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tv   Paskha Khristova  1TV  May 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:21am MSK

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all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and he must be a successful saboteur on may 9 at the first, remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but whoever doesn’t, then he doesn’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, i’m again making an amateurish judgment , but there is a theatrical role, there is a full meter, the theatrical role does not end, the play sometimes goes on for years, yes, well, as a teacher at a theater institute... i see this, people work, deepen it, this year it doesn’t work out, then it works out, in full meter the role ends, stop, it’s filmed, that’s it, yes, the film begins to go to cinemas or networks, that’s how it is, because the first season was released, well, 9 years ago, but it turns out, yes, it probably started filming even earlier, that’s how it is, no confusion, don’t you catch yourself thinking, who am i, svetlana ilagin’s brother or?
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theatrical, you still come out of it, this is normal, this feeling can only be from the outside for people that everything is temporary, and of course there were some other roles, something happens in life, it’s a little like that distracts you from what is happening, but as soon as i put on... this uniform, i fasten the little letters, i don’t know where this voice comes from, i really, i immediately edit the text, how could i say, how would she not say, there if someone writes, my god, i say, she wouldn’t say that, by the way, it’s interesting, you edit the lines, yes, of course, i already know my character better than what a foreign screenwriter, who hasn’t seen our previous seasons, writes there , and of course, thanks to the audience and their love, we continue, we continue to live together with our heroes, of course, alexander vasilyevich, are you fedorenko or not fedorenko? i - you know, i have
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a cinematographic education, i am a film director, so i approach as a director, i start, from what scene i appear on the screen, this is my start, my start according to the laws of war is that i lost my wife and daughter, but remained a husband and father, so i take care of svetlana petrovna all the time. i don’t just follow her, as if in a traditional way, yes, yes, of course, of course, and i am grateful to the playwrights who wrote this series that i am a blacksmith of the future, i am a dotted line, my role is dotted, but all the time i take care of children, in the first episodes i am about a girl, in the second series i am about a boy, in the third i am about an adult, a growing future warrior who
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is gathering dust , so the audience will see it, in the finale my hero adopts a child killed by the war, he doesn’t speak, he’s anime, and i don’t believe that he was born dumb, that it was the war that made him dumb, and i teach him to talk, i teach him to write, and this is the future, as they say, of our people, our... i adopt him so that a child and a german in another, in another language, you are in russian, that is, you teach him , you begin to understand, this is this, this is the seed that i planted in myself, i am cultivating this seed, but the start that i lost, i felt bad, there, if you remember, in the first episodes, yes, i felt bad in my heart when they told me that my daughter, my only wife, had died. and i feel bad, and then
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throughout the film it is clear that this man, who survived the tragedy badly, has enough courage and courage, so the army is a big helper for me here, i know how to hold a machine gun, so you can see that yes, the warrior is holding a machine gun, wow, how cool is what you say, i think that there is a role of co-creation here, yes, that is, of course, the screenwriters write, of course.
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for us, for the artists, the fact that the film, the series that was shown before was liked by the front-line soldiers, they believed in us, which means we are convincing on the screen, we act convincingly, we act truthfully, so the front-line soldiers believed us, at their request other episodes are now being filmed , adding to this series, maybe even some motives, some... waters yes, living people suggest, of course, we always think about where the next events will take place, that is , historical events are taken, they are reconstructed, indeed, when people who really may have gone through this, they watch it, remember, oh , here
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there are lithuanians, but now we have a kind of edge, what happened there, that is, we take this story and begin to spin it, this time everything will be as always, the enemy will be not only behind us, but also under our thumb, that is reality is an illusion for the viewer it happened, i don’t know how to achieve it, i asked you to write it, then i ’ll write a book, i can’t, why did the viewer believe and trust us, as it were, that we are somehow really associated with soviet cinema,
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about the war, although would, yes, well, yes, not to mention really the time that, of course, we lived through, in one way or another we all touched on this period, but still my reference point, at least, was only on soviet cinema, i... i didn’t serve in the army, but i served in the russian army in the theater of the russian army for many years, so in principle, yes, it’s all for a reason, it’s everything, they didn’t mention it, but the army theater, my god, yes, how many years you worked there and are working there, the director of the current series, yes dmitry petrun, he says this, i literally quote, i really like it the format of this season is that each episode is a separate story. this time we managed to make the secondary characters deeper and more emotional, there will be more emphasis on the detective story, look, do you agree with dmitry that each episode is a separate story, you may not know what is in the others, this is one question, and another question, the fact that the secondary
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characters are so elevated does not interfere with the main ones, there is no overlapping of meanings here and so on, i’m asking two questions right away, in my opinion, this has always been the case, there have always been secondary roles. are very clearly written, and indeed, while this investigation is underway, everyone there has such a bright solo, i’m very sorry, of course, that the lyrical line has faded into the background for the main characters, but again this is not my project, so i’m a person yes , i am a forced person, but as a viewer, what i i think, it seems to me, they feel sorry for them too, but in your eyes, in the eyes of yegor shilov, sometimes an underlying lyrical note is heard or visible, but the series has just begun, but... still there is some kind of hint there, we’ll talk about that later, of course, the viewer must remember about the chronology, because i don’t really understand whether there is such a story, well, there are a million of them in tv series all over the world, but this seventh season
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is a prequel to the fourth season, that is , roughly speaking, both those who play and the audience is attentive, they understand that there has already been victory, yes already so, because it is by request. this is how it turned out, it seems to me that our product from our entire huge team is a kind of history textbook, under the control of our producers, a product was born that it seems to me, it just goes on, even when in the background, people are gathering, setting the table, because that there is a holiday on may 9, and everything seems to be fine, there is a feeling of some kind of stability, this is how it should be, it seems to me that this is just some kind of story, let’s give the floor to the person with given name and patronymic of suvorogo.
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but since by the end of the war he began to walk faster, because he had already been trodden, he walked the path by fate, and this is the beginning of the great, this is the initial phase, of the great patriotic war, so he still walks carefully, looks around, and then he confidently already, he already knows where he will sit down, where he will give a turn, he is already more experienced, how unusual it is,
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in the last series, they don’t kill us, this, they don’t kill us, they don’t kill us, i think
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that you can’t kill not just because, because that we are experienced, we are no longer only therefore, you we are immortal, no, we killed ivan grigorievich, in fact, what a blow it was for the viewer, and they took such a step, they killed the main character, they meet me in horror on the street, and this claim is directly to me personally, i understand that this in general, you have to think 10 times about how to kill, the point of view of this viewer, who asked that they not kill me, which means that he wants my hero to still live, to live, something in your part, katya, yes, the prosecutor must figure it out, who killed, why, but it’s better not to kill good people, this is completely, peacefully somehow resolve issues, this please tell the playwrights, playwrights, we are sending you a signal, do not kill good people in this series,
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it was a film adaptation, in my opinion, from the fifties, a very unsuccessful film adaptation, i think this is the most, one of the most frank books about the great patriotic war, this is how it was written, for some reason it slipped out of the attention of the producer, we send a signal, we talk to our interlocutors all the time, we send a signal, stalingrad, it is also important that this book was published in 1946, the prose reacts more slowly, yes it does.
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it’s warmer on the chilled damp earth, you know, zinka, i’m against sadness, but that doesn’t count now, at home in the apple outback, mom, mom... mine lives, you have friends, loved ones, but i have her alone, in the hut it smells like sauerkraut and smoke, it’s spring on the hill, well, in general, and so on and so forth, how wonderful it is, let everyone remember oyula drunina, a wonderful poetess, a wonderful poet, a wonderful person, i only saw
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hand-to-hand combat once, and once on eve and a thousand in a dream. whoever says that there is no fear in war means nothing doesn’t know about the war, yes, these are really the same winged lines as every time i come back, and the same as before the attack by gudzenko, vasilevich, there are many poems, probably, also about the war, you write a lot of your wonderful poems, a large cycle of afghanistan , here is the caucasian cycle, honor something of your own, i dedicated it. afghan cycle to ilya ivanovich ryshkin, a paratrooper-helicopter pilot who fought in afghanistan for 3 and a half years, here i am with lyubov sergeevna sokolova, kingdom of heaven, we traveled a lot to hospitals, and stories a lot, and in general, yes, yeah, well, we know you as a poet, you are a member of the writer’s union, afghan, well
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, such a couplet, the stones have gnawed into your body like rats. then dust and sand salt, and bullets rush into thoughts, like into a weight shaved in the morning, these are the stories of the guys who are wounded, who have survived and they tell it, you know, it’s clear, this, this is very, very, very important. alexander vasilyevich, and from military books about the great patriotic war, something, not just poetry, prose, like something. i have one poem, but i don’t remember it, there, well, the content is so humorous, and these are just my observations, the kids are sitting, grandfather was surrounded in the village, and he tells them about the war, they open -mouthed, listen to him, so, and he tells, they they listen so attentively, but are not afraid,
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because there is no fear of war when grandfather tells it, despite the fact that it ’s already... midnight, they listen about the war, there’s this observation, there’s one, it’s published, even in the retelling it great, i think our series works the same way, yes, it's kind of heals wounds, he heals, he educates, he does something to us, otherwise we wouldn’t watch it, no, but we are glad that the front-line soldiers liked the film based on reviews, it’s great, it’s great, that means we, as they say, have you run far from the truth or not at all?
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some old people on may 9, after the program , were satisfied with the ruins of the reichstag.
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now you are working this season with a new partner and somehow, even by chance , you remain close to him, yes, because you are being attacked together with grigory ivanovich. no, well, there’s a fishing rod abandoned there, that this is the second one his partner is here instead of here.
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well, somehow the distribution happened so that it turned out, in war it’s always like this, yes, of course, of course, everything is different for everyone, in war and... to the world, as our director said, the main emphasis is on these detective seasons, yeah, and as i said at the very beginning , unfortunately, yes, this is to my, to my regret, yes, because of course, to be honest, we played such a swan couple with my previous partner evgeniy volovenko, which it seems to me that it would be a betrayal on my part to play continue or some new feelings. i realized
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that there is some kind of problem here, let’s listen to aleksan vasilyevich again, what did you have with shilov, there was something, there were some clues or they played, they played it, by the way, both dima and katya, they played it, this first meeting, when lieutenant colonel. pause, i would have extended it, i would have paused at the moscow art theater, because for the darkies to meet, yes, they met, yes, well, after all, there is such a plot motivation, yes, because you have a reason to stay, it’s a crime, you stayed as a result of which is absolutely a crime, your own people - it’s always something dear, close, it’s clear that you want to be close to a person in whom you are cut off from home there, you meet someone from childhood, you meet someone from the regiment. from college, from school, it certainly evokes emotions in you. question from a layman: does the lieutenant colonel, when he meets you in the film, know about grigory ivanovich or not, he knows,
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that is, he knows all this, yes, that is , it depends on what season in what scene, no, now, now, this, he knows, yes, that he cannot show his feelings if they yes, igorna and i had a lot of things written down, that’s why. scene when i have a long pause, when i watch their meeting, i understand that they have already met before, and i look very carefully, she had ivan grigorievich, and now there is someone else, so i look, i am very interested she is attentive, i look and understand that yes, they know each other, they met, and how they met, good or not, i have this little smile, for the sake of...
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mirsky makes it interesting to exist in them and the proposed circumstances of this person work, well, yes, also katya, to be honest , now i’ll reveal a little secret, but i’m waiting with trepidation, in my opinion the eighth
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season is already being written. my god, do you hear, friends, yes, everything is ahead, it’s always so exciting, what ’s next for our heroes, because, of course, god willing, if it’s a good story, then i’m always for it with pleasure, in general, let’s hope , well, alexander vasilyevich, well, of course, of course, of course, because in general our group is very good, you can see what kind of make-up artists, costume designers, it’s just a wonderful team, it’s true, a wonderful team, well, yes, that’s the administrative one. the group is wonderful, they respect the artists very much, they treat us very attentively, you can’t mess around there, you think, lord, people give themselves so much to you, so we need to respond in kind, today we talked with wonderful actors, with alexander vasilyevich pankratov cherny, with ekaterina alesanovna klimova with maxim georgievich drazd, i am sure that we will talk again at
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the time of launch. twelfth season and all this let's discuss to you, our dear interlocutors, the side of the screen, headphones and other gadgets, i, as always, say: read with pleasure, with no less pleasure, watch on channel one the new season of the series according to the laws of war. hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers lab podcast on the first channel with you its host tatyana krasnovskaya , psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, our guest today is alexandra. hello, hello, alexandra, tell me what ’s wrong with you, i buy everything. a good start,
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so, i buy everything, everything i can, everything i can’t, in any situation, bad, i’m going to buy new underwear, it’s good i’m going to buy a new bracelet, i’m bored, i’m opening some marketplace, i’m sad, i’m buying cosmetics, a pimple has popped out, i’m buying 115 cream , i have a feeling that soon all things will simply evict me from the house, that is, they need a separate house in order for us to exist together, does this bother you or? is already bothering your loved ones, is this where the problem begins? it always bothered my loved ones, i was always like this, that is, if my mother and i buy, let’s say, one down jacket as a child, or they buy someone one down jacket, then i need three, i need something like mine, like masha’s, like katya’s, like my sister’s, and also like olga dmitrievna is some kind of conditional, so i need everything, the problem is that i need everything, well
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, it’s great that your... parents had such an opportunity, but what’s wrong? well, cool, but i would probably like, instead of the fifteenth cream, to buy at least a second apartment, that is, to feel, well, that is, you begin to understand that this is unreasonable, i i understand that this is unreasonable, and i feel absolutely stupid when i start buying the same identical things in a circle, that is, 15 gray jeans, conditionally, there are three identical skirts, the point is not that i have these things . simply no, i have a basic wardrobe as such, it’s put together, i ’m starting to take philip kirkorov’s concert clothes, which i will never wear, it will forever remain hanging there with a label, well, maybe i’ll try it on twice more, i’ll look at myself in the mirror, i’ll go buy something new that i will never wear either, yeah, that is, i’m fulfilling some of my needs for a purchase, that’s all, i can’t
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help it. i didn’t work by education, i’m a lawyer, yeah, when we were married, we also bought everything, yes, at what age did it start, you say from childhood, i’ve always been like this, yes, well, that is, it was during the period toys, during the period there when i lived with my parents, when i lived alone, when i then lived there with my husband, it was always there and my husband already told me as much as possible, but was there ever such a short period ? maybe when you didn’t buy, no, never at all, never a day like this, okay, you go somewhere on vacation, it happens, travel, less often now, but it happened, let’s say you went somewhere on vacation, you
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buy there too, yes, i buy a suitcase to bring what i, and what do you buy there, well, let’s say, i used to bring some cheeses from abroad, wine, olives, even food, cosmetics. i really love various cosmetics, things, clothes, shoes, in principle, it’s not very important to me, but have you ever been to any countries or places where you definitely don’t need everything that is sold there, well, for example, in cairo, no, i haven’t, i haven’t, yes, yeah, well, i’m just wondering, so that you bring something, and how do you feel in general when that thing that you frantically wanted becomes yours, momentary joy, because i... have it, look, you have it even after that, but there is no joy from possession, so having received it, you get some kind of joy, yes, yeah, let's see what you bought last, today, yesterday, a bag, yesterday, today, yesterday,
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yesterday, we were sitting at home, bought a bag or went to the store, bought a bag, and i saw it, somewhere on the internet, yeah, yeah, i saw it, i realized that i needed one, i waited for her for two.
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i’ll survive this, but maybe you won’t, well, i ’m not for sale yet, but let’s see, you liked the bag, but besides the fact that you liked it, there’s also some kind of emotion there that, you know, it looks like maybe some kind of hole that needs to be closed, this bag is definitely this hole will close, it seems, as if, i actually thought that it was because, well, what do i have. desire, it’s wrong to say, like everyone else, to be the best, probably, so when i, well, that is , buy everything, everything i can, i feel as if i’m better than i really am, maybe, maybe this is it, well, that
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is, it turns out that without this bag i’m somehow not the same, who is no better than everyone else, well, as if everyone has one and i need it too, wait, obviously not everyone has a bag, not everyone has it either there... some friend you saw it with, i don’t know, some actress you saw it with, or in an advertisement with some girl you saw it with, well, yes, and the absence of this bag makes you what, i don’t know, makes me without a bag, here you are without a bag, what, sasha, not fashionable, probably not stylish, that is, you seem to be lagging behind, yes, yeah, probably good , in this backwardness, what kind of feeling, what? emotions, sadness, unhappiness, perhaps, that is, it seems to me that if i buy something, perhaps it will make me happy, of course, but now i’m more interested in this feeling of unhappiness, yeah, what it
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consists of, i don’t know, it’s hard for me to say about it, because i’m basically a person who has everything, i have a wonderful family, i have wonderful parents, i am the only child, that is, me... with souls, that means, glasses on a chain, grandmother attached a bow, grandmother immediately sewed some kind of jacket with flowers, and i have always been such a favorite , aroused admiration from everyone , it seems to me that this may not be possible for me now enough, but i didn’t admire the clothes, and the way they dressed you up, maybe, and certainly they did, while playing with this doll with you, they seemed to create in you this feeling that if you are the most beautifully dressed of all.
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she never instilled in me there, well, i just, among other things, i encountered different situations in life, i see there how my friends behave towards their ex-husbands, and communication with children, i didn’t have that, my mother raised me , dad, grandmother, grandfather, i studied at a music school and went to dances to knit in the house creativity, well, that is, i had such a normal, cool, rich childhood life. tell us about your parents' marriage?
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oh, it’s hard to say, my dad is an anesthesiologist, yeah, my mother is a financier by training, in my opinion, well, something to do with the financial and accounting field, when she was young, she worked part-time at a clinic, yeah, molopolis, there i met my dad, yeah, so they got married, you were born, 10 years later, 10 years later they lived without children? yeah, so you were born, how many times did they give birth together? did you live after that? oh, i don’t remember, to be honest, but i was quite, i was very young, yes, yeah, how did you spend your childhood, how much time did you spend with your dad and how much with your mom, how did i spend time with my dad, of course less, most often on weekends, because my school and academic life was busy, that is, even, probably, my mother tried to implement some things that... she probably didn’t have, because i was in childhood
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they never refused anything, when i asked, that is at my school i studied from eight, let’s say until 3-4, or even five, we had a lesson format, and then there was an after-school program, and after that i attended music school, dancing, some kind of gymnastics, i’m already half i don’t remember where i went, i just came and said, mommy, i want, my mother told me, please, there to dad, i came, i said, daddy, i want, he said, go. and dad, when they divorced, did he start his own family? no, it hasn't been created. that is, you remained the only child for dads. yes yes. but at the same time, when you came to your dad for the weekend, how did he show love for you, how, how did you feel, why, by what criteria did you evaluate it? i remember dad very poorly, because i was very little, i remember the moment when he passed away, yeah. and i even remember how they told me about this and how painful and
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incomprehensible it was for me, but i remember dad in segments, how he picks me up from kindergarten there, how we go for pizza with him in a restaurant, well, that is, in this format i spend my time as such together i'm not i remember, may i ask why they got divorced? yes, you can, it was, it was the nineties, such a rather difficult time, my dad worked in a hospital, he worked in gynecology, in dentistry. my mother was not satisfied with this kind of life and my mother wanted security to a greater extent for both me and herself, well, considering i am from a gangster city, from vladivostok, it is so specific, my mother wanted a quiet life, on the day of victory in the first, moscow. red square is the main parade of the country.
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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine, and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. we are talking with sasha, who is our guest today, and we are talking about the problems of chapagalism. now where is your mother in vladivostok, uh-huh, how
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is your relationship with your mother? excellent, wonderful, well, that’s how the hourly difference is 5 hours. we communicate with my mother through messengers, with we communicate with mom. well, that is, we didn’t spend any time together as such, we started spending this time, probably, i was already in class in the sixth, seventh, eighth grade, when we began to have common hobbies there, watching tv series, well, some of those we oh there let's watch something, well, let's watch some tv series there in the evening, oh, let's go for a walk, let's run, well, let's
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go for a walk, let's run, chat, well, let's chat, oh, mom, what's your favorite book, this one, let's read it together , but that was all later, that was then it’s already strong. and when you were very young, your mother had her own interesting, eventful life. how did your mother live? my mother lived by work, that is, although everyone always teased me that i was a beloved child, much loved, my grandparents took care of me , i have a wonderful family, i have sisters and cousins ​​there, we all had a great time, had a great time, but i, too, don’t remember my dad well, and i don’t remember my mom too well, really. the thing is that you talk about your life in such a way that, in essence, when you talk, you talk about the way all these negative experiences were leveled out by the very purchases, gifts and pampering that they showed to you , probably, and moreover, well, if you try to change it a little, yes,
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add tragedy, such drama to your story, then mom and dad divorced, as if yes, they could communicate normally, and mom never... set you up against your father, but this does not mean at all that you did not suffer from this fact that they do not live together, but despite everything, it’s as if all the main holes were closed by the fact that you had everything, yes, so that you seemed to have nothing to complain about, but there was no feeling that you were needed, and today, out of habit, you continue to cover up all your negative feelings with purchases, that’s if just look at the basis on which you buy 117 cream. you say yes, the same, then in fact, in a few seconds, there minutes, maybe before that, you will see that the level of anxiety was so high that you urgently need something to cover this anxiety, but because in such circumstances about which you say, there is vladivostok, and the nineties, a gangster city, and there are all
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these difficulties and vicissitudes, they certainly caused a high degree of anxiety for you as an individual, you need to cover yourself with something, well... you know, it’s good that at least you don’t drink vodka, yes, it’s good that it’s shopalism, but since you begin to understand that this is inadequate, then, of course, you need to look at it from the point of view of the fact of what emotions you are closing off, i’ll assume, for now i’ll abandon it like this , and we will go further that these are precisely those very feelings of anxiety the loneliness that arises inside you, yes, it is possible, that’s why all these purchases do not bring pleasure, because it is the same thing that was yours... as a child , they bought you a lot, you had a daily routine, a schedule, knitting, sewing , circle from the photo , all this, but it was necessary, this warm contact was needed, yes, closeness, warmth, it seemed like it was not enough, do you know how to create warm and close relationships, do you think you can, i can, y in fact, i also have
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this kind of fixation, for me it was always important to have a family dinner, a family trip somewhere. to the theater, to the cinema, then if let’s say my husband, a man of unknown status today, told me that well, let’s lie there in the evening, i say, what are you talking about, we should have a tradition, well, i’ve always wanted this this traditional thing, some family jokes, some kind of, i don’t know, some kind of gift to sign, some kind of fun text to write, he ’s going on a business trip there, i’m telling him some little pieces of paper,
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why is he leaving, well, what difference even if you’re kicking him out, but no, i’m not kicking him out, i left him, well, because i can’t live with such a low-emotional person, he’s ready to meet some basic needs for me, yes, conditionally, well, he tells me, but that you are complaining, you have everything, you have a house, you have everything there, what else do you need, but i need it to be cool, fun, interesting, emotional, that is, i want it.
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with friends, girlfriends, not always, i spent a lot of time at home, we lived outside the city, i liked to walk, i liked hear a bird singing, i planted some hydrangeas there, he always said, i had two beds there, unfortunate three by three squares, i think, damn it, plant onions there, he... what are we doing with these onions shall we buy? i really wanted to create something and i still want to, i also went to sew, i’m
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trying to take photographs there now, i want to see exactly the result of my efforts, my business, now you’re doing it, now i’m doing it, yes, yeah , and you know, i feel so happy now, despite the fact that i continue to buy, well, look, it’s strange, it feels like it’s still as if this happiness does not cover your inner pain . in some kind of internal hole that closes precisely when consumed, yes, but now i did an experiment for myself, i left, went to a friend, left with two suitcases, in one there was a tablet, in the second it meant things, so now i’m still i reassure you that i buy what i need, because everything else is kind of there, i don’t want to go back to it yet, i don’t plan to, not yet, well, as of today, i i just understand that i’m more comfortable alone. well, i feel much better alone than as if nothing was pressing me, so - what
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has been pressing me lately? it seemed to me that he seemed, well, not that he didn’t seem to hear me, so he often asked the question, what are you missing, but i seemed to have enough of everything, i didn’t have enough time, attention, i didn’t have enough jokes, i missed walking together, i missed watching a movie together there. i didn’t have enough time together, and what am i missing, well, strawberries, let’s go to in the evening we’ll buy you, if you want strawberries, eat strawberries, but i wanted that feeling, i wanted closeness, uh-huh, and you’re sitting at home, he says, let me buy you strawberries, at that moment you, of course, want him to just be there nearby, and he’s not around, it just so happened, then what did you feel, he’s not around, nothing, in the sense of such emptiness, emptiness, yes, and this is one of the, if there before that... we have a complicated relationship on for a year now, if before that i understood that we’re still going to do something like this, let’s try it like this, let’s try it here, then
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now, lately, i’ve really felt emptiness, i understand that , in principle, i don’t need anything at all, let’s see, did you turn to specialists with this question for the first time or did you go to see them a year ago, that i’m also closing off an emotion, a need shopping there, but after talking with the psychologist i went out and called my friend and said, listen, let’s go, there’s a new collection, we need to go in, let’s go, just take a walk, yeah, well, today you can do that after talking with us, but now anyway there is a feeling that you are in are more ready to deal with this, yes , i’m tired, really, i want to, so i understand that even well, it was also very significant for me, i was in thailand, it was many years ago, i was vacationing on one of the islands , and there are three islands, one of them has an airport, the other two, you can get to by boat, these are like phangan and kotau, and katawa, i was on katawa, i vacationed
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there, probably about three years ago. i have a row , these two, and can you imagine the 40-degree heat with these two suitcases i don’t have anything closed anymore, i bought myself aloe vera some gifts in some store there, and i bought gifts for everyone who didn’t need it, they didn’t really ask me, which means i, since i i stayed there for 3 years in the same hotel, they already knew me there, there was such a beautiful thai woman there, and i... i took some things out of my suitcase, because it just wouldn’t close, that is, there were two suitcases for which had to be attacked to close it, and i have my next flight there with islands in another direction, i understand that i need to buy something back in singapore, i understand that i simply won’t deliver things there, i started giving them to her, and i understand what she feels from this when probably
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this was not the case. she feels such, not just some kind of gratitude, but i understand that the person really, and i laid out her things, i understand that she only chose what she would wear, and i, damn it, have been saving for years, saving for years, i save, i save, i save, but there is no joy, that’s how it was for me too in a very revealing moment, the speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson, unexpectedly approved the allocation of billions of dollars for the ukrainian american adventure. mike, you suck! an evangelical baptist, he considers himself elect. the divine necessity to transfer these weapons to ukraine is a quote from it. he changed his position with trump, what influenced them? conversation in the oval office, attended by william burns, director of the cia. during this conversation , mike johnson somehow turned pale; there could have been incriminating evidence. he was accepted into capa sigma. for in order to become one of your own, you need to beat
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a goose to death. well done, you have progressed, you can go to the next level. zelensky's group. was looking for approaches to donald trump, found it through johnson, he first had his followers, his own secret society, a devout maniac pervert, the usa is the only country in the world founded by a symbol of faith, ideologically inclined to continue to fight, positioning itself as an enemy of russia , step by step they are moving towards the outbreak of the third world war, it will be nuclear. weak mike made another goose. dolls heir to tutti. tomorrow. on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. spotted. i beg you, don't shoot. machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour. if we have the code, we can
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start a radio game with the russians. in the square 19:23, you expect.
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i was finishing my higher professional education, because i was transferred from one place to another, i lost 2 years, i didn’t work for these 2 years, and it was extremely difficult for me without work, because and before that, my life consisted of wonderful travel, i had a great time, it was interesting to communicate, meet new people, i really regret that during this time i lost my professional skills, for example, such as knowledge of the english language, which previously allowed me communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time, now i understand, recently going into some restaurant, when i hear a conversation in
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english, that i understand almost half of what they say, so i would i really wanted to go back to the activity in which i lived, but let’s say now i understand that this is impossible. worry about the fact that he will find out that
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you are a shopaholic, that’s how you hide this part, but i don’t hide this part in any way, but well , you have a problem, conditionally, you admitted it, thank god, here i am for the last, probably, months, well, four months for sure, i’ve been talking about this... i’m saying frankly that yes, that is , you won’t hide it from a man who gets to know you, hello, alexandra, i’m a chapaaholic, i’ve been there for 15 years already, i buy all sorts of unnecessary nonsense, there is no shame, yes, as if, usually they just don’t ask about it, this is learned in the process, when they ask me, why are you buying so much, i say, with pride, i’m a shopaholic, that is, you don’t worry that having met some man, this man simply will not be able to build a relationship with you. not yet, not yet, uh-huh, i’m actually still in that, let alone in that status, in those feelings that i
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don’t seem to want a relationship right now, i want to walk date, i want to get attention, and have a great time, but to build a family now, which i really dreamed of, i also honestly admit, i’m not ready, i’m not ready, why? i was tired from the period of my previous relationship, well, it wasn’t that long, you stayed there for 4 years, there was so much going on there that i think it was, well, our relationship was difficult, we have a big age difference, and it was hard, as if it was hard to get used to each other, plus he still has two marriages behind him, one officially, one not so much official, this is communication with children, which is very difficult to build. so serious enough that, in general , it added to the fact that
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his attention was flowing away from you to the children, to work, to problems, yes, and i continued to buy, yeah, well then it becomes even more obvious that your chapagalism is just for everything, an attempt, you know, when a person is thirsty, he drinks salt water, cannot get drunk, an attempt to be... to us that your problem is that you demand gifts, that would be different, yeah , that's what you talk about shepagalism, then your task is just to have the opportunity to buy this or that thing there, to simply have the opportunity, i remember a number of years ago i went into some store, one expensive bag shop there , i thought, what kind of bag, i must it costs like... 30,000 rubles. i think what a beautiful bag, 30,000 rubles. can't be. then i think, i’ll take a closer look, maybe not 30,000 rubles. maybe 300. but i looked closer, it cost 3 million. yeah. and that's how i put this bag. i left
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her and asked. why am i saying this? to that that i clearly could not buy this bag under any circumstances, well, except on credit. yes, and this is an unpleasant feeling. when you have the opportunity to buy, it’s as if it’s you. elevates, and being humbled by the fact that a person does not give you the amount of attention that you want, does not give the quality of attention that you want, of course, you want to cover it up with needs. things that you buy, and it’s not the things themselves that you need, it’s this ability or opportunity, power, take him buy all this, yes, this is kind of what you are looking for, and i would, well, how can i say, if i were you, i would still look at that very relationship with mom and dad there in childhood, where there was still not enough their attention, it is obvious that the problem of this spazhalism takes on... and from there, you know, this work requires,
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in my opinion, or rather this problem requires quite a long work, and group work is best, but i will now give you some, well, instructions , or something, yes, what needs to be done, i never suggest quitting smoking, drinking or to stop buying, for example, it’s pointless to do that, you need to go the other way around, in my opinion, that is, in essence, you need to do two very simple things, the first is you...
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your task is to buy something every day , which costs less than 500 rubles. it could be anything, go down to the subway, there are absolutely a lot of things sold in the passages, absolutely unnecessary, i went down, you know how much it costs there, not 500 rubles. no, if you try you will find something, there are stores at the end, everything is 349 or something it’s like that, no, i understand everything, if you don’t want 500 rubles, let it be 1.00 rubles, but your task is to go buy something, just buy some kind of nonsense every day, but it shouldn’t. buy something buy once a day accordingly, your task is to do this every day 500 rubles. and the second thing i suggest you do, i don’t know whether you will do it or not. at some point you are sitting
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at home and, out of boredom, leafing through some marketplace, probably yes often, yes, i’m in a taxi sometime something like that, yes, not a question suddenly your eyes stop on something that you think you need right now, that you need right now, before you click on the buy button, pay, you first do the following: you hug yourself tightly and talk to yourself several times about that you love yourself very much. and that you are the best on earth in general, and that no one else exists on this earth except you, so you say this to yourself several times, after that, if you want to do it, then you buy it, but i have it the feeling, especially judging by your reaction, that this will be more than enough, thank you very much, you know, a previous psychologist told me about a technique, i think it was called 21 days or something like that, that if you.. .
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to hear, probably, that i love myself too, that i probably don’t need someone who will love me, that i’m no longer a three-year-old girl who needs to go for a cotton candy walk with her dad in the park with her mom. shoes, self-love can be shown not only by shopping, i hope this will be for you useful, thank you, thank you for your openness, really, thank you, well, you watched the triggers podcast on the first channel with you were his...
12:37 am you can watch all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel ladies and gentlemen, look carefully and don’t say later that you didn’t see it. sawing a man. andrey will be inside
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this special apparatus until the very end of the trick, no matter what happens. also, let's pay attention. on this metal saw, the diameter of which is more than 1 m. this saw designed for splitting large tree trunks. and today it will pass through a person. we launched this disk at its partial speed. we don’t want to destroy the entire studio here, and nevertheless, these low revolutions are quite enough for the saw to pass through the illusionist’s body. it 's happening right before your eyes, friends. now the long-awaited heart of the trick, the so -called prestige, we as spectators want to know whether the saw really went through the illusionist's body, and if so, whether the illusionist is able to split his body into two parts, andrey, i’m ready, you’re ready,
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look carefully. there are no devices here, no tricky systems of mirrors, sit at home, you see everything the same as if you were here in this studio with us. so, just before your eyes, an illusionist divided his body. into two halves, and this is a fundamentally new version of sawing a person, it differs from previous versions in that the body of the illusionist is not inside a wooden box, it is not attached directly to the collage props, it is not hidden
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bedspreads or screens, everything happens right before your eyes, this is the most modern, most advanced version of sawing to date, and now yes... let's check if the illusionist can restore his body after all the deadly manipulations? you think it’s impossible, that it’s all computer graphics or editing, but in the world of magic, nothing is impossible. hello, you are watching the podcast tricks with you, we, the illusionists, the safronov brothers, andrey, ilya and sergey. to be honest, i'm watching how some magicians still perform the same tricks that their colleagues did 20-30 and even 100
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years ago, and the viewer is still surprised and even utters phrases, well, this is something simply incredible, we have never seen anything like this in our lives , it would seem, the most common trick. which is in the arsenal of any magician, yes, sawing a person, a classic of the genre, but in fact this trick is a little over 100 years old, and the premiere of this trick took place in 1920. now, by the way, i ’ll tell you how the illusion genre developed in an example of this classic today is the number of sawing a person. so, on the screen right now is the same illusionist who first demonstrated this act of sawing a person. this is pti, yeah, this is a famous london illusionist. so, in 1920, the premiere of this trick took place in one of the london theaters. what’s interesting is that the premiere took place in absolute secrecy, so you understand, neither the press nor the theater administration were present in the hall, there
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weren’t even spectators in the hall, there were only theatrical agents. selbit did this on purpose, he wanted the secret of this trick not to go beyond the boundaries of this theater, this is the first thing. second, he wanted to patent it, that is, he kept the secret secret until he patented this trick, a month later the premiere of this trick took place, which means what the trick itself looked like, the illusionist demonstrated a wooden box on the stage, it stood on a stand, a charming assistant appeared, a classic of the genre, she occupied a horizontal position inside the box, the wall the drawers were open, the illusionist took two ropes, and with one rope he tied the assistant’s legs. he tied the second rope around the assistant’s neck, then he invited several people from the audience who had to hold these two ropes, one held the legs, the second held the girl’s neck, and... the task was to keep these ropes in a taut position, so he fixed the body girls,
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demonstrating by creating the illusion that the girl is not going anywhere and remains on this table until the last, absolutely right, and the assistant brought out a large two-handed saw, they they started sawing this box, by the way, the saw was really real, the saw was real, the wood was real, you can imagine how long this illusion lasted 100 years ago, that is, imagine how long it takes to saw this wooden wooden box, so... this means that selbit and his partner were sawing a box, then they moved the two halves of the boxes apart, the viewer saw the space between the boxes, moreover, the ropes remained in a taut position, after which the boxes were connected and the assistant appeared safe and sound, this number was it’s just that he had a stunning success, it’s true, and this man became the richest magician of that time, but the illusion does not stand still, not even a year has passed since... a new magician flew into the genre, an american magician of polish origin garatsi golden, yeah ,
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he shows, in my opinion, a generally unique thing, that is, it is relevant even to this day, he replaces the two-handed saw with a huge structure with a circular saw, this is dangerous, he demonstrates how dangerous it is, how real, real, metal it is , well, that is, they they pull out a log, lay down the stage, saw it in half, the viewer understands that there is no... deception here, then the same beautiful assistant appears, but here is the next principle of the evolution of the genre, look, the assistant no longer lies in a wooden box, she lies down on an open table, that is, we see her body from the beginning to the end of the trick, that is, every day he had new assistants, well, it looks like yes, in general, the crane lifts the assistant into the air, the saw saws her in half, the two halves are separated, after why the crane lowers two halves, halves come together, the assistant is safe and sound. are there any facts about the accidents that occurred
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while performing this stunt? indeed there was such a case, the illusionist’s name was kostanos kasfikis, by the way, he is an illusionist from the soviet union, despite the fact that he was greek by origin, kostanos kasfikis, and his real name was konstantin mikhailovich, but you know that many illusionists took a pseudonym, to make it look more. yes, konstantin mikhailovich somehow sounds non-magical, non-magical, yes, and that’s why however, he also had the number of sawing his assistant, this tragedy, he really died from his circular saw, but this tragedy did not happen on stage, it happened during his spanish tour, which means he came from one city to another, and he was driving his truck, in the truck, in the truck, just in the back there was that same illusion device and that same circular saw, during a collision with another... the story of other facts that
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the illusionist or his assistant was injured during the time of execution of the sawing number, history doesn’t give us any illusions, but despite this, we still seem to realize that this number is really dangerous, because that ’s how we know that in these numbers a real pilot is used, we just saw in the photo , is it a real iron saw, or is it a big round saw, that is, one thing is not... magic that defies any explanation, how this trick was born here, i think it’s interesting to hear for all our
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viewers, well, as a rule, it’s a long one process, to come up with something worthwhile, first the three of us get together, three brothers, sit down at the table like this, come up with an idea, draw a drawing, sketch it out, then we connect our technical part, they help us draw a drawing more specifically, we try it all then in the workshop, first on a small model, then a larger one, and after about 3 months or a year a new illusion appears, this is quite a big process, here andrey cheated a little, i must say, i must say that ilya comes up with tricks here, not only does he sit day and night on these drawings, work out every detail, and after that he gives these drawings to the workshops, and does it very cunningly in order to keep the secret a secret, we also saw this from my dad, who worked at the tushino machine -construction plant and they were given a fragment of a space buran part. they didn’t know what they were doing, they were simply given a drawing, they made the part according to the drawing and
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sent it, which means it was there to the address where it was required, only then did they find out that it turned out that it was a fragment of buran, and so we work under. then we collect all this at our secret base, and from this we get an illusionary device that has no analogues in the world. how much does it cost to create such an illusionary device? listen, well , you and i know that an illusion device, it can cost 1.00 rubles, or it can cost as much as a good expensive foreign car, so returning to that, we remember before, when only... a circus, an original genre, no matter how he is inspired by new ideas, he can read a book there, yes, go outside, into the garden, go to nature, climb the mountains, maybe just watch some movie and get some idea from there, yeah, but in reality
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i’ll tell you that all this is romance and all this works very poorly, so that... it works well , you need to lock yourself in the room, remove everything, lock yourself in the room, remove all phones, all sorts of gadgets, tvs, etc. by the way, i saw this principle among american illusionists. peneteiler, yes, peneteiler, exactly, i saw this principle in these illusionists; we saw this principle in charlie chaplin, who also worked on the scripts for his films, he rented a hotel room, asked that all the sofa beds be taken out, there was only one desk and chair, where he locked himself in this room. until he came up with the plot of his film, or as for penna and teleler, until they came up with a new trick, they did not leave this hotel room and continued to work until the end. we, as i understand it, have ilya the same principle, but this is the real most effective principle. okay, you avoided the question, but nevertheless, how much does our illusion device cost
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when sawn, looking at it, this is an ordinary metal structure, plywood, the filling itself, this is the most expensive, this is the main thing. wrapper, wrapper, apparatus, this in general, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is precisely that core, that mechanism, which is that magic, that magic that brings everything to magic, the most expensive, high-quality, illusionary device, costs about several million rubles , don’t forget, remember how long it took us to make our first version of the passage of one a person into another train, a device four times, and that’s all, that’s... by trial error - it’s all money, okay, but looking at this, well, now people are sitting there, spectators watching our show on tv and they’re thinking, yes i can probably do the same, what they did, they waved their hand here, they waved their hand here, anyone can go out and repeat this number or not, after all, let’s start with the fact that it’s not just to go on stage, but we ’ve come a long way for this , we all graduated from circus school together, or i
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i graduated from the shchepkinsky higher theater school, i received a director's education, that is, we all have a great one. education, but in general we became interested in magic tricks, personally, as far as i remember, i became interested in magic tricks from the age of 9, ilya was the first to start doing magic tricks, then we got involved, i basically infected us with this and between us, well , yes, we had enough with you still young, but i remember, i didn’t really want to do magic tricks, i just wanted to do all this with my hands, i really didn’t want to rehearse it all for a long time, this is what it should be, what it should be patience, fruitfulness, this is honing, manipulation, so as for the large illusion, i like this. we must not forget that to select a competent, professional team, which, i call them invisible gnomes, which for the audience they do not exist, but they carry out this huge chain, sequence of actions that is created behind the scenes somewhere in space , but the result is real magic on the stage, well, you see, but
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on the contrary, since childhood i loved some complex the more complex the tricks, the more interesting it was. i remember, i honed some tricks, well, in fact , it took several months for me to get one, there is a whole genre, the so -called manipulators, these are people who, not only for several months, but for years , have been honing the same trick, these are the same athletes who are preparing for the olympics, that is, a person is ready to spend 5, 10 years on it, because he knows that in such and such a year there will be a fism or some other competition, and he will definitely go there - she will come necessarily these people will also take the gold, they are just fans, if we have about 300 illusions in our arsenal, yes, then these people in their entire lives can have one, two, well, a maximum of three numbers, but what is more difficult to work with manipulation or a major illusion, the everyday opinion of an ordinary viewer that, well, there is an illusion - he just rolled out the device, pressed a button and it did everything, in reality, of course not, a little later i will teach our viewers, and a little
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later, let’s start now, since you have already talked about the fact that you are painstaking from the very beginning as a child, you love to do things with your hands. this is your strong point, and i know, let’s tell everyone that you have millions of views, you even recently posted a trick that was viewed by 25 million people, well, from words to action, it will be simple, but very... effective trick, look, i have two glasses, in one there are white beads, in the other red, we mix these beads with each other, you see, they are all mixed up, now in one second i will separate the red beads from the white ones, 1, 2, 3, fantastic, that's it brilliant and simple, red beads i am tied in this way. glasses, then we do this, we fill in the white beads, the white beads are mixed with the red ones, and behind your back you just
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turn it over like that, everything works automatically, i specially select tricks that are effective at the same time, anyone can do without training, at least roughly speaking , surprise your friends tonight, listen, well, i know that you have a huge number of subscribers, but do you have some kind of opposite? the back reaction of your viewers, they get those tricks, which you teach them, and do they have the patience to rehearse, perfect everything like this and easily show how you do it, but this is not a difficult trick, so whoever has the desire, everyone will be able to repeat it, if someone does not repeat the fox just because out of curiosity , he watches how it’s done, but there are those who, of course, repeat it, post it, well, that is , this trick is easy to learn, but this prop itself, it’s for sale somewhere or you made it yourself, but you can do it yourself, so what do you take can i have a little forest and some beads? buy this one category crazy hands, this is where you need that same patience to create this prop. so, friends, our school of tricks
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continues, the school of magic, let's call it that, and for the next trick andrey will need a very ordinary red paper bag. yes, look, there is nothing in this bag, you see, it is completely empty, but as soon as i click, a glass appears in this bag. delicious apple juice, oh well, you’re just killing us on the spot, how do you like it, tell us how you did it, i’m telling you, in fact, look, i have bags on the back, there’s a slot like this, we do it like this, put the bag, put a glass in the bag like this, everyone can see, yes, we turn it over, shake it, it creates a complete illusion of what’s in the bag. .. there is nothing, you see, then we turn it over again, once we take out the glass, you see, you can get
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everything out of there, anything you want, anything that your imagination works for, you can surprise even a girl on a date with some trick, what is possible, by the way, can be obtained from there, for example candy, there will be a ring inside for a girl, cool, give me this bag, basically anything, you can tell me i used it for my own purposes, you told me. about candy with a wedding ring, this is probably from life experience, this is from life experience, yes, in general, when i first started, i met girls this way, constantly surprising them, that is, this was just my strong point, actually, here they found him here, at first they thought he was drunk, but that’s how it is, he had enemies, you knew that he was going to get married, maybe you didn’t like it, only i can ask questions during the investigation, that’s clear, well, well, guys, you went through both fire and water together, copper pipes remained,
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the wedding march must, according to the laws of war, be new series, tomorrow after the program time, people change, come on, let's try to trust them, people yes, they should, enemies no, a festive concert at... in the state kremlin palace on may 8 on the first. so this is a magic tricks podcast. we return to our studio again, where we discuss the most fascinating genre of illusion. listen, well this looks like a deception, they never said that magicians are deceivers who made a hole in the bag like this, they went to surprise that this is a deception, deceivers in the market on trains, or in other places, we won’t say which ones, but ... the very name illusionist already suggests that we create an illusion, and the audience who comes to our concerts knows that they will
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be deceived, they come and are ready to be deceived, they want to be deceived, they want to see the illusion of a miracle, real magic and so on, this is fundamental the difference, that is, it turns out that we are deceiving the audience with their consent, their grateful consent, grateful consent, well, you know how the audience is surprised sometimes, so... i remember, a year ago we were in some city and gave a small closed performance, and after the performance we found ourselves in a small room that separated us from '.
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that there was a series of spectacular numbers, but there was no levitation number at all, that is, the person came up with it on the fly, and he himself believed in it, by the way, there is the very first the mention of the illusion genre in the world, which is officially recognized, is the viscara papyrus, an ancient egyptian papyrus, which means it dates back to approximately the second millennium bc, and he generally talks about the third millennium bc, there he mentions: abilities, he invites him to himself and says that we heard that you can, like, cut off a person’s head, cut off a person’s head and
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back again. attach it and he says: show me this trick. gidi says: i won’t do this with a person, give me some animal, a bird, for example, they give him a goose, which means he cuts off the head of the goose, shows him the head in one hand, the bird in the other hand, and he puts the head back on. we know that this trick really exists, and moreover, it has gone through the entire middle ages since ancient times, and was worked in the squares of histrionamifaki. and others, even with mosquitoes and so on, and has survived to this day, and the famous chris angel is still here, relatively recently he demonstrated this trick on the street with a pigeon and the secret of the trick is that the magician hides his head in advance, tucks the bird's head under the wing and holds it there in this way, that is , the goose has such a flexible neck that he can support it, moreover, even with pigeons you can demonstrate this trick, in her second hand the dummy was hidden in ancient times as
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a dummy head. the real severed head of another bird was performing, and today they actually make such malizhi that you simply cannot tell the difference, so having torn off that very head, during this trick not a single bird was harmed, then the bird covered, for example, with a cloth or placed in some kind of box, then its neck is freed . in general, the trick took place, but the papyrus indicates, it says that in addition to this trick with the goose. he also did the same with the bull, that is, you can imagine that as far as we are, we are an illusionist, we are professionals, we understand that at that time, at that time, without using any illusionary apparatus, well, hide the head of the bull impossible, that is, this suggests that the narrator who entered this data into this papyrus, he himself fantasized, this picture is in his head. turned into some
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simply enormous scale, that is, in addition to the goose, he also made a bull’s head there, he could weave something else, come up with something else, this is how the audience’s head works when he sees something, listen to what david copperfield said , sometimes all the magic happens not on stage, in the heads of the audience, that is, therefore we only give some impetus to the imagination of our spectators, who, seeing the trick, already fantasize in their heads about what is really happening there and what could happen, but still but there is a debate about what is most important in the act of an illusionist? that the main thing is either a trick, that ’s what techies say, i’m so convinced that the main thing is still a trick, some more creative individuals say that the main thing is a person who demonstrates, well, rather the most successful thing - it will be both then , yes, it’s absolutely true, the golden mean, when the trick works, and the personality is presented, the staging of the act itself, by the way, is the same one, the same garatius goldin, who made the second version
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, a more improved cut. man, his performance began like this, that is, as they say, and the theater begins with a hanger, his performance began on the street in front of the theater, the audience came to the theater, and in front of the theater there was already a medical carriage, on which it was written that the carriage was here set in case of death of the illusionist or his assistant, that is, the viewer already understood that something was about to happen, they came in. hall, in the hall - here in the rows between, in the aisles between the rows there were nurses who had a sign hanging, and where it was written that in in the case of some kind of uh...
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illusionary genre, so we take care of his head, he always wears a hat, even sleeps in a cap, even sleeps in a cap, you talked about the goose, he is such a rather bloodthirsty trick, but in general there are many such bloodthirsty people in history, i think that lately there has really been a trend towards, let’s say, more shocking stunts, they want more realism, that’s right, which we are today, the same paneteller that we remembered today, they did sawing, added yeah... blood, guts, we're in our shows we do burning, remember, i burned 27 times in 9 days, this is one of the most dangerous stunt tricks that are used in cinema, and we do this on stage with a live audience, that is, if in a film you can do a double, you can
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draw computer graphics and so on further, here everything happens in real time on stage, without duplicates, without editing, you see, my whole body is engulfed in fire, and this realism, this spectacle, it captivates today’s temptation. there are even more spectators, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from city, and they will provide care at the highest level, we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or an almshouse, an autograph is welcome, i admire it from a young age, an autograph, anna evseeva, an actress, and her relatives give a double rate, femme fatale, i would have said. serva, and you are a believer, a full-fledged atheist and in general, there is nowhere to leave the samples, again for the old one, yes, mom, you are sick, well, somehow you came to your senses already, you decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and
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take me out into the courtyard, yeah, i'll sneak into yours limousine and we're going to europe, if your mother wanted a boy at her age, we should probably just be happy for her, i don't want... to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i'm not alphonse, oh, i'm daydreaming , animator on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin, i’ll show you a trick now, and then i’ll tell you how it ’s done, we agreed, great, come on, where did i go, otherwise there’s a table on our stage with a top hat and the audience asks: why is it standing here? i'll move him a little closer to myself, so i’ll work on this camera, help? no, i don’t need help, everything will happen right before your eyes, the trick is called the disappearance of the red handkerchief, so i have a red handkerchief in my hands, now
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it will disappear, but we all need to say the magic words together, what magic spells we know, abrokadabradabra, well done , guys, what would i do without you, oops, the handkerchief has disappeared, and what we have is a chicken egg, attention, where is the handkerchief, oops! and he is already in the cylinder. we have those young viewers of ours, who did not understand how i did it, who had not yet found the kopian lighthouse, so now i will tell you how i did it. in fact, i have two identical red handkerchiefs, i put the first handkerchief in the cylinder in advance, the second handkerchief is hidden in this testicle, you see, it’s empty plastic, bought in a joke shop, when you go out on stage, you need to discreetly hold the testicle in your palm , so you can see it, yeah, then we start hiding it. here is the most important thing, when you hid the handkerchief in the testicle, you cannot show this hole, it
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you need to quickly unfold it and hide it from the viewer, but there will always be attentive spectators in the hall who will say: yes, we know the handkerchief in the egg, in this case, what are we doing, we are tearing off a hole. throw it away, oops, what about the egg? what are you doing? it’s real with us, comments are already coming from the audience, from the auditorium: are you going to expose this? of course we just did. yes, we still have cards on the table, we probably also want to show something with them, right? by the way, the video with these cards got 25 million views, i don’t know, in about two weeks, and today you are ready to expose him, but there is nothing to expose there. look, i can just show you, this is the only number in andrey’s arsenal in which there is no secret, it’s pure magic that works here. so, you see, there are five different cards in front of you, choose any one, remember it, this is a trick for our viewers,
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remember, great, think about your card, and i’ll find it now, i think, so, so, so, so, so, so, yeah, here's your card, i 'll put it aside now, so, look, among there are no remaining cards on your card, yes, my card is missing, great, this trick got 25 million. you see, everyone understood how it does it, but 25 million didn’t understand and were amazed. i can hear the audience now shouting through the screen: reveal the secret! by the way, you can watch it again and maybe you’ll understand later. today the viewer is very sophisticated, he watches blockbusters with a huge amount of special effects, computer graphics, and so on. when we first started working in the illusion genre, we also... set a task for the stage, well, to do something
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similar to what viewers see in the movies, for which today illusionists use all this know-how, because the viewer demands action, because today the viewer receives a huge amount of this easy, quick dopamine, all social networks give, give the viewer the opportunity this is a summary, that is... all the most spectacular, quickly, from all over the globe and there’s a fall, and some super tricks, and some super technologies, all this quickly, quickly you flip through it, you’re surprised, you are happy there, that is, 20 minutes for sawing no one will watch a wooden box today, so we need dynamics, we need action, we need drive, that is, all these special effects are one of the tools to influence the audience, absolutely true, but i’m still convinced that the main thing is the evolutionary genre, of course well, this is mr. trick, the trick comes first, then the special effect, this is all
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secondary, this needs to be done, we do everything right, but in the first place is the trick, there will be no trick, just watching the special effects, of course, it’s interesting, but this this is a different genre, well, now you’re talking about tricks, i understand that today again everyone is fascinated by those same levitations, teleportations, but if you ask our viewers there, i remember we did such a survey, asked what kind superpower you wanted to have? reports and for them this trick makes them
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think that in the illusion genre nothing is impossible, that if you dream about something, keep your dream in your heart, strive for your dream, then you will definitely achieve it, and let it be not in real life, on stage, we will show the audience our new inventions, a teleportation machine, you look, so we will be happy to meet you after some time in this studio, and i promise you, we will continue stories and stories about new ones. .. tricks, about new technologies, about new achievements in illusion genres, about new illusionists. we were with you, illusionists, brothers safronova and andrey, ilya and sergey, this is a podcast of tricks, and as they say, believe in miracles, they will definitely happen to you. well, let's go, here's our new one invention: teleportation machine. keep a close eye on andrey. the illusionist will remain on this chair until the very end.
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now i will reach my hands through this fabric and you will see me until the very end of the trick. from this moment on, everything will be shot in one shot, without editing. look carefully. please note that there are no secrets around the table, neither below nor above, so i won’t be able to escape unnoticed. so, the time has come. 5 4 3 2 1 let's look there, great, everything is filmed, yes, we're not like that yet can.
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our topic today is complex, painful: the middle east, roots, well, about modern affairs. we won’t talk about it, let political scientists and commentators do this, even they very often omit the question that the roots go very, very deep, one thing was strung on another, so let’s remember the history of how it all began, well, completely in we won’t go into ancient history, although it’s probably worth recalling that for many centuries the muslim east was more tolerant of jews than europe, especially western europe, with its pogroms, deportations of jews. let's try to find the origins of what is happening now in the middle east, starting primarily from the 20th century. hello, this is a historical podcast russia-west, on the swing of history. pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov are with you,
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let's try to understand the origins of the conflict in the middle east today. the issue of forming, so to speak, a jewish state was discussed even after the first world war. war, so the roots go there, and these roots are intertwined, because the interests of very different parties collided, not only the palestinians or jews, but there were intertwined in the middle east, primarily because of oil, the interests of great britain, the united states, the soviet union, and a number of other western countries were intertwined at the end of the first world war, when british troops were under the command. marshal allenby defeated the ottoman army group that defended palestine, which had previously been part of the ottoman empire for four centuries, the british took jerusalem, and, by the way, allenby, as a sign of respect, did not enter jerusalem on horseback, but entered on foot, the ottoman empire at that time still held out
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about a year after that, the mudrov truce was signed and turkey withdrew from the first world war, but the fate of its middle eastern territories remained, in general, not completely clear. clearly, this also applied to palestine, where british troops were stationed. the fate of palestine was to be decided by a newly created international organization, the league of nations, created by the treaty of versailles. and so on september 29, twenty-three , the mandate for palestine, which great britain received, came into force. and henceforth this region remained under british control until as long as this territory, well, supposedly , until this territory can be governed independently. in fact, she became. well, officially called a mandatory territory, in fact one of the colonies of great britain, the british regulated the repatriation of jews to palestine during the interwar period. this idea of ​​repatriation was born within the zionist movement at the end of the 19th century, but it is worth explaining what zionism is. zionism is a jewish national movement whose goal is to unite
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the jewish people from the diaspora in the territory state of israel, creation of the state. israel, the creation, accordingly, of a jewish national state and the unification of all jews within its framework, despite the fact that it is important to emphasize here that the jews of the diaspora times , in fact, although not everyone will probably agree with this, represented different peoples, of which there were different branches of judaism , ashkinazi jews were fundamentally different from sephardic jews, both of them, for example, from the mountain jews of the north caucasus and so on, the task of zionism was to erase these regional differences and... surrender, so to speak, a single jewish people on the territory of israel. the resettlement of jews to palestine was called, such waves of resettlement were called aliyah. and during the fourth aliyah, which lasted from 24 to 29, about 80.00 jews repatriated to palestine from mainly europe. the fifth
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aliyah became even more massive - 250,000 jews. and conflicts began between the jewish population, who had recently arrived in palestine, and the arab population. the british analyzed this situation, and the minister british colonial malcolm macdonald prepared a report for the british government, the so-called white paper, in which he proposed limiting jewish migration to palestine in order to maintain british influence there. well, let’s make one remark: the fact is that the position of great britain was, so to speak, pendulum-like, because before the white paper there was the balfour declaration, in which...
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there was obviously a change in the british position, formally the entry of jews into the palestinian land was not prohibited, but quotas appeared, who... tried to reduce these alleys, and in addition to this, restrictions appeared for jews to purchase this land in palestine, as a result, the jews reacted to this quite harshly, here is david bengurion, he was then the chairman of the executive committee of the jewish agency, he said this: we we will fight hitler as if there were no white book, and we will fight ... the white book as if there was no, there would be no hitler, that is, by doing so he made it clear that if
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such a need arises, then jews will to fight those british authorities who, so to speak, were in charge of affairs in palestine, which means that in 1943 , churchill, who was heading england at that time, at a meeting with... with chaim weizmann , corrected the white paper and made a promise to the zionists, that they will, england will contribute to the creation of the israeli state, but these are of course significant words, but firstly, churchel generally made promises with extraordinary ease, and secondly, most importantly, when the question of creating a jewish state arose, chercheli there was no longer any power, let's go back to...
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they began to organize terrorist attacks in british institutions, but in the forties they decided to join the fight against hitler, because hitler was a much greater danger, and it is completely clear why this is. but when the second world war turned a corner, the irgun returned to terrorist acts against the british administration, when in forty-three the irgun was headed by minachim begen, who was a native of poland who fled to palestine after the german invasion, he accordingly continued this policy attacks on... british targets, here, by the way, it is also important to emphasize one point that quite a lot of jews who were in palestine were actually young people, many of
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whom fled from europe, including from nazi persecution, despite restrictions from on the british side, they enlisted in the troops, primarily in the british troops, so that on different fronts, in particular they fought in north africa, being suitable for combat in the desert, having become accustomed to the climate in israel, they fought against the nazis, then these people with combat experience came from the explosion at the king david hotel, where the headquarters of the british command was located, the operation was carried out
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quite skillfully, in my opinion, 90 people died there, if memory serves, in fact, somewhere, well, there were a lot of motives, but this also prompted the british to agree to raise the question of creating an israeli state. in the security council, well, i myself don’t think that the british decided, so to speak, to let israel go, only because of the explosion in the king david hotel, although they need to say more additionally, the fact is that the british seized papers that testified that the irgun organization was carrying out terrorist acts, preparing terrorist acts against the british authorities, so in order to destroy this evidence, this explosion was prepared, they brought it there in milk cans tens of kilograms of explosives. yes, in the end they carried out this terrorist act, which became a reason to be quite skeptical about the creation of the state of israel
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and occupy such a distant position for some time position. in addition to great britain, which of course was one of the main political players at that time, of course, the position of, say, the same americans, well roosevelt, was important, so he treated the zionist idea.
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speaking, at that moment the game began, and the soviet side began to play its game in the middle east, stalin’s logic was clear, because a lot of natives, so to speak, russians came there, there were a lot of leftists, including, so the calculation was for that that they will bring some kind of intimacy there. some leftist ideas with russia, they will help strengthen the authority of the soviet union. i’ll just name some names. the first president of israel, chaim weizmann, was born in the grodno region, as was begen. the second president was yitzhak benzvi from poltava. david bengurion was also not born in brazil. therefore, certain hopes
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were pinned on this and... when the question arose in november of 1947 at the un about voting, so to speak, on the creation of a state in israel, the soviet union voted in favor. of course, there is a jewish lobby at the un, everything is there it worked, but still the main thing, in my opinion, was the mutual interest of the united states and the soviet union to oust britain from this region. and everyone hoped that he would take exactly this place. you said a very important thing. among the zionists there were leftists at that time, and they were the dominant group among the zionists, in fact , it was the leftists, the zionists, the heirs of the bund to a large extent, and the jewish workers' party, originally from the russian empire of poland, who initiated the creation of the state of israel, and uh they , right-wing zionists were in
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minority, and their relations, by the way, were very bad on both sides, even at some point yes... later before the military clash, but there is this hope that the left there will continue some more or less moderate, if not a pro-soviet, but a moderate policy towards the soviet union, they were generally based on this history of the zionist movement, well , the arabic view of the so-called soviet policy of that period is curious, so i will now quote the famous egyptian newspaper alya temple. during the second world war, the ussr, realizing that he does not use it in the middle east. egypt, syria, lebanon and iraq, thus hoping to strengthen their positions. moscow's secondary goal was to weaken or eliminate british influence in the region, as well as to provoke disagreements between london and washington in every possible way. it was these considerations that formed the basis of the soviet political course in the middle east. the fact is that after the end of
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the war a question arose, but an example. but she seemed to come in very handy, so this question began to arise again before israel's war of independence, and during this war, the soviet union, through czechoslovakia, allowed, so to speak, secretly, yes, volunteers, including soviet soldiers and officers of jewish origin, who had combat experience in the great patriotic war, to go there, which played an overall
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important role , this is especially true for soviet tankers who actually created. subsequently israeli armored forces. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. we are trying to understand the history of the arab-israeli relationships. it should be noted that the position of the soviet union also changed. well, everyone adjusted their position, naturally, because at first, for example, the soviet union. advocated the creation of a unified state of palestine, where palestinians, arabs and jews could coexist peacefully. the middle east department of the soviet mission at...
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when these first clashes began, they grew, in fact, into a full-scale war, when this happened, the soviet union began to supply weapons to the jews, the british began to supply weapons naturally, not everything was open to the palestinians, they did it through, but ours supplied, for example, through czechoslovakia, there is evidence that... officers, jews, war veterans were sent there, it is known that even the americans, who formally declared, so to speak, an embargo on the supply of arms for all sorts of such matters,
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however, not formally, quietly, american pilots, veterans also ferryed american planes, fighters, and even english ones were ferryed to israel, by 1949, although... to the jordanians , well the arab legion, which also, by the way, had experience of the second world war, it fought during the second world war, although this arab legion managed to retain the jewish quarter of old jerusalem, nevertheless, it means that israel then defended its right to exist, and the egyptians were then satisfied with control over the gas zone, it is important to emphasize that at that moment... two nationalisms already collided, jewish nationalism and arab nationalism, and a peaceful resolution of the conflict at that moment, apparently, in principle it couldn’t be, especially considering the british
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policy, which we have already talked about, deprives impora, divide conquer, in addition, the holocaust behind the jews, because roughly speaking, there is nowhere to retreat, yes, that is, this is very important to understand, then, what united jews in the struggle then for the state of israel was this feeling,
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the interests of the palestinians, there was the interest of egypt, but yes, there were the interests of the israelis, there were also the united states and great britain. and france, that is, everyone got involved
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in these matters. what became an incident was then is the reason for the war, it was abdali nasir’s decision to, so to speak, block the soviet channel, what? well, you only have to look at the map to understand how unacceptable this was to the israelis. it had to be blocked for israel. yes, yes, yes, yes, israel committed another, so to speak, action. on the anti-terrorist territory of gaza, but at the same time decided to punish the egyptians, their headquarters was located there, they destroyed this headquarters. it’s a common thing when someone is supplied with weapons, plus they don’t pay for these weapons on time, in full term, then a dependence arises, therefore, to a large extent, the growth on nassar, of course, is...
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israeli, as well as egyptian, because well, the fact is, it was not israel that blocked the soviet channel, it was not israel that nationalized the egyptian one, this very soviet channel, yes, the incident wandered was created by the egyptians, here i don’t quite agree, since the soviet canal itself passed through the territory of egypt, and egypt, based on the interests of national sovereignty, with all its anti-israeli policies and especially rhetoric anti-israeli at that moment,
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nationalized it, so that simply the income received from the passage of ships through the soviet canal, yes, could be used for the development of its own economy, because before that the income was received accordingly by the joint stock company of the soviet canal, where european capital dominated, and for other countries, except for israel, the soviet channel was not blocked, there was the possibility of negotiations, but in october of fifty -six these same behind-the-scenes negotiations between israel, france and great britain, which were simulated. this one planned this attack on egypt, according to which israel was supposed to attack egypt, and great britain and france were then supposed to invade the zone of the soviet canal in order to, so to speak, protect the canal and in order to separate the warring parties, and even then on during these negotiations, bengurion proposed a plan for a fairly serious redistribution of borders in the middle east in favor of israel, in particular, he laid claim to a significant part sinai peninsula, if not the whole, and calm it down. egypt, and france, and
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great britain, and israel, because the soviet union then took the side, essentially, of egypt, threatening, in general, almost with an atomic bomb, not even almost, but simply threatening, england was unable to justify its status world power, as before, when it... got into various kinds of local conflicts, came out victorious, here it was under pressure from both the soviet union and the united states, which did not need this mess at all at that moment, yes, it had to retreat, yes, israel was also among the losers, since it was not really able to round off its territory, egypt, because it suffered, suffered a military defeat , suffered quite serious losses, and this pushed egypt even more into the arms of the soviet union then, uh, here this is the story of the vanity channel and the story
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of the vanity crisis - on the one hand, this is one of the last attempts of such a traditional colonial policy of great britain to a large extent, on the other hand, this is one of the first such hot conflicts cold war, the second, actually after korea. we continue, today our topic is arab-israeli relations. after the already six-day war, which we will now talk about, the palestinians, palestinian arabs, and their organizations are beginning to actively move towards... terrorist methods, and not only on the territory of israel, but abroad. the most famous is the situation with the olympics in munich and the terrorist attack of the black september organization, yes, but that’s how, from what the world learned about palestinian terrorism and to a large extent, by the way, learned in general about the problems of palestine, as such, because until this moment , arab-israeli relations were one thing, and another thing were some palestinian arabs, yes, to whom no one actually paid attention in big politics, that’s actually where the roots flow from - terrorism on territory
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of palestine, those terrorist organizations that exist to this day, well, with the passage from generation to generation, with the change of generations within them, but nevertheless the roots go from there and... and this led to a further escalation of the conflict, of course, so what if now, talking about the six-day war, well, everything developed according to the classic, i would say , scenario, at first there were some actions, some explosions, killings on israeli territory, so to speak, hastily declared mobilization there, removed un observers from the sinai .
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this is the red sea, to be clear, this means that the strait of tiran is part of our territorial waters, no israeli vessel will be allowed through it in the future, at the same time we prohibit the delivery of strategic goods through this strait to israel courts of other countries, that is, in fact, history repeated itself to some extent, as with the soviet canal, again for israel, that the vanity canal, that the port in ilat, which is on...
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the usa avoided this only stated that they support freedom shipping. daegol , after a meeting with the minister, with the israeli foreign minister, announced that he was stopping the supply of weapons to israel. the british said a lot of polite words to israel and nothing. well, in the end, the israelis apparently decided that since the mid is not working, it means let the ministry of defense act, they struck a blow at the egyptian army, and the inequality of forces was some kind of fantastic, and yet, well, in general, now in all
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military academies the operations of the six-day war are simply a mandatory course, because there really was, well, we started with a strike on the airfield. destroyed the aviation, and then the egyptians were left without air support, which means that, so to speak, the actual extermination of the egyptian army began, it must be said that israel then demonstrated the highest level of mobilization of the population, mobilization of the army, and the motive for this mobilization was quite simple, that if we don’t win now, they will destroy us; in general , the state by that time had demonstrated a high level... unlike egypt, syria and jordan, that is their military modernization was a level higher than the modernization of these countries, primarily in organizational terms, because egypt’s weapons were soviet, they were of quite high quality, they were good, yes, but they were not enough to use
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at least the egyptian army could not, there were weapons, and there was training, they graduated from our schools and the question is how they studied, the question is: and well , apparently there are not enough weapons, you also need to have a russian character, mentality and so on, well, in general, in short, this means that in all directions, the syrians tried to attack on the dutch heights, as a result they were knocked out from there, if earlier they could observe from the dutch heights, the syrians could observe a significant part of israel, now the israelis could observe damascus. the same thing happened on others directions, the jordanians lost the old city of jerusalem and it became from then on under the control of israel, so to speak, so the war ended in complete collapse for the arab side, the result, so
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to speak, of all this, well, we can say that to some extent israel lost again, because he... again captured some, added another part of the arab population to his arab population, thereby creating even more problems, that’s what concerns the soviet union, despite losing... so to speak, the war by the egyptians, the influence of the soviet union there only increased, because they needed to supply weapons again, train the arabs again, the position of the soviet union in this case just strengthened, in fact, the soviet union had bases in the mediterranean sea, but there they were called guest ports , support base zones, in fact these are military bases of the soviet union, i found it here. figures, the territory after this war of israel has tripled, the population
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is almost a million arabs, in addition to the already existing 4500 for israel, of course, well israel's small population, of course , this addition was a very serious problem. it must be said that israel, as i already said, had plans for territorial expansion before this. but now israel declared that it was not waging aggressive wars, that it was ready to give up the captured territories in exchange for recognition, but it was a declaration that in general no one believed in, including the israelis themselves, the arabs did not believe in it, they did not believe in it in the world, israel was the winner, it could dictate its position from a position of strength, he did not want to retreat, in response, the arab countries showed the summit of the league of arab states in khartoum, in which they formulated the principle of three no, no recognition of the right to... and one more result of the war, which
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we have already mentioned, which is important to separately emphasize, this is really strengthening of soviet positions in the region. the soviet union, oddly enough, despite the defeat of the arab country, ended up winning. the last war that needs to be mentioned, of course, is the yom kippur war, in october 6-25, seventy-three, which israelis. took place in our best academies, the egyptians, yes, the egyptians, well, that is, it was
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such a preparation, revenge for the six-day war, in fact, defeat after preparing for a long, long time and everything happened so unsuccessfully, ensured, well, bad, if not peace, then in general, well, some semblance of some kind of peaceful existence until recent times, there is another factor, the arab states lost on the battlefield... the states, in europe, in the soviet union in a positive way, because the soviet union became its own sell oil, partially taking the place of the arab states in the world oil market, but nevertheless, this situation with a sharp jump in oil prices has also become quite an important factor.
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there were pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov. study history with us. hello, dear tv viewers, you are incredibly lucky. today my guest is a person who is celebrating this year.
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but your place of birth is much further east, much, much, tell me, this is the primorsky region, this is a village that still exists, it it used to be called grodekova, now it’s called border guard, it’s literally 2 km from the chinese border, and since after the war it was very fashionable, young people all entered the military school, my dad entered, he was given
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a lieutenant, then with my pregnant mother. they were sent to the far east, that’s where they walked to the maternity hospital, that’s where i was born, that’s what i was, such a handsome man, yes, well then here’s the question, the melody of childhood, how did we always have a radio hanging on the wall, and something like that with a rag , i remember, i remember, yes, what do you remember, you are younger, and i have my first contact with the song was already 4 years old, it decided a significant gap with us, of course, if you get beer, then you will run, so we accepted questions like that, the first song that ... i performed, it was in the early sixties , in our country there was already a stove at home in lvov, and before the new year on a stool, i always wanted to do something to attract the attention of my family, i still somehow had this in me since childhood: no, look at me, i, i, i am here to entertain you, the most popular song that
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was repeated many times was buchenval alarm, and i learned this song by heart. and i sang it on a stool, this, well, you remember this song, let’s go back 65 years, that’s because five-year-old lenya, this is vano muradeli, i remember the song, i grew up with it just like you too, let’s seryozha, let’s make people of peace for a minute, stand up, stand up, hear, hear quickly.
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now we definitely need to tell tv viewers that you can only sing like that at night, you know, yes, we just sang the song in a different key, it’s okay, i’m just surprised, well, you actually have a wider range than me, i can somehow do it on three notes. how long did you live in the far east for a year and a half, in my opinion, and that is, there was already school, no, no, then we moved to ukraine, then my dad was transferred to the carpathian military district, that’s how my formation was, all my school years were in lviv,
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this is already in lvov, this is your nose, this, this... once in the second grade i was collecting scrap metal and i was so nimble that there was such a long wire in my bedroom with a thickness that was wrong, but you can imagine, this is how it should be collect with metal so that the end of this wire falls into nose, that is, not like that, no, like that, yes, it hit me in the nose, that was the first, second, in my opinion, in the fifth or sixth grade i used the money i saved that... i won in gambling , there was such a game, like this, like this, but - such a bat is made of lead, and the change was folded on the ground, whoever throws closest to this line, then we turn it over, these bent coins, i won so much that i bought a bicycle for 5 rubles, despite the fact that there was no eaglet, and i bought a swallow bicycle, well
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, you know, that’s why, that’s exactly what i rode my bike to my mother’s sister’s house. aunt, she lived in a yard where there was a terribly steep descent to her entrance, and i was so excited to go there, in short, while i was driving, the brakes failed, i drove into a wall, i have about a month, this point, this, this was one line, then we got this belmand curve, yes, a bend, yes, yes, yes, this, this was my childhood, that even as a child i really loved showing pantamas, i adored, naturally, ingebarov and...
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this is this moment unheard of courage, because then we all somehow philharmonic society, how is this possible for yourself, you took it, went no, everything was much simpler there, i would not romanticize this period, the fact is that yuri petrovich lyubimov did not leave the theater, he left his homeland, then he was deprived of citizenship, it’s all like if everyone knew, the management in the theater had changed, which was not very interested in me. and ksyukha was already seven months pregnant at that time, this is my, my, yes, my wife, so i didn’t have any fear, i went nowhere,
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in fact, at the same time i had to think about how to prepare for childbirth, then where to live and how to live, something else, well, somehow, i probably wasn’t a member anywhere, not in the union of cinematographers, i didn’t have this all-russian theater id. society and somehow i was like that, i was such a cowboy who no one really needed, you know, an absolutely free artist, but somehow everything worked out, there were some works on television, some works in cinema, but if you’ve already started talking about cinema, then probably the beginning of my film biography is kind of real, it was in ’78 that i starred in a detective film, in 1978 i was filming in that same munchausen, the detective was very interesting to me... i periodically forget the name of this film, for some reason, probably, the majority of those living in the post-soviet space remember the moment where lenya
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is standing on a motorcycle, well, so do i i don’t remember, vadik zakharchenko is sitting, he keeps saying don’t growl, all this happens against the backdrop of the house where i was born and raised, this arch, yaovsky boulevard building 2, under the bells, man. pokrovsky gate and my house, in general, all this was filmed in smolensk, everything that happened connected with a motorcycle and there is a policeman who. suitable, it was the director of this picture, the wonderful director vladimir foykin, who is called their godfather in cinema, because he was the first to decide to act, to film a person with such a face in
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a film, and then there was zakharov, your birthday is in winter, and i i want, since we have known each other for a very long time, i know that lenya, to put it mildly, does not like mass holidays, especially in his honor, so i always congratulated him, either he is on the ski slopes, or he is on trips. with my family, i want to give you a gift, small, new year's, your birthday is in the winter, so just these years of mine we take tagankas, this is eduard hill, this is a little winter song near the forest at the edge of the forest, in honor of your birthday, come on only at a pace, so near the forest on the edge of the forest lived winter in a hut, she salted snowballs, birch co... she twisted yarn, she rocked canvas, forged ice bridges over the river at... oh, the ceiling,
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icy, without creak, behind like a stinging wall, tiny, as soon as he steps over the threshold, frost is everywhere, and from the windows, the threshold is blue, hey, happy birthday, i i owe you a thank you, i can imagine, i just thought that those who are watching us now, yes, on the tv screen, i think, guys, you need to hide somewhere, apparently drunk, yes, ermulin ordered a song, yes, no, he is absolutely sober impulse, but i honestly want to tell you this, and i have repeatedly, i will not forget, when i had my daughter, little violet, very little, and lenya had a swimming pool, it was an incredibly hot summer, there was already a swimming pool, she dials and says, come to me, let the child spend time, and i in general... for days
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lenya was hanging out at home, we were playing billiards, discussing some plans, and belo, explain correctly, it was so long ago that only i had a pool, a pool at the dacha, i can’t guess, this will be the honest truth, only you, this time, then we had a lot of trips, and even you and i had fun, but that wasn’t that long ago, some 10-15 years ago we had a couple’s conference. in italy, yes, it was very funny, uh, we were ironic there, making fun of our administrator, yes, in general, everything was it’s fun, friends, i’m glad that you are still with us on the air of the melody of my life podcast, and leonid yarmolnik, who said that he is 70, some simply erroneous manifestations of age, here he is, young, yes. smiling
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villager, i interrupted you a little, there were a lot of bright and episodic films, suddenly lenya makes a barracks, there was such a film, is this your first production work barracks? no, the first one is a moscow vacation, sala, this is ninety things, a moscow vacation is with selezneva, yes, yes, the main role, you are together they played, then there was a barracks, and it was perfect.
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but there is his wonderful daughter maryana anatolna, who cured half the country in a period, everyone, zenaida yuryevna is the head of the department where my mother was lying, they really saved my mother, that’s why the picture of the barracks, it’s iconic, it’s something like this , really a turning point, i always say that for many years i have played such
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episodes or abnormally. everything is in the picture, but you will like the theme, boogie on the bones, that was originally supposed to be the name of the film that we all know and love. financially, and you just got tremendous pleasure from the film and brought the main thing to the audience, so the fact that i gave what was needed for the film for free, was returned to me by an innumerable number of parties after the release of the film, when there was renewed interest in...
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who dances the best twisto rocknroll, there ’s no need to think about it, you became an example for everyone else, because in the film there were a lot of songs, hits from the eighties referred to me, yes, i referred to you. and almost all the songs that are played there, valera and i were given all these songs free, and garik sukachev, well, in general, everything, and well, a small fragment there, actually about lenya, you don’t notice me from the height of your beauty. i even allowed the words to be changed in the film, because it was necessary, but, anyway, it will be night, and you won’t spoil it for me, you’ll find out later, just the lyrics of such a song, even if
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i’m nobody today, and let them tell you that... i’m not that, but give me this day, give me this night, and me, at least one chance, and you will understand, it’s what you need, so, lyon, i’m talking about you, by the way, zhenya zhmargules i somehow helped you in your search, in my opinion, with us, if you already remembered about the villager, then for a very long time, six months.
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and this move was invented by zhenya margulis, whom i adore, whom i love, for me this is such an eternal shanghai blues, by the way, also mine, because it was in zhenya margulis’s kitchen that he complained that it was very difficult to write lyrics for the blues in russian language, because unlike english it is much more difficult to listen organically in the blues, and i actually had to write in a hurry... blue shanghai, come on zhen, you special hello, yes, yes, wifey, he also had a birthday last december, though it’s not a big date, but still slept, a long time ago, when we didn’t care what
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to drink, what to do, who to live with. time passed , hi-fi, we sang blue, shanghai, and then about a major and everything, this is it, hello to evgeniy, shulimychu, dear friends, you are watching the podcast melody of my life, i am its host valery syutkin, today my guest is leonid yarmalnik, tell me, this is an interesting moment for me, originally the kvn jury, and then television projects already with yours, which you personally actually, if i’m not mistaken, el-club el-club was invented by vlad listev, lene
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ikubovich, me, and there were several other people, i remember walking around this supermarket with a cart, something there i typed, yes, yes, yes , yes, no, this ale club was invented in a gazebo at my dacha, that’s when we got together, and this... everything was born and it was a program that lived for many years on television, brought me incredible popularity, well, in terms of recognition, and then there were many programs, i remember this is what i call greed, you were there with golden hair, it’s a gold rush, a gold rush, but this image was invented for you, it’s just that dima libskerov came up with this, the idea of ​​this program in general and... because this program, in mine lasted one or two seasons, we supported it, the time was not very good, they played put gold, real and ounce gold, but you know, and the scenery was invented by sasha borovsky, that is, it was
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very high quality, i must tell you that this program stopped working for us, well the times were very different on television, there was no time before this, but several european countries bought a patent for this program, is this the second time? it’s very organic, you also led bayard, you led bayard for many years, yes, yes, about five or six years, there weren’t a lot of it, it was necessary to participate, that is, you - at the same time it was and...
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well, today, but today there is still such a thing as the internet, and youth, youth, in the broadest sense, they have gone there, it just seems to me that, to put it briefly, we are very happy people, we are hooked on my father’s albums, mom’s handwriting, you know, one of the most catapulting things for me recently is such simple informational occasions, here’s how to say it for me, an essay at school, who do you want to be and... a boy of about 12 years old and says that i want to be my mother’s phone number, my mother’s
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phone, a phone, because my mother adores her phone, she turns it on as soon as she wakes up, turns it off when she falls asleep, and i want to be instead of the phone so that she adores me, and i read somewhere like agnie borto, a funny poem , mom is at home, mom is not, mom is on the internet, mom is looking on the internet, what's new in the world, coffee. beats, looks with his eyes, what is happening in the world, mom, i’ll tell you, i happen in the world, we happened in some real world, unfortunately, now save me, i don’t know how you fight with your grandchildren, i don’t i’m fighting, grandchildren - this is generally my new life, this is how you dose it, no, they both have all these gadgets, they press buttons, naturally better than you and me, huh? this is incredible, but
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there are parents who do not allow their children, say, to watch tv, but with gadgets mess around, but i think it’s even, because without this life today is impossible, impossible, otherwise it’s impossible to save it, but pay attention like this, spend more time, of course you’re a colossal grandfather, i saw that, sasha gave birth to your daughter these two handsome men, they... there's a doctor, there's something else, there's something else, here
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- sashka extended his hand, he himself always told this at creative meetings, he extended his hand, yes, sasha, yes, he says, who are you do you want to be, i want to be an artist, the teacher says that you, sashenka, cannot be anything you want, the attitude towards this profession seems to be like this, so, artist, leonid ermolik has been playing a play for many years, in fact, this is what you have...


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