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tv   Diversant  1TV  May 9, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

2:35 pm
well, no, fillatov, bobrikov, why are you silent, we need to go back, somehow we’ll reach the front on foot, and then we’ll figure it out, bobrikov, junior lieutenant bobrikov, how many times were they buried, nothing, grigory ivanovich, what, what will you do, russian ovoz, you won’t understand this willie. on the russian avos, all of russia is calm, and so are we.
2:36 pm
hey, who's crawling there? stand up, surrender, otherwise we will open fire, guys, we are at home, at home, ours, we, sons! we are ours, yours are not here,
2:37 pm
stand up, hands, hands, hands up, drop your weapon, drop it, i say, otherwise i’ll shoot, fight weapon.
2:38 pm
they wrote something here again, comrade captain of the first rank, you are from the headquarters there,
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in case we will assume that i did not see this order and did not receive it from you, you understand what the consequences will be for you, have a good trip, start!
2:40 pm
the pass is valid for an unlimited number of commanders, political workers of the red army who go over to the side of the german armed forces, their allies of the russian liberation army and the ukrainian caucasian, cossack, turkestan and tatar liberation detachments. vadya, you better burn this before the commander i was expecting, why burn it, the rolled-up cigarettes will fall, the king, what are you doing there soon, i’m coming. “it’s better to look after the hans than to read this rubbish, well, my wife is in the bank, someone is pushing.”
2:41 pm
when they dare, no one will replace us, everyone fled from sevastopol, we must have been scared, foreman, everyone couldn’t, last night, when i was running around for provisions, there was a boat and boats right next to the pier and all our commanders and the women with them, so you're in a tizzy, senya, go take a look, what's here? king, what kind of party have you been out for a long time, are you cheating or something, you brute, what a party, what are you, foreman i’ve completely fed my conscience to the sham, your fighters died the deaths of the brave, and you immediately put their little stew on the line, and they won’t need it anymore, no one
2:42 pm
will ask me for the stew, and you don’t care, what are you doing, what are you that, before the battle, they will break through, like the captain, the first line is being blown up, there is the first line, set aside, it’s ours who are breaking through to us , set aside, that’s right, here’s major simagin, oh bad luck, they broke through from the encirclement, connect me with the third company. communication line, communication line, line do not open fire, ours are there, provide passage through the minefields and raise the staff for me, there will be many wounded, there is fire, don’t open, don’t shoot, open the passages where i am.
2:43 pm
chimagin was killed, who shot him? thank you brother, ah, thank you, things, how much,
2:44 pm
soldier, where is the commander, ah, well done, what are you doing? nippers!
2:45 pm
the main forces have gone, there is no connection, remi the first line. blow it up, blow it up, come on, it doesn’t work, the cable has been rewritten,
2:46 pm
quiet, quiet, let’s leave.
2:47 pm
2:48 pm
it’s not clear, now he’ll tell me, i wish, i wish, my name is viktor yurievich, deputy spaniard, colonels of a separate small-rifle brigade, this is an operation i, soldiers of officers who were able to go to the mountains of the sevastopol borders, a partisan detachment has been formed, command. captain bondarenko, take care of the cargo, now the detachment is almost full, deliver them medicines and explosives. so, your task, your traveling companion, will be waiting for you at the monument to the sunken ship every day from 12 to 12:20. meeting password. how strange that the monument was not injured during the bombing. answer: this eagle will become a symbol of our victory. now remember the object. skardu must be destroyed. captain of the first rank. ivan andrevich alexandrov, an intermediary of a special department of the black sea fleet, commanded the most important
2:49 pm
line of sevastopol and surrendered it to the germans. traitors, according to our information , are now in one of the german prison camps. alexandrov is the owner of secret information that should not get to the germans, it’s clearly strange, it turns out that there are traitors in the camp, it should be the other way around, to the point has no relation. the main task is its elimination. so, flight maps, documents of officers, quartering units. captain koltygin will have another task, to destroy the object at any cost, that’s for sure.
2:50 pm
2:51 pm
the mining of the approaches to the port was carried out so cleverly that we have never encountered anything like it. so, oberleutnant, you and i will go not only for recruitment, but also to identify those who are involved in the installation of these methods.
2:52 pm
what do you think is wrong with grigory ivanovich? another task, you believe it yourself, landing in 5 minutes, we were spotted, it’s bad, we’re going to turn around, what a height, 1200, but we’re losing! we’ll jump, come on, what kind of jump, are you crazy? i was babbling, fillatov, help with the cargo, we will either be shot in the air, we will crash into the rocks, we jump, you are not a normal commander, flash, come on, come on, follow us!
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2:54 pm
2:55 pm
besides, i wanted to come here myself, i hope that someday we will return to germany.
2:56 pm
“shoot, don’t shoot, i’ll say, captain of the first rank alexander, you know his face, by the way,
2:57 pm
there is a las, albeit a small one, i’ll get through, here you are it’s unlikely, go, get under your feet, look, don’t forget your rifle, commander, damn it, follow me.
2:58 pm
so what's there? it seems clear, the path is clear, so it looks like we’re here, the camp is here, so 10 kilometers, well, i think we’ll finish in about three hours, forward, it’s not even better with us.
2:59 pm
what about the messenger, but today they were already late, i can’t understand, in this camp, that there is no military guard at all, just like there are no
3:00 pm
80 years of liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sherifuddinov. so, today is the main sacred holiday, may 9, when we remember the feat of our heroes, front-line soldiers and... it was they who gave us a great victory, who saved the world from fascism. 79 years ago the great patriotic war ended. in the very heart of the capital on red square.


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