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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 7, 2024 12:45pm-2:58pm MSK

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including with victims, and such decisions, made for the good of the people, for the good of the country, have never been condemned by either the church or the people, and we know how many saints, saints of god who led our state, and who are on the field courageously defended their people, but it is enough to remember the holy saint of the blessed prince alexander nevsky. close to both you and me, because we are both from st. petersburg, this man did not spare enemies, but became famous as a saint, because it is one thing to defend the country from an enemy, but it’s another thing to destroy the right to the left, clearing out your phobias or rushing towards some kind of career interests. the service of the president is also important because the head of state wants it and... no, but they take
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an example from him, he really becomes an example for young people, for military personnel, for the intelligentsia, for workers, and in general for everyone who seriously thinks about himself, about his role in the life of the country, you set such a good example, god helps you to continue to carry out the service that god himself has entrusted to you with love for the fatherland.
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this is the world of the soul, this is inevitable, because if there is only one struggle, as they say, 24 hours a day, then not only the human body may not withstand it, but against the background of such a state of the soul, horny errors may arise, which is why it is so necessary, and for the orthodox it is extremely necessary for a person, being... in power, to find a place for prayer, and you find, i know about this, to find a place for reflection, about reflection, not only about your professional duties, but about your life, your personal life, i know , what you find a place for such, uh, all this will undoubtedly help strengthen your spiritual and physical strength, but we, as a church... teaching you today this
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blessing on your work, we will continue to pray in our personal prayers in the most the main thing in our national church prayer is that the lord will help you all the days of your life to worthily lead the great fatherland, holy russia, which is also passing today through not the easiest... period of its history, god's blessing, the protection of the queen may the heavenly one remain with you all the days of your life, until the end of the age, as we say, well, i will boldly say, god grant that the end of the age will mean the end of your stay in power, you have everything for a long time successfully accomplish this...
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service to the homeland, this staged image, i would like to teach you a blessing on your, your life, so, in the annunciation cathedral. the patriarch of moscow of all russia gave his patriarchal and human parting words to vladimir putin after his election to the presidency. and this was probably the most sacred, personal moment of today's ceremony. we thank all our viewers, thank you for sharing this time with us and being with us during the broadcast. ernest moskievichus and ekaterina berezovskaya worked for you. all the best, all the best. yes,
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of russia has ended; vladimir putin, in the presence of 2,500 guests, took the oath in the st. andrew’s hall of the large kremlin palace. i swear when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, comply with, protect the constitution
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of the russian federation, protect sovereignty and independence, security and... and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. russia is our essential power, russia is our beloved country. vicious. my great glory, my distance, well , several film crews from channel one continue to work in the kremlin, guests share their impressions of the ceremony with our correspondent anatoly, lazarev,
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anatoly, you are on the air, valery, we are still working in malachite fay, and guests are leaving the halls, actively discussing what they saw and heard as they go, now we want...
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consistent, very solemn, and the president noted in his speech that the country will develop steadily, but this is not just about stability, it is about the fact that we must move steadily, move towards victory, success, and i am sure that thanks to the vast experience that putin has, his
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wisdom, talent as a leader, of course , of course, success is guaranteed to us, victory is ours provided, thank you, sorry, clarifying question, what? political cycles change, the country remains. valery, well, we continue to work in malachite fay, collecting responses and comments. over to you. yes, thank you, anatoly lazarev. well, immediately after the ceremony, our film crew, konstantin panyushkin’s group, recorded comments from state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. putin is stability for the world. putin is about building a fair world order. putin is building a multipolar world, what citizens of many countries are waiting for, because they they want to plan their future themselves, and not be dictated by the hegemon, who imagines himself that he will do it better, because they are special and this certainly will not lead to good,
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therefore today’s inauguration is a triumph of justice for the whole world, for us it is a choice his leader, he took the oath to his people, and you saw its meaning, he emphasized this, is service. a message arrives that the russian government has already resigned its powers to the newly elected president vladimir putin, the corresponding order signed by mikhail mishustin, such a procedure is provided for by law, the cabinet of ministers resigns after the head of state officially takes office, but the former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue to work, but now in the status of acting duties, they will remain until the approval of the new composition of the government. now other
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topics. in the special operation zone, the russian military knocked out another american abrams tank. this is the kind of footage that is being circulated in telegram channels; the car was hit by drone strikes. as a result, the armor is not survived. well, this is a video from the ministry of defense. tankers from the state border covering group destroyed strongholds of ukrainian militants near the belgorod region. the crews of the t-80 hit... and more footage from the network near belogorovka in the lpr, a mercenary was eliminated, apparently from france, with an inverted flag of the fifth republic on his chest. on the eve of may 9, more and more russians across the country are joining the immortal regiment campaign. there will be no traditional procession this year, but there are others. formats, for example, in vladikavkaz, portraits heroes who defended our homeland from fascist invaders appear on street
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banners. photos of participants in the great patriotic war are printed on clothing and placed on the windows of personal cars. these are the walls of memory that have opened in altai schools. and this is a ceremonial assembly in omsk, each student brought a portrait of his relative who fought. in anadar , public transport was decorated with photographs, and in saratov, on trolleybuses. broadcast videos with heroes throughout the country, races and car races are held, but they also hold personal concerts for veterans, right under the windows of their homes. and in khabarovsk we met the victory train, at the head of which was a wartime steam locomotive on separate howitzer platforms and a t-34 tank. on the platform there is a brass band of hundreds of residents, just like in 1945 we met our soldiers who were returning from... for the war years and dancing, and the veterans were also able
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to sneak to the nearest station, for them the townspeople received a theatrical performance, composed of two comfortable songs at once carriage, at the next stop, train to victory, train victories will make usuriysk and vladivastr. in moscow today it is snowing throughout the first half of the day, green lawns, tree foliage, flowers are covered with snow, a snow cover has even formed in the region, the temperature is near zero. the cold wind is to blame, as forecasters note, air masses from the north will again provide heating in the capital, said mayor sergei sobyanin. in the coming days , frosts are expected in the european part of our country, for example, in the kostroma region at night it will be -6, well, in the krasnodar territory and stavropol region up to -4. on that’s all, thank you for being with us, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. the big
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game was on air, the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin was over, the speech was calm, confident, dignified, but what made the greatest impression on me personally: what, when we all understand that russia is in a very difficult situation, and putin said that the country was facing serious challenges; this was not just a speech by a military leader, of course. putin is the supreme commander-in-chief, but he also spoke about the overall development of the country, he said:
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that this is an extremely important , meaningful speech, which, first of all, this is probably the main thesis, confirmed russia’s commitment to that path of development,
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believes another very important thesis, which the president said, emphasizing russia's self-sufficiency and competitiveness. in fact , russia, russia has everything that is necessary for its development: resources, territory, population, and enormous wealth and talent our people, this is precisely the guarantee of our development, and not in what the state of our relations with the outside world is, but this is also the next thesis, the president said very... important things about russia’s openness to the outside world and russia’s readiness to participate on equal terms in cooperation with other countries, if these countries recognize this and respect this very philosophy of self-sufficient and independent, sovereign development of russia. so i suggest listening to what the president said about openness to strengthening relations with everyone
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countries. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries. including on issues of security and strategic stability is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance of self-exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. this seems to me very important, yes, the president said, the president actually named the principles on the basis of which he russia is ready to interact with the west, with the world
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majority and in general with the outside world, and he emphasized that russia is not committed to, you know, such a permanent...
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serious confidence and conviction in one’s rightness, and it seems to me that even at some point was reflected in the inauguration ceremony , because, if i’m not mistaken, in my opinion, from the past, from the last elections, from the last time he took office, the broadcast begins from the moment when putin leaves his office and then walks around the kremlin, that is, in fact , a feeling is created, i think it corresponds to reality, that the president...
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traditions later at the end of the 20th century rejected soviet traditions, and the fact that putin lays out such constancy in such a ceremony, it seems to me that this is also very, very important. i think you are absolutely
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right, i paid attention to the president’s words that russia feels responsible before thousands of years of our history, before our ancestors. and it seems to me that here putin wanted to clearly say that in russia there is, of course, an element of very big changes. but in addition, there is great continuity, and he said that russia is a great power, so on the one hand there was peaceful tone, i tried to imagine president biden’s speech in a similar situation, but of course it would not have happened without him starting to scare someone, warning someone, and, well, he definitely emphasized what kind of...
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continuity we must still still remember at this moment that these are not empty words, we know how immersed the president is in historical topics, how he thoroughly knows the huge layers of russian history, the history of international relations, so this is not just a speech written by speechwriters, this is not just to say some general phrases, i think this is his principled approach, which, by the way, has been demonstrated throughout the time we have known him, thank you for being in touch with us. now from the kremlin, konstantin panishkin, correspondent of channel one, konstantin, thank you, president, dmitry, good afternoon, yes,
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indeed, we have just left the large kremlin palace together with everyone, together with the guests, and now we are heading from the main entrance, through which, in fact, vladimir putin came out, and the guests now they are leaving, we are heading to the cathedral square, where a festive service has just ended, which we watched directly. here are the guests, the guests are leaving, 2500 people, i want to draw your attention to what you see, actor steven segal is walking towards us with such a slow step, steven segal also has a duty to the russian foreign ministry, and the position is related to building cultural imanims, ok, we'll be back if we manage to restore contact -
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without great science there are no great people countries, without a sovereign entity you will never have sovereignty, the laws are ready and the development budget is ready, it should be at least 45 trillion, but putin’s task is to formulate a policy not for 6 years, for 20 years, because if we don’t mortgage our future now , tomorrow may be too late, gennady andrevich, another important point, after the amendments to the constitution were made by the duma...
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they followed up on all this with comments or, for example, on our president’s address to the federal assembly, they are trying to snatch out individual elements, to represent russia lost, misguided, militaristic, and these attempts to snatch out some kind of negative, i think they will be present, another thing is that this speech was so balanced that the task of snatching something
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and distorting it... it is of course quite difficult, it seems to me that two key words were said at the very beginning by vladimir vladimirovich, which set the two cores of the whole ceremony: this is solemnity and responsibility, this is a solemn moment and a responsible one, so it seems to me that the westerners struck a solemn note they will try to belittle it a little, to make fun of it, to show sarcasm somewhere, that is... to reduce the solemnity of the moment, this is the second most important element, this core, something that is connected with responsibility, with the fact that our fatherland is going through the most important period in its history , and we no longer deny anything in our history, on the contrary, we are based on all the best that is in our history, we are confidently moving forward, and are not stuck somewhere in the past, this is a very important element for our society,
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this message . i think the westerners will try just not notice, because they will try to ignore it, they don’t, they didn’t hear the element of weakness in all this. which means they have nothing to grab onto, so they will try to belittle and distort, but the world majority is exactly the opposite, they are strong, they are glad that russia is strong, confident, it does not wave a club at all, figuratively speaking , it does not behave like -it’s not balanced, this is exactly the kind of russia the world needs, and the countries of the world majority, i think very... well, this central nerve, as you said, self-confidence, consistency and readiness for reasonable actions, for cooperation with a large number of countries, this central nerve,
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i think the world majority will just grasp it, unlike the west, which will try to ignore it, it will be welcomed, welcomed, but i want to draw attention to this , that this entire completion of the previous political... cycle , the pre-election period, the pre-election period took place against the backdrop of constant attempts by western countries to interfere in the russian domestic political process, and the commission, which works under the upper house of our parliament, the commission for the protection of sovereignty, it monitors these attempts and actions very fully, i must say that russia behaved in such a balanced manner that practically... the westerners really failed to seriously interfere with the russian political process, therefore i expect the reaction of the westerners to be negative, but sluggish, and the reaction of the world majority to be positive and, probably,
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as calm as the russian one, this ceremony, in which i repeat once again, two the most important element: this is the solemnity that connects us with history. and the responsibility that leads us into the future, we are leaving for advertising, we will be back in just a few minutes, on the day of victory on the first, moscow, red square, the main parade of the country, will take place in a solemn march. 500 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment.
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military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. spotted, don't, please, i beg you, don't shoot, i beg you, don't, please. machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour. quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start a radio game with the russians. in square 1925. answer, we have started execution, it is, it worked, your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, milestone
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don’t open fire, ours are there, these are our defenses, they also broke through the uranium red army soldiers, stop, this is madness, i’ll give you mine maps, alexandrov, the owner of secret information that should not get to the germans. what did you manage to convey? this folder contains junhans documents and all the spent cartridges are hidden. someone was covering their tracks. saboteur. crimea. may 9, on the first. what are we going to do, commander? like what? to carry out the order? should we eliminate alexandrov? no. what do you mean no? on the day of victory on the first. yes, keep the car. commander. calm down, romeo, calmly, let's sit down, attention, earth, well done, guy, commander, only old men are going into battle, may 9, after the program it's time, guys,
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we'll live. we will show sergei zenshtein's film ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to beat the crap out of those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today, the boyars, in a situation of war, they bastards are starting to leave, the boyar power is now raising, a biography of ivan the terrible, which goes to in the west, this is definitely a negative figure, scary, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, we will be strong. i admit everything, a big game,
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a special edition, now for the first time the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia , takes upon himself, and the film ivan, a formidable, timeless film, turns out to be a film, because every era looks at him with its own eyes and finds some answers to your questions, on saturday at the first, rallies against were held in several cities in eastern ukraine. maidan became a denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens, to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bender, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this, this is exactly what we rose up against, we became free from the kiev junta, we wanted only one thing, back to russia faster. everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea, what
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happened now, there is no way back, there is nowhere to retreat further, we are not aggressive, but we will tear anyone for our own, so we will bite into our land with our teeth, all the same we will defend it, what kind of future did you want for yours? child, without war, liberated territories, life line, premiere on sunday on the first. there’s a big game on the air, we of course don’t yet know the reaction of the collective west, but i assume that one element of this reaction will be resentment, because they are accustomed to the fact that if they pay attention to someone, they wage war against someone, albeit not announced, but... it will become the center of the speech of the incoming
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president. they didn't succeed. putin spoke about the development of russia, of course, drew attention to the situation in which russia now he is, in the sense of relations with the collective west, but he is not fixated on this. there was a feeling that russia was going its own way, taking into account objective circumstances. and for russia they have passed irrevocably,
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one of the main achievements of the development path that we are following and the development of the world in general, one of the main factors, which is our special military operation , our policy in general, is that the formation of a multipolar world, and the development of sustainability, russia’s security does not depend from the west and do not depend on the nature of our relations with the west, and i will once again emphasize that putin... noted in his speech that regardless of how the west behaves towards us, russia will continue to strengthen its security and its independence and develop self-sufficiently, and a multipolar world will be formed, it will be formed by russia together with like-minded countries, and there are many like-minded countries, they are the majority, they form the world majority, and now they depend on russia and the world majority fate.
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they really didn’t like the russian elections, although they don’t really explain what it means for russia and why russia is about this yes...
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in this situation, what to think too much about how they recognize, don’t recognize, like, don’t like , that in general this is not incredibly relevant, the main thing is that russia demonstrates its strength, strength in war, strength at home and strength throughout the world, and that if all this happens, this is what putin is going to achieve, this is what putin is going to achieve. then everything else will follow, it may not be easy, immediately, but it will follow, your opinion, i agree with this, dmitry mentioned brzhizinsky, and i will remind this man of another thought: when he characterized a normal country, he put into this concept a country that fits into the general context
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of american politics, here what is a normal country, and he wrote that russia will be normal if it does this and that, putin actually seems to me to be giving it away. a vector of normality, normality is self-sufficiency, this is sovereignty, this is openness, not closedness, but he’s talking about it specifically said, it was openness to the world, and i think that, of course, the fact that the great zenshtein implanted the phrase that you said, quoted, into the mouths of foreign ambassadors, suggests that this is actually normality, not even in any -local, which is called measurement, but in general as world normality. to be self-sufficient and sovereign, that is, they also recognize this, modern, i think, american politicians perceive the normality of their country in exactly this way, but the fact that after a long period, which is not measured only nineties, in fact, but i believe that the late soviet union was also sick with this, and not only gorbachevsky, but partly brezhnevsky, not at the level of
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decision-makers, at the level of, so to speak, elites, was sick because he was equal to to the west, tried under the guise of convergence, which means... to adapt to some external standards, it seems to me that putin overcame and overcame this trend during his presidency, and for the country, first of all, this is a very important merit of his, this is what will go down in history, as an important achievement of the russian elite, the president and the country, which began to feel again the way it should feel, being a normal sovereign country, in the ninety-second year i had the opportunity ...
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that is, a face that cannot be raised in any way, here are its expressions, you are hiding his cards while playing poker, and he said: “no, mr. minister, but i will not allow myself to tell the minister of foreign affairs of such a great power as russia how you should define your national interests and even
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how to move towards common values? does it seem to you, what is one of the achievements of president putin? succinctly, yes, that means this, this is a statement by former minister kozyrev, but i would like
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to draw attention to the fact that in addition to the vector that you said, that russia determines its interests, russia knows what she wants, there is another vector, you said that then nixon, whom you accompanied, did not dare to dictate what russia’s interests should be, so the vector happened, that we have grown up, that’s something western politicians... the president testifies not only that we are ready to defend our interests, but also deep conviction in one’s own rightness,
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and this also gives strength, not only physical, but also moral, all this strength, everyone feels this strength, and i repeat once again that the world majority perceives this very positively, and the collective west perceives this, this is very negative, i think that the readiness for sovereign development has... arrived, now this is a vector from which we can no longer be pushed, it is irreversible. ivanovna, here, uh, now what putin said, what putin is doing, by us and even is perceived by the majority of the world as the new russian normal. but it’s not for me to remind you that in the nineties a significant part of the elite, i’m not afraid to say, too much of the elite, was ready to stand. in front of the collective west on its hind legs, a significant part of the people of russia
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had the feeling that the collective west was ready to be friends with russia, and speaking of victory, in the west there was a feeling that they had won the cold war, in russia many had the feeling that this is a common victory, that russia got rid of communism and... joins, although on my own terms, to the collective west, does it seem to me right that neither the majority of the russian elite nor the vast majority of the people no longer have such illusions, i think this is absolutely fair and very succinct, again vladimir vladimirovich himself said this , that our main problem is that we trusted you too much, and i think that such mistakes happened for several generations... this inoculation occurred, immunity to the fact that westerners are definitely not to be trusted, but those who are ready for honest cooperation, to honest
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globalization, for those russia is open with those russia cooperates, you know, i would also spend this more theoretical moment, but the difference, because the president says that we are a unique country, we are not exceptional, like america, but unique, this means that we we appreciate what we have, what history is embedded in us, what we...
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several wounds, shell shock and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbroeva, for the fact that we are not capable of being actors, all the teachers were stunned by such severity, he was a man of incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then... how to give, he never felt or felt like an old man, he always felt like a man, by
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the day vladimir's birth.
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this cannot live, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in a black eye, so you have to spit, pah-pah-pah, on leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, on sunday on the first. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when it turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. people from all regions
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of russia come to us in adegea. people, look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, explore our world, our russia, a big game is on the air.
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of the soviet generation, the overwhelming majority of students, at least with whom i communicate, fully support this , and are satisfied with this, and if i may, literally one more touch to the president’s speech, you correctly noted that putin did not utter the word victory in the context of a special military operation, but however, i would like to emphasize that victory in a special military operation is a key factor on which the further development of russia and beyond depends.
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do you understand this parting word, well, it seems to me, in general, it is very important that we saw this part of the inauguration of the presidency, when there was a service in the blagovichensky cathedral and
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when the shining patriarch said very important, heartfelt words to the incoming president, the word example seemed very important to me in this speech of his holiness the patriarch, he said that - president - vladimir vladimirovich putin, throughout his service, sets a very important example for the country, citizens and the world, this is what you are talking about, a moment of values, yes, the president is not just a job, not just a position, but in the russian sense, at least, it is a certain standard of behavior for a person in the highest position, which, well, this standard is one way or another replicated in society from the point of view of...
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legends in relation to russia, the only citizen of russia who supports the current government turned out to be dmitry peskov, and some incomprehensible western experts,
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and of course, i don’t know what to call them, relaxants, in my opinion, is not the exact term, otezhants, how how what about opponents, kurbsky, kurbsky, kurbsky, absolutely right, i want to ask you to share what you would say if one of the western newspapers approached you and said: what should the west know about the upcoming presidency of vladimir putin? the fact is that i would still advise them or encourage them to perceive what the russian president says exactly the way he says it, because russia. the present time does not hide anything, there is no double bottom, no, no secret politics, there is a gap between what russia declares and what russia
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does, but there is no gap, so westerners are trying to invent this gap, to attribute some secret plans, well, there is a term falsification of history, this is such a constant falsification of the present. and russian intentions, russian actions, this is what we need to abandon, why we are able to communicate well with the world majority, because the world majority. distorts what we do, so i can’t tell them anything secret, because they are looking for those who will invent something secret for them, and not declared, not like it is said openly, i can only advise them to honestly and openly perceive russian statements and russian policies, and not look for something that does not exist, but i understand that it is extremely difficult for them to do this. because they don’t want to recognize
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russian uniqueness, but want to impose their own superiority. so, the president took the oath, the president accepted the blessing of the patriarch, and accepted the support of the overwhelming majority of russian citizens. i believe that in the person of president putin, russia has a very serious... leader, that russia is in reasonable, reliable and worthy hands, i have to say a lot, but i will add, in the hands of a leader who really, as we said, especially dmitry suslov, in the hands of a leader who is committed to results, to victory, and there are many reasons to think, good reasons to think that victory will really be
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russia’s, victory will be ours, it was a great game, we’ll meet again soon on the air. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live broadcast, in the studio of ruslan ostashka, olesya loseva in the kremlin, the solemn ceremony of vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of the russian federation ended, vladimir putin took the oath for the fifth time, officially became the president of russia, he will remain in this post for the next 6 years until 2030 for the solemn ceremony.
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actions and our president in this case has really become, in my opinion, a virtuoso of precisely that soft power that he promised to show everyone at the very beginning of his first mandate, i see that words cannot be done disperse, we are moving forward, without exaggeration , the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation
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was followed with undisguised interest all over the world, western journalists, as soon as the ceremony ended, had already released some articles, opinions and...
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their own information game, in information war, in general, today is the format in which, unfortunately or fortunately, in general , the whole world exists in one way or another, that is, naturally, foreign policy relations become hostage to both the media and mass media in the wider in the sense of the word and even on social networks, because well
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, we live in an era when information is disseminated just like that, as they say at the click of a finger, the name of our president has become the most mentioned in the media over the past 24 hours and... indeed the inauguration ceremony was broadcast by almost all leading media, this is how the western media described the personality of our president yesterday. since vladimir putin became acting president on the last day of 1999, he turned russia into a political opposition. today, putin is confident that he will continue his hostility towards the west, which, as he said in his address to the nation, would like to do to russia the same thing that they did in... other regions of the world, including ukraine, to create discord in our home, weaken it from the inside. putin's resistance to the west is reflected not only in anger over western support for ukraine, but also in his view of the possible erosion of russia's moral fiber. the russian leader is working on
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restoring the global power of his country from the soviet era, not as a communist stronghold, but as a champion of orthodox christian values ​​and an opponent of liberal freedoms in constant conflict with the west, neglecting global ones. by ignoring international institutions, putin is forging military partnerships with other totalitarian regimes that also view the united states as a threat, including china, iran and north korea. well, we remind you that the west, western media, western leaders have long been saying that we are all in isolation, but in such isolation that everyone showed the inauguration ceremony, this is important, all the media write about vladimir putin, please tell me, marat fatatovich, what did they want to see? today and what did they see and were these articles that we are showing now, which were published in all the media , prepared in advance, or did they still hear the message from our president that we are ready?
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and this is unconditional, and at the same time this is reflected in their internal policy, in general, look, the conservatives in great britain,
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or let's call it britain, were once great, but the country is no longer there, and they lost the municipal elections, this is also a reaction to the fact that people in britain are dissatisfied with the way their government is conducting in relation to the external, the external contour, in particular in relation to russia, this is drop by drop. on their pages they sympathize with our leader in one way or another, of course, this will affect the mood of ordinary
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citizens of the people, but you see, for now only we see the headlines of these articles, of course it’s interesting to read, we’ll definitely decipher throughout the day the western press doesn’t say a lot of positive things, and by the way , you noticed that not a single western publication, specifically a western one from unfriendly countries, wrote. they didn’t talk about taking office based on the numbers our president showed in the elections, they didn’t talk about turnout, they didn’t talk about the amount of support, why they didn’t talk about it, because you need to answer why these numbers are, and the president said that his huge numbers are very modest, but you know, my colleague correctly said that now there are also social networks, we need to see what they write on social networks, yeah, this ordering in these media is massive. information, yes, in general, which are controlled by western elites, we know this very well, but they do not
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control social networks, they cannot moderate all this, millions of posts are published there per second, and there is a completely different context, people there admire president putin, they say , what we need someone like him, that’s the thing, kiro lvovna, these are really the numbers, it’s just the same, this is usual, i don’t know, they always brag about how biden defeated trump. or is not satisfied with the result, please note that after all
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, the state department of the united states is a phenomenon, the most important thing is that it is satisfied with the result . the united states took such an extremely, i would say, such a jesuitical path, they said that the elections in russia were dishonest, but we admit vladimir putin as president of the russian federation, that is, in fact, for a democratic state is absolutely, in principle, a mutually exclusive construct, that is, well, you have to decide somehow, but nevertheless they cannot decide how it was. show that we are not interested in this boycott of many western ambassadors
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, the ceremony was attended only by the french ambassador, yes, but at the same time, look, what interest, what?
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this means that the voice of the west, that is, the voice of those who are needed, who teach how to vote correctly, it does not reach them, even if it does, they do not perceive it, do not hear it, and they react incorrectly, inadequately to it, that’s the problem, that’s why elections are recognized when the population of any country is under the complete control of their media agenda, their media, their processing tools...
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there were a lot of ideas, space it was busy, not the first inauguration ceremony for the president, the place is now quite traditional, uh, it seemed to me that our colleagues, all the others who came to this ceremony, were in such, i would say, a state, on the one hand, elated, with on the other hand, concentrated, but understanding that the country has entered a new stage of its development, and that the challenges and threats that russia faces today will have to be answered, this answer will not arise on its own, it will not appear out of thin air, this answer can give only our country, our people, everyone in their place, that’s why
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the words with which the president began his speech were so important, the words about... the importance of expressing the concentrated will of millions of people, this is really extremely important, i think that the next period of time, now, when the state duma will approve the new composition of the government, determined by key figures, starting with the prime minister, and then deputies, prime ministers, key ministers, all ministers, except those ministers of the power bloc, who are appointed by the president directly personally and...
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and if these tasks, as basic ones, are solved together with the development of the economy, together with the correct foreign policy course and becoming friends, then the challenges and threats that we face today will be successfully overcome. and i heard you correctly that the topic of the special military operation is our conflict with the west, it is important, of course, probably the most important now, but no less important are the internal issues that you just mentioned, because let’s imagine that there would be no conflict with the west, we wouldn’t need anything.
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in general, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability , is possible, but not from a position of strength. well, we all understand that even having some common values, here in the studio.
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crimea may 9 on the first, who are you? reconnaissance of the caucasian front. cognac old barrel, product of stellor group. victory day is on the first day, so on the musical front, blue handkerchief, clear, dugout, smuklyanka, comrade commander, we have long learned their favorite songs by heart, what do you play, harp, no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, grasshopper , romeo and masha, muglyanka, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, catching blacksmiths,
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may 9 after the program, and if they give you a motto, where is the balalaika, we’ll get enough, several wounds, concussions and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbruev for the fact that we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded. he had incredible energy as a man, magnetic, magical, that is , he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he
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never felt or experienced himself as an old man, he always felt like a man, on the birthday of vladimir etush, on saturday on the first , this is ringing for me. greetings, tomin from ugrozovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape, if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then of course this infuriates him. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, this man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, this gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he doesn’t i can’t live with this, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but... in
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black eye, so you have to spit out, for leonid kanevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday on sunday on the first. rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is a war, a war against the people of donbass. the donetsk people's republic will respond to the challenge. the key motif of the maidan was the denial of us. yes, as a community, as people, as citizens, to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bender, minions of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this, that’s exactly against this is why we rose up, we became free from the kiev junta, we wanted only one thing, back to russia faster, everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea, what happened now, there is no way back, there is nowhere to retreat further, we aggressive, but
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we will tear anyone for our own sake, so we will be tooth and nail. he thanked the citizens for their trust and support and said that a conversation on security issues and strategic stability is possible in the west, but not from a position of strength. we know very well what emmanuel macron tried to demonstrate his position to us just a few days ago. we will find out what the mood is in france now from our expert, journalist,
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editor-in-chief of words and meanings.
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revolved around the undoubted successes of the russian army of vladimir putin, as i quote from the french press in ukraine, and nevertheless were overshadowed, so to speak, by the resignation of the vice minister just before the inauguration, and which , according to french analysts, could mean radical changes at the top, immediately after this was quoted quoted mrs. valentina matvienko, who stated quite calmly that no matter what they are, these changes are unlikely to be cardinal, after which all analysts almost unanimously converged on you and came to the conclusion that it must be noted with regret that vladimir putin’s cabinet is distinguished by deplorable stability, and especially in comparison with the cabinet of mr. macron, in which, as you know, changes of ministers occur
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almost monthly. mr. macron, give a short, so to speak, brief description of what has been done, the work done together with the chinese leader on the path to peace and a cloudless existence of all peoples, said this little phrase: we are not at war with russia, we only want
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the restoration of a just peace in ukraine, but here i leave, so to speak, the judgment of analysts, readers, admirers of this or that leader, in general, the whole meaning of what was said in comparison with the fact that... if something happens to lead his legion of his military personnel on the territory of ukraine, then here is macron’s statement that he is ready to make his statement immediately after the conversation with sidinpin that he is not at war with the russian people, and therefore in the background.
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about president macron and his policies and him because when they ask me my opinion , sighs and outpourings of words, i have always said and continue to say that mr. macron is interesting only to himself. promotes himself, he is completely uninterested in the country, he wants to remain in history, so it’s not worth looking for all his logical connections, mr. macron has made too many mutually exclusive statements over the past few months, made reshuffling his own cabinet, appointing people less and less competent to higher and higher positions, in the sense that complete discord is no longer a secret to anyone... absolutely everyone, the situation in the country is explosive in many respects, even those that have nothing directly to do with it to russia’s actions in ukraine, alone, plus new fronts are opening up, and in general,
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one can say, the danger of even more new fronts opening in different countries, which is increasingly being heard on live broadcasts, about which, in in particular, a former political diplomat, domenic dovepin, said a few days ago , it really becomes a reality day by day, so there is no need to look for any logic, neither in gestures, nor in facial expressions, nor in the statements of mr. macron, you just need to continue, i think, to do your job , because, as you see, mr. macron is generally very famous in france for the expression and at the same time, both yours and ours, but nevertheless, the statement he makes is quite such for us that causes a certain concern. thank you very much, elena kondratyeva salgiro was in direct contact with us. alexandrevich, and you, as an expert on the french army as a whole, on their political course, how to explain this behavior of macron, really, as elena tells us, don’t pay attention to him, mind your own business, or is this still
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one of the biggest armies in europe, the most technologically advanced, and moreover, the president of this country has openly said several times that he is ready to consider the issue of sending western troops to the territory of ukraine to fight with by our troops. russia is the enemy of france and france is hardly in a state of war with russia, it was an internal circular distributed throughout the navy through the army, it was handed to me, the connection with the french army is the most lively, on this matter i can speak quite competently, french. paratroopers, dragoons, this special operation force has been operating since the time of mariupol constantly on the territory of the russian federation, that is, on our territory, it lost more than 70 people, they even know how and through whom they receive return bodies, through the airfield shatura, in this regard, to talk about the fact
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that there was no introduction, as now, of the second regiment of the foreign legion, by the way, i was corrected, because in our sources the third regiment was given, no, it was the second regiment, the third is in latin america. corrected the french officers directly from there, with the help of my connections, and what is the second regiment, they or what specialization, the second regiment is present more in north africa and specializes in demolition operations, in particular blasting operations, so that from this point of view, everything is approximately clear to us, macron’s words are true, his army is very strong, to mock him from the point of view that supposedly france is a leading country, i would not underestimate the enemy, this is the last thing like this thank you, sorry alexander germanovich. words are never necessary for the reason that our
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president correctly said that if you want to hide something, then say that you are not doing it, do it at the same time, he spoke in a slightly different context, he said that if they say that there are no missiles, but missiles they are going to introduce it, which means there are definitely missiles already there, in this regard, believe the words of french diplomats, be it levy, be it bernard henri levy, who organized the defense, by the way, of odessa, there is no need to say about this, what exactly the french organized this entire line of fortification, which is now ... preventing us from quickly reconciling odessa, is never worth it, the french are reptilians by definition, their pupils are vertical, and they lie like they breathe, about this, and i would take very seriously the fact that french people, ending with this, we carried out two rounds of maneuvers since last year to organize a landing on the territory of an unfriendly country with simultaneous cover from the sea, a large-scale maneuver in the provence region, several tens of thousands of won were involved in this, and then we learned about the alleged lack of entry of foreign region, really ours...
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in general, his visits are very difficult from
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a psychological point of view, because people died there, and then the americans tried to pay compensation, but of course in such situations, money does not solve everything , and of course the sediment remains for a long time, especially china, it is long-suffering and remembers almost everything for a very long time, and as for france, well , actually, who if not france, taking into account the fact that, well, practically, in what dismantled is in good condition. europe, france, if we remove, in general, britain, which, in general, is no longer in the european union , brexit can finally be considered successful, france is a country with a nuclear triad, this is important in this case, germany is a country that has army in in general, it was gone for a long time, they fought for a long time for the right not only to have self-defense forces, but precisely such a mobile army, as they say, yes, therefore, well, germany is a financial don. germany is a strategic
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participant, and france is actually the country that had a huge number of branches, these are actually military bases, these are well-established connections, but now , of course , everything is not so rosy for them in the so-called french africa in the sahel region, by the way, french generals are aware of this and often remind mr. macron about this, because, well, we’ll lose france, taking into account the connections that we had. historically , due to the colonial past, the backgrounds have been established, but this really had to be done, and despite this, macron still periodically tries to take revenge, because well, actually, he needs to somehow really take europe, lift it up and really prove everything to everyone, plus here these endless phantasmagogorical stories of his on the topic of a possible european army separate from nato troops, well, that is, if he said this more than once, not twice, not three times, even if josep borel - this is somewhere... indirectly confirmed, well, that means you need to be responsible for your
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words, that is, even if he may not be doing anything so active for a separate european army, but at least he tirelessly reminds everyone of this to those gathered, macron, it seems to me, is confusing the concept of going down in history and getting into a very bad story, now this, in my opinion , is quite possible, i still can’t get out of my head the words of our president that the conversation, including on security issues, strategic stability available. but not from a position of strength, as you think, marat fatovich, to which of the western countries, to which of the political leaders are these words addressed first of all, if i may allow me a short remark about macron, remember where macron even came from, rothschild, he worked in the banking group rothschilds, the rothschild group has been buying ukrainian bonds since the 1910s, macron’s serey statements began to appear as soon as ukraine’s rating was downgraded, these bonds became junk, to him. in fact, they just said, we need to provide something, we need to take some
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assets to the territory of ukraine, so the americans are taking it, but why are we sitting here, which means we’re not doing anything regarding yours? peace-loving, closing ourselves off from the west, we are ready to lead , that is, he constantly says: we are not negotiating, but our conditions remain unchanged: security issues, issues of protecting the russian world, issues related to global trade, with sanctions, with equality, in the end, the president says that it is impossible to go further on this planet...
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he, as a person with some philosophical training, and such, sees that the western coalition among many other problems, there is one that lies on the surface and is striking, it does not have a leader, the self-propelled grandfather biden is definitely not suited for this role, he is not
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suited to the one who speaks to the peoples of the world, we lead, of course, who something else, look at... build yourself, including as the most radically anti-russian in this whole chorus, as the future main subject, the main counterparty, with whom exactly putin will then negotiate, which means he is ready to fight, not he is ready because they are like that individuals only become great through war, he doesn’t want to be great, he wants
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to seem great, this is an important difference, that is, in english it is said, fake it till you make it. that is, pretend it until you really become like this, here it seems, it seems that macron had a feeling, and almost when he remember, literally on the eve of all the events , he came to moscow, you will remember how this it was, yes, this walk along red square, and all these allusions, associations with napoleon, who captured moscow there 200 years ago, yes. uh, that in general, well, it ’s even a matter that he will be able to become such a recognized leader of the west, simply by making loud statements, and at least somehow, well, that is, all these stories with sending tanks there , they were the first to send, yes, that
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means, with the foreign legion, that’s just against this background, purely in information reality, if i now.
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the group owns about a fifth of ukraine's outstanding eurobonds, worth $20 billion. this is reported by the american journalists, citing their sources, are familiar with the situation. it is noted that the investors are black rock pimco. alexander germanovich, what is this about, who is being controlled by whom? and how will they be forced to return the money? through whom? money is, in any case, of course, the nerve of war, as napoleon rightly said, here you need to understand how much this money can help someone, if at all it can help someone, because.
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shells until the end of the year, and if, in fact, even they will be there at the front, then 5000 is not what is not enough, it was needed yesterday, if we take the calculations of the same syrsky, or more precisely anthony vagut, in any case, in addition to shells, those people are needed who are able to use these shells, and accordingly, excuse me, guns are needed, and the guns are worn out , this is very important, we never talk about this, that is, from the point of view. from the bell tower of a military expert, once again, in this case we are in captivity of some financial speculative conclusions, well , okay, funds can be pumped, you can
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evaluate anything, any way you want, but the means themselves do not fight, and money does not solve anything, and it does not give birth to people, the more even those people who the czechs may catch, i remind you, they promised 90,000 soldiers, to supply of the fugitive ukrainians, there used to be fugitive serfs, now they are probably fugitive ukrainians, but after this these ukrainians must be turned into something. so that they can do something, i think that in this case finance is not what will decide the fate of the world, i don’t know, i see it such, you know, gangster business , you can even call it a showdown, because it means, well , the governments of western countries say that they want to continue the conflict, they drag it out as much as possible with statements and the allocation of certain aid packages there, this is a business that...
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wars, why, because they have already received everything, now it is important to simply put the flags, the borders, no matter where it will be, most likely along the line of confrontation in their plans that we now have, will force us to recognize this logic of ours, then digest this territory, because they have already received all the assets, they already belong to them, so i tell everyone, if we now destroy any mines, i don’t know, factories and ships that are located in ukraine, this is not ukrainian property, this is not ukrainian vars, we can do everything perfectly. destroy, it’s all already been bought by the west with a bang, it’s already owned by western business, so you can, oh yes, destroy it all quite calmly, ukrainians won’t
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even get ears from a dead donkey, from these funds, so yes, they want peace, but paradoxically, they want peace, despite the fact that the territory is already theirs, and the ukrainians are their slaves, so we definitely don’t need this peace from any side, the ukrainians really do too, as far as i understand, we’ll take a break for a short advertisement , we’ll be back very soon, a festive concert in. .. in the state kremlin palace, tomorrow after the evening news. on the day of victory on the first. your documents. grigory koltegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander. we are ours, men, well, we are ours. in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you correct solution. agent name czech, rank classified, position for a long time.
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spotted, traitor, the main task is to eliminate him, machine, add two nodes, we should be in place now, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, who can go on a mission with us? to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9 on the first. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided
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to transfer crimea to ukraine from the lord’s klech. like the first ones bolsheviks, that all this will not matter, a fanatic, a tyrant, no, as he likes to say, an attempt to invest in the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine, the protocol was strangely signed by nemalkov, who presided, but for some reason khrushchev, a crime was committed, a violation of three constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, he accuses him of transferring crimea, after all, he transferred.
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the big story is how khrushchev surrendered crimea. sunday on the first, get up, vacation it’s over, my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, excuse me, we should somehow schedule a visit, i have advantages, well, these are some kind of evidence, corpses, she loves it, the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are hints of musk. how do you like it, the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded. well, it seems like everything was taught. if it's not murder, it's kidnapping. or a fake kidnapping. assault group, readiness number one. that is, it is not safe to be here with you. i 'm not safe at all. eh, no, i won’t take it like that.
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go back and get treatment. so, can you explain? me, what’s going on, don’t worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, and the victim was also pregnant, i mean, bloodhound, new episodes from may 13 on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, about this my shoulders told you, the body can tell a lot about a person, our pathologist thinks so. so, vladimir putin today, the president of the russian federation took office, the solemn ceremony was followed with genuine interest all over the world, and they listened especially carefully to the address of our president; he thanked all our citizens for their trust, for their support and emphasized that russia is ready to enter into a conversation
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on strategic issues in a stable manner. wear a military uniform or parts of it, sing and play military march songs, well, for myself, regarding the behavior of the germans, i very clearly formulated that there are germans who they remember, but there are germans who lived all this time, pretended to remember, but really wanted to remember, now they seized the moment, in general, they poured out everything that they
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felt in these defeatist moods in recent years, into this one. .. let’s say, a public plane, all that remains is for them to demolish the monument to the soviet soldier in treptower park, yes, which they sculpted from nikolai masalov, nikolai mosalov - one of the soviet officers, soldiers who saved children in berlin, and, by the way, there were many such cases . natalya alekseevna, what do you think? this is a challenge for germany, how to perceive it now, how we should react to it, how to respond, so i say, i’m all shaking. this once again shows that we can’t do without a new nuremberg, it was 3 days after the start of the northern military district, and i remember my first television appearance at solovyov’s.
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it’s absolutely obvious, yes, what germany is, although it’s like this with ordinary germans, a year ago i drove a rental car in germany, there it was necessary to liquidate some of our such cells, well, i mean there’s a bank there i’ve never seen people’s russophobia anywhere , absolutely in small hotels, in grocery stores, but this jealousy splashed out, this inferiority complex, like these...
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you know, makes us capable of winning any war, because the spirit and the sword fight, napoleon said this, in the end the spirit always wins, and now our sword is strong, in principle, experts say that we have enough strength to reach chernigov, where the graves of my ancestors lie, in fact, i would like to visit them, by the way, here, but we don't we do it because we have considerations, because these... in europe, i don’t take american generals, with all the rhetoric, so to speak, of politicians, they are smarter , these are the ones with the mentality of greta thunberg,
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these are all annalena berbak, these ministers in defense skirts, in the baltic countries, this is where you can see it, so that a person without serving in the army, without knowing its structure, i don’t know how to shoot, can lead, and even in an acute period, these can fall foul. ..
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it’s hard to call it a german provocation in any other way, they’re afraid of course they’re just afraid, but the ban of the russian flag, yes, from the point of view of a political step, how is this even possible? i think that there are things when, before
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political assessments, human assessments must be made, this is simply meanness, this is vileness, we need to start with this, it seems to me that regarding lawns in berlin, i haven’t been to berlin much, but i have, and i can testify that the lawns in moscow are better. i can definitely testify as a person who has not often visited paris that st. petersburg is more beautiful than paris for me, maybe it seems different to someone, but for me i think now parisians will agree, we can do everything better, we can do everything better, we have always been able to turn the time of challenges to the benefit of our country, we became cleaner, we became stronger, we became kinder, we became more efficient, if you like, if you use some kind of managerial approach . even, therefore, this heartburn, which is now spilling out in germany, yes, should teach us to persistently, not forgetting, not for a month, not for a quarter, not for a week, to remind us daily of
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the goals of a special military operation and that among these goals was immediately identified denomination of ukraine, so here’s a new newman, he’s really asking for it, he ’ll come through the door and maybe we, including in the information space, need to talk more about the work that bastrykino’s department is doing in the liberated territories, about recording those mass graves that continue to be discovered, continue to be discovered, and just like the belarusian. our friends, our brothers, are now doing a great deal of work to restore the facts of the genocide of the belarusian soviet people during the years of the great patriotic war and huge archives were raised, new burials were found, and now we, for the future court, for the formal, informal court, for the court of conscience, for the political court, for any court, must set these goals for ourselves, persistently remind us of the anti-fascist character what we are doing in... ukraine and
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record all the facts so that nunberg is not just an unfounded new story, but is supported by all the necessary factual bases. these are the conditions for moving forward, not only for us, but for the whole world. therefore, xizen ping like a person also involved in the great anti-fascist tradition, anti-militarist tradition, came against the backdrop of all macron’s ambitions, with all that he would like to go down in the history of france, he knows it, he is still educated, he is a weak politician, but he is an educated person . he would like to go down in the history of france not like françois allant, somehow more brightly, more noticeably, but pign arrived, one meeting was enough for him to begin to change his rhetoric and for it to become less anti-russian, so this means that the truth is behind us, behind us side, for those who are uniting today in brix, for those who are on the side of this main barricade today, on the side of the anti-fascists, so the truth is behind us, these are the conditions for future victories, i assume by the way. why did the germans take such
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a provocative step, this is the answer for the leopards on poklonnaya hill with their barrels down, how alarmed they were then and how they said that this was unacceptable, how the russians lowered the barrels of our tanks, exposed them to ridicule in front of everyone, and now one of the forms one of the forms of reincarnation of nazism, this is how it should be treated, that’s why the word nyug was used here today, well, listen, it was already in 1945, they already saw their defeated... trunks, well, apparently, it’s been difficult for them all these years i had to somehow digest it, chew it inside myself, now, well, for me personally, marad fatovich is a challenge, this is an invitation to war, as they say, the germans are probably tired of apologizing for genocide, and now they are offering a third world war, i this is how i see it, but who do they forbid? these ribbons mean that they forbid anyone to sing, we don’t go there, they forbade theirs.
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i was amazed that the germans, right after our victory, they all very sharply denazified, and suddenly they all suddenly became such anti-fascists, well, not all, well , practically, because they are the same americans, natalya alekseevna, correct me if i’m wrong, they said that the issue of denazification could last for a decade, but the french and americans also worked on this process of denazification of the germans, and we ourselves, the soviet union, very carefully. was wondering if you you know, this is even more complicated, but there is a study by a german historian about how, in general, what happened to the consciousness of germany after the war, she believes that in general before the beginning of the seventies, then the famous film there was very much about concentration camps, that it was not like that, they were scared, the british and americans in their ... zones made it so that
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any media could be created only by the decision of this post-war administration of the anglo-saxons, to obtain a license for radio broadcasting, they were following something, but... my friends, germans, conservatives, who can’t stand the anglo-saxons and are terribly worried that we fought each other in two wars, instead of fighting with them, well , this is naivety, of course, they sent me and talked about how the americans raised , forces were sent there so that they would have denazification in a different sense, not in the sense of destruction, fascist ideologies, it was somehow nailed down then and was in such a way, well, once...
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all over europe, maybe not temporarily, but identification was important for them precisely in this, to lose the national feeling, national roots. yes, under the guise, then this could be explained by the fact that it was these national roots that led to the revival of nazism, but by the way, our president in one of his speeches several years ago just said that the versailles system, which was created by the anglo-saxons in the absence of russia , which withstood the main hardships of the eastern front, the land front and huge losses. they just did so that they humiliated germany so much that retevoe played there, but unfortunately, nothing is better than an ugly fruit in in the form of german nazism, the de-christianized nation was unable to give birth, it’s true, let’s rush to the news now, and then we’ll return to this studio, on the day of victory on
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the first. moscow, red square, main parade. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will march in the country in a solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first hello
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on the first channel news release in the studio maxim sherfuddinov. so, the main event.


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