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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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i’m tired of listening to all the threats addressed to me, what a scoundrel i am, what a scoundrel i am, that she will eat me there, that she will kill me there, i just stupidly blocked her, she managed to hack my wife’s social networks, although my wife, so you understand, yes, she has a closed social network, yul, you can’t go there, she pulled out children’s photographs, my children, then threw off my former mobile phone number, which... was still in the state duma, after
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this incident i began to terrorize my colleagues in the state duma, connect them, now the state duma is considering all those proposals that are tired of this chaos, and i hope, yes, that in the first reading we will soon see a bill that will include all those proposals.
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what you tell is scary, what the previous heroines told is really very scary, you just have character, i see that, thank god, you are not yet internally scared, you are fighting back, in my opinion, you are giving it very good, our first heroine ran to another country, now i moved there to my small homeland, it’s scary when you just, well, you haven’t locked yourself at home yet, and this also happens. on the other hand, i’m even afraid to smile at you, because suddenly you’ll consider this to be stalking, no, good evening, there’s a big game live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today russian president vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference:
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the period until 2030 , at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches in the field of budgetary policies, including planning the country's main financial document based on fiscal rules? the main financial document of the country is the budget, which will be submitted to the state duma with the new composition of the government, inauguration in a few days. president of the russian
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federation, and after that the process of forming a new cabinet of ministers and presenting new budgetary guidelines will begin, so this is an important period in the history of our country. defense minister sergei shraygu held a thematic conference call with leadership of the ministry of defense, where he summed up some of the results of the special military operation since the beginning of this year and named some interesting figures. let's listen to sergei. over the past 2 weeks, russian armed forces have liberated the settlements of novobakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdychi, donetsk people's republic. the united states of america and its allies demand that ukraine prevent the collapse of its defense and contain the offensive of russian troops at any cost. as a result, the enemy's daily losses in april increased to a thousand military personnel. in total this year they exceeded.
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they are forcibly sent to the front line to fight, in fact, they are still thrown to slaughter; such an inhumane attitude towards their population testifies to the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them. i must say that the numbers are truly impressive, and the fact that ours are now moving forward is... the result of a very large many years of work by the entire ministry of defense military-industrial complex. at these moments , an air raid alarm is buzzing over the whole of ukraine, another strike is being carried out by high-precision systems, explosions have already been recorded at defense
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enterprises in dnepropetrovsk and kharkov, our aerospace forces have reported the defeat of the anti-missile system.
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deep work that has been going on for months , the fact that they have reached this state is, again, the result of a strategy that has been implemented for quite a long time, and as for the front line, our troops continue the offensive in most directions, on the rabotinsky ledge , fighting continues in the area, well, in the area of ​​​​the northern part of rabotin, the enemy remains there in the north-west, well, a little on the north-eastern outskirts north of rabotin, we also continue to press to the north-west of verbovoy, on the vremevsky ledge the main battles are now taking place in the southern parts of urozhainy, where our troops have entered, the enemy is attempting counterattacks to drive our troops out of the village, but he is not succeeding, so here we are we will also gradually advance, we have also advanced a little in the novodonetsky area. in the ugledar direction, our troops took
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new positions on the outskirts of paraskavievka near novomikhailovka, and also further advanced south of novomikhailovka in the direction of the konstantinovka ugledar highway. our troops advanced in krasnogorovka. and berdychs and also advance to the north-west of ocheretin in the direction of novoalleksandrov, here the enemy is also gradually losing positions, including at important heights, and therefore at artyomovsky direction, our troops have achieved tangible successes on the flanks of chasoyar, both to
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the northeast and to the southeast, the enemy recognizes the very difficult situation in the city, the deputy terrorist budanov directly stated that they believe that chasoyar will inevitably fall, this again.
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thank you very much, there are also experts in the united states who understand the strategic doom of ukraine. well, the truth is, they are far from ours.
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will ever achieve success in the war against russia, there is no path to military victory for ukraine, period, it doesn’t matter if we give 60 billion, 120 billion, or at least 200 billion. this will not change anything, because the principles on which national combat power is built are absolutely irrevocably stronger in russia. you can't turn the tide because you can't ignore these principles. on russia's side, air power, air defense - military-industrial potential, allowing the production of large quantities of artillery and ammunition.
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in the desert, you know, how many tanks there were from another country, that’s it, well, saddam hussein’s tanks had our old tanks there, but with complete dominance in the air and when delivering a whole series of attacks on these tank groups, then of course america they had a different problem in the desert storm, their abrams stopped all the time, so to speak, because the filters could not withstand this desert wind and sand, so no... and there they are, yes, they stood more than they drove, as for the situation now on the line of combat
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contact in ukraine as a whole, then of course we have the entire initiative, progress is underway, populated areas are being liberated, i’m sure that hours, well in in the near future, well, maybe they’ll take a month, maybe earlier, now all the experts, american, european, are saying: ukraine has 2 months, ukraine needs to hold out for 2 months, why 2 months? firstly, because the aid that was allocated, so to speak, was 60 there, well, not 60, of course, there is 13.8 billion in ukraine, this aid still needs to be delivered, this aid needs, so to speak, so that it reaches the line front, so that it can be tested and mastered, so to speak, it takes time, moreover, ours... ks, now we’ve switched a little from energy structure, there are already 50, more than
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50% of the power has been withdrawn, they began to hit logistics, warehouses, the remaining enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, repair capabilities, this is the last one, so to speak, this is a blow to the huge warehouses of the ukrainian post office, which are there detonates, in my opinion, these parcels are still there at the post office.
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head of military intelligence skibitsky and he said: ukraine’s main concern now is its stronghold in the city of chasov, and it’s probably a matter of time when it goes just like avdeevka. the russian army operates as a single mechanism with a clear plan and under a single command. it's hard to argue with this. well, it’s primarily western politicians who are trying to argue, who, in general
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, have much less at stake; first of all , in addition to macron, cameron has been active lately. the british foreign secretary, now in kiev, and there he is, made a statement that there are no restrictions on the use of british weapons on the territory of the russian federation. let's reuters let's listen. british foreign secretary david cameron promised to allocate annual military aid to ukraine in the amount of 3 billion pounds sterling, as much as. required. cameron said that ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by london to strike targets on russian territory and that kiev itself decides whether to do this? ukraine has this right. when russia strikes targets inside ukraine, it is understandable why ukraine would feel the need to provide itself with the ability to defend itself. well i must say that if these missiles attack our
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territory, we can also draw some conclusions about which british targets can also be attacked.
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ukraine is being thrown into the most brutal and thoughtless actions, try to somehow stop russia, the russian military machine, this is what they are trying to do, but in the british case it seems to me that there are also internal political reasons, because it turns out that listras has not calmed down, she is there, which means that within the conservative party she is playing a game against the current cabinet, but in the fall elections in general and the conservatives who appear to be on them. will suffer a crushing defeat, and we see that the elites in all western countries are trying to make sure that their course survives, even if they are replaced, that is, to translate all these bellicose intentions, not into political decisions, into some legislative decisions, so that even other governments are
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forced to do this, we see that this is being undertaken in all nato countries, and apparently... britain, as the traditional leader of escalation options, is following this your traditional way. the kiev regime is cracking and shaking, which means that new support from britain will definitely throw them into battle again. well, i think this really won’t help cameron anyway, he’s a minister until the elections after the elections, if not earlier, if not earlier, so let the hundred-year plans be just hundred-year plans. we can work out with the chinese, as we agreed with putin, but now ukraine is placing a very big bet on this scottish, don’t understand what, like a summit, meeting, conference on the peace process, where we are not invited, but it’s true that ermak said that now everything depends on whether we can invite the chinese, let’s listen to him, russia will not be at the peace summit in
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switzerland and this is our principled position, as far as this is concerned. to implement a number of plans of a peaceful nature, at this stage she has chosen the path of actually speaking on one side, and completely disregarding the opinion of the other, well, in fact, they will gather there... with the participation of both russia and ukraine, although they are also
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just initiatives on the territory turkey from didn’t work out, as we remember very well, thanks again to whom? to the west, in fact, this is such a gathering of the west, which, naturally, will once again condemn russia, and this will all end. yes, so, try to attract china, anyone, but it’s still impossible to solve this issue without russia. as for the united states of america, everything is more fun there, student unrest is spreading more and more, and of course, where will we go on friday without american trains? well, after the commercial. on victory day on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country.
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more than 9 thousand military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine, and 75 different units. dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great arms and equipment, military parade, world war ii, may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, right from here, a special hole in the wall. he goes into the world, through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love, and we receive grace from the
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holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. from golgotha ​​to during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country
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and like peter i. received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34. she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. tomorrow on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. she appeared to the eyes of those present. sevastopol harbor. lent is ending and awaits us ahead magical easter holiday. the most important miracle
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is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet simply led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then , yes, we already have four children. i said, katya, what luck, are you pregnant? she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth. i said, no, stop, then... maybe you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days, he walked with us monk, and i walk like this, i felt so good, i say what is it, she says, this is grace, i went blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table i physically felt my guardian angel, and i believe that guardian angel and of course, lord god, with the hands of the doctors they performed a miracle, oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation. i’m walking with the children and we ’re hanging our whole garden with all these eggs, but we ’ve been carrying it in our hearts for the second millennium, this sunday, this really is... the greatest
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russian holiday. tomorrow, after the program time. permafrost, snow, we are in salihard. my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region. my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region. for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur. we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears.
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here in the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout out our friendship, let's play a wedding, on may 5th on the first, a big game live, today the people's republic of china launched another lunar expedition: lunar station chanie6, it must deliver the lander to the far side of the moon, retrieve soil from a two-meter depth and return back on june 25, delivering the soil here for research. china's new step in the development of our satellite, we, as we know, have a joint program for the coming years, as far as this
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is concerned. our transport workers, then they also took, i think, a very big step forward, we launched the prizovye railway, and the first train has already passed between mariupol and volnovakha, in fact this is a railway connection to crimea, overland, which is very important for a special military operation, and naturally for our population, because it will also shorten the journey to this wonderful place for many. peninsula, well, as for the united states, they absolutely do not betray themselves, and traditional friday trains, lupton, arizona, a freight train with fuel derailed and caught fire near the border between the states of arizona and new mexico. this led to the closure of the interstate highway. the most interesting thing in the message is that the quantity there are more than twenty- two carriages of descended reals. more than twenty-two, maybe as many as
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you like. as i understand it, they couldn’t even count how many cars there went off the rails, maybe they’ve already forgotten how to read, oh yes , the train was transporting, by the way, gasoline and propane, it all immediately caught fire and there was an evacuation in all the surrounding areas. portland, oregon, there's a double-decker steel bridge in the city of portland, also probably built in the 19th century, and so, the bridge there was closed after it
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derailed at the intersection of two streets, well creating natural traffic problems, and los angeles, california, where a subway train has already collided with a shuttle bus, and the university of southern california, this is the same university where student unrest is taking place, among other things, and where more than 200 people rioted there yesterday, but here 55 people ended up in need of medical assistance.
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it will cost when it is opened, you know, the figures are quoted from 1.7 to 1.9 billion dollars, i think it will actually be more, but for the completion of construction, restoration bridge. 2028, but i think they won’t survive it either, they haven’t even started to dismantle this in all this time, but why, it seems to me that something is wrong with their economic thought, here in america the main body of economic thought is the president is called the council of economic advisers under the president, but under president biden, the council is headed by someone named jarrett bernstein, i don’t know you, but that’s in vain. let's listen to it and you can comment. if the government prints dollars, then why does it borrow them? well i mean some things, some things seem unclear
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because of the terms: the government definitely prints money, it definitely lends it out, that's why the government definitely prints money and then lends it out by selling bonds, that's what they do, they, they... they , yes, they sell bonds, yes, they sell bonds, because so, they sell bonds, and people buy bonds, thus giving away money, so often in modern monetary theory the terms can be unnecessarily confused, but there is no need to doubt, the government prints money, uses this money so that, you know, i can’t say, i don’t quite understand, i don’t know what we’re talking about, that’s the thing, the government definitely prints money, it does it all the time, it definitely takes...
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to promote the economic policy of the country, an organized, but random person, i don’t think so, but what can i say, starting not so much from this confusion, yes, that was heard, but from the previous story about promotion, why are you here? you see, how this is a visual picture systems for financing these projects, on the one hand, the federal government, biden, means proclaiming bidennomics, three laws have been adopted, almost six there are 7 trillion. dollars of infrastructure projects are financed, while a large infrastructure project depends on the normal functioning of one of the most important transport hubs in the united states - this is baltimore, yes, in fact, it is in an incomprehensible state, and the state of maryland, not
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the federal authorities, the state of maryland is looking for money to finance it, i'm an example i can say that today the hole in baltimore’s budget is somewhere around 2.9, almost 3 billion dollars, that is. this is a city that is, well, essentially bankrupt, worldland itself as a state is much, of course, richer, but nevertheless, even for them this figure, so to speak, is added to their state budget directly, if we exclude local authorities, so to speak, communities, so to speak, municipalities, then it’s a little more there, a little less than 10%, that is, this is a lot of money, so they will have to invest, or rather, they will have to issue just enough... these are local debt obligations, they will have to raise taxes, which is already actively written about, so to speak, by the local local press, today they calculated that this baltimore budget is 14,000, more than 1,400 per
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person for city residents, which means that they should either otherwise, well, if they want to pay off this debt, returning to the federal level, but today , as of today, literally in april. there was a report by the international monetary fund on the state of financial budgets , fiscal problems in the world are confidently in the lead the united states in terms of increasing its debt, which begins to significantly exceed the gross domestic product, well, naturally, taking into account its budget, so the question on which this gentleman is so confused is, of course, the united states. does not literally print money, yes, but it borrows it, has a deficit budget, which actually leads to the fact that half the country is forced to pay, in fact, the dialogue was very interesting, at first she asked him, well, will there be a crisis, he says
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a crisis never will be, because we print money, and if you print money, why are you occupying them, this just drove him into a stupor and that’s all. but joe biden has gone to hell, and
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this is the slogan of two sides, on the one hand, on the other, some are unhappy that biden supports israel too weakly, the other too much, well, biden already had to answer, so let’s listen to his speech. i would like to say a few words about what is happening on our college campuses, you have all seen the pictures and it is testing the bones.
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we performed two surgeries, one at city college and the other at columbia university. when our intelligence confirmed that professionals were involved, one of the women was married to an arrested terrorist, we realized that these children were being used, that they were in danger, so it was clear that proportionate action was necessary. we are talking about several groups. we have approached this issue responsibly. our units were able to identify organizations of people who were not.
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the united states, especially for biden, turned out to be very acute, as his critic on the left, bernie sanders, said very well. let's listen. what will happen to biden and his election campaign now? where
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do you think these protests will lead? after all, this applies to american foreign policy? as for his campaign, you know, i look back and other people use this comparison too, this could be biden's vietnam. lyndon johnson was a very good president of the united states in many ways, he passed a lot of important legislation and he chose not to run again in '68, despite... despite his conflicting views on the war in vietnam. i have very serious concerns that president biden is putting himself in a similar position. he alienated not only young people, but also much of the democratic base in his views on israel and the war in gaza. so i hope that, politically and morally , the president will stop giving netanyahu a blank check. and i hope for their understanding that from a political point of view, this will not benefit our country. we can agree. his administration is completely
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confused on various issues, that's why, for example, they consider protests on american campuses to be something completely out of the ordinary, and it must be suppressed by force, and at the same time, recently they encouraged protests in belgrade and said that all those who are rioting, they turn out to be so good, right now there is outrage in tbilis,
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he also uses something that not everyone understands, what, what is the difference, no, but they actually use it all the time, yes, remember, zelensky, yes, how can he be a fascist if he is a jew, how can he be fascist, like that so maybe, but if they are jews, then how can you send instructors who , among other things, train those who have swastikas on their bodies , all these runes, but this is happening, it’s happening, well, an interesting reaction to the events... of america, these demonstrations from iran, they were there, the americans also criticized them very much for all sorts of student protests, how they were suppressed there, and so on. and here is muhammad riza agameri, president of shahid bikhishti university. we accept students expelled from
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european american universities due to protests against the actions of the zionists. we have considered providing a full scholarship to these students.
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in fact, this is really trolling, vyacheslav alekseevich, as you exactly said, on the one hand, this is trolling the americans, americans, on the other hand, this is a very constructive proposal to continue studying in good non- western institutions, as you know, the future is all logical for them , by the way, iranian educational institutions, i think today are certainly better than american ones, in terms of opportunities obtaining complete knowledge, especially in the natural sciences. that, what can be judged, say, by iranian weapons, which are now clearly superior to american models, in any case , iran has hypersound, but the united states does not, no matter what the americans do now, honestly, they don’t have it affairs, here is a huge number of events that are developing directly against the will of america,
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despite their bellicose cries, pressure, sanctions, blackmail, the world has turned the other way... about this after the advertisement shillov is alive, svetka, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me sedarenko, we’ll work together, it ’s okay, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the cases of these people. why did you take her with you? every one of us is a fighter. she's not a fighter, she's your wife. ivanovich, where are you going, someone with you is not kind, but evil, just shilov, not evil, incredulous, where is he? here,
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life without pain simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others. according to the laws of the military time. new episodes. look at the time after the program, you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, from the moment of christmas we see the greatest tragedy, his such, one might even say, amazing loneliness, christ has had no place in this world since his birth. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how can it be, from such a... place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that it was the salvation of man. it is there that
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you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, that’s absolutely certain. when people decided to get rid of god and his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god. the way of christ tomorrow. at the first, when i arrived in paris, i was not famous, fashion seemed to have frozen between the 70s and the nineties, there is such a kind of fermentation going on inside this, almost no one in our country the country has no idea what haute couture is authentically, haute couture is high hand-made sewing, high-class sewing, which is raised to a level by painting, architecture, but...
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in my thoughts, turning to the matron, i say: look, holy matron, come to me as to alive, may 5 at the first, mother nikolina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now realized that i... was umatrony. big game on first. the united
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states of america, seeking to preserve its global dominance, trying to dictate to the rest of the world how it should act. sanctions, blackmail, threats, but the world does exactly the opposite. and there are a huge number of examples of this, it would seem that the united arab emirates, the united states always has excellent relations, but the united states imposes sanctions against a company from the emirates for cooperating with russia, in response the emirates say: “well, okay, then we don’t let's allow our military bases to be used to solve your air problems. let's read wall street. jorna." in february, the united arab emirates notified the united states that it would no longer allow u.s. military aircraft to carry out drone strikes in yemen and iraq.
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u.s. officials said that prompted commanders to send additional aircraft to al-wudaid air base in qatar, which has not deployed such restrictions highlight growing tensions between washington and some gulf countries that have allowed us troops to be based on their soil. fear of being drawn into a widening regional conflict. niger, africa, a national government has arrived, the americans are asking them to maintain their military air bases on niger territory. so what, well, let's read the new york post. russian troops have moved to an airbase in niger that also houses american troops, officials said. relations between the united states and niger have deteriorated since a new military government took power last year. now it demands that the armed forces the us left the country. here are the russian troops at air base 101 in the capital of niger, niamey
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, taking place against the backdrop of withdrawal negotiations and... with thousands of american troops stationed in the country, you know, the united states is losing its influence not only in the middle east, in particular in the zone in the zone the persian gulf, but in africa, firstly, these american security guarantees are working worse and worse, especially in the persian gulf, because they don’t really understand from whom the united states is going to protect them. iran, demonizing iran no longer works, saudi arabia has established diplomatic relations with iran, there are some disagreements, but not at the level of, so to speak, striking. the same is true in africa, in africa even after the first russia-africa summit, i don’t remember the number of countries there, but almost the overwhelming
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majority spoke in favor of cooperation, close cooperation. with russia on issues of combating terrorism, third point, our company wagner did very good work in africa at one time, now it was replaced by another structure, but nevertheless , there is experience in interaction in terms of training local personnel to fight terrorism and fight criminal groups in africa, moreover, given that the russian federation acts in conjunction with china. this , of course, can outweigh any american, so to speak , american guarantees of mythical, so to speak, mythical guarantees of security, so i think if things continue like this, the americans will have to leave africa, i ’ll give you another example, there is such an african command, they could not find a single country that would agree, well , by the way, i talked to the guys, they are very
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glad that they are sitting in stuttgart, planning , planning.
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and it is indeed very interesting that we hear this from erdogan. erdogan clearly says that everything against israel is anti-semitism from the point of view of the west. essentially, erdogan accuses the west of hypocrisy. this is a very serious charge. considering, so to speak, that recently there seems to have been a thaw between the west and erdogan. but in this case, the turkish republic makes fundamental decisions. these are not only words,
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the words are very harsh and offensive and for.
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states of america, it is directly written there that before introducing arrests in the united states, these assets are 5 billion, as they calculated, they must consult with... with the subject of legal justification, yes, as we see, the ability of the united states to maintain its global dominance is declining before our eyes, well, they have
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now introduced economic sanctions against russia, well, they have introduced, they have introduced economic sanctions against china, china has become angrier and the meeting between putin and sijinping, which will take place in mid-may, i am sure it will give... for many in america very unexpected and unpleasant results, well, they support israel to the end, but they are the only ones who end supports israel because everyone else, even the european allies, judging by the vote of the united nations, also sees that these are criminal acts of a criminal regime. the united states can puff out its cheeks as much as it wants and say that it is great democracy, but we see what is happening in american universities, when students are beaten for... military demonstrations prohibit them from criticizing israel in any way, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news , all the best, goodbye, happy
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easter, the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation , vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the first channel is evening. news, with you andrey ukharev. a ukrainian intelligence agent in the leningrad region and a saboteur was eliminated.


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