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tv   Skhozhdenie Blagodatnogo ognya  1TV  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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the best of the best studied here. after graduating from this school, one could successfully marry a priest or a representative of a noble family. so, over time, maria could become an enviable bride for many young men and occupy a high position in society. of course , she could become the wife of a priest, and there, in principle, girls were prepared for this, and we must not forget about their origin, so to speak.
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the reality in general of later christian ascetics, monks, in ordinary judaism it was assumed that the blessing of god spread through children, to have children well, by the way, here is the phrase that god says in the first chapter of the book of genesis, be fruitful and multiply, in judaism it was often understood as a commandment, and not just a blessing, but the mother of god does not dream about this, she wants to stay.
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a kind of contract, although there were no contracts then, naturally, the agreement had already been determined in advance, and no one asked her or asked him. so why did joseph become her husband? the elders chose 12 people who could claim mary’s hand; they did not choose from the youngest, most beautiful, and representatives of 12 specific genera. joseph was from the line of david. the men were left in the temple, when they came for them, they saw how one of them blossomed. the staff belonged to joseph, and this became a sign of god for everyone. it is difficult to imagine that she was being given away in marriage in the full sense of the word. according to church tradition, he was already a very respectable joseph, he was no longer just some young man. man, this is the first,
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second, second, it is very possible that he was really a man who was different with their, i would say, well, righteousness, that is, they gave joseph, the betrothed, into reliable hands, as they say, his essence is the apekun, and he coped with his task perfectly, that is, mary’s marriage was, as they say, for ticked, in order to comply with local traditions, it was implied that joseph would take care of her as a father, and not become her husband, it was about the fact that she, having received an unusual childhood and adolescence, should not have been abandoned. the elder priests
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decided to place her under guardianship so that, well, as if as if. mary moves to nazareth to her husband's house. in fact, she travels from the center of the jewish world , beyond jerusalem, to a remote village that did not appear on the map of that time. and this is also a kind of act of humility. it was here in
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nazareth that the event that we today call the annunciation took place. many people know this story.
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naturally they will call all sorts of bad words and naturally show her husband like this behind his back, it’s all clear, and here maria faces a new round of suffering from joseph’s suspicions, she swears that she what is not his fault, the spirit of the lord descends and explains to him. what happened, joseph would not have been joseph, if he had not believed, then he would have been some completely different person, with a different fate, he accepted responsibility for this faith, thereby he
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saved her from death, the ancient laws were much more severe, even today this situation looks outrageous, then she could have been killed for treason. mary and joseph accepted the angel’s instructions and unquestioningly carried out everything to the letter. this is the peculiarity of the righteous. maybe it’s for his own sake humility is what they have earned the right to educate god. she became the mother of god because it turns out. then, that purity, that humility, which has never been equaled in humanity, just put it a little higher, and we will go crazy,
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the solemn ceremony, the inauguration of... the russian federation of vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. mother of god. earthly path. what mary looked like during her life and where she lived with the child jesus. what personal belongings of the mother of god are kept in russian churches? and why the mother of god will always hear prayers said in deveeva. you are the most blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. the church heard these words, but where and why were they first spoken? they
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were spoken by elizabeth, a relative of mary and the mother of john the baptist. according to legend, this meeting took place in the ankarom district of jerusalem, where the most holy theotokos came after the annunciation to greet her relative elizabeth, who was also expecting a son. from nazareth to the village of einkarem is almost 140 km, and this is not just a road, but a road to mountain when the holy scripture speaks about jerusalem, about the fact that someone goes, directs his jerusalem, it always practically says that a person ascends to jerusalem. you can’t just go to jerusalem, you can only climb there. she hurries to her, hurries because she most likely wants to support elizabeth. we know that...
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the sisters are all from the countries of the former soviet union. the monastery accepts working women; they can live and work here for several months. the monastery is called gorninsky because it is located on a mountain. the main temple of the monastery -
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this is what he writes about maria’s appearance: she was
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of average or slightly above average height, golden hair, quick, olive-colored eyes, arched and blackish eyebrows, an oblong nose, flowering lips, a face not round and not sharp, but somewhat oblong, hands fingers long. on most russian icons we are accustomed to seeing the image of a light-skinned woman with russian hair.
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christmas, flight to egypt from herod, return to nazareth after 3 years. it’s hard to imagine, but maria was only about 20 years old at that time. how did you live? our lady from the time of the return to nazareth until the crucifixion of jesus? joseph and mary lived in nazareth. the house of the holy family, like all houses of that time, was most likely located in a cave. today, on the site where the house of the virgin mary and joseph once was, stands the church
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of the annunciation. and not far from the temple there is a well where mary went to get water. considered holy. after the birth of jesus, mary immediately faced many problems. they are familiar to everyone. in 2 thousand years, little has changed in this regard. firstly, the appearance of additional the heir could have taken up arms against her from joseph's relatives. secondly, she became a stepmother for his older children from his first marriage. and only... by the way, jacob began to help mary when she was depressed, and jesus was still too young to earn money on his own. after joseph's death, the shortage of funds will become even
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greater, and mary will have to make more and more efforts to support the small meager household. he is shown in all films about christ. at first glance, it looks ridiculous, who needs the poor man's rags, but it turns out that the tunic was not easy. it was a chiton without seams, which mary wove for her son. apparently, she was a skilled needlewoman. christ will wear this gift from his mother until his death. she raises her son, takes care of
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the house and earns money. but everyday problems were nothing compared to what was going on in her soul. every mother, looking at her child, dreams of a bright future for him, but what awaited jesus was something completely different. maria knew this very well; every minute of maternal joy turned into her heart. suffering. the weapon will pierce her own heart, semeon the god-primer used these words, let her understand that she will become a witness to this one. terrible golgotha, she herself will be present during the crucifixion, from the moment of his birth the mother of god knew about this cross, about golgotha, about the fate that awaits her son, only one who himself once lost a child can understand her condition , well, this is a scary dream, but
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the girl was 14 years old. we came with my husband, this is his only daughter, i’m just still very worried, a lot cries, lights candles for the repose of her daughter, for the health of her children, and i think that after this trip. a lot will change in his life, allakova knows what it is when a child never smiles at you again and his mother doesn’t tell you. alla and valery arrived in jerusalem 3 months after the death of their fourteen-year-old daughter valeria. on june 30
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, there was a very heavy downpour in the city of rostov. and it happened, it just happened. in total, this element lasted 22 minutes, and my daughter fell into this element. a downpour hit rostov with such force that the streets instantly turned into a seething stream that destroyed everything in its path. a fourteen-year-old girl became a victim of this disaster; the tragedy occurred in the center of rostov, on budenovsky avenue. either she was hit by a car, or she slipped. “i just don’t leave these icons,
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i don’t leave the mother of god at all, i now understand her as a mother, what she experienced when she stood on the mountain and saw how her son, our lord, died, i have no words, honestly ". whatever happened in her soul, maria fulfilled her maternal duty. she was the perfect mother. what about jesus? what was he like son? he is god, he knows who he is, he knows why he came. he, this is the sun, yes, he is above, above everything, and he is subordinate to a simple earthly woman, to his mother, he must obey her, for me. it's incomprehensible. maria did not know parental warmth, but apparently , she was surrounded by the care of her son. jesus sacredly honored the commandment, honor your father and
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mother. he obeyed his parents and was, as we would say, an exemplary child. jesus took financial support from parents seriously, for example. let's say there is a scene where he says indignantly to some pharisees. and that they in vain completely approved the situation when a certain person donated to the temple, donated to god, money that could have been used to support his parents. jesus responded to this event extremely sharply with indignation. i’ll say it this way, so that in understandable language, when you have parents, uh, any child understands that having hurt a parent, he is somehow ashamed.
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him crazy. how did mary perceive all this? when jesus went out to preach, mary did not interfere with him. she resigned herself. many of us could accept this state of affairs, especially if we know that we have the last years of communication with our son. jesus had a lot of mortal enemies, as any observer can tell. so, unless a miracle happens, this person will be killed, so it is quite possible that she remained at home, experiencing colossal three worries about the current situation. and
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what’s wrong with humility in choosing a certain path, she didn’t turn away from it, it’s an action, i think that uh. there is an episode in the new testament, the meaning of which is is not immediately clear. it’s just that it ’s not so much about jesus as it is about his mother. cana of galilee is the village where,
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according to the gospel, jesus performed the first miracle, turning water into wine. i see that you are drawn to drinks of some kind, yes, everything is clear, immediately into the ditch of galilee.
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the identity of jesus is closely connected with the virgin mary. it is believed that jesus would not have begun his public ministry if the virgin mary herself had not asked him to do so. jesus and his mother came to the wedding. during the celebration, the newlyweds ran out of wine. had a miracle to save them from shame, and mary asks her son to help. danas said to jesus christ: “they don’t have wine, we see that they were poor, but they prepared a little wine, of course, what about a wedding without wine, in those days, like we have village weddings, whoever is invited, everyone is invited, whoever doesn’t come, everyone, the invited person, treats everyone, and the groom, apparently, was not very rich, she
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already saw this, which means she knew why she turned to him, she said, jesus at first refuses, because until now he was there. just a teacher or preacher, of which there were hundreds in ancient judea. but a perfect miracle would reveal the divine essence in him, everyone would understand that this is an unusual person, and this is the first step on the path to calvary. despite the fact that the hour has not yet come, despite the fact that he still cannot reveal himself to people, but still he cannot refuse her, god is ready to help us in everything, including our earthly needs, because we are not only the soul, but also the body, what do you think, christ sat there in the corner, looked at these sinners who i feast on there, but nothing
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it reads, i think, no less, and if we talk about catholicism, then in general the mother of god was equated with christ himself, so, on one level, the number of her icons best speaks about the special veneration of the mother of god in russia. there are about 300 of them in the church calendar . it turns out that almost every day the church celebrates the feast of one of the icons of the virgin mary. you know, it seems to me that this is due to the fact that russia is a women’s country and russia, and accordingly, people in russia, russians, choose what is closer to their hearts, and mother of god, it is so warm that you cannot, let’s say, be very afraid of this power,
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because in reality it is power. so i think that this feeling of the feminine principle of russia and the mother of god as a woman, it unites russians and the mother of god and the appeal to her, let’s say , is like a child to his mother, probably so, mothers have all the trusting relationships with the real mother.
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on the borodino field of kutuzov, the entire russian army prayed in front of smolensk, and the kazan icon became famous during the great patriotic war. the hard ones. this symbol in the cross stood back up, for a long time it was in different places, including in the united states, but since it was brought back and the kazanskaya returned,
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that is, four icons of the defender, they returned, this is a very good sign , i think, from god , they have returned, and russia will be revived, and orthodoxy in russia will be... in russia there is even a special place, which is called the inheritance of the most holy theotokos, this is the vdeveev monastery. what is inheritance? in this case, by inheritance we mean, that is , a place of special, special prayer, or something, mother's intercession for all those who are here. iveria or georgia, mount athos and kiev pechersk lavra. it is believed that these places are under the special protection of the mother of god, and
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the mother of god will definitely not ignore the prayers said in this place . here is some extraordinary place in deveyev, we live in the nizhny novgorod region, and we receive grace from iverskaya, georgian, and athos, kiev. well, we add our deveyevsky ones. the monastery appeared here in the 19th century, and hieromonk seraphim became its trustee. today we know him as venerable seraphim of sarov. not only believing adults, but also children have heard about him in our country. his name was not seraphim before, he fell from a large tower and was not broken. he helped people. and he was friends with the bear, and he lived in the forest and built himself a house. he was a monk, an ascetic, lived in the forest, wore the same clothes in winter and summer, ate grass, and later spent a thousand days and nights
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in the feat of pillar-building on a stone boulder. father seraphim is what they call him in the monastery , and every task begins with a visit to raki with his relics. before his death, the priest himself told the sisters that when i die, come to my grave and tell me everything, everything, everything as if i were alive, and i will always be by your side , i will always help you, but who would refuse such help, among the shrines in the monastery, a special place is occupied by the groove of the mother of god; it is believed that the mother of god herself chose a place for her, she appeared to the priest. we have now approached the wide entrance to the territory of the ditch, this is the beginning of the ditch, and this is its end, if you follow the ditch, you you will follow the path along which
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the queen of heaven once walked, taking this land as her inheritance. the ditch is an earthen ditch three arshins deep, that is, 2 m 10 cm and 777 m long. trajectory.
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well, you can stand like this for a little while and pray again and continue on your way. it happens that up to a thousand pilgrims pass along the ditch a day, people come here from... yes, this is a shrine, a very serious place,
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there is a lot of grace here, they call it heaven on earth, otherwise, that is, it ’s like here here the sky is close to the earth, here you go especially along the groove you feel as if you are in heaven. only for god, i came here, and
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they told me, here is the spring of father seraphim , so i kind of went to it, i was with my daughter then, i swam, took a dip, came out of the spring and my daughter said: mom, you have legs - he says they are red with a blue tint, i say, what are they? but he says, on this side on this leg it looks like this compressed spot, you know, like a convex spot. after an hour it eventually passed, i realized that i had achieved the goal, the leg stopped hurting, the pain and lameness went away as if by magic, from that moment until today, the leg never bothered her hope, it impressed her so much that she moved to live in the village of deveevo, closer to the monastery, i had a call here, well and you know that when i came, even in winter in the bitter frost, i wore felt boots for...
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i could tear everything up, leave my husband, i had a husband, a military man, we served under the koluga, in a military town, yes, a regiment engineer, i had a husband , i loved him, yes, so it happened, i called him here for 5 years, he didn’t and no way, nadezhda lives a five-minute walk from the monastery, she has a job, but every day in the evenings she comes here to work, completely free of charge, removes candles, helps in the church, this is what forms the basis of her life, she is afraid
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to introduce herself without this, this is the beloved destiny of the mother of god, i will feel in my heart, i simply cannot live without nine, i have such a longing in my soul, but this is my life, this is mine, a painting by the artist vosnetsov - the last judgment, everything in it breathes horror, mother of god, she had something like this
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an exaggerated sense of motherhood that extended to all humanity, and this feeling of motherhood she applied to all people. jesus left us 10 commandments, but the mother of god only one. she gave it to the wedding in cana. here are her words: whatever he tells you, do it. this is essentially a recipe for a happy will. people from the mother of god herself, do what my son says. mother of god, earthly path. what personal belongings of the mother of god are kept in russian churches, how did mary live after the death of christ and how did her earthly journey end? corby's way, veo
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delas. there is a street with this name in jerusalem. she repeats. the path that jesus walked before the crucifixion. this path is marked with so-called stations. something happened at each one. at the first, jesus was sentenced. here he was beaten. here he fell under the weight of the cross. it all ends at calvary. pilgrims are constantly moving along the sorrowful path of jesus. but if you think about it, christ’s mother mary also had her own path, it is not trodden by people, there are no stations on it, but we will try to restore it, the myrrh-bearing wife and at the head,
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of course, mother of god, they did not leave the savior for a minute, that is, they followed literally every meter. and jesus was tried at the fortress of antonia, right here. the virgin mary was present when jesus was sentenced. the mother of god begged pilate for mercy, but to no avail. she could only silently watch what was happening. let's try to imagine how it was. beaten and exhausted, jesus can barely stand on his feet in front of a frenzied crowd who screams: “crucify, crucify!” amidst this horror, a mother's heart beats with sympathy. she is looking on his hair, tangled with the branches of a crown of thorns. these were once the curls that she stroked with her hand in the days of his childhood. drops of blood
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slowly flow down the pale face, which, once in moments of childhood tenderness, he so trustingly pressed to her chest. she looks into his eyes, reflecting silent torment, remembers the days when they sparkled with happiness. any mother who sees her son’s child suffering, of course, a weapon goes through her soul. what to say about this and what to convey here, as it were, and her feelings. on the other hand, suffering the mother of god was probably more than that of an ordinary mother who sees the death of her son, because for her he was not only a son, he was a son. god naada delasa there is a station called meeting with the mother. maria managed to overtake the procession and tried to hug her son for the last time, but she was roughly pushed away. this
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event, although not described in the gospel, is immortalized by tradition. there is now an armenian church on this site. mother, above the entrance there would be a relief depicting a meeting, i can’t imagine what she felt like on earth mother, of course, she was very worried, she was probably crying, seeing all this and enduring all this, at the same time she perfectly understood that she couldn’t come closer, so she stood at a distance, because it’s not so easy , what do you think, was accompanied by an armed detachment, you never know who knows him, this is jesus, the disciples will attack, so there was an armed guard there, but wherever it was possible, of course, she found it, from the very place where she left the judgment seat, this is herod’s and further to golgotha, yes, of course it went, thy christ, we worship, master. he's coming
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around the city, carrying his cross, and she humbly follows him. there is nothing worse than the death of your own child. and it seems strange that she didn't try to protect him. what could be done? what can women do if men cannot do anything? it can only destroy people. well , besides, it is quite possible that jesus himself would not have been happy about such a turn. at the site of the execution itself, today stands the church of the holy sepulchre. the stations of the sorrowful path are located inside. the eleventh station is nailing to the cross. this place is today marked by an altar.
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above the altar is depicted jesus nailed to the cross; above him stands the virgin mary in silent sorrow. she couldn't help but be here. the image of the mother of god, which i didn’t even ask, dared to photograph, the suffering mother of god. who sees her son being killed, i can tell you that with our human feelings can we really understand what it is, can we equate our human maternal feelings with the feelings that the mother of god experienced. christ suffers, his disciples abandoned him, one denied him three times. jesus. it seems that this for a minute even god abandoned him. remember the words? why did you leave me? and only the figure
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of the mother of god is above universal fear, above personal danger, above apostolic courage. everything was replaced in those terrible hours by the mother’s boundless love. every minute she ascended to the cross with her son. we see what the human soul is when the apostles, including the apostles, do not stand the test of this strength, and peter betrays christ, and the other apostles, they were not around during the execution of the cross, only john the theologian remained standing, and his mother jesus christ, mary and mary magdalene, they were, they remained to the end. some
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left because they could not bear the terrible sight of the execution. mary stood at the cross and did not even sob. she experienced her suffering in silence, what was happening was too terrible to express in words, she was. a witness to these most important events in world history, she could only pray for her son, it was great silence and great sorrow, to see him dying and then dead, this was probably the most terrible test in her life, this there was temptation, doubt, could this really be true, could this really be my lord? like this, in this state, you can imagine
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when she was allowed to stand at the cross, by the way, after this gospel we no longer find any mention of her, apparently she either had a heart attack or i don’t know what it is, well, a heart attack, according to at least he was such a force that even she did not appear at first, the thirteenth station of the express route. stands crying, you stand, she cries, and you understand that in her soul she is this two thousand years of history, she resurrects, as
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if she were standing with the mother of mary and mary magdalene, with john the evangelist, the future theologian, and experiencing this death. the best artists. depicted various moments of the taking down of the cross and the transfer of the body of jesus. in one of the paintings, the exhausted mother of god falls backwards into the hands of women standing near her; in others, she is depicted kneeling. and they are all right about one thing. she didn't leave. she withstood all the torment. they say that a dying person's life flashes before his eyes. and for those who see the suffering of a loved one, probably too. "she is a mother, but she is the mother of everyone,
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therefore, she understands the sacrifice jesus makes, she understands how this sacrifice affects the development of humanity, and this is a completely different story than if it were just a woman and just a son. when christ suffers, the mother of god takes first place next to him. when the days of joy come, the gospel is silent about her. we do not know from the gospel whether jesus appeared to mary after the resurrection. but, as tradition says, she was present at the ascension. the stone on which, according to legend, she stood. now this territory belongs to the orthodox
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convent of the ascension of the savior on olivet. and he built his temple of the ascension of the lord exactly above this stone, that is, the stone was in the foundation and only a small piece of it was released, as if from the outside, so that people could venerate. here stands the highest building on olivet. the russian candle bell tower is 67 m high. they say that in particularly clear weather, it is visible even from jericho, and it is not much 45 km in a straight line.
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everyone learns russian upon arrival and speaks it perfectly, without an accent. this is how the traditions of russian culture continue in the holy land. they speak excellent russian, primordial, sometimes they call a refrigerator a glacier, for example, they read perfectly, sing in slavic, naturally, and generally have very noble manners. in the monastery. there is a recess in the floor at this point. believers go there with prayers. it is believed that john should be prayed for a headache when he has a leak. well, yes, i admit, i related to this, being a person
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believers, but somewhat skeptically, thinking that what difference does it make. you can basically pray to anyone, the mother of god, and some other saints, but one day i was working with a group in the monastery of the cross, there was a very low entrance, i straightened up and hit my head very hard, by the evening i was already feeling sick, my head hurt terribly completely, and i was terrified, because there was a work week ahead, and at the end of the day we were visiting the spasovoznesensky monastery, so i, with tears in my eyes, just went... i put mine in i asked this dimple with all my might to the forerunner to forgive me and help me. the next morning i woke up absolutely healthy, as if nothing had happened. tradition tells that mary lived the remaining years of her earthly life together with the apostle john zebedee, the beloved disciple of jesus.
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jesus himself left such a will. there are several different speculations on the topic of why john john himself says that because he was loved - because jesus could not trust anyone else, besides, he was young, and, in principle, the effect arose that who was talking about whom cares, he became like a son to her. most of the time, mary and ian lived in jerusalem, here. john's house has survived to this day. this was the most expensive place in jerusalem, the so-called western, western peak. if you want, here’s an analogy : this is the jerusalem ruble. who lived on this western peak was the high priest jatha himself. how could the fisherman's son zavidei have a house in jerusalem? and even more so, in fact, in this most
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expensive place, but without this place jerusalem there was a very expensive house. dear city, the galileans were forbidden to live in jerusalem, they were not even allowed to spend the night in jerusalem according to city laws, so this is a riddle to which there is no answer. it turns out that john was a wealthy man, so mary did not need to work. from now on, the life of the mother of god was in prayer. she never gave a sermon. the essence of christian teaching for her was not in words, but in actions. she herself was a model of humility and silence. she gave to the poor, looked after the sick, and baked. orphans widows in the forty-fourth year, herod agrippa began to persecute christians. he beheaded
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the apostle james, then imprisoned peter. and then the apostles and the mother of god decided to leave jerusalem. according to legend , they cast lots to decide who should go where. the mother of god was fed up with siberia or georgia, but... jesus appeared to her and ordered andrew the first-called to be sent there in his place; he became the conductor of christianity in georgia, and the mother of god remained in jerusalem. mother of god, earthly path. how mary lived after the death of christ, where you can venerate the grave mother of god? and how did her earthly journey end?
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the name translates as tomb. on the site of john's house there is now a huge church complex. it was founded and built by the germans. and now this influence is being felt. the staff speaks german. there is clean, exemplary order everywhere. the complex looks more like a museum of modern art than a church. oddly enough, there are also exhibitions here. for example, we went to the origami exhibition, and in the courtyard there is a souvenir shop and cafeteria. by the way, this is the only one cafeteria in the world, located on the territory
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of a christian temple. maybe because part of the complex is dedicated to the events of the last supper? and the germans decided to give the pilgrims the opportunity to feel like participants in that easter meal of jesus with his disciples. inside the complex there is a crypt with a stone on which, according to legend , the virgin mary fell asleep. many people confuse the place of the dormition and the tomb of the virgin mary. these are two different places, moreover, located almost at opposite ends of the old city of jerusalem. the tomb of the virgin mary is located.
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the sun is bright outside, but here it’s cold, like in the catacombs, you walk in and it’s as if you find yourself in another world, special smells, sounds, sensations, a place with a very special atmosphere, there are no crowds for sodas, you can tune in to the energy of the centuries-old icons on the walls, when we went down to the temple, where the coffin of the mother of god, everyone there began to look at something, take pictures, i also took pictures where the holy places in the monasteries are, but at the coffin of the mother of god, i felt that something, that’s something here, here’s something, that is, i couldn’t do it there taking photographs, this is... some kind of thing, it ’s already been, what, probably eight years, i’m still talking about it, and i have tears in my eyes. this is certainly
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an amazing place. candles for health and repose can be placed side by side, because the burial and sunday took place in the same place. this rule only applies to two situations.
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you can’t always leave it, if the armenians are on duty, they usually don’t read them, but if the greeks, then you can serve it like in any russian church. the underground church is shaped like a cross and contains a marble edicule with a coffin . mother of god. behind the edicules there is an icon in pink marble. jerusalem icon of the mother of god. almond-shaped eyes, languid gaze, oriental nose. if you go out on the street in an israeli city, you can still meet ladies with similar facial features. there was such an old man, he died recently, look for svyatogorets, whom many orthodox christians in russia and greece love and know.
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well, let’s face it, we stood there for 2 p.m., and we got there somewhere around 11 p.m., it was an act of desperation, until now the doctors had been frightening varvara with the diagnosis for 10 years infertility, because of this her family fell apart, after 7 years of unsuccessful attempts to give birth to a child. she and her husband broke up, it was
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of course very difficult, because well, we both made this decision to separate, so as not to waste each other’s time, so it was really very difficult for me, she was worried about it, so at first it seemed to me that actually saying, well, in general, well, it’s not given to her, as they say from above, this is the happiness of motherhood, but well, not for everyone. but i understood then what she was really going through, when my son got married and his wife became pregnant. what do you think could have happened to her? varya got married for the second time. the virgin mary's train was her last hope. varya was unable to get to the shrine in moscow ; she had to go on a business trip. she and her mother bought train tickets and went to st. petersburg for this. i say, varya,
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we need to go with you. i say it’s absolutely necessary to be together, because i think that in such a situation, the mother should definitely be nearby. it’s one thing when you yourself... pray, and it’s another thing when your mother prays for you. i had the feeling that i was doing something very important and very necessary and that it was as if god was testing me, if i was standing here now, he would probably think and decide that after all, i guess i already deserve a baby. a year passed, and varya ended up in the hospital with some strange ailments. she calls me and says: mom, you know, i feel so bad, you know, i probably have appenicitis, you know, i’m having trouble here, i’m having trouble here it hurts, in general, you know, they even let me go from work, thank god, there was no appendicitis at uza, the girls are also lying around, who is pregnant, who is it, they
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say, do a test, but suddenly you are pregnant, i say, yes no, i say, yes, exactly, i say, i’ve been experiencing infertility for so many years, i say, now it also cures some kind of infertility, i say, how can i be pregnant, they yes no, well, i’ll do it i did it, it turned out to be positive, i was, of course, shocked. the doctor comes in and says, well, in general, we decided to discharge you, because we, in general, no longer see any point in you staying here, it seems like we cured everything for you, i hand her a test, i say, this is what you will treat, i carried the belt with me throughout my pregnancy,
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please, us too, we are no longer strangers to you. in varvarey, doctors still diagnose infertility, but she no longer believes in these fairy tales. and she knows for sure that the mother of god will not leave her, and her desire to give birth to a second child will also definitely come true. yes, i absolutely,
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absolutely believe, i believe that my daughter is it’s just, i don’t know, the highest miracle that i could receive in this life, that is, that’s how much i now believe in everything. but going to the shrine to the ends of the earth and standing in line for several days is not at all necessary; a piece of the belt of the virgin mary is constantly stored in one of the moscow churches, you can venerate it without any lines. this is the church of the prophet elijah in obydensky lane near the kropotkinskoye metro station. you can come here any time from 8:00 am to late evening. a piece of the robe of the virgin mary is also in russia, it was brought from constantinople by dionysius of suzdol in the 15th century. the shrine was kept in the museum of the assumption cathedral in the kremlin, and in 2008 it was transferred to the cathedral of christ the savior.
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it is still stored here. and there is another temple in moscow where you can pray before a piece of the iris of the mother of god. this is the church of the nativity of the virgin mary in old simonovo. just a 10-minute walk from the avtozavodskoye metro station. according to legend, mary was resurrected just like jesus. on the third day after the funeral, the apostle thomas arrived. he wanted to say goodbye to the apostles they opened the coffin so that thomas could say goodbye to the mother of god, but the body was not there. on the same day in the evening for dinner. “rejoice, for i am with
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you all the days. it seems that she lived a bitter life, but this is only at first glance, because it was not for nothing that she was entrusted with the birth of the savior. this means that everyday, earthly difficulties were not the main thing for her. sacrificial love and raised endless patience." when an angel appears as a mother, you understand what responsibility and mission you have, it’s always , well, it’s hard to even imagine such a happy life, because the awareness of whom you could.
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you could say thank you. we are well aware of the feat of jesus, but the feat of the mother of god is spoken about much less often. she accompanied every step of christ's journey. she was there in sorrow and joy. at the same time , she withstood all the tests as a woman and as a person, did not become proud, did not become disappointed, and did not turn away from her path. among people, she was closest to god. even if our sins already exceed all acceptable measures and
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our conscience simply does not allow us to hope for god’s mercy, we can cry out to the mother of god, and her prayer can bow to we receive god's mercy where it seems impossible according to human concepts. we are so used to asking and receiving what we ask from her that we forget about the main thing. she also lived. the life of an ordinary person is one of suffering and humility, so she understands all our troubles better than others. after her dormition, she prays for all sinners, the weak, who are always in need of help. and the feat of her maternal service continues today.
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what does our imagination picture when we talk about jesus christ? every christian knows that this is the son of god who atoned for sins humanity. when we look at icons with the face of christ, we see first of all his divine essence. but how much do we know about his earthly life, what kind of person he was?
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you know, this is a very interesting question, i didn’t expect how he dressed, a linen loincloth instead of underwear, what his hair looked like, his hair was about this long, what language did he speak? there is not a word about the appearance of jesus in the bible, after all, this book is about teaching, not about a person, but we did the research, and today we will try imagine what jesus christ might have really looked like.
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jesus' appearance is a big mystery. this is a must, a light image should be, oh, i don’t know, golden hair, blue eyes, a thin nose, yes, a beard, of course, just like that . in nazareth, in the temple on the site of the house of mary and joseph, images of the mother of god and christ from all over the world are collected, and for each nation christ looks different. the first icons appeared much later than the gospel events. by that time, not
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a single one of christ’s contemporaries was alive. it's just like yours. this is wrong. in modern icons, christ is also most often a blue-eyed, fair-haired man with a perfect oval face. but this image became typical only in the middle ages during the renaissance. in addition, if you think
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logically, it is not clear why judas had to point to christ with a kiss. everyone would recognize the blue-eyed blond among the dark men anyway. it turns out that the usual images of jesus are unlikely to reliably convey his appearance. most icons show jesus with long hair. this is what the jews looked like nazarenes. these are people who have taken a vow to abstain from drinking wine and grapes. but, as you know, jesus is underneath it. the scripture didn't fit. the bible mentions occasions when he drank wine. miracle at cana of galilee? what do you think, christ sat there in the corner, looked at those who were celebrating there, sat and said: “oh, sinners.” nothing like that. i have no doubt that he sang songs along with everyone. he did not act as they did,
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it was customary to act in the scientific community, in his. time, so he wanted to drink with them, of course a protest, this is of course a protest, this is a protest of a unique individual against the herd nature of society, jesus was certainly a dissident, but jesus’ protest did not concern his appearance, so most likely his hair shape was like everyone else’s, which one can be understood from the first letter of the apostle paul to the corinthians. he says that long hair is dishonorable for a man, could he say that about his teacher? so it is likely that jesus had short hair. i'm guessing he probably looked like a middle east resident eastern, with short, dark hair,
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most likely wavy. shall we move on, beard? did he have it? in the first drawings, jesus was depicted as a beardless youth. there are more than 50 similar faces in the roman catacombs, dating from the end of the 2nd to the beginning of the 4th century ad. later, jesus matured and matured. in the images he appeared to have a beard and facial features of a mature man. to answer this question, let's look at history. the roman state, which owned many colonies, at that time constituted essentially the entire civilized world. ancient rome at this time was gradually turning from a republic into an empire. this was the era of the pax romana. all states subordinate to rome lived by the same standards,
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cities and roads were built the same, people dressed the same. judea was. a vassal kingdom of the roman empire, which, naturally, paid some money to rome, which fielded an army when rome needed it, and was commanded. a roman official, but at the same time possessed internal independence and some freedom of action. in greco-roman in the world of the first century, it was considered obligatory for a man to have a smooth haircut and a short haircut. long luxurious beard hair was the destiny of the gods. only some philosophers could afford not to shave. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the maxim sharafuddinov studio. so,
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the broadcast from jerusalem has just ended. on great saturday, the holy fire descended in the church of the holy sepulcher. believers in the temple had the opportunity to literally touch the miracle of lighting a candle from the sacred flame. very soon, particles of fire will scatter throughout the planet. the lamp will be delivered to moscow for the night easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior. broadcast to ours. the soldiers of the red army found peace, their great-grandchildren preserved the memory of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, the colossal work of search engines, the newly acquired names of heroes and the solemn ceremony of re-preservation of the soldiers
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of the great patriotic war. easter cakes, curd easter - and not only recipes for treats for every taste, each family has special traditions, but most importantly - a holiday in the soul, how to prepare for it? new blows. ukrainian military facility explosions in kharkov reported that the target was a large warehouse of the ukrainian armed forces, where drone shells were stored, as well as the location of ukrainian militants, a powerful fire in an industrial zone, an area of ​​​​about 3.00 km, there is also information about the destruction of objects related to the army infrastructure in dnepropetrovsk region, the latest data from the front line appears in telegram channels, these shots appear, as reported on them, another burning american abrams heavy tank, which was knocked out by our soldiers, well, in this video, how it is stated: bradley's crew rushes to help abrams, but receives an accurate blow, catches fire, the car tried to escape, but did not go far, it stopped near a forest belt. and
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official data from the ministry of defense. russian artillery destroyed strongholds of militants and equipment on the right bank of the dnieper, fire was adjusted in real time using drones, another opornik was eliminated by the crews of our su-25 attack aircraft, a strike with unguided missiles, after the maneuver the pilots released heat traps. solemn ceremony golden stars heroes russia was awarded to our fighters by sergei shaigu, those who showed courage on the front lines and acted with clear confidence in the most difficult battles. the minister thanked for the exemplary fulfillment of the assigned tasks, he also wished him further success in his service. the country, the president, highly appreciated your work, awarding you high titles, the title of heroes, this, of course, is yours. great, great merit, personal merit, the merit of educating and training your subordinates, instilling in
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them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland, to our fatherland, and most importantly, the desire for victory, repelled an attack by an enemy of superior strength, evacuated the wounded from the battlefield, covered comrades under heavy fire, feats for which... we warn about the civilian population who were at the crossing of the military, accordingly sent to shelter, so the personnel were not harmed anywhere; we did not
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suffer any losses. the order was to clear the forest belt, it turned out that the enemy was already preparing sabotage against our unit, but a battle ensued, fortunately our mortars and artillerymen were with our they boldly drove him away with drones, during the battle i took command and... we have just received a new report from the ministry of defense, it is reported that this week a significant number of infrastructure facilities of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed, this is a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage the energy and industry .
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great-grandchildren of the soldiers of the red army, the fighters mission, which was attended by grandchildren and search parties, thanks to which the family learns the fate of their heroes. volunteers are working at the sites of fierce battles, examining scraps of letters, crumpled dog tags, barely legible inscriptions on personal belongings, all this helps to return names. report by vitalia katchenko. it’s somehow hot inside, i don’t even know how to explain, it means i’m touching him, it’s very cool, of course.
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from orlovka, sumy region, in northern ukraine, he served at the border post from the end of july forty-one, as part of the ninety-ninth red banner rifle division, which held back the onslaught of german troops to the east. about 500 people came out alive from all of these towards mariupol. the german was going to rostov, most likely they were carrying out a task to stop the enemy. in just a year, the search
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teams of sevastopol returned the names of seven heroes out of 260, whose remains were raised in the vicinity of the hero’s city, often just surnames with initials that were read on personal belongings, two danilins at once, the namesake, marine viktor stepanovich died in the forty-second defense and attack aircraft commander konstantin georgievich, who liberated sevastopol in 1944, were identified by the tail number of the found aircraft. the name of a real ace. the decisive battle for sevastopol, assault, breather, mountains, on the evening of may 7, 1944, our troops, having broken through the german defense line, reached the top, but the enemy snapped back, resisted, for several more days on may 9, carrying out the combat mission of destroying enemy firing positions, the commander of the l2 attack aircraft, konstantin danilin, was shot down in this area, but even being at the helm
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of a burning car, he decides... to direct the plane to a german mortar battery, and on the day of may 8, forty-fourth , lieutenant danilin was promoted to the rank hero of the soviet union, a native of the saratov region, never managed to receive the award. in his family, four brothers, two pilots and two tankmen, the danilins, went to the front; two returned, pavel and alexander. relatives of luka iosifovich serebryansky were found in the donbass, from where he was leaving for the front. his grandson alexey alexandrovich, 70 years old. i would have been looking for them for 40 years, because the latest information was on january 20, 1942, that he went missing in the balakleya area, but then, as it turned out, he ended up in the ivaka hospital, saratov from there he was sent by march to the crimea, to sevastopol, the last letter was from the hospital in april, and apparently, he died soon after that. the grandson could not come from the donetsk republic to the farewell ceremony; it was more difficult with the relatives of other heroes
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living in the kiev-controlled area. four of the seven identified names are natives of ukraine, it is almost impossible to contact, but i think that peace will come, and we will still find these families. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city, russian sailors, heroes of the defense and liberation of sevastopol were buried with military honors at the memorial cemetery. vitaly katchenko, ruslan isupov and victor vasin. channel one sevastopol. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea and sevastopol, there are films on our channel. which have already become a cult on may 9, watch saboteur crimea and the saboteur film first from kinoepey. and for may 9th there will be a big promotion and a dance flash. the victory waltz is a symbol of the spring of '45 in front of the main building of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, several hundred people are dancing to the sounds of the may waltz, anyone could join, beautiful, touching, emotional, this event has been held for more than 10 years, now vdnkh,
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an exhibition of russia, today they welcomed the twelve millionth visitor, a reward for traveling around the tula region, and of course, as without... the main present from this region, tula gingerbread. all information is detailed. your mother is the twelve millionth visitor today, thank you very much to our reliable, beloved partners of the tula region for providing a gift, the whole family will go to the tula region, for 2 days they will travel throughout region, we came from the ivanovo region, my name is pavel, ksenia, my wife and two sons, pavel. and dmitry, dulo, are you going, now, apparently, yes, today is high saturday for believers, a time of joyful anticipation before the main day of the church calendar, easter, services in all churches and the main events in jerusalem, the holy fire has descended, particles
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of flame will scatter throughout the world, delivering lamp to moscow, for the beginning of the main easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior, it will be conducted by patriarch kirill, broadcast, let me remind you, watch on channel one, starts at 23:30. we celebrate easter with special feeling in our new regions. long years of persecution of the canonical orthodox church. and now, finally, the opportunity not to be afraid. volnovakh, liberated in march twenty-second, two temples with a special fate. dmitry tolmachev about the revival of shrines. parishioners are preparing for easter at the holy transfiguration church in volnovakha for the first time in 3 years.
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the tank just turned, we were driving, the car hit here, everything was just smashed, aren’t you afraid, not just somewhere nearby, right here after, on the territory of the orthodox church was filled with nine craters, only from heavy artillery shells, one of the mines, a trace of it still remains, fell literally a couple of meters from the wall behind which the altar is located, this part of the temple was destroyed, the building was finally destroyed, the beginning after that there was a huge fire. next door there is another st. tibes church, the walls of which still contain traces of those battles. the parish is planning to reconstruct this church. just getting ready, the burnt holy transfiguration by joint efforts restored in just a year, the chelyabinsk region helped the most, which took patronage over the city, many people came from russia, restored and helped sutvarya, with its interior decoration,
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many believers responded, so with such a general restoration impulse over the year we they did this good deed. they specially left it in the same, pristine form in which we found it at the fire, we are now preparing to collect it for a beautiful frame, a beautiful icon case, well, this is one of the most important shrines. revival of the temple
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the city itself gives the residents of volnovakha hope that peace and tranquility have finally been established on this land. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, victor averin, first channel volnovakha dpr. warm holiday. a time to share goodness with your loved ones, a festive table at which relatives gather, each family has its own traditions of preparing for a bright day, the love of filippov, great saturday, a day of silence and peace, but already filled with pre-holiday joy, believers come to church today , liturgy, be sure to bring it with you easter treats, i cooked it myself, the child helped, they cooked it themselves, even now until 30 at night, the grandchildren all need it, we make cottage cheese easter according to the recipe that ours also made... for the grandmother with the whole family, each housewife has her own favorite ingredients: and zest, nuts, candied fruits, raisins, country eggs, butter. creamy, well, love, care, the most
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important thing. saturday is the sixth day of holy week and the last day of lent, which lasted 48 days. this is a holiday that means there is no death, our life human life was filled with meaning. many homes these days smell of freshly baked easter cakes. a children's favorite activity is painting eggs. nine-year-old sonya. this time he does almost everything on his own. mom already trusts grandma, here’s yellow, mom’s blue. i have a green paper, probably purple, and a dozen other friends and relatives, exchanging holiday treats for easter is also a good tradition, the kitchen is of course a mess, but well, easter, cakes, eggs are all there, all that remains is to tidy up the kitchen and start transforming it for easter your home, temple, streets, in vladimir a large easter tree appeared, decorated with fifty bright wooden eggs, they were painted by the local residents themselves, where to come to the service today, everyone... plays with their hearts, here is a temple in honor of the icon of the mother of god, an unexpected joy in moscow, built
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at the end of the 19th century centuries and never closed the doors to parishioners, i was baptized in this church, a very long time ago, almost 57 years ago, so i always go to this church, the church is tonight, of course for the easter service with my godchildren, services will be held today at night in all the churches of the country, the words that every believer expects will be heard: christ is risen. lyubov filippova and roman serebrennikov. the first may frosts in the capital region in the region were down to -5 in some places, it will start to rain in the evening, it is worth considering for those who are going to easter services, the weather is being shaped by the scandinavian anticyclone, we are going for a record, the coming days may become the coldest in a quarter of a century, the temperature is lower standards in many other regions; snowfalls in the urals, which caused residents a lot of problems (report): on the street on may 4, ekaterinburg, winter, generation,
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subrows, just damn, the capital of the urals was covered by heavy snowfall, this is what ekaterinburg looked like 2 days ago, and this is how it is on the streets now, no one can get up, everyone is just grinding, the last time there was such serious snowfall in may we were in the urals 40 years ago, now in some areas of the sverlovsk region the height of the snowdrifts is already more than 50 cm, in ekaterina. burg, well, definitely more than ten, and apparently, the snowfall is not going to stop. the sweeping of several regions of the urals began the day before. all night long it was snowing in the perm region, tyumen and sverlovsk regions. i can’t even dare to say that this is the month of may. people planted a vegetable garden. in several settlements in the region, due to the accumulated snow , power lines were broken and trees were knocked down. energy workers spent the entire night eliminating the consequences. this is, for example, what the tural city of rivda looks like now. and these are shots from the suburbs
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of yekaterinburg. huge traffic jams have formed on several highways at once; trucks cannot pass. the state traffic inspectorate restricted traffic. 3:00 a.m., standing on highway, yekaterinburg. and this situation continues. motorists have been stuck in a traffic jam for more than 12 hours, traffic on perm has been suspended in both directions, cars cannot climb uphill there, snow has piled up half a knee, most motorists have difficulty lifting cars uphill, those who have already changed winter tires to summer ones, we have to rescue by caring drivers, on the bridge there are bebels, on summer tires, in the morning a snowplow has been working in the region. equipment, the consequences of the snowfall are planned to be eliminated at least until the evening,
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railway and bus services were delayed, however, some residents were even happy about the snowfall, some took out their skis again, some switched from bicycles to sleds, unusual weather conditions did not become an obstacle for motorcycle lovers, bikers gathered in the city center today to open the motorcycle season. according to forecasts, snowfalls in the urals will continue until the evening, and then the bad weather will move to the east; sub-zero temperatures will also remain in the near future. andrey. so, jesus most likely looked different
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than we are used to imagining. more likely, he wore short dark hair and a short beard. he had dark skin and brown eyes. we may have figured out the facial features; we would also like to understand what kind of physique christ was. the new testament describes the routes of christ's wanderings during his preaching, so that we can easily calculate the distance that he covered. judging by the gospels, we can say, in modern terms.
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in the gospel of matthew it is written: and leaving nazareth, he came and settled in capernaum by the sea. distance between nazareth and copernaum is about 45 km. we do not know how long it took christ to cover this path, but we know for sure that he walked. and judging by... the gospel, he passed this route more than once. then he got into the boat, crossed back and arrived at his city. a few days later he came to copernaum again. look, he heals and preaches during the day. when
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night falls, we see, one of the days, he goes to a mountain, say, or somewhere, to pray, and in the morning he returns, he gets up after dawn. this, and at the same time. they also cross this very often from place to place, well, in general, it is obvious that a hero can withstand this, not a hero, but a hardy, first of all, a very hardy person. another fact can indicate that jesus was strong and healthy: after baptism, he came into the desert. a forty-day monastery stands on this site today. here christ spent more than a month in fasting and prayer. he didn’t eat or drink for 40 days, can a person stay for such a long time without food, water and not die? medicine claims that a person is able to withstand a complete forty-day fast, but only when absolutely healthy. this means that jesus was
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a strong, healthy man, probably tanned with weathered skin. because all the time i was in the fresh air under the sun. you can learn a lot about a person by their clothes, what age they are, what they do, how rich they are. in the ancient world, clothing was also telling; by it one could distinguish a warrior from a warrior, a merchant from a patrician, and a king from the nobility. there were 15 million slaves in the roman empire.
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every third city resident was a slave. 90% of the inhabitants of galilee were peasants who found themselves in increasingly difficult conditions due to rising taxes. the main difference in clothing for a roman citizen was the toga. no wonder virgil wrote about them: rulers of the world, people dressed in togas. the slaves' clothing consisted only of a tunic with short, tight sleeves. the jews dressed approximately the same way as all other mediterranean peoples, at this time they wore a shirt over a cloak. the only originality was that this cloak should have had a fringe,
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tzitzit, which was reminiscent of those miracles which the lord once committed upon leaving egypt, but... this was such a minimal deviation from the usual way of clothing. what was jesus' clothing like?
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in the gospel of matthew it is written: and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. this is a description of the transfiguration of the lord. the apostles were greatly surprised to see christ in a dazzling white robe. accordingly, we can conclude that before
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the transformation, his clothes were the most ordinary, made of undyed wool. christ wore sandals without a doubt, everyone wore them, simply because it is impossible to walk on stones with bare feet for a long time, you will wear off your heels. sandals from the time of jesus were discovered in caves near the dead sea of ​​the masada fortress. looking at them, you can imagine what kind of shoes christ walked in. so, let's summarize. most likely, jesus was dressed like all common people, in a homespun tunic, a gray, faded wool scarf on the feet of sandals. john the baptist.
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the bible says that he wore rough clothes made of camel's hair and was girded with a leather belt. john's clothing is described precisely because she was not like everyone else. jesus christ was born during the reign of herod in the city of bethlehem, where christian pilgrims from all over the world come today. immediately after birth, the baby received his name. joseph named him jesus, as the angel told him. in ancient palestine, it was believed that a person’s name reflected his essence, determined his inclinations and traits. and the character of the name jesus is translated as savior, the word christ means god's anointed. jesus
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christ was a contemporary of many prominent figures of the roman state, or rather, like us we understand now that they were his contemporaries. in the first century , culture and literature developed rapidly in the empire. the roman poet virgil died 15 years before the birth of jesus, and the great garatius died just 4 years. ovid the lyric poet turned 39 years old in the fourth year bc. and in the year of jesus' birth, he wrote one of his most famous works, metamorphoses. but was jesus familiar with this literature and did he even know how to read and write?
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there are different hypotheses regarding how literate the population of judea was. there are very...
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this 3% included people who belonged to the upper classes who lived in large cities. jesus was from the lower class and he lived in a rural area, so it is difficult to imagine where he could have learned to read. in general, in order to fulfill his mission, jesus did not need to be literate, but let’s still try to find the answer to this question. to do this , you must first understand where jesus grew up. from the gospel we know that he spent the first years of his life with his parents in nazareth. to nazareth, city ​​in northern israel. third most visited by christians around the world after jerusalem and bethlehem. today it is
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home to about 80,000 people. in a world that still knew nothing about jesus, important events were taking place at this time. in the fifth year of our era, paul, the future apostle, appears. in the ninth year, emperor vespasian was born, who introduced a tax on public toilets, and thanks to this he became the author of the expression “money does not smell.” but this news most likely did not reach nazareth. in the first century ad, if translated into today, it was a remote village, residents who were hardly interested in taxes on toilets.
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but all this was in the hellenic school, it is unlikely that something like this could have happened in nazareth; scientists generally doubt whether books were in such deafness? pay attention to the sermons, jesus says: you heard what was said to the ancients, why did you hear, and not you read, because the minority read, the majority listened, there was an oral culture, by the way, one
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of the reasons why there are so few early christian texts, people who could... write there were few, and there were very few people who could read them and evaluate them, yes. but there is circumstantial evidence that sheds light on jesus' literacy. the gospel of matthew contains the words of jesus: until heaven and earth come, not one jot or one tittle will come from the law. what the hell is he. means. researchers say it refers to the small hebrew letter yod. it looks like a comma, and by line he means the small lines barely visible to the eye on the hebrew letters r and hat. a letter, well, you know, it’s one thing to be able to, say, not even everyone could
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even read it. this was not the case for us among the people. go ahead. we have a few more leads. jesus was called teacher. and this is a strong argument in favor of literacy. at times jesus himself mentions reading scripture. in the gospel of mark he asks the pharisees.
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have you never read what david did when he was in need and hungry? or, haven't you read this in scripture? it is unlikely that he would have asked such questions if i didn't... know how to read. there is another clue in the gospel of luke. and he came to nazareth, where he was raised, entered the synagogue as usual on the sabbath day, and stood up to read. he was given the book of the prophet isaiah. luke's account confirms that jesus could at least read hebrew. then the apostle luke tells how much the townspeople were surprised by this fact. and so he began to read, and the first question that his fellow tribesmen asked from...


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