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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. war on may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. artillery carousel tactics in action, dense hail work in special operation zone. targets were hit and the battle in the sky
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our su-30 destroyed an enemy drone, new footage from the front line. victory day is especially significant in conditions when nazism is again raising its head, sergei lavrov’s statement at a ceremony dedicated to the fallen diplomatic workers. and a historical date: today is 75 years since the opening of the monument to the liberating warrior in kreptowpark in berlin. new gas bombings and... an israeli strike hit a residential complex among the dead children a wave of unrest in europe in paris pro-palestinian activists are trying to capture sarbona, in amsterdam they are organizing battles with the police, from steely friendship to similar thoughts regarding russia, what else do belgrade and beijing have in common, chairman keiner’s visit to serbia. and we start with data on the progress of the special operation. russian troops destroyed
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camouflaged militant firing points using grad systems and hit self-propelled artillery installations. in less than a minute to prepare, the accuracy of the strikes was controlled by drone operators. to avoid being hit by return fire, the artillery used the so-called carousel tactics. she consists of constant shooting from different positions. this is footage of our pilots working. the su-30 multirole fighter eliminated an enemy drone. he also supported the actions of russian bombers and army aviation helicopters. then footage of forced mobilization taking place in ukraine again appeared online. odessa region, a man is on the ground, a military registration and enlistment office employee is kicking him, he doesn’t even try to resist, passers-by don’t interfere, it’s unknown how the matter ended, the recording ends. this is already one of the ukrainian village this time, the potential recruits managed to escape the chase; everything was captured by an external surveillance camera. three men are hiding in the yard, literally a few seconds later a minibus passes by; apparently, they did not notice the maneuver of those escaping there.
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the results that have been achieved over the 10 years of the existence of the ias plans for further integration will be discussed today at the anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. vladimir putin will take part in it, the kremlin reported. the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, the prime minister of armenia will be joined by the heads of observer states of uzbekistan and cuba. it is planned to adopt a number of documents ; a separate meeting between the russian leader and nikol pashinyan is expected. the president arrived in moscow this morning.
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across the country in the altai territory, a parade for veterans was held by military personnel of the strategic missile forces, accompanied by a military orchestra. the event was also attended by members of the young army and representatives of public organizations. getting ready for victory day in the zone, the central tanker the military district placed portraits of relatives of war participants on cars. more and more people abroad are joining the immortal regiment action, this is the panamo procession in the capital of the republic, dozens of people with st. george ribbons and photographs. heroes walked through the streets, singing songs of the war years. victory day is especially significant now, when nazism is again raising its head, our country is fighting it for the sake of everyone who wants to live with their minds and traditions. this was stated today by acting foreign minister sergei lavrov, he took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at memorial plaques bearing the names of meade personnel who died in the line of duty . the head of the department thanked the diplomats who today defend the interests of our country and congratulated everyone. happy
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upcoming victory day. yesterday, the president said at his inauguration ceremony that we are all indebted to our history. thousand-year history and before our ancestors, this is how we perceive the mission that russia has fallen to today, we see an extraordinary rise in our people for this yet another a sacred battle, victory is guaranteed to us, because the truth is on our side, then st. petersburg. in the mourning event at the peskorevsky cemetery , flowers and wreaths were laid at the mother motherland monument; officials, veterans, and social activists took part; the memory of the dead was honored with a minute of silence. this memorial is a special place, a mass grave, where hundreds of thousands of leningrad residents are buried who did not survive the cold and hunger, blockades, endless
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bombings, and the defenders of the city are also buried there. commemorative events will take place in berlin, in particular in treptower park, where a famous monument was erected. employees of the military memorial department of the russian embassy in germany open for us a crypt under the monument to the liberating warrior; access to it is usually possible only once a year on victory day, so we can write something down here. difficult because of the strong echo, but it creates a special effect. your voice is amplified many times over when you read: now everyone recognizes that the soviet people, with their selfless struggle, saved the civilization of europe from the fascist pogromists. the vaults are already buzzing! the sound spreads almost everywhere
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the central part of the memorial in treptowpark. the german couple goes to the fields of honor with flowers. elfie koch visited the village of tizhinsky in kemerovo in 1985. region, this is me, the man in the photograph, senior sergeant of the red army, nikolai mosalov, on april 30, 45 in berlin, he carried out from under machine gun fire a german girl, her mother, who was mortally wounded by the nazis, according to the most common version, it was he who became the prototype for the figure warrior-liberator. elfi describes mosalov as a very humble and hospitable person. we're talking about the most ordinary ones we talked to him about things, about family, about the weather, he took us away. my garden and picked berries with my daughter. in one of the last interviews, which is stored in the tyazhinsky museum of history and local lore, masalov talks about how in the sixties they tried to find the girl he saved, but her traces were lost. such and such an army was in such and such a blanket, everything
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was wrapped up, there were three such cases in the city. mosalov is not the only soviet soldier who risked his life to save a german child. was it his feat that inspired evgeniy? vuchetich, grandson. the sculptor’s complete teska grandfather denies such a possibility, there are no prototypes, this does not exist, my grandfather made images of liberated europe and the liberator. unexpectedly, we hear another hypothesis: the image of raphael’s sextin madonna could have influenced the painting, which is about a painting saved by soviet soldiers in 1945 near dresdon, destroyed by british american aircraft. my grandfather, of course, he didn’t say anything to anyone, he kept a little of her outline, imagine, to make it easier. is to imagine a war monument the liberator should mirror in the work of raphael the developing blanket in the work of vuchetich, the cloak tent, the child in the arms of a soldier - this is europe, the message that everything, everything, the war is over, we will live in peace. and
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this peace was brought to german soil by the soviet soldier. here are unique photographs of the construction work on the grandiose war memorial. after the war in germany, materials are extremely difficult to find. granite ordered by the chief was discovered on the banks of the elbe. reich architect scheier to create hitler's hall of the people. construction was to end after the victory over the soviet union and mark a german triumph. everything turned out differently. in the berlin senate we are shown a parchment book with the names of fallen heroes resting in treptower park. on the last page the number in pencil is 2.232. but about 7,200 soldiers and officers of the red army are buried in treptow. are the names of the others unknown? preliminary list, how many names are here, here, more than here, in quarantine during a pandemic, our compatriot elena dmitrieva, living in the capital, began to compare the names from the book of memory with the data of the primary burials, from where
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the remains were transferred to treptow when the memorial was created, so it is possible to identify the rest based on known names. 16 sarcophagi were installed, eight on each side, and many people think that it is under them that the burial is located, which is not true, the heroes rest under the shade of plane trees, the graves are not marked in any way, they look like an ordinary lawn. elena wants to ensure that mass graves have slabs with names. people will understand that there are graves here, that soldiers are buried here, that there is no need to do yoga here, there is no need to have picnics, and in winter there is no need to ski or drink snowmen. before victory day, elena and several of her like-minded germans brought photographs of soldiers who
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had found eternal peace here to treptower park, so that people could see their faces, so far they managed to find 222 photographs, here they are, heroes, very young and wise with experience, emphatically serious and smiling, all they gave their lives for us. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, liliya zorina, dmitry matyushin, channel one. only that vladimir putin congratulated the leaders of the cis countries, abkhazia and south ossetia, as well as the people of georgia and moldova, on victory day. in his address, the russian president emphasized the need to suppress any attempts to distort or forget the common history. and he expressed confidence that the bonds of fraternal friendship forged during the war years will remain a reliable basis for the development of relations between the countries. at least seven people were killed as a result of new gas bombings. the israeli air force, according to al jazeera, hit a residential complex, among the casualties five children. they also write that in rafah, where the idf began a ground operation, a car with civilians was fired upon, two were killed,
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several people were wounded. against this background , there was a new wave of protest in different countries; in paris , pro-palestinian activists tried to seize the building of sarbon university, the police acted harshly, batons and tear gas were used at the entrance. a mass protest in amsterdam also turned into clashes; several thousand student teachers took to the streets and, as a result, 140 people were detained. regional conflicts, including the situation in... ukraine is one of the main topics of negotiations between the head of china xidinpina and european leaders. after france, his route runs through countries that are not ready to blindly follow western policies. now the delegation is in serbia. the trip is being monitored by pavel krasnov. these days there are always a lot of people and a lot of flowers here. citizens of china and those who live and work in serbia, those who happen to be passing through here, come to the memorial of the former embassy building to honor the memory of their compatriots who died under american bombs 25 years ago.
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the construction of the cultural center of china, the largest in europe on the site of the bombed embassy, ​​sends a clear message; it embodies the modern economic and political power of china, which the west cannot but reckon with today. nato called the bombing of the embassy a tragic accident, someone could have made a mistake while working with maps, but in china many are still confident that the attack was deliberate, they certainly did not forget whose fault the tragedy occurred, in an article written for a serbian newspaper on the eve of the visit this was confirmed by head of the people's republic of china xijen ping. we must never forget this. the chinese people value peace,
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but they will never allow that tragic history to repeat itself. the friendship between china and serbia, cemented by the common blood of the two peoples, will remain in our memories and encourage both sides to move forward together. beijing and belgrade, indeed, most often along the way, call their relationship steel friendship - this is not only a beautiful metaphor. china is building a high-speed railway in serbia, unlike... the eu is not afraid of the chinese here investments, nor chinese goods, the intention of president vučić, who personally met him at the airport, to give his guest serbian wine may well be a dig at paris, in china, french alcohol came under an anti-dumping investigation, i will serve this wine myself, not a waiter, not a protocol service, i’m personally going to treat him, i’m sure he’ll like the wine, maybe emmanuel macron, whom sizenping visited before, also gave him gifts, but he definitely didn’t achieve his goal.
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european tour a hint of true the culprit, more than transparent, then in yugoslavia, now in ukraine, the conflict was provoked by the west, and the way out of it is not to join the euro-atlantic chorus, in the chinese.


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