the tenants of the land, saving their property, burned the state property, but they could have simply driven the equipment, demolished everything unnecessary and mowed down the dead wood, but if the terrain does not allow the passage of grass and reeds, you can burn it , but under supervision of the ministry of emergency situations employees, first of all , it is necessary to create the so-called...
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dead wood, where, at the request of entrepreneurs, where, for their own reasons, several hectares of dry grass will have to be burned in this area, here it is simply necessary, there is an airport nearby, the white roof of the terminal is visible, there is also a cemetery nearby, it is clear that both objects are protected either by specially made fire barriers or roads, that is, the fire will not spread to them, but experts say that it is better to be on the safe side, burn the grass here in advance, which is called controlled fire, a preventive fire saves the firemen’s energy, it’s easier to burn it yourself in advance, or tell the residents about the rules, than to put out the fire later, if you see that something is burning, you need to immediately inform your dad and mom, they teach children , they remind adults, you need
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to put this out urgently now, while we are here, for this there is generally a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles. that's it, put it out, often an instructive conversation like this ends, only those who are particularly dull are fined, like this one there's too much trash, okay. it is not allowed to store flammable garbage on this plot of land, i will ask for your passport, i will draw up a protocol against you, well, that’s how they do it, i need to burn the clearing so that later i have even grass, and then the houses burn, they they don't pay attention to it. now every fourth region of the country has a special fire regime; since the beginning of the year, more than 20,000 fires of dry vegetation have been recorded. i wonder how many fires would not have happened if everyone was a little more attentive, like artyom perkov from a tiny worker... the government, on behalf of the president , extended the program to help large families buy housing, we are talking about payments of 450
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thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage, this is a popular support measure, last year 1900 parents took advantage of it . now we are extending this measure for another 7 years. for those whose third and subsequent child is born before december 31, 2010, this will help parents take advantage of state assistance to purchase housing, for these purposes only more than 600 billion rubles additionally are required, including about 50 billion rubles this year. support for motherhood and childhood was discussed last week in st. petersburg at a council meeting.
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future work in government, in the region , i am confident that they will also prove themselves worthily in education, mentoring, and in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to point out is that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone. this is simply the environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we must choose for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing themselves, their health and life. there are less than two weeks until our big holiday for the great victory; preparations for the immortal regiment action are already in full swing, what it will be like this year, elena pich will tell you. this is my great-grandfather semyon petrovich barsov, we are flying with him
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for the fifth year already, my great-grandfather arkady alekseevich molkov is depicted on my t-shirt, he participated in the battle of stalingrad. this is my great-grandfather, vasily alexandrovich sukochev. this is my great-grandmother, vera mikhailovna novikova, during the great patriotic war she was a nurse. my heroes are always with me. in surgut, moscow, volgograd and voronezh, in thousands of cities and towns in russia, abroad. those who carefully preserve the history of the family and are proud of the exploits of their heroes are again preparing to stand shoulder to shoulder in the memorable formation of the immortal regiment, and let this time we will not see processions in the streets, but we will celebrate our favorite holiday on may 9 together with those who won the great victory. they will look at us from under the clouds, the bars aerobatic team will again fly with portraits of front-line soldiers over the cities of ugra. but i want him in the cockpit with me. nastya begunkova is very similar to
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her great-grandfather, his military id is kept in the family as a relic; she remembers what happiness it was when nikolai ovchinnikov returned home in 1945. the guys traditionally take photographs from their own family albums into the sky, but this year they invited everyone to join . about 7.0 applications were submitted, this is only in our district, we also have our friends, pilots in neighboring regions in moscow. moscow region, there will also be several thousand. victory volunteers will open a memory wall at the voronezh youth center by may 1st. the first portraits, of course, are of those who are so proud of in their own families. olga's grandfather vasily trakhnov was a telephone operator at the front. mom told me that here they were , that’s how he held the connection, he held the phone like in his right hand, a shell landed near his commander and killed him, and grandfather returned home without his right hand here. they say that they are often asked to find out about the combat path
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of front-line soldiers, because the veterans themselves did not like to talk about the war. when the guys come, when the guys start finding information about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, when they see why they were given an award. in schools, portraits of heroes are pasted on the windows, including those who went to the front immediately after graduation. volgograd school number 115 has already had several years, there is also its own wall of memory and every year there are photographs on...
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we will traditionally celebrate may 8th with a procession of the immortal workshop, because ityl was also a front, gennady ivanov, the man who once proposed holding a procession with portraits of front-line soldiers, has a dream to see on victory day on board the iss, photographs of cosmonauts who took part in the great patriotic war. georgy beregovoy, georgy dobrovolsky, vladimir shatalov, pavel bilyaev, konstantin fektistov, there are five of them in total , they should.
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drives up to this village and is sure to the first cars photographs of war participants or home front workers, precisely from this village, fellow countrymen from this village, this is perceived differently, in volgograd on an m-72 motorcycle, which he restored with his own... at the parade, a column of retro equipment, this time, with the hands of alexey nikulin leads every year , if the organizers allow, and plans to ride with a photo of his heroes. his grandmother and grandfather are both war veterans, he admits that as a boy he was terribly proud when, on may 9 on mamayev kurgan, complete strangers gave them flowers. improvised
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a small family museum, the glass of his car has been on his car for several years now. it's very nice when you leave the store and see people standing and reading what's here. written. this year the immortal regiment campaign will be held from may 1 to may 12. portraits of veterans of the great patriotic war, holders of the order of glory - heroes of the soviet union. information about their exploits will be on large media screens in cities in memory galleries in parks and public gardens. you can upload a photo of your hero to the immortal regiment website and share his story here. maybe someone has photographs, some other family heirlooms associated with the veteran. or you know some story that is being told. veteran, your grandfather, great-grandfather. you can find information about a relative who participated in the great patriotic war on the people's memory website. this project was created with the support of the ministry of defense. the immortal regiment has united millions of people, and there are no boundaries for this regiment. applications for processions have been submitted in sixty countries,
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and rallies will also be held abroad to lay flowers at monuments to heroes. elena pich, dmitry kochitkov, maya emelyanova, alexander yanykin, oleg statun, dmitry orekhov, channel one. historical memory is not something bookish and distant, it is something that helps today to make the right decisions for a successful future. the new non-profit organization eurasia will be involved in preserving historical memory throughout the post-soviet space and developing joint projects. schoolchildren, students, beginners, politicians and businessmen will have an excellent chance to show their talents and make their wildest dreams come true. cultural exchanges, internships at leading enterprises, preparation for university exams, sports. this is completely natural, because this is how we build our life within the country, inside russia, it will be very easy for us to build
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this kind of relationship, opening up our country in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of education, in the field of culture, in the field of sports exchanges. science, business, anything else. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of danat saboniones, beloved in russia and almost forgotten in his homeland of lithuania. solaris, beware of cars, low season and no one wanted dying, the trust operation and the escape of mr. mckinley, such different genres, directors and roles, but he is unique and unforgettable in every image. shortly before his death, bunyonis gave his last interview to channel one, speaking as talentedly and deeply as he played.
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each of us is a separate universe, this is exactly how he treated everyone he played, from clerks and scoundrels, to scientists and presidents, he always remembered the behest of his first director, a real actor, always a philosopher and an acrobat, only through actions do i understand who is who, how he acts, and not what his face is like, he can show his face for 2 hours, i don’t understand anything, please put it in the protocol that i did not resist during the arrest, when they offered to play a soviet... illegal immigrant, he was terribly surprised, well, which one i’m a scout, and director sava kulish suggested that he figure out on the set the prototype and his hero, intelligence officer konon molodoy, as a person similar to himself, banionis didn’t even think about it, i only had an idea that this was of course a gigantic man, you know, like that, james
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bond, handsome, so tall, i was surprised what kind of intelligence officer he was, when he was as tall as me, banionis questioned molodoy in detail. not even about the life of a scout, but about what he experienced and how he made choices. after the film, the low season, millions of boys dreamed of serving in intelligence. ponegonis recalled. once in the kremlin he... in tiny lithuanian ponevezhes, where the people's artist of the soviet union lived almost his entire life, playing on the stage of the city theater. for
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me, the most important thing is to reveal, to reveal human complexity. why is a person like this? it was clear that for this man, life in ignorance was an opportunity to hide and practice art. both are unprovable. you will recalculate. even a microscopic episode. understands that he is working with a great creator, but wants to solve the problem himself, and not be a brush in the hands of the artist. torkovsky told him, count to yourself 1, 2, 3, slower, faster, turn around, appearance is one, raise your hand, count to two, lower your hand, not my principle, and i say, absolutely, somewhere everything seems to be outwardly, understand, i got to... and they rehearsed separately
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from the director, they already came ready-made, what are you saying, i don’t understand anything, the first thing baniones thought about when he found himself near this pond near zvenigorod, where chris’s father’s house was filmed, why fly into space at all if there is one on earth? such beauty! in general, initially, according to the script, chris kelvin is sailing here on a boat, but torkovsky cancels everything at the last moment, but this is not a holiday home, why should a person seriously say goodbye to his home forever, have to relax on a boat? bonionis just looks at the director silently. torkovsky laughed, danatos a terrible bore, loves to talk about art, i haven’t talked to him for even two minutes, and he just can’t get over it, he keeps asking to show him the footage. prevented him
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from thinking about being chris kelvin, but it later turned out on the screen that his hero in the frame was constantly thinking intensely, because the neonist eventually recognized the director’s idea as brilliant. okay, the abyss of my remorse is so deep.
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duke, i must be in control of my conscience, when he played beethoven and goya, he says: well, these are geniuses, i can’t reach them, but i can understand their experiences, suffering, love troubles and so on, understand their human essence, spanish david, but what, what, what, you, not me, spanish david, you have just so much talent, i’m a little tired, but oh nothing. a very smart person, a lighthouse keeper who helps save besieged leningrad, one of danatasaniones’s last roles in a
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channel one film. this winter, two more weeks and wait, if not more, in his eyes something happens that a huge number of people then look at, realizing that all this present, such was the time, i was walking down the street and dreamed of meeting him by chance, that’s what i had, a fond dream, it’s always better to feel the goods with your hands, journalist, he spoke with pain and bitterness about the fact that , by the way, he didn’t recognize him with laughter the then minister of culture of lithuania, he approached her at some reception with a question, she said, who are you anyway, a failure of memory, the limit of pestilence, we are in exactly the same situation now, but in russia danatas banionis was always welcome, he i knew this and thanked him from the bottom of my heart, in any place they gave way to him, did not take
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money, in st. petersburg there was a throne dedicated to bunionis.
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that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay updated on the event, now on the first channel, what, where, when, the final of the spring series of games, dear tv viewers, the spring series has quietly come to an end, today we have april 28 in the club, what and where the whole finale awaits you...
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good evening, dear tv viewers, good evening, dear experts, mr. podashov, good evening, good evening, you led the team in the twenty-second year for three seasons you achieved serious success with it, six wins in eight games, including the final of the year, but you suffered one of the defeats just in the final of the series. maxim, finals are more difficult to play or it just happened that way,
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we’ll find out today, well, in general it seems more difficult. teams have an extra minute to think, and you can use it at any time, here it is, but we won’t bother you, we start with a super blitz, three questions, 20 seconds of thought, each played by one expert who will remain at the table, it's very hard like this it’s up to you to decide the situation, mr. presenter, i understand that they don’t do that, but can i ask you, who would you like to play with? no, i cannot answer this question for you, i understand.
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let's not waste time, umka, the answer is absolutely correct, let's continue the super blitz, attention to the second question, maria zvereva from sister retskaya is interested in who in portugal is called parkina and india, a piglet from india.


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