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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 4, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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do not treat them, do not defend yourself from them with your arrogance, you will begin to feel them, and you should, perhaps you will be surprised when these people suddenly also open up in your direction, because the most important thing is, if what you tell, then, as you tell, is your story , your truth, then, as i said at the beginning, this experience is very difficult for a child to integrate, the child is protected from this, he must protect himself with the child’s psyche at this... moment,
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yeah, it works faster than you if you have time to understand anything, the protection is triggered faster, i suggest you just test this hypothesis, through this experiment, when you feel inside yourself the reasons why you can abandon the child and transfer them to the mother, try to look in the opposite direction, just see in the opposite direction what you are for her, well, this, well , i... i don’t know, a trigger that caused her not the best feelings, this happens rarely, but it happens, and you, being this trigger, then could not understand all this, it’s true, you were too little ones, of course it hurt you, this is also true, even now it’s difficult to figure it out, there are many nuances when a child is well, obviously, you watch the triggers podcast with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya. sergey nasebyan, we are talking with
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artyom about what it’s like to be a black sheep. find all podcastlab projects on the website of the first channel what's happening to you now? such a loss, easy. well, try to live this lostness now, and not give up on it. because this loss will be very similar to the loneliness that you experienced then. it it was completely unbearable back then. it’s not great now, but then it was downright unbearable. after all, all that is necessary here is to understand her truth, to feel why, not to justify, not to love her again, but simply to integrate this experience for yourself, as the experience through which you feel this loneliness when you talk about the white crow, we have an idea that this metaphor says that we are not just special, but we are lonely, because a crow can be lame, i don’t know, with a broken wing, whatever, but white...
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approaches you will do this, then here the most important thing is to learn this, you speak so quickly in order to talk to yourself, as if, but i would like you and i to still talk about feelings, if i now get up and leave i don’t want to talk to you, what will you feel at this moment, if we both leave now, you will be left alone under the spotlights and cameras, it will be offensive, sad, it will be offensive and sad again , misunderstanding, really, i’ll tell you if you want. i
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don’t understand again, i will have it, then i’ll go in a taxi, from the shoot i’ll think, but why ask me, where do i get the desire to do this, here i am a living person, i’m sitting and i can answer this question for you, a question that you even ask your friends and you just don’t want to run after you asking why why i will leave, why will you leave, because it is very difficult to talk to you, because you talk all the time and it feels like you are telling lies all the time, it’s sad that you think so, because everything that i told you, i tell you about the feeling, look, this doesn’t mean at all that i’m right, it doesn’t mean at all that i’m right, i tried to come in from different sides several times, but already on the third, on the third attempt i no longer had the desire, i only do it professionally, you know, but people don’t, no matter how professional they are, they do it once, twice, third time. but they don’t
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come across any understanding, they refuse it, you asked the question, how to stop being a black sheep, so i showed you, and in general i was wondering whether this is good or bad, how should i feel about it, yes specifically. mine, well, if it makes you happy, then it’s good, but if it makes you unhappy, then it’s probably bad, but you don’t have to evaluate it, just sort of focus on the sensations, why sergei says that you talk so much, there, why is it difficult in this, because there is a lot of protection, there is a lot of rationalization, there are a lot of explanations, it is clear that you could not survive without this, you had to somehow explain to yourself to your baby why this is so, why they did not choose me, but there is so much pain behind it. so far, yes, yes, then you chose become, forgive me, better, better, better, better, you are really cool, there are no questions, but people don’t need that, people need you for real and with that pain, because the pain that you experienced then will make you, well so wise, so
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sympathetic that people themselves will be drawn to you, because they will look for this sympathy, and you correctly noticed, you correctly noticed that you always strived for the ideal, well, of course. different models, we try to adapt, and if i am like this, and if i am perfect, and if i am obedient, and if i am very good, and if i’m like this, and of course, you tried, and really, you had no other choice, because otherwise you would have chosen something else, you chose it and you began to get better and better and better at it. now yes, this is a perfect, absolutely ideal image, but people feel that behind it, behind this image, there is really a lot of pain and there are real you there, so the discrepancy between the picture and reality is a little confusing, so people are a little, they move away, they
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distance themselves, it is clear that it is very difficult open, but the door is there, it needs to be opened gradually, opening it a little, but... so that’s when you are real, when you stop closing, he said, because it’s difficult, difficult, because it’s not interesting,
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because you have to figure it out, because there are some double messages, everything is completely honest, there are absolutely no questions at all, we believe, it’s true, you say what... you think, but there is another artyom inside there, can i suggest that you consider it as a certain the difference between honest artyom and sincere artyom, these are different people, you were honest, you weren’t sincere, not always, yeah, sometimes i managed to stop you, sometimes we managed to show you some moment when you just need to say stop, to immerse you inside, but in most cases you jump out of there like a cork, this is...
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sympathy for people, so i say: don’t try to justify your mother, just try to find inside yourself the reason why she did this, it’s only inside us, we can’t look for the reason inside other people, but we well, we look in, for example, we say, i would abandoned his child if, well, if he
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was born with two heads, for example, well, even if we don’t care with three heads, he has eight arms, it doesn’t matter, i looked at him and said, no, this can’t be mine a child, but something inside me gives me a reason. to do this, that’s what she had, we don’t know why, but to feel, and no one will ever know, but to feel why for me, that’s the basis on which i will do this, then you will become. much closer, then you will stop trying to be perfect, with which you are leaving now, how useful was what we said to you ? being a black sheep is... in general, either a choice or misfortune. well,
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it was the triggers podcast, we were with you, psychologists, presenters, tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, we talked with artyom about what it must be like to be a black sheep, and i’m ready to admit my own powerlessness in in this case. you can find all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel you know? i’m interested in figuring this out, then i strongly recommend having more sympathy for people, well, i’ll tell you that
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i have a lot of sympathy for you, can i kill you, oh, thank you, thank you, hello, this is a substance deception podcast i’m with you. its presenter is olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, my close friends watched our podcast and remarked to us that we are very little we smile, well, as i said, we are talking about serious things, of course, we are talking about it with serious faces, but it seems to me that we should correct ourselves with pleasure, but the second second important note, we still probably need to talk constantly about the fact that all those recommendations that are heard in ... the program, they are still advisory in nature, and if we are talking about some substance, then before prescribing it
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for yourself, you still need to go to the doctor, well, it’s better, of course, to undergo a medical examination so that everything is all right for you they told you what you can and cannot do, yes, well, now we will talk about iodine, are there people who absolutely, under no circumstances should not consume iodized salt or anything else? there are people who absolutely should not consume it. they even prescribe an iodine-free diet, well, for example, when a person has hyperfunction, that is, excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones, one definitely cannot consume iodine, iodized salt, any drugs containing iodine, or even food that contains a lot of iodine, but how to recognize this in yourself, or it doesn’t sound good, well, it won’t light up in any way, and such a light bulb and you ca n’t eat iodine, you have hyperfunction, if a person is preparing for iodine therapy, let’s say he had a serious illness of thyroid cancer , he was operated on and is going to have iodine therapy, then a doctor is a must will tell
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the patient, you are now eating completely without iodine, indicate which foods contain more iodine, what should be completely excluded, be sure to make sure that the salt is not iodized, then you should also not use iodine, in other cases, in in most situations, iodine is really needed, and the problem is... iodine, we have very, very many countries around the world where there is a natural deficiency, iodine deficiency, by the way, our country, well, probably percent 90, consists of regions in which there is a deficiency of iodine, so this is very important for us, and what is scary about iodine deficiency, oh, it’s easier to say than not scary, iodine is a substance that is vitally necessary for a person. and, for example, those same thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized if there is no iodine or
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there will be a deficiency of it, there will be few of them, and thyroid hormones are what determines, well, let’s say, the level of our metabolism, how actively all the mechanisms in our body will work. well, for example, as an example, when a person is born in a situation, a child is born in a situation where the mother had an iodine deficiency, he did not have enough. these hormones, such a child will be born with a pathology of the nervous system, his intellect will be poorly developed, even to the point of cretinism, this is often perceived as abusive. word, but in fact cretinism - this is a diagnosis. if a child does not receive sufficient iodine and thyroid hormones during the embryonic period, his intelligence will never be sufficient. and unfortunately, this situation is very similar to the fact that you and i are preparing a pie and we forgot to put eggs in it, we baked it, it is of poor quality, it will no longer be possible to mix in eggs and change the quality of this
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pie. it’s the same here, if a child is born, then the situation should be improved. well, it won’t work out to normal, yes, of course, he will be treated, he will be given the necessary substances, but it will not be possible to change the level of his intelligence, if defects of the nervous system have developed, it will not work either, moreover, his entire body will not function so well, everything will be in such, well, to put it mildly , decline, well, that is, it depends on the health of the mother , it depends on nutrition, on the health of the mother, on how she eats. is the deficiency of hormones replenished, is it replenished during pregnancy and ideally before a person becomes pregnant, go to an antenatal clinic, talk about reproductive plans and undergo the so-called pre-gravid preparation, that is, preparation for pregnancy, so that all deficiencies are replenished, so that she does not have
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any hypothyroidism or any other problems, then, let’s say, the quality... of the body, yes, will be much higher, that is the mother will be able to give the child everything he needs, this is absolutely fundamentally important, that is , the child will have fewer health problems, that is, at least as regards iodine deficiency, of course, yes, because again, sometimes we notice that a the child quickly grasps everything, the other slowly grasps everything, often this is due precisely to the fact that during... pregnancy this child did not receive what was necessary, it is precisely connected with iodine, and the mother - the synthesis of thyroid hormones during pregnancy is practically doubles to provide for both your body and the body of the fetus, but if this does not happen against the background of iodine deficiency, then the child will suffer for the rest of his life, yes, unfortunately, this is so, so it is extremely important, yeah, well, as far as i
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know, in soviet russia, there was a whole salt judification program. in general, did it help cope with iodine deficiency? and salt iodization helped solve the problem in more than 100 countries, but he has such a map from the world health organization, which shows countries with iodized salt, that is, salt iodization is carried out at the state level, that is , you cannot sell iodized salt, you can, but only in pharmacies, here again is where we started, or it can be on the floor. but everything should be very clear to the buyer, if a person cannot have iodized salt, he should to have access to non-iodized salt, but for everyone else, salt should be iadized, this greatly prevents iodine deficiency from diseases that develop against the background of iodine deficiency, and i was absolutely wrong when i said that in soviet russia this problem
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was solved, and in the seventies, soviet doctors stated that they had won. iodine deficiency, that’s precisely because they supplied all regions, and i supplied iodized salt. we have regions with a more pronounced problem of iodine deficiency, the northern caucasus, siberia, including the krasnoyarsk territory , especially stands out, and the sverdlovsk region, they say, there are 30% of people with iodine deficiency, mm, it seems to me, even more, because there is also such an additional problem as an excess of second, second is capable of removing iodine. big, there with a large amount of second in the water, iodine deficiency is more pronounced, and there is another problem associated with the same in siberia, this is selenium deficiency, we know that iodine is much better absorbed and metabolized
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, all processes go better when there is enough selenium, here again in the same siberia with selenium... everything is also not very good, in chukotka everything is excellent, because there is a lot of fish there, there is a lot of selenium in fish, including iodine, here in the krasnoyarsk region, again or in tuva, there is little selenium, and little iodine, a lot of iodine, so there the problem is more pronounced, and there is the prevention of iodine deficiency, we are not in soviet russia now, but we don’t have such programs there now, but we have very accessible medical care , and if you contact... an endocrinologist and even a therapist, you will understand whether the synthesis is sufficient thyroid hormones, and whether there is iodine deficiency in this aspect, it’s very simple, further... simply by consuming poisoned salt, we can save ourselves and our loved ones from this problem, by the way, eating accessible seafood helps very, very much to cope
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with this problem , well, for example, a person’s daily need for iodine is 120-150 microg, and i’m not talking about ustoritsa, but not everyone eats ustoritsa, especially not every day, but seaweed, well, a more than affordable product, here in this ... cabbage has almost 1 iodine gram per kilogram, we need only 150 micrograms, that is, many, many times less, you don’t need to eat a kilogram of cabbage, if every other day you even eat salads from seaweed or some kind of seafood, then it’s more than enough to provide for yourself iodine, i remember what you told me, you had a patient who remembered these numbers 150. only she decided not micrograms, but grams, and when she ate 150 g of seaweed every day, and this all led to sad consequences, she had to her
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urgently, in general, to get out of this state of hyper uh how can i say hyperfunction, but against this background hyperfunction has developed, this sometimes happens, these are etrogenic, that is, when the doctor prescribes very large doses of iodine, or when the patient perceives the situation like this, then yes . this may not end well, hyperfunction does not always develop, but unfortunately this can happen, so the basic principle of medicine, quantumsatis as much as you need, that’s how much you need, that’s how much you need to consume, do i understand correctly that some extreme degrees of damage to the thyroid gland, you can see it all with your own eyes, that is, a goiter appears, yes, a goiter is an increase in the tissue of the thyroid gland, and this happens for banal reasons, when there is a deficiency of iodine, and the thyroid gland, which extracts it from blood, it enters the blood with food, and it tries to extract everything, literally all the tiny little things that enter the body and
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in order to cope with this more effectively, it increases in volume, that is, it overexerts itself, it overexerts itself, grows in volume, this one a goiter is a large thyroid gland that developed against the background of hypothyroidism, against the background of hypothyroidism, but not enough. and iodine in the body, then hypothyroidism develops, that is , its function synthesizing this organ decreases and we see this clinically and sometimes when the thyroid gland reached such a size that it had to be carried with you or carried with you in some pouches , this has happened before, but these cases have been described, that is, such a huge organ that could no longer be hold it in your hands, right? unfortunately, this is true, now it is almost impossible to find such a thing, but it was described in textbooks. by the way, there was a good experiment before the war, before the great patriotic war, in
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kabbardino-balkaria, in my opinion, they conducted an experiment for 7 years, literally saturated all the products available to people with iodine, everything that was possible, salt, iodinated, a lot products containing iodine, and the number of goiters decreased among the female population by almost five times, from... the male population there by four 3.5-4 times, then the war came, there was a program, of course, no one could pay attention to it anymore, there were priority tasks, to survive to win, after the war they noted that by about 4%, the number of goiters increased, again in the post-war period everything was returned to normal, they returned the iodized salt, increased the amount of foods with iodine consumed, and everything went away again. 1%, this is the incidence of goiters and iodine deficiency, well , in fact, everything is solved simply, the global problem is solved simply, with you
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again the podcast deception of substances, and with you endocrinologist zukhra pavlova and editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova. you can watch all episodes of the podcast deception of substances on the website of the first channel do i understand correctly that? then if the child was born healthy, that’s it, the mother tried her best, she took iudized salt, the mother is from the ussr, yes, the mother is from the ussr, it means that the child was born normal, but then in the course of life something happened, he stopped taking iodine in normal quantities , does this mean that his mental abilities can somehow fall worse, get worse, yes, yes, they can, but it’s the same as... less iszol, because if there is no opportunity to develop, yes, then that’s it, the starting point, such a starting point is bad, it’s unchangeable, that’s if man
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on the background. hypothyroidism has developed due to a lack of iodine, then of course such a person will complain about decreased memory, increased fatigue, and the inability to quickly find a solution, and this is like a slippage, figuratively speaking, mental, otherwise, having restored the balance of iodine and the synthesis of hormones, it all happens again will come back yes and it will become absolutely normal when a person has hypothyroidism, he may not have a large goiter visible, yes, but he has... other signs are also quite obvious, and he has such a dull, swollen face, he may complain about it, that in the morning he wakes up with such stiffness in his hands, his hands and fingers are so swollen, swollen, he’s all like this, there’s a word for postotic, so loose, and this doesn’t seem to be quite edema, as with heart disease, yes, with cardiac cardiovascular pathologies , but that's all the body is soft, loose, plump, gray such
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a pale skin color, the skin is not elastic, it does not look healthy, hair loss, the hair is also so dull, the skin becomes very unsaturated, it seems to be swollen, but it seems to be dehydrated at that time the same moment, all sorts of spots appear on it, it is dry, the elbows are dry and have a white tint, well, that is, by the appearance you can understand that the person is definitely not healthy, this is what a person with advanced hypothyroidism looks like. yeah, what should he do? he needs to go to the doctor, of course, has all the information on the internet, but to diagnose yourself, you can make a very big mistake. hypothyroidism still does not have such classic, unambiguous manifestations, sometimes other diseases have the same masks, so there is no need to invent anything, you need to go to a specialist, who sometimes at a glance can suspect, looking
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further than the person, of course... no longer developed against the background of such long-term untreated hypothyroidism, no complications developed, for example, but we have a heart, there is such a cardiac sac around it, called remap, in this remap, into this cavity, liquid can be released, a so -called lunge, and if it happens, if this all happens for a very long time, then this lunge will go away, but these remain, figuratively
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speaking, like adhesions, right? and the heart muscle can also suffer against this background, but if you don’t get treatment for a long time, you can develop complications that will no longer be possible to overcome, the condition will still improve significantly, but we may not be able to overcome something, i saw a folk method on the internet, how to understand that you have little iodine in your body, you need to draw a mesh with iodine, and if you have it quickly, it means it will disappear, it means the body has absorbed iodine, so... in fact, this is , of course, sheer nonsense, the iodine just evaporates, but if you draw a mesh on yourself, draw a mesh there, i don’t know, on the table, on the floor, and so on, everything evaporates at approximately the same speed, this speed will depend on the ambient temperature , and iodine has a high vapor pressure and it goes from a solid to a gaseous state, so it will evaporate absolutely for everyone, here yes speed at
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speed is influenced externally. factors, so this experiment is not very objective. if we have a child, an actively growing organism, then he definitely needs iodine, well, quite a lot, for sure, well, a little less, probably, than a pregnant woman, but this does not mean that an elderly person and a middle-aged person does not need iodine, they do, well, it’s just that the need for children and pregnant women increases for obvious reasons. growth occurs here and there, that is, women have an increased need, even if they are not expecting a child, no, no, pregnant women, in pregnant women, specifically in pregnant women, i say here and there, the growth of the fetus occurs, here the child is young, a growing organism, young, so the need for food is great, but if you use adidated salt daily, then this need is covered, with iodized salt, we probably need to give comments in terms of cooking, yes, yes, yes, this is an important
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story, yes, because iodine in our salt is a fairly stable substance - which means that it can evaporate when we ...not just hot, because there is also hot food on the plate, but the temperature is not 100°, when we cook it is 100°, well , depending on how we cook it, maybe more, here at such a high temperature iodine becomes volatile, this is generally hologen, initially such a volatile substance, and it is released and we won’t get iodine in food, so when we cook food it’s better not to add salt, so... for many, it’s just some kind of brain explosion, it’s very difficult for people to understand that when you don’t salt while cooking, and then
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add salt when just eat, then you actually consume several times less salt, it turns out to you much saltier, because you are conditionally... a plate, not in a pan, and so on, where it spreads over a very large volume, so to speak, you put this salt on your tongue, and not honestly, this is the case when you need just believe the word, cook without salt, add salt just before consumption, absolutely accurate, and i really really want to ask our listeners to believe, this is verified information. we continue the podcast deception of substances. my name is olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova is with me. let's talk about suyu now let's talk, soybean cruciferous vegetables. you and i love cruciferous vegetables very much, broccoli is our favorite vegetable. oh vegetable, but, but a beautiful vegetable.
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that's why there are soybeans and iodine, there are nuances, what do they call it? everything is the same as with vetinic acid. a very similar situation is cruciferous soybeans. they also reduce the amount of iodine absorption, so i would like to cite southeast asia as an example. the japanese, even before birth in the womb, receive a lot of soy, but because it is part of the food culture of this people and they do not have any problems with iodine deficiency, because they also consume a lot of seafood, in other words, when we eat cruciferous vegetables, turnips, soybeans, and so on. and there’s just less in culture, but now there’s a lot of tofu and so on, lovers of some kind of exotic food, well, cabbage, all its types, and if you add something iodine-containing to them, seafood or
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iodized salt, then the problem goes away , as they say, to the background, because we compensate for the loss of this very iodine with cruciferous vegetables and that’s it, the problem is solved very simply, now about... soybeans, we also need to take into account this point, that soybeans a lot in protein shakes, and protein shakes are a very good thing, good, let’s say, good protein shakes are a good thing that allows you to compensate for protein deficiency, and we all are always in a protein deficiency if we are looking for it we don’t especially monitor it specifically, so accordingly, if we take some kind of protein shakes, we need to see if there is soy in it, if there is any in it. soybean, which means we look at what kind of salt we have, the salt should be iodized, yes, and it’s also very important to look at the composition of this product, because iodine may be added there, because respected manufacturers, they
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immediately, they immediately add it there, so that again there is no overdose of a certain amount, then if it is included in the composition, then we do not add nuclear salt, if it is not included, we add nuclear salt salt or eat there i don’t know persimmon. now is the persimmon season, it contains a lot of iodine, eat for your health, it will also be a good prevention of iodine deficiency. bad habits, smoking alcohol. smoking alcohol is a bad habit for anyone process, and no organ needs nicotine or alcohol, so there is no need to delve too deeply into this story. i don't know of a situation where alcohol or nicotine could somehow improve a person's health. some other drugs, for example, oral contraceptives, are also a common thing, you also need to, you need to think about what they call it, but oral contraceptives, in general, you can devote a whole separate program
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to think about it, not in the sense that you should not take them, god forbid, if they are prescribed by a doctor , in the sense that they can reduce iodine in the body, yes, there is a complex mechanism, but again, if we use... iodized salt, we do not abuse its quantity, you and i had a whole program dedicated to salt, we remember that this is no more than 5 g per day, considering products. in which salt is added, let’s say, bread, so really don’t add salt to the food you are preparing, only add salt to the finished food, and you will prevent iodine deficiency, even if you use some substances or products or drugs that reduce the absorption of iodine or contribute to its faster absorption removal from the body. i would also say that when we have some problems with iodine deficiency, our entire country in... we, unfortunately, have one of the few countries,
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there are about a dozen of them left there, in which there is no mandatory salt poisoning, so , when a person is forced to take responsibility for his own health, this is generally correct in principle, because no one owes us anything, we have many opportunities to take care of our health, then when buying salt, make sure that it says poisoned , that's just from...
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ivan ivanovich dedov can change this situation with mandatory salt, for example in our friendly republic of uzbekistan, this was decided long ago, salt poisoning is mandatory there, so far no one has been able to change this problem, every time at the state duma level this bill with... but it there is, he is, he is ready, in general, all that remains is for him, well, let’s hope that someone will succeed, the salt will be poisoned, because well , well, adults can make a decision, but children cannot will use the salt that their parents bought, and the price will rise well, it’s as if the family budget will suffer from this by some completely insignificant amounts of pennies, of course, by pennies, yes, but health is generally difficult. value with money, especially since i really like this story
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, that in fact, deficiency, the consequences of deficiency can be reversed at some point, in fact, there are not so many different pathological conditions of our body that can be reversed, here , in fact, everything can be solved with one small pinch of salt, that’s not the word, moreover, it’s just like a gland grateful in my opinion, many processes in it flow so slowly. it takes a long time to give a person a chance to fix everything, and by the way, i also read somewhere that in the countries of northern europe there is a huge percentage of cancer, namely the thyroid gland, and people don’t die from it, because it lasts a very long time, and this is a problem of overdiagnosis, they find it in the very, very rudimentary state.
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yes, there is a lot of iodine in persimmons . there is a lot of iodine in persimmons - well, let's just say that the fruit that was in our food culture is not always like fiyahua, but it contains it, in general there is a lot of iodine there very, very much iodine, but fihua persimmon is seasonal, yes, fruits, buckwheat, millet are always in our diet, please just simply no, well , zuhrasha, we are birds, why do we cook porridge from just, we have some other products, how
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can we get it somewhere? use, enough, okay, buckwheat, we often use it, thank god we have rehabilitated it, nuts, eggs, by the way, eggs, a strategic product, lemon, in general citrus fruits contain iodine, well, lemon in this regard is larger, more leading so to speak , fruit, therefore iodine deficiency if... eating right, getting iodine deficiency, well , it’s quite difficult, the only thing is when a person goes to get tested, now our listeners might think, what if i have iodine deficiency? they’ll go get tested. if you ate seafood the day before, then everything will be fine with iodine, but if you mostly eat potatoes and pasta, then well , zukhra, we always talk about the fact that you don’t need to go get tested, you need to go to the doctor , and the doctor will already tell you what tests
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need to be taken, well, just in case, because well, i very rarely come across people... everything is as you say, so anticipating this possibility, i want to say that you can get tested completely pointlessly, wasting time and money, so olesya is absolutely right, go to the doctor, he he will immediately tell you what you need to do and what you don’t need, it will be both effective and reasonable, and i hope that we will save everyone from iodine deficiency, but i would really like to be heard by the people who make decisions after all. passed a law on mandatory salt poisoning, yes, it’s possible there are some counteracting situations, well , let’s say, poisoning salt greatly changes the state regulations regarding food manufacturers, but it is a very useful thing, and most importantly , iodized salt is intelligence, it is our
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health, it is our future, yes, yes, thank you, i was with you on the podcast deception of substances and i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. lesya nosova and the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. you can watch all episodes of the podcast lab project on the website of the first channel good morning to everyone who celebrates this day together with the first channel, irina murumtsova is with you on the calendar may 4 - saturday. it's great that you are meeting her with us. we have extensive plans for this morning. we will try to catch the wind and find out how it behaves in cities. we’ll also find out how artificial intelligence is trained and what food sharing is, we’ll go to the forest, collect useful herbs there, and of course, we’ll continue to prepare for easter, well, let’s start, as always, with a warm-up together with three-time world champions in sports dancing artemy and marina katashinsky . good morning, you have to
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sit behind the wheel for a long time or? your neck and shoulders will become less stiff if you start the day with simple dance gymnastics. join us, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, without turning the head, pull it to the right shoulder, like this. and now to the left. we take turns moving in one direction or the other. we don’t tilt our heads, we always reach up with the top of our head. we move smoothly without jerking, good. and now we move our head forward and backward. 1, 2, 3, four. we combine the movement, rotate the head in a circle, four times in one direction and the same amount in the other. and
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. you can raise your arms like this, the exercise will look like an oriental dance. attention, we move smoothly, without jerking. do this exercise not only in the morning, but throughout the day, as well as in the evening. warm-up will help relax muscles, relieve excess tension and increase concentration . the exercise is simple, but you will see the benefits. there will be a lot. holy saturday. easter eve. this day is also called quiet saturday. the day is both mournful and glad. about the traditions, symbols and meanings of this day in the material of alena ostrakhantseva. holy saturday is the last day of passion
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week, both mournful and joyful. on the one hand, we, together with the apostles, together with the myrrh-bearing women, lament. about the death of christ, on this day christ remains in the tomb with his body, and with his soul christ descends into hell in order to bring out of hell the souls of all the righteous, who from time immemorial from adam and eve have been waiting for deliverance from the lips of death, and we already know, a miracle resurrection will take place, and waiting for him. singing maria has cherished lines in her head from the very morning. christ resurrected from the dead, it’s possible at all, i just walked in spite of it. because of the holy week, i really, really wanted to sing all this, because these are the most desired lines that a person’s heart can ever desire, christ is risen, saved us all. it's already in the middle today. the priests will take off their black mourning
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clothes and change into white, then for the easter service in red clothes, everything is ready in the sacristy. on the one hand we we remember the atoning sacrifice of christ, on the other hand, red is the royal color. the color of the royal vestments, and we remember that christ is the king of the world. and the bells on the holiday will sing in a special way, for the first time in 40 days of lent, everything will be so solemn for the first time. the bell ringer vladimir borisovich learned their language perfectly during his 20 years in the bell tower. when the bell starts ringing, boom, it translates to us, to us, to us. here he is calling people to the temple, titus’s people will not go to the temple empty-handed, before easter not only easter cakes are baked, gingerbread cookies are given as gifts to loved ones and
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even strangers, a family tradition, i will give my best friend this, my name is anya, it doesn’t matter whether you know this person or not, it is important that we are all together in one temple, we are all participants together of this great joy, you can even tell people passing by that christ is risen, so that... tomorrow on sunday, the entire orthodox world will celebrate the bright holiday of easter, preparations are being made for this event throughout the country, in big cities and small towns, in all temples. large bright eggs, arches with flowers, this is how deveyeva was decorated this year.
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they bring an easter egg as a gift to the temple, made by their family or having some special decoration, and we definitely include it in the decoration of the temple, we can hang it either on the central pony of the kodil, this is the central chandelier, or on candlesticks. you can decorate an egg in a sunday school lesson, look how hard the children try, it turns out simple, beautiful, homely. vladislav gopeev, lidiya lobkova, victoria edinova, marina sidorova, first channel.
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for your favorite indoor flower. if
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there are beautiful things in the house. flower, then it needs a flowerpot stand, which are also beautiful, by the way, you don’t have to buy them, you can make them yourself. i have a round cutting board that i hardly use. i picked up wooden furniture legs for it and placed them on the surface. and i screw it in with a screwdriver. the universal stand is ready for use on a windowsill, table or even on the floor; there is no need to paint it; the natural color of the wood fits perfectly into any interior. and for for the pot , i took the simplest ceramic pot to decorate it and paint it.
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but first, using a heat gun. i make a hole at the bottom so that water does not leak out when watering. clay is a very porous material, so first it must be primed and left to dry. you can decorate the pot any way you like. i found these slats in the pantry. i'm sure many people still have similar materials. after repairs, and then gather dust for years without use, so we now use them, wrap them in insulation so as not to damage the wood, clamp them in a vice and i saw off 10 pieces of equal length, glue the strips to the rim of the pot in a circle,
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be sure to wait until... the glue has dried, and then you can paint. i took chalk paint, it fits perfectly on all surfaces, is very opaque, and what’s important, it doesn’t smell at all, so you can safely work with it indoors. this is the pot i got, white, universal. will take root perfectly on the windowsill, but you can make it in any color, even pink, even green, to suit your interior mood, put it in them the most favorite flowers and get ready to receive compliments, because no one else will have such bright pots, and now we invite football fans to the screens,
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the russian cup continues, the results of the latest matches are in the material we... fellow sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the thirty-second edition of the russian football cup is nearing its conclusion. the participants have a total of three matches left to play, and we will find out the name of the trophy winner. cska, defending last year's title, plays in the upper bracket or in the rpl. the army team finished the first final match against zenit at home in a draw. in the fifty-third minute, the muscovites were put ahead by anton zabolotny, who turned out to be the most efficient at the opposing goal. the st. petersburgers escaped defeat thanks to the top goal. to replace alexander erokhin. shortly before the final whistle, he successfully completed a cross from the brazilian arthur from the corner of the field. 1:1. the teams will play the return match in the city on the neva on may 15. in the lower bracket, which is referred to as the path of the regions, the opponents identify the strongest based on the results of just one meeting. passed here semi-final stage. dynamo and spartak met for the third time in the national cup. they traded big home derby wins earlier in the group stage.
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the red-whites won 4:1, and the blue-whites 3:0. this time there is no fight. it happened in the ninth minute, alexander sobolev brought spartak ahead, catching up with the leaders of the zenit scoring race, ivan sergeev and timur suleymanov, playing for lokomotiv, all with five goals in the cup. mikhail ignatov consolidated the success of vladimir slishkovich's team under the curtain of the first half. his goal was counted chief arbiter alexey sukhoi after consultation with the video referee 2:0. baltika, fighting for survival in the rpl, created a sensation by knocking rostov out of the fight. the kaliningraders scored a quick goal, tigran avanesyan took advantage of the mistake. home team defenders. subsequently, the game was on a collision course, the southerners were closer to success, but visiting goalkeeper evgeniy latyshonok did not allow them to equalize; in the last minutes, after ronaldo’s shot , the crossbar stood up for him 1:0. the final route between the regions between the baltic and spartak will be played in kaliningrad a week later. footsharing is a borrowed word that is not particularly clear, although in essence it refers to a phenomenon with
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which we are very familiar. people share the product with other people. surplus happened so often in our country and still happens, how exactly, let's find out, this is how free distribution works in krasnodar. it’s all rotting in landfills and causing a lot of harm to our surrounding world. in or fruits are not thrown into the trash, where organic waste is formed during rotting
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methyl and ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide are of little use. some stores are ready to give away goods with an expiring expiration date, and then distribute them directly to people's homes. it is important that these are not spoiled products. prohibited by law; even retailers must throw them away in closed containers. only suitable food products are involved in food sharing. olga is a mother of many children, a volunteer herself, and the idea of ​​footsharing is close to her. besides, it's a small saving. in nefteyugansk, schoolchildren took up food sharing. these guys, georgy and maxim, every day at the same time they stop by to buy buns at the bakery. there, goods that could not be sold are given away for free. and look, eh. did they supply any products and just take them, look at the advertisements for those who need them and go home and give them away, in general in nefteyugansk this is already a whole project, in the group every day they post lists
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of products that they are ready to share, i think that every person should have conscious consumption, well , products that we don’t use should not go to waste, we should not be thrown away, timofey not only looks for such products, but suddenly gives them away. this time the pate, sour cream, and orange were untouched, he takes a photo and sends it to the group, an hour later the food was taken away. maxim yukhnevich, liliya lobkova, marina sidorova, dmitry domrev, channel one.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president. may 7 12:00 moscow time, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today is holy saturday for orthodox believers, the last preparation before the main feast...
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descent of the holy fire. his appearance in jerusalem in the chapel, in the center of the temple at the burial site of jesus christ, marks his presence and resurrection. according to legend, if the fire does not go away, the world will soon end with the onset of the last judgment. on the eve of easter, military bakers of the central military district baked easter cakes for soldiers performing tasks in the special operation zone. they prepared it at a field grain store; it was set up in one of the canteen areas. traditional ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, milk. then festive the treat was illuminated and now it will be delivered by the advanced unit. so that every fighter gets it, every fighter gets it,
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so that everyone tastes and feels our orthodox holiday. easter cakes were handed over to our soldiers in sevastopol. city residents brought holiday treats to the regional executive committee. united russia, from where he was sent to a unit in a military hospital, they also received congratulatory letters and children's drawings. about donbass, activists of the united russia women's movement visited military personnel who. now to situation in the northern military district zone itself, the attack aircraft crew on so-25 aircraft were supported by ground units of the russian group of the center and carried out an unguided missile attack on enemy strongholds. intelligence confirmed that special equipment and manpower of the militants were destroyed in the indicated square. stormtroopers. returned safely to base. in
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the kherson region, the crew of the rszzo grad razed to the ground a concentration of armored vehicles, an ammunition depot, and fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper. the shooting was corrected by drone operators. excellent results showed military personnel of the motorized rifle units of the west group of forces, the crew of the fagod anti-tank missile system. the first guards tank army destroyed enemy machine gun emplacements with one shot. they did everything quickly, clearly, acted at the forefront and
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dali, the guys hit bradley. and more about our guard heroes, junior lieutenant alexey mikhkov, commanded the crew of an artillery installation during the battle, the shelling weapon caught fire, alexey put out the flames, provided first aid to the wounded mechanic, and then drove away the self-propelled gun to a safe distance, continued to hit the militant forces and repelled their attack. sergeant eduard kutlubaev was transporting personnel and ammunition to the front line when his vehicle was attacked by enemy fpv drones. eduard ordered the soldiers to immediately leave the vehicle, disperse and open fire on the drones, as a result, all targets were destroyed and no one was injured. an unexpected statement by the head of european diplomacy, joseppe barel, speaking in the uk, he said that he knows how to stop the military conflict in ukraine in within two weeks. to do this, he said, it is necessary to stop sending western weapons there. the kiev regime capitulates very quickly. true, barel later added that he personally did not want such an end to the war...
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he complained that deliveries were being delayed; in europe, in his opinion, they could not agree on assistance to kiev for too long, because during the negotiations, some of their participants stated that russia is not a threat to their existence, good friend. another problem is that voters and taxpayers in the eu demand that ukraine report where it was the money that was so difficult to be withdrawn from the budget and the state that went in, this was stated at the eu delegation in kiev. the gas sector will have to be almost restored. 20 years - that's if the fighting there ends right now, as stated in the un report. almost 80,000 houses are in ruins and almost 400,000 are damaged. there has been nothing like this in the world since world war ii. and the tragedy continues, with new attacks and destruction almost every day, killing almost 35,000 people. mostly women and children. hospitals, schools, infrastructure have been destroyed, people are starving. the crisis is literally everywhere and, as the un noted, the future of the palestinian people is under threat.
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for the first time in 30 years, residents of moldova will not see the easter service on television, despite the fact that during the census, almost 100% of the country's population who call themselves believers reported that they profess orthodoxy, but they will have to watch their page on the internet for broadcast , will be provided by the mayor's office of the moldavian capital. following ukraine in moldova recently they are trying to promote a schism, there are calls for priests to move to the romanian church. snow covered the sverdlovsk region, in some areas 30 cm of precipitation fell, local media write, and this was in may, a section of the federal highway per ekaterinburg was blocked, cars, as drivers say, were frozen into the roadway, wires were broken under the weight of snow in the streets, a convoy of snow removal equipment and while good weather is not promised, a strong wind will rise in moscow this holiday weekend, the city will greet easter sunday with the rain, those who go to the night service, dress warmly. don't forget your umbrella,
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next week in the capital, according to forecasts, snow on the night of may 9, the temperature may drop to -2. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, irina murumtsova is with you on the calendar on may 4th. saturday. very soon, our most important holiday is victory day. the traditional immortal regiment campaign has already started. this year it will be held in a special format, you can also join it. disappeared at forty third, daria ryabova didn’t know anything else about her great-grandfather, so she decided to look for it. bits and pieces, everything that is known, in the end so much information and an award sheet surfaced, they helped in the search center of novorossiysk, a lot of information was on the people's memory website in the book of names and soldier medallions. every year these resources are updated with new data, it’s worth trying again. it turned out that stepan parfenov served as a driver and was awarded a medal
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for courage. there was a convoy of damaged cars, and they could not get through. at night he covered the shell crater with stones. under a hail of bullets, then i drove by and also pulled out the car. guard sergeant parfenov died on the leningrad front; search engines found his remains in 1997, but were unable to contact his relatives then and were reburied in a mass grave. now daria recognized this place, the new malox memorial in the leningrad region. daria will definitely write about the story of her hero, even if just on a page on social networks. the immortal regiment campaign has started, you can change your avatar.
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this is a t-shirt as a gift; olga’s dad will wear it on may 9th. they gave me everything so that we could have peaceful sky. of course we must always remember this. but marad tsaliev from the village of dordur in north ossetia once bought a vintage car gas 69. he restored it. every may 9, a car drives out onto the road and opens the procession of the immortal regiment. everyone comes up and admires this car. previously , marat’s great-uncle, safarbi tsaliev, was in the passenger seat. he is a front-line soldier, he took part in the battle of stalingrad. but this year the veteran passed away, on this car there will be a portrait of safarbi mukhaevich, students from kursk post such portraits wall of memory in his university, there are already hundreds of photographs here. my great-grandfather telegin tihan antonovich, he was an ordinary driver of
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a lorry, his journey began in 1939 with the finnish war, then it continued in the great patriotic war, in 1945 there was the japanese war. every photo is a story that should not be forgotten. yuri nesterov, ilya ridkozubov, elena savina, channel one. the great patriotic war is getting further and further from us, but we have no right to forget about it, forget about those who won that great victory for us. memories of the heroes of the great patriotic war wars are priceless. boris mikhailovich kaspirovich went to the front as a seventeen-year-old boy, served in intelligence, and is still remembered for his first battle. it's glass. flasks are over 80 years old. boris mikhailovich kaspirovich keeps it in memory of the great patriotic war. with such flasks, he and his comrades went behind the front line on reconnaissance. the task is to take the tongue. this could take more than one day. a flask of water was as important as a weapon. you drink as much water as you need so that
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your body feels like, oh, everything is okay. they fought often; a german bullet could have hit them. and the flask is no longer there. that is, the flask could have saved you.
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in the leg, six months in the hospital, then home, i dreamed about the war for a long time, either bombing or shooting of some kind, but at night you wake up in something cold or wet, wet all over, unpleasant, but it passes quickly... , i had this thing for about five years. after the war, boris mikhailovich worked as a builder, restored destroyed houses, was educated as a geologist and worked on colum for more than 50 years and... looked for gold there, his chest in awards, three orders of the patriotic war, a medal for the victory over germany, but
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he doesn’t like to talk about them, he says, we did the job, we won, we move on. elena savina, channel one. kulich is an indispensable dish on the easter table, many people buy them, others cook them themselves, today you can still have time to bake it. maria sorova has a good recipe. if from preparing cottage cheese easter'. you have leftover whites, you can make airy cakes, i dilute yeast in warm milk, add a spoonful of sugar from the total amount of salt, sift half flour and mix, cover with a towel and leave until it rises, this is about 30-40 minutes, pour boiling water over the raisins and almonds, i will peel them so that there is no bitterness. you see how easy it is to remove the peel, i dry it in the oven, put it in
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an oven preheated to 200°, turn it off and keep it there for 3 minutes, put the raisins on a sieve, melt the butter, the dough has risen, pour in the butter, it has already cooled down a little, attention, you can’t pour out hot stuff, add orange zest, vanilla sugar, half... regular sugar and mix with a spatula, i add another half of the flour, the dough should remain soft enough to fold in the beaten egg whites. when they have turned into soft foam, add the remaining sugar, beat until stiff, they should become so stable, and now i very carefully mix them in parts, with a whisk, the most important thing is not to mix too much, then the curls will turn out to be airy and slightly ... i add a little of the remaining flour,
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dry the raisins thoroughly and add them to the dough, coarsely chop the almonds there, fill the molds halfway, leave for 20 minutes so that the dough has risen a little and carefully grease it with yolk, put it in an oven preheated to 200° for 25 minutes, baking time depends on the size of the bags, one batch in identical forms so that they bake evenly, but for now i’ll make a glaze from powdered sugar and orange juice, it should look like this the consistency is so beautiful, i let it cool, apply the glaze and decorate it, i want to show you how the egg white cake turns out to be light, airy, very aromatic, light paste. where does the wind blow from? this is not an idle question for a city dweller. multi-storey buildings, avenues,
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the streets of the square love to play with the wind, but these games do not always bring pleasure to us, the residents. we decided to study the city's wind rose and share our discoveries with you. in one area it is barely noticeable, in another it is strong or gusty. wind? how is it affected by urban development? over the city, the average wind speed decreases. but due to the increase in roughness , turbulent mixing near the city also increases, and microcirculation also occurs within the urban area. at the same time, for each area there is an understandable wind conditions, a diagram showing where it blows most often, wind roses. for example, in moscow, according to long-term data from the meteorological observatory of moscow state university , the southwest wind prevails; where its direction coincides with the direction of the streets, the wind blows stronger, forming a wind tunnel effect between. buildings , the wind flow narrows, which means its speed increases. peace avenue in
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the capital is an example of this; it is almost always windy here, but the courtyards are ideal. most houses are perimeter built against the wind protect. what can’t you say about these high-rise buildings? the architects assure that the wind rose was not taken into account here. the buildings are located exactly in the direction of the prevailing wind, the speed even now can be 4 m/s. and if we go there, it may increase several times. once you come in, the difference is really noticeable. the building is rounded, we see a long, extended façade, which we can’t hear well, is it backwards? yes, yes, yes, which do not even interfere with the wind, but accelerate it, often exactly in such windy places there are children's playgrounds, places of quiet rest, constantly, even if it’s a sunny day, there is still wind, it’s not pleasant, especially in this place, it blows from all sides at once, without interruption, due to the fact that things change here. level, and the wind turns out, it is still rising and accelerating even more,
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turbulent phenomena appear, now what can be done, now you can use windproof elements, these... could be windproof visors, windproof walls that will cut the flow , but it is much more effective to think about wind protection at the stage design, there are more solution options. by playing with altitude, we can also ensure that courtyards, yes, playgrounds, recreation areas, will be protected from the wind. we can also place some kind of public building, which will act as a natural barrier. and also landscaping is taller than human height. this is exactly the technique used in this. new area and it works, although the leaves are still very small. in this case , the branches themselves work, yes, to cut this flow, and in the summer, when the crown is dense, it will overall wonderful. it’s quite comfortable, we walk every day in cloudy or sunny weather. and of course, the shape of the houses themselves is important, perimeter or urban blocks like this, in this case a plus. and if they are built taking into account
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the wind rose. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, tatyana yus, channel one. every parent wants their children to help with the housework, to love this work, to do it with pleasure, and not under pressure. alexey ivanov, a father with many children , is sure that his children are always ready to help for adults, the main thing is not to discourage them. the key to success here is to do household chores together. so, come in. come on, take the package and help me take it apart. andryusha, here you go, yeah, hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, and today let's remember what household chores children should have , why they are needed at all, guys, if you want a snack, we want, let's make
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sandwiches, take elementary school for example. help in the kitchen, a child from 6-7 years old can already arrange a snack for himself, for example, make a sandwich, give him this opportunity, fedya, please cut some juice, pay attention, here we have fine motor skills, coordination, attention, in general, one big benefit. guys, thanks, who will throw out the trash? i ’m great, andrey, and we’ll tidy up here, come on, come on,
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6-7 years old is the age when... he easily agrees to do something around the house, because he feels how mature and needed he is, this it even strengthens self-esteem. oh, guys, let's clean up the room, the main thing is that the tasks are strong. for children of primary school age, this is cleaning room, help in the kitchen, some small errands. then children develop planning and self-regulation skills. the benefits of such simple household chores are no less than those of the currently fashionable developmental activities. most importantly, don’t stand over your soul and tell people how to do it. independence cannot be taught, it can only be provided.
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there are parents who take on all household chores themselves. the child gets so tired at school. keep in mind the older you are. this way they will become independent much faster. on calendar may 4th, saturday, tomorrow is sunday and, as always, on the first channel everything is only the best, interesting, cooks on wheels, their own lives, three chords. watch, don't miss it, it will be very interesting. this is a turn on wheels in gelendzhik, so stylish venerable chefs from st. petersburg were greeted by local residents. you dima, you just look like such a beautiful milky southern calf, and you artyom, a real chelengaz? well, okay, no offense, maybe the gift
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somehow catches the twist, all our belgilendzhir guys, they’re here for you, there's more. which is the memory of our southern cats, what the cooks will feed the residents, inspired by their hospitality, and if without irony they greeted the film crew warmly and showed all the beauty of their city, let's try... faces, from someone he took lips, from someone eyes, from someone’s nose, in the literal sense of the word it’s a collective question, tomorrow on channel one there are new episodes of your favorite programs,
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the life of your chefs on wheels, come on, we want to say for you, just class, victoria bolenskaya, channel one, well here we go waited, fresh spring greens, fresh vegetables appeared on the shelves, our healthy lifestyle expert. good morning, the further into the forest, the more greenery there is. a real health professional will definitely go for the most useful ones at the beginning of may. i'm going hunting for young shoots of the sour nettle.
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it’s better, of course, to still focus on the familiar appearance and not strive. the berry is not even close to ripe yet, but experiment. the experiments begin in the country kitchen. in addition to decorative plants, we will add cultivated grass. i'll add some garlic, i'll add it i’ll tear it a little, that’s also a sorrel. but this is no, this is wild garlic. this is the main thing, our national decor, please note, i don’t cut greens, in general you can almost never cut greens, well, that’s somewhat true, but
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why, by the way, many chefs do it like this, because because we don’t crush it, we don’t we press it, it remains so plump, here is the same spinach, which i will add solely for the sake of the body of the salad, the only thing i will cut is, of course, green. onion, this is a classic russian spring story, it was grown in skating rinks in houses, at easter, the first spring money, it was always associated with the taste of fresh green onions, but the aroma went, yes, now i wonder who will interrupt, wild garlic or onions, after all, they won’t actually interrupt each other , they will complement, and they complement each other perfectly, and the salad and bright radishes will complement it, well, all that remains is to assemble the dressing, it is... always universal, it’s mustard, a little mustard, honey is a must, and the honey should preferably be liquid, it must be acidic, take fresh lemon,
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yes, take fresh lemon, a few drops and of course vegetable oil, oil, you can play with oils, or you can add flaxseed oil, for example, olive, super healthy, dalina, pumpkin, yes, i probably wouldn’t add pumpkin for that reason the simple reason is that it has a very rich, bright taste, it will overwhelm everything, well, the emulsion is ready, something is missing for satiety, and what kind of gosh would you go without a simple egg recipe? break the egg into a mesh so that the liquid fraction of the white is glassed, dip the spoon in butter, put the egg into it, then into boiling water, curl it up, take it out with a spoon, cut it. and try, leading a healthy lifestyle in may with such greens is as easy as shelling pears. once upon a time the very concept of artificial
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intelligence was something from the realm of science fiction, today it is becoming part of our everyday, everyday life. you need to draw a picture, please choose the most important thing from the large text, no problem. even your wardrobe will help you choose. i wonder how artificial intelligence came up with this? but let's figure it out. he will answer any question, write a program, or even select a wardrobe. oh, cool, he also gives the person model poses. this is all artificial intelligence, today it is built into more applications and programs. what other expert will answer in 15 seconds? and during these 15 seconds, what ’s going on with her? at the lowest level of abstraction, it is simply a calculation, that is, there are mathematical operations that are performed. yes, this is what artificial intelligence thinks and solves, roughly speaking, complex formulas with numbers. how are these numbers formed, what kind of numbers these are, it’s not clear, 70 billion. try to figure it out. there is
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even. a separate profession that is engaged in trying to understand how everything works inside, they really work like a black box, but in order to form such neural connections, developers write a whole instruction, this is the code, there is no such thing as books loaded into it, suddenly she began to somehow analyze, think, there are specific sequences of actions, there is machine learning, when they show there are many examples, and they say: these are flowers, these are trees, and these are bushes, tyrabai. she understands her well, but the quality of the answer depends largely on the request. personally, i learned to communicate with her for 2 weeks, to understand what she is a genius at, what she is good at. this even has a term for artificial intelligence hallucination, to avoid it, first, we formulate the thought clearly and concisely, the more data, the more accurate the answer. look, give me fitness tips, she'll give me some fitness tips,
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but no. saying how old they are, what kind they are restrictions, a man or a woman, how much free time she has, what she has at home from some arsenal, we change the request, there are more specifics, second, periodically it is better to reboot so that the system is reset, so there will be fewer strange answers, the latter, in fact, she relies on the data that was loaded into it, but it does not know how to verify it, it can perceive it incorrectly, combine it and... produce something that is not true, that is, if, for example, you load one textbook into the neuron according to history, she will be able to answer only relying on information from this very textbook, so use artificial intelligence to solve complex problems, it’s better to double-check everything, of course it’s a smart thing, but it’s still a technique. anastasia savileva, mikhail karasev, channel one. since christmas we have seen the greatest tragedy, it is
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so, one might say, even amazing. preached, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god from his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in history occurred of all humanity, that is, people killed god. the way of christ comes first today. whiskey, mancacher, product of stellor group. gin cnop.
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product of steller group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom. castro. product of stellar group. vodka. veda. product of steller group. saturday morning will not truly be saturday. if my colleague allata does not challenge and take on someone weakly. today she has no one. there are two on the way at once. three times. russian champions, multiple european champions, one of the most beautiful couples in our figure skating, alexandra stepanova and ivan bukin, what tasks i came up with for them, look, do you think i’m already preparing for intervision, not at all, i ’m preparing to meet our dear guests, three-time russian champions, multiple
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european champions. participants in the olympic games and one of the most beautiful couples in russian figure skating, ivan bukin and alexander stepanov, guys, good morning, good morning, i’m glad to see you, very much, before we start our competition, our conversation, you should know how much i love you, i'll ask this the question is, who has the biggest fan club? dansani, well , look, so even here she wins, you know, i can bet, because you are really, really trying to me . but to outplay with this emotionality of mine and i’m just bending over backwards to also get close to you, it’s true, well, now let’s check, now we’ll see who ’s more hardworking in the pair, i’m the one who’s always late,
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i’m the essence of finoball - this is finogoal, it’s necessary to flow jets of air from a hairdryer put the ball into the basket, guys, get together, we have today three rounds, well... let's start, attention, march, great, supergu, where did you go, brother, great, great, alexandra gets out of a difficult situation and a goal, 1:0 in favor of ivan, second round, the race has begun, great, that's all they are. alexandra evened the score, well , the third decisive round of our competition, which will reveal the absolute champion of the category , weak at the start, attention, march, so, so,
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so, so, no, look, he’s blowing up little by little, just so you understand, this is serious the fight flares up at the finish line, they both are at the basket, but is he walking?
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seats, a steering wheel and a turbocharged engine, it turned out to be a racing kart, a real one, on which you can drift, go racing for huskies, which is exactly what he achieved. the all-russian children's center eaglet is hosting a thematic session called the road to the circus. you look and wonder how talented our children are. details now. you think children can only deal with your nerves. rings, these guys will surprise you, lick, how do you like that? balls, skittles, line up in a pyramid, throw someone, no, not into nettles, but how do you like such a show on the tips of your toes, yes, it’s
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just some kind of circus, actually it is, in front of you is the all-russian children’s festival , the road to the circus in the center eaglet, from yuri nikulin's circus, a whole shift from april 20 to may 10, here only the best of the best were served. application, were selected, anna litvinova came from yalta. i was very happy when i found out that i would go here, because this is actually my first camp in my life. alexandra chursina from rostov-on-don, to her it was a little simpler, she is the daughter of circus performers, she has been in the arena since childhood. i was also an aerialist, and i juggle, i’m an acrobat, and i do a lot of paired tricks, okay, i also work as a rubber, that’s bending. i came here to improve my skills every day of the master class, and also. radically the level of circus training, in any case, the children came here to relax, yes, well, to work, we are just adjusting some things that are
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minimal, without getting into their performances, with which they will actually take part festival a real marathon of performances is starting right now, performing every day for a week. in the finale there is a concert, more than fifty numbers, almost the number of participants, an individual and team show, everyone here includes young jugglers and gymnasts. all the children who came here, they already deserved victory, no matter what, and well, probably, find new studios for themselves, find new potential artists who will come to work at the circus in the future, that is, the goal is basically clear, development circus art and... you need something new, but you don’t want to spend money, our
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designer olga nikishicheva will help, her main motto is, you know, quickly, on a budget and easily, today from nylon weasels, she sews a blouse, dear friends, if you urgently need an elegant one blouse, we don’t rush to the store to buy it, but we sew it ourselves at home from capron’s weasels, the fabric with flowers will only need 120 cm with a width of 1.5 m and we will make the base of the blouse from it, and from a 30 cm shred we will make a band. even a novice tailor can handle such a simple job. fold the nylon with the front side inside in four layers. the style with a one-piece sleeve and without unnecessary undercuts is very easy to cut. in addition, it will suit any figure. to do this, mark 25 cm from the top edge. this will be the width of the sleeve. draw a line of approximately 25 cm,
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mark 35 cm along the bottom edge and also draw a line upward, round the corner, draw a neckline for the back in the corner, nine inches wide and about 3 cm high. we cut off the excess, make the neckline on the shelf deeper, this is what our cut looks like blouses. it is enough to sew only two side seams, but we will sew them into the packaging, so you won’t need an overlocker; to make a linen seam in the packaging, you need to lay the first line on the front side about 3 mm from the edge, and lay the second line on the side seam from the wrong side so that our edge is on the inside. seam,
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sleeves and bottom are folded and hemmed. all that remains is to process the neck; to do this , cut out strips approximately 3 cm wide from the scraps. fold the strips in half and apply them on the front side. and under the machine, turn the neck facing inside out and sew it on once again, all that remains is to make our scarf accessory, fold the flap in half and sew along the contour, leaving 5 cm unsewn so that it can then be turned out. turn it inside out, that’s all the work is done quickly and effectively, in such
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a blouse with delicate flowers you will always be in a good mood. the weekend is a great reason to have a date, maybe with your husband, or with yourself. the main thing is, if you find yourself in a cafe today, remember a few rules. etiquette, in fact, frees us from tense, uncomfortable and unnecessary situations. irina matheranskaya will remind you of the main reasons why it is worth it. about etiquette, and today we’ll talk about the basic rules of behavior at the table. let's start
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from the end, the first rules: attention, the one who invited pays, you invited me, that means you will pay the bill, okay, if suddenly you invite a man to a business dinner, then that means she pays the bill, well, if the man is a gentleman, then perhaps he will pay for it himself, here you are at the table, on which side according to etiquette can you put your phone? telephone? there is no place on the table, that is, everything that does not belong to the food, to the setting, we don’t put keys, glasses, phone on the table, everything is in the bag, curious, you can start with the cover, but if someone hasn’t been served food yet, according to etiquette, you have to wait for all the participants in the dinner, you won’t believe it with what to wipe your hands with , napkins were not always there, in ancient times, when the tablecloth appeared, people wiped their hands on the tablecloth, actually on the tablecloth, yes, it really was like that. but then they introduced textile napkins so that
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there was less washing, the napkin is folded discreetly onto your lap, you don’t put it in your collar, all drinks. on the right, if you place your fingers like this, in this way, you can see the letter b, uh-huh, and the english letter the, yes, bread, drink, that is, we have bread, if we put the bread in a pie plate it will be on the left, drinks, yes will be on the right, pour tea first for a friend, then for yourself, 3/4 full, so that it is convenient to stir, and what is convenient to eat with your hands, firstly, a burger, initially. this is fast food, yes, it was invented in order to eat faster, nothing complicated, we take it with both hands and eat, but it happens that girls, men, yes, they remove the top bun, as soon as the sandwich is open, we eat it with a knife and fork, we also eat it with our hands, hurray,
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pizza and, of course, khinkali, in general, everything that was originally invented to be eaten with our hands, plus olives with pits, for example, if we still have several cutlery lying around, you must agree, this is ugly, and also the knife can easily fall and stain the tableware, so the pause position is when we put the cutlery on the plate, and another point, it turns out, is according to etiquette only the one who prepared the dish wishes bon appetit, then
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there is a housewife or a chef. irina materanskaya, channel one. i will reign or perish. a foreigner who did not have legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon temki will not be talked about as the most influential person in russia. but even relying
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on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire. catherine ii. today is the first one. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. lent is ending and the magical holiday of easter awaits us. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my legs just led me to temple. and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears, since then yes, we already have four children, i said katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says, no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i she said, no, stop, this can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21
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days, a monk walked with us, and that’s how i go, that’s how i feel i felt good, i said, what is this, he says, this is grace, i became blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table. i physically felt my guardian angel, i believe that i am a guardian angel, of course, lord god, with the hands of doctors they performed a miracle, oh how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation, i am going with the children and we see our garden all like this we hang all these testicles, but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium, this is actually the greatest russian holiday, look at... after the program time: weekend, many will probably go to the dacha, to a picnic, if anyone is up to the first stars were impossible, but now with sunday will definitely be possible, yes, i’m talking about barbecue, but be careful, both those who have already eaten and those who have not yet, the burden is heavy - this is fried meat for our stomach, after all? nutritionist
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anastasia yudina will tell you how to simplify the situation: you have been invited to a barbecue, i usually advise you to avoid fried food. but the company is wonderful, the mood is excellent, today we will make an exception to the rules so that the harmful substances that are formed during frying do not harm us too much. before the trip, we stock up on psyllium, this is plantain bran, and fill it with water half an hour before meals. two tablespoons and drink quickly, if this process is delayed, the psyllium will swell and it will be difficult to swallow, now we wash down the bran with a glass of water and generally drink more at barbecues... it also removes harmful substances, now let’s pretend that we have already arrived for a visit , kebab, come on,
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season the meat with cilantro and basil, they stimulate digestion, add a sprig of rosemary, the spice neutralizes the toxins that accumulate on the crispy meat crust, you can eat m... yummy! relax and have fun! and if on the morning after the holiday i felt a heaviness in my stomach, a detox cocktail will help out. mix half a teaspoon of turmeric, ground ginger, add a pinch of coyenne pepper, pour the mixture with a glass of warm boiled water, add honey if desired. and drink, the product improves metabolism, helps remove toxins, well, now it’s better, on the calendar
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may 4th, on this day our ancestors looked at the bird cherry, if it’s all in bloom, the summer will be hot, in my opinion, it’s not even worth checking this sign, let's hope that this is exactly what summer will be like, i still want to warm up, it’s interesting that you... watching the planets, astrologers, regarding the coming weekend, let’s listen. both of these days are generally great guys, although very different. today is a rather leisurely day, he does not like traveling and noisy companies, he is happy at home with loved ones. but he is economical, skilled, he is not a stranger to inspiration, and if you give him the opportunity to do what he loves in solitude, by the evening he can easily create some kind of masterpiece, or at least something useful for the home. tomorrow is a bright day, fast, campaigning, loves visiting people, group outings into nature or to some events, in household chores he
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also somehow manages to involve the whole family, and also hides friends, but what’s more fun together, he’s also quite amorous, this aries can feel it, they are now generally doomed to like it, and aries ladies will certainly outshine all their rivals. okay, about business, these days are very good for big cleaning, and you will also have a chance... to get rid of something unnecessary, and with a profit, for example, to sell it. taurus they will be able to establish or restore some connections, improve the climate in the family, make peace with someone, and if you need someone’s help, ask, they will not refuse you, however, they are unlikely to give you a loan, but maybe it is for the better. if anyone needs a tomada or a party organizer, call gemini. they are charming, witty, excellent inventors, and know how to find the right words—the soul of any company. just don't get carried away with alcohol. the crayfish are also doing well, some of the crayfish, however, will decide that they have exchanged a little over the course of the week and will want to to be alone, but why not,
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but tomorrow you will still go out into the world, the stars promise something interesting, and leo is shining something like a new novel, it can bring a certain confusion into the life of leos, but decide for yourself , in the evening or tomorrow a trip on business is not excluded, perhaps strangers will be more attentive behind the wheel, the girls have a calm and smooth weekend, when everything... the plan and no one really interferes, it will be possible to finally do what you have long promised to your family and to what extent never got around to it, but tomorrow they might invite you somewhere, they might return you to libra duty, to provide a return favor or to somehow thank them with kindness for kindness, in the late afternoon some important conversation is possible, perhaps about money, and tomorrow is a great day for shopping. scorpios will have to work around the house, fix something or have it repaired. scorpios, ladies, write this weekend down in your notebook. very good for working some magic on your image, and be careful with fire. sagittarius may need money, they will have to
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repay a debt or pay some bills, some unplanned expenses are not excluded for family needs, and this weekend may pleasantly surprise you with something. a small audit of personal finances will not hurt capricorns, especially if some kind of trip is planned. in general, you have a rather pleasant weekend, among other things, rich in interesting and useful meetings, and also... clearly preparing something entertaining for you, everything is fine with aquarius too, however, these days you need to manage money very carefully and in general , it’s good to count, but you know how to do it, here’s another thing, try not to argue with your elder generation, pisces have such thorough weekends at home, it will be possible to solve some economic issues, improve something in the house or on the site, improve relations with neighbors, pisces mothers, do not actively educate your chat these days, okay, good luck to you, and now we invite football fans to the screens, the russian cup continues, the results of the latest
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matches are in the material of my colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the thirty-second edition of the russian football cup is nearing its conclusion, the participants there are a total of three matches left to play and we will find out the name of the trophy winner: cska, defending last year's title, is playing in the upper bracket or on the rpl route. the army team finished the first final match against zenit at home in a draw. in the fifty-third minute, the muscovites were put ahead by anton zabolotny, who turned out to be the most efficient at the opposing goal. the st. petersburg team escaped defeat thanks to a goal from substitute alexander erokhin. shortly before the final whistle , he... tapped in a cross from the brazilian arthur from the corner of the field. 1:1. return match in the city on niva, the teams will play on may 15. in the lower bracket, which is referred to as the path of the regions, the opponents identify the strongest based on the results of just one meeting. the semi-final stage has passed here. dynamo and spartak met for the third time in the national cup. they traded big home derby wins earlier in the group stage. the red-whites prevailed 4:1, and the blue-whites 3:0. this time the fight didn't work out. in
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the ninth minute, alexander sobolev brought spartak ahead. catching up with the leaders of the zenit scoring race ivan sergeev and timur suleymanov, playing for lokomotiv. everyone has five balls in the cup. mikhail ignatov consolidated the success of vladimir slishkovich's team under the curtain of the first half. his goal was counted 2:0 by chief referee alexey sukhoi after consultation with the video referee. baltika, fighting for survival in the rpl, created a sensation by knocking rostov out of the fight. the kaliningraders scored a quick goal, tigran hovhannisyan took advantage of the mistake of the home team's defenders. subsequently, the game was on a collision course. the southerners were closer to success, but the goalkeeper did not allow them to equalize guests evgeniy latyshonok, in the last minutes after ronaldo's strike the crossbar stood up for him 1:0, the final of the regional route between baltic and spartak will be played in kaliningrad in a week. food sharing, a borrowed word, is not particularly clear, although in essence it refers to a phenomenon with which we are very familiar. people share food and
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surplus with other people, this has often happened in our country and... it still happens, let’s find out exactly how. this is how foodsheng works in krasnodar, free distribution of food that is not managed to sell out in the store. here we select according to the principle: the task is received by the data collection terminal, so we physically check and select the bread, which is delivered within a suitable time frame within 2 days. food sharing appeared in germany 12 years ago. the idea is to reduce the amount of food thrown away. saving food from destruction, when the same lonely banana or some healthy vegetables or fruits are not thrown into the trash, where it all rots in landfills and causes a lot of harm to our surrounding world. in organic waste, when rotting, they form methyl and ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide,
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methane and hydrogen sulfide are of little use. some shops. we are ready to give away expired goods to volunteers, and they will distribute them directly to their homes. it is important that these are not spoiled products; it is prohibited by law to share such products; retailers must even throw them away in closed containers. only suitable food products are involved in food sharing. olga is a mother of many children, a volunteer herself, and the idea of ​​footsharing is close to her. besides, it's a small saving. in nefteyugansk , schoolchildren took up food sharing. these ones guys, georgy and maxim. every day at the same time he stops by for buns at the bakery, there they give away goods that they couldn’t sell for free, we see if they left any products and we just take them away, we look accordingly, uh, according to the advertisements, those who are in need and we go home and give away, in general in nefteyugansk - this is already a whole project, in the group every day they post lists of products that they are ready to share, i
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believe that every person should have conscious consumption - well , products that we not we use it, we shouldn’t throw it away. timofey not only looks for such products, but also gives them away himself, in case he’s on a business trip and the refrigerator is full, so that the ad in the group doesn’t disappear. the largest associations of food rescuers are in moscow and st. petersburg. according to statistics , it is people who share more often than shops or catering establishments. in a group they give it there, they can give it meat broth there, or, for example, several. kefir, people are happy to make cottage cheese out of it, someone goes to the dacha and gives away bread. liana inspects the refrigerator once a week. in that since the pate, sour cream, and orange turned out to be untouched. takes a photo and sends it to the group, an hour later the food was taken away. maxim yukhnevich, liliya lobkova, marina sidorova, dmitry domrev, channel one. the solemn ceremony
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of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. today is holy saturday for orthodox believers. last preparations before the main holiday easter. in all in the churches of the liturgy, the priests change the dark , mournful.
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so that everyone can try and feel our
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orthodox holiday. easter cakes were handed over to our soldiers in sevastopol, city residents brought the holiday treat to the regional executive committee of united russia, from where it was sent to a unit in a military hospital, where they also received congratulatory letters and children's drawings. and in the donbass , activists of the united russia women's movement visited military personnel who were being treated at the vesenovat regional hospital. came with gifts, the youngest visitors read poems to the wounded and wished them a speedy recovery. now to the situation in the nwo zone itself. attack aircraft crews on su-25 aircraft supported the ground part of the russian center group and carried out an unguided missile attack on enemy strongholds. intelligence confirmed it. in the indicated square, special equipment and manpower of the militants were destroyed. the attack aircraft returned safely to base. in the kherson region , the crew of the rszzo grad razed a concentration of armored vehicles and fortified ammunition depots to the ground
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positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper, corrected the shooting of the drone operator. the military personnel of the motorized rifle units of the west group of forces showed excellent results. crew of the fagod anti-tank missile system of the first guards tank army with one shot. for different uh-huh different shooting they hit, well they hit, well, they hit a pickup truck, the guys hit bradley, and more about our heroes, the guard, junior lieutenant alexey mikhkov commanded
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the crew of the artillery mount during the battle the gun was fired at, it caught fire, alexey put it out flame, provided first aid to the wounded mechanic, and then drove the self-propelled gun to a safe distance, continued to hit the militant forces and repelled their attack, sergeant eduard kutlubaev transported the personnel. and ammunition to the front line when his vehicle was attacked by enemy fpv drones. eduard gave the order to the soldiers to immediately leave the vehicle, disperse and open fire on the drones. as a result, all targets were destroyed and no one was injured. the unexpected statement of the head of european diplomacy, joseppe barel, speaking in uk, he said he knows how to stop the military conflict in ukraine within two weeks. to do this, he said, it is necessary to stop sending western weapons there.
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at the tomb of the unknown soldier, as part of the annual event, the fire of memory began traveling around the country, the lamp was brought to st. petersburg, flowers were laid at the memorial on victory square, a sign of gratitude to those who, in a difficult struggle, managed to defeat fascism, has already been delivered to the voronezh region, a solemn the ceremony took place in vladimir, and also kursk, armenia, abkhazia, kyrgyzstan, in total 14 countries in europe, asia and africa. in parallel, another international event is the garden of memory, it is also dedicated to veterans, blue spruces, thujas and cedars were planted by volunteers from the chuvash, pine seedlings in the republic of moriel, vietnam also took part, three small trees appeared in hanoi on...
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along with the first channel on the calendar, saturday may 4, with you irina muromtseva, the great good morning to everyone who celebrates this day saturday, easter eve, this day is accepted call. and saturday, a day that is both mournful and joyful, about the traditions, symbols and meanings of this day in the material of alena ostrakhantseva. holy saturday is the last day of passion week, both mournful and joyful. on the one hand, we, together with the apostles, together with the myrrh-bearing women, lament the death of christ. on this day , christ’s body remains in the tomb, and christ’s soul descends into hell. in order to bring
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out of hell the souls of all the righteous, who from time immemorial have been waiting for deliverance from the bonds of death from adam and eve, and we already know, a miracle the resurrection will take place, and we are waiting for it, the singing mary has had the cherished lines in her head since the very morning, christ resurrected from the dead, it’s possible , i just went, despite the fact that holy week i really really wanted to sing all this, because these are the most desired lines that the heart can... already today, in the middle of the service , major notes will sound: as you cry, the priests will take off their black mourning clothes and dress, first in white, then for the easter service in red clothes. everything is ready in the sacristy. on the one hand we we remember. the atoning sacrifice of christ, on
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the other hand, red is the royal color, the color of royal vestments, and we remember that christ is the king of the world. and the bells on the holiday will sing in a special way, for the first time in 40 days of lent, everything will be so solemn for the first time. the bell ringer vladimir borisovich learned their language perfectly during his 20 years in the bell tower. when the ringing begins, the good news, the boom, it seems to be transferred to us.
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channel. tomorrow, sunday, the entire orthodox world will celebrate the bright holiday of easter. preparations are being made for this event throughout the country, in big cities and small towns, in all churches. large bright eggs, arches with flowers. this is how the territory of the monastery was decorated in deveeva this year so that everyone could take a photo as a souvenir.
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a symbol of the holiness of the resurrection, irina has her own flower farm, decorating the temple for the first time. i am very pleased, because the temple is the house of our lord god jesus christ. the church of the new martyrs and confessors of the russian church in novorossiysk is decorated with what is called the whole
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world. our church has this tradition: parishioners bring an easter egg as a gift to the temple, made us his family or. who won that great victory for us, the memories of the heroes of the great patriotic war are priceless. boris mikhailovich kaspirovich went to the front as a seventeen-year-old boy, served in intelligence, and is still remembered for his first battle. this glass flask is over 80 years old.
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boris mikhailovich kaspirovich keeps it in memory of the great patriotic war. with such flasks, he and his comrades went behind the front line on reconnaissance. the task is to take the tongue. it could take more than one. day a flask of water was no less important than a weapon, you drink as much water as you need so that your body feels that everything is in order, they fought often, german bullets could have hit you, and the flask is no longer gone, that is, the flask saved you, it could have saved you , boris mikhailovich found himself at the front at the age of 17, with a childhood background in gatchina, evacuation to omsk, work at a factory, where he turned heads for mines, the military registration and enlistment office came voluntarily, in the summer of forty-three he got a rifle rue on the second ukrainian front, the first battle during the crossing dnieper, after him, the commander proposed to go on reconnaissance that same night, boris mikhailovich and five more soldiers went behind the front line, there are specially sappers who clear mines for us - these are minefields, make
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a passage into this passage, we as a group go behind the front line, you pass through a neutral one. a zone where there is no shooting, but as soon as you pass through the neutral zone, you run into german trenches, you don’t know anything ahead, not everyone returned from such sorties, they were often wounded, there was an unspoken rule, don’t abandon your own people, if they’re injured they’re injured, but you won’t abandon your comrade, you’ll definitely pull him out, there were often minor wounds , i didn’t even count how many, but in august of forty -four he was seriously wounded by shrapnel. leg, six months in the hospital, then home, i dreamed about the war for a long time, either a woman or some kind of shooting, at night you wake up in something cold or wet, wet all over, unpleasantness, but it quickly passes, it’s been
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about five years this thing happened to me, after the war boris mikhailovich worked as a builder, restored destroyed houses, received educated as a geologist and worked for more than 50 years in kolyma from... his chest is decorated with awards, three orders of the patriotic war, a medal for the victory over germany, but he doesn’t like to talk about them, he says the point, we did it, we won, we move on. elena savina, channel one. where does the wind blow from? this is not an idle question for a city dweller. multi-storey buildings, avenues, square streets love to play with the wind, but these games do not always bring pleasure to us, the residents. we decided to study the city's wind rose and share our discoveries with you. in barely noticeable in one area, strong or gusty in another. wind, how is it affected by urban development? over the city, the average wind speed decreases. but due to the increase in roughness , turbulent mixing near the city also increases,
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and microcirculation also occurs within the urban area. moreover, for each area there is a clear wind regime, a diagram that shows where it blows most often, and a wind rose. for example, in moscow, according to long-term data from the meteorological observatory of moscow state university, the southwestern wind, where its direction coincides with the direction of the streets, the wind blows stronger, forming a wind tunnel effect. between buildings, the wind flow narrows, which means its speed increases. peace avenue in the capital is an example of this; it is almost always windy here, but the courtyards are ideal. most perimeter-built houses are protected from the wind. what cannot be said about these high-rise buildings, the architects assure that they did not take into account the wind rose here. the buildings are located exactly in the direction of the prevailing wind, the speed even now can be 4 m/s. what if we if we go there, it may increase several times. once we come in, indeed, the difference is noticeable, rounded buildings, we see
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a long, extended facade, which is bad, windy, yes, yes, yes, which do not even interfere with the wind, but accelerate it, often playgrounds and places are located exactly in such windy places quiet rest, constantly, even if it’s a sunny day, there is still wind, it’s not pleasant, especially in this place, it blows from all sides at once, without interruption, due to the fact that here our level changes, and the wind turns out we still have him rises and accelerates even more, turbulent phenomena appear, now what can be done, now you can use windproof elements, these can be windproof visors, windproof walls that will cut the flow, but it is much more effective to think about wind protection at the design stage, there are more solution options , by playing with heights, we can also ensure that courtyards, yes, playgrounds, recreation areas, they will be protected from... we can also place some kind of public building that will
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to be a natural barrier, and also the landscaping is taller than human height, this is exactly the technique that was used in this new area, and it works, although the leaves are still very small. in this case , the branches themselves work to cut this flow, and in the summer, when the crown is dense, it will be absolutely wonderful. quite comfortable, we walk every day in cloudy or sunny weather, and of course, the shape of the houses themselves is perimeter or such urban blocks are a plus in this case, and if they are built taking into account wind roses natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, tatyana yus, channel one. every parent wants their children to help with the housework, to love this work, to do it with pleasure, and not under pressure. alexey ivanov, a father with many children , is sure that children are always ready to help adults, the main thing is not to discourage them. the key to success here is to practice. household chores, everyone together, so come in, let's
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take the package, help me sort it out, andryusha, here you go, yeah, hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, today let’s remember what household responsibilities children should have, and why they are needed at all. guys, do you want to grab something to eat? we want. let's make sandwiches. take, for example, basic help in the kitchen. a child from 6-7 years old can already arrange a snack for himself. for example, make a sandwich. give him this opportunity. juice, pay attention, here we have fine motor skills, coordination, attention, in general,
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one continuous benefit, guys, thank you, who will throw out the trash? i’m great, andrey, and we ’ll clean it up here, come on, come on! 6-7 years is the age when... a child easily agrees to do something around the house, because he feels how grown-up and needed he is, this even strengthens his self-esteem. oh, guys, let's clean up the room, the main thing is that the tasks are feasible. for children of primary school age, this means cleaning the room, helping in the kitchen, and doing some small errands. then children develop
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planning and self-regulation skills. such simple household chores are of no benefit. no less than from the now fashionable developmental activities. the most important thing is not to stand in your heart and not say how to do it. independence cannot be taught, it can only be provided. there are parents who take on all household chores themselves. the child gets so tired at school. keep in mind the older you are.
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egg whites, you can make airy easter cakes, dissolve friends in warm milk, add a spoonful of sugar from the total amount of salt, sift half the flour and mix, cover with a towel and leave until it rises, this is about 30-40 minutes, pour boiling water over the raisins and almonds, it i will clean so as not to there was some bitterness, you see how... the peel is easily removed, i dry it in the oven, put it in an oven preheated to 200°, turn it off and keep it there for 3 minutes, put the raisins on a sieve, melt the butter, the apara has risen, pour in the butter, it’s already it’s cooled down a little, pay attention, you can’t pour hot stuff in,
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add orange zest, vanilla sugar, half the usual... and mix with a spatula, add another half of the flour, the dough should remain soft enough so that you can stir in the whipped whites when they turn into a soft foam , i add i beat the remaining sugar until it reaches peaks, they should become so stable, and now i very carefully mix them in parts with a whisk, the most important thing is not to mix too much, then you will get lumps. i add the remaining flour a little at a time, thoroughly dry the raisins and add them to the dough, coarsely chop the almonds there, fill the molds halfway, leave for 20 minutes so that the dough rises a little and gently brush with yolk, put in an oven preheated to 200° for 25 minutes,
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baking time depends on the size of the cakes; it is better to bake one. in identical forms so that they baked evenly, but for now i'll make a glaze using powdered sugar and orange juice. you should get this consistency, how beautiful, let it cool, apply the glaze and decorate, i want to show you how the egg white cake turns out to be light, airy, very fragrant, happy easter! on the calendar may 4, saturday, tomorrow is sunday and, as always, on channel one everything is only the best and most interesting, cooks on wheels, their lives, three chords, watch, don’t miss it, it will be very interesting, these are cooks on wheels in gelingzhik,
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so stylish, venerable chefs from st. petersburg. greeted the locals, you, dima, just look like a southern calf of such a beautiful milk, and you , artyom, are a real pilengaz, ok, no offense, maybe a gift will somehow soften the swagger, all our belgilenzhir guys, they are here for you, there also a marcotte cat, which is a memory of our southern cats, what the cooks will feed the residents, inspired by their hospitality, and if without irony they greeted the film crew warmly and showed all the beauty of their city, let’s try gelendzhik for a taste, it’s better not to taste the city of rzhe, tomorrow on the first channel the life of their rzhev, we are convinced that persistent spirits live here, in the forty-third year to ivan evgenievich kladkevich. he was only 19 years old, but today he is already 100. the order of the red star, which i have on my chest, began to light up. how the rzhev memorial to the soviet soldier was created, we will find out all the secrets. there were photographs,
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real photographs of the battle of rzhev, i took from different soldiers, different parts of the face, from someone i took lips, from someone eyes, from someone a nose, in the literal sense of the word a collective image it worked out. tomorrow on channel one new episodes of your favorite programs, life. victoria bolenskaya, channel one, these are miracles, blessed matron, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, the matron’s petals, many are healed, we came precisely for this, so that it can help us in our personal lives, those who have it. .. defended the guardian, they came up with the idea that she is from a very poor family, this is not true, whoever is in pain makes that request, i don’t know how
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to do it correctly, i appeal as best i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because at the time the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i believed in it so boundlessly, but i just assumed that it could be, so in may we got stesha , some kind of divine providence. well, we just stood in front of the relics and i mentally, turning to the matron in my thoughts, said: look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, tomorrow on the first day, mother nikolina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said : you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now i realized that i was a mommatron cognac old barrel
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product burbon stirсman product lar group whiskey mankatcher product stellor group gin сnop product stellar group well, we waited for it to appear on the shelves. fresh spring greens, fresh vegetables. our healthy lifestyle expert darina griboedova advises going to the forest before going to the market. for what? and now she herself will tell you. good morning, the further into the forest, the more greenery there is. at the beginning of may, a real health enthusiast will definitely go for the most useful. i'm going hunting for the young ones. shoots of sourweed, wood sorrel, and nettle; chef anton prokofiev will help you find and identify them. anton, hello, greetings, greetings, oh,
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what a wonderful bouquet you have, yes, i have such a bouquet, and here i also have dreams of these nettle sour, aka hare cabbage, in fact, in the spring everything in the forest is edible, it’s hard to make a mistake , it’s impossible to get burned by nettles, they ’re delicate, they’re gentle. anton, if i missed, instead of nettles i picked something else, how safe is it like that, well in general , it’s quite difficult to indulge in anything seriously in our forests, that is, the same wolfberry is not even close to ripe yet, but it’s better, of course, to focus on the familiar appearance and not try to experiment. the experiments begin in the country kitchen. in addition to decorative plants, we will add cultivated grass. i'll add some garlic, just a little bit. this is also yes, but this is no, this is wild garlic, this is the main thing - our national decor, please note, i don’t cut greens,
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in general you can almost never cut greens, well, here are a few, and why, by the way, here’s mog chefs like this, because because we don’t crush it, we don’t crush it, it remains so plump with us, that’s the same spinach that i’ll add solely for the sake of a... history, it was grown in skating rinks in houses, on easter, the first spring money, it has always been associated with the taste of fresh green onions, well, the aroma has gone, now i wonder who will beat the wild garlic or the onion, they actually won’t beat each other, they will complement, but complement each other perfectly, yes will be added. and a bright radish, well, all that's left assemble the dressing, it is always universal, it is mustard, a little mustard, definitely honey, and the honey should preferably be
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liquid. definitely acid, take fresh lemon, yes, take fresh lemon, a few drops and of course vegetable oil, oil, you can play with oils, you can add flaxseed oil, for example, olive, super healthy, dalina, pumpkin, yes, i would pumpkin, i probably wouldn’t add it for the simple reason that it has a very rich, bright taste, it will overwhelm everything, well, the emulsion is ready, it’s not enough something for... sy and what kind of zosh will send eggs without a simple recipe, break the egg into a strainer so that the liquid fraction of the protein drips out, dip a spoon in oil, transfer the egg into it, then into boiling water, curdle it, take it out with a spoon, cut and try, leading a healthy lifestyle in may with such greens is as
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easy as shelling pears. i suggest you travel to the distant galapagos islands and look at the famous santa cruz fish market. every morning, not only tourists or chefs from local cafes flock here for the fresh catch, but and a flock of pelicans and even a sea lion. unusual buyers carefully watch the sellers and wait and wait for a piece of fresh fish to drop. once upon a time, the very concept of artificial intelligence was something from the realm of science fiction. today it becomes part of ours. ordinary, ordinary life, you need to draw a picture, please choose from a large text, the most important thing, no problem, even a wardrobe will help you choose, i wonder how the artificial intelligence figured it out before, let’s figure it out, it will answer any question, will write a program, or even select a wardrobe, oh cool, it also gives a person model poses, this is all artificial
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intelligence, today it is built into... the lowest level of abstraction, it’s just a calculation, that is, there are mathematical operations that are performed, yes, that’s what artificial intelligence thinks, it solves, roughly speaking, complex formulas with numbers, how these numbers were formed, what kind of numbers they are is not clear, 70 billion, try to figure it out, there is even a separate profession that is dedicated to trying... but to form such neural connections, the developers write out a whole instruction, this is this code, it’s not like they loaded books into it, suddenly it began to somehow analyze, think, there are specific sequences of actions, there is machine learning, when they show a lot of examples and talk , these are flowers, these are trees, and these are bushes, terabytes of information, the neural network
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understands it well. but a high-quality answer depends largely on the request, i personally learned to communicate with her for 2 weeks, to understand what she is a genius at, what she is good at. u even the term is a hallucination of artificial intelligence, in order to avoid it, first, we formulate the thought clearly and concisely, the more data, the more accurate the answer, look. give me fitness tips, she will give some fitness tips, but without saying how old, what are the limitations.
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that is, if, say, you load one history textbook into the neuron, it will only be able to answer based on information from this very textbook, so use artificial intelligence to solve complex problems, it is better to double-check everything, it is of course a smart thing, but after all, this is technology, anastasia savileva, mikhail karasev, channel one. saturday morning won't truly be saturday unless my colleague ala ameluta challenges and takes the floor from someone. today she has. no one on the way two at once, three-time russian champions, multiple european champions, one of the most beautiful couples in our figure skating, alexandra stepanova and ivan bukin, what tasks have i come up with for them, look, you think i’m already preparing for intervision, at all no, i’m getting ready to welcome dear guests,
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guys, good morning, good morning, i ’m very glad to see you, before we start our competition, our conversation, you should know how much i love you, i’ll ask this question, who has a bigger fan club than danilosani, well, look, so that even in this she wins, you know, i can bet.
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you need to use a stream of air from a hair dryer to hammer the ball into the basket. guys, get together, we have three rounds today, well, off to the start, attention, march, great, super, where did you fly, brother, great, great, alexander gets out of a difficult situation and scores, 1:0 in favor of ivan, the second round, the race, they started, great, they’re still vara, that’s how they are, oh, 1:1, alexandra equalized, well, the third decisive round of our competition, which will reveal the absolute
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champion of the section weakly, to the start, attention, march, so, so, so, no, look, he’s blowing up little by little, just so you understand, this is not a joke. flares up at the finish line, they are both at the basket, goes around one, the other, he is about to trample, okay, everything is fine, play along, well done, with a score of 2:1, he wins our competition today alexandra stepanova, applause, second place, silver chocolate medal, good morning, so nice, goes to ivan bukin, what a smart boy, and of course. the winner of our competition, the absolute champion of the slomo section, alexandra stepanova receives a medal. it's great that you are a real team. thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, good morning.
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everyone surprises, surprises subscribers, folk craftsmen. this is such a clunker, made by the american davis cale, bought an ordinary cart in the store, well, then naturally. it worked out a real racing kart, on which you can drift and go racing for likes, which is what he actually did. at the all-russian children's center eaglet there is a thematic session called the road to the circus. you look and wonder how talented our children are? details now. you think that children can only juggle with your nerves, but how do you like this, balls, skittles, rings, these guys will surprise you, line up in a pyramid, throw someone, no, not into nettles, but how do you
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such a show on the tips of your toes, but it’s just some kind of circus, actually it is, in front of you is the all-russian children’s festival , the road to the circus in the center of the eaglet from the yuri nikulin circus, a whole shift from april 20. on may 10 , only the best of the best were here; they applied and were selected; anna litvinova came from yalta. i was very happy when i found out that i would go here, because this is actually my first camp in my life. alexandra chursina from rostov-on-don, it was a little easier for her, she is the daughter of circus performers, she has been in the arena since childhood. i was also airy i’m a gymnast, and i juggle, i’m an acrobat, and i do a lot of paired tricks, okay, i also work as a rubber, that’s bending. here.
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day during the week. in the finale there was a huge concert, more than 50 numbers, almost the number of participants. individual, team show. here are all the young jugglers and gymnasts, all the children who came here, they already deserved victory, no matter what, and well, probably, find new studios for yourself, find new potential artists who will come to work in the circus in the future, that is, the goal is clear in principle, the development of the church art, finding uncut diamonds that are still close to others, and how to choose the most, it seems that the jury will have a difficult time, because... you need
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something new, but you don’t want to spend money, our designer olga nikishicheva will help, her main motto, you know, quickly, on a budget and wearable, today she is sewing a blouse from nylon weasels, dear friends, if you urgently need an elegant blouse, we don’t rush to the store to buy it, but we sew it at home ourselves from nylon weasels, the fabric with flowers will only need 120 cm with a width of 1, 5 m, from it we’ll make the base of the blouse, and from a 30 cm shred we’ll make a bow, even a beginner desk can handle such a simple job, fold the nylon with the front side inward in four layers. the style with a one-piece sleeve and without unnecessary darts is very easy to cut, and it will suit any figure. to do this , mark from the top edge. 25 cm, this will be the width of the sleeve, draw a line of approximately 25 cm,
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mark 35 cm along the bottom edge and also draw a line up, round the corner, draw a neckline for the back in the corner, nine and nine inches wide about 3 cm high, cut off the excess, make the neck on the shelf deeper. this is what the cut of our blouse looks like, it’s enough to sew only two side seams, but we will sew them into the packaging, so you won’t need a coperlock . to make a linen seam into the packaging, you need to sew the first line from the front side, about 3 mm from the edge , we lay the second line on the side seam from the wrong side like this: so that our edge is inside the seam,
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we turn the sleeves and the bottom and hem it, it remains to process the neckline, for this from scraps cut out strips approximately 3 cm wide, fold the strips along the... we put the stripes on the front side and under the machine, turn the neck facing inside out and sew it again, all that remains is to make our scarf accessory, fold the welt in half and sew along the contour, leaving 5 cm unsewn, so that it can then be turned out. turn it inside out,
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that’s all the work is done quickly and effectively, in such a blouse with delicate flowers you will always be in a good mood, the weekend is a great reason to arrange a date, you can go with your husband, you can with yourself, the main thing is, if you find yourself in a cafe today, remember a few rules, etiquette actually frees us from tense, uncomfortable and unnecessary situations, matheranskaya will remind you of the main things you should arm yourself with before such a trip. breakfast is still in fasting, bring food, lunch, and dinner too. it seems that mom spends half her life at the stove, and the only question that really worries her is what to cook. and you can finally get out to the cafe. the main thing is that everyone knows how to behave. it's finally saturday, which means there's a moment for yourself, today about
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etiquette, yes, today we’ll talk about basic table manners. let's start from the end, the first rules: attention is paid by the one who invited, you invited me, that means you will pay the bill, okay, if suddenly you invite a man to a business dinner, then that means she pays the bill, well, if the man is a gentleman, then perhaps he will pay yourself, here you are at the table. on which side according to etiquette can you put your phone? there is no place for the phone on the table, that is, everything that does not relate to food, to serving, we do not put keys, glasses, phone, everything in the bag. curious, you can start with the food covered, but if someone has not yet been served food according to etiquette, you will have to wait for all the dinner participants to wipe your hands with; believe it or not, there were not always napkins. in ancient times, when the skattert appeared, people wiped their hands with an obscatter, yes,
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this was indeed the case, but then textile napkins were introduced in order to reduce washing, the napkin was imperceptibly folded towards itself. we don’t put it in the collar, all the drinks are on the right, if you place your fingers like this, like this, then you can see the letter b, uh-huh, the letter d, english, yes, bread, drinkк, that is, we have bread, if we put bread in a pie plate it will be on the left, drinks, yes, will be on the right, pour tea first for a friend, then for yourself 3 /4, so that it is convenient to stir, and what is convenient to eat with your hands? firstly, a burger, originally it’s fast food, yes, it was invented in order to eat faster, nothing complicated, we take it with both hands and eat, but it happens that girls, men, yes, remove the top bun as soon as the sandwich is open , we eat it with
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with the help of a knife and fork, we also eat hurray with our hands, pizza and, of course, khinkali, in general, everything that was originally invented to be eaten with our hands, plus olives with a pit, the pit on a plate, or rather here, where the transition is between the side and the edge of the plate. now, what can we say in the language of knife and fork? it turns out that there are only two phrases, this position, a pause, and i finished this, and no others, no others exist, the rest are all unethical and even offensive, just listen, the next dish, or i didn’t like it, no, position, it is not entirely correct, because, for example, if we still have several cutlery lying around, you must admit, it’s ugly, and also the knife can easily fall and stain the tabletop, so the pause position is when we put the cutlery on the plate, and another moment, it turns out, according to etiquette , only the one who prepared
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the dish, that is, the mistress of the house or the chef, wishes a bon appetit. irina materanskaya, channel one. weekend, many will probably go to the dacha, for a picnic, if someone was not allowed before the first star, then now it’s definitely sunday it will be possible, yes, i’m talking about barbecue, but be careful, both those who have already eaten and those who have not yet, this burden is heavy for our stomach, after all, fried meat, nutritionist anastasia yudina will tell you how to simplify the situation, you were invited to barbecue , i usually advise avoiding fried foods, but the company is wonderful. i’m in a great mood, today we ’ll make an exception to the rules so that the harmful substances that are formed during frying don’t harm us too much, before the trip we stock up on psyllium, this is plantain bran, half an hour before meals we pour two tablespoons of water and
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we drink quickly, if this process is delayed, it will make a whine and it will be difficult to swallow, now we wash down the bran with a glass of water, and in general at barbecues we drink more, water also removes harmful substances, now let’s pretend that we have already come to visit, barbecue, appear, season add cilantro and basil to the meat, they stimulate digestion, and add a sprig of rosemary. the spice neutralizes toxins that accumulate on the crispy meat crust, you can eat, mm, yummy, relax and have fun from the heart, and if the morning after the holiday there is heaviness in your
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stomach, a detox cocktail will help out. mix half a teaspoon of turmeric, ground ginger, add a pinch of cayenne. pepper pour the mixture with a glass of warm boiled water. add honey if desired. and we drink. the product improves metabolism and helps remove toxins. well, that's better. the gardening season is gaining momentum, but don’t forget about indoor plants, even more so. that the next long weekend in may promises to be cold, oksana stankevich offers to make a beautiful flowerpot stand for your favorite indoor flower. if there is a beautiful flower in the house, then it needs a
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flower pot stand, which are also beautiful, by the way, you don’t have to buy them, you can make them yourself. i have a round cutting board that i hardly use. i picked up wooden furniture legs for it and placed them on the surface. and screw it on with a screwdriver, the universal stand is ready, on a windowsill, table or even on the floor, it is not necessary to paint it, the natural color of the wood fits perfectly into any interior. and for the pot, i took the simplest ceramic one pot to decorate it. paint, but first i use a heat gun to seal the hole at the bottom so that
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water does not leak out when watering. clay is a very porous material, so first it must be primed and left to dry. you can decorate the pots any way you like, i found these slats in the pantry, i’m sure many people have similar materials left after renovation, and then gather dust for years without use, so we’re using them now, i wrap them in insulation so as not to damage the wood, i clamp them in vice and saw off 10 pieces of the same length, i glue the strips to the rim of the pot in a circle. be sure to wait for the glue to dry before you can paint. i
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took chalk paint, it fits perfectly on all surfaces, is very opaque, and what’s important, it doesn’t smell at all, so you can safely work with it indoors. this is the flowerpot i got, white, universal, it will fit perfectly on the windowsill, but you can make it in any color, be it pink or green, to suit your interior mood, put your favorite flowers in them and get ready to receive compliments, because no one else will have such bright pots. food sharing is a borrowed word, not particularly clear, although in essence it means a phenomenon with which we are very
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familiar, people share products, surpluses with other people, this has often happened in our country and still happens, how exactly, let’s find out : this is how fooding works in krasnodar, free distribution of food that was not sold out in the store, here we select according to the principle of the task... the data collection terminal enters, here we are physically we check and select the bread, which is within the appropriate time frame, up to 2 days in advance. food sharing appeared in germany 12 years ago, the idea was to reduce the amount of wasted food. saving food from destruction, when the same lonely banana or some healthy vegetables or fruits are not thrown into the trash, where it all rots in landfills and... causes a lot of harm to our surrounding world. in organic waste, when rotting , methyl ethyl alcohol,
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carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide are formed. not much useful. some stores are ready give away goods with an expiring date to a volunteer, and then distribute them directly to people's homes. it is important that these are not spoiled products. such sharing is prohibited by law. even retailers must throw them away in closed containers. they participate in food sharing. only suitable food products. olga, a mother of many children, is a volunteer herself. the idea of ​​foodsharink is close to her. besides, it's a small saving. schoolchildren took up nefteyuganskering. these guys, georgy and maxim, stop by every day at the same time for buns bakery. there, goods that could not be sold are given away for free. and we see if they left any products and just take them away. let's look at the ad accordingly. who needs it and we go home and give it away, in general in nefteyugansk this is already a whole project, in the group every day they post lists of products that they are ready to share, i believe
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that conscious consumption should be in... every person - well, food should not go to waste that we don't use, we shouldn't throw away. timofey not only looks for such products, but he himself gives away, suddenly the refrigerator is full on a business trip, so that the announcement in the group does not disappear. the largest associations of food rescuers are in moscow and st. petersburg. according to statistics , it is people who share more often than shops or catering establishments. in the group they give it there, they can give it meat broth, there or for example. several sour yogurts, people are happy to make cottage cheese out of them, someone goes to the dacha, donates bread, liana inspects the refrigerator once a week, this time the pate, sour cream, orange were untouched, takes a photo and sends it to the group, an hour later the food was taken away. maxim yukhnevich, liliya lobkova, marina sidorova, dmitry domrev, channel one. on the day of victory on the first.
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more than 9 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the ceremonial march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. very soon our most important holiday is victory day. the traditional immortal regiment campaign has already started. this year it will be held in special format. you can
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join it too. third, daria ryabova knew nothing more about her great-grandfather, so she decided to look for everything that was known bit by bit. as a result , so much information about the award sheet came to light. they helped at the novorossiysk search center. much information was on the people's memory website in the book of names and soldiers' medallions. every year these resources are updated with new data, it’s worth trying again. it turned out that stepan parfenov served as a driver and was awarded a medal for courage. there was a convoy of damaged cars, and they couldn't get through. at night he covered the shell crater with stones under a hail of bullets, then drove by and also pulled out the car. guard sergeant parfenov died on the leningrad front. searchers found the remains in 1997, but were unable to contact relatives then. they were reburied in a mass grave. now daria recognized this place, the novaya maluksa memorial in the leningrad region.
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daria will definitely write about the story of her hero, even if just on a page on social networks. the immortal regiment campaign has started: you can change an avatar on a photo of a veteran, you can print a portrait on clothes. olga senatorova from moscow ordered a t-shirt with the image of her grandfather, pyotr senatorov. he liberated poland, participated in the capture of berlin, liberated prague, and was awarded the order of the red star for saving the commander of his crew from a burning tank. this t-shirt is a gift, on may 9th in... ossetia i once bought a retro car gaz-69, restored it, every may 9th the car drives out onto the road and opens the procession of the immortal regiment. everyone comes up and admires this car.


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