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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  May 4, 2024 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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daria will definitely write about the story of her hero, even if just on a page on social networks. the immortal regiment campaign has started, you can change your avatar to a photo of a veteran, you can print a portrait on clothes. olga senatorova from moscow ordered a t-shirt with the image of her grandfather pyotr senatorov. he liberated poland, participated in the capture of berlin, liberated prague, and was awarded the order of the red star for saving. this t-shirt is a gift; olga’s dad will wear it on may 9th. they gave me everything so that we could have a fucking sky, and of course we must always remember this. a here is marad tsaliev from the village of dordur in north ossetia, who once bought a vintage car gaz-69 and restored it. every may 9, a car drives out onto the road and opens the procession of the immortal regiment. everyone comes up and admires this car. previously
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, marat's great-uncle safarbi tsaliev was in the passenger seat. he is a front-line soldier, he took part in the battle of stalingrad, but this year the veteran passed away. there will be a portrait on this car - safarbi mukhaevich. but students from kursk place such portraits on the memory wall at their university. there are already hundreds of photos here. my great-grandfather, telegin tikhon antonovich, he was an ordinary driver for one and a half. his journey began in 1939 with the finnish war, then it continued in the great patriotic war, and in 1945 there was the japanese war. every photo is a story that should not be forgotten. yuri nesterov, ilya ridkozubov, elena savina, channel one. our saturday morning broadcast ends. yes, time flew by just like that. irina muramtseva was with you, have a wonderful saturday and sunday in may, it’s warm and light, celebrate easter, to everyone who celebrates, to everyone. without
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exception, despite the vagaries of the weather, a warm, calm weekend, surrounded by family, friends and pleasant surroundings. stay tuned, stay on top, bye. hello, dear friends, the losers in front of you, well, they were simply unlucky in our intellectual telethon, they lost to their competitors not because they turned out to be weaker than them, but they were simply unlucky, at least i would like to think so. in any
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case, our humanitarian tv olympiad , clever smarties, is structured in such a way that after the second semi-finals we are holding a series of competitions called chance. that is, we give our unlucky smart guys the opportunity to win back and reach the finals. our main prize, gentlemen, is approaching. because the winners of the final competition of the all-russian television humanitarian olympiad , clever smarties, right here in the studio before your eyes, will become students of the moscow state institute of international relations, one of the most prestigious universities in russia. our reopak, let me introduce him to you, there is a very interesting judge, i i've been waiting for him... for a long time, and he finally came, this is
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a writer, playwright, screenwriter, director and actor of theater and cinema, quite right, evgeniy valerievich grishkovets, the judge is playing along, the secretary of the panel of judges, marina trimurazova, and the secretary of the panel karina. fourth year student at the faculty of international knyazeva, and my assistant is a student of relations at mgemo university, natalya fomenko. we invite daniil eremin, yurkina, rybensky district, yaroslavl region. prologue
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chose the yellow track , lost to himself on it, but won back on the podium by typing seven martins lost the prologue in the semi-finals, found himself on the yellow track again, and got passed over. nizhny novgorod region, in the quarterfinals he won ahead of schedule on the yellow track, in the semifinals he chose the green track, he was passed over on the yellow track, he must be allowed to recoup, in the prologue
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the first competition is an eloquence competition, 15 minutes before the start of the competition, i always go up to our participants and. .. in this case said the following: our future largely depends on how national projects of the russian federation and one of such projects will be implemented - national project science universities. on its basis, in particular , the federal project “advanced engineering schools” is being implemented. and this is the topic. russia needs advanced engineers. hello, dear ariopak and yuri pavlovich. which country was the first to send a man into space, and which state managed to create atomic hydrogen bombs in the shortest possible time? well, of course, this is russia. but now our country needs engineers,
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those people, only thanks to whose work is it possible to study and colonize previously unknown planets, who create new machines and inventions, those people who provide. hello, dear reapak, hello, yuri pavlovich, engineers are those people who turn dreams into reality, they create new technologies, improve old ones, without them it is impossible to imagine modern society, from airplane cars to computers and medical equipment, all these are products them... russia has always been a great country, but in the modern world greatness is inextricably linked with technology, which is why russia needs advanced engineers. thank you. thank you. 27 seconds ask. hello, dear ariap.
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hello, yuri pavlovich. the 21st century is the century of high technology, the century of information, the century of rapid progress. take a look at how the technology landscape has changed over the past 15 years. new machines and devices appeared. gadgets and many other things, this speaks of the incredibly fast pace of development in the modern world, and in order for the state to achieve prosperity and well-being, it must keep up with the times and introduce modern technologies into all spheres of society, but this is impossible to achieve, without training, talented, competent, intelligent advanced engineers who will create new devices and come up with new technical concepts. thank you, that's all i have. thank you, 37 seconds. evgeniy valetevich, we are listening, in such a statement, as far as i understand, it is very important not only the number of words that the person who expresses uses shows his equipment, but also
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the necessary sincerity, which always convinces the listener. it seems to me that it would be correct from this side come up. therefore, i would be the first to suggest that efim choose the path, the second daniel and the third david, thank you very much, your honor, because there were a lot of slogans and proposals, but still, in eloquence you also need passion, this is necessary.
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let's see, i bet, i don't argue, the yellow one is yours, you can already put it on the green one, right? yes, david, yes, david, please, your green one, because eremin only walks on the red one now. dear friends, the cycle is called chance, and this meeting has a name, such is the case. i will reign or perish. foreigner, no who had legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks ...
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carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the final the empress always reserved decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. today is the first one. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. hello, gelendzhik,
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look how beautiful the mountains are, the gorgeous coastline. meet the creative lighthouse. more for 100 years he never stopped his work. there are nuts, sufofruits here, this is a treat for animals, you can give them a treat. it’s very hard to surprise, but for me now it’s sa. i have prepared this wonderful black sea fish for you, and i have found a gorgeous local veal, i will cook it in the style of bev stroganoff, premier, cooks on wheels, tomorrow is the first one, the game will go as follows, which means there will be two sets of questions, the first on kant and his time, then it will go on
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we have chaliapin. please, at school, duel offensive, at school. this is the case still in elementary school, the future great philosopher emmanuel kahn. i often suffered reprimands from teachers, but why did they scold me? allow me. to ask, this is the first question, the second, when the boy realized his mistake, i will assume that kant in elementary school was scolded for being late, and realized his mistake after meeting and long-term communication with joseph green, his friend, who weaned him from being late. david, dear, this is modern youth, a student at moscow state medical institute, who always comes to me... late, they just can’t come on time, especially if this is the first pair, and this is kant, there was
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no delay there, it was impossible for this boy, even a penalty point in the next stage, anton murygin, the city of tambofel p29, kant could be scolded for leaving his books at home during lesson, and he realized this only... when he entered the classroom, the boy often came to school without books, which was usually remembered at the moment when he entered the class, i really want to hear from you the word order, of course, this is an order, absolutely, a duel for... entry bread duel, a very short question, you probably already
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guessed what topic, because it is a very well-known fact: why did the english businessman joseph green challenge the philosopher kant to a duel, and how did it end? and on the eve of the american war of independence, kant was walking around his native könexberg and talking in company. he said that he supported the americans and considered the power of england too tyrannical, which hurt the feelings of joseph, who was passing by, well, in russian , the russified version of joseph, green. who was an englishman, he decided to call duel, because it offended national feelings, but kant argued his position so sincerely, passionately and confidently that joseph greene finally admitted he was wrong, shook hands with the scants, later they became best friends, everything is wonderful, you know, but you don’t they clarified where kant was walking, i have a suspicion that he was walking just in the area of ​​​​the upper
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pond, the upper lake. is this your lake? yes, these are man-made lakes. a very good person lives there, we won’t specify who. no, but everything is brilliant, in my opinion, absolutely right. without a penalty point, this wonderful young man, to whom you gave first place in the prologue, goes to the second stage, but your honor, we have a red carpet, it is the fastest, note that there are only two here. the offensive and the alzu ford, that is, bread, bread, give me bread, but i actually said it wrong, this is not a ford, it will be a lupan, anyway , give us bread, we give it, during the french revolution, excuse me, the great french revolution, as we call it , the commune
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ordered bakers to bake bread equality.
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this is a mistake, yes, he said that he would go to the bank, i read, beautiful in face, mistress of affection, sweet with love, the beautiful one has come, her name is, she is alive forever, eternal, this is from ancient
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the spirit of his predecessor, frederick the great, appeared and dissuaded him from continuing the offensive, saying that france had been driven, or rather, an adventure had been driven into russia, that death awaited him here, he needed it. i'm going crazy, so, unfortunately, the only thing i can't remember is the name of the actor. playwright beaumarchais claimed that he persuaded actor jean-claude flory. imagine
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before the superstitious prussian king frederick william ii. in the form of the ghost of his late uncle, frederick the great. this is what you say correctly, and in a well-placed voice to proclaim that evil forces want to destroy prosia. not a step further, return to your borders, everything is correct, the order, of course, just like that, exactly, uh-huh, exactly the order, congratulations, efim, explanation, showroom, explanation, and you won’t tell us how...
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tornagi - he e came up with a verse with her name, where he said that he loves, it’s difficult
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to object to you here, of course, because he really came up with it there, but i need to know from which opera and what role he sang then, no, you already have medals, perhaps i can assume that... this is the opera pskoviteanka, no, as from pskov, so immediately pskovityanka, well, he definitely earned a medal, i’ll ask who is ready to answer, except the prisoner, and sophie saracheva, nizhny novgorod region, the city of kulebaki, and shelyapin performed the role of prince gremin in tchaikovsky’s opera, gremin in tchaikovsky’s opera, evgeny anegin, evgeny, i won’t hide , i love tatya madly.
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show: meeting hall. show. hm. interesting case. ladies and gentlemen. in the studio of the artist
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mikhail vrubel, the same one who painted the demon. the conversation turned to what a real artist is. chaliapin promised to show. and he showed it. how did he do it? what does your name mean, do you know? after sitting for some time, fyodor ivanovich quietly left. and then burst in with a wild cry: fire,
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fire! the guests rushed to the exit, you understand, there was no fire, but the show was a success, the order, of course, the order, the hall, the meetings, and how, let’s how? it is you who must answer, otherwise, i’ll be offended, why did the pseudonym stanislavsky come about, and what was the surname at birth of konstantin sergeevich? was the name alekseev originally? stanislavsky, where did you get it from now? i start to think, you become a theorist. you return to
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the podium. vacancy, ladies and gentlemen. alexandra khakimulina, yaroslavl. konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky took his pseudonym as follows: he played in the theater as an amateur, and he took this surname from another amateur actor, a doctor, whose surname i unfortunately don’t remember, but he did it in such a way as not to be recognized. native.
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why was the doctor called doctor? well, the simple question is that her order, of course, of course the order. there are still questions left, i, as always, ask the theorists, that is, the temniks who are sitting in the stands, the hall, the halls, as they say, were bursting with the public when fyodor ivanovich sholyapin sang, naturally. but one day, during the stage of the people's house in verdi's opera don carlos, during shlyapin's second appearance , the audience began to leave the hall, and before the scene of king philip's explanation with queen elizabeth, the hall was completely empty. and what happened? yes. david tryabov, city of moscow,
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that evening, at night, the great october revolution happened, and even sholyapin addressed the audience with the phrase that darkness will not save you from bullets. you are leaving your king, you can't do that. i got used to the role, and the audience then returned. david, your script is more interesting than my script. well, my friend, i just disagree with you. you see, in those days it was called a coup, and you have the great october revolution, the correct answer was october 25 , 1917, according to the old style, began preparations for the assault on the winter, gunshots and weapons began to be heard, then you said much better than in my script, there he still remembers doncarlos david, which order, of course, the judge says order, of course. an interesting
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case, a meeting after the revolution for a meeting of the staff of a large theater, the set designers demanded that their salary be equal to the salary of the singers, well, because everyone is equal, why does someone get higher, someone... lower, and how did they behave? chaliapin? mikhail ivanov, moscow. chaliapin behaved as follows: when the stage workers, if you can call it that, the assemblers, expressed their dissatisfaction and demanded an increase in wages, he did not object to anything initially, carried along with them, set up the scenery, and after the scenery was
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set up, he said, well, let him go well, the assembler was called trofim, trofim, he was walking on stage, everyone was amazed at this turn of events, because trofim clearly did not have such a voice as chaliapin at the meeting. chaliapin completely agreed with the workers, the next day in a sleeveless fur coat, vigorously wore was installing the scenery, and he was a strong guy, a chap, and in the evening he said: i ’m tired of doing my work, and since today all people are equal, then the carpenter-trafim will sing allaferno, he didn’t work yesterday, well, an order, of course, well, of course an order . questions bult from the topic kant and his era: cicero, cicero, cicero, cicero, why did emmanuel
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kant repeat the name of the great roman ratator, biat kabirov, many times every day. academic gymnasium number 56 of the city of st. petersburg, kant repeated cicero, cicero, cicero to fall asleep, because he had to repeat this, like many people count sheep, in order to fall asleep, but this word calmed him down, so he could fall asleep. kant explained that the word cicero had a hypnotic effect on him, repeating it before bed as a way for the philosopher to dispel thoughts and quickly fall asleep. i tried to use this technique, just got excited, but i dreamed of a julius caesar medal. question
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number two. the parisians were so delighted with mozart's music that the hall in which the paris symphony no. 31 was first performed.
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emil, the philosopher kant was reading this emil, in this book we read, since we absolutely cannot do without books, that is, one. which, in my opinion, is a highly successful treatise on natural education, and what book does ruso recommend , who is its author? david demanded the city of moscow, it was, he advised reading the book by armenzon cruz, i forgot the authors, can you help me, but cruz sounded alarmed. ivan zhuravev, tula region, mesnopolyansky educational complex, daniel dafoe. i mean, respected through the audience, now they will receive all the medals, to which i want to draw your attention to the fact that this same robinson cruz, whom you know well, is truly,
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of course, the engineer of his destiny, and in all areas necessary for life, he is an engineer and a master, two medals. you see what’s the matter, dear friends, on the basis of the country’s leading universities , 50 advanced engineering schools have been created according to the federal project, advanced engineering schools, in which teachers, together with leading industrial companies, this is very important, prepare first-class... advanced engineering schools will be employed high-tech companies and enterprises
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of russia. the creation of advanced engineering schools at universities is taking place in partnership with leading companies in our country; such partnerships can change the educational process. it incorporates real tasks, creating an environment close to existing production for education and practical research. universities in our country are receiving support under the national project science and universities, infrastructure is being created so that universities can train personnel for various sectors of the economy countries. now there will be advertising, and then i really want to talk to the chief engineer of the writer’s life, well, that’s how i do it. i call him a sinner. since christmas we have seen
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the greatest tragedy, his, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come, from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence. so that the salvation of man takes place in him, it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god from his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god, the path of christ is on the first place today, this city has been reborn in the literal and figurative sense of the word. from the ashes, because during the war rzhef was almost completely
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wiped off the face of the earth. that's just the sound, that's the sound. yes, it looks like there’s something in this place, oops, the partisan detachments had pigeons, scouts, demolition men walked around with pigeons, but what were pigeons for? what if the kratsi came out to arrange it. now you will need to put it in the correct stance, i’ll make your hands like this, that’s where this expression comes from, i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it. one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, little knot started, and one and two three, and he throws up, oops, falls, two at once, the life of his own, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, and well , the first question, of course, is that...
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performed by a large number of artists, his lyrics, some well-known, some unpublished and which he has never read, i prepare these texts, i analyze texts that he has never read, this is necessary, this is a big big question, this is necessary.
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uh, and i know for sure that if i were only a performer, as a performer i wouldn’t suit anyone, uh, yes, but there, that means, the most the main thing that prevails there is that the performance, how i brought the dog together, was not watched from the outside, yes, well, yes, i watched it on video, but i can’t watch it, because i, i really don’t like myself in my own solo performances, well, this your problem, but i really like it , well, because there i am most similar to myself, uh, the distance between me and the character
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is negligible, and i really enjoy watching the movies where i star, because i am very different there . from what i am, how i feel in life, in the word as a writer, in unlike the word playwright or artist, there is no r sound, it’s terribly interesting when a person begins to look for himself like that, like leonardo da vinci, i studied at first, it doesn’t interfere, because leonardo interfered, it bothers me terribly, after all by my education, i was a philologist, my specialization was poetry, and to abandon the tools that i have continuously in order to... to analyze the text, i had to hide it so far away so as not to immediately begin to analyze what i had just written, trouble was, could hide the tools, lies far away, your favorite foreign writer from any century, beloved, jack london, a lot of
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joy is associated with him, the happiness of reading that i received in adolescence, in childhood, has not been compared with anything. and russian google, it’s very interesting, somehow everything comes out right away, you know that today is holy saturday, i know, and it’s wonderful, it doesn’t get any more wonderful than a holiday, it’s somehow passionate at the same time, in general, and not not passionate, because people are already relaxing, people are already getting ready, people... they’re waiting, the children are all waiting, it ’s wonderful with someone like that, you’re a believer, you’ve never served, you’ve never been at the altar for easter, no, this is a holiday, especially now for me this is the greatest holiday, because once christ will rise, which means there is no death, yeah, and that means
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all the loved ones, relatives who have gone temporarily, are far away, they still... will return, you can congratulate our tv viewers on the upcoming easter, with all my heart, but most importantly, with all my heart, congratulations on this wonderful holiday, joy, joy, joy, joy, god bless, thank you, my dear tv viewers, thank you for watching us, thank you for the fact that you are alive, that you are joyful, well... that a joyless person will not watch the program smart girls at 9 am, that means he feels good, but for me the most important thing is that there is no death, he has risen, we are all alive and our closest and loved ones who are gone temporarily, all the best!
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have mercy on me, o god, command and your mercy according to the multitude of your generosity, cleanse my iniquity, but with my eyes i have from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin, for but i know my iniquity, and my sin against me is guilt, i have sinned against you alone, and i have committed evil against you, so that when you are justified, you may glorify all yours and...


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