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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 8, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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from this cathedral square there is a review of the kremlin regiment. the regiment is peaceful for a meeting from the front to the edge. hu. comrade president of the russian federation. the presidential regiment was built in honor of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. the commander of the presidential regiment is colonel suraikin. hello comrades. congratulations on the 88th anniversary of the formation of the regiment. this is also part of the inauguration ceremony for the president of the supreme commander of russia. kremlin regiment formed in 1936, the full name of which is the commandant's regiment the moscow kremlin, the main security department of the russian federation in this case personify the entire army of our country. and
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finally, an important, but less public, special part of the ceremony of inauguration of the presidency, the prayer service of patriarch kirill of moscow all russia in the annunciation cathedral and his parting words to vladimir putin. the day when you again call to take the highest position in our country, to become the president of russia, we pray strongly for you, we know that these words are not an empty phrase for you. that you yourself pray, and our time has been marked by the great mercy of god, when the head of the russian state is an orthodox man who is not embarrassed by his faith, when a huge number of russians see in the head of state not only a successful politician, but a very kind, intelligent, warm-hearted person, we will... continue
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to pray, so that the lord helps you, all the days of your life, to worthily lead the great fatherland, holy russia, which is also passing through today, through not the easiest period of its history, may the blessing of god, the protection of the queen of heaven, remain with you all your days your life until the end. as we say, well , i will boldly say, god grant that the end of the century means the end of your stay in power, you have everything to successfully perform this great service to your homeland for a long time, this posed danger, i would like to rest your blessing on yours, yours. a gift
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from the patriarch is the image of the vladimir icon of the mother of god of the 16th century, its face is one of the most significant shrines of our people; prayers have long been addressed to it for the peace and well-being of the country. anton vernitsky, svetlana barkova, yuri lepatov, boris kamenov, channel one, moscow, kremlin. as you saw in the report, among the guests of the ceremony was a teacher.
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so we arrived in such weather, nothing, well, i was driving in the car, okay, nothing, everything is fine, yes, good, another meeting with the famous pediatrician, leonid rashal, was also among the guests of the ceremony in the large kremlin palace, we agreed with you, firstly, i want to tell you that you are in excellent physical shape, thank you very much, we are today. we walked this marathon up the stairs there without shortness of breath, yes, everything is fine, thank god, of course, yes, such a holiday is very important, that’s right, and that on this day you found the opportunity to meet with doctors, thank you very much, thank you, we agreed to see you, well, today is the right day.
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moreover, with us he is always a worker, you have to work, i congratulate you on your inauguration, i brought you a little gift, a little book, it’s called by... and today vladimir putin signed a decree that concerns the work of the government. according to the law, let me remind you, the cabinet of ministers per day upon taking office, the head of state resigns. the president instructed the ministers to perform their duties until appointment. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko told how when the new composition of the cabinet of ministers will be approved, in an interview with channel one. the heads of both houses of parliament participated in the ceremony today. traditionally
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, there were many guests in the kremlin: regional leaders, politicians, spiritual leaders, captains of the economy, military men, scientists, doctors and teachers, names and faces known throughout the country culture, sports, after vladimir putin officially took office as president of russia, the former deputy prime ministers and ministers will continue to work in acting status. the question is when the new composition of the cabinet of ministers will be formed. i am sure that the president will not delay the responsibility of both the cabinet of ministers and rural ministers, he had time to think, i believe that...
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that we are ready and are friends with everyone who shares our approaches, equal indivisible security for all , not for the elite, and he once again emphasized that the security of the fatherland - he said this in his oath, this is the main thing he will do as president. putin is stability for the world. putin is about building a fair world order. putin is building a multipolar world, what citizens of many countries are waiting for, because... they don’t want to plan their future themselves, and not under the dictation of the hegemon, who imagines himself that he can do it better, because they are special and this will definitely not lead to good, so today’s inauguration is a triumph
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justice for the whole world. there are 2,500 guests in the halls of the large kremlin palace: senators, deputies, heads of regions, confidants of vladimir putin during... time of heroes, it was launched on the initiative of the president. we will look after finishing the svo or after finishing our service, we will look at our qualities. in principle, i
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would like to try myself in various fields, i would like to make my contribution for the future of our country, for the development of this country of ours, for only the best. our country will be, but also what there will be the whole world. absolutely expected, some western ambassadors did not come to the ceremony, although we invited them. we are polite people in every sense, we follow protocol, and i think that inviting representatives of countries that are unfriendly is also a definite signal on our part. the triumphant victory of president putin in the elections, the upcoming new term, which is extremely important in a historical sense.
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now we see the transformation of our cities, our districts, that today we need to unite around the president for achieving the set goals, said the leaders and representatives of parliamentary factions. putin’s task is to formulate a policy not for 6 years, but for 20 years, because if we don’t mortgage our future now, tomorrow it may be too late. russia is creating a new global majority, where each country, its history, traditions, culture, religion...
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there is no doubt that the president has fulfilled everything he promised, and today we must all rally around our national leader, the president spoke about generations that left us today's russia, he said about those generations who have not yet been born and to whom we will hand over russia, spoke about the need to create a stable political system, sustainable for a decade, this year’s innovations invited children to the ceremony, these are the children with whom... i have communicated in one way or another in recent years , these are the kids from sirius,
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these are the guys whose parents died , these are the children of our heroes who died, these are the guys he encountered one way or another when he was fulfilling wishes on the wish tree, for example, rice takipova, this is the same girl who was upset to tears because she didn’t see vladimir putin when he was in durpent. the kremlin learned about this story and immediately invited me on a tour led by the president himself. and now raisad and his family are back in the kremlin at the ceremony . afterwards he shares his impressions. i really liked this ceremony, it went by in a minute. but i was very happy that i went then. on tv, he always seems serious and strict. he is really good and kind here are gifted schoolchildren from the sirius educational center, good studies, a ticket to
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the ceremony, the inauguration of vladimir vladimirovich putin as president of russia is written. the dream of timofey bilenko from crimea came true, he wanted to visit the kremlin to see the president, the whole family was invited to moscow. the president of russia is a man of honor, dignity, a strict, but still fair leader, i met him and i can say that... the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin as president was broadcast by many world media. in real time, on
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their internet channels, everything that happened in the kremlin was shown, for example, by the british tv channel sky news, the american nbc and cnn, the french bfmtv, and the spanish news agency efe. the broadcast was also carried by al-jazeera, lebanese channels and syrian state television. in addition, the ceremony was covered in detail by the british publications guardian and independent, the french newspaper mont and the american washington post. vladimir putin today signed a new may decree on russia’s national development goals to 2030 to 2036. it covers almost everything. spheres , the national goals include preserving the population, improving health, increasing the well-being of people, supporting families, realizing the potential of each person, developing his talents, raising a patriotic and socially responsible person, a comfortable safe living environment, environmental well-being, a sustainable and dynamic economy, technological leadership - digital transformation of state and municipal government,
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economics and social sphere. there must be a plan for achieving national development goals. until the end of the year. now the daily summary of our ministry of defense during the special operation. the russian army continues to improve the situation at the front and occupy more advantageous positions. the enemy suffers large losses per day, over one and a half thousand people, a large amount of equipment, including nato models. thus , units of the west group of troops destroyed the german leopard tank and artillery systems produced in britain and the states. fighters from the brave group the central military district knocked out two infantry fighting vehicles. the next abrams is already the ninth in a row. an american tank was burned in effective and proven ways using kamikaze drones. the precise hit was recorded by a drone camera. our artillerymen are successfully destroying the enemy's armored vehicles, weapons and fortified positions. in the northern direction, the infantry is supported by fire
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from crews of msta self-propelled guns, hyacin cannons and hail rocket systems. the target is hit not only on the front line, but in the rear. to do this we have to take risks ourselves, it saves speed of reaction, coherence and good camouflage. about combat work, report by gusein huseynov. artillery supports the advance of our assault units in the northern direction. this self-propelled gun was now working on a target in the city itself, a building in an industrial zone in which enemy personnel were hiding. data comes from scouts, they also adjust the fire. we have a long range, with conventional shells it’s up to twenty, with long-range missiles up to 25 with rocket shells we can transport a target up to 30 km, that is, this means blocking the entire seversk, but in this is mainly assistance to the infantry, suppression of firing points. the artillery division of the seventh brigade works as part of the southern group of troops, dismantles the dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces’ fortified areas, and disrupts enemy rotations.
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self-propelled gun msta - for targets in the city of seversk, a battery of geotsint guns of the second army corps is also operating on the approaches to it. the crew is well-coordinated, this is not the first day at the front, they know for sure that the gun does not fail, it needs to be looked after. after each shot, treatment, well, lubricate, punch. geocind - weapon long-range, but in order to reach targets deep in the rear of the ukrainian armed forces, fire is fired from the front
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lines, which means the risk of detection by enemy reconnaissance is higher, but it helps here. and the weather and nature. with the arrival of spring, work has become much easier, the artillerymen say. firstly, natural camouflage helps: a dense green forest. in addition, they themselves try and camouflage their weapons. here, for example, you won’t immediately see that a trunk is hidden under these weights. the crew commander modestly talks about the destroyed targets, this is an american howitzer.
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having worked, the fighters immediately leave the firing area, constantly change positions and shelters, each has hundreds of combat tours behind them, and such rare meetings with relatives, so the first thing they do when they see cameras is, of course, send greetings home. to his mother’s wife, two daughters, son, dad is alive and well, dad hasn’t been around for a long time, he’ll be back soon. first channel lugansk people's republic. and new examples of the courage of our front-line soldiers. guard sergeant pavel lomakin, the mortar commander, destroyed the group with a well-aimed shot
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enemy infantry, and then a strong point and a machine-gun crew of the ukrainian armed forces. this allowed our soldiers to take control of an important line. captain alexander kuzmich, head of communications , repaired the antenna of the command and staff vehicle under militant fire; as soon as communications were restored, our military knocked the enemy out of their positions. in the kherson region , fsb operatives neutralized a ukrainian military intelligence agent. an employee of the local ministry of emergency situations, as it turned out, was recruited 2 years ago. at the direction of kiev curators, he transported and stored homemade explosive devices. the bombs were planned to be used to commit sabotage and terrorist attacks in the region. now counterintelligence officers are establishing who else was part of the terrorist cell. now to other topics: passing the baton of time and heroism. the russian navy will soon receive two new ships, a small missile patrol ship, they were launched in zelenodolsk, one of them is served by the great-grandson of the hero, after whom the ship victor the great is named. beginners are equipped with
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the latest technology, are able to perform the most complex tasks, reflect any attacks, an unlimited navigation zone, the connection of the two generations that won then in 1945 are fighting neo-nazism now in plain sight, as the designers say, ships will help you. svetlana kostina. appreciated the power, normal weather for the ship and the sailor, respectively, this is its element, therefore, even more so its name is typhoon. torrential rain fills the eyes, but the crew of the typhoon rocket ship does not seem to notice. at sea, in service, this is a common thing. this is the fifth ship in the series; similar ships are already carrying watch in the black sea and baltic fleets. ships of project 22800, namely the american typhoon , are capable of delivering a high-precision strike to the enemy’s rear, to everything.
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western production and are actively used by the kiev regime, both during the great patriotic war and today during the period of a special military operation, the enterprise: forges a weapon of victory, today, symbolizing the connection of these two generations, ships still leave the factory stocks, each according to
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tradition, the ship has a godmother, a factory worker, and it is she who arranges the abortion for luck a bottle of champagne, such an honor comes only once, the mission of the godmother is, as it were, to open the way for the ship to deliver it successfully. test, only then will they go to their deployment site in the black sea. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, anatoly meneev, channel one, zelenodolsk, tatarstan. and more from shipbuilding news. the first mooring tests have begun on the new nuclear icebreaker yakutia. it is necessary to set up the equipment, check the operation of all systems and 220 and it is the most
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powerful in the world, it was created at the baltic plant of the united shipbuilding corporation, two nuclear reactors can produce power of more than 80 thousand horsepower. other icebreakers of the arctic, sibir and ural project are already operating on the northern sea route ; the fifth vessel, chukotka, is scheduled to be launched this year. one of the priority tasks of the russian ministry of defense is to provide social guarantees to military personnel and their families, including resolving the housing issue. in irkutsk, 100 families in a solemn ceremony received the keys to new service apartments with an improved layout. the house was built by the military builders using the most advanced technologies, nearby children's sports grounds, parking, developed medical and social infrastructure. the situation is relatively safe up to this point. tarafahi continues to get complicated. the israelis first launched a massive attack on the city, where civilians had previously moved from other parts of the enclave, and then pulled tanks there.
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people expected peace after. egypt, but received new bombings of violation of promises from israel about the security of rafahi. about what is happening now in the enclave, at what stage of the negotiations and the terms of the truce, why they were violated, in the report by georgi alisashvili. the morning in the gas sector began with clearing the rubble. the war reached the last safe place in the palestinian enclave of the city of rafah, which is right near the border with egypt, and more than once the day before. egypt agreed to a ceasefire, people poured out into the streets, celebrating, as it seemed to them, the imminent end of the war. we were at home, sleeping, me, my mother, brothers and sisters, suddenly we heard a loud noise, explosions, we were covered with dust, they told us, that rafah is a safe place,
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there was safety here, of course. despite the progress in the negotiations, the war cabinet under the government of prime minister nitanyahu decided to launch the operation. the day before , the israeli army scattered leaflets calling for evacuation from rafah, despite the fact that this is exactly the place to which palestinians were literally driven from the entire sector; from the very beginning of the war, the israelis insisted that only there the refugees were guaranteed safety. tell me where should we go? khanyunis is a safe place, are there tents there? is there water, electricity or drinking water? yunis, a city in the sector destroyed almost to the ground by the israeli defense forces, has been teetering on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe since the beginning of spring, despite the lack of conditions; tens of thousands of palestinians headed there yesterday, but more than a million remained in rafah. a small border town, now one of the most densely populated on the entire planet, was under attack. first, rockets , bombs, and then israeli tanks entered the raf, and this, despite an unequivocal warning un secretary general on the inadmissibility of collective action.
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a ground invasion of rafah is unacceptable due to the devastating humanitarian consequences and destabilization of the entire region. for the first time since 2005, israel established control over the border of the gas sector with egypt. it is through rafah that the majority of humanitarian aid enters the sector. according to the israeli military, more than 20 militants were killed overnight. palestinian sources report 23 civilian deaths. of which there are six children. the operation in rafah was opposed by russia, china, european union and usa. however, despite this rare unanimity, israel began to intend to continue. i say to all world leaders, no matter what the pressure, no decision, no international organization will prevent israel from defending itself. if israel is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone. against this background , pro-palestinian protests in
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american universities have resumed with renewed vigor. after it became known that just yesterday the hamas movement was ready to exchange the remaining hostages for palestinian prisoners and supported the ceasefire. hundreds of protesters in tel aviv blocked the aelon highway. we expected the israeli government to agree to this deal to save everyone.
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first channel. chinese president xidin ping and french president emmanuel macron jointly opposed the israeli attack on rafah. they noted that the actions of the idf would lead to an even larger humanitarian catastrophe. the chinese foreign ministry reports this. today was the final day of sidinpin’s visit to france, its informal part. the president macron took the guests to the upper perenea to the small homeland of his ancestors. the press, meanwhile , is discussing yesterday's negotiations between the leaders of china and france and the head of the european commission in paris. according to the new york times, emman macron and ursulla von derleen unsuccessfully tried to force sidinpin to influence russia to persuade it to end a special military operation in ukraine. also, according to the american publication, the chinese leader strongly opposed criticism of beijing for its close ties with moscow. from france, the chairman of the people's republic of china went to serbia. on a two day visit state status. the date was not chosen by chance. today is exactly 25 years since nato aircraft attacked the chinese embassy
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in belgrade during an operation against. journalists, another 21 people were injured. beijing has repeatedly emphasized that the chinese people will never forget the crimes of nato and yugoslavia. russia's cooperation with era lyona was discussed today in moscow by the head of our diplomacy with his counterpart from an african country. by the way, sergei lavrov’s interlocutor timothy kabbo showed off his knowledge of the russian language, which emphasized the warm and trusting atmosphere of negotiations. we discussed promising areas of our bilateral cooperation, paying special attention to projects that are currently being discussed between the relevant departments in the energy sector.
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on the eve of the great holiday of victory day in russia, they continue to congratulate veterans, concerts, gifts, photographs of our heroes on the streets of cities, they reached berlin, destroyed the nazi army, which they considered invincible, they did, but not them, our veterans are now holding on very well, as if
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no matter how the years take their toll, almost 100 years is not the age to sit listening to songs of victory, to stand at full height is their motto, then in 1945 the character is now so hardened, why do we love them? participated in the liberation of the baltic states, his veteran celebrated his centenary this year, his wife leila grigorievna is only a year younger, a young girl, worked in the rear. be healthy, be happy, thank you.
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everyone will receive our good, great holiday, victory day. in neighboring khabarovsk today the victory train was greeted with flowers. on platforms military equipment of those years, musicians had the opportunity to ride on the train among passengers valentina mikhailovna ilyukhina, as a child she guarded military warehouses in her native tambov region. i have brothers, three brothers, all of them were at the front.
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and great-grandson of front-line soldier alexander basiev. when he went to the front, matssi, as his relatives called him, left behind eight children. as part of the sixty-second army, he took part in the defense of stalingrad and reached berlin. portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and their native cities are worn on t-shirts. photos veterans are now all over vladikavkaz. instead of regular advertising, there are these banners all over the city. they are dedicated to individual families or, in this case, participants in the war. who lived on a specific street in stakhanov. volunteers collected information about them by visiting each house. there will be no traditional march of the immortal regiment in our country this year, but the event is already taking place in other formats.
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memory walls have appeared in many educational and youth centers, and a ceremonial assembly was held in this omsk school. each student brought a portrait of his to a relative of a war participant, in anadar public transport was decorated with photographs of veterans this year, there is now a special bus running there, in which songs of the war years are played, videos with war heroes will... be broadcast on saratov trolleybuses. my grandfather shuvarov mikhail nikifarovich. they came up with their own version of the immortal regiment a year ago. they called out to the depot employees, drivers, and controllers. i immediately had enough material for three videos. they were shown for several days. employees after may 9, when they came to work, they said that even their whole families rode in trolleybuses, almost all day long, to see their relatives, and some even did more than... one circle. this year it was decided to expand the event and
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all saratov residents were invited to take part. several hundred photos have already been sent. they are currently being processed, new videos are being prepared, they will be put into rotation on may 9. the immortal regiment unites entire countries. for example, in kyrgyzstan, volunteers climbed vladimir putin peak, an altitude of almost 4.5 km. happy victory day. hurray, hurray, hurray. the ascent took 2 days with banners. victories and t-shirts with portraits of relatives of front-line soldiers, so that at least they too could see from above the beauty of the land for which they once fought. sergei panomariov, khristina ivanova, maria mortanova, yuri shatokhin, sergei suvorov and sergei klishin, channel one. names carved in stone, exhibition at the tauride chersonese museum for victory day. history of the battle for sevastopol, rare archival documents, personal belongings, photographs.
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on may 9, sevastopol will also celebrate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the city, and on may 12, 1944, crimea was completely cleared of fascist invaders. on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the peninsula, watch the film saboteur crimea, and also the first film from the cult film epic saboteur, on victory day, may 9, on channel one. and now the continuation of our special project: the science of winning. about the contribution. scientists in the defeat of the nazis, the success of the operation at the front, the road of life, besieged leningrad, the defense of two capitals from enemy raids, the creation of fundamentally new weapons, behind all this the work of physicists, the whole country during the great patriotic war worked on victory, science turned out to be the secret weapon that the germans never expected to encounter. detonation of a magnetic mine, for the first time. during the days of the war, soviet sailors encountered new german weapons, bottom
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mines, which could not be seen either from the water or from the air until a ship passed over them. the germans set the task of blocking the fleet, they used mine weapons, they used mine weapons in the baltic, they used them in the south, against sevastopol, and they used them with fairly high efficiency. marine magnetic mine dropped from a bomber by parachute, having fallen to the bottom, it was activated, the magnetic fuse, like a compass needle, reacted to the iron hull of the ship. to make a passage through the minefields , an iron barge was taken out to sea on a wooden tug. the mine was supposed to react to its body, but german engineers came up with so-called multiplicity counters, they were all configured differently. the mine could explode on the first try or on the fifth or sixteenth, that is, even the repeated passage of a minesweeper over a dangerous place did not guarantee that the warship would be free to travel. the best scientists of the ussr struggled to solve this problem. the group on magnetic mines was led by physicists igor. kurchatov and anatoly alexandrov, they proposed several methods for demagnetizing
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ships, one of which involved laying copper cables along the hull, through which the calculated voltage was applied and the magnetic field of the ship or submarine became neutral. the efficiency of the work of soviet physicists turned out to be so high that the germans soon completely abandoned magnetic min. these mines are still sometimes found in the black sea. sappers try not to touch them, blowing them up right on the spot. in the most difficult months of the war, kurchatov and alexandrov did everything to help the soviet army, but fundamental research could not be stopped. intelligence received information that the germans were working on weapons of enormous power and kurchatov headed a secret atomic nuclear laboratory. there has been nothing more grandiose in the history of mankind than the atomic project. new physical principles, new materials, new factories and even entire industries, all in order to create this atomic bomb. but this is already a post-war story, in the forty-first year , scientists from leningrad... trucks with food for the besieged
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city went under the ice. during these first trips, about 100 cars were lost because the ice was breaking, although its thickness was quite decent. festekh director pavel kobek and his assistant naum reinov were given 4 days to find a solution. and in a matter of hours they came up with and assembled a device for measuring vibrations ice. a total of 50 copies were made and installed along the road in ladoga. they began to take readings when they measured all these occurrences of waves in the ice, and discovered that there is a critical speed, 35 km/h, at which... resonance occurs and destruction occurs. now cars on ladoga were allowed to drive at a speed of 20-30 km/h at a distance of 70 or 100 meters from each other, and the ice stopped breaking. this decision saved the lives of tens of thousands of residents of besieged leningrad. by the way, a year later , using the same instruments, they calculated load for transporting heavy tanks across the ice that took part in breaking
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the blockade. physicists from the moscow institute of physical sciences took part in the creation of an air defense system that saved leningrad and moscow from... this is moscow and london. in london , 20 thousand civilians died from the bombing . they died in moscow. 2.0 people. fian director sergei vavilov, the future head of the ussr academy of sciences, was the first in the world to invent fluorescent lamps, and also developed glow-in-the-dark instrument needle scales for the army. there is one more thing associated with the name of vavilov a cutting-edge invention at that time: night vision devices. they looked like ordinary binoculars. these binoculars helped out
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soviet soldiers during the last major german offensive at the hungarian lake balaton. there, german tanks attacked more at night than during the day, but... the artillery, thanks to vavilov’s devices, saw the tigers and panthers in the dark, all attacks were successfully repulsed. all the most famous soviet physicists worked for the needs of the front. at the beginning of the war, future nobel prize laureate peter kopitsa proposed a new method for producing oxygen. oxygen was needed in aviation, medicine, but above all for the production of alloy steel explosives. the installation invented and assembled by a copy was an order of magnitude more productive than all that existed at that time. and there was an installation. done by the forty-third year it earned 200 liters per hour and provided liquid oxygen. soviet physics, soviet science turned out to be that secret weapon about which our enemy knew almost nothing. few could have imagined that in just 20 years after the civil war revolution in the soviet union, scientists would be trained world level. by the way, many technologies
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created by physicists during the great patriotic war were so ahead of their time that they are still used to this day for the needs of the army and industry. alexander lyakin, kristina neznanova, ekaterina. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on the air of channel one, the continuation of a multi-part film according to the laws of war, the enemy is behind you. that’s all, this is for the first time, i’ll take the rest later, i should have immediately, why
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come here again, yura, they need help. the child was barely out, the rose is still very weak, tomos can’t handle it alone, the rose is a criminal, if it weren’t for the child, she would have been in prison a long time ago, she’s just confused, i believe her, why get confused, her husband was with the forest people, you think she’ll get better she won’t go to the partisans, she won’t go anywhere, in any case it’s dangerous to appear here, jurassic, people change, let’s try to trust them, people need it, enemies don’t,
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here you go, that’s why there are so many
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formalities, i’ll do an examination, i’ll return it right away, it’s a special substance accounting, comrade lieutenant colonel, order from the commander, clearly, here this is regular aviation gasoline with an octane rating of about 74, this is our additive. which increases the octane number to 90 and higher, the plane flies more powerfully, higher, runs faster along the runway, this particular additive was in the explosives that blew up the forest bridge, well, the probability is 99%, but most importantly, this additive is only available in stock take it, you can’t buy it at the market, you can’t just take it in a warehouse either. you guard them there like gold reserves, so it was stolen
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at the airfield or?


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