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tv   Imperiya Yekaterina II  1TV  May 5, 2024 3:10pm-5:59pm MSK

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god gave the moral law in the heart of every person, people actually understand what is good and what is bad, and many knew how to express it with great power. history knows many great teachers who called for a fight against the imperfections of the world, preached love and goodness, controlled the minds of people, and became the founders of new faiths. the uniqueness of christ does not lie in the fact that he preached something unique morally. teaching, he did not do this, and he did not even pretend to be, he is a teacher, yes, but this is not the main thing in his mission, he is a savior, he is the one who came to give us eternal life. according to the gospel, when in the desert the devil tempted jesus three times and found himself powerless, he retreated, but only until the time, his time came at calvary, the last temptation of christ, the temptation of hatred and contempt.
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people, those people who just recently met him as a king, those people whom he healed and taught the truth, well, well, actually, what bad did he do, did nothing wrong, here he is crucified on the cross , people are jumping, hooting, crucify him, crucify him, come down from the cross, save yourself, us, the people want to provoke the prophet to some kind of miracle, you know, how they take a frog and dissect it, so... it kicks like a paw, this way or that, if you put an electrode, but the beaten, ridiculed, crucified christ asks: father, forgive them, for not they know what they are doing, even here, even in such a situation, that is, not only physical suffering, but also mental suffering, they could not do anything. the lord conquers this hatred with his love, possesses others like him. i don’t
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remember who said it, but this phrase is absolutely accurate, that christianity, speaking seriously and briefly, is faith in god and faith in person. the first person who was told that you will be there today was a thief, he hung on the cross next to christ, yes, and he may not have done anything good in his life at all, here is one of his phrases, yes, change me, lord , in your kingdom, and she, well, it’s clear what was behind this phrase. this is his whole, so to speak, being at that moment, it led to the fact that christ said the truth, i tell you, now you will be with me in heaven, a second before death. according to the gospel of matthew, christ, going to jerusalem for the last time, he told the disciples the parable about the vinedressers. early in the morning, as usual, the owner of the vineyard hired workers and agreed with them to pay a denarius per person. at noon he hired more workers, promising a denerium per person.
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towards evening, when the sun was already setting, i saw workers whom no one had hired, and ordered them to go to their vineyard. the grape harvest was finished, it was time to pay, everyone received a denarius. the workers hired early in the morning were outraged. how is it that we worked for 12 hours in the sun, and these people have only worked for half a day, but we get the same amount. and the last one. for which, they worked for only an hour, the owner of the vineyard was surprised: didn’t you agree to work for gennarius, so you get what was promised, and the half-day workers were promised a denarius, so they receive, and the workers of the last hour were promised genarius, what he promised, everything perform. you are unfair, i am merciful.
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here i’m also taking a risk, i’m treading on shaky ground, i’m speaking my opinion, but what does it mean to be the same? christ says: in my father's house there are many mansions, you see, in my father's house there are many monasteries, and i would, of course, like to be somewhere closer to god, next to seraphim of sarov, right? but i think that this won’t happen for me, not because they won’t let me in, but because i won’t be able to go in myself, but i hope that somewhere nearby i’ll be able to hang out, that’s why anyone can come here, because all that is needed is to have time to say, and not even to resist at least this; behind everything that is allowed to us in our lives, there is not a concatenation of cases.
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according to the gospel, christ died on the cross about nine o'clock. who is to blame for this? judas, who betrayed him, a weak man, the chief priests who condemned him, zealots of the law. ponti pilate was afraid of ruining his career. roman soldiers, simple guys, accustomed to stupid jokes of everyday cruelty. it's simple. friday ends; according to jewish laws , nothing can be done on saturday; there is no one to remove the dead from the cross.
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the only women left at the crucifixion were mary, the mother of jesus, mary magdalene and mary of clopas. all apostles. at night he decides to risk his career and it would seem that the dead do not care about life, but joseph goes to pilate and asks permission to bury the crucified man in the cave grave that he was preparing for himself. another secret disciple, nicodemus, brings everything necessary for
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the burial. the body is left in the cave, blocking the entrance with a heavy stone. funeral bells are ringing, people are burying god, this is the rite of removing the shroud of a special cloth with the image of the dead christ, it is performed on good friday in all churches, like the removal of the coffin, there is one day left until sunday. on saturday on nalaya easter is established. icon of the descent of christ into hades. this is not the sunday of christ, as we would like, probably would expect to see, a descent into hell. because this is precisely the meaning of christ’s entire ministry: to enter death, to enter that emptiness where there is no god. and to get
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people out of there, hell, which closed a person from god for eternity, a person was walled up in this death, is destroyed. therefore, now a person expects the opposite. it’s not this mortal melancholy there, but already before this resurrection, which he knows about, which he anticipates, already at the liturgy of holy saturday the priests change vestments, instead of black, mourning, dazzling white, this movement has begun, hell has already been defeated, the devil is already bound, freedom has already come, joy is already shining, on this day... the churches are illuminated with easter cakes, colored easter eggs, well, that's all we need - overcoming the fatigue and busyness there, just walk around and see what kind of exhibition, what
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kind of food they bring, how beautiful it all is, how it all sparkles, how it’s all made with love. this special holiday food is prepared in advance on maundy thursday. for cottage cheese easter it is taken low fat for cottage cheese, sugar, raisins, finely ground nuts, candied fruits and other decorations. this is a special curd product, thickened milk, as stated in the prayer for illumination, which requires a special pyramidal mold. cottage cheese easter is the sweetness of eternity, the path to which is open. and the tradition of easter eggs is connected with the legend of mary magdalene. together with the apostle peter, she went to rome. according to legend, she brought the good news to emperor tiberius himself, giving him
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an ordinary chicken egg as a symbol of the resurrection. easter the egg is a clear symbol behind the shell of life in the coffin. life was laid down, christ was resurrected, destroying these very doors of the tomb. tiberius laughed at her, saying, you are a stupid woman, the dead cannot rise again. just like this white egg cannot turn red, the egg’s shell immediately turned red. the color red is basically, of course, for easter eggs it is the color of blood, the color of redemption, although there is such a riot of colors now that there is already some creativity going on here, folk art, especially for children, but in general it is traditionally a red color. in dark red the color of the egg comes from onion skins, but you can use any food coloring. honey watercolor, multi-colored shreds or threads, so that the shell shines, it is rubbed
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with vegetable oil, and the main dish of the easter table is traditionally considered to be easter cake. there are a huge number of easter cake recipes, but the base is yeast dough on dough with a lot of sugar and raisins. kulich, it is related to arthas, these are breads that are baked specially for easter, this bread... arthas originates from the bread that the apostles put in during their meals after the ascension, after parting with the teacher as a sign that he was always with them, there was always bread for jesus. when then, during the year until the next easter , some kind of turmoil, sadness , or illness comes to your heart, you take a piece of holy water in the morning, and...
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they close it, just as the tomb of christ was once covered with a huge stone. time stops, everyone remembers at least several times in their life how eternity enters time. a completely elusive feeling that something has changed, that the service has just been going on it seemed like they were a little tense and you could feel some kind of strange energy around you. suddenly christ is risen and everything changes, yes, and people feel completely different,
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something has switched, christ will rise, christ will rise, christ will rise, christ will rise, christ will rise, when exactly we don’t know, there is no exact time, of course, just one second at a time, but around this time, at the turning point from night to morning, early morning, the myrrh-bearer approached the cave. jesus is alive, you understand, he is risen, you i heard, yes, it’s true, we later saw it with our own eyes, and solomiya, and joanna, and maria cleopas. they saw him alive, he was resurrected, he was resurrected, there is a well-known joke that the lord
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is a woman, so that everyone would quickly learn about the resurrection, there is some truth in this, these women, they did not think about anything, did not compare anything, they simply loved their teacher , that’s why they went into such madness, in such... love and loyalty, so that they could pay their last tribute, not without some kind of hope, hope the fact that now they would meet the risen savior, they didn’t think anything about it, they just walked because they walked, because they couldn’t help but walk, that’s what love is like, it doesn’t understand, it somehow... to another , different laws of love apply. what are you doing? we
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came to the coffin, brought myrrh and ladon, we wanted to finish the funeral rite, but the coffin is empty, he is not there, he has risen, on the stone the angel says: why are you looking for the living among the dead, he has risen, you understand, he is alive! the church remembers john, the myrrh-bearer for the second resurrection, approximately. to nothing, even in the village, where there is a huge farm, well, i must say, they celebrated quite actively, the peasants were hiding even in some villages, because everything was very serious, in soviet times, the international day of march 8 was declared as a women's holiday, but its political the subtext never took root, but the general atmosphere remained,
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which traces its origins to the myrrh-bearing women's day, a spring women's holiday, by the way, which women did not give away, although, of course, in meaning, all this is much deeper, which actually emphasizes this is women's service, women's fidelity, love, love cannot sit here and, so to speak, do nothing, and the more you love people, the more convinced you will be of the existence of god, of the justice of the world, only when you begin to love people , you begin to feel god's love for yourself and you...
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in its entirety, all week long the bells are ringing with a joyful easter chime. according to the old russian custom, everyone can climb the bell tower this week. we in church can breathe oxygen into ourselves on sunday, the air that we will breathe is already beyond the line of time, beyond the line of sunday. because the feast of feasts took place, christ was resurrected, christ brought forth. despite the amount of confirmation in life that i have already received, based on my own personal experience of contact, i still can’t wrap my head around it, but i don’t really
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imagine how it was that i was resurrected, so was it really in fact. the disciples of christ, luke and cleopas, went home to emaus, away from jerusalem, a terrible city, unpeaceful city, go back to your village , forget, forget everything. there was a lonely man sitting on the side of the road, where are you going? to emmaus, i’m with you, let’s go,
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something happened to you, why are there such sad faces? were you not in jerusalem for easter? our teacher died, they crucified him, he taught the truth, saved people, raised the dead, what a terrible death, it was necessary to take him away from jerusalem, to hide him, but who? could have thought, he came to the city as a king, as one with power, he probably himself believed that he was the messiah, and we believed, believed, that’s all it’s over, there are no more tears, they cried for him, for themselves, the weaker women, they went crazy with
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grief, today they came running, screaming, the stone was rolled away, the coffin was empty, he was resurrected. everyone understands, the body was taken away and hidden, who knows why, and it doesn’t matter, it’s an angel, well, if it’s easier for them, the fellow traveler listened, sympathized, it seemed like they had seen him somewhere, but they couldn’t remember where, spiritual vision did not allow them to see the risen christ, before they saw him as the son of man, first of all, here they saw him as the son of b. this knowledge was still completely unfamiliar to them. settled down to dinner, it started to hurt again, the teacher shared the usual bread, and now, with the usual gesture, the fellow traveler
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took the flatbread and broke it. lord, “it’s you, me, don’t be afraid, now i’m with you, all the days until the end of the age, what people heard from the lord more than 200 years ago, hearing the same thing now, this is such a direct conversation without intermediaries. some, so you feel that you are not alone, you feel that there is a certain all
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that loves you, yes, and this is a completely different feeling, this is not the feeling of a weak person in front of this, afraid of phenomena nature or fearful of the surrounding world, but this is a very joyful feeling of actually the fullness of life. i realized what it was when i once went out into the open sea, and when the sun sets, and you are in the middle of the sea, there is no land in sight anywhere, then you feel something happening to your soul, this is such a special internal state, in in which everything is possible. the whole world fits in you alone. the whole endless, beautiful, eternal world. what would happen if the gospel story ended on golgotha, the crucifixion, like
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if only the story of the savior would be perceived, well , such a pure, bright man came, taught wonderful things to people, healed, helped, conveyed such saving ideas to people, then they reported on him, he was... stopped, tortured, brutally killed. and that the tragedy of another bright personality, that is, there would be no afterword. the resurrection of the savior is a statement that is incredibly important for every person. evil. cannot reign forever, evil is conquered, conquered by the power of god, in this world, in eternal life, and the resurrection of christ is for us
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shows this, this comprehensive victory of god over the devil, and good over evil.
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when spring comes, i don’t know, it will rain, the snow will melt, but you are my dear street, dear in bad weather. on this street, the teenagers floated covered pigeons and... here at this
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crossroads with the love of his greeter and here on this cock. shall we give you a ride to the village, mom? don’t be afraid, we won’t charge you too much, just like from a pensioner, ten dollars for 200 g of fuel at holiday prices, grab it, close the doors, here ’s tom!
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the course is over in remote villages, let's disperse to distant lands, you will go to the northern alleys in hot kazakhstan. i’m leaving, forgive me, i guessed right, that means they graduated, that means, to our remote village, please, thank you, but allow me to find out what kind of specialty, teacher, ah, teacher, and sometimes... not russian literature,
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yes, how do you know, i even know where you will be assigned, where, zarechnaya street, house number 21, evening school for working youth, the exact address, why do you think so, you teach there, who am i, what are you, i graduated from seventh grade, eighth i've had enough of the corridor, a friend of mine is studying with them there is no literature there for the second week, i ran away, as i usually ran away, in a dump truck, i drove it myself, that’s how you, there and back, also graduated, also young, we showed uncultured people, there are no tvs, there are no home models either, no,
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an atelier, of course . our main avenue, change is underway.
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but by the way, your students, great, schoolchildren, study your lessons, welcome, well , yes, we repeat, turn off the engine, yura, join in, you can’t take it. nothing, aunt masha, your health, be healthy, nephew, happy journey, no passenger lose it, oh, hello, glad, get in, i’ll give you a ride, thank you, the rain has already stopped, but you’re already bringing one, that’s enough, i was jealous, how did you like the students, don’t be afraid, they are
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peaceful here. and oh, what do you mean, sashok, you don’t feel sorry for life, i feel sorry for my legs, i have to stomp on foot, hello, hello! three of us will fit, and of course, wait, i ’ll give way to you, in any case, legal, contact is complete, wait, what are you doing, stop, i’ll get off, a little, wait, stopping here is prohibited, why the hell they’ll be fined, but every , again right, for a long time in our region, well, it depends on various circumstances, but let me find out why, well, how are grooms visible in our village? well , again, brides are in high demand, stop the car, calmly, calmly, be careful, it won’t take long for people to be killed, answer to whom, but no joke, what do you think you should do tonight, be sad about the past, it’s not good, you know what,
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we have today a noisy company gathers, where, for what reason, why, i don’t know, we celebrate the new year with a christmas tree in november, yeah, according to what calendar, according to martenovsky, what did sashok do? yeah, let me kiss you, neighbor, she’s me, otherwise don’t, stop the car immediately, don’t, come, girl, i don’t know your middle name, i invite you with all my heart, let’s dance, have fun, and the two people from beyond the river, the wicket is creaking, there are no angry dogs, that means little girls, i’ll be waiting, we’ll come without delay, i personally recommend it, very nice company, dancing until the morning, don’t regret it, it’s already arrived,
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please hold it, your heavy, well, what little things, on the way back will you give it back when you run away? entrance ceremony the position of president. russian federation of vladimir putin. live broadcast may 7 , 12:00 moscow time. veda vodka,
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a product of stellor group. speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, who unexpectedly approved the allocation of billions of dollars for the ukrainian adventure. i was looking for approaches to donald trump and found them through johnson. for the first time, she had his adherents, her own secret society. pious maniac pervert. the usa is the only country in the world founded on a creed. ideologically inclined to continue to fight.
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they position themselves as an enemy of russia, step by step they are moving towards unleashing the third world war. it will be nuclear. weak mike made another goose. dolls of the heir tute. in vain it was wasted, but it’s a holiday for friends,
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honor, just character, look how much money and you don’t count other people’s money, or maybe it will be yours, good mom, go and have a rest, well, don’t raise your voice at your own mother, you can, be in charge , daughter, hostess, how delicious does it smell here? treat your guests, dim, why were you digging around in the kitchen, have you already danced? no, now we’ll go with you, let’s go, but we’ll run, that’s what you’re up to, let’s go with your lyubochka and dance, well, i danced, but what if you can’t, with tosechka too? i danced, but bro, i need them all, go to your toasts, but i have one of my own, evil, but dear sasha, i’m not yours, go away, i don’t want to see you, you won’t put it, never, he’ll pay for everything in soot, where, here, i caught it, uh, that’s what they ’re doing here, why are you walking around without knocking, now we can, sashok, why don’t we start, my throat is dry, who are we waiting for, korushenko, it’s kolay, an engineer or something ? tew, i’m also a person, you might think that
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this whole holiday is because of him, here yur, if it weren’t for the engineer, then there wouldn’t be a holiday, well, well, welcome, be healthy. okay, that's enough, who is it? alya, well, we found out who occupied the heart of engineer krushenkov. tanya, how are you here? usually, dump trucks. so, they didn’t forget the address and decided to visit. how do you already know each other? but as? in the closest possible way. so where do you
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go? yes, tan. let's meet sasha savchenko, hero of the occasion. have we already met? yes, we really already know each other. how do you know each other? i beg treat it properly. a young teacher will teach you russian literature at evening school. prepare notebooks for two. how do you know that? but of course, we know everything, we just didn’t know one thing, that in krushenkov, that she.
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i like to look at the apartments, but why are you managing other people’s rooms, dinushka, it’s in order of compaction, your mother is renting it out anyway, so i’m helping, somehow without your help, don’t worry, if it’s not possible, we’re in a different place we’ll find a place, why are you a little girl, is it really possible for a girl to do that? nelda spend the night, you have to get into the situation, we are all human. why not give it to an intelligent person? come in, dear, come in, i say, come in, come in, settle down, it ’s quiet here, you’ll be like in your own family, 250 rubles. how many, there are no such prices, mary said, there are no such rooms, separate, we rent with furniture, light, but cleaning, no, dear, you won’t find it cheaper anywhere, expensive, all the same, i agree, well, that’s good , well, what about you guys, why did you stay, why did you expose yourself, as if in front of a counter, to a person out of the way? you need to change clothes, go for a walk, well, go. no, so we don’t sit down, we’re waiting, alekh, here’s
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pink portwell, the most ladylike thing, oh, i want a drink, thank you, thank you, well, here’s a snack with a toy, the doctors recommend it, yes, i love apples, okay, who are we waiting for minutes ? tatyana sergeevna, are you ready, tatyana sergeevna, your health is tired, come on, you’re our master, come on, we were cooking fiery steel on our eighth open-hearth, i overtook. in the clock time they made an amendment to the calendar, let today, let it
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rain and puddles today, among the november bad weather, like as if in the midst of the january cold, we will celebrate the new year guys, be healthy, but tanya, i don’t know, wait a minute! tatyana sergeevna, have a drink with us for company, but be healthy, be well, what are you doing? why are you breaking glasses, it came out, but now you can’t escape from me, i caught you, i caught you, i caught you, i won’t let you go.
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hello comrades! hello, hello, sit down, comrades, let me introduce you to the new teacher of russian language and literature, tatyana sergeevna levchenko. tatyana sergeevna also will be your class teacher. please love and respect. i ask you to. thank you.
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i will not bother you. here you go. you already know each other, and now i have to get to know you, and resolve the question, yes, how long will you stay with us, that for a long time, well, i say, for a long time or maybe so, another week, and this depends on many things, in particular on how long you will ask me such questions, strictly, but we love asking questions? i see, aleshina, i am bonder, there is, voronets, i, vovk, here, volovoy, i, gorakhovskaya, donchenko, here, dygai, i,
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eremina, i, zabolotny, present, ishachenko. ishchenko, my last name, please don’t confuse me, migulka and, migulka uh, we, who are we, me and marusya, why don’t you get up when they call you, she can’t, i’ll ask you to stand up, sit down, marusya, sit down. mironov - nazarenko, i, asadchy, you’re late, it happens.
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horny, me, rhubarb, me, savchenko. savchenko is absent, and his new year holidays have begun, canceled, good evening, tatyana sergeevna, hello, comrade, you have already started your duties, why are you late, i was like, the day before yesterday, for example, the clock failed, yesterday a friend was detained, but today, let me congratulate you on the start of work, i got the last of the autumn work. and now we don’t have a botany lesson and there’s nothing to congratulate me on, so i ’m on behalf of the whole class, and i on my own behalf will ask you not to be late again, not to interrupt classes, sit down, i won’t do it anymore, honestly pioneer, comrades, on the previous in the lesson, you finished studying the immortal
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comedy griboyedov's grief from the mind, exactly, he told me the carriage, the carriage, and she got on the train and drove off. and it turns out you know well comedy, well, we’ll ask you to tell us about it at the blackboard, but i didn’t volunteer to answer at the blackboard, i’m calling you, go to the blackboard, please tell us about the main images of comedy, now he’ll tell us about the main images of comedy, yes, so, so, the main images of the comedy, the immortal comedy of griboyedov's grief from mind... are the first - the girl sophia, the second - silent, like silent, yes, you read the comedy, read it in childhood, it feels like you are at least in...
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well with you today, if you don’t want to do something else, don’t interfere, but what about you, guys? what are we, we’re okay, yes, we’re silent, it’s not good to start with this, it’s a bad omen, there won’t be any luck, and i don’t believe in omens, next time it’s woe to everyone to know, i’ll know monologues by heart. i’ll ask, and now we ’ll move on to a new topic, oh, sashok, my joy,
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why here and not there, but of course, i wanted to smoke, no, they kicked me out, well, yeah, who is this, this teacher, yeah, strict, you just... she alone is to blame. poor thing, grab your books, okay, hello. the year when suvoroy’s army stormed the alps, when in their cold the cruel , cowardly emperor paul lived out his last days in the palace; the pushkins were born in moscow, in the house of well-born but impoverished nobles.
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i advise you from the bottom of my heart, why do you need this, you won’t be a professor anyway, you’ll only spoil your mood, oh well, everyone studies, it’s necessary, but why, do you earn little, or something, yes, teaching, of course , light, only on our street the lanterns are burning so well, time... to spend culturally , accompanied by music, listen, yurk, i like this person, you know, i like it, but what
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what to do, but you yourself, little one, don’t know, and so, having blown away the last leaves from the bare trees, a fluffy, snowy winter came, houses in fact, white hats, trees, white fur coats, white carpets hung on the fences. everything was beating all around, everything was beating all around, the artist painted the frost with icy patterns, the windows of the houses, the windows
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of the houses, the houses were warm and cozy, as if there was no winter, as if there was no winter, the resinous logs in the stove would crack. savchenko, if you look at someone else’s notebook again, you’ll get two, but you think i’ll get more if you come into the house from the cold, you’ll warm up and you’ll forget that it’s snow and cold outside, snow and cold, blink, blink, what ’s the matter with you, go home to sleep, shame on you, what’s shameful here, the man took his wife to the maternity hospital at night, but worked during the day and didn’t sleep , stands, go home, go, and even the slanting rays
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of the winter sun will seem gentle. short winter days, long winter evenings, twice as long, will seem gentle, the sun will appear just before noon, illuminate the frozen earth with cold rays, comma rays, walk along the edge of the sky and it will be gone. tatiana,
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you can’t undress, there’s no ticket, there’s no steelworker, they’re searching and searching, they’re knocked off their feet, he left the house, but didn’t come here, and where is he, i thought you know, they made so much money that their legs can’t hold up , scared? no, thank you, i just didn’t expect it, but i was expecting you, tatyana sergeevna, today at the palace of culture, an evening of dancing to the radio,
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so what, here’s a ticket for two people, but... there’s only one thing, a task, you know, not really, a second person is required, don’t refuse, but the region, i’ve been stinging all evening, in vain, tatyana sergeevna, why are you so bad treat someone, yourself. you don’t go anywhere, you sit within four walls like an old granny, but no one asks you to take care of me, yes, who knows, maybe she asked, listen, you yourself don’t mind saying such nonsense, yes tatyana sergeevna, i’m telling you quite seriously, but you take offense at me. tatyana
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silgen, please let me through, it started there, agree, what is this, your method gets consent, get out of the way, tatyana serge, first kiss, so hot, who's the guy, girl, girl, i'm sorry me, tanyusha, i’m just a minute,
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i wanted to read, what to read? poems, what poems? yes, i’m here for myself, only my rhymes are not all right here and in general, well, i want to hear criticism, right here, well , why here, we have a lot of places, man,
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he just cooks steel for marten, sits at his desk in the evening, he is with fire during the day, and with a book at night, he is used to overtaking time, he came to the factory as a boy, and became the master, and became the master of fire, and at home his mother, sister and brother and a photograph of his father, who died in the war a soldier from machine gun lead,
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you know, the poems are not very good yet, but okay, who is this your friend, or is this a fictitious person? why is it fictitious, i wrote about sas, a prosavchin, a handsome man, something is different, but you don’t know him much, you don’t think that he is always like this, because something just happened to him recently, the company started. but you don’t think about it, and i don’t think about it at all, on victory day, on the first day,
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moscow, red square, the main parade of the country, more than 9 military personnel from... and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on the first. it’s beautiful here, look what a girl, i see, i see, when the war is over, i’ll come here to you and take you to my place in khabarovsk,
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damn, yesterday’s naltsev questioned the secrecy of our operation, we can’t put it off any longer. forty-first wings over berlin, look after the time program, the fighter is right above us, commander, he is turning around, getting ready for battle, sashenka, here’s a guest, dear, can you come in, come in, hello, hello, and i’m still fussing, fussing, ironing the zipper on the dress, everything for her, for her and for the future. son-in-law, he ’ll get it from me ready-made, he won’t be offended, zinochka, sashenka came to us, what are you doing here?
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hello, i decided to see how people live from an apartment for 250 rubles. how is life, better ask how we are living with her, the whole room was cluttered. have you forgotten the way to us, on sunday we gathered, waited for him, they were waiting for him, there were such records, and they played a bottle, i with a plow. but she kissed five times, that ’s good, and who is this, a capital boyfriend, you see, with a tarzan haircut, she’s used to jumping with people like that, puffer, good evening, good evening, and what do you allow yourself to do if the owners don’t come in, that means you can turn the whole room over, for... everything,
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they turned the room into a trash can, and also cultural, come on zin, nothing happened to your room, it only became brighter, tatyana sergeevna, you will forgive me for going to you, and i'm for help, for help, you see, tatyana sergeevna, it’s difficult for me, your subject is difficult, and in general a lot is unclear, you have to do it somehow, if you, of course. well, i will be happy to help you, because this is my duty, you sit down, so, i’m warning you, either put it all away, or undress yourself, yes, i, okay, well, what are you unclear about, oh,
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excuse me , you’re not in a hurry, i’m not, you know, it’s only 20 minutes, you sit down, it’s not long at all, you sit, attention, we’re starting the concert at the request of radio listeners, at the request of combine operator naumenko, projectionist ryabov, levchenko’s teacher and other radio listeners, we are broadcasting rachmaninov’s second concerto for piano and orchestra. performed by the lefarin symphony orchestra conducted by gauck.
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we met you at sunset, you were cutting through the bay with an oar. “i loved your white dress, having fallen out of love with the sophistication of a dream, the sophistication of a dream, sash, and sash, sash, go to sleep, and why aren’t you sleeping yourself, you have to get up before everyone else, well,
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what do you need, well, here you are refined with a dream, that’s how to understand , refined from a dream, well, how can i tell you, this..." in general, where are you i took it from the library, who is he? poet, alexander blok, poet, laureate, i don’t know, there is a biography, probably born in 1880, so from the old one, well, yes, teska, alexander, what did he write about?
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where are you going with this? well, where, there, there, you’ll catch a cold, what are you doing, sasha, you started doing your homework, but this is not homework. and what? tell me, what do you breathe? what about air? no, oxygen, but the stove also breathes oxygen, so i want to make it easier to breathe, you know? no, i don't understand. tell me, do you like our last name? savchenko, does that sound? it sounds like, well
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it sounds for you, but for some it doesn’t, for whom? well, it doesn’t matter, does it sound like rachmaninov or this block? i walked in the dark. on a rainy night in an old house at the window i recognized thoughtful eyes, it sounds, it sounds, so i want our surname to sound, so that everyone knows and so that she feels, then she bakes, come on, go to sleep, look what they wrote.
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savchenko, why don’t you sit down, i’m - comrades, the last essay showed that not everything is going well with your direct speech, so today we’ll start revising rules of spelling of direct speech, who is on duty, why is the board dirty, where am i, my rag is missing, well, i’ll go and get it, sit, you should have taken care of this before the lesson, it’s clear, i’m pleased that at least in this form you repeat the material covered, however, pushkin has been completely misrepresented, will the officer on duty erase
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this? no, i won’t erase it, let the one who wrote it erase it, or i’ll use his nose instead of shaking savchenko, sit down, i won’t sit down, let the one who messed up this nonsense stand up first, savchenko. zhenya, get up, let’s pick it up, it’s your handwriting. oh, it's you, come on, come on, wash it. savchenko, please sit down. oh, wait, don’t wash it, read it. i, you, you, be brave, you won’t be able to understand your own handwriting. alas, tatyana is not a child. so. who is this person speaking from? from the first. so this is it? straight. further? the old woman said, groaning. and this is indirect, no, the words of the author, yes the author, so how can we separate direct speech from the words of the author, can i sit down. uh, quotes, dash, dash, dash, well, why
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didn’t you separate it, take the chalk, and now you can erase it and sit down. so, looking at this example, we are convinced that at school if you undertake to write on the board, write in such a way that neither you nor the board blush. oh, ishachenko, tsarchenko, if you say one more word, i will remove you from the lesson. we’re waiting, go, go, go, and they also scolded me, but i’m just saying the holy truth, let’s go.
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why don’t you go home, i’m waiting for this historian, i need it, so he’ll probably come out now, tatyana sergeevna, i probably won’t wait for him, i’ll go home, so you’re in a completely different direction. savchenko, no need, no need,
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aleshina, oh, tadyana sergeevna, hello, why are you missing classes, well, sorry, delayed at production, urgent analysis, spare shoes, you go home, well, i ’ll explain everything to you now. sasha, why are you getting up? tanyush, why are you so strict, catch up, sasha, this is sasha, but i’m in the other direction, handsome, hello to the scientists, great, i really got caught up in my studies, i even lost weight, oh, i feel sorry for you, sashok, why is that? , well , it seems that you are studying, and others are accompanying you, he saw two of them picked up at once, and you, please meet my fiancée, lida. and heaven , well, yes, that’s what i’m saying, i recommend it, some other time, okay, girls,
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fishermen, darlings, forgive me, well, sashok, it means you’re completely fighting off us, and you’re losing a lot, we’ve now got a powerful company, me, zhenya, nikola from leteyny, girls, what happened, listen, leave me alone. with your girls, well, it’s clear, now you’re only interested in one thing, tatyana, remember the golden days, but shut up, what don’t you like, and you heard chikovsky’s symphony, what, and you know who vosnetsov, from the motor depot, or something, oh, from the car depot, come on, now that i’m here, so, so strong, why,
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well, what can i tell you, sasha, i even i didn’t really understand your idea, they didn’t understand, well, not
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really, you know. sash, tell me, how are you doing at school, in chemistry, in physics? why is this? i don't think this applies? yes, it does. you see, you’ve made a mistake here, so much so that even? well, look for yourself, well, this is for me. ah, tanisha, hello, i do n’t think you have a secret without me. ok, hello, sovche , hello, well, wait a minute, oh, how smoky it is, from the house, yeah, cigarette butts on the table, the tiles on the table are burning, the owner, from the house, sasha, a young specialist, just an old bachelor, well, it’s okay, tanyusha, everything will be as it should, my beloved, well, why don’t you help yourself,
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help yourself, yes, sasha, help yourself, take it, it’s all her mother is trying to do, it’s really beneficial to her mother-in-law, come on kolya, where are you going, i i’ll hurry up, wait, and we’ll drink tea now, no, well, then we need to talk about this, sasha, but what’s there to talk about here, well, it’s good that you yourself understand, i’m not even talking about technical errors, right here but your part is, tanyush, what are you, savchenko, how is the application written in the proposed case, you and i are repeated? well, i’ll have to repeat it again , you’ll think, okay, what are you, sasha, swampy, present, ishchenko, me, revenko, me, savchenko, savchenko, he won’t be here today, but
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what’s wrong with him, he? i got sick, and here at this crossroads, i met my people with love, but stop worrying, sashok, well, better accept, help,
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light love, why why, it means you thought, tried, invented, and he once, why, what he doesn’t like is that you, sorry, are looking after tatyana, sergeevna, so he tries where possible. to give you a leg, to show you off as uncultured, so that you yourself are freer, what is freer, it’s not enough for him, what confuses him in the alcove, he’s still working here on two fronts, so you keep thinking that ah-ah, they’re friends there, that’s right, during the day they can be friends, listen, yura, just you tell me, okay, i’m silent, silent, silent,
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silent, you can continue in the same spirit, run to school on tiptoe, sigh, and then they... will laugh at you , what? otherwise the whole class is laughing at you, because you ’re running around her like a chicken on your hind legs, and she it’s like an empty place, something is spinning around, well, let it spin, it’s even profitable, academic performance, attendance increases, and for this they are praised, that’s what’s serious about, she has a point of intelligence... she needs this factory smear , okay, okay, that’s enough, okay, okay, that’s enough, well , then what’s going on all around, you’re running around, you can’t ask so directly, yes, where is your work pride, i’ll have to, i’ll ask, i’ll have to, then it will be too late, and it’s not your business, to prepare the meaning for next time.
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excuse me, why did you come? you’re not healthy, why aren’t you? i’m healthy, allow me, well , if you sit down, thank you for being with you, i stumbled, comrades, everyone wrote down the task, you, why did you come?
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since you have come, write down your homework, but would you rather do it? lie down, why did you come, why, don’t you
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know, and why do i even come here to see you, you know yourself, i can’t do this anymore, we’ll stop playing at schoolchildren, a worker, a hard worker, well, there is one, such and i will, if you want to marry someone like this, you have fever, i’ve had this temperature for a long time, but
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please, answer sodyan, why are you silent, why are you in the corridor, that’s the thing, you yourself, please look, what are you there, open the lesson, how to close ? tatyana sergeevna, open the door, be disdainful, it means you’re afraid to get bored, as i understand it, you understand, whatever you want, you’re drunk, and i ask you not to show up in class like this again, it’s so clear what’s the matter, what happened, tatyana sergeevna, what happened here? okay, we found out,
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sashka, wait, what have you done, what have you done, bad, okay, fedya! clarification, but did you show up? get out, what happened, get out, so that your spirit is not here, there are still enough people to ask what i’m doing, teacher, one
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can learn from such a teacher how to beat off the lads, on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about'.
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was able to single-handedly destroy 150 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you friends now, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents, who went through the entire war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the young ones who have now taken their place, low bow to you, this is my grandfather, he fought bravely for his homeland. i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a great honor to remember, this is victory day, victory day, a festive evening, may 9 on the first, where
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the devil is throwing you under the wheels, the eyes of the house have forgotten ? okay, okay, let's drive by, i saw he's not sleeping either, a thinker, an engineer, come on, sashok, look here, i'm not looking into other people's windows i’m looking in, but you deviate from the rules, it’s very curious, you didn’t believe me in yourself, so now you’ll believe it, well, look, well, i understand, i fell in love with my tatiana, the bed-stool, i saw how simple everything was, and you suffered, yes, where are you, where are you, my touchy one, they saw the lights were turned off, my dear smile at me, sasha, it’s good that i met you, i met you. well, it’s okay,
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we’ll meet you now, just wait a minute, can i spend the night with you, what? yes , you see, tatiana’s owners refused her room, but i temporarily placed her in my place, and yourself? why did they refuse? he doesn’t say , they refused, that’s it, i don’t know why, come on , what are you doing, hold your vandura, are you off the hook, come on, what’s the matter, go, where?
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did you kick zintuchitsa out, how did you kick him out? completely crazy. what about her now? don’t worry, there was one, a young specialist, who took me in. or maybe i’ll still lie down on the floor, sasha. gosyu place. please throw some matches, thank you, it’s not hard for you, no, good night, good night, something interrupted my sleep.
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read something, or what? oh bi quadratic equation, once upon a time i was behind this equation i got a unit, yes, i grabbed a huge unit, i didn’t study a damn thing, but there was no time, i also studied at evening school, worked and... then i had to go for a walk, in a word it was no easier than for you, i missed it, was late, i even wanted to quit. i would have given up if it weren’t for one girl, my roommate, so small, funny, she almost forced me to study, sat over my soul, carried books, taught all my neighbors
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to walk on chains when i did my homework, yes, even on the key she locked me out, well i had to, i got involved. graduated from school, went to institute, and from then on the girl became proud, decided to become a teacher, and she became, her name was tanya, tsar, are you sleeping, or what? well, sleep, sleep. viewto played out for spring.
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comrade teacher, you blindly leave us on foot without saying goodbye, ah-ah-ah, as you can see, why didn’t they warn me, i promised you there and back, especially since i owe you a favor, come on, let’s
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get your library, come on, come on, please. sit down, kolya, hello, the three of us are not allowed, once it was possible, don’t forget how i took you here, it’s okay, i’ll take you back even better, with the breeze. usakol, through the remote villages, we’ll scatter to distant lands, you’ll go, what’s the matter, to the station to the left, then to the station, where are you going,
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but we’ve already arrived, just like we arrived, like this, here, two flights back, thank you, nothing worth it, keep yours... happy housewarming, tanyusha, well, you have your own room, there is a place to write letters. there is a place to receive guests, tanyusha and the view, okay, tanya, hey, what is it, tatyana sergeevna, comrade teacher, teacher, what kind of
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teacher is there, when for them i’m just a girl, who is this for, did i really think that my chinks they will cook steel, give birth, drink vodka, grow. “eh, brother, it’s not a matter of mustaches, well , tell me what happened, why do i need this room, why do i need this on vasily, when i’m a stranger here , everyone is strangers to me, everyone, but maybe not all, well, talk , what happened to you with him, with whom, well, with your student, with savchenko, i don’t have such a student, that is , how, he dropped out of school, i don’t know at all , it’s probably been 2 weeks since he hasn’t promised lessons, why don’t you tell me about this...” she said, because it’s not completely indifferent, indifferent, you say, abandoned school, what about you, after all, after all, look, you’ll find out, a proposal... about application, you
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know, i’ve been sitting on him lately , finally figured it out, because the thoughts are necessary and he’s a capable guy, sashka, but do you really care that he will remain a dropout for the rest of his life, he explained everything so carelessly and illiterately that at first i couldn’t even understand, i also don’t understand, is this a complaint against the head of the class, or just think, what a cool lady, a class complaint, this is... not a class, but they are also the working class, and this the main thing in their life, for this they study, but you don’t know this main thing, maybe that’s why they are strangers to you, yes, come on here, guys, come here, so, hello tatyana sergeevna, happy housewarming to you, where can it be put, and at the housewarming party , hello, they took you high, on my leg, what, well, excuse me. come on, let’s have a common kitchen nearby
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, let’s get acquainted with our neighbors marusya, welcome to your housewarming tatyana sergeevna, thank you, and i think we didn’t look at what you were talking about there , tell me don’t posuna demands oh, what are you guys, why all this, why, why , why can’t it be so good in an empty room?
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rasyava, you must be careful, you are looking for him! tatyana sergeevna, how are you here? but i don’t know
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how i can get to the mordan workshop. oh, it's very far, but i can give you a ride. let's go here. let's go, look, get dirty. what, passing acquaintances? yes, no, more like strangers.
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here he is, martin.
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so it's you who manages all this? yes you!
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. but what does krushenko have to do with it, she came to you, why? don't you understand? listen, fel, i ’ll ask you, don’t you lick things that you don’t understand, where are we? well, let's end the conversation. alya, why have you
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been avoiding me lately, what happened? i should ask you what happened, but there’s no point. everything is clear, i don’t understand what is clear? don't follow me, hello, this guy is following you, what does he need, hello, my joy, hello my name is, and joy, i'm not yours, but whose, the engineers there are other joys, well, that’s okay, you’ll come running yourself, like a little darling. everything in my life is going smoothly, there have been no accidents so far, i know every tent where they will pour me a glass of beer, i know every tent
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where they will pour me a glass of beer, i’m friends, i don’t believe it. promises, promises - this is an empty sound, set up girls on dates, i’ll still remain single, set up girls with what she did interestingly at the factory, the teacher, she herself wrote out an open-hearth pass for her, there’s no need to go, where i can come to you, i don’t know, the way the road is not easy. give it up, zin, it’s over, you know, it’s over, that’s enough, i’m exhausted this winter, oh, how exhausted i am, maybe spring will be good, sash, hello, zin, and at our school preparation for exams has begun, and this doesn’t interest him, wait a minute you
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’re not with you, that means you’re finally leaving school, completely, well, assigned to a person, go. on your own way, you don’t even have a voice of your own, well, what do you need, and why, well, go then, because i don’t need teachers. the teacher too, you’re a fool, look at him, what are you teaching at school? move away, play the guitar, the unradiated ones are muffled, let's go, let's go, fedya, what's in the fed, i'll lock one, as it were... make it so that all week, okay, i'll go, just who will you stay with, how to make it
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so that the whole week, in life, turned out to be a day off. sasha, why are you standing there, just stop, run, you’ll get wet, oh, what a bear, hurry up, oh, sasha, come on faster, otherwise
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you’ll have to, wow, you can get here, girls, let’s kiss, just in case , here she is, oh, how funny you are, all wet, “nobody cares now i’ll give it to you, but i don’t care, even in all the world, oh, who am i seeing, comrade teacher, what a meeting, how are your two-year-olds doing, aren’t they getting wet, that he’s late for class, oh, that means the students are sitting there, waiting, and the teacher i’m stuck here, what should i do, or maybe you can take a lesson for us while we’re here, we’re terribly bored with our work.” and sasha, well, let’s talk about what nothing is and how to make something out of it, well, what are you be quiet, maybe i could
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get you some notes for a minute, it’s not worth it, well, it’s not worth it, recently i saw a man who he knows how to work in such a way that it’s nice to look at his work, it seemed to me that he has a mind, a soul, character and... i’m ashamed of him, ashamed that he stands there listening to the vulgarity of such a nonentity like you, don’t lose your briefcase, teacher , you are a tetra, too, sasha, sashenka, sashenka, sasha, where, why are you going, if you catch a cold, go. go,
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zinochka, don’t, it’s all because of her, we should have kicked her out right away, up to 250 rubles. do not lie on the road, 250 rubles. yes, with him, i never liked him, here is pasha chobot from the flight station. how someone kills you earns no worse than a technician and this one is like his tarasyak, too, well, girl, well, daughter, don’t cry, you’re beautiful to me without a husband, you won’t be left without a husband without a husband, and there is no love for you, for you, only money 250 rubles 350 rubles the owner is not the owner earns a chest for there is nothing else for you, oh, are you a mother? oh, sasha, how are you, what’s so funny, oh, wait,
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sasha, where are you sitting, well, you’ve worn everything out, prepared it especially for him, and he, look, what do you want, how our surname sounded, and why are you talking nonsense, and i don’t grind, exactly, everything is here, as you said, everything is written here, about oxygen, and about talents. about the fact that you don’t go to school, more about her, about whom it’s about her, about the stove, however, our last name sounded great. well, sasha, if we succeed in sailing today, then, apparently, this time in august we will have to celebrate the new year, who knows,
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you will probably stay at school for a second year. well, stop fooling around sashka, but you understand perfectly well that you need to study for work, for life, for love, why are you looking at me like that, people, for the sake of love, mountains they toss you back, and you’re afraid to walk 100 meters to school, wait a minute, oh, alek, i come to you with all my heart, and you look at me like i’m empty space, leave me alone... hello, alya, can i talk to you , you can’t, i’m not talking to you, alya, don’t you see, the girl doesn’t want to talk to you and doesn’t interfere with her studying for exams, otherwise the test notes won’t last long, maybe try, but you’d better go to your teacher while she i didn’t close the door at night, where are you going, but sashok, you understand that sashok, well, let me in, why are you
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you chatter, well, nothing. dirt in the soul, sashok, i was joking, but come on, okay, remember, what, sasha, you miscalculated a little, we’ll meet again, and he was also called a friend, swim, swim, musician, you can actually drown, man, yes here - it’s small, well, i went where, but it’s not far, 100 steps, look at the shift, don’t be late, i won’t be late.
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there are many old people in the world, but i don’t change my address in my destiny.
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blessed matrona of moscow, one of the most revered saints in russia. matronushka changes the fates of tens of millions of people, i’m in it i'm 100% sure. every day 500 people come to the saint’s relics. on church holidays 20. and since the canonization , tens of millions have visited here. matronushka was canonized quite recently.
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photos were found that had not yet been published anywhere. amazing facts emerged. it turned out that the matron was not born in 1881, as is commonly believed. the dates given were 1881, 1885, and we even met 1890. the materials we discovered do not detract from the feat of the matron. on the contrary, they raise it to new heights, she was as we know her, and even stronger.
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matrona of moscow is a saint who did not build monasteries, did not denounce the authorities and did not... forgive thousands of people into orthodoxy, her mission was simply prayer to help specific people. everyone goes to the relics of the blessed matrons, regardless of age and profession. holy blessed mother, pray to god for us. in the family of anton and victoria makarsky, after turning to the old woman with prayer , a real miracle happened. a long-awaited event for 13 years. we've been waiting for this and now the time has come, if there is faith, miracles happen.
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matrona was born in the tula region, survived two wars and a revolution, was born blind, then lost the ability to walk, was expelled from her home and was stolen in moscow. we started exploring it. life is consistent from the moment of birth. it is believed that matrona was born in 1881 into a poor family. the parents were in poor health and raised four children. matrona was the youngest, they wanted to give her to an orphanage. we began to look for documents that could shed light on the matron’s biography. it is known that she was born in tula areas. first of all we went there. tula state archive. this state-owned institution has stored all information about the tula
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region and its inhabitants since the 18th century. documents about saint matrona are also here. and we will see them now. these are the documents that concern.
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we have uh without names, but there is a relation to the owner, that is, the letter s is son, s noha, there, grandson, daughter, and here we see, he has a 28-year-old daughter, a girl, and there is such a column, relation to labor, it is written that it is a ring, the letter k, that is, we will decipher it as kolya, as far as we know, she was blind. we think it's a promatron. data is also recorded here about the financial situation of the nikonov family, the matron’s parents. dmitry was a peasant owner and had three field plots. behind him there was a barn, five sheep, a cow and two horses. at that time, the family was not just wealthy, it was prosperous. the family was so strong, middle peasant, wealthy, they had a six-sixth house. roofs are generally a
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rarity. there were more than 50 farms in the village, so out of these 50 farms the surplus was dmitry nikonov - was in seventh place out of more than 50, that is, this family was by no means poor, they had a good stove, the house was made of oak, this is a very expensive pleasure. the myth that she was born into a poor family is really just a myth. it turns out that she initially had a choice, she... she became a beggar, a wanderer, not because there was no other way, this was her conscious step, to renounce wealth and become a prayer book, this is how her love for god manifested itself: there are such people, yes, who grow up, already from childhood they are drawn to god, the soul strives, she had such a life, she was so close to god that the lord hears her prayers so quickly. but
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how the legend of her poverty appeared, most likely it was a product of soviet reality. in those days, being a kulak meant signing your own death warrant. being the daughter of a kulak is almost the same. they could have put you in jail, they could have harmed you, they could have sent you somewhere. therefore, those who protected and looked after her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, but at the same time such people had all sorts of benefits.
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modern sebina is not like a primatron, from there is nothing left of the former prosperous village, five or six houses in which 18 people live, this is the entire population. life is revived only in the summer, when summer residents arrive. there isn’t even a store in sebeno, but there is a church here, the holy dormition church. matrona’s house, the internet is abuzz with photographs of it, they are even published in books about matrona’s life, which means this house can still be seen today, but the residents of seben firmly state that their native house has not been preserved, a german punitive detachment passed through here, the entire village was burned in december of the forty- first year and there were only one left the walls are brick and... stone, there
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was nothing here at all after the punitive forces. valentina anatolyevna was born after the matron left her native village, but she heard a lot about her from her mother. nikul's mother, anna vanna. she remembered this incident when her mother, who often had headaches at home, brought her to her grandmother, saying that she would treat you, when i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said. “well , granddaughter, you will never have a headache again, and after living for 96 years, she died only in the sixteenth year, but the ninety- seventh year of her life, she now i realized that i was with the matron, she never had a headache all her life, she didn’t know, she died like that, she didn’t even know what blood pressure was, she had such memory bright mind. in 2014
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, the museum of st. matrona opened in sebino. there is no family home, but some documents and personal belongings of the matron could remain. for sure. “this is a holy place, this is the motherland of the matron, she was born here, can you imagine, she walked on this land and we now have the opportunity to walk on the land on which her foot stepped, isn’t this happiness, is
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n’t this a miracle, in the museum we examined the entire exhibition, that’s what it turned out, the exhibits here are genuine, centuries old, but not a single one of these items belonged to matrona’s family, that is, her personal belongings in the village of sebino there just isn't any left. the last hope is the temple. the walls of the holy dormition church are something that the hands of matrons could touch. architects date its foundation to 1694. on a prominent place. there is a font, why? it turned out that this was not an easy font; the matron was baptized in it. this is the same font in which the matron was baptized. we baptize all the children who want to be baptized in our church in this
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font. this is all that was found in matrona’s native village. although just a few years ago, the locals didn’t show pilgrims who came here anything. someone declared their house the place of her birth, someone showed the bed on which the matron allegedly received visitors. the author of the biographical book about matrona, natalya liskovskaya, personally heard these stories: this is the crib on which she lay matron and received people flowing to her through the window, in fact, of course, the crib was ordinary, but the icon that the little matron asked to be painted when she lived... in the village of sebina was clearly preserved. icon of the mother of god of the seeker of the lost. she asked to transfer the icon to the holy dormition church. the icon was here for more than 50 years, but today you will not see it here. in 1993, the icon was transported
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to a monastery in the city of novomoskovsk. the icon of the mother of god in the search for the lost is the main shrine of our monastery and total novomoskovskaya. the icon is “we are from belgorod, we came precisely for this, so that it would help us in our personal lives, precisely in our personal lives, in finding happiness in our personal lives, the kilometer-long line of pilgrims begins in tagansky park, people write
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notes with requests and leave there are shrines with relics near them, many are crying, those who are in pain, those who make a request, i think so, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i make the request the way i, you know, as best i can, on the day of victory on the first. , moscow, red square, main parade of the country, more than 900 military personnel from... types and branches of the operation in ukraine, and 75 units of various troops, including units involved in special military types of weapons and equipment, will march in a solemn march. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great
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patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on the first. we had the great honor of flying out to carry out the first bomb attack on military installations and government institutions in the capitals of the nazi reich. flights. i see fighters, let's get ready for battle, let's give the german bastard a light, hit, hit,
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1941, wings over berlin, watch the time after the program, commander, i see berlin, mother feofania is in charge of the intercession monastery, it was thanks to her... the matron was counted among the clique of saints. mother very rarely meets with journalists and does not give interviews, but she made an exception for us. and today you will hear first-hand about how matrona’s canonization took place. it was difficult, there were big obstacles. it was necessary to find documents concerning the matron, collect evidence of miracles, convince the holy synod. but mother feofania had no doubt that all this would be done, because
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matrona herself had helped her more than once in her life. of course, i have known the matron for a long time, and even when the danilovsky monastery opened, i began to go there, because sergei lavra was being built, my confessor was transferred to the danilovsky monastery, and i went there all the time, somehow i came and received help. and i was at the relics of the blessed matron, i arrived at the feet of the saints, he forgive christ for the sake of it, he says, where do you want on weekends,
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you should be in the monastery, but i told him, i say that i was with the blessed matron at the cemetery, your lordship, again you went there, i say, yes, your country, i want i should tell you, maybe it’s her, at least rebury her here, look how many people go there, i told him, and he raised... he agreed to go right away, there was such a crowd of people, there was such a queue, he was so surprised, the patriarch gave the go-ahead for preparations for canonization, mother feofania spent a whole year i collected materials, carefully wrote down all the stories of those healed, asked to send documents, attached their passport details and telephone numbers, so a thick folder was collected, we wrote down who was healed, it was a lot, we collected it very quickly, we showered the moscow patriarchate with miracles, the discovery of relics and canonization took place, they
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were already preparing to transfer them to the monastery, but then matrona herself intervened in the matter, she appeared in a dream to mother feofaniya and gave a special order. i say: matronyshko, please come to us. she says, well, i have to watch everything. possession. i say, well, let's go, i 'll show you everything. and it’s in every building. didn’t come in, everyone looked at everything, so she says, everything is fine with you, everything is fine for me, but one thing is missing, you know, i really love the children of the orphanages, who are orphans, not the orphans, she said, orphans, here i, and i immediately stood on her knees and immediately began to say, i say, matronushka, yes, i will open an orphanage, just come,
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and today there is an orphanage for girls on the territory of the monastery, there are more than forty pupils aged from 5 to 18 years. there are only 50 nuns in the monastery, they have enough worries, to console those who...
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holy blessed matron, i want to see my mother always sober, i want to wish my father stanislav a speedy recovery, i want to try to become an exemplary boy, i want to study well, god help me, the picture is like this, on the back it says mother, i know that you love flowers, but i don’t have the money to bring fresh flowers to you. so i drew them from the bottom of my heart, thank you, mother matrona, i drew these flowers, i couldn’t buy them,
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since they were in the biography. he was the first to draw attention to the inaccuracies, but bibikov had never been to the tula archive. if the matron was born in 1881, a record of this should be in the metric book of the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary sil sebin for
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1881. birth records of children born for 10 years from 1880 to 1890. but in these documents , it was not possible to find records of the birth of girls with the name matrona in the peasant family of dmitry and natalia. in other words, in the tula archives there is a record of the birth of the holy matron. not preserved. when working working on her book, natalya liskovskaya studied documents, met with experts and also looked for an answer to the question about her date of birth. and when it became clear that there was no accurate data, she was offered to do so. friendly and well-disposed people, write that
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the eighty-first, this is the centenary of the kulyakov battle, here is a great gift from god to you. but the truth is more valuable, we have one clue, from which i replied that the truth seems to be dearer to me, all the pages of the registry book for 1883 were missing, except for one, unfortunately, we have a title page that this is the church of the village of sebino, and then immediately there is a part about... the marriage of those who were married, that is, about the birth we only have that page that is directly adjacent to the title page, well, it’s clear that right there there’s not even enough several sheets by date, for some reason it was the date of birth, maybe it was the isomatrons that were stolen, if
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you think about it logically, you know, after all, her younger brothers, they were communists, in the family the sister was ver. 1885, nor in 1890 she was born. she might have been born in '83 but neither confirm nor refute.
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being very small, at the age of 6, and until the end of her life she did not turn away from him, an ordinary, peasant girl, but what is surprising is that after all, physically weak, blind, who lost the ability to walk at the age of 17, she did not despair, she was not disappointed in her life . go ahead. the biography says matrona was the fourth child. the mother wanted to give it up. daughter was sent to an orphanage even before birth, because the parents were in poor health, we check this version: how do we know that the parents were in poor health? most likely it was
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precisely according to this house-to-house census, where they are not capable of work, that is, in essence , 60 years old, and they are no longer capable of work. what does it mean to be 60 years old and not able to work? during?
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let's look at the documents again: eight children were born in the family of dmitry and natalia nikonov, four of them died in infancy. matrona, pilageya, mikhail and ivan, another mikhail and ustinya. all in all. in life the description is so, four children, as according to the documents, but the matron was not the youngest, the matron was not born in a large family, because on the moment the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, a family with one child was by no means an exception in a peasant family, that is , matrona was most likely the second child in the nikonov family. but here’s what’s surprising: her name is not mentioned in any document. among the documents that we see, is the name of the matron
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mentioned somewhere? no, you know, everywhere somehow indirectly, the family composition is large, it happens that clearly someone else lived there, but i am very surprised by this meager number facts about her, here... this is not surprising for you, you puzzle me, you ask me such a question, do you want to say that this is generally a mystical person? no, of course, the matron is a real person, there are photographs of her and memories of people who saw her, but the fact that she is essentially not in any document is surprising, maybe there is a secret here, for example, the secret of her birth, at that time children not... the first child was born in 1870, as expected, the next child
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was born in seventy-three, then in seventy-six, then in seventy-nine, eighty-two, eighty-five, you see, a clear law. who takes the bread? people come from the forest, somehow they are guests in the wrong way, and what do these passes give? and
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get to the very front line, you have two options, stay here in this apartment forever , come with us as a hostage, according to the laws of war, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, you can’t borrow your dad, just for half an hour, valery bibikov put forward a theory that the matron could not be her own child, but an adopted child in the nikonov family. we turned attention to that feature of the matron that is known to everyone, this is her problem with her eyes, i looked into the reference books, looked up what kind of disease it was, this disease is called automia, it turned out that this disease is purely genetic, but this is only possible then, when there are closely related marriages in a family, this family
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turned out to be extremely pure in this regard. it is still unclear who could give a blind girl to someone else’s family to be raised. the research is ongoing. bibikov's colleague gennady zaitsev believes that the secret of the birth of the holy matrona will still be revealed. now, let’s say, i’m looking through all the metric books for all the villages of the epifansky district for 1883, because since there is no such universal system. such records, yes, maybe somewhere, somewhere else, a girl was born, she was, well , baptized, it’s possible, whatever one may say, to give the matron to an orphanage, the parents had no reason, at least obvious, most likely they loved and pitied her, and after the death of her father , the matron began to help her mother feed the family, in gratitude for the healing,
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they know that they should go to the matron with flowers. many for some reason they are sure that they must carry white bouquets. word of mouth spread that these were the flowers matrona loved. and it must be roses. because she really loved white flowers. well, i don’t know, but you believe it, it’s so connected with the matron that she loved white flowers. white is
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a symbol of purity. anything, if you look at what kind of flowers there are here, there is a special aroma near crayfish, it doesn’t matter which ones to carry, it matters how many, the matron is brought only an odd number of flowers, as if alive, come to me like alive, she meant, i’m alive, i’ll see you, hear you, pray, and if we, if we can and want, bring an odd number to her as a living person - this is our decision, the novices apply the brought flowers to the shrine with the relics, and then give them away for believers, some carry these flowers with them, others brew them instead of tea and use them for treatment, i always carry
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an icon with me. with a petal i will touch such a small sand there are also petals a special bottle with me i carry here i have petals matronushka’s palm sand that’s all but here it always remains. firstly, the petals can be dried, eaten, yes, you can carry the food with you, it helps a lot on the road, in travel, everywhere, and the petals are a matron, many are healed, in general , flowers are most often brought not in gratitude, but with a request , in gratitude for healing they usually give a cross or earrings.
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matrona had accumulated so many of these gifts that she was enough for a silver shrine. it is made entirely from donations from parishioners. this is the people's veneration of people. completely shell silver with in the canopy, it is made from rings of crosses, yes, yes, for the donation of people who brought it in gratitude. you are the sun born at dawn, but you are not responsible for my happiness, you just shine with your rays for me. 2011, filming of a documentary
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about matrona of moscow. in these shots , singer victoria makarskaya goes to the relics of the blessed old woman. victoria and anton makarsky always dreamed of children; by the time they finally decided to pray to the matron, their marriage was already 12 years old, the doctors were powerless in the face of their problem. we have now a house is being built, the house is being built specifically for children, and there should be more than one child in the family, and if by that time the lord does not give us children, we will fall asleep. the blessed matrona of moscow was their last hope. it is impossible to dispute these facts,
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she helps, of course, i believe that matronushka will help us. and a miracle happened. i even forgot that we starred in this program, when we found out that on january 6 a program about matryonushka was released, and we got pregnant immediately after this program was shown to people, this is truly a miracle, on september 9, 2012 , anton and victoria had a long-awaited child, their daughter was named maria, as soon as she was born, she immediately went to moira. that’s all, and i didn’t give it to anyone else, the nurses came up to me and said: let’s go get some vaccinations there, wash something else, i say: son vanechka, and his appearance is also an answer to prayers, lord gave us
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mashenka, begged for, then vanechka, in general , like that, but there i say, lord, thank you, even so, also vanechka, and love does not come without demand.
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wanted to survive in any way, perhaps they made it clear to her that her life would not be then they would shoot you too, i think they fit with their worldview and the matron, in order not to interfere with their careers, decided
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to leave for moscow, so most likely she left voluntarily, but she left on her own, of course, he didn’t kick her out, but she herself understood and felt sorry for them, she was afraid for her brothers that they might... what kind of communists and revolutionaries are you, when you have candles burning and a whole house of icons ? moscow saved her; by this time her nephew was already living in moscow nephew. the children of her sister, to ask the matron for forgiveness, he was at her funeral, this photograph testifies to this, it is for the first time on the screen. matrona lived in moscow until the end of her days, although it would be hard to say she lived. this period of her life is more like a detective story. problems with... registration, police persecution, constant moving,
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at the same time they could support renting out , letting in, feeding, drinking, even keeping her warm for a while, and then kicking her out, but she voluntarily bore the cross. homelessness, and this is also a feat for the sake of christ. the lord saved the matron, because the helpless, punitive hand of the godless state did not touch her. today , people walking along arbat hardly realize that once upon a time a holy matron lived here in starokonyushin lane. in an old wooden mansion, in a forty-eight-meter room, she occupied a modest corner. we lived at this address, tarakanishina 30. now here is the house of artists, anton and i got married exactly when we lived in this apartment, we lived in this apartment, that is the beginning of our relationship, everything is connected with the arbat, precisely with the place where... the house in which the matron lived used to stand,
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her external life flowed monotonously, receiving people during the day, praying at night, this is how the years passed, as the matron was remembered by close people, well , her hair was parted in the middle, she was so plump, so small, her hands were so small and...
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only the lord god can endow such abilities to this or that person like our matron, that’s what amazes. and today they pray to the matron for a happy marriage. giving birth to children and getting rid of illnesses,
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in general, all women consider her their patroness, matryshka, i have her everywhere, here, i always pray to her, she always looks at me, natasha, look, be careful in life, well, my first very difficult ones relationship, and it seemed to me that that was probably it, the family was not mine at all, with my, especially... character, i started going to her church, i wrote notes that i really beg, let me meet such a person who would understand me, whom i would understand, with whom i would start a family, and you know, that’s exactly it, that’s the person i asked her, that’s the person i met, it was she who heard me, it was she who helped me, everything i prayed for her... “she gave it to me, the icon of the holy matron
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is recognized even by people completely far from orthodoxy, by their closed eyes, they are an integral part of her image, but you can also find other images, the church of st. speridon of tremyphon in the city of neya, kostroma region, here it is stored with your eyes, and you won’t recognize it right away. in it, the matrona of moscow is depicted with an open image of the saint in the kingdom. and of course, blessed mother matron had open spiritual vision even here on earth, and there she will be with open eyes. in the monastery of father bartholomew in makariev there hangs a similar matron icon. it depicts the saint young and sighted. do you think that we
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will be in those bodies in which we met death, so to speak, we will all be like the oldest, crooked, askew, lame, yes, nothing like that. 33 years at the age of christ. the blessed matron died on may 2, 1952. to her was about 70 years old. before her death, she left a special will. everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me as if alive about your sorrows. i will see you, hear you, help you. don’t waste your money, many say, many say, our matronushka, my matronushka, like a mother, probably, it’s somehow dear, something maternal, every year up to 2 million people come to mother matronushka, it turns out that from the moment the old woman was counted among
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more than 35 million pilgrims visited the saints in 1999, the word blessed does not mean that a person i am immensely happy myself; for such people , happiness lies primarily in the fact that they make other people, those who turn to them, happier.
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solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia.


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