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tv   Imperiya Yekaterina II  1TV  May 5, 2024 6:20pm-6:53pm MSK

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other christian denominations, aimed at preserving our rich historical, cultural, spiritual heritage, strengthening the institution of family, educating young people, establishing in society such irreplaceable values ​​and moral guidelines as caring for one’s neighbor, mercy and compassion. spiritual shepherds have always been with the people, and today, in the face of serious challenges, christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless assistance to those who need support and attention. happy holiday again. i wish you well success. the heroes of the special operation, including mikhail pitelin, who liberated cheretin and whom we already talked about at the beginning of the program, will take part in the parade on red square on may 9. and today they were honored on poklonnaya hill; together with their comrades , the battalion commander came to inspect the exhibition of captured equipment. nato weapons, including american abrams tanks and bradley infantry fighting vehicles, are well known to our soldiers; they themselves destroyed a lot. what is it like to see defeated
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enemy vehicles near the walls of the victory museum, the soldiers told to our correspondent oleg shishkin. at first , of course, they were embarrassed when strangers asked to be photographed as a souvenir, came up to shake hands and say thank you, and the boys lined up to try on a real tactical helmet. what do you think, is it not too bad? no, a little heavy, a little, heavy, a little, yes, but hold on! heroes of russia, holders of the order of courage at an exhibition of captured equipment. participants in a special military operation, the same bradley fighters of combat pitelin knocked out in the zaporozhye direction, when the enemy went on the attack on our defensive lines. the rear part was hit in the side, the crew was hastily taken prisoner. in just one battle , the pitelens destroyed three of these bradley tanks, and the highly promoted american armored vehicles failed after the first accurate hit from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. our troops show that russian technology is invincible. nato
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equipment only burns well, and the commander of the t-90 tank, senior sergeant mahamad mahamedov, first of all approached the german leopard, all the time looking for a meeting with him on the battlefield and specially studied the weak points in order to hit for sure, like any tank, the sides hit between the turret, but most of the ammunition here is on top of them, the accumulative hit everything. the t-90 is in no way inferior to the nato beast, says the commander, and in many respects superior. our tang takes a punch better.
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the heroes of the northern military district came to moscow directly from the front line to participate in the parade in honor of victory day on red square. we have a lot of guys doing very great things, everyone seems worthy. but it so happened that i was pulled out directly.
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the story of each feat is worthy of a multi-page description; the guys without a shadow of brovada tell how they held on, fought, tried with all their might to fulfill the combat mission and survived. we left at night, entered a trench, destroyed the enemy, deployed our defenses within 9 days, and for 9 days we held the position for the main forces to approach. after completing the task, the assault platoon returned to its own without losses, after which alexander would have dozens more such combat exits. you think for the group, for your comrade, he covers you, you are covering him, once upon a time our ancestors fought on the same territory where we are now, they knocked out the fascists, the german-german occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, victory will be ours. sapper roman lobov in peaceful life was an electrical installer, just a couple of years ago he could not imagine that he had...
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benefits, because it is more profitable, they prefer not to work, but to sit on most ukrainian refugees in germany
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, a statement of fact from the german publication bilt . the authors of the article rely on statistical data. well, after the start of the special operation , more than a million independent citizens moved and only every fifth found a job, despite the fact that, as the publication writes, in many industries in germany there is now a shortage of personnel, there are vacancies, it would seem, go earn money, some of the migrants complain about problems with the language and the recognition of diplomas , others simply don’t want to, they say there’s no motivation. margarita, 27 years old, the benefit we receive from the social security service is very good and we feel comfortable in germany. yuri, 40 years old. german job center offers me only simple work with low pay. to be honest, it's not worth it. i have no motivation for this. i will have to pay for rent, electricity and water myself, which will leave too little money
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compared to the allowance of 563 euros. and reporters from the british guardian talked to those who remained in ukraine. there are few people willing to fight for the zelensky regime. tightening of mobilization rules, ambushes in shops, public transport, they are grabbing everyone, almost everyone, the journalists met a married couple, who had enough money to move to an expensive residential complex in kiev, and there is a nature reserve, men of military age walk around unafraid, because hunters bypass the elite , i feel like a slave, you have one life, and if you choose between life and the state flag, i i choose life, says alexander, some of the owners... ukraine will be one of the topics of the big negotiations of the chinese leader in europe, sidinpin flew to paris today at arly airport,
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he was met by gabriel otal, recently appointed to the post of prime minister, in the evening guest awaits an informal dinner with president emmanuel macron, and tomorrow the official program, ursula vonberleen will also join the negotiations... on the european commission. the eu has now increased pressure on beijing over russia's alleged assistance in circumventing sanctions. as western media write, this will be discussed again. experts are skeptical about macron's attempts. beijing's position is known; china itself decides with whom to develop a partnership. and, by the way, the next two countries where sidzenping goes after france are serbia and hungary, which maintain close ties with moscow. so what concerns macron, he continues to add fuel to the fire. the other day i didn’t rule it out again. sending french military forces to help kiev, and today called on europe not to spare any effort to defeat russia. however, paris itself does not have such forces. this was stated by the former chief of french intelligence, general christophe gomard, calling macron's words empty chatter. the transition to a war economy
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will mean much more military spending. first we will have to accumulate supplies, which we do not have, which means that it takes time to create them, but today france produces barely three. shells per month, and ukrainians’ expenses are at least 300 per day. today france does not have the means to wage a high -intensity war. and today the media reported the news that paris still sent the first troops to ukraine, former assistant deputy secretary of defense stephen bryan told asia times. according to him , we are talking about the transfer of about one and a half thousand soldiers of the foreign legion. their task is to support the ukrainian mechanized brigade in slavyansk.
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fulfillment of professional duty. the liturgy took place in the temple complex of the holy martyrs anatolia and portoleon. it is planned to open a special memory limit for journalists there soon. their relatives were present at the service. including the widow and grandson of our colleague, channel one cameraman anatoly klyan. he devoted 40 years to television, worked a lot in hot spots, and a business trip to donbass in 1914 was his last. about memorial events pavel pcholkin: the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of military commanders who died on the fronts from yugoslavia to donbass has been in the air for a long time. in 2015 , a temple complex was founded here in marina in honor of fallen soldiers and correspondents, and today the easter liturgy was held in the church of the holy martyrs anatoly and protoleon, which is under construction. the illuminated domes have not yet been raised, but the easter chime of the bells set in place is already here.
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first year and the name of the operator of the first channel , anatoly klian, over the past 40 years of work , all hot spots seem tragic who died in the donbass in june 2014, they say correctly, a person is alive as long as he remembers him, that’s right, we will always remember otole, it’s impossible to forget him, he was such a good person, and of course it’s very nice that they remember him. according to the chairman of the union of journalists of russia, it would be very good if this... mournful list in the church were not replenished with new names, but unfortunately, this happened quite recently.
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on april 19, our colleague from izvestia, semyon eremin, died at the hands of ukrainian militants. vladimir solovyov believes that we must not forget about journalists who died in the great patriotic war. there is a very active priest here, father vitaly, he really took this initiative very well and helps us. and i hope that there will really be such a whole complex of memory of journalists here, where relatives can go. come to remember the victims, and not only relatives, friends, and colleagues, this is really very important for us, here you can also remember journalist daria dugina and military correspondent vladlen tatarsky, killed by ukrainian terrorists. among those who came to the temple today was mother of zvezda tv channel correspondent pavel obukhov, who died in a plane crash. during the crash of that tu-154 in sochi in 2016 , 92 people died, among them our colleagues from ntv, who were flying on a business trip to syria , the film crew of channel one dmitry runkov, vadim denisov and alexander soydov.
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as soon as i found out, i immediately made the decision to come and take part in this action, in order to thus honor the memory of the journalists who died in the line of duty until the last frame. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. very close by in the park named after artyom borovik , today a memorial stone was illuminated with an alley of journalists, where cedars were planted in honor of our fellow military officers,
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you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. review of future artists who will become bearers of the glorious traditions of the russian circus school. the themed change " road to the circus" has ended at the orlyonok children's center. in unified formation, the immortal regiment is already marching across the planet: we will tell you how you can honor the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war, there are many formats this year. time for good deeds, the project of the first channel by the whole world. here we have food for the child, the one that is necessary, the one that is located
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at military facilities and government institutions in the capital of the nazi reich, we will bomb berlin, guys, cook!
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1941 wings over berlin, look after the program time, the most famous british fascist oswald mosley became lini at the age of 22, mosley declared great britain the heir of great rome, which sounded wild, but he didn’t even notice it, after the end of the second world war the french defeated their internal fascism, did the anglo-saxons cope with it, the big question is, it was they who helped many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid detection, fascism two, tomorrow on the first, a festive concert in the state
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kremlin palace, may 8 on the first, on victory day on the first. what were you singing there? this is all coming, and the music - how is it normal with you, where are my 100 g crammed around your house, i love you,
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unfortunately, for you, we will have to conduct the investigation together, why, unfortunately, i’m always happy about intelligence, i’m so happy in general, now we’ll solve this case in an hour, who ’s taking the bread, people are coming from the forest, somehow it’s wrong for the guests in this apartment to come with us forever as a hostage. according to the laws of war, new episodes, tomorrow after the program, time, you can’t borrow yours, just for half an hour, you watch the evening news and we continue to eat,
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this can be done, for example, on social networks and not only, remember those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism and marches abroad. these days take place in different countries, alina sanueva, about actions for victory day, their formats and heroes of the great patriotic war. i want to cry, i remember my dad, the tankman and uncle who fought, this is a day of remembrance and tribute to our family and friends. in my family, 12 people went to the front, only three returned. this concerned the whole world, a personal at the same time common memory, uniting the descendants of the winners around the world. promotion immortal. vietnam, argentina, india, united states of america. in turkey, the procession took place on the territory of the russian embassy in ankara, more than 600 people took part in it. in madrid, the event took place
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for the ninth time, to the songs of the war years and the friendly smiles of passers-by. participants of the action walked to. in our country this year there is a traditional procession with portrait formats, an immortal regiment, a wall of memory campaign, as in many other cities, you can bring a photograph of your hero to a school, museum, or cultural center. konstantin shumov tells a story about his grandfather, alexander vasilyevich shumov. went through the entire war, he was wounded back in stalingrad in the forty-second year, part of his leg was torn off, and he remained in the active army after the hospital, he was a baker, but being a baker, it would seem yes... he accomplished a feat, he captured a gru, from them he was able to bring his own to the unit , such a heroic great-grandfather. a patriotic motor rally took place in st. petersburg. portraits
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of heroes were placed on car windows. if you want to attach a photo of your hero to your car, it is better to laminate it, this is protection from rain. well, it’s better to choose the back side glass so as not to interfere with the view. this is my grandfather, zhulidov ivan feaktisky. he, like thousands of other heroes, will ride through the streets of krasnoyarsk. eight-year-old fyodor from kazania was told about his great-grandfather by his parents. my great-grandfather - vova was a relative - during the war, on this beautiful day, the famous, uh, may 9, we plant trees so that they grow to the sky, and so that, uh, everyone who died in this war can touch them . these days, trees are planted all over russia, 27 million in memory of everyone who died in that war. alyona sanueva, sergey burkeev, vyacheslav sakov, maria martanova, tatyana bakulina, sergey
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prokofiev, channel one. three hundred easter cakes were delivered to the donetsk people's republic for the bright holiday; activists of the young guard of united russia handed over the baked goods to the soldiers who are now pushing back the enemy in the avdeevsky direction, as well as to those of our defenders who are passing through. this year easter is perceived in a special way, when our enemies are trying to abolish our faith, our religion, our culture, our language, we understand that the goal the task of the special military operation is
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to preserve our traditional spiritual and moral values. we wished the guys health and a speedy recovery. a unique opportunity for talented children to show their abilities and become a star. the legendary nikulin circus gathered young eagles in the center on the shores of the black sea. artists from all over the country, dreaming of becoming acrobats, jugglers, illusionists, they honed their skills under the guidance of experienced mentors, the result was assessed by a jury, and were rewarded with an ovation and the most coveted prize - an invitation to perform in circus programs on an equal basis with professionals, alena evtikova met the festival participants, now i can lift six hula hoops as much as possible and it’s possible. at first it’s hard, the main thing is to learn how to spin everything separately and then gradually combine it, i got nastya hooked on circus art, so
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now she wants to become a big artist, and yaroslav is engaged in balancing act, trying to catch his balance, it’s called reels, but well, it’s hard to stand no matter how much, all this under the supervision of the best circus teachers and mentors, perfect your act or try a new genre of master classes every day. handles, handles work, don’t squeeze your hands, hands should be relaxed, shoulders not raised, i wanted to learn how to juggle objects, i can also juggle with my legs, yes, yes, with my legs, this type of juggling is called antipode, tanya and vika chose acrobatics for themselves, for for me , this is some kind of art that is not given to everyone, there are people who have been given this since childhood, and there are people who, with their hard work, achieve their hopes... their strengths, in the form of, for example, the best stretching, and for example, i was given a better back, the children are here not only to study, the festival is a chance to prove themselves, fifty young illusionists,
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acrobats and jugglers from all over the country went through a huge selection to come here in eaglet, here they also compete, the best will perform at the goal concert, the jury evaluates the artistry and technique of performance, the project. the road to the circus, a kind of review of future artists who will become bearers of the glorious traditions of the russian circus school or innovators, creators of the show of the future. the first road to the circus festival was 2 years ago, there was a girl who was the winner, now she is taking part in our program, which operates in cirkleni boulevard, so you know, it’s not for nothing that this festival is called the road to the circus, because the road will really lead them all to the circus. there are over 300 amateur clubs in the country.
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where children are involved in the circus, they need to show themselves, and we give such an opportunity to show, the circus school competition has become three people per place, precisely because the popularization of the circus among children has gone like this. in conclusion at the festival, young circus performers performed to an audience of over a thousand peers from orlyonok, presenting the best numbers. this year the marathon road to the circus festival will be held in several other largest children's centers: a shift in anapa, in crimea, and... sails, you can have time to submit an application. alena evtyakova, ivan pokhomov, tatyana bakulina and dmitry baranov. channel one, krasnodar region. frosts will return to moscow tonight. this ultrapolar influence, which will shape the weather for most of the coming week, will only begin to warm up by the weekend. this afternoon there was hail in some areas of the capital. a similar picture was in the moscow region. an emergency warning is in effect due to gusty winds.
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the department celebrates until may 8th. frosts are possible in kuban and crimea. it is getting cold in almost all regions of central russia. in the morning it started snowing in the stavropol region and did not stop for 2 hours. the consequences of heavy snowfalls are now being eliminated in the sverdlovsk region; in some places the height of the snowdrifts there has exceeded half a meter. in direct mode , electricians restore broken wires. so far, more than 40,000 people are without electricity. collision on the roads, snow drifts, accidents, traffic jams. the perm-ekaterinburg highway is completely stuck. and it’s too early to relax. it's going to the urals. another cyclone, with it rain and sleet again. an extremely important and necessary cause that has already united millions of people in russia. project of the first channel by the whole world 7375 - short number for sms, qr code at the bottom of the screen. this time we are raising funds for the house with a lighthouse foundation. for many years he has been helping hospice residents, children and young people, despite a serious diagnosis, live full life. thanks to the foundation, such
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patients, even passing through... the one that is necessary, the one that is usually found in the mother's milk, we drip through a vein, so, 22 hours a day, he sleeps on a drip, plays, even bathes, business the fact that timofey’s body does not digest regular food, milk, puree mixture due to short bowel syndrome, 3 hours after he was born, he had his first operation, so i spent the first hours of his life in the same hospital, and timofey spent in another hospital in two
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intensive care units. it was very difficult for me. over the 7 months of his life, timofey went through six operations, did not gain weight for a long time, but thanks to intravenous nutrition, it is called parenteral, now he is no different from his peers and it seems that he will crawl very soon. i’m such a great guy, a strong boy, our annual food costs are 2 million. unfortunately, for our family, this is very difficult, we can’t handle it. and he offered us his own house with a lighthouse. we are very grateful to them for this, that they took us in, that timofey is under their wing and that timofey is with us alive thanks to them. by law, the state provides families with such food, but it sometimes takes too much time to complete all the necessary documents. for example, in moscow , parenteral nutrition is provided for individual purchases; usually the wait for food takes up to 4 months, and a child
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cannot live a day without such nutrition, therefore. we are trying to provide our families with paraenteral nutrition for the period while they are waiting to receive it from the state, so that the children's hospice, the smykom home can provide all of its residents with short bowel syndrome intravenous nutrition, about 13 million rubles are needed per year. we can help you, just send an sms to the short number of the project of the first channel with the whole world 7375, you can donate any amount acceptable to you, the main thing is to confirm the transfer by following the instructions of your operator, or point your smartphone camera at the qr code and go: to the help collection page , why does the palliative service take these patients into account, palliative services, they are accustomed to such patients, to severe ones, plus we understand that a child on paranatal with nutrition it is quite possible to walk, yes, he can play and should play, yes, but for a doctor, let’s say an ordinary child with an arterial port, yes, this is a child who must lie down, yes, because they are on a drip, the head doctor of the house with a lighthouse is grigory vladimirovich came to visit ilyusha and support his mother and father, who, like all
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parents of babies, are on intravenous drips, a catheter is installed in a vein that goes directly to the heart, so protection against infection must be multi-level. share your smile, it will come back to you more than once. everything parents are taught this, including by hospice specialists, and provided with equipment and consumables. and recently, doctors reduced the time for ivs from 20 to 15 hours, the family has hope that one day they will completely switch to regular food. and he eats meat and vegetables, well, it’s all in purees, well, everything is in purees, little by little, everything is fine here, our teeth are growing very well, yes, because we have great drugs that make everyone want to lose their teeth, so yes,
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we chew everything, if you get used to it, it becomes easy over time, katya is on her own a nurse, she’s 20, she’s used to cooking, as she jokes. food without the help of her mother or doctors, she has been on this diet for several years, since, due to a complex diagnosis, doctors had to remove part of the intestines, it was difficult because there were several operations, well, that is, in 2 months she survived about six operations, after all, i dropped to 35 kg. and people like katya need our help no less than timofey or ilya, because after reaching adulthood it is even more difficult to receive parenteral nutrition for free, and katya’s body now cannot handle regular food at all assimilates, ordinary yes... rather for pleasure, i can order pizza there with friends, for example, and then rarely, because it’s scary, so that there are no complications, on a drip for 18 hours a day, i had to leave the university, but she continues to study at home and has come up with this
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hobby, weaving jewelry, it is in our power to make sure that katya does not worry whether she will have food in a month or six months, and timofey and ilya have a happy, healthy childhood, ilyusha, , like you, kick, kick, come on, come on, come on, come on! what kind of thing is this a handsome boy? olga pautova, daria rybakova, ilya marin, renat gariev, roman khorolenko and sergey klishin, channel one. to help the house with a lighthouse foundation, right now scan the qr code at the bottom of the screen or send an sms to the short number 7375. confirm the transfer if required by your mobile operator. everything about the project about where the money went on the channel one website in a special section throughout the world 737. five on this
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