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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 8, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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how about you, grigory, i was in the hospital, you know, i slept well, thank you, nothing, why, grigory ivanovich already told me this once, it was like that. just don't forget to drop me off.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. our guest today is professor jeffrey sachs, a professor at columbia university and a world-famous economist and political scientist. jeffrey, it's a pleasure to welcome you, thank you for your time. always a pleasure to talk to you, thank you jeffrey, as you know, tomorrow in russia big holiday, may 9.
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do you want an economic path that would make america and russia, well, natural friends, in general, she chose a political one and, if you know, no worse than me, that it turned out completely differently, why? well, we probably really need to go back to '45 , now. i would probably say this: if roosevelt had not died, then the cold war would not have happened, because roosevelt really intended to maintain good relations with the soviet union, and he intended to maintain good relations with stalin, and he was a skilled negotiator. i mean
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roosevelt, and he intended to maintain us-soviet relations at a good level, obviously, and the anti-communists said that roosevelt was too soft and behaved incorrectly, but personally i think that roosevelt was the best president in the history of the united states, and he , probably would have led. relations in a different direction, unfortunately, he died, at the end of the war, harry truman was a very inexperienced president, he was influenced by hardliners, and then a lot of things happened after 1945 and as a result the cold war began, this was already inevitable, but almost no one understands this today, because people do not know history.
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and after the second world war, the soviet union wanted to feel safe. it is not surprising, but no such agreement was signed following the second world war. the west unilaterally decided that it would rearm germany just 4 years later.
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again, i think there were serious mistakes made here on the us side because the united states was going to maintain a nuclear monopoly, refused to talk with the soviet union on this topic, all this led to a feeling of deep mistrust, but even taking into account this mistrust, it was still possible to avoid this confrontation in the mid-fifties . this period, by the way. historians do not study enough, when stalin died and khrushchev became the leader in the soviet union, again the soviet union had the following idea: let's try to agree that germany is neutral, that it
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remains disarmed, then the soviet union will already feel safe, will live in peace, let's sign a peace treaty based on the results. negotiations began, soviet troops withdrew from austria and a treaty on austria was proposed, where austria’s neutrality was written down. last year, by the way, i lived in vienna, and i want to tell you that neutrality was wonderful for austria and good for the soviet union . so, there was an idea. not just to withdraw troops from austria, but to end the cold war, if germany supported it, it would be perhaps, but george kehn, who then played a very influential role, he spoke on the bbc, in
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578, he gave a series of lectures on the bbc, and he said: let's take the example of austria, this is how we can end the cold war, let's make germany neutral by the state. the concept of containment, he said, the person who once proposed me is misunderstood, i did not propose to organize a nuclear arms race, but no one listened to what i said, and the united states said, no, germany will not be a neutral state, germany will be nato member. and as a result of all this, we have what we have today. when the war ended, there was a chance, but then they didn’t take advantage of it, then in the fifties with krushchev there was a chance, but they didn’t take advantage of it, then at the end of the eighties there was another chance with gorbachev, but the united states refused peace each time. they said: “we will
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do everything our own way, the way we want, we will create military alliances, we will locate our military bases.”
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they said we won't use it to our advantage. james becker famously said that nato will not move east even 1 cm. this was naturally a lie, because as soon as. there was a chance to make peace with gorbachev, there was a chance directly from president yeltsin, it was
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ninety-one, i was the first to hear it , to make peace with yeltsen, and yeltsin at this meeting, and to me and others who were there, as part of our delegation, said that russia wants normal relations, russia wants peace, trade, normal economy, normal politics and respect, that’s all, nothing more. but the usa refused it again, because the united states was already planning a unipolar world at that time, this is a kind of addiction, like a drug, and we learned this from britain in the 19th century , britain was the hegemon in the world and... we learned this from the british. in 1815, russia was precisely
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an ally, an ally of england, and together with england fought against napoleon. but then, 30 years later, russia and england were already sworn enemies. very interesting, how did this happen? there is a very wonderful book. it was written, in my opinion, in 1960, by a scientist named gleason, he studied this issue: how did it happen that russia and england were allies, and then became enemies, and he writes in his book that there were no reasons for this, there was only one reason: england did not like that more people were appearing one great power, in 1830 england...
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russia didn’t do anything, but it just turned out that russia interfered with british hegemony, that’s what it’s all about, thank you for your conclusions, but now i’ll ask you about what you you know very well too. how did you talk with yeltsin and you knew the russians well reformers, russian politicians, and it seems to me that they had many shortcomings, but it was difficult to accuse them of hostility towards the united states and the west in general. you mentioned george cannon, who of course was a real giant. with a very clear anti-militarist position, so
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his influence in washington was limited. i knew cannen, in general, superficially, but i was friends with another person, his name was polnitsa. paul nitsa was, as you know, held the same post, and what about cannen, after him he headed the foreign planning department politicians in the state department, only he his whole life. was considered yastrev, in the nineties he was no longer a young man, he was very friendly with the russian ambassador to the united states, yuli vorontsov, and he absolutely could not understand why - it was necessary to expand nato, when new russia wanted to be a friend of america, very close human. to nitsa was strop talbat, who then, as you remember,
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was the second person in the state department, at the same time he was a personal friend of president clinton. so i want to understand, from your point of view, people like polnicii, he was far from alone, who told the clinton administration, don’t do this, don’t expand nato if you have already decided to expand. limited themselves to those countries, the so -called visegrad troika, which did not directly border russia. why was all this ignored?
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united states, and i believe that this self-confidence continues to this day. i am, of course, an economist, and you know, in 1989 i was asked to help poland. they were then rebuilding their economy, moving to a market economy, and i saw that they have a very high public debt and so on, there are many problems, and i advised a number of technical steps, but i said that the debt needs to be canceled, it is necessary to acquire financial reserves and so on, well, some financial stabilization mechanisms,
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everything that i proposed, it was accepted that the situation in poland returned to normal very quickly.
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the only superpower in the world, this is since the time of the roman empire, no one has had as much power as we have today, that is, these are people who are simply obsessed with this idea, this was in the year ninety-two, then clinton came to power, he was very inexperienced, yes, in fact, all these people, they are very inexperienced, i talked to them, i said, this is a historical opportunity, don’t miss this chance,
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evropazinsky is also a pole. he was very anti-russian, in 1997 he prepared a plan for the expansion of nato in order to encircle russia in the black sea, in the black sea region, right according to the old patterns from previous centuries, so that romania, turkey and georgia, that’s how georgia appeared, because georgia is not north atlantic country. why drag georgia into nato, but the idea was to encircle sevastopol on the black sea coast, that’s what georgia was needed for, that’s what lord dreamed of back in the day.
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treats russia as an equal partner and does not artificially pull out those topics that are beneficial to the united states, but for the rest they say: no, we won’t even talk to you there. this is putin's appeal. do you think anyone in washington will react seriously to it? some new dialogue is possible even under the biden administration. well , i would probably say so, it would be good if they listened, and what
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putin said yesterday, he’s been saying the same thing for the last 20 years, speaking in munich, he said the same thing in ’21 , when he spoke with biden, he said the same thing when he proposed a security treaty between russia and the united states in december. time said that we want russia putin is a very consistent person, he is respected by everyone, so that our interests are recognized, then there will be peace, over the last 35 years i have seen it's happening again, first in relation to the soviet union, then in relation to russia, the usa must learn to agree when they are offered a good deal, but...
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a very bad one, even today a lot could be corrected, and i almost every day, since december twenty-one , i keep saying, i’m addressing president biden and his team, i ’m saying both publicly and not publicly, pick up the phone, call president putin and say, this idea of ​​nato expansion was a terrible mistake, we’ll fix everything, we won’t we will expand nato, come on.
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i may be too optimistic, but when i look at the opposition of a significant part of the republicans in congress to this unbridled pumping of weapons into ukraine, let's just say i don't really hope that we will have any big breakthrough in relations in the near future, but it seems to me , as you rightly said, such a breakthrough is so natural that i do not rule out that if it appeared...
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a few minutes later on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about military songs years, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not scary. wrote by alexander vasilyevich alexandrov, when there were the most terrible gods, and of course, this song is a symbol of our army,
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i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me this is, first of all, a great honor. this is victory day, victory day, a festive evening, may 9 on the first, on victory day, on the first, and what were you singing there? shake it out, dark-skinned woman, comrade commander.
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there were no deaths, there was so much to see, few people knew that his right leg was mutilated by the explosion, he was missing two fingers, a large middle one, he learned to walk without limping, but what happened to him in august of eighty-seven, when he suddenly stopped get in touch, suddenly, or didn’t come to the performance, i remember when dad said something terrible happened, went into the bath, and there he was already dead, our exclusive last summer of anatoly popanov, he was a great grandfather, and i in general grateful to fate that i had exactly him, the confession of his daughter, the coffin was not opened, it was impossible to recognize this man, and the bitter confessions of his widow, and i said, just like that, well, what should i do, i had to get out of this somehow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday at the first, i regret one thing, years.
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today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10. she read yesia’s blog, she was such an exalted young lady, suddenly she was 16 years old at the front. well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there. i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, once with him and a thousand in a dream, whoever says that it’s not scary in war knows nothing about war. from a letter from alexei kapler, my branch, we are starting completely.
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may on the first, there is a big game on air, now we will talk with karen georgievich shakhnazarov, the general director of massfilm, a wonderful director and a person, i’m not afraid to say, incredible erudition, thank you, and i... i immediately want, as they say, to take the bull by the horns ask you, now the president has taken office, he will now make important personnel decisions, he will naturally think about what is happening in ukraine, around ukraine, he will probably think about economic growth, which in russia is still very impressive, but he is also in... ..
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values, but if you want, not only in deciding which politician to support, but also in general in determining what course they would like from russia, what do you think, i think,
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yes, this is such a topic, indeed, with us we, we generally carried out perestroika and all this nineties, the so-called period. reforms under the slogan of universal human values, they seemed to be somewhat blurred, that is, they were not called traditional, you know, this is also a difference, what does universal mean, what does traditional mean, traditional values ​​we understand what it is, this is universal, that’s it strictly speaking, today it announces...
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cultivated in the soviet union, therefore , in my opinion, it is quite logical and even natural that our people seem to remember the values ​​with which they lived throughout for many years, so this is definitely an important thing, what the president has been constantly emphasizing about this lately, it seems to me that this is very true, and this is very positively perceived by us. people, because we felt that our traditional values ​​were simply destroyed under the wave, so to speak, of these so-called universal human values ​​that came from the west, so-called, i say,
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because of course they are values ​​common to all people, but that’s me i mean that many people invested in this terminology values ​​that are absolutely not characteristic of us, nor, so to speak, not... the states for most of american history, among the values ​​that i was most proud of was what is called meritocracy, that is, for people to make a career, to enter prestigious educational institutions , not on the basis of your origin, not on the basis of your... skin color, on the basis of your own merits. in recent years, this has been completely broken in america; they began to admit people to universities, to hire people, in general, because they were perceived as
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representatives of oppressed minorities, even if their academic results, their grades at the university, did not in any way suggest that they should receive...
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that their descendants, so they were subjected to some kind of discrimination, well, in my understanding, justice is a fair society - this is the society , in which...
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jews, meaning those who,
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naturally, were baptized, otherwise they could not become officers, he shoves that out of these baptisms, five became generals, so well, everything was not completely so scary, but nonetheless all these things happened, now i live in moscow, i look at what is happening, i talk to people, i have the impression that state anti-semitism or some kind of bias towards...
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different confessions are happening in a special way and how much all this together becomes a single nation while remaining at the same time preserving some of its national features.
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i have a feeling that one very serious miscalculation that is often made there is that they look at russia, think about their actions in relation to russia, they assume that russia will respond to these actions the way the americans would respond, that is, in other
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words, let's continue the special operation, let's go for further escalation, let's...
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specifically over the last 30 years, this is of course a very bitter experience, the bitter collapse of the ussr, the nineties, the civil war, i think, in chechnya, this struggle, it was in general a form of civil war within russia, this is of course a tragic whole event, all this, but it seems to me that this experience, difficult, tragic, very bitter experience, it is still like any experience, it is... of great importance for the modern self-awareness of russians, but we have many internal problems, we will not say that everything is perfect with us, but i have a feeling that our people today have a clear and clear idea, under no circumstances should we allow a split within the country,
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that this is fatal for us, whatever you want, but just not allow this to happen, we will have to solve all our problems when...
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he sees you on our air, thank you, we’re leaving for advertising, on victory day on the first, yours documents, grigory koltegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander, we are ours, men, well, ours in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, intelligence... name czech, rank classified, position years ex. your kids go into a frenzy, it happens. alexey
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bobrikov, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front . look, i'm bobrikov. leonid, junior sergeant, excellent combat training. tell me when, where and by whom you were recruited. so, very serious tasks are being prepared. santa - the legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitor, the main task of his liquidation, machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, who can go on a mission with us, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur , crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9, on the first. we
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will show a film by sergei from einstein, ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to overcome the grievances of those who oppose the unity of the russian state. why esenstein, why him cinema? in my opinion, esenstein actually created cinema as an art. to what extent is the image of ivan the terrible in the film? corresponds to historical science, of course, the image of grozny was laid down by kramzin, esenstein captured the scale of this figure very correctly, such a personality cannot be measured with a ruler, this is the method of a great artist who creates history, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. the big game, special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the king of all.
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a real russian man, the battle has already begun, so they ran right during the attack, the commander tells him, this is for your order, otherwise they will kill or wound you, that means you are wearing an order, right on the run you gave it to him, someone from the neighboring trench shouted, crawl to us , we have cigarettes here, yuv crawled there, and the old man just flew into his eye, the hardest thing in our work is to wait, if he entered the room now, everyone would have to stand up and talk to this man while standing, because people like alexey smirnov, the victory of the soviet people was forged. movie stars, they
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fought for their homeland. on may 10th, the first day after the war, when i had already returned home, it was hard for me to come to families where my friends had died, i had such a complex feeling of some kind of shame that i felt uncomfortable that i was still alive , there are no guys, get up, the vacation is over, lord, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, excuse me, we need to somehow schedule a visit. write it off, i have an advantage, what kind of evidence, corpses, she loves it, ex-wife caused a scandal screamed that it would kill them both, can you smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are notes of musk, how did the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera record it for you, well, it seems like everyone was taught that if it’s not a murder, it means
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a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping? assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, i’m not, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment, otherwise, maybe explain to me what’s happening, don’t worry, this is a formality within the framework investigation, genetic fingerprints of the killer not found, and the victim was also pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, new episodes from may 13 on the first, you carry too much of a burden from... responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can tell a lot about a person, here our potolaganat, he thinks so, the big game is on the air, now we will talk with professor nelson wong, president of the shanghai center for strategic and international studies, we are very
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grateful that you have found the opportunity...
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it comes at a very important moment, time was not chosen by chance, because there will be elections in europe soon, china has made it clear that china views france as a recently, it seems that these are very close trading partners, but europe takes a rather hostile position towards china. macron, all this time.
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actively spoke out in favor of european autonomy, with regard to politics, strategic planning and other things, it is clear that the position changes from time to time, after all, after in the past year he went to china, a kind of consensus emerged. i would probably say that president macron takes a different position.
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it is clear that for now it is probably the same to say that the parties have come to some kind of agreement.
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it is in the white house that they are thinking about using macron and france, using french economic ties with china in order to somehow influence the position.
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look at your attitude towards russia, no, relations towards china and russia are quite unique, especially with regard to the last two years, they are actively developing, both china and russia understand perfectly well where everything is moving, everything is moving towards the creation of a multipolar world, this is where we are going, this is what we want and... when i read the news, i noticed, that president xi said three things from macron as he said goodbye. to both macron and ursul fondeen, he said, first, that china continues
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to hope that the partnership between china and the european union and france will continue to develop, we remain partners, strategic partners, we are not competitors, we are not enemies, we are not... china and the european union and europe must cooperate together to build a common future, build a multipolar world together, and china sees europe as one of the advantages. one last question regarding the united states. uh, there's quite a lot of negotiations going on between china and the united states. and into the connection.


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