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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 6, 2024 4:15am-4:58am MSK

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people managed to jump out, run out, left, so we took 10 people prisoner, well , the rest were unlucky. the best of the best will march in the parade column of the north military district participants across red square; the history of each feat is worthy of a multi-page description. the guys from bezi brovada tell how they held on, fought, tried with all their might to complete the combat mission and survived. we went out at night, entered a trench, and destroyed the enemy. within 9 days we deployed the defense; accordingly, for 9 days we held the position for the main forces to approach, after completing the task, the assault platoon reached its own without losses, after this alexander will have dozens more such combat exits, you think for the group, for your comrade, he covers you, you cover him, once our ancestors fought on the same territory, where we are now, we knocked out the fascists of the german-german occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, roman lobov
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was an electrician before peaceful life, a couple of years ago he could not imagine that his entire chest would be covered in military awards, and he will become participant in the parade on red square. our troops were actively advancing, ran into peaceful barriers and, under massive fire , ensured passage for our guys, well, they successfully completed the entire task, the troops passed through and occupied certain strong points. i am very proud that we ended up with the guys on red square, the participants. parade, very cool, we are very proud of the naturalist, it is the cvo box that is an honor for us, in fact. 79 years ago our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers walked along red square and now we can also walk and feel the same thing as them felt. instead of a dress uniform, the usual camouflage, body armor, helmets, even the outer column of heroes and their own will stand out on red square, after the parade the guys will have a few days to rest, and then back to the front line. shishken, pavel volkonsky, andrey
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lesnykh, konstantin dzhukovsky, channel one. special operation, what else besides ocheretin. from there the front advances further. from the front line, 2 km to the north in arkhangelskoye, the following footage was taken from a drone. destruction of the american m-113 armored personnel carrier. the militants tried to to escape, they loaded up, but our attack aircraft fired grenades. in addition, there is a message about a new one. a concentrated strike on the ukrainian military rear in odessa and kharkov, an air raid alert in the dnepropetrovsk and poltava regions, and two hits were also recorded by the slavic tes in the dpr, which is still under the control of the kiev regime. on its territory there are militants and mercenaries, as well as s-300 launchers. there is information that this power plant transfers generation to military factories in kharkov. germany, which supplies weapons to kiev, is faced with problem. more than a million ukrainians entered
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the country in 2 years, but only every fifth got a job, statistics are provided by the bilt publication. there is a shortage of personnel in many industries, but refugees admit that it is simply unprofitable to work. it’s more interesting to receive a guaranteed benefit without doing anything. and reporters from the british guardian talked to those who remained in ukraine. draconian mobilization rules, street raids, forced delivery to recruitment centers. and against this background there are islands. silence, such as, for example, expensive kyiv residential complex. “i feel like a slave, you have one life, and if you choose between life and the national flag, i choose life,” says alexander. some of the apartment owners in the building are deputies. the military does not come here; our complex is an island of survival. to be poor in ukraine means to be dead, noted alexander’s wife, nastya. now about our main orthodox holiday.
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sunday patriarchal night service in the cathedral of christ the savior. together with hundreds of parishioners , the president celebrated easter there, and before the festive vespers in the cathedral they delivered the miraculous kazan icon, a newly discovered shrine with a great history. anastasia kobozeva, more details about everything. lent is over, the time of easter joy has come. at night , a festive chime was heard over the capital. in the cathedral of christ the savior, the atmosphere is especially warm, whole families came here this night, when i come to the temple, all the dinners are taken away from the soul as if by the wind, i just immediately want to live somehow, start something new, this is a special thing in the temple the atmosphere, sometimes even to the point of tears, it is sublime, very sublime, solemnly, i want to hug the whole world.
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christ will rise again! in the hands of all believers are candles lit from a particle of the holy fire. faith, love, hope are eternal values ​​and today they are more important than ever. according to tradition, during the night liturgy, priests change white robes to red ones. this is the color of the blood shed by jesus, and of life triumphing over death. at night , ceremonial services were held throughout the country, this is the far east. this is my girls’ first night service like this. and in this temple, too, this is the first easter. this is how we always go to easter services, we take communion and confess. many come to
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temples with children. my niece, she ’s coming for the first time today, so i couldn’t refuse my niece. that's exactly what she wanted, so we went. bring along traditional easter dishes and...
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whose life is at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values, those who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured, the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord asking him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of hostility, and the reign of a lasting, just peace. christ is risen. truly he will rise again! christ will rise again! truly he will rise again! christ will rise again! the words that were spoken at midnight in all churches will sound for another 40 days, as a symbol of the good news
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of victory, life over death. and this evening patriarch kirill celebrated the easter great vespers in the cathedral of christ the savior. the kazan icon of the mother of god was delivered there from the kazan cathedral on red square. according to legend, it was this that the militia of minin and pozharsky carried with them, liberating moscow from polish invaders. the shrine was considered lost for more than 100 years, but last year on national unity day news came that the ancient image had been found. this is the same moscow kazan icon of the mother of god, which was considered stolen from the kazan cathedral on red square. or even destroyed, she appeared. today we are starting a procession of the cross, and i would like this procession, which will pass through the cities and towns of all russia, to also bring this shrine, the kazan icon of
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the mother of god, to these places. in every city before the revered malebny will be served in this way, and after the religious procession she will be returned to the kazan cathedral. anastasia kobuzeva, anatoly lazarev, irina chyuchuy, kirill loginov, channel one. vladimir putin congratulated all orthodox russians on the holiday. the president recalled the importance of the church in preserving our heritage and noted its selflessness towards everyone who needs help. i heartily congratulate orthodox christians, all citizens of russia who are celebrating the holy sunday of christ. easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions that... unite millions of people, are passed on from generation to generation, and inspire good deeds and aspirations. it is important to note the creative, fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations aimed at preserving our rich historical, cultural, spiritual heritage, strengthening the institution
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of family, educating youth, establishing in society such inappropriate values ​​and moral guidelines as caring for one’s neighbor, mercy and compassion . spiritual shepherds have always been with the people, and today, in the face of serious challenges, christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless assistance to those who need support and attention. once again, happy holiday, i wish you prosperity and success. vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to patriarch kirill, expressing gratitude for his great personal contribution to preserving the values ​​of orthodoxy and spiritual traditions. sijin pin came to europe for the first time in 5 years. in the schedule of the president of the people's republic of china serbia and hungary, by the way, friendly to russia. but first, france. macron will take his guests to perenea, the homeland of his maternal grandmother. it's tuesday. the eu
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is increasing pressure on china for its alleged military assistance to russia. in february, chinese companies were included in the sanctions list for the first time. brussels also fears an increase in dependence on, for example, solar electric vehicles produced in china. and it will not be easy to agree on one of the issues - the rating agency admits. on china's position on ukraine, the eu's anti-russian position.
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european union. nato's defeat in the conflict in afghanistan certainly served as an impetus for nato countries to arm ukraine so massively that their soldiers had to be trained to use these weapons. nato is becoming increasingly embittered in this ukrainian conflict, and if that’s all. at stake and nato is defeated, this will have devastating consequences for the alliance. former french army intelligence chief christophe gomard called macron's project empty chatter. what kind of transition to a war footing and what kind of military defeat for russia can we talk about? speech, if french factories barely make 3,000 shells a month, and ukraine needs at least that much, but daily. let's continue.
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they are trying to drag as many as possible , by hook or by crook, through blackmail, lies,
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the copenhagen format is absolutely a dead end, of developing countries, countries of the global south into these gatherings. and another hot-button region, israel, which, like ukraine , was approved by biden for new aid, was nevertheless left without american ammunition for the first time since last october, when it was attacked by hamas militants. political portal. the source of this news recalls: in recent months, washington has been calling on the israelis to work more on providing humanitarian aid to the civilian population of gaza and to more carefully select targets for strikes. israel, in turn, promises only to expand the operation in the enclave by sending troops into the raf. almost 1.5 million palestinians are concentrated around the city bordering egypt. the israeli general staff does not cancel this plan as a plan to achieve all goals in gaza, including the complete elimination of hamas. but there are also... proposals that today representatives hamas, at negotiations in cairo with israel, flew to qatar to discuss until tuesday, where,
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by the way, the director of the us central intelligence agency also urgently went. the first stage involves the release of hostages in exchange for a pause in israeli hostilities, the second involves the restoration of sustainable calm in gaza. in moscow , war correspondents who died in the performance of their professional duty were remembered. the liturgy took place in a building under construction. in the temple complex of the holy martyrs anatolius and proteleon, where a border with names of journalists. their relatives were present at the service. pavel pcholkin talked with them. the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of military commanders who died on the fronts from yugoslavia to donbass has been in the air for a long time. in 2015, a temple complex was founded here in marina in honor of fallen soldiers and correspondents, and today the easter liturgy was held in the church of the holy martyrs anatoly and protoleon, which is under construction. the illuminated domes have not yet been raised, but
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the easter chime of the bells installed in place is already calling believers to the temple. on the solemn service today was attended not only by parishioners, but also by war correspondents, as well as close colleagues of theirs who died in the performance of their professional duty. the names of military officers who gave their lives with the blessing of the patriarch of moscow will be displayed in one of the boundaries of this temple. among them, of course, are the names of our colleagues, viktor nagin and gennady kurenov, who disappeared during the war in yugoslavia in 1991, and the name of channel one operator anatoly klyan, over 40.
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friends and colleagues, this is really for us very important. it will be possible to mention here both journalist daria dugina and military commander vladlin tatarsky, killed by ukrainian terrorists. among those who came to the temple today was the mother of zvezda tv channel correspondent pavel obukhov, who died in a plane crash. in the crash of that tu-154 in sochi in 2016 , 92 people died, among them colleagues from
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ntv who were flying on a business trip to syria, our film crew from channel one. correspondent. and his colleagues, cameraman vadim denisov and sound engineer alexander soydov. as soon as i found out, i immediately accepted an immediate decision to come and take part in this action, in order to thus honor the memory of the journalists who died in the line of duty until the last shot. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. very close by, in the park named after artyom borovik , today a memorial stone was illuminated in the alley of journalists, where cedars were planted in honor of our fellow military officers who did not return. since 1947, in russia in the soviet union they began to plant trees in memory of those who went to war, and we decided to resume this tradition, it was just the anniversary year of victory, so the action was supported by two presidents in russia and belarus. every year in may
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, activists in different countries plant 27 million trees to match the number of our compatriots who lost their lives in the war against nazism. all-russian competitions in the moscow region were held in the practical shooting park for the governor's patriot cup. more than thirty teams, representatives of law enforcement agencies, competed in accuracy and speed of fire from all types of small arms in various conditions, including at night. in one of the snipers categories, participants hit targets at distance of up to one and a half kilometers, the winners were awarded cups and valuables. here everyone is of the same spirit, of the same type, guys, young and experienced, veterans and family members have gathered here in order to compete once again, but at the same time understand that they are ready to defend their homeland, for saving
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the fatherland of the whole world from fascism 80 decades ago fought de... victory day, which many sang along with. in russia, the immortal regiment is taking place in new formats this year. portrait galleries, a wall of memory appeared in schools, museums and homes culture. photographs of veterans in the windows of cars and public transport. in the leningrad region, in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war, a car and motorcycle rally took place.
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now about our common project with the whole world, it has helped thousands, united millions. short number for sms 7375 or qr code at the bottom of the screen. today is a fundraiser for a house with a lighthouse, a fund to help children and young people with severe disabilities.
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he sleeps, plays, even bathes, the fact is that timofey’s body does not absorb regular food, milk, puree mixture due to short term syndrome intestines, 3 hours after he was born, he underwent the first operation, i spent the first hours of my life in one hospital, and timofey spent in another hospital in two intensive care units, it was very difficult for me. over the 7 months of his life, timofey went through six operations, did not gain weight for a long time, but thanks to intravenous nutrition, it is called parenteral, now he is no different from his peers and it seems that he will crawl very soon. you're such a great guy, a very strong boy, we have food for a year costs of 2 million, unfortunately, this is very difficult for our family, we cannot cope with this, and the house with the lighthouse offered us their help. “we are very grateful to them for this, that they took us in, that timofey is under their wing and that timofey is alive with us thanks to them. according to
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the law, the state provides such food for families, but sometimes it takes too much time to complete all the necessary documents. for example, in moscow, parenteral nutrition is provided for individual purchases; usually the wait for food takes up to 4 months, and a child cannot live without such nutrition. can live not a day, so we try to provide. their families with parenteral nutrition for the period while they are waiting to receive it from the state, so that the children's hospice house with a lighthouse can provide all its charges with short bowel syndrome with intravenous nutrition per year, about 13 million rubles are needed. we can help you, just send an sms to the short number of the project of the first channel with the whole world 7375, you can donate any amount acceptable to you, the main thing is to confirm the transfer by following the instructions of your operator, or point the camera smartphone to the qr code and go to the assistance collection page. why does the palliative service register these patients? palliative services, they are accustomed to such patients, to severe ones, plus we understand that a child on paranatal nutrition can walk,
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yes, he can play and should play, yes, but for, say, an ordinary doctor, a child with an arterial port, yes , this is a child who should lie down, yes, because he is on a drip, the head doctor of the house with a lighthouse, grigory vladimirovich, came to visit ilyusha and to support his mom and dad, who, like all parents of babies on intravenous nutrition, themselves... are now like nurses, there are sterile gloves that usually people work with, not sterile, but rubber, in this case it’s essentially a small operation. anna is preparing to take ilyusha off the iv; the catheter is installed in a vein that goes directly to the heart, so protection against infection must be multi-level. share your smile, it will come back to you more than once. parents, including specialists, are taught all this hospice and provides.
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little by little, everything is fine with us, our teeth are growing very well, yes, because we have great drugs that make everyone want to get rid of their teeth, yes, we still... if you get used to it, then over time it ’s easy , katya is her own nurse, she’s 20, she ’s used to, as she jokes, preparing food without the help of her mother or doctors, she’s been on this diet for several years now, ever since the doctors had to remove part of the intestines from a mortgage diagnosis, it was difficult because there were several operations, that is, in 2 survived about six operations in a month, the weight dropped to 35 kg, and people like... help is needed no less than timofey or ilya, because after reaching adulthood it is even more difficult to get parenteral nutrition for free, and katya’s body now does not absorb ordinary food at all, ordinary yes , rather for
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pleasure. i can order pizza there with my friends, for example, and then rarely, because it’s scary, so that there are no complications, on a drip for 18 hours a day, i had to leave the university, but she continues to study at home and came up with something like this for herself hobby, weaving jewelry, it is in our power to make sure that katya does not worry whether she will have food in a month or six months, and timofey ilya had a happy, healthy childhood, ilyusha shepherded like those, come on, come on, come on , come on, what the... what a handsome boy! olga pautova, darya rybakova, ilya marin, renat goreev, roman khorolenko and sergey klishin, channel one. to help the wards of the house with a lighthouse foundation, use the qr code at the bottom of the screen or sms to the short number 7375. if requested by the mobile operator, you need to confirm translation. everything about the project is on the channel one website in the whole world section 7375. that’s all for me.
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autumn celebrates a farewell ball, but expects no mercy from fate, whist, melting in a slow circle, sad to perform a dance near the ground, leaves burn without regret, even when the deadline has not passed, but they managed to serve before they fell into ashes on the sand. the foxes are falling, falling, falling
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, falling, well, let it be a transparent light, in memory, memory, in memory, in the memory of the faces of those who are not around today, falling, falling, falling, falling leaves, well, let it be transparent light, those who are not around today, those who
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are around today. no, hey, those who are nearby today are not there, y, hello everyone, dear friends, you are watching a podcast in the wrong format, as always in our studio , my wonderful co-hosts karina cross and valya carnival, me.
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let's say, a girl with a multimillion-dollar audience, incomparable, amazing, adored asia, hello, asia, please tell me, this is a pseudonym, yes, in fact, what does it mean, in general, asia from ancient arabic, in my opinion, is called healing , translated as healing in a word, and i'm in in her youth, when she took this pseudonym, she was a very romantic type, and you know, i think whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail, in theory i always focused on the lyrics in my songs, probably like... that’s it, wait, in my youth, well, yes, i didn’t understand, now how many, okay, they don’t ask women age 26, i’m familiar with your work, you, well, you can honestly say, you don’t have to say, you have a musical education, yes, of course, that’s i can hear it because you use gambols like that all the time, how do you this is great, such a progression of harmony may not be such a rich harmony, but this is not necessary, by the way, i myself am for simplicity, but
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i have one such song, it’s generally written on two chords. i’m familiar with alexander bulnov and his work, because such communication seems to be yes, of course, listen, my parents, when they found out that we would have a joint program, my mother said, nastya, this is such a delight, we know all the songs, and indeed, when we just started listening to your work, i realized that i know every second one practically by heart, and asi, you have prepared some kind of surprise for alexander, well, i don’t know how much of a surprise it is, in general, this is, in principle, a song that i always sing, everywhere, which we sing with friends with a guitar, when we have we have some kind of spiritual gatherings, and let this be a song, we ’ll sing along to you, someone will say, all roads have been traveled, someone will say, everyone has sung the song, but i
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walk with careless steps, i go to defiance my fate. someone is hiding behind a stone wall, someone is tired and i am rooted to the bottom, and i scream, burn everything with a strong flame, i sing just one thing, well, let’s sing together. let sadness come to me again, let sadness happen in my heart, i will smile at all of them, drink again, i can’t hear you,
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alexander! your career began back in your school years with probably such a fundamental acquaintance with alexander gradsky, but tell us in more detail how this happened, and you know that i have a little surprise, look, now let’s return to history, which means the story is this: it was in the ninth grade that i began to become interested in rock and roll, one day i i accidentally ended up in one group to play, then it was fashionable, you play at school, here in moscow state university in zone b and...
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and he, me too, sasha, let's create a group, right away, well, you recognize gradsky, yes, yes, i even have a name, he says, i say, which one, he says, from mosquitoes, by the way, i dressed up today, i had almost the same pants, with oxelbows, look, oh, hussar, hussar it turns out, that’s when i had, these pants appeared, then some sofyan boots with curved toes appeared, like ivan tsarevich, velvet. so on top i just put on a sack, a sack, well, yes, cut out for the head and for the hands, and so the buffoons, we were like that, rehearsed, looked for other musicians for a long time, well, the first performance we had was the three of us with
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drummer volodya polonsky and i had some kind of unfortunate piano, they took off all its covers, hollowed out everything from there, only there are bare strings, which means hammers, and i’m chopping some kind of rock and roll there, the city sings, his signature song was house of the rising sun, this here, you knew, the trick is the fact is that this song goes through my institute, come on, and my friend and i remade it in the russian style, the main character was lev nikolaevich tolstoy, the song sounded like this: come on, in the village in clear glade, lived lev nikolaevich thick. he loved the village and the bathhouse, walked around the village in a deep voice, and the maid around the house, aksinya, climbed into the septum,
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spitting. i noticed it, noted it, then there was a scandal, well, in general, then the whole story went on, asya. please tell me who influenced your music, is there any do you have idols? i probably didn’t have such directly great teachers in my life, but there were those people who really gave me a lot of warmth, they themselves may not have realized themselves in the musical field somehow brightly, but at the same time they put faith in me, my a vocal teacher at the institute, nastenka said, you’re just a diamond, you just need to be cut, despite the fact that i sang crookedly, but, but this is some kind of understanding that i have some special... skill to feel is probably the most important thing in music - it’s just to have a soul
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the ability to somehow open it up to people, my parents also played music, but no one, no matter how professionally , developed it in themselves, my mother played the accordion, my father played the guitar, there was already music at home, you had it all the time, your grandfather played constantly, great, you have a song about the wonderful feeling of love, and what influenced it so much, why is every song of yours permeated with this feeling of love, in fact, i had such a complex for a long time... i come from a fairly happy family, i’m lucky, i somehow god leads me along the red line, and in my whole life is filled with great love, that’s why i probably have so much of this love, by the way, if you want a story, here we want it, in fact, i have a song, the last weakness, this is my first such youthful song, i wrote it on such an impulse endless emotions, just a boy who i really liked, he proposed to another girl, and i found out about it and was endlessly upset. literally a month ago this boy wrote to me and said: nastya,
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i’m sorry, i was a fool, i offended you so much, and you’re great, this is when, this is now, this is literally recently, it’s amazing, just imagine how everything is really released straight to you, listen, well, we want you to sing the song the last weakness, but not in its original version, so we decided to jazz it up a little, this song is the last weakness . my weakness is going down the aisle, and i'm going to success, it's even good that you didn't come, i 'm not crying, it's in the network interference, i cover up the feeling with a stupid laugh, you're going to go, and i'm going to success, it's even good that you didn't come, i i'm not crying, it's online. interference covers
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the feeling of a stupid laugh, this is love, baby, by the way, they got divorced, well done. unfortunately, for you, we will have to conduct the investigation together, why, unfortunately, intelligence is always welcome, i’m so happy in general, now we can solve this case in an hour, who is taking the bread, people are coming from the forest, it’s somehow wrong, and what do these passes give you, with them you can get through all our posts to the very front line, you have two options, stay here in this apartment forever.
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victory day, festive evening, may 9 on the first. i wanted to say, first of all, thank you thank you very much, you made my dream come true, you would know how many issues in a row, guys, i wanted to sit here and eat something, impudently imprison, i read that you were born into a very musical family and that you were literally chained to musical
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instruments, you tell me, is this true or is it still a lie, and a provocation, which of us was not tied up, and we even have a saying with our friends, if you were beaten for... no matter how brilliant, his dad still forced him to study, you see, i had the same story, everyone in our family were musicians, i mean, my mother was a conservator and four brothers, two of them graduated from the conservatory, i was the third, i also had a younger brother, and as if my mother said that you should just get an education, my older brother, well, more for some reason. .. he probably did something crazy, because he tied a chain around my leg, we had a big dog, and we tied the chain around the leg and legs of the piano, where the joke is, that is, he instilled a love for the instrument, so that you know, so that he could stand like that, further, where, my mother is somehow alone once again, the only conflict i have...


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