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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 29, 2024 1:05am-1:51am MSK

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again a change of school, again a change of city, again a change of team and again a change of teacher, but still you are already an accomplished ballerina, still you are already a big, serious ballerina, you are already a star, here is a transition to the corpse of a big theater with other traditions, was it psychologically difficult with a different school, with different relationships, with different internal rules? no, it wasn’t hard, i was ready for it, but the only thing that was really... hard for me was saying goodbye to my beloved teacher, olga nikolaevna moiseeva, she had already passed away, but that at that moment, this was such a close , dear person for me, that is, this is the teacher who made me a ballerina, all the ballerina’s parts, she passed everything on to me, she was a student of vaganova, that is, she told me so much, she showed me everything so well, it’s just that on tour we were always next to her, together, well, a very close
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person to me, and the only thing, probably, at that moment i was very worried and regretted that i was parting with her, not because i was leaving the marinsky theater , i have i had a great international career, i danced in many theaters around the world, it’s just that all the doors were open, and i was invited a lot, that’s why i already had such experience of working alone, i come, see my partner for the first time, and we begin...
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at that moment i was ready to move to the bolshoi theater, the only thing is that if you rewind life back, then 3 months passed from my first appearance at the marinsky theater, and i received the first invitation from the bolshoi theater, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, i am the first , which means i didn’t give my consent, only to the fourth time i gave my consent, each of my visits to moscow on tour carried with it an invitation to me...
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no, i probably didn’t even feel like it. sveta, when did you feel like you were a star? to be honest, i still don’t feel it. light, tell me, i see how much you are now enthusiastically working with young people and young dancers and very young dancers, is this an attempt to start a teaching career someday, or is it just a desire to help children and teenagers enter this profession. everything can be attributed, because if you remember the charity the svetlana festival, which took place for 7 years, i’ll probably say this now that, in principle , i began to think about children after my daughter was born, yeah, that’s when you become a mother... that’s when a woman
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becomes a mother, she has a very many priorities change, this happened to me, too, when this little miracle appears in your hands, your dearest, and you understand that your performances, your rehearsals, this whole world career, the press and a lot -there’s a lot of stuff around, it’s all just moving away completely not in the background, well, somehow... it becomes side by side, it becomes not the main thing, yeah, but the main thing becomes this little man, who is your blood and flesh, so i began to think about children, and you know, here is mine mom, she is also such an ideological, let’s say, inspiration for me, she once told me, let’s organize a charity festival for children, so little is done for children, namely a dance festival, it turned out that in our... country we did
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a festival not not only for professionals children, professional children performed there, but there were a lot of groups that performed, well, let’s say, they do more for themselves, that is, for many children. this is not a future profession, this is not an artist and ballet, well, in our country there are so many amazing interesting choreographic groups, they are different, i don’t know how many, but we got to the point where we have festivals somewhere, in one festival, that - about 500 children came there from all over our country, it was an amazing action, that’s when at that moment i somehow realized that i need to help the children, but why should they? they are engaged in chorographic groups in order to get on stage, and i offered them more, it’s all for charity, the festival took care of the arrival, accommodation, food, everything, everything, everything, and children from different cities of russia, they flew by train we rode on buses,
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went to moscow, we held this wonderful event in luzhniki, that is, for them it is also a journey, it is an adventure for them. graduation courses, which within a year, well , can come too, children come within years in groups, classes, and in the summer i once did such an experiment, i invited the children themselves, everyone from all over, but those who study at a professional choreographic school to apply
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on their own, and it worked out very well, now the children have the opportunity to there are more opportunities to come to the center, and i am collecting a unique... in this, this is the most important thing, this is actually, children from completely different schools, this can be, listen, such a mixture of schools, yes, an amazing advantage, because well here the teaching staff, they work with when you study at the eifman academy or the moscow academy, you don’t have such an opportunity to study with teachers from the neighboring one, these academies have now been named, these are the best, yes, moscow, st. petersburg, and here. after all, children study, come to programs from saratov, from krasnoyarsk, from novosibirsk, from ufa, this is a large number of completely different children from whom we sometimes have to refuse, but still there is some kind of limit on the number, well, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course,
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there are somewhere around three or four people per the place is based on requests, but you know, we work for results. every shift ends with a big grandiose holoconcert, every program, well, it’s more correct to say, the children, all these 25 days there, who are in sirius, they are preparing for it, they are preparing for the concert, they are learning a new repertoire, new variations, some, we also have very good master classes in modern choreography, children really like to work with teachers in modern choreography for them too...
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in general, a unique center, because i honestly speaking, i couldn’t even imagine that this could happen in our time, it’s even impossible to imagine, firstly, you meet a huge number of children from other schools, you see how they study, that is, how many times have i heard such reverse communication from parents, from teachers who wrote and said, the child returned as a different person.
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why do you love your servant? while i'm alive, you won't get married, you're nobody. keep him, he is her runaway servant. you will track down vanya and bring him his head to me. cathedral. tomorrow on the first. this is it miracles. blessed matrona. i always carry an icon with me. here i have petals. and many people are healed with matron’s petals.
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said that it could be, in may we had a stesha, some kind of divine providence, we just stood before the nights and i , in my mind, turning to the matron, said: look, holy matron, come to me, like to the living, on may 5 at the first, nikolina annavanna’s mother, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again and...
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this didn’t happen, it just didn’t happen in russia, and it all flooded into our theaters, and we
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, you know, began to learn this with such zeal, not only did we begin to not only learn this, we strived to dance better than in the original, this should be, then we added so much of our own there, i don’t want to say that we changed the choreography, but we decorated it with our presence. that’s why, uh yes, i’ve always been interested in this, of course, when you ’re a beginning young ballerina, your priority is the classics, gaining a repertoire, or else, well “type” is not the right word, dance it, dance swan lake in otdetu, odile, dance kitri in dunquixote, giselle, nikia in beiderka and many, many more roles, then in the big theater it was spartacus, and raymonda and the pharaoh’s daughter, and daughter of the pharaoh, yes, yes, who was specially also... gerlakot restored, and anastasia in ivan the terrible,
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yuri nikolaevich grigorovich, that is , absolutely yes, a classic, this is a dream, but at some point, when you have already danced 13 different editions of swan lake throughout the world, when you danced there 10 or how many editions, not performances, but different editions of boyderka, giselle, completely with some strange sometimes ideas of the choreographer about what should happen, and you understand that that one, well, another edition i will dance, you begin to look for something new for yourself, and new is modern, strange, because despite the fact that in moscow, if we talk only about moscow, although this can be said about the whole of russia, modern dance has 20 years has been represented in such quantity, in such diversity, that i think that the backwoods can outweigh any central european... well , nevertheless, modern dance
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is not yet such a serious phenomenon in the theatrical context of moscow, st. petersburg, although in moscow there is a group, a professional group of modern dance, ballet moscow, for example, but nevertheless , this is still a very unstable territory, why do you think? well, it’s all about the choreographers, i think we took a lot from the west and learned. and didn’t raise their own choreographers, well, of course we have boris yakolevich eifman with his author’s theater, we have the amazing yuri posokhov, such bright ones...
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not, let’s say, they weren’t raised, they weren’t raised by that one, that is, i understand what you’re saying that this needs to be done, i think that this needs to be done so that it’s a big risk, it’s a risk, you know, here are young choreographers who don’t yet have a big name, who don’t have a big, big repertoire sheet for theaters, for pipes, entrust artists, trusting time is a risk, because you can get a little death, or you can get... yes, well, that is, you have to take risks, yes, i think you have to take risks, and where does a choreographer come from if he doesn’t have practice. do you argue with choreographers who do things for you? no, i don’t argue, sometimes i, yura posokhov, our amazing choreographer, who has staged a lot of performances in the big theater, every time he, and he, here,
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he can stage so many movements in just a few bars of music, why are you standing there and thinking, it’s me to him. i tell him that: it’s impossible to do, and he says: you always say that, and then you do it, well, that’s about the maximum of my arguments with choreographers, that at first i’m afraid, and then when it all comes into their movement, coordination in the body , where it already seems that it was possible to put more of everything, light, tell me, do you see yourself as a teacher, i will say this, i like to correct when i come to sirius, i like working with children, and i... like to build system that they have to learn something, i can hold rehearsals, there the teachers ask me for opinions, ask for some comments, as soon as i get to work, of course, as a professional, i see a lot and see the potential in children, i want to fix it, but as a teacher, as my future
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profession, i don’t see this yet, tell me, with this crazy workload? do you have time for life and family? my family, it was originally created this way, it so happened that my husband, vadim repin, is a violinist, sometimes it seemed to me that he was still he is away from home more time than me, so he came even here i am in milan, there in paris, somewhere else, he, when he had a few days, he always came there or to moscow, naturally, then she was born - ours daughter, anechka, at first we took her there until school age.
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to be, well, even like that, because every day, let’s say, everyone has big schedules under one roof, i remember, we open our schedule, check it, and i was shocked, because i saw that vadim had no opportunity in the schedule fly to moscow at least for one day for a month, but somehow god ordered everything so that somehow he managed to escape somewhere and we still spent time together, and what i want to say is that we... in principle, even now my anyuta, she is engaged in professional rhythmic gymnastics and spends all day in the training room, and therefore i will honestly say that we meet either in the morning or in the evening. svetochka, you have an absolutely incredible career, on the one hand it consists of some accidents, but if you look back, these accidents are all
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of course, they line up into a pattern. i am eternally grateful to you for coming. you are, of course, a real hard worker, and i think that your stellar career is absolutely deserved, because this is something that you certainly work, very hard, deserve. thank you very much, thank you. it was a theater podcast and i, its host anton getman. my guest was the prima barelina of the bolshoi theater, svetlana zakharova. kant's text is understandable if you overcome the difficulties of your own. usual for any reader of kant's works, there is some philosophers, the reading of which causes the reader to falsely think that the reader is an obvious
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coritinus, kant’s texts belong to this variety, but having overcome the difficulties of our dementia, we still understand the text. this is what the philosopher mirap mamardashvili spoke about kant about us in his lectures. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about immanuel kant. his life, his philosophy. on april 22 , the great philosopher turned 300 years old. today it’s simple for me, as they say now as a dream team, i can go from west to east, geographically. alexander alexandrovich fedorov, rector of the kant baltic state university, alexey pavlovich kozyrev, dean of the faculty of philosophy of lomanosov moscow university. i, vladimir ligoida, will try to talk about kant, his life and teachings. actually, dear friends, i would like to.
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art is open to the viewer, on the one hand the verse is very aphoristic, sometimes very simple and clear, sometimes so complex that thought stops and stumbles, but at the same time it gives pleasure, you need to go back and think again, therefore if we briefly answer mamardashili’s challenge, it will turn out like this: kant is complexity that strives for understanding, excellent, asi balovich. what will moscow university say? well, reading any philosophical text, if it is real philosophy, requires certain efforts, overcoming screens, as
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mamardashvili said, when we step over the incomprehensible and through our own inertia, because we live in the world of feelings, and kant with this he begins his critique of pure reason, with transcendental aesthetics, then there is how the world... the topic of differences between art and science is raised, science strives for the objective, art is all a subjective world, yes, philosophy,
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in fact , differs from science as such in that it does not abandon the subjective, but this means , that i have the right to say that kant is not my philosopher or my, yes, well, just like i can say, tolstoy is not my writer, yes, for example, if this is so, then how would you answer this question, no not from a point of view? what the situation obliges, from the point of view internal, personal, subjective, is kant your philosopher? i remember the first time i read the criticism of pure reason, it was in the ninety-first year, i returned from the army not very long ago, after 2 years of service, and don’t believe it, i was sitting on an island fishing in lake lazac and reading the criticism of pure reason, so i read it for 2 weeks, it’s already a picture, but i read it for two weeks and came to the conclusion that no, this is not my philosopher, why is that and when you call someone your philosopher, you know it’s like a metaphysical judgment, you share his philosophy v in general, from beginning to end, i can’t say such a cant, of course, alexey
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pavlovich, well, one could write, like marina tsvitaeva, yes, my, my cant, just like she wrote my pushkin, yes, but that’s completely it is not necessary that my kant - it means kant is my favorite philosopher, of course, this is kant, as i see him, for me another name comes to mind: walks with pushkin, yes, walks with kant, here in kaliningrad, in the former koeniksberg, where albertina was , a university that has now transformed into a baltic federal university, it is quite possible to walk through the places where kant lived or go to kant’s house, to the pastor’s house, not far from chernyakhovsk, but i probably agree with alexander alexander that this is for a russian person. what started
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the nut of knowledge is hard, but still we are not used to retreating, it will help us to crack it, generally speaking, this is not a mess, i want to know everything, this is maximo goethe, that is, this is goethe’s attitude to nature, that the depth, the core, this faustian depth that can be comprehended, yes, this is something else an attitude that also comes to us from xv.
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based on large cultural and historical periods, yes, so we are talking there about the history of the philosophy of antiquity, the middle ages, and so on, it is clear that they have their own characteristics, but if i understand correctly, if we take an internal criterion for periodization european or western philosophy more broadly, yes, then, by and large , we can divide it into three unequal periods, and from the birth of philosophy to plato, from plato to kant, in general, from kant to the present day, then immediately, if this is so, tells us about fundamental place of kant’s philosophy, here aleksandrovich, are you ready to agree with such a periodization and somehow explain it? in general, the point is the following : events that happen in the history of ideas are meta-temporal, that is, events of personal centers that attract the past and attract the future, you know, there is
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such a term in physics. here is something thrown forward, which pulled together the entire tradition as a whole, this was a certain moment, this is the moment when, well, we all know that kant was at one time a russian subject, yes, that means a professor at moscow university, which means a thinker of european stature, that’s how it all came together, that all philosophy at some point came together in one specific place, in one specific mind, then everything went differently, a sea of ​​interpretation, a sea of ​​changes, done, unfinished , unthought, rethought, and so on, but the influence that this concentration has had on the history of ideas, not only european, world, in general, it is obvious, from this point of view we can, for example, look at one of the most relevant meanwhile, today, this is the topic of artificial intelligence or even
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artificial intelligence, what’s the matter? here is a thing that can summarize the entire philosophy of kant, this will be a bit of a provocative statement, but i’ll try, yes, this is the apriority of the subjective, this is the spark of god that lives in us regardless of our desire, from someone’s will, yes, it there is, now, when we begin to argue that we have some kind of alternative in the form of artificial intelligence, this is fundamentally important for modern anthropology, this topics that... were formulated very clearly by kant, very clearly, therefore , in my opinion, in the eighteenth year he was the most quoted in the philosophical world, but in 2018, interestingly, alexey pavlovich, i’ll clarify my question a little, whiteheath said yes , that western philosophy is an adjunct to plato, to plato’s texts, but can one then say based on the periodization that i voiced, and i didn’t propose it, but i voiced it, that
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philosophy after kant...
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and kant’s anti-namism was born, that’s very interesting thing, because here you are, like a person who studies theology, you know that the theologian... really fell in love with kant’s antinomies, because, strictly speaking, all christian dogma is antinomic, two natures in christ, yes, which are combined incomprehensibly how, not together, not separately, yes, this is an antinomy, so theologians, unexpectedly for themselves, began to speak in the language of kant, the same father sergei bulgakov or the same vladimir nikolaevich lossky, berzyaev, in general, all came out of kant, therefore.
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that our life is only a connection of transcendental premises, they walk along they whisper to the novodeevichy cemetery, yes, that is , many things are really a footnote to kant, but not only to kant, but to hegel, for example, who is a completely different type of philosopher and who influenced russian philosophy, i still dare to say, a little more than kant about hegel , i immediately remember this historical...
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philosophies say that there was nothing remarkable in kant’s life, it was the life of a university professor, in fact, his philosophy is the most remarkable thing, although it seems to me personally that this is a slightly false-stereotypical story, well, firstly, kant, unlike many other philosophers , was a real scientist, the actual concept of kant, laplace’s kant, but it was called later...
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the events he led, you know, you won’t believe it, i am deeply convinced of this, from what i know, especially after reading the letters, yes, he led an infinitely varied life, the only thing that was full of ritualism, that is, everything was just strictly planned, this is very i loved these getting up at five mornings, yes, for which he followed these walks, by the way, it’s a legend that he always walked along the same route all his life, at the same time, probably also a legend, because if he had lunch...
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critics of pure reason, he sits in his apartment, he has not yet moved into a house, a university apartment, and writes a letter to the publisher, the book began to be sold literally 40 minutes at a book fair from this place , and he is afraid to go, writes to the publisher, for me now the most important question is, and i’ll tell cort how much i’ll earn from this, by the way, he uses one word, rarely only twice in everything with... heideger then clings to this word and makes of it the fourth dimension of time, this is now here now the present and for him
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it was very important, by the way, we have here this is the first edition, and this is riga, and this is then the russian empire, so to the question, that is, the first edition of the critique of the quality of reason was published in the russian empire, today we gathered our thoughts about kant, his philosophy and life, alexander alexandrovich fedorov, alexey pavlovich kozyrev, i’m vladimir ligoida, we continue, you know, what amazed me is that a book from wedenburg is coming out, yes, if again, this is true of what i read, four copies of it are being sold, one gets to the cant, it’s not only hers. .. reads this huge book all the time, but also writes, i don’t know, one might say,
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a devastating text on this matter, here is alexey pavlovich, and how does this characterize kant, what do you think, this action, well, swedenburg is a spirit seer, everything for him -after all, religion is within the limits of reason only, yes, that is, he tried to things, let’s say, related to spiritual tradition to be treated as a representative of the era of enlightenment, we must not forget that... after all, when we say enlightenment, it is not only rosso, not only diderot, not only walter, but also immanuel kant, so he says what it is enlightenment, his famous text, is growing up, this is when a person moved from youth to adulthood, learned to think with the help of his mind, to be responsible for his actions, in this regard, who to read, who to criticize, how to relate to the thoughts of another person, that's it... this is also not an order, but a manifestation .
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a certain intellectual honesty, yes, defending one’s convictions, defending one’s views, but at the same time one must not forget that this is an educator, but he is not an atheist, kant was brought up in the christian tradition, he was brought up in the pietist tradition, there is a wonderful work by nikolai konstantinovich govryushin, professor moscow theological academy about kant's discipleship, where he says: on kant there are different points of view on this matter and there are respected authoritative kant scholars,
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one might say, who believe that kant i was an atheist, yeah, aleksandrovich, so in general, what should we do with this topic and maybe you have some kind of personal relationship here? no, i don’t think that he was an atheist, i think, moreover, the thought did not occur to him, that is, he, he would not have formulated the question for himself, his philosophy, on the one hand, you know, it did not stand on place, she was in motion. tried to avoid the question of god, to come into very close contact with it, as a result, to leave it as a question, it was not closed to him until the moment of death, and i don’t think that he would categorically went along some path, there are no denials, in no case, for him, to the fore, and this is also actually a conversation with god, so what i said came out, this is the apriority of the subjective... the doctrine of kant’s morality, then
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religion will be a consequence of kant’s morality, whereas in fact there is such an idea that the religious view tells us about a different cause-and-effect relationship, although i don’t see any insoluble contradiction here, because there is a religious feeling. there is a form of organized religion and they are generally possible in a causal sense, put in different places or not? well, religion is a consequence of upbringing and lifestyle, way of life, here are three famous questions of criticism of pure reason: what can i know, what should i do , what can i hope for, that’s the most interesting thing, but the third question is a question that opens up a completely religious perspective , kant says that... i must act in such a way that if there is eternal
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life, then my actions should play so that in this eternal life i find bliss, yes, so that i am rewarded, which is here primary, ethics or religion, well, it is clear that probably for kant, just as it may be in russia, for leo nikolaevich tolstoy, they come very close together, that is, in fact, the field of religion covers the field of ethics, and for kantani.
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after the quote about the starry sky, there is a moral law in me above me, yes, this is one of the formulations, act in such a way that the rules of your will can always become a universal law, and the relationship between this formulation of the categorical imperative and the so-called golden rule of morality, yes, do treat others the way you would like them to treat you, because these are different things, yeah, what’s the difference, because sometimes they say that kant actually formulated the golden rule of morality, no, here is the most important question, but how and where did the categorical imperative come from, how did he come to it and how is the evidentiary system built, and it is very complex, that is, this is one of the truly engineering components of kant’s philosophy, which
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was thought out as much as possible, assembled into a very complex system and is, what's called here is his author's card, how to take it and withdraw it. it seems like something that is already familiar, in a completely different way, in completely different conditions, and launch it in such a way that we are still repeating it, mind you, he didn’t just re-invent something, he considered that he created it anew, this one here the whole thing is being built, we still won’t be able to explain it now, i won’t try to do it, i ’ll just point out, yes, i’ll show, so to speak, the way, it is built in the syntheses of perception, but in the critique of pure reason it is set on...
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which has difficult relationship with kant, absolutely not simple, like most russians, of course, he has an excellent article about kant, you know, there is such a thinker of kant solovyov, so he emphasizes there that, firstly, kant’s philosophy is elegant, and secondly, it is full of errors, thirdly, kant is very curious, this construction with the categorical imperative, it seems to me, was born out of curiosity, do i understand correctly that the main difference, so to speak, between the golden rule of morality and the categorical imperative is that what's in the golden rule of morality there is no this category of debt, but for kant , debt is still the source of moral behavior, and debt is opposed to some of our desires and aspirations, well, when i talk about debt, the question arises, to whom do i owe, yes, who owes me commands ought, and the golden rule of morality
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is given by a teacher, be it a helel, a jewish sage, or... who teaches this rule in the new testament in the gospel, and kant, in his criticism of practical reason, gives us, in fact, now another bad word, a synthetic judgment a priori, that's what it is categorical, generally an armchair philosopher, he asks himself the question of how, sitting in an office, i can make discoveries based on the fact that i have a mind, there is something in this mind, some, maybe...


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