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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 6, 2024 7:55pm-8:52pm MSK

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you know what - tomorrow we’ll discuss everything, we’ll work through everything, then on wednesday we’ll discuss it again and work it out, well, i said yes on may 7, and then i remembered alesya, so to speak, who i saw today on the approach to the remains on the vushanochka, and i think so according to it feels like it’s not may, yes, it’s not the month of may, although it’s actually may, you can really feel the cold in moscow, they promise us a cold snap of 8°, so... we went to the ostankino television center, they say, for it's already getting colder, now we'll check, moreover, on tuesday night the air temperature will drop even more , rain and sleet are expected in the region, against this background moscow mayor sergei sobyanin said that it was decided to resume the supply of heat to residential buildings and social facilities, so tomorrow we will not freeze, tomorrow we will be warm, we will turn it on in the morning channel one at 9:20. we are starting
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our news broadcast, watching the solemn event, the important day of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. thank you, friends, for your attention, see you on the air, now we have on air the dolls of the heir tutti, watch. apparently, an exemplary family man and christian believer, speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson is actually not so pure. the secret fraternity he belongs to, capa sigma, the largest collegiate fraternity in the united states, has some strange initiation rites, to say the least. in order to become one of your own, you need to beat a goose to death.
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golf club. flayers? yes, crazy, definitely. but it turned out that this was just the tip of the iceberg. what else is mike johnson famous for unexpectedly approving the allocation of billions? dollars for the ukrainian adventure of the americans. let's tell you right now. maria butina is with you, this is the heir doll of tootie, we are starting. and our kus is safe in russia. i think russia continued. would march across europe if she were allowed. the next step, the russian military could go to the baltic states. johnson shocked not only the americans by allowing the us house of representatives to unblock the allocation of tranches for ukraine, israel and taiwan, although earlier both as speaker and as a member of the lower house of the american parliament opposed almost all laws on assistance to kiev, while he managed to be re-elected three times after first entering congress in 2016. something forced him out... the american media presented their
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version of the chronology of events with reference to insiders. the pressure was exerted by biden himself, who summoned johnson to the oval office. during the meeting, cia chief burns and other senior us homeland security officials tried to convince johnson how dire the consequences would be if ukraine's air defenses were no longer will be reinforced by american weapons. before this, biden openly threatened johnson that the speaker's inability would be remembered for a long time. hold kiev at a critical moment. mike responded with reminders of joo's failure as president. it is important that johnson’s predecessor was dismissed for suspicion of collusion with the head of the white house on the ukrainian issue. for the first time after his appointment to the post in october 23. johnson really did not allow the presidential administration to interfere in the work of the house of representatives. chosen with on his third try, he became trump's man in congress. at the same time, a split began between democrats and skeptics.
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conservative republicans. skepticism persisted even after zelensky’s visit to the capitalist hill, where johnson even avoided taking photographs together. at the same time , the priority of fellow party members remained in favor of protecting the us state border, not helping ukraine, even despite the resistance of the republican minority in the senate led by mitch mcconnell. i apologize for the time it took to coordinate support. too much time, even though i worked hard to get republican votes. but after a months-long behind-the-scenes campaign to convince him, johnson gave in: they relied on pressure from intelligence, european diplomats, white house officials and biden. as a result, in march of this year, the speaker already discussed a law on the payment of part of the assistance at the expense of russian frozen assets, and in april he agreed with trump in marlago on the approval of the tranche to kiev. this is a difficult situation for any speaker. johnson is doing a very good job. from the outside ex-president, this could either be... some kind of
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bargaining to fend off the courts, or trump understands that injections into the armed forces of ukraine will not affect the situation on the battlefield, but will add to his popularity, just like a constant reminder of the chaos at the border with mexico, which... his opponent allowed, but in order to exclude the participation of migrants in the elections, he persuades johnson, as a lawyer in constitutional law, to take appropriate prohibitive measures, because it is biden who is betting on the votes of illegal immigrants. we'll do our best to ensure private elections are held. we will introduce legislation requiring every person who registers to vote to first prove that they are an american citizen. walks in step with trump against the liberal mainstream as a conservative. baptist on the sensitive issue of abortion for the united states in that he does not play along with sex with a minority; they tried to influence him even through his religious beliefs. according to the financial times, a photo of the destroyed baptist church in berdyansk with phrase from the bible, was installed in front of johnson's home church in his home state
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of louisiana, but the speaker's christian sympathy turned out to be somehow too selective. the usa is the only country in the world founded on a creed. the world needs it now more than ever. apparently, so that we remember our creed: our country's greatest ally in the middle east is under attack, we should have supported our dear friend, the state of israel, long ago. in response to the support , university protests broke out across america, their twenty-year johnson is now using his legal experience in the fight for the first amendment against students, because the american military-industrial complex is simultaneously sponsored by universities and tel aviv, but they did not stand on ceremony with him. mike. you suck mike, you suck! on the scale of dignity, johnson slid sharply down, from a speaker with a course on make america great again, he turned into a fighter for the buildup of wars, the slogans of the magician were converted into a muga, let's make ukraine great instead of america. in order to prevent the final tilt
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of the congress towards one-party rule, republican marjarie taylor greene intends to put the question of the speaker's resignation to a vote. the uniparty stands for ukraine. has become great, it is only concerned with financing every war abroad, believing that this is the right business model for the development of the american economy. for johnson, everything seems to be repeating itself, once during the rite of passage into the secret society capa sigma, he was marked by the ritual rite of brutal murder of goose, because of that drinking incident , the brotherhood was dissolved, but this approach to johnson’s advancement to power, apparently, i recorded in memory just in case i scored another one. goose, listen, comrades, here we have a political change of the century, so to speak, has happened, the speaker of the us congress, the house of representatives, mike johnson, used
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to talk about helping ukraine like this, we should not send another 40 billion dollars abroad, no having enough. control over where that money goes when our border is in chaos. as american mothers struggle to find baby formula, gas prices are at record highs, and american families trying to make ends meet. let's clarify: chaos in america remains, baby formula is still as expensive as gasoline, the crisis at the border has not gone away, but suddenly, voila, everything is completely different, suddenly he pulls the handle, mike johnson almost stops... pedy right highlight money for ukraine, that’s what he said after he radically changed his shoes and voted in favor. here's his rationale. why are you willing to risk losing your position over the issue of funding for ukraine? i
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believe that providing ukraine with military help at this moment is very important. i really think so. to be completely honest, i would rather send ammunition to ukraine than american guys. my son is going to start studying at the naval academy this fall, it will be more fair, because this can affect many families. this is not some kind of game, and this is not a joke. you can't play political games with this issue. i'm going to give every member of the house of representatives the opportunity to vote according to their beliefs and express your opinion on this issue. and i believe that this is exactly how our structure should work. and for this i am ready to take personal risks, because i believe that first of all you need to do the right thing. somehow very similar to an uncomfortable apology, he clenches himself, such a dandelion, says: don’t hit me, if anything, he pulled on the handle, well, mike johnson, in fact, no matter how strange it may sound now, he is
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a random person in big politics , so now he revels in this role, his role, the man who took and turned situation, he allowed assistance to be provided. ukraine, but i think that this is certainly no coincidence, most likely we are talking about the fact that donald trump is changing the concept of the election campaign, he is starting to put pressure on joseph biden’s team in order to take it away from him, including in part. the ukrainian case, the responsibility to force trump, all the buns, so to speak, everything, all the foam, to collect in himself now the children's aid that was allocated to ukraine, and why is johnson so inconvenient for him then, well, if he is part of a big plan, he understands it, johnson considers himself an apostle of donald trump, as a pious man and a man of the sectarian type, he is ready to do anything, he is in the name of his boss, he is ready for anything, and he showed this, what is called a hob, this is the fire he will continue to carry within himself . and he will demand a lot of favors from trump in the future, i think that he will not have any, no rage in his eyes,
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because as we know, rage is a noble feeling, but here there is no smell of nobility, here it smells, we adjust to the line party, that is, you know, as they used to say, hesitated along with the party line, this is him, and he understands perfectly well that even the argument concerning his own son is actually nonsense, because if they are now sending more and more weapons to ukraine... that is, they are positioning themselves quite clearly as an enemy of russia, as a state that is de facto at war with russia, then his son has very little chance of being alive when he becomes an officer in the us navy, because in this way they are moving step by step towards unleashing the third world war, it will be nuclear, and at the same time, he cites this as an argument, saying: listen, if we don’t give ukraine more weapons now so that they can fight longer, then we will have to fight. moreover, not only that , not only that, he says that it is a divine necessity to transfer these
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weapons to ukraine, this is a quote from him, thunder and lightning struck him, or what? yes, well, in fact, we hear this thesis very often from biden’s apparatchiks and many ukrainian lab workers in general, that we kind of have a choice, there is no choice to send weapons or not to send weapons, but the choice is either we will send weapons, or when ukraine loses, we will fight ourselves, or it would be better to send weapons there, because tarasov’s life has no value for them, so, but returning to yours. the question is, why does he feel so uncomfortable? on the one hand, there is, of course, the opinion of the republican establishment, which for the most part, but very many, support the continued financing of the ukrainian project. on the other hand, there is the opinion of the republican base, that is republican electorate, and let me remind you that 2/3 are already against continuing the war with russia. plus there is a certain conspiracy now by representatives from the right wing, the trumpists, and marjari teilar green and so on, who threaten mike johnson with the fact that now , after agreeing on tran , the same thing that happened to kevin mccarthy in the past will await him year, he will be thrown out again, but
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again, i’m not sure that they will succeed, but he understands that his position is shaky as never, especially now, because against the backdrop of all these battles, a very unnoticeable story has passed that the republicans have actually already lost their majority, they have 217 seats, several people resigned, that is, he is actually the speaker without a majority with a very small hardware weight, ideologically at the same time, in my opinion, he still does not belong to this...
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for him, in my opinion, it was still some kind of game like this, when he was sitting in opposition, voted against when he became speaker, he has no motivation not to provide weapons, because he really sees this whole situation as a crusade against the infidels in his vision, really margaret taylor greene, she is one of the candidates for the post of president of the united states, well, they are there from parties are trying to pull off this story, how realistic or not? a big question, but nevertheless, she and a number of her
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supporters, quite influential ones at that, really demand johnson’s resignation. let's get a look. are you going to wait until you have gather enough supporters before making a motion to remove the speaker from office. support is increasing, the number of supporters of this idea is growing. i have said from the beginning that i will act responsibly on this issue, and i will be with the majority, and i will not support mike johnson. next year, without raising enough money, he cannot be speaker, he does not have enough votes. roman, what is your version, is he a lame duck, or is he practically under this guise? childish tearfulness, hiding behind an excuse, in fact it’s still a snake, well, a snake is not a snake, but not a lame duck - that’s 100%. you know, it was well said by you, don’t beat
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me, why are you beating me, and you know, he’s no stranger to it, i must say that he was born in... louisiana in the city of shrifport and the crime there exceeds the average crime rate in the country by 9 8%, can you imagine what it is, that is, he had a choice in life, either become a baptist, go somewhere, or become, i don’t know, run some kind of karateka, when he he said, you know, he says, we have a lot of wrestlers in our city, and he says, and you say he ran well, it’s about the same story, that is, he tried to somehow get ahead. he was pushed right, you know, in fact, as now, further, on the eve of this statement, johnson, i ’m sure, did not even expect from himself that he would say such a thing in principle, because his position, and this is his sincere position, is not to help, he speaks with a face like, lord, did i really say that, that’s what i said, there was such a figure, in ninety-five he was man of the year, it was also a speaker, a certain
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gingrich, this is, you know, an apologist for the republicans, suddenly gingrich comes out from somewhere? begins to support johnson michael, saying that he did the right thing , this guy, i understand that this is an objective scripted story, trump says: listen, baby, please do it, he says, there is, that’s it, his barias, friends, friend johnson, suddenly begins to play against him, because trump repeatedly says, i am against the allocation of aid, no, not because trump is for russia, but because he understands that money is needed within the country, and he can receive negativity from the population.
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military-industrial complex, here, according to some sources, not only mike johnson persuaded trump to change his position, but also the second point is the lobby of senator lindsay graham and at least two other republican senators. and the third point is the israeli lobby, because help to ukraine went along with help to israel, as an evangelical baptist, maiko is very supportive of israel, for them. the coming of the messiah in the near future is connected with the fact that israel will stand as a state, and israel needs to be helped in every possible way, but michael johnson here looks like a very calculating careerist, all this appearance with glasses and that he is uncomfortable and so on, but in my opinion, even when he talks about his son, he
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says this with political calculations, because the son of a naval academy is always a plus in america. they love people, politicians who either themselves were in the army or send their children to the army, he says this with his own special political meaning, and i’ll argue a little with alexey, because maybe we perceive him as a random person in big politics, but he doesn’t consider himself that way, he considers himself chosen, and i was shocked, i was simply shocked by his speech, it was accidentally recorded, splashed out in the press, he believed that she would not marry within the framework of the community where he spoke, as soon as he was elected speaker, he spoke to like-minded people, baptist politicians, also believers, and he called himself aaron. aaron is the brother of the prophet moses. this is strong, when i
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read this speech, i was simply amazed, he said that he was chosen. it was not by chance that he got into this position, although he had only been in congress for a little while, he believed that he had to get out of this situation and he is sure that he will get out of it, because he was chosen by god, which is why he was criticized by one of catholic leaders, one of the catholic preachers said that michael, well, you can confuse whether god actually chose you, or you say so yourself, and one more thing, moses, if you read... the old testament, he was tongue-tied. and chose aaron to perform before the people, because moses himself did not know how. just imagine what kind of opinion i have about myself. johnson, he believes that trump may speak a little in the wrong direction, and his lord chose to speak instead of trump, the only point
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that i cannot find a normal explanation for, solely as hypocrisy, because trump is not a model of morality, if you take him all the family scandals, mistresses and so on, just like michael johnson considers himself aaron under moses. but somehow it gets along, it’s amazing, and it was just part of all the versions that we have, why suddenly the speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson changed his shoes, once he was categorically, categorically against the allocation of financial resources to ukraine, now he is also categorically, but for. and a very interesting event happened, just on the eve of the vote in... in ukraine , representatives of all baptist churches gathered and discussed not religion, but politics,
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about this immediately after the advertisement. on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. hooray! in a solemn march more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the great victory. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first vodka veda
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product lar group cognac old barrel product stellar group burbon stirсman product lar group whiskey.
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we remember how they flew, caught grasshoppers, eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and how they said shakespeare in the 18th sun, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, the same fields, roads, villages, uh, the air is different, and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live,
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we are not capable of being actors, that's all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, he was a man of incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt, never felt like an old man, he always felt like a man, by the day birth of vladimir etush on saturday on the first. hello
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country, welcomes you to voronezh, i really love our little games, i want to go on a hike to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai, by car across the country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, everything by the way, i visited bazhov’s places, the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of the belarusian republic of bashkatastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible... near the city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and i’m proud of it, maria butina is with you, this is the doll-heir of atuti, and so we settled on the fact that a week before the vote, when mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, changes his shoes in the air, at first he was against supporting
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ukraine, suddenly now... crowd in ukraine , yes, i had a version, it just concerns this baptist, well, what should i call it a trace, not a trace, but an argument, but in fact i would like to make a little here - one more clarification, the fact is that these began processes, it seems to me not april 10, the preparation processes for changing his shoes. it seems to me that this process began on february 27 of this year of leadership. if he had refused this condition, then it is likely that a bad response could have come from trump, because well, while trump was defending his man, they were talking
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about protecting the baptist church.
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jesus did not save everyone, only the chosen ones, everyone else went from there. yes, as for baptists, we mentioned today and have already wondered about the ultra-conservative agenda, they they will never be able to make a person president, because they will win in the southern states, but the rest of america will ... reject this, they need someone like trump, who is much closer, well, for example, to the workers somewhere in pennsylvania or middle in the west, yes, and then, when he becomes president, they will use him to promote certain aspects of their agenda, for example, we will ban abortion, yes, that’s what they are doing in principle, they think so, yes, that’s what this is actually baptist historical baptists precisely on the basis of the fact that that they supported slavery, then, of course, after the seventies, after the fight for civil rights, they changed their shoes in
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the air again, now they seem to be carrying out trump’s orders, he hopes, in fact, to take advantage of trump in many ways to promote his ideas , but again , i’m not sure what will happen, taking into account, of course, the discord that the republicans in congress now have, i wrote my huge essay a few days before the approval of the tranche, where i also began to call on american evangelicals to support ukraine, because they are allegedly persecuted there, that is, they really work on it, well, like the baptists themselves, evangelicals on...
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and then attended it, a controversial official dance event, popular among some conservative christians, and gained fame in the early 2000s. at a typical event, the fathers and their departure, deviation within christianity, which makes it possible to isolate this group from the rest of christianity, in fact , this kind of ritualism is characteristic of groups that are not confident in themselves, but have very great ambitions, so we talked about the fact that - it was here that zelensky’s group was looking for approaches to the house of perversions. but elevated to the status of a ritual, a deviation, yes, and this gives other people the opportunity to manipulate it, because they know its little features, little secrets, and the ukrainians naturally took advantage of this, but could not help but take advantage, it’s interesting in general
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, lexically you can see the difference between in words, a rescuer is a savior, a savior is a result, a rescuer, of course, a rescuer is process, this is what we are now... uncertainty, if in our orthodox families, the father simply knows that thanks to his upbringing there is no need to sign anything, this is a priori understandable, then here a - distrust b - uncertainty, and another interesting one moment
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that could have an impact on this situation, since we are in some parish, as a rule, if we take today’s louisiana, it is, in fact, the criminal capital of the united states of america, banditry is the norm there, soft drugs. judging by so few that his father
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in general, he is the eldest of four children in the family and received an 80% burn on his body while putting out a fire, and his boss died then, and oddly enough, michael johnson took it this way that... even having received an 80% burn on his body, you can survive, you can jump out of the most seemingly hopeless situation, now, when he tried to remain a speaker, he perceived himself completely, so he speaks and talks about this tragic story of his father, and passing through his mentality, i understand that probably now in the speech will be followed by the following, so my father dedicated his life to the fact that he became a firefighter, so he saved people, so i, despite this tragedy, will be the one, no, it ’s the other way around, he explains why he won’t become a firefighter, let’s let's see, when i was a child, i heroically fought a fire, he wanted to be like dad, when dad received
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numerous burns, to become a fireman, the boy changed his mind, there is such an old humorous saying that says everything is fine in the work of a firefighter, but like a fire, at least quit, well, that’s about it and you.
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with assistance to ukraine, he carried it out there , in fact, separately there to get a good remark, approximately 110 million dollars were spent on lobbying for the law for... ukraine was spent, of course, by those lobbyists who pursued their interests, they did not spend on israel, but you know , why, because the coefficient is very specific, it is not profitable for israel to sell weapons, because you sell on the market, but it is very profitable to sell weapons just for ukraine, because the coefficient can be as high as 2.7, that is it costs three times more to do what it costs, there is one more rule, to be a congressman, a medal, but not a champion, but a european champion, then to head a committee, already the world championship, to head... to become a speaker at the olympics, i’m already an olympic
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champion, tomorrow you can remove me, i still have the star of the olympic champion, a medal, i have already been elected, then he, is he a trumpist, definitely, but he is a cynic at his core, he, like trump, loves to make deals, he understands perfectly well, that he already has an olympic medal, he comes to a conversation with trump, and trump is being tried, the only thing dangerous for him is when the state is trying him, the state... because you can somehow get rid of the rest, finally, you can pardon yourself, when the state is trying you, it’s useless, its task there was only one now: a one-time deal, did he say that we will constantly accept the budget and send it to ukraine to israel, no, to israel definitely, not to ukraine, when the new fiscal year begins in the usa, on october 1, but no one bothers that there is very little time until the new budget remains that already now in july it will be necessary to start considering new financial ones. a year to understand what you will have on october 1, and he was asked a question, have you
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already started working on ukraine in the new budget, will it work on israel? you know, what’s interesting is that the peculiarity of his biography is that he really always wanted to, well, he was born in a provincial town, graduated from a so-so university, but he was accepted into capa sigma, who doesn’t know, this is the largest fraternity of its kind in the united states, and he wanted to be someone there, well then there is someone, to become a leader there of some kind. but they didn’t take him anywhere, well, somehow he didn’t make it to this point, in general, one interesting fact about the sigma cap, it makes sense to see how they go through the initiation rite, there regularly these cells of the sigma cap are closed, when such rose scandals come up, let’s let's hear it, kp sigma is closing its chapter at davidson college after the goose beating, where six freshmen at davidson college in north carolina were supposed to be beaten to death during a hazing ritual...
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with such a person you can work in politics, because politics is a dirty business, b
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and he - with such, you know, adventurism, he is already a ready-made corrupt official, and you know that in america they treat corrupt officials very well, they are called lobbyists, they rich people, this is the state from which he moves from one to another, it was precisely laid down with this ritual murder, because the person who kills, he can already be anyone, he doesn’t care anymore, he already has souls ... no, that means about the sigma cap, here in continuation of the topic, the fact is that as far as i was able to find, the maximum position that he was able to get for himself there is, well, that’s what they call it there, a great scribe, but i don’t know, this is the one who writes, writes , writes, yes, this is a pun, but the pun is very significant, i was once in the states asking about this kapka sigma, they told me to promote it there. the fact of the last blow, at first there was a toy in
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the cat, a closed room, a cat was running around with stones, we had to kill it, whose blow was the last, from what blow, she died, they applauded, well done, move on, the same thing to show today with the goose, they pass the goose to each other, who will deliver the final blow when he is completely dead, well done, you have advanced, you can go to the next level, johnson’s dream is not a party, because what he says is that the party is a herd that doesn’t listen to me, he dreams of creating a brotherhood, that’s what’s inside.
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well, guys, you went through thick and thin together, copper pipes remain, the wedding march must be according to martial law, new episodes, watch the time after the program, people change, let's try to trust them, people need it, enemies don't. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon stirсman, a product of
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the stellar group, the most famous british one.
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dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, on wednesday on the first, on victory day on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are
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the entire animator on may 10 at the first, and you know
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that anima is the soul from latin, maria busin is with you again, this is the doll-heir of atuti, we continue to find out why mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, suddenly changed his position on ukraine and was against the release of aid. became in favor, they found out that he is a member of a certain student fraternity, the largest in the united states, and capa is the seventh, who else among the members of this fraternity, who helps johnson and to whom does he report? let's let's see, for example, from what areas there are representatives, from business, senators, judges, academics, science and medicine, the military, sports, governors, politicians, the house of representatives, music, film and television. and even to local officials, and of course, journalists, but perhaps the most famous today, the disposition looks
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like this: colleagues, help me, what are these people famous for, what are these people famous for, the most iconic character is bob doel, in the nineties, he was for a long time the leader of the republicans in the senate, the majority leader in the senate, that's why you know, mike johnson, to some extent, repeats his career, but already in the lower half, well...
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they were forced to drink a lot of alcohol, that they were intoxicated, someone, someone was forced to take drugs, including psychotropic drugs, everything is also terrible, of course,
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what they did under these drugs, and at all these events we don’t know, but it is quite possible that some photos and videos have been preserved, because here, of course, there is one interesting moment, now, if we return to the tranche approval procedure, a few days before mike johnson announces his big package, he had a big conversation with the leader of the democrats in the lower house, jeffreys, what they talked about, we don’t know, but during this conversation mike johnson how - he turned pale, he felt really bad, then he ran there to pray, and then he came out and told his republicans there at a closed meeting that we would still agree on this, so i myself would not exclude the possibility that there there is also some compromising evidence. we also converted attention to the surroundings, that there are quite a lot of people from the military-industrial complex there, so we asked one of our experts to conduct a special investigation. now in our studio is alexander hoffman, a military analyst, political scientist, journalist and a person who can read carefully,
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read between the lines, let's listen to him, hello alexander, good afternoon, tell us what your investigation led to, because several times already in this studio, i’m sure you heard, there was a version that after all, his connection with the military-industrial complex led to change position. mike johnson’s connections are much stronger and deeper not so much with the republican party as with the us intelligence community, yes, this is a rather sudden conclusion, but there are several prerequisites for this: firstly, let’s dwell on which state the representatives came to the house from johnson, yes, as has been said many times, this is louisiana, and louisiana should say the following, after the end of the second world war, the formation of the cia and, so to speak, strengthening. us armed forces, this state has become, on the one hand, such infrastructures for preparing the central
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development department and for practicing the operations that are being carried out. directly under the supervision of the joint chiefs of staff of the us department of defense, yes, this is one of the key states, including for the training of the armed forces of ukraine, and as for those, so to speak, forces that are represented by members of the house of representatives from louisiana. let me remind you that the state is home to the us strategic petroleum reserve and two of the largest storage facilities out of four, which actually constitute. this is a strategic reserve, the regional headquarters of chevron, eni, shel are located in new arlian, that is, the seaports of this state, they are, so to speak, one of the largest in terms of exports of american oil abroad, that is, on the one hand, we mean that there are very serious positions there, a diverse community not only
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of the military, but also very strong positions of the oil lobby. johnson also took two very important steps, which actually largely determine, so to speak, his background. he helped ensure that for 2 years the extension of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act, which allowed the cia and the nsa, to essentially interfere in the affairs of ordinary americans, to obtain the full array of information that he... is necessary, in addition to this, johnson, in fact, has brought sanctions against iran closer and, on the near horizon , tougher sanctions against venezuela, again, this is aimed in the interests of the oil lobby, here we see how he systematically promotes the interests of the intelligence community, and the interests of certain industry circles, together, well, let’s say, both of these
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communities, they are one of the...
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johnson, he really wasn’t very rich at first, but to become a congressman, you are forced to lead some kind of election campaign, and promise, there is evidence that in the state of louisiana, and this is one of the real
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oil-producing states in the united states of america. his program was financed by oil and gas companies, what makes him different from other politicians who also take the same money for his election campaigns, he justifies this from his religious point of view, when i saw this, i was once again amazed, but why be amazed, you know how they tell the truth, this is generally brilliant, they say this, look, these are these same guys, johnson's, these are all brothers, they say this, listen, well, god created people once? that’s for sure, that means, that’s for sure, and they also justify their lobbying activities in favor of oil and gas companies, because now oil and gas companies are under strong pressure from the climate agenda, democrats are advocating for this agenda, well, oil and gas companies are forced to fight back, sometimes pay
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a lot of money, which... the agenda, the climate agenda, and with a calm soul lobbies the interests of these companies. if you're looking for a hollywood equivalent of the character johnson embodies and emulates, i think it's the joker. this is such a pious maniac-pervert who does not look like a pervert, in principle, although, although there is a mask on his face, yes, but this is what he does not takes responsibility, he delegates it to the lord god, that’s why he went, prayed and... god to me
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