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tv   Sobor  1TV  May 2, 2024 2:20pm-6:00pm MSK

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but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium, this is actually the greatest russian holiday, may 4 on the first, these are miracles, blessed matrons, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, with the petal matron many are healed, we they came precisely for this, so that in our personal lives she... those who protected her
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and took care of her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true, but whoever hurts makes a request and makes a request, i don’t know how that's right, i'm treating it the best i can, the matron wasn't born into a large family, because that at the time the cartridge appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i believed in it so boundlessly, but i just assumed that it could be, here we are in may.. .that some kind of divine providence appeared? well, we just stood before the nights and i , in my mind, turning to the matron, said: look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, may 5th on the first. mom nikulina ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and after living 96.5 years old... she now i realized that i was
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a matron, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am next to sister, fortunately, my family, and we say hello to everyone, our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, it makes me happy, the health of loved ones, not only loved ones , everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish that our country, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their happiness.
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the big game live, the may day holidays were marked by demonstrations of workers, manifestations of solidarity, proletarians of various countries, and of course, powerful clashes, france, which...
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lessons in democracy, mostly with batons. ucla, groups of counter-demonstrators tried to destroy the barrier on the way to the pro-palestinian camp, and there was already a clash between demonstrators and counter-demonstrators. in the university american tampa used coal gas to disperse a protest. university of north carolina chaos. the police entered the area in front of the library.
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what i would note is that, after all , student protests have happened in america more than once, i honestly don’t remember ever taking such harsh measures against protesters, that they are simply arrested in the hundreds, that they are beaten, that universities are already being closed, they say , a bill has already been introduced to ban federal funding for universities where protests, because they are supposedly anti-semitic, which needs to be fought, to be honest, i don’t remember anything like that, that’s why now, do you think, the american authorities, and the french ones too, are showing such cruelty towards their own population, well, i would like to say that , firstly, the holiday of may 1 was not invented at all in order to fight with the police, well, why did the bolsheviks do exactly this
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on may 1, well, rather, they pretended to, in order not to be arrested on may 1, then on may 1 this became already in the soviet union.
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but it is very well organized, and this organization, it seems to me, is a kind of response to another political force in the united states of america, when these student protests, which would be senseless and merciless, are paid for, organized, and the current american government is forced to harshly suppress them, which puts it in a very awkward position in terms of information, hence the biden administration's desire. urgently prevent the expansion of the conflict, prevent the storming of the city of arafah and serious pressure on netanyahu on the part of the current american democratic administration, that is, everything that happens today inside the united states, around the united states, in foreign policy, where the united states participates,
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we must necessarily consider through the prism of the american elections, and the prism of the american elections explains a lot, but in the united states .
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even when the first packages of sanctions arose, there were very serious questions for those
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who formed them, like these, why is this company included, why are these structures included, how? i remember there were answers that well, how is this a strange name, a suspicious name, the tunnel is really very suspicious, the ural design bureau of transport engineering, why not include it, this is actually, rather, what has already been discussed... a conversation about these expansions of expansion of actions protestants are against what is happening in palestine, the action is completely planned, to which these means the democratic administration in the united states must react, something needs to be done here too, because all the packages have been chosen, in fact there is nothing that can be turned on, it is necessary, well, something must be turned on, everything arises.
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the senate approved a bill banning
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the import of enriched uranium from russia and sent it to the president. according to white house officials, joe biden plans to sign the legislation soon, the law, which expires at the end of 2004, allows the energy department to issue an exemption on all russian uranium imports until the end of 2027. russia supplies almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used for fueling . more than de commercial america's reactors, making it the leading foreign supplier, replacing those supplies could be challenging and could raise the cost of uranium by about 20%. note that another quarter is actually american supplies, that is , the rest is the rest of the world, but it’s really again out of spite that grandmothers are freezing their ears, well, on the one hand, this is true, it really hits the american economy, just like the ban measures media import.
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showing himself perfectly, showing in the fields svo, which is in high demand, will be in high demand, which means that russia will only strengthen its position in the world markets for ee weapons.
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as a result of growing concerns about the stability of the us economy, several countries in africa and the middle east have begun to withdraw their gold reserves from the united states in recent months. this trend marks a significant shift in global economic dynamics and highlights growing skepticism among countries regarding the traditional status of the dollar. considered a safe harbor. the decision to
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return gold reserves is not just symbolic, it reflects deep concerns with... associated with the trajectory of the american economy, among the countries that began to withdraw their gold reserves were nigeria, south africa, ghana, senegal, cameroon, algeria, egypt and saudi arabia. each country represents important regions of africa and the middle east, raising questions about the future of the us dollar as the world's primary reserve currency. what, if we talk about the state of the american economy, then in my opinion , trump characterized it very well in his last election speech. let's listen. all you need to know about joe biden is that every 100 days he is letting half a million illegal immigrants into the us and adding a trillion dollars to our debt. remember, illegal immigrants come to us in the millions, i think that in our country there are 50 million of them, if the real numbers do not lie, these are human traffickers, among whom there are mainly women drug dealers - this is a lot of people, they are coming out of prisons or psychiatric hospitals. we don't want these
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people, and they come to us from all over the world. and trump, in his rhetoric, tries very clearly and simply to explain to the average american voter why his opponent is bad; very often he is right in his rhetoric. as a matter of fact, no one before trump said so clearly and clearly that the dollar is the basis of the power of the united states of america, and any us policy should be aimed at maintaining this power and maintaining the leading role of the dollar as the world reserve currency. it is now that information has appeared. v that trump, if he comes to power, is going to, well, directly put pressure on states that are engaged in what we here in the studio call de-dolarization, but it would seem that it doesn’t matter to trump which countries, in which units, behave among themselves calculations, and this is a fundamental thing, and trump does this not only because he is really sincerely convinced that this is important for maintaining us hegemony, and this is
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indeed the case, here trump and i agree in essence, but we do not agree, as they say. .. direction of world development economy, but trump is going to defend this also in order to clearly show why the average american should vote for trump. the message is very simple: here is biden, the dollar is weak, here is trump, the dollar is strong, so american, vote for trump. but what trump called the national debt growing by 1 trillion every 100 days is the reality of the american economy, from which.
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russia is a threat to our world. who are you, mr. barel, what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from, he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, interned at stanford, the intelligence services are already starting to invest money, he is running for the role of the american monkey. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets.
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shillov is alive, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with merenko, we will work together, myself, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we are investigating a criminal offense, we need it urgently we need the affairs of these people, why did you take her with you, every one of us is a fighter, she is not a fighter, she is your wife. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you, some kind of unkind, but also evil, just shilov, not evil, you can’t trust where
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he is here, life without pain, it simply doesn’t exist, all we can do is try not hurt others. martial law, new episodes, watch after the program time, you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, they ’re calling me, greetings, tomin from ugrozovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin can’t escape it, if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this of course pisses him off. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, the man
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lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, but he gets tired , but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but... in the black eye, so you have to spit it out. to leonid kanevsky's eightieth birthday, today on the first. since christmas we have seen the greatest tragedy, its, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village. therefore, the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man. from nazareth it could not be - how could it be from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that
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the salvation of man would take place there. that's where you realize that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane. this is absolutely true. when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. what happened, one might say, was the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind, that is. god was killed. the way of christ. may 4, on the first. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab. and it is from here, a special hole in the wall, that he goes out into the world. through this fire, we connect with god himself, with his divine love. and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man,
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came into the world when people decided from god. to get rid of his word, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred: from calvary to the holy sepulcher there are 33 steps, this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. church of the holy sepulcher may 4 on the first. the big game live: the scale of genocide in the gaza strip continues to increase. official figures for day 206 war - 54,535 people were killed, almost half of them were children, 77,704 were injured. the policy of genocide is visible to the naked eye.
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let's listen. during the cabinet meeting, senior army officials reported on the idf's achievements in gaza and the number of terrorists arrested. minister ben gvir asked the chief of staff: why are there so many arrests? can't some people be killed? what you're really trying to tell me is that everyone gives up. what to do with so many detainees? this is dangerous for soldiers. chief of staff halevi replied: “dangerous for whom? we do not shoot those who come out with
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their hands raised.
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that is, the americans, who are not at all parties to the rome statute and never were, not that they did not ratify it, they did not even sign it, they initially , the then administration took a hostile position in relation to the mus , especially not the jurisdiction of the mus of american citizens, including military personnel, now they tell this structure what to do and what not to do, that is, this is completely, but mus is silent because they carry out the... the council of europe has nothing to do with human rights, so it has nothing to do with international legality at all, in principle, so this is a purely western structure, so to speak, they didn’t agree initially, so to speak a little there and when the roman statute was agreed upon, when it was agreed upon,
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but... it is quite obvious, so to speak, that this is a parody of the law, a parody of legality, the americans leave no doubt about this, they will not give any decision to mus accept, against netanyahu, against israel, it is quite obvious, because we return, dear colleagues, to the topic of elections in america, any now, any weakness of biden in relations with israel, that is, let’s say, any anti-israel note, the democrats are fine...
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that washington exerts a powerful influence on netanyahu to prevent a ground operation in rafah, but they have absolutely no impact, none, they pretend that... they have some impact, no way, if they wanted to have an impact, then the operation would , which is going on in the gas, it would have been a long time ago, well , if not stopped, then at least corrected, it has not been corrected at all, why are they not starting the operation now for one simple reason, they are not ready for this yet, the israelis, but i i am sure that they will be ready very soon; against the backdrop of the, so to speak, american elections, their hands are absolutely untied. if the americans wanted to stop something in israel, they probably would not have given 26 billion to continue this very war, so there are quite serious levers there, but these double the standards are so visible, they are visible,
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for example, to iran, which is already starting to simply troll the united states and israel, well, we remember there were protests in iran and the entire western world was indignant about how the students were there. several more universities in australia and in different european countries merged. this means that countries are sensitive to the gas problem. this is the world's first problem. we must not allow this issue to disappear from the attention of the international community. pressure
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on the zionist regime must increase daily from day. look at what the americans and their associated organizations are doing with their opposition to israel. the students of american universities did not destroy anything, did not shout out calls for destruction, did not...
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says: well, look, there are students, and what are you doing with them, and the answer, in fact, does not appear here, well, in general , i would like to say, that the united states of america has become a model of unlimited, absolutely arbitrary handling of gold and foreign exchange reserves; someone can be frozen, that is, stolen. united the states of america began to have an absolute monopoly on deciding who can be killed, who cannot be killed, and who can be tried in the world. who cannot be judged, in this situation, of course, most countries want to somehow distance themselves from this lawlessness, because today this is this lawlessness in relation to russia, tomorrow this lawlessness in relation to china, when the americans decide to take away gold and foreign exchange reserves or
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something else from saudi arabia, senegal, and other countries, no one can imagine this, so they want to take their resources and stay as far away from the united states as possible. double standards manifest themselves in all regions of the earth. law, let's hear from matthew miller, state department spokesman. the united states condemns the law on foreign influence adopted in the georgian parliament. members of the ruling party have made it clear that the law's purpose is to silence critical
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voices and destroy georgia's vibrant civil society. the statements and actions of the georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values ​​that lie in basis of eu and nato membership, and thus jeopardize georgia's path to euro-atlantic integration. a comment that mischaracterizes the foreign assistance we have provided to georgia for 32 years to strengthen the economy, democracy, and the ability to deter russian aggression fundamentally undermines a strong relationship. established between us and the government and people of georgia, so don’t worry about american foreign agents, it must be said that even if the western media have covered some protests in recent days, then these were protests against the georgian parliament, but not the protests that took place in their own countries, well, you know, actually exactly what was stated, the united states did exactly the opposite all these 32 years, they strengthened the georgian state.
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economic relations, for the resumption
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of cooperation, not not in russian interests, in georgian interests, this is the first georgian government in years, even decades, which is a georgian government that is acting, trying to act, under powerful pressure washington, under pressure from the west, is trying to act in georgian interests, in the interests of its own country, not in... in its own interests, and this, of course, causes complete rejection, because georgia for washington is a springboard against russia, they want this springboard save, they are now building a new bridgehead in the form of moldova, and georgia has already been built, as they believe, suddenly some politicians appear here, governments who want to pursue national interests, of course, the americans will fight against this, i want success to wish the georgian society and the georgian government, well... there is still a president, a citizen of france, who will still vote
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on this bill, so there is still a struggle there, but you know, the whole world is already beginning to see this duplicity, this the hypocrisy of american western policy, because they say one thing, do something completely different, and this is so noticeable that only the vassals of washington can not see it, our cause is certainly right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be... for us, we give the floor to the news, we'll see you again at 17:00, don't miss the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at
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12:00 moscow time. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. housing, medicine, implementation of national projects, support for special operation participants.
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trans-siberian railway is also a tourism project. winter has returned to novosibirs, tomsk, metel, snowdrifts, and what weather forecasters promise to residents of the capital region. defense support enterprises, important projects in healthcare, social assistance to citizens. vladimir putin spoke today in novoogoryovo with governor alexei zyumin about the development of the tula region. he reported to the president that special attention is now being paid to the participants of the special operation and their families. there are about 60 support measures in place in the region, from assistance in everyday matters to improving living conditions, among the key topics is also the development of industry and construction. at the moment, there is such an impressive growth in industrial production, construction there is growing, good indicators in general, as with one of
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your main social problems, this is the population density there. there is movement, we completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, a regional project is now being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles. and already have 230, we have resettled, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 300,000 km, work is underway, we are issuing residential certificates for the purchase of housing as a matter of priority, all special operations that were on the register of housing improvement in our region have strengthened the federal program,
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volume is in perfect order, a good increase in the industrial production index of 6% annually, very good, please, the share of manufacturing production is also 112%, good so far, thank you, the settlement of berdyche in the dpr has been completely liberated, the ministry of defense reported this, a strategically important point is the suburb of avdievka, there is a key road along which the donbass group of the armed forces of ukraine was supplied. the liberation of berdachi will open the way for our troops to volchye, where one of the key lines of defense of the ukrainian army. our military is improving the situation along the entire front line, a large amount of enemy equipment was destroyed, including those transferred from the west. aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed two vehicles, the american hai multiple launch rocket system, and a workshop for the production of missiles and
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ammunition. today is 10 years since the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions. in 2014 over those who did not support. ukrainian coup d'etat , radicals carried out a monstrous massacre, everything happened that day, there were no accidents, earlier the city was connected by militants of the so-called maidan self-defense, to defeat the pro-russian camp, was a key city for ukraine, so it was necessary to deal with all those who represented a connection with russia, a connection with the russian movement. and, generally speaking , pro-russian sentiments in society. the extremists turned the house of trade unions into a fire trap. light the gas, surround them, surround them, surround them, surround them! in a matter of minutes, the fire
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flared up with such force that it cut off the people’s path to retreat. they tried to escape, some jumped down or fell in despair. unable to resist. extremists finished off those who fell to the ground attacked in rage those who managed to get out. actions obeyed a clear plan, while in one part of the building people died in fire, in another, a real hunt was going on for them.
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peaceful people were forced to take refuge in the house of trade unions, but the monsters who pursued them surrounded the building and set it on fire, not allowing fire rescuers to help the citizens inside, continuing to throw incendiary mixture and shoot at the windows, people could not get out, and those who still succeeded, the scoundrels beat him to death, those responsible for this crime have not yet been punished; today the kiev regime is rewriting from odessa. russian writers were removed from the school curriculum. residents of the city are punished for using the russian language. this is what
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nazism is. the fight against it is one of the goals of the special military operation in ukraine, which will definitely be achieved. today is a mourning event in our country. the odessa action, we remember, was organized in 40 regions by activists of the young guard of united russia and a volunteer company. thousands took part human. in moscow, hundreds of activists came to see the former. the ukrainian embassy with posters and portraits of the dead, an inscription made of candles on the asphalt, we remember, in mitsina park there is a garden of memory event, an alley is being planted in memory of those who died in the house of trade unions. actions in our new regions, donetsk, lugansk, remember the victims of the monstrous massacre, candles and flowers. on other topics, in the states, the house of representatives of congress approved a bill to combat anti-semitism, and...
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more than a thousand people were detained, protests spread to other countries, in canada, after pogroms began at rallies of pro-palestinian activists, radicals smashed windows, and law enforcement officers used tear gas. a grandiose project, the importance of which for the country is difficult to overestimate. the cabinet of ministers approved a new stage until the thirty-fifth year, the amount of funding is more than 3.5 trillion rubles.
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a new vector of development, a turn to the east. in the current realities, the baikal-amur mainline is becoming increasingly in demand. report by anna kurbatova. baikals of the amur mainline 50 on its half-century anniversary. bam continues build and expand. the highway, which in the nineties was called a road. where the road to the future of russia turned out to be, when the time came to shift the economic rails to the east, the railway rails for this already existed. the government spoke about new tasks in this area today. the government has made a decision to expand transport corridors, we are talking about the eastern range, which is necessary to strengthen trade ties with friendly countries. the president emphasized that the volume of transportation of pobamu and transibou are growing. totally agree. last year, mishustin emphasized, the carrying capacity of this route reached 170 million tons. and we plan to increase
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the figure by almost 100 million tons within 9 years. a work plan for modernizing the highways themselves until 2035 has been approved. we continue to implement the investment project for the development of the baikal-amur trans-siberian railway. the total cost of these works exceeds 3.700 billion rubles. thanks to this , additional tracks and sidings will be built. tunnels, bridges, including amur river. bam, today it is also a tourism project; more and more routes are appearing along the baikal amur mainline for those who want to admire the hills, breathe the taiga air, and most importantly see with their own eyes the scale of the legendary road. and in general , more and more russians choose to travel around their native country every year, reports deputy prime minister chernyshenko. in the twenty-third year, our residents made 78 million trips, which is 21% more than in the twenty-second year. by the way, a year earlier. there was another 15% increase, so this dynamic continues, and a third of these domestic trips are driven by auto tourism. in the next
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six years, the domestic tourist flow is expected to double. business to synchronize the construction of such diverse infrastructure. the emphasis is on the development of roadside services; new hotels, gas stations, cafes and much more will appear along the picturesque routes. for example, the chuya highway or serpentine roads in the southern regions of the north caucasus. all will be equipped with observation platforms, a network of national highway routes will appear in the country, and the number of tourists who choose to travel on wheels, according to the cabinet of ministers estimates, by the year thirtieth will double from 22 to 44 million. it is very important to involve all russian subjects in the concept, including the most remote corners of our large country. often , by the way, tourists from large cities,
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from the metropolis, flock there. today , the improvement of small towns is reaching a new level. settlements within the framework of the federal national project housing and urban environment. today the results of the fourth all-russian online voting were summed up, during which local residents themselves propose and choose which street, square or entire neighborhood needs to be put in order; every year the number of such concerned citizens is growing. this year, about 5,400 objects from 1,500 municipalities were brought up for discussion . over the course of a month and a half , 17.2 million people took part in the voting. this is 3 million more than last year, again becoming another record. for the first time , residents of the kherson region also joined the vote, and now all our new regions can also participate in the selection of territories for landscaping. of course, this work needs to be continued. on the instructions of the president, we will extend another important project for the improvement of public spaces, this is an all-russian competition to create a comfortable urban environment in the municipalities
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of the far eastern federal district until the year 30. in total, according to the results of previous voting, almost 4,500 places in the country became better. anna kurbatova, anna zayakina, sergey deev, channel one. and an important stage in updating the capital’s transport system on the moscow central diameter line, the new generation ivolga trains left today. what is important is that 97% of the components are made in russia. our control systems and software. trains are faster, more spacious and as comfortable as possible for passengers; on the central diameters, since their launch, the number of passengers has increased by 40%, within the city twice, and of course not the last reason for this, the high-quality rolling stock that we are introducing today mcd-1, mcd-2 , the rolling stock on d3 has been completely renewed,
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it will be completed this year next year. in the tomsk region, the last spring month began with snowfall, winter landscapes are all around, the temperature drops below zero. residents of the novosibirsk region are sharing similar footage on social networks. in some areas there is already a dense layer of snow. in the regional center the blowing is weaker, although it is also not very pleasant. but there is good news: it will get warmer by easter. meanwhile, a cold front is covering central russia. in the coming days there will be frosts in several regions at once, lipetsk,
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kostroma, tambov, but already in the capital region. the volleyball capital of russia, teams from kazan have every reason to be called tatarstan. they became national champions 19 times, while a record five times they achieved the golden double, that is, in one year the title went to both the women's and ... some clubs. this week dynamo akbars defeated kaliningrad lokomotiv 3:2 in a dramatic final series. the girls' initiative was supported by zenit volleyball players, who easily defeated dynamo moscow. at the same time, they completed it in three matches. they won 3:0 and 3:1 at home, and won in four games away. during during the decisive confrontation, many fans recalled the events of almost twelve years ago, when maxim
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mikhailov and tsvetan sokolov became the most successful players at the olympics. the bulgarian is now the leader of dynamo's attacks. and the russian, who was one of the heroes of the olympic tournament, including the legendary final against brazil and brought gold from london, turned into a real symbol of zenith, among the fans who accompany the kazan team... who turned out to be six points more, but personal achievements in in such cases, according to tradition fade into the background. there is joy, but there is also fatigue, a very difficult season, thanks to the guys, thanks to the team for helping in the final, everyone playing for each other
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and despite the fact that my game probably didn’t work out very well today, well done guys, this is the real team, with this team you can throw water and copper pipes into the fire, yes, it’s easy, psychology plays a role, and even today the dynamo... were backed up against the wall and it would seem that it could be difficult, yes, but this is probably experience , it is an experience that allows our players, first of all, have to prove themselves and i can’t even step over something. the record for the number of victories in russian championships belongs to sergei tityukhin, he has 10 titles, one more than mikhailov, maxim will try to repeat the achievement next season, 36 years old, there is no talk of retiring. zenit won all three trophies this season and is the gold champion. russian cup and super cup. the season in the continental hockey league had barely ended when the clubs began resolving personnel issues with an eye to the future regular season. sibir signed a two-year contract with vadim yaponchintsev. in the khl
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, the forty-eight-year-old specialist had previously worked with spartak and amur. sergei zubov has been appointed to the post of head coach of sochi. the agreement with him is also for 2 years. last season, zubov worked on ska’s coaching staff, and before that he headed dynamo riga and the russian youth team. the fifty-three-year-old mentor worked in sochi from 2017 to 2019, under his leadership the team twice reached the khl playoffs. winner of the gagarin cup metallurg extended its agreement with danila yurov for one year. the twenty-year-old striker played 62 matches in the last regular season, in which he scored 49 points. in the playoffs , yurov had nine performance points. lokomotiv, which lost to magnitka in the final , signed a new agreement with the team’s most productive defender, martin gernot. thirty-one-year-old slovakian. was recognized as the best defensive player based on the results of the semi-final series and will spend at least one more season in yaroslavl. former dynamo moscow captain andrei mironov, who left the blue and white camp, due to the expiration of the contract, signed an agreement with spartak. it
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runs until may 31, 2026. last season, the twenty-nine-year-old defender set a club record for the number of matches for dynamo 644. in 2013, he won the gagarin cup. egor korshkov signed a two-year contract with akbars. last season. a seven-year-old native of novosibirsk defended the colors of the amur. as part of khoborovchan, korshkov took part in 67 games, in which he scored 15 goals and made 29 assists. matvey michkov returned to ska. the lease agreement between the st. petersburg army team and the sochi hockey club has expired. in the last regular season , the nineteen-year-old striker became the team's second scorer. he has 19 goals to his name and earned another 22 points as an assistant. finally, ivan ryabkin signed his first professional contract with dynamo moscow. the seventeen-year-old forward of the blue and white spent last season as part of the dynamo youth club playing in the mhl and was recognized as the best newcomer in the league, an agreement with dynamo is designed for 2 years. in
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the stanley cup, valery nechushkin became the sole leader of the sniper race. russian striker colorado opened the scoring in the fifth match of the series against venepeg. this goal was nechushkin’s seventh in the current playoffs. in the second period of the game , another native of chelyabinsk, playing for lavin, yakov trenin, distinguished himself. abandoned. i simply couldn’t react. another hero of the meeting for conor hellebuyck and the goalkeeper was alexander georgiev. the evilanche goalkeeper made 33 saves. in one of the episodes, georgiev repelled four shots at point-blank range. colorado won 6-3 and took the series 4-1. but semyon varlamov, who is defending.
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kuznetsov, in his mocking manner, which no one in the league likes, especially goalkeepers, made a free throw. after that, the guests did not lose heart and even managed to level the situation in the second period, but what happened at the beginning... jack drury scored first, followed by a throw-in, which kuznetsov won, then the proverb of houses and walls helps was confirmed. varlamov clearly did not expect this rebound, and stefan noison scored essentially into an empty net, the final result was 6:3 and 4:1 in the series victory for carolina. toronto defender ilya lyubushkin became the only player on his team whose utility score was plus two at the end of the fifth match with boston. the russian was on the ice when
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both maple leaf pucks were scored. in the second case in overtime, lyubushkin launched an attack that was completed by mtew knis. 2:1, despite toronto's success in the match , boston is still ahead. to another russian defensive player nikita zadorov from vancouver managed to score in the fifth game against nashville in a way that probably only the most legendary defenseman of all time, bobby ohr, could have done. zadorov received the puck in his own zone, and parted with it only after an incredible fluency of the shot. but for the final victory.
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dmitry terikhov, sports news, channel one. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon. today the bride is yana, veronica, another veronica, and our groom is ivan. ivan is 34 years old, his lover left him unhealed a wound on his heart, despite the fact that she was a doctor. ivan is an entrepreneur in the field of construction and auto sales, enjoys boxing, is proud that at the age of 24 he bought his first apartment in st. petersburg, and warns that he is a fan of the bathhouse. ivan does not see himself next to the silent, modest woman, as well as the down-to-earth owner.
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profession, marries a charismatic creative person who wears glasses and is not ashamed of her past. hello, glad to see you, we have something new, this is for you, thank you very much, thank you, this is for you, not with me i need a hug, thank you for the flowers, listen, he’s such a gorgeous man. handsome, listen, everyone is trying to hide their past, but you want what? you want your future bride to be unashamed of her past. or maybe we’ll take a look, otherwise i don’t understand what you’re starting about, you don’t remember, vanya, you don’t remember, handsome guys, no, outwardly i remember, but what kind of story it was, i don’t remember, let’s remind the audience too, uh, i i look at the photograph, the first thing i saw there was a photograph of her with two men...
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no, no, no, look, she’s with two men in the middle on a plane, with two, yes in the summer, and this is her right with two, now i ’ll tell you everything, and these are her work colleagues, well, and i know them, here i know that, but just like with colleagues, maybe colleagues, yes, they also filmed it on video, she dances a striptease in front of two men, and then they do all sorts of bad things, maybe they got her drunk and took photographs to blackmail her her because they are in business.
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"it would be better for me not to know, but my husbands fools, they told me everything honestly, like yes, he loved her, he was dying when she left me, he lay there for a year, he couldn’t eat or drink, so then i literally just picked out his eyes with them, poking at this very past, especially if it was about love, and you want your future chosen one not to be embarrassed, you never know what she had there, right from the cradle, she started telling everything, then you need an eighteen-year-old who had nothing at all, so yesterday she woke up, but today she’s eighteen , they will give you a head start, tell me, please, now with one or with this businesswoman we came to our senses, and now this is the doctor where she came from, she was before or... after she was before, it was like this, we met there on social networks, that is, i invited her to some restaurant, well , to a restaurant, i invited her there, we had dinner, our second meeting, and as usual she gave you some tea, that’s right, it was interesting, by the way, the same situation, i’m letting her down to the house, i’m nervous - because i
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really liked her - she says: listen, let's come to my place and have some tea, i say tea, she says, well, yes, you like herbal tea, i say, listen, i adore herbal tea, and we went to... there for work and in my city in in st. petersburg, it so happened that both my friend and he is my partner, that is, i put him there as a manager, yes, a confidant, i fly to st. petersburg, call him, he doesn’t
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answer the phone, i call my girlfriend, so she doesn’t pick up the phone, then after some time he calls me, says: van, my ex- girlfriend’s name was yana, he says: listen, we i need to talk about yana, and i’m on my way, as it were, but i have work in my head, i say, listen, what does yana have to do with it, i say, let ’s meet, we need to talk, he says: listen, well, yana is with me now , we ’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time that we are together, i’m emotional, in short, i went to see him, of course i understand everything, it’s just, it’s terrible, well, just in general, you would like to hear that, no, i came there, they are you they come out to me, both of them are like... i look at them like this, and you know, i even felt sorry for them, as if funny and pathetic, i took her car, fired him, well, about a week has not passed, i’m sitting in my office at work, she comes to me, all in tears, vanya is there, i’m sorry, i
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say, listen, in fact, everything is fine, life saved me from such a friend and from such a girl, like you, he is a strong man, because he came here, that is, he believes in love, he... continues to look for that same woman, that is, this is very important, you are looking for a sexy, liberated woman, and at the same time she will be faithful and faithful, if only a friend, i agree, you know, i’m just such a person, i have a job and a house, i probably wanted to fall in love very much and you know, i built the illusion for myself that this is so, and then it’s absolutely not so, and where are you with them? introduce yourself, we met on social networks, by the way, this is the truth, you are such a handsome young man. we haven’t tried it in other places, listen, i met, you know, and acquaintances took place there in the restaurant and in the hall, there and yes, and just on the road, you’re driving in a car, you can meet, you know, it’s just that such a person happens good, everything is cool, there’s a beauty there, inside now, that’s what you’ll pay
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attention to today first of all, introduce you to girls, i’d like, you know, for a girl to strive for something, something so that she’s not a slacker in the first place turn, so... places where infidelity, well, female infidelity, in particular, is treated favorably, well, for example, in tibet, there some nationalities will happily give their wife, well, let's say, for temporary use to a guest, if he liked the woman , i feel that now
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ticket prices for tickets will jump, what do we have, there is an apartment, there is an apartment in st. petersburg, it turns out, a car, i don’t know, i missed the car, i missed the car. you need to sort yourself out, it seems to me that you are a very jealous person, but in itself jealous, suspicious, anxious and distrustful, this is such a mentality. there’s nothing you can do about it, and maybe you provoke your women with this suspicion of yours, that
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at a certain moment they say: it’s better that i really go outside, it seems to me, the last circumcision was mine, but it seems to me, don't try, don't strive, don’t rush to move in together quickly, that you start living with your family on the third day, i don’t understand this, why, but so you will be with us, and we will be with you, what do you think about age? there’s too much of a difference, it seems to me, well, in love, all ages are submissive, as long as there’s a good person, we’ll see, come on in, meet the first bride, hello, my name is yana, i hope. can trust me, yanochka, this is for you, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, kidnapping is in
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the original, child abduction, i was just losing faith in humanity with each publication, my mood deteriorated, at one time our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know what it was... and there is a kidnapping, fake kidnappings - this is also a separate story, very often it becomes the plot of the same tv series and films, i made this discovery for myself that mostly relatives are involved in the kidnappings of children, if we don't here react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and i wouldn’t want that. today on the first day...
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already in deveevo, we walked in 21 days, a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good , i say, what is this, he says, this is grace, i went blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i physically felt my guardian angel, i believe that my guardian angel is, of course, the lord god, through the hands of doctors performed a miracle, oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation, i am with i’m walking as children and we ’re hanging our entire garden with all these eggs, but we ’ve been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium, this is actually the greatest
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russian holiday, may 4th on the first, these are miracles for the blessed matron, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, a matron with a petal, many people are healed, we came precisely for this, so that in our personal lives it... some kind of divine providence appears? well, we just stood there in front of the night and i, in my mind
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, turning to the matron, said: look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, may 5th on the first. nikulina’s mother anna vanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, even after living for 96 and a half years. she then realized that i was an umtron. yana is 21 years old, a designer, the founder of her own clothing brand, buys new things for herself every day, eats cold rice porridge in the morning and loves to dream about the future, plans to open a chain of boutiques, a dance school and a fashion house, and is proud that she moved to moscow, who admits that he smells food before eating it, warns that he will not give up his business. for the sake of a man. only after a year of dating did jaana find out that her lover was old enough to be her father. she hopes that
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ivan will not consider her too frivolous. “hello, pretty girl, but she looks older than 21, well, as for me, it seems to me, just a little older, well, if after such a long time you found out that he was good enough for you to wear a hat, then it was all in him ok, what difference does it make, age, anyway, yes, yes, everything was absolutely gorgeous, that is, it was really the best such conscious relationship, and he looked very good, that is, he is a swimmer, then, how old was he to you, and for me it turns out that he was 40 and that we met yes, we met him, then we began to travel with him to different countries, and it was really a really chic attitude, he constantly surprised me with various surprises, i always loved to give him surprises, i even started cooking, that’s what we are like to you we understand, but what are you like to him? yes, well, there,
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for example, i drew for him, i danced there, for example, i specially learned choreography for him. or what, where did they dance? no, just at home, then it just happened that at one point he changed his license, and i found out, i just saw the license card, and his date of birth was written there, i counted it and said: “yeah, that means he’s 10 years older, it turns out how we met, and i thought, well, this fact wouldn’t embarrass me, but he deceived you, yes, yes, if a relationship begins with deception, then it’s not good will end, but separated. for me, for this reason , the reason was different, because i am the kind of person for whom it is important to have a goal, well , that is, the goal of communication, the goal of contact with a person, in this case there was no goal, that is, he did not want a family, he did not i wanted children there and so on, but i already wanted just such a relationship, maybe he just didn’t want a family with you and did, but because you were still too young for him, he had
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a relationship, before that he had been dating a girl for 10 years and also... he’s not ready at all and he doesn’t want it, but how does he he told his point of view, that he told you this, somehow he had to explain himself, he didn’t, well, that is, i already said that we were breaking up, that is, it was not his initiative, you you say, of course, i’m already approaching my third decade, but... so i need to somehow decide whether to get married or not, well, in principle, i just said that i want to see the purpose of this relationship, it wasn’t here, and after how long, that’s how long you met with him, what are you for him after a year and a half, and where were your parents, were they even aware that you were dating an adult guy? no, why don’t they know? because i
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’ve been living alone for 4 years, so are you underage or something and have you left home? no, no, well, at the age of 17, yes, at the age of 17, yes, i came to moscow, it was my huge dream, how did you come without your parents, well, how does everyone come, of course, you finished school, where are you going, you’re in institute or wherever you came, no, no, no, i just came to work, well , that is, i, your parents calmly let you go, you have a good relationship, yes we have a good relationship, but where is it written that you ran away from home, let’s just say there were scandals, yes there were quarrels, but we agreed exactly. with them, that is, i didn’t avoid leaving home, please tell me, in order to create your own clothing brand, you need money, where did you get the money for this, would you survive here, would you rent an apartment, would you have enough for food, yes, i sold your dresses, do you think this is her dress design, well, i think yes, why not, i think it looks so good, well
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, not bad, yes, so cute, what about yours? education, i have no higher education, no, i don’t have any higher education, i... various courses in design, so you wrote on the questionnaire that you buy new things every day, but why should you buy if you have your own clothing brand, here’s yours would wear it, but i really like it, i love clothes, i always like to see what the fit is, what fabrics are available, what new accessories have appeared, another fabulous one, and where do you get the money to buy every day, i really i work a lot, it seems to me that this girl has achieved 20. 1 year a lot and a beautiful appearance, i like it, you have such original habits, in general this, this is for you, it means, look, you can’t be touched or talked to in the morning until you eat, and well, the interval, that’s how long, when you , yes, i wake up right away,
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do exercises, go to breakfast, smell every piece of food before you put a spoon in your mouth, but why are you sniffing? and you know, you can immediately feel all the taste buds at once, it ’s as if they’re turning on, just juicy food, but why are you touching strangers who they pass by, but not by, not everyone. yes, well, i just see when a person is beautifully dressed, he has a beautiful fabric, here are the accessories, i come up, there, i say, you can touch it, see what kind of material it is, it’s professional, it’s professional, if a person makes clothes, then everything is quite logical, but the language of love for you is gifts?
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thank you, there are a lot of emotions in one dance, and a very flexible, very beautiful figure. mikhail, you have a girlfriend or wife, that is, in a relationship. how do you like it, yana? calm a little girl, a girl who develops herself, achieves and who is self-sufficient in everything, it’s more interesting for her to just live in this world, and not depend on a man, but it seems to me that he’s just not emotional, of course, that’s right minus, that is, he’s just like a stone, you know, he’s sitting like that, well, even now he’s frowning, you saw you’re only 34 years old, there’s still time, yes, why do you need me, for which actually. goes his own way, well, this is absolutely not necessary, especially if lariska claims that you are still jealous,
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pathologically, i am in no way, then here you will remember the past, mother , i’m sorry, we just need a young woman or girl who, as i told you at the very beginning, has nothing, let her sit there in the library , i graduated from college, now i’m just starting, as they say, but for now, meet the second bride, come, hello, hello, glad to meet you for... i’m veronica, veronica has very cold hands, and you have warm, fresh ones, i love such hands , you will warm me, this is for you, thank you, oh, first
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blink, no problem, thank you, very beautiful, this is a sign, the bouquet fell, this is a sign, veronica, 32 years old, artist, writes poetry and creates a library for blind, visually impaired children, dreams of holding exhibitions of her paintings around the world. admits that he places boxes of paper napkins everywhere and always packs his suitcase at the last moment. veronica considered her marriage successful until her husband began to systematically smell of other people's perfume. he hopes that ivan will smell of reliability. hello, what is it on? year of his life, your husband began to come home inspired. and we were together for 13 years.
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russia is a threat to our world. who are you, sir, what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from, he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, he trained. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. barel acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they cut off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the masks of the european elite were dropped with the start of a special military operation. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise it
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is in the interests of the united states. props will suffer, the game is just beginning, and we have run out of the limit on goodwill gestures, old jazeb, excuse me, who are the dolls of tutti’s heir, today is on the first, gene snob, a product of the stellor group, you have a lot of fighters. islan bistrovno, your sleep will be guarded by 150 pieces, including me, and here right on sashnorebasovskaya, breakfast at provide a number, unhook the perimeter, posts along the perimeter every 100 m, two platoons in a chain into the forest, the first platoon, a gun, that is, now you are an accomplice to the murder, i am a prosecutor and not a lawyer, but let’s hope that justice will prevail, according to
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military laws. time, new episodes, watch after the program time, seventh, i am fourth, i hear you, full readiness, i repeat, full readiness, the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it’s from here, into a special hole in the wall, that it leaves into the world, through this fire we connect. with god himself, with his divine love, and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. there are 33 steps from golgotha ​​to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom
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of god.
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talk, something preceded this, well, for example, you did to him often the remark that you are with your mother all the time, that you call her, you know, if you blow in a man’s ears like this all the time, he will get tired, some are already somewhere, some are in work, some are in another woman, immersed, yes, when you have no experience, you are young, you don’t understand, what is your relationship with your mother, with my mother, she was my best friend, well, she’s like me, she wants a lot of attention, to spend more time. i think she's so possessive, that's when you suspected him, without catching his hand, that he was cheating on you, because from him it started to smell like someone else's perfume, they conducted an investigation, who is it, what is it? no, of course, i would like my man to talk to me, tell me how it is, and you tried to talk to him, as a result you found out, he had someone, why did he suddenly become so cold towards you, no, that is there was no answer, who spoke first?
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i started talking about the divorce, but i didn’t talk about the divorce, but about the fact that something in our relationship is not right, that i want to communicate more, that i feel that you are pulling away, but in response you simply the person didn’t want to talk, why didn’t you give birth to anyone in 13 years, because we had such a situation that he was studying, and i was studying, and morally we thought that we needed to first get a higher education, then build a house , it seems to me that they are not suitable for each other now, but he needs more. such a fatal girl, she seems to be more open, yes, more open, more so bright, you have a good education in higher economics, management of the tourism industry, but you work as an artist poet, you earn good money, you have
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some kind of education as an artist, i studied in two schools, this was in childhood, that is, in a music school and an art school, that is, it was drawing and music in class, that is, you are now you make money as an artist, but what do you do? yes, i paint pictures, i paint do they buy electrons? at the same time, you still dream of opening a library for the blind and visually impaired, that is, do you collect books or something? no, i write books in briley font, well, it’s wonderful, it’s just, well, worthy of praise, how much do you do you need time for one book? i am creating an ordinary book, that is, an ordinary book. you will answer the question, my dear, how much? you see, people have been writing to him for weeks...
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he’s just trying to look somehow deeper into the soul to understand what it seems to me like, but i’m proposing to do a battle with mendelssohn, so what’s the condition, you quatrain. and different thirds, but the best of all is mendelssohn’s favorite march, the heart song, well, the white stick, well, like, why not, the heart song at
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the end, where is the ripmata, and can i ask a question? veronica, veronica, you are a very feminine, delicious girl, it’s really nice to watch, you’re great. listen, since you are a creative person, i have the following question for you: are you ready to take your husband’s last name? my last name is duckweed, i think that a girl should take a last name despite the fact that she is a creative person, that is, you are ready, but what is your last name, it doesn’t matter, in fact, you like brides, uh, feminine, beautiful girl, let's look at the surprise, come on, what do you think the surprise will be now, well, it's creative, i it seems like a song or a poem, maybe some kind of verse of his own. i will put on a red dress and glasses over my eyes, versace, so that no one will see how i cry, so that no one will know what i am hiding in my soul, one beautiful, sweet
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dress, instead of black ones for tears and goodbyes, i heard so much, hello. no prohibitions, no promises, you know, i’m moving at such a fast pace, i added little bits, dada, but she’s just a star, you know, straight 90, life, come on, we ’ll close the arrow, take my red dress, give me love, not instead of a fake, i’m wearing. but today is happiness
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i’ll wear happiness today, thank you, thank you, thank you, take the flowers and come on in, this is something of hers, something she wrote herself: a song, she performed it herself, she wasn’t afraid, how do you like the bride, my friends, good, good, in fact, the girl is pleasant, sweet, feminine, kind, well, that’s what i saw, as it seemed to me, she did n’t love, it seems to me that she lacked love, warmth, and from her husband, uh, if you want to be loved, love, it seems to me, there was a selfish thing there, two-sided, but a woman, if she wants to love a man, she... wants to continue, you can also dream endlessly when we build a house, a dacha, in addition, two cars and so on, something was different there, i want a family and children, of course, for of course, to be wealthy, calm.
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van, hello, you are engaged in construction and build strong houses, i hope we can also build a strong family, of course, this is for you, thank you, i appreciate it, veronica, 23 years old, photographer at a children's center, sometimes makes money by playing computer games . admits that he won’t sit down for breakfast until he’s swept all the floors in the house, warns that she will not tolerate the chosen one’s night work schedule and his communication with exes. veronica tried to get pregnant for a long time, but as soon as she gave birth to a child, she realized that her husband was not the right person for her. she hopes that ivan will become an ideal match for her. hello veronica, hello. well, listen, she came just like that. you are such eyelashes, no,
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast of the seventh.
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she waged victorious wars and annexed empire new lands, wrote laws and carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon potemkin will be talked about as the most influential person in russia, but even... relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. may 4, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for his beloved woman. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. have you tried to get pregnant while married? before marriage, why? we were together for a total of 5
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years, but the child came 3 years later, well what happiness, your man rejoiced? yes, at first he was happy, everything was fine. ok, well, then for about a week he just walked around in shock, at first he didn’t understand, well , he was just in some kind of state of shock, but why didn’t he walk like himself, well, there was fear, because we just had a tense relationship , we started arguing, because, well , my hormones were probably going crazy, i didn’t have enough eternal attention, he either works there or on the computer, well, outwardly she tries to emphasize long eyelashes, big lips, it seems to me that she wants how as if to make amends for these memories. in the past, where did you live? lived with his parents, fed his parents, well, as i understand it, yes, well, we lived with his parents, well, his mother wanted us to just live next to her, it was just a big two-story house, so she said: i wo n’t to interfere with your meddling, well , i won’t meddle in your life, like, well, just to get everyone together,
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no, i didn’t, well, thank god, but he came home from work, let’s say he ate, so, well, i didn’t have enough attention, because i was going to bed , because tomorrow i go back to work. well, you would go down to him if the child is calm, you have so much energy that you don’t want to sleep, attention from your husband, it seems to me, at first, you think, lord, he fell asleep somewhere on the sofa and you walk around quietly, you’re afraid of the tv turn it off, because the eyes are right there, and why did you turn off the tv, i’m watching, you know, so as not to touch you, that’s how i’m a mother of two children, i understand that i don’t care about anything at all. well, somehow i just want to sleep stupidly, no, it’s sad that at 23 you’re already with a child without anyone, when you finished the acting course, when he didn’t like it, we parted in advance, that is, i said that i wanted to enroll in higher acting, i said that well, i was interested in it, so i was going
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to enroll in rostov first, but before that what to do, i wanted to take acting courses, he didn’t support me, he said no, like then we’ll break up, then... it’s all over, your husband was jealous of you, you, for example, wanted to tell him how scenes with a kiss were filmed, she categorically he rejected it, but how did you tell him how the kissing scenes were filmed, well i just said that we can come to an agreement, there are understudies, that is, an actor’s understudy, never in life, like a close-up of a kiss, close-up, there are never any understudies, you kiss, you kiss like that - in life, moreover, your partner owes you be nice, otherwise there won’t be any truth, so... or maybe your courses were unusual? well, they told me that they could use a double, but that is, it’s like that, or they just film a scene in such a way that they show one plot, in fact, in a different way. i believe that you either accept a creative person or you don’t, because i had the same situation, but not with a kiss, with the performance
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of songs. what was the final point of separation when you went to rostov to see your friend? i went to my friend’s house for literally a week there to visit her, so i decided that...
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no, he didn’t say anything, he did n’t care at all, tell me, kuvan is your friend, on what side, what is getting closer to you with a heart on this, he has a girlfriend, my very, very close friend, but unfortunately, due to health reasons, she couldn’t, well , she couldn’t just come with us, okay, let’s look at the surprise you have prepared, please, well, it seems to me that she will either sing, but not
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dance, that’s exactly what she is, it seems to me , in general, a non-athletic person, sports tricks are possible, by the way, now we are blindfolding each other and will dance the finger, i got lower, there is lower. okay, i 'll lower it now, so now, that's it, i helped that it's hanging normally, yes, with the right leg on me, okay, come on, two, three, oh, veronica, i i’m starting to feel something, listen, veronica, you smell very delicious, thank you, i know.
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veronica is tricky, well, this is such closeness, such tenderness, such romance, but why are you huddled in a corner in the middle? close contact is very conducive to such a mood, romance, love, how do you like the bride, small, stupid, i don’t want to offend you in any way, she’s still a girl. it seems to me that she just needs to engage in self-development, raise a child, and
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maybe read books, well, it has nothing to do with age, she’s so small, there is already a child, she is 2 and then 23 years old, i think that she is not raising her, her parents are probably raising her there, i think so too, you see, he says that you are small, deep, he just doesn’t see that you are very vigorously. a person and you don’t know where to give this energy, guys, well, you need to choose, i recommend the first veronica, who is older, 32 years old, after all, i believe in her more, if you focus correctly, you know, after all, the husband should also help your wife, in this regard, you will correctly orientate, there is a good education, let him draw, let him give birth to a baby, let him draw with him, and write poems there, all this will come in handy. for the fact that she wants to help someone, today, it seems to me, it’s so great, even just her
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desire is one, yes, let’s find out from mendelsonchik, who are you for, dear, i’m also for an artist and a poet, whoever you go to now, in any case, we will support you, come out, if he comes here and chooses me, then i will come out with him, because i really liked him, i invite everyone to come out and support ivan. listen, i'd like to - try to build a relationship with you, if you don’t mind, okay, we can make it mutual, yes, i’m very happy, but can i look closer into your eyes, of course, i really liked the light of your eyes, it’s mutual, we have a couple, ivan and veronica, if you are single, or did you like it? one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva and i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you: let's get married,
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i'm just tired of these courts, i'm proving, i know that i'm right, i'm just afraid stay with a homeless child on the street, and the uncle in... the only heir is sergei vladimirovich, his wife also came in, what does she have to do with it, the inheritance has no right to mine, and we are finding out now,
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because she came to this studio. good afternoon, what a terrible word, legacy. go pick him up when you have relatives like this. yes, listen, not only the housing issue, but also the land issue, the house issue, spoils people a lot. today in our studio is diana titorenko from the krasnodar territory. diana, hello. hello yuli, what happened to you? yulia, i applied to the program, i just had to apply already, i have no more strength, no more hope,
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why? because i'm just afraid to stay. with a child on the street, a homeless person, the mother will remain a homeless person, and, accordingly, there is simply nowhere for me to go with the child, this is from the house in which i grew up, so you are afraid that now the house in which you lived, my uncle will simply kick us out with this house, so we ’ll just become homeless, brother of your mother, my mother, yes, yeah, that’s it, but what happened, uh, how can i explain it to you, in my own, well, a long time ago grandmother and grandfather died, an inheritance remained, well, my brother said so, my sister... the house remains, arrange it when it is convenient for you, i will have a share, but how many children did my grandparents have? three, there were three, my mother, uncle and sister, there are three of them, uncle and sister, yes, the eldest uncle, the middle mother, the youngest aunt, so, grandparents are dying, and uncle, the elder brother, says to your mother and sister ,
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that means the house is yours, yes, an inheritance. issue it later, why later? yes, well, because at that time their mother’s passport was stolen, her they changed criminal cases there, there were , they restored svetlana’s passport, there was an expired document, ussr, there was also this period of replacing documents, at that moment they simply didn’t even have passports, they restored all this, they could not enter the rights to the inheritance, documented, please tell me, diana, but there was some other inheritance besides the house, they only knew about one. share, they knew, they were aware, well , a share is a green plot of land there , in my opinion 4, yes, yes, yes, that’s what they knew for one share, for 4.5 hectares in the krasnodar region, i i’ll tell you, this is not a small amount of money, it also belonged to your grandparents, and your mother knew that there was only one share, 4.5 hectares, so, so , and how did it all end, and
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how did it end, in 2019 there was a feast in this same house, where... i live with my son, with my husband, i live with my husband, you have lived in this house all these years, and during the feast, it turns out, my cousin, i just let it slip, i asked a question, where did your father get it from, for what price, for what finances did he buy the car, brother said, yes he says, he sold the shares, he says, from his grandparents, who stayed, he says, he got a car, he says, he helped me and my sister, and i was shocked, i approached my mother with this question, my mother is shocked, she says, what kind of shares, she says, i i know that there was a share, yes one share,
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then we’ll do the documents then to whom it’s like i say, let’s say, let’s draw it up, he, well, give me the money for registration, i’ll help you draw it up , he says, i say the inheritance is the only one entered, he says, i’ll help you draw it up, well, i went to the notary, the notary said yes since he entered it would be easier if he formalized yes, he entered, he formalized everything, he said, well, i gave him money for registration, he said, he said , i gave him money for it, and then he disappeared, we seem to have a garden in a garden, and so did i.
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9 hectares in the krasnodar region 9 hectares, and you can be rich, money doesn’t buy happiness, but money doesn’t, of course, let’s look at your home happiness in this house, in which you essentially grew up, i grew up here, i i misbehaved here, i messed up here, this is my pride, everyone is trying to do it. cut everything down, either electricians or someone else, but i don’t give it up the memory of my grandfather, and this is a house, this is a veranda, it turns out, my grandparents, i put in each glass, and this is
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my son’s improvised corner, we are trying to play sports, but my little one, yes, this is my little house, well, this my little corner, i’m sitting here doing things like this... trinkets, fakes, my child is always here, here are his hamsters, the child asked for them, i bought them, i have to take care of them again, it was raining, the child and i were sad , and we decided that’s all draw, this is our other room, here my husband and i are, here are my fish, my little puppies, these are my grandparents, they were grazing geese, here... in the yard my grandparents are gone, yes, but i’m i stayed in this house, i’m just tired of these courts with everything, i’m proving, i know that i’m right, i know that i’m not lying, you know, i’m the only ones who lost in the courts, we were denied, allegedly there are no
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documents establishing title, yes here they are, here they are, you understand that we are in this house, me, mother, svetlana, well, as much as possible, you, mom’s brother, yes, treat us like this, you’re trying to leave us on the street, just with nothing, listen, but someone knew after all? there is some monstrous story that the uncle intimidated, the aunt knew, the aunt knew everything, this is svetlana, this is the younger sister, she knew everything, but she hid it from her mother, you see, it just turned out like, she knew about everything that was happening with uncle, he turns out, and that is , she knew that she, that there were shares, and why didn’t she tell, but he said, tell me that olga, i’m breaking your legs, that's what she said, well, as she said so later, i said, i was scared of sergei, he said, he said, you'll tell olga, he says, i say legs on... i interrupt, i actually say, i'll forget about you, as for sister, i won’t communicate with you, let’s call him and i want to tell you that if he came, it means he has some kind of truth of his own, hello, judges, hello,
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oh, i’m sorry, i often judge, well, hello, viewers , presenters, well, i want to tell everything from the beginning, because here everything has been turned upside down, kidnapping is in the original, kidnapping of children, i simply lost faith in humanity, with every publication my mood deteriorated, at one time our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i have already mentioned that i i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know that this was a kidnapping, fake kidnappings are also a separate story, very often they become the plot of the same tv series and films, i made this discovery for myself: that mostly children are involved in kidnappings relatives, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, lam’s podcast, today on the first,
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fashion verdict, new season, i’m with you, lilia rakh, tomorrow on the first, ends great lent ahead of us is a magical... easter holiday, the most important miracle is that god is love, i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this, i burst into tears, since then yes, we already have four children, i said, katya, what happiness, you're pregnant, she says, no, i don't want to live, i don't want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this can't be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days.
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these are miracles, blessed matrona, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, with matrona’s petals many are healed, we came precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, who protected her, took care of her, they came up with the idea that she is from a very poor family, that's not true, that's who has what it hurts, he makes that request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i make it as best i can, i was born in a large family,
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because at the time the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say , that i just so boundlessly believed in it, but i simply admitted that it could be, in may we had a stesha, some kind of divine providence, well, we just stood before the nights and i mentally in my thoughts, turning to the matron, i say : look, holy matron, come to me as i live. may 5th on the first, mom nikulina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me, said to my head: you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now realized that i was a matron, tell me your version of why the sisters didn’t care than, and you took everything.
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my mother died first, my father died in 2002, naturally, all funeral expenses were borne by my family, a month passed, i took my sister olga and svetlana, and we went to the notary, well , regarding the inheritance, the notary said to provide documents, so i provided mine , olya provided her documents, she had a ussr passport, olya, not sveta, but sveta... she only had a birth certificate, a notary, well, how he explained the whole situation, i was waiting for them to receive these documents, well, i said that you need , i asked them, so what did they answer, they said, well, we need to get younger, we don’t need land, why in 2002 the land cost one, one land share cost 11.00 then, no one needed it, though the land was not needed then and in total... two shares 22, in short, you and
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your sisters agreed that the house remains theirs, you have these two shares, only they thought that there was one share, well, no, well, that’s not the point, they knew, sisters, why, they knew well that there were two shares, listen, i’m afraid to ask, how many shares are now these two shares are worth, well, this is agricultural land, it costs a million, one share, 2 million, that is, yes, 2 million, two shares are worth, and how much does this house cost now, the house is also worth within a million, well. ..
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today the value, wait, of all assets, two land shares and a house is 3 million rubles, that’s right, yes, yes, yes, why don’t you give a million each to your sisters and live in peace, i told them, i’ll draw up and make a deed of gift for you, and you to the middle one, when you said this, when you said this, it was before the trial, even before the trials, why? you haven’t drawn up or made any deed of gift at all?
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look, we are the house for which you set up here on the first channel, who knows what, we’ve already seen it, now let’s see how you live on these, look, on these fields, oh, it smells, granddaughters are visiting, and even more, family we have a big one, we have grandchildren great pride, come on... tell me about your room, here i relax and watch tv, because my husband likes to watch his programs, and i like to watch mine, i like to watch, hunting, fishing, type, type, type, drink water, come,
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vasek, the combo has arrived, vasya, vasya, don’t be shy.
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you understand this perfectly well, if you are sensible , it’s different right now, you’re a person, that nothing can be formalized in any other way, the dispute in any case is not resolved in a straightforward manner, you sat down on a bench and discussed it, that is, it was the only way if... i would help you, i was a child, but i’m not a child, i helped you, and i also collected grass, i helped you, i helped you, sergey, i want to understand, what are your conditions, let’s listen, under what conditions is he ready to give you the house, under what conditions, i told them, you admit your lies, i
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refuse you, and what lies must be admitted, i took them to the notary office, they refused, i helped them, gave them what lies they should confess, but they didn’t refuse, and i helped them, gave them sugar. well, they asked for money for gave, no, well, i helped them sisters, i ask you again, what exactly do they need to admit, what kind of lies of theirs, that you gave them sugar, that i helped them, come on, you can say that he helped you and gave you sugar, please , you can say this, i beg you, let’s just say one phrase, please, i beg you, please, why should i, just tell me, he gave me sugar, please tell me, svetlana, once, you can once , just to say, he gave me sugar, okay, he gave me sugar, that’s it, no, let them say that i took them to the notary, they signed the waivers, they refused that i took them, stop, a second, a second, a second, let’s do this, wait,
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wait, and then you ’ll come up with something else , you know, now, if there was a neon sign here, the word would be flickering on it right now, not even flickering, the word would be blazing , kurkul, where we ended up, brother, you brought us here, right, where would we turn? yes, they gave it to you, i didn’t give the house back, well, you didn’t do it, well, how did i give away the documents, well, who owns it now? house, no one owns it now, i’m only registered in this house, listen to me, this is
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how my parents would have done when they were still young, their son came from the army, they sent him off , he came back from the army, he took off, then he found himself... . woman, nelya, the parents had a 3 -day wedding, bought a house, they moved to live nearby, his mother was offended that nelya, his wife, was never kind. please tell me, what kind of relationship did sergei have with his parents? cold, alexander, his relationship was cold. well, he's just for show walked around, noted that there were parents, his wife didn’t like his parents, she seemed to set him up, she took our brother away from us, oh that’s the thing, yes, it’s about his wife, yes, she took our brother away from us, she took him away with my sister, she just took away, so maybe all these lawsuits, it ’s her suggestion, i don’t know, the thing is that he... stopped communicating with us, i remember how he came from the army, the manicurist brought me a set ,
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remember, brother, i, i always, you brought it to germany when you served, yes, and then you forgot about your sisters, you didn’t need us anymore, you began to live with her, that’s all, when her parents, sergei, this was very important now, it’s cooler than sugar, she just told the whole country that you brought her a manicure set, she confirmed it, maybe you’ll give away the house, right? listen, maybe your sister deceived you, maybe he gave it to her, she didn’t tell you she ended up in a madhouse in the end, olya, but tell me, with whom is svetlana? my sister was injured, she had a breakdown, a nervous breakdown, she
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just went and beat the man with an ax, it seemed to her that she had whipped him with a stick, that's all, and where is she now, in a mental hospital, my sister, josep borel, is a very aggressive character, while we do not have a concrete plan on how to defeat russia, this is not my task, his task is to be an instrument of war, russia is a threat to our to the world, who are you, mr. bars? what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from? he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, he interned at stanford, the intelligence services are already beginning to invest money, he is running for the role of the american monkey, we have already we have been discussing for weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. baral acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they are cutting off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the us and europe will suffer. the game is just
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starting. and we have run out of limits on gestures and goodwill. old jazep. sorry, who? dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. shillov is alive. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, someone with you is not kind, but evil, straight up shilov,
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not angry, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain, it simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others, according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch the time after the program, do you think that i don’t have a heart, or i don’t feel anything, from the moment of christmas we see the greatest tragedy, his such, one might even say, amazing loneliness, christ has had no place in this world since his birth. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth, it could not be, how could it be, from such a... dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that
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was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, that’s absolutely certain. when people decided to get rid of god and his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god. the way of christ. may on first, do you think your brother is independent in this conflict or is someone with him? standing behind him, of course, is his wife, his wife is also involved, what does she have to do with him, his wife, she insists, because i believe that no inheritance has a right to mine, ol, but you think that she is setting him up against you, yes, it’s clear, yes, she took it back from us, she ’s setting you up, she’s not setting you up, she ’s setting you up against you, and we’ll find out now, because she came to this studio, i really want
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to meet her, to understand if she’s setting you up or does it not set you up against the sisters? women's dormitory, she got him out of there, and then she comes, everything is fine with us, we need to make it worse, that is, you want to say that her personal life did not work out, everything was bad, she, seeing how happy you are you live, i wanted to ruin this happy life for you too, and i did this all the time, but what i did was, i told him about me, as if i was walking, as if the children were not his, what did i
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tell you, stop, stop, tell me , please, that’s why there is a surfboard now, well, i’ll take it, so i’ll drive, because of what cheesebort, he would have taken it the way he wanted, decorated the house for himself, would have written a deed of gift for everything, not to meet until the end of his days, he left it for them, but what he left, he didn’t leave, you understand that they should not have gone, they couldn’t formalize it on time for the tariff, you how could a woman say to her husband, don’t sue your sisters, let’s give it up...
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the position is this, which means that in 2020 olga vladimirovna filed a claim directly for recognition of property rights, we were offered in court, accordingly, our opponents offered we should sign a settlement an agreement on the division of both a land plot, that is, a shared plot of land, and house ownership, that is, to divide it all equally into 1/2, not taking into account svetlana vladimirovna, because she was in a psychoneurological dispensary. that’s why sergei vladimirovich refused, said: “let’s do it this way, we ’ll agree that the house will go to you, and the farming land, as we formalized it, will remain for me, since i still participated in it.” registration and everything else, the settlement agreement was not signed with my colleague, that is, we did not come to a common denominator, after which, which means there was a trial,
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it means that we were granted petitions for..." to provide witnesses that confirm the fact that olga vladimirovna did not live in address matrosova 3, as a result of which we requested documents for the household register, i would like to clarify that the household register has many transfers, that is, before 2001 i provided documents, until 2001 olga vladimirovna was not registered there, and after 2001,
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yes, counterclaims were put forward, counterclaims from themselves to re-divide both the land plot and the house, but in our case, according to hereditary law, according to inheritance law... the deadlines had already expired, that is, 20 years , but for good reasons, we have been suing for five years, no good reasons were provided, mental illness, in that they did not know and could not know about entering into the inheritance, in
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addition, the only heir is sergei vladimirovich, since he entered into inheritance, he is the only heir, and he has the right to inherit everything claimed for the inheritance, others own it, other heirs do not have the right to do so, no, but what do you want, as they agreed to divide the inheritance, so it was necessary to divide, and not take . now what do you want them to tell the truth, what kind of truth, in fact, that she did not live there, her parents died before and after death, she did not actually live there, that is, you want her to make a fake registration, so that she admits to this, this is korenovsky korinovsky district, fake passport registration, you are the employees, nelya made the number, and what else, oh my god, who should get the house? “if it’s true, she’ll say, well , i, as my husband will say, yes, i bet, i’m not an heiress, why should i say this, as
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he’ll say, no, why are you doing this to my deceased parents, that we buried me with dignity, wine on i didn’t even buy a coffin, not even matorina, i didn’t even buy wine for the coffin, why are you so kind, your mother celebrated your wedding, how much did you spend on the funeral sea”? anything vi swa 3 years 3 days parents walked the wedding moityla you didn’t count how much we spent on things like mom and you when you stole my cosmetics when you stole my clothes you’re crazy like you, shut your mouths, the village is the village, if after all, well, let’s say they admit their guilt. are you ready for the house to be given to them? i’m personally against it, to be honest, after what they did, i’m against it, you’re against it getting to them, he wanted it, and you’re against it, yes,
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yeah, that is, you’re ready for his blood relatives, including the child, let's go live on street, she has housing, she is registered with her aunt, that is, they must go to her aunt, but the house, what do you need this house for, you need someone to live there, who will live, no one...
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so what happened with the heroes of our today's program is that i would like to advise you, conclude a settlement agreement, sergey, give the house to olga, diana and svetlana, give it back, you have it. sisters, who, if we don’t take the legal side, yes, and the fact that they missed these 20 years is theirs, really, well, you are to blame for this, but you have two
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sisters, you have two sisters, you will not have others, give up this house, and they will leave the land alone, i think it will be right, it will be according to your conscience, and your conscience will be clear, yes, share. she won’t get it, because there’s this woman who’s sitting on the right, i don’t even want to call her by name, she’ll burn in a fiery frying pan, you’ve just quarreled the whole family, you’re
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just... didn’t give them existence, so god bless you with all the best, your parents raised you, well, they invested in you, we won’t say who is more, who is less, but it’s decent for you got it, well, give them what belongs to them, they screwed up, yes, they are now trying to somehow influence it emotionally, maybe they are saying something behind your back, as you don’t like, it’s about sugar, about milk , well, really, in fairness, give it back.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this rings a bell for me. greetings, tomin from ugrozovsk. the first perception of the audience is still major
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tomin and... there’s no escape, if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then this, of course, infuriates him. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, the man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this amazing gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient.
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i think that he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i was once young myself, and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion, the artist touches on the theme of costumes dresses and...
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and now a project to help children in russia, which we are doing together with the popular front. elementary classes at... in the second shift we really don’t like it, well look, in theory, my schedule jumps all the time, i can’t go to extra classes, when you get home, it’s dark and scary, sometimes even we are at school we don’t have time to eat tomorrow because we arrive very late, children who are in the fifth and sixth grades study in the third shift, we want a new school, build
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it for us, please, very active the area is being built up with multi-apartment high-rise buildings, and kindergartens and schools -
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how long does it take to go to the office at 17:20 i return, on thursday at 18:30, i return from school at 6-7 pm, i study at the second school, and this is far from here 40 minutes, 40 minutes to school, uh-huh, why don’t you study here, there aren’t enough places, so i also want a school to be built somewhere nearby, so that you have to go by bus, so you can easily walk to everything, uh-huh, who also wants? how many operating schools do you currently have in this entire microdistrict? two schools, one 600 people, another 850, now 3,500
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and children go there, well, yes, and every year plus 150-200 children, there are no clubs here, yes, that is, no sports sections, no training of any kind, everything is commercial, the administration gives permission on... houses, there is no ratio of housing and social institutions at all, the administration found out that we were coming, but unfortunately, they didn’t come to meet you, so somehow i can stand in the rain, but they might be cold, i don’t know , but yes, we’ll go visit them, it’s warm and cozy there, so let's all go to the administration together. “hello, i need to talk with the head, at an off-site meeting, on the basis of which you are not letting me in now, you are violating the law on smeg, preventing the activities of journalists, tell them to let
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everyone through, i beg you, they came to you about a problem , which exists in your neighborhood, it’s a problem of absence.” lady from this area, like mushrooms grow here, one clinic, three pediatricians for this entire area, it’s not even an outpatient clinic, it’s not there, there aren’t even narrow specialties there, it doesn’t have the right to make, for example, an x-ray room, when you have such an infrastructure for 3000 people,
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let’s roughly imagine how many children, three pediatricians, and there was a time when you generally had one pediatrician, how to live, they, they solve all the problems, and here, too, you also have development plans.
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if someone turns to you for some other problems, you will always accept them, the principle of work, the door is open, that’s it, they will accept you, if you know someone who needs help or is ready to help, contact us, i i just want him to leave me in peace, he just got me, a young man is stalking me, we met on the internet, he turned out to be orthodox and i also go to church, when she had to move to another country, then he’s like a vampire, yes, yes,
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fear at the same time, when he began to actively pursue me, i had a young man, how to get rid of these stalkers, stalkers? you just take him, block him, some spirits have contacted him, and he needs to find me, he even walks around my area in severe frost, but it’s scary, especially when it’s the creature ambushed me for the second time; it was already the hunt that began to run to change. his being, what does it mean he ran away from you? good evening, there’s a big game live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, well, i’ll start by congratulating everyone on the past may day, may day and may day holidays, and of course , happy maundy thursday to all orthodox christians, unfortunately,
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in all honesty we have to talk about the dirty deeds of the ukrainian nazi regime . may 2, we remember what happened 10 years ago in odessa, when people were burned alive in the house of trade unions, they threw themselves out of windows and were shot. this was one of the most dramatic pages of the crimean spring, and this event, of course, will never be forgotten, we will not forget - this is us, in moscow, uh, memory lane, in mitina, just in memory of those events in odessa, not will never be forgotten in odessa itself, and today the brave souls, some of them, lay their hopes on it. flowers to
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the fence that is now displayed around the house of trade unions, this is a crime that will not have a statute of limitations, and the criminals are known, and viktor medvedchuk today called these names, let's listen. under the chairmanship of turchinov, 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare the operation of mass murder in odessa of opponents of the coup. igor kolomoisky. igor palitsa led the action on the spot; for its successful implementation, on may 6, 2014, he was appointed governor of the odessa region. i think these names are generally what they are.
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a crime that simply speaks of atrocity, of cynicism, of the desire to simply physically destroy all those whom these nazis do not consider their own, they have a doctrine, so-called integral nationalism, that is, there are no means that cannot be used to create a mono-ethnic, mono-confessional, that is, uniad nation, and even if 51% are killed so that 49. it remains possible, this of course speaks of
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a deep anti-christian meaning all their views, of course, but you are absolutely right, this cannot be forgotten, this is a crime against one’s own people, this is a crime against russians, this is a crime against humanity and humanity, to shoot and finish off people jumping out of windows, from burning windows, you have to lose all human appearance, of course, and of course, it is outrageous that in the west they looked at all this with connivance, this is scary and...
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constantly, on may 2, 1945 , the wehrmacht army itself capitulated in berlin the berlin operation ended, it ended brilliantly, and today the heirs of those winners are in the victory park, and there is an exhibition there,
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a very impressive exhibition, where you can see all the new products of western technology. representatives of diplomatic departments the united states, great britain, germany, france and poland can
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visit this exhibition without priority. well, i understand, you don’t represent the embassy of these states, there are a lot of people. it’s interesting in this case, i really wanted to see the extent of the damage, what kind of ammunition, how this or that military object was hit and what the result was, but life has shown that we are actually ahead in terms of fire weapons, in terms of technology, it is better, and most importantly, life has shown that... at the beginning of our shots, the lowered trunk of a leopard 2, this is a historical memory, this is a symbol of 41-45, when in our chronicle there were these wounded tigers with their snouts lowered and the corpses lay next to them, today i like it, i don’t like it, maybe on maundy thursday
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you said it correctly, and not it’s very correct to talk about this, but this, but this will happen, and the geranium standing... on each of these objects suggests that this vaunted equipment was damaged by this simple ammunition, mind you, of the six abrams that crashed on the battlefield , 25 successful by order of the american administration, withdrawn from the battlefield, now they are thinking about how to re-equip them, under what circumstances to introduce them into battle and how they will be used, moreover, to discuss... well, there is no one, but the fact that at victory park on
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may 2, 2 may, this is the day when germany surrendered, and... at that time our flag, the berlin garrison, was already hanging, yes, germany had not yet capitulated, it was not yet the eighth, the flag with the victory over the reistag, which kontario and egorov, together with lieutenant beriustroev and beristovets, who was not given the title of hero, so i wanted to say today on this day, few people know, he was given combat. a red banner and so on, and this is the lieutenant political officer of the company, kantaria and egorov were not tall, and the political officer was a huge two-meter tall belarusian who lived. in ukraine, thanks to him they got through, climbed, he raised, he led all this, well, kontaria and
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egorov were given the title of hero, and his red banner, in the seventy-fourth year he died saving a girl in rostov, imagine, ukraine subsequently gave a hero him, and then took it back, can you imagine what bastards, well, by the way, since you mentioned the victory flag, i must say that egor. and kantaria, under the leadership of captain neustroev, when they were installing the flag, they installed it on one of the columns, this is the flag, this one, well, the footage of the fag installation, which was shown by all the historical ones, they were taken already on may 2, they hung this flag, here with this, the flag was originally hung on the thirtieth, and already on the second they hung it for photo and filming for the chronicle, so that too day is historical from this point of view.
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our troops are advancing in most directions, he himself says that the last few days have been accompanied by very powerful missile and bomb attacks on enemy territory, the most striking was certainly last night in odessa, where a club was covered with a large warehouse with ammunition, now the enemy is still looking for who he leaked this facility where western aid was stored, but again , what we see in the footage is the consequences, including the odessa wantonness, with her... it all began, that’s it too, that too consequences for ukraine, old ukraine burned and continues to burn to this day.
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as for the front line, in the zaporozhye direction our troops continue assault operations in rabotino, there is progress there, the flag has already been raised there in the northern part of rabotino, it has not yet been completely taken, but again we see the steady progress of the enemy, they are gradually pushing out from there, just like that how is the offensive progressing to the north-west of the verbovoy rabotinsky salient... the ledge has already shrunk by 40% in size, the enemy cannot hold its position here, in the vremevsky ledge, our troops are also conducting a successful offensive, we managed to break through into the most productive period, battles are already taking place in the southern part of the village, our troops are advancing there, powerful airstrikes on enemy positions have had an impact, we are also attacking west of staromarskoe, in the ugledar direction our troops continue successful offensive south of novomikhailovka, the main goal is to get out... the konstantinovka ugledar highway in order to cut the supply route, we are also fighting on the outskirts of the village of paraskovievka, which is located to the west
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mikhailovka. this means that in krasnogorovka our troops have made progress in recent days in the central and north-eastern part of the city, there the storm continues, the enemy is gradually being pushed back, in georgievka we also have small progress in our favor. in the ovdeevsky direction , the final liberation of the village of berdechi has been completed today, and it has completely come under. our control, all the western captured equipment that was there will now go to our troops, these are several abrams, a large number bradley, leopards, that is, all this will be collected and taken to the rear in varying degrees of safety. this means that solovyovo and novobakhmutka have already been completely cleared out of novokalinovo and keramik , in fact, they have also already come under our control, clearing is underway there, we also already control half of the arkhangelskaya village, which is located just north of keramik, there are also active assault operations to the north. to the north-west to the west of techerina, our troops are also attacking to the west, there are also progress in our favor, in in general, the enemy is not yet able to stabilize
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the front after breaking through under the line, he is forced to abandon territories and populated areas, so here we also see the successes of our army in the near future in the artyomovsk direction, our troops achieved success yesterday to the southeast hour of sofyar, advancing to the canal seversky to the northeast they are today. we have also advanced to the outskirts of the city, gradually trying to cover it from the flanks, our troops are making progress here. on the northern ledge we have some slight progress in area of ​​vesyoly in the direction of the excavation; also today the enemy tried to restore the situation in the belogorovka area, but his attacks were successfully repelled. here we also retain the initiative for now, in the krasnolimansky direction there are no changes, here the main battles are taking place in the area of ​​​​the village of terny, well, in the svatovo-kupiansky direction our troops control most of the acidity. who came in the other day, there is already a flag placed in the center of the village, but the enemy has not yet been completely pushed out there,
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nevertheless, here we are after we can clean up the acidity, after that we also ...
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"i do not rule out anything, because we are faced with someone who does not rule out anything. we were undoubtedly too indecisive in defining the boundaries of our actions. our authority depends on the ability to restrain, without giving complete clarity about what we will or will not do. otherwise, we weaken ourselves. i have a clear strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine. if russia wins in ukraine , there will be no security in europe. pretend that russia will stop at this? what security will other neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania and others have, who will trust the europeans, who would have spent billions, said that the survival of the continent is at stake, but have not secured the means to stop russia, so yes , we should not rule out anything, because our goal is that russia will never be able to win in ukraine, well, of course we can set such a goal, i think napoleon also
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set such a goal, so that russia would never win there, well, that’s it french. new emmanuel macron's statement is extremely serious, sending french troops to ukraine will create a threat to 65 million french people, well, in fact, the challenge seems to have been thrown, what will be the answer? yes, absolutely right, the point is that for macrod to understand the horror that took hold. after all, the french say that macron is a pr man, that is, his words do not accompany politics, they notice politics, in fact, we now see that it sounds the discourse that boris johnson said that we are talking about the survival of european civilization, that we will certainly not stop, we will go further, that europe is under threat, and john said, revelation,
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the system of our hegemony is under threat. he was asked to voice it, he is like that provocateur who is now throwing, in general , spreading the topic, and the rest should, in any case, get used to this idea, just like with the overton window, that is, this then becomes possible, but then, accordingly, in fact, we may be talking about the fact that nato troops will personally try to take part in the battles in ukraine in one way or another to a different degree, at least we are preparing for this, but this is madness, because the participation of nato troops, in fact, gives us a free hand with regard to our doctrine, that is , including nuclear doctrines, well, it must be said that there are troops there, they suffer quite heavy losses, but if there are regular troops, then you are absolutely right, in this
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case our military doctrine provides for something completely different.
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nothing from our arsenal yet, that is, we haven’t started yet, mr. macron, that’s right, may day was celebrated not only in our country, he walked across the planet. broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. josep borel is a very aggressive character. until we have a concrete plan on
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how to defeat russia, it is not my task, his task is to be an instrument of war. russia is a threat to our world. who are you, mr. barel, what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from? he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, he trained. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. barel acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they are cutting off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the masks of the european elite were dropped with the start of a special military operation. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise it is in the interests of the united states. europe will suffer. the game is just starting. and our limit on goodwill gestures has ended. old jazep. sorry, who? dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. and
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you have a lot of fighters. slamstrovno, your dream 150 pieces will be guarded. well, me too. yes, right here along sashno daribasovskaya. serve breakfast in your room. kidnapping is, in the original, the abduction of children, i simply lost faith in humanity, with every publication my mood deteriorated, at one time our wonderful
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leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i i already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know that this was a kidnapping, fake kidnappings are also a separate story, very often. becomes the plot of the same tv series and films, i made this discovery for myself that mostly relatives are involved in child abductions, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, lam's podcast is on the first today, these are miracles, blessed matrons, always... take our icon with you, here i have petals, very many are healed with matron's petals, we came precisely for this, so that it can help us in our personal lives, those who she was protected by the guardian, they came up with the idea that she was from
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a very poor family, this is not true, whoever has something that hurts makes the request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i appeal as best i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because the moment the matron appeared in the nikonov family... there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i believed in it so boundlessly, but i just assumed that it could be, so in may we have stesha appeared, some kind of divine providence, well, we just stood in front of the relics and i here, in my thoughts, turning to the matron, i say, look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive on may 5th on the first, mother nikolina anna ivanovna. i came to her, she patted me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and having lived 96.5 years, she realized that i was with the matron, a big game on the air,
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may day was walking on the planet, moreover, he walked impressively across france, where glorious revolutionary traditions and clashes between workers and the police were especially fierce. the police are in the dark refused, they kicked from right to left, workers were beaten, there were powerful demonstrations in lyon, where the workers also suffered from the forces of law and order, why it was not very clear, but people with red banners were driven quite actively, there were also serious demonstrations on the place de la bastille in paris, as you can see applied.
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the protesters had nothing to do with workers, they were students, mostly from american elite universities, and not only from universities, students protested all over the country, at columbia university, it’s like the first was the point, now the police simply occupied columbia university, columbia university was occupied, the police, the new york police had already arrested 300 demonstrators, of them...
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they were going off the rails, and something went wrong in them at a fundamental level. well, i wouldn't go that far, a small percentage of students are disruptive, and the rest of the students need to feel safe and able to have a crucial academic experience. they should be able to have a graduation ceremony. and i wouldn't go that far in this matter because, as i said, we believe that the initiator of these riots is a small group of students. big. knows, she’s a professor at
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our columbia university, by the way, about graduation ceremonies, in many universities they are simply cancelled, students protesting as old as they are will never receive diplomas in their lives, that ’s why there is such brutality against, well, in general , quite traditional anti-war student processes, because they were always against the afghan war and against the iraqi war, but there was no such thing, well, if we talk briefly about france, then i want to... remember that in the spring of 1968 , student unrest really broke out in france, which perhaps predetermined this, i would say, global significance.
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the younger generation is that it is in relatively good material conditions, which causes additional feelings, these are american assessments in relation to the situation in which their fathers and grandfathers were also when they were at a young age, this is the situation
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is very serious, because it really creates a conflict that can last even years and decades, this is a generational conflict, this is what happened in relation to, perhaps, palestine, this must be seen in a broader aspect, here this is a very important feature of what is happening on college campuses in america today, well, i agree with you that this is a generational conflict, i do not agree that the current young generation lives better than the generation of their fathers, all the statistics show that this is not the case with from the point of view of the possibility of getting a first job, from the point of view of the first salaries, which are the numbers.
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in a liberal-idealistic vein, because 99% of professors at american universities are liberals, there are no conservatives there, like trumpists are not kept in universities, they are expelled if they suddenly appear there, they are eradicated, it just means that this is a generational conflict , that’s what you said, that this speaks of a deep crisis in the general complete undermining of the decomposition of some unifying idea for an american nation that...
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and competition with migrants in the labor market turns out to be very, very difficult, that's what
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donald trump said about biden's policies. all you need to know about joe biden is that every 100 days he is letting half a million illegal immigrants into the us and adding a trillion dollars to our debt. remember, illegal immigrants come to us in the millions. i think that in our country there are about 50 million of them, if the real numbers do not lie, these are human traffickers, among them. mostly women are drug dealers, that's a lot of people, they come out of prison or psychiatric hospitals, we don't want these people, but they come to us from all over the world. trump expresses the basic position of the republicans, the united states, but the republicans themselves are now split, after speaker johnson’s decision to put aid to ukraine to a vote, the party has collapsed, the parties are in crisis now. there is already a movement to remove johnson from the post of speaker, and of course,
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who is leading the movement? margery taylor greene. let's listen to her. speaker johnson fully supported washington's disgusting business model financing any war. yes, that's what it is. their slogan: let's make ukraine great again. they are willing to sponsor any foreign war. they believe this is what their business model should be. here you go, i’ll hang it here. amazing. this means let's make ukraine great again. this is an absolutely brilliant plot, because the gelding essentially intercepts trump’s rhetoric, quite pragmatically. trump explained that. in general, nato is a business project for selling security to europeans,
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and approached other things again pragmatically and mailer greene intercepts the same rhetoric, in fact, she hits the nail on the head when she explains that yes, this is a business plan, and this is , in fact, a way of maintaining the economy, there is a very interesting thing here, that in fact, the current generation of america, this is america for the first time before our eyes they are ceasing to be a white country. majority, she, that is, whites will now become a minority, it will be different, there will be different united states, the question arises, what will happen to the traditional values ​​of the united states, what will happen to the bible belt, yes, on which , in fact, trump relied on in the first campaign and is clearly counting on this in his election campaign, and this is a very difficult question, in fact, when this question is raised and raised in general in the public sphere, it is actually from the democrats . quite, or rather, the republicans are split quite strongly, that is, it turns out that democratic
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weakness will now be countered by the republican one and the company will turn not so much into a struggle of forces, but into competition weaknesses. yes, the united states can compete in weakness, but it can still create trouble, trouble, because it cannot offer anything positive , but it can impose sanctions. and here is another package of sanctions against russia. well, first of all, pay attention. what does it have to do with it, well, it doesn’t fly there, it’s all gone or the severomuysk tunnel,
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i don’t know what chlorine picrin has to do with this, but nevertheless they announced it, but in fact the most remarkable thing is that most of the sanctions there are not against russian companies, there is a huge list of companies from the people's republic of china, from hong kong, there are even companies from belgium, companies from turkey. companies from the united arab emirates, companies from slovakia and companies from azerbaijan, that is, in fact, the sanctions are being internationalized, that they have already exhausted the list of who else can we sanction? i think that they have a problem with this, they don’t fully understand what to do with us, and with such sanctions they are trying to destroy our existing relations with countries.
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positions, because everything related to equipment, weapons, they will still supply, can you imagine, 16 thousand tanks in infantry fighting vehicles during a special military operation we destroyed, more than 200 different artillery systems, about a thousand aircraft, they collected this the whole world and
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prepared a large, serious force, it failed. at the same time, russia did not reveal itself, it was not by chance that i wanted to say that i wanted to look at this broken equipment, just study the ammunition, i know what we have ammunition and what they could do, yes, but nothing modern, which tears the turret apart, demolishes the entire hull along with the rollers, nothing has been used there yet, we, gentlemen, are waiting for you, i would like to remind them again, so. .. again, we haven’t started yet, and, of course, sanctions, they are painful, they are aimed primarily at ousting us and other countries from the world market, occupying some niches ourselves, this is an obvious american tactic, but it has the opposite effect, the more sanctions, the our ties with these countries are stronger, russian-chinese, it’s just that with each
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american sanctions they are growing and strengthening at an incredible pace, plus the list of countries that want to get rid of the dollar and are already withdrawing their gold reserves from the united states of america is growing, here is the latest list, nigeria, south africa, hanna, senegal, cameroon, algeria, egypt, saudi arabia, further down the list, i think, they will all come out, because the united states follows a policy of double standards, and if not double, then triple or quadruple, but more on that later advertising.
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she's not a fighter, she's your wife. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you, some kind of unkind, but also evil, straight up, not evil, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain, it simply does not exist, all we can do is try. do not hurt others according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch after the program time, you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, it rings for me, greetings, tomin from ugrozovsk, the first perception of the audience
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is still major tomin and there's no escape if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then this... of course it pisses him off. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence. your man lifts dumbbells every morning. it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, yes, he gets tired, but he can’t live without it. i believe in omens. probably all the actors believe this, but in a black eye, so you have to spit, tfu-tfu-tfu, for leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, today on the first, a fashionable verdict, a new season, i am with you, alexander rogov, tomorrow on the first, from the moment of christmas we see
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the greatest tragedy, his such, one might even say, amazing loneliness, christo from the very... so from such a dubious places, where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, that’s absolutely true, when people decided to get rid of god and his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god. the way of christ. yes, may 4th on the first. i will reign or perish.
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the foreigner, who did not have legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter, the first received the epithet "great". she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon the apotemki will not be talked about as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on the male... empire catherine the second may 4
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on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. when i came to paris, i was not famous. cooled down between the 70s and the 90s, something like this is going on inside this marriage, almost no one in our country has any idea what couture is authentically, haute couture is high hand-made sewing, high-class sewing, which is raised to a level by painting, architecture, i think that he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i myself was once young, and what especially attracts him is his sense of fashion.
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may 4 on the first, a big game on the first, the scale of genocide in the gas sector, well, simply monstrous, the numbers are there, from 206 days of war 3,400 people died, almost half of them children,
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during a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, high-ranking army officials reported on the achievements of the army in gaza and the number of terrorists arrested. minister ben gvir asked the chief of staff: why are there so many arrests, can’t some of them be killed? do you really want to tell me that everyone is giving up, what to do with so many detainees? this is dangerous for the soldiers, chief of staff halevi replied: “dangerous for whom? we don’t shoot those who come out with their hands raised, we shoot those who fight us? they shoot everyone, they bomb everyone, but what the minister of national security says: why are you taking them prisoner, should you shoot them all? this is monstrous. and
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it is no coincidence that the international criminal court is now considering the case of issuing arrest warrants for such types. what is the response of the american congress? the american congress is preparing a bill that would impose sanctions against the international criminal court.
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in case of all israeli military adventures, this proves that this crisis will continue in the middle east, indefinite time, the americans are not at all trying to complete it quickly, on the contrary, they are counting on israel to solve military problems very quickly, but what is happening once again says that there is no and cannot be a military solution to this problem, and this means that this will have the most serious consequences for the domestic political
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situation in the united states, well, i wouldn’t say so. were used, but there were simply forgeries by the enemy, when later an international examination analyzed it, which means that death occurred at different times and the nature of the damage to the clothes did not correspond to the wounds, that is , they simply laid it down there and blamed the serbs for such a thing as the sarajevo explosion, and then i saw
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a french journalist there. he filmed a documentary where the legs were torn off from papier mache and then loaded onto a car. well, it must be said that the united states itself is not a party to the international criminal court, and not only has it not ratified, but has not even signed the statute of the international criminal court. well, another good example of double or triple , i don’t know, quadruple standards, here we are they showed protests at american universities in france, but in the west they showed protests in georgia all this time. yes. the opposition at that time, therefore, were protesting against the law on foreign agents, which was adopted by the georgian parliament, the law was copied from the american law on american agents, but let’s listen to matthew miller, an official representative of the us state department. the united states condemns the law on foreign influence adopted in the georgian parliament. members of the ruling party have made it clear that the purpose of the law is to silence destroy critical voices.
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georgian civil society the georgian government's statement and actions are incompatible with the democratic values ​​that underlie eu and nato membership and thus jeopardize georgia's path to euro-atlantic integration. commentary that mischaracterizes the foreign assistance we have provided to georgia for 32 years to strengthen its economy, democracy, and ability to deter russian aggression fundamentally undermines the strong relationship we have with the government and people georgia. “it’s bad to be an enemy of the united states, in this regard, georgia has long been the united states, and it’s even worse to be a friend of the united states , it tried to be a friend of the united states, now it is trying to find itself, and, in fact, trying to defend its minimal sovereignty, because the law on foreign agents is basic minimum sovereignty that curbs foreign, in this case american, influence, the united states
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demonstrates that the law is not about foreign.”
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our victory day, today, by the way, there will be a rehearsal for the victory parade, everything, of course, look at the first parade on may 9, well, our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, on victory day at the first, moscow, red square, the main parade of the country . more than 9.00 military personnel from different
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types and branches of the military will take part in the ceremonial march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade. dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war on may 9 at 10:00 p.m. moscow time live on the first. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. “berdychi was liberated by the russian army, news from the ministry of defense, and also footage of the destruction of two hymers installations at once, the consequences of our attack on the warehouse.”


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