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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 10, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the president nominated mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister . today the state duma will consider this issue, first through consultations with parliamentary factions, then through voting.
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the militants' attempt to cross the dnieper failed, the work of our artillery in conjunction with drones and the alligator's combat mission included k-52's targets, strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. from peace initiatives of big politics to trade, what the leaders of china and hungary. budapest is the last stop on the chinese president's european tour. how much longer can we endure the cold, what is the threat of frost at the peak of flowering, and what will farmers do with the lost crop? the answers are in our report about the anomalous beginning of may. vladimir putin submitted to the state duma the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister. now the deputies will have to consider this issue, first within the faction, then at the plenary session. let me remind you that the current cabinet of ministers resigned after the official accession of vladimir putin to the post of president to the state duma, for the first time in the history of modern russia , the prime minister, his deputies and federal ministers, in addition to the heads, will have to be approved. ministry of internal affairs, ministry of emergency situations, ministry of defense, ministry of defense and ministry of justice.
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vladimir putin will appoint them after consultation with the federation council. and our correspondent dmitry kochitkov is working on okhotny ryad today. he's in direct contact. dmitry, good morning, over to you. maxim, hello, according to the constitution, the elected president, within 2 weeks after taking office, must contribute to state duma candidate for the post of prime minister. vladimir putin did this this morning, 3 days after the official ceremony in the kremlin.
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the decision is his. so, mikhail mishustin will arrive at the state duma at noon moscow time. let me remind you that after amendments to the constitution were made in 2020, deputies approve the prime minister. they previously agreed. mikhail mishutin has headed the government for more than 4 years since january 2020. all these years, the government has worked closely with parliament. mishustin reported to the state duma, so candidate deputy.
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in this regard, especially this year, we consider it necessary to dwell on the topic of supporting families, families with children, improving the quality of healthcare, youth policy, so these questions will definitely be raised, then, when we talk about the development of our country, it is necessary to understand that without technologies. uh, there is no future, so issues
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of technological development are one of the issues that concern us, and we will definitely... they will be appointed by the president after consultation with the federation council. these powers are both chambers also received 4 years ago, after the all-russian vote on the constitution. the formation of a cabinet in parliament will take place for the first time and is scheduled for early next week. united russia intends
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to support the personnel proposals of the president and prime minister. the communist party of the russian federation will pay attention to the members of the financial and economic bloc "a just russia" ldpr, they are ready to nominate their fellow party members to the government. thus, the new office will appear in the coming days. in the meantime, prime ministers and ministers work as acting officials. on at the last meeting with the outgoing cabinet, putin demanded that all plans be implemented without pause during the formation of the government. maksim. thank you, my colleague dmitry kochitkov from the state duma, and as it became known shortly before the broadcast, speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko sent vladimir putin a list of candidates for the post of head of the accounts chamber. this is anatoly artamonov, head of the sofeda committee on budget and financial markets, galina izotova, acting chairman of the accounts chamber and boris kovalchuk, deputy head of the control department of the presidential administration. now senators are awaiting the presentation of the head of state for appointment to the post, after which a corresponding
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resolution will be adopted. now there is new information about the progress of the special operation, footage of the abolition of defense, fighters of the western group of forces defeated the camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces, destroyed machine gun points, and struck them. the crew hit strong points in the ssu with unguided missiles, then performed a maneuver and returned to the airfield. police latvia detained six people to celebrate victory day, despite the authorities' ban, people carried flowers... to the sites of dismantled monuments to soviet soldiers, many came with st. george ribbons, sang songs of the war years, another 10 people were taken to police stations in berlin, where the authorities they also introduced a ban on symbols associated with victory day, including russian flags. in other countries, the rallies took place without incident, a giant
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tricalor, as well as the st. george ribbon and the victory banner, were carried through the streets of cypriot limosol, several thousand people came out to the immortal regiment rally, a massive procession in memory of those who fought against fascism took place in canada. and for the first time, the immortal regiment was held on the norwegian spitsbergin archipelago. our polar explorers, employees of the consulate general and schoolchildren went to the colonies. modern global challenges and resolving the situation in ukraine became the central topics of negotiations in hungary. today is the last day of the visit of the chinese leader sidingpin to this country; his big european trip ends. the route ran mainly through countries who do not share the anti-russian policy of the west. report from budapest by pavel krasny. the welcoming ceremony arranged for sizempina in budapest, somewhere to the west in berlin, paris or the capital of the european union, brussels, could well be regarded as a mockery. on the way to the presidential palace, the column in which the limousine of the head of the people's republic of china was traveling was led by hungarian hussars on horseback, and this seemingly innocent detail,
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by accident or not, echoed the opinion of those politicians in the west who call hungary china's trojan horse in europe . if not take into account not the most delicate wording, there is a basis for such an assessment. it is no coincidence that the leader of china ends his european tour with a visit to hungary, openly showing that the opinion of budapest is much clearer and closer to him than the position of western europe. in the european union, hungary and its leader viktor orban play the role of the bad guy, the eternal opponent of the bureaucrats from brussels, no matter what we are talking about, the reception of migrants, the promotion of non-traditional values ​​or relations with moscow. budapest is clearly not enthusiastic about anti-russian sanctions, as supplies of western weapons to kyiv.
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a clear hint of a desire to change partners in moscow, which was read in his words to the dialogue the day before. in a couple of months , the eu presidency will pass to hungary for just six months. china values ​​its comprehensive strategic partnership with the european union and views europe as an important center in a multipolar world. and we support hungary in its desire to play a more active role in the eu, out of spite. towards greater progress in relations between china and the european union. but there are also trade disputes. in paris, eu
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threatens china with anti-dumping measures for the supply of cheap electric vehicles and sidzenping goes to hungary, where, on the contrary, they are going to build a chinese automobile plant, and this is no longer a hint, but a demonstrative gesture of dissatisfaction with the european union. remembering that along the way sizempin stopped in belgrade, western media draw a logical conclusion: the entire european trip of the head of the prc was clearly anti-prose. looks a little further into the future and reminds that very soon sijimpin will meet
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with the president of russia in beijing. visual proof that in politics the laws of physics do not apply to each other; it is not opposite poles that are similar in their values ​​that gravitate towards each other. pavel krasnov and dmitry volkov, channel one hungary, budapest. the weather never ceases to amaze residents of the european part of russia; such abnormal cold weather has not happened in may for a long time; farmers and summer residents are concerned about the future. under threat, and experts say that it is not so much the frosts themselves that are destructive for plants, but their duration, will it be possible to save the plantings, when can we expect real warmth, answers in the report alexandra lyakina. the flowers were not damaged at all, they stand like soldiers on parade, but the fruit and berry bushes and trees are, of course, under great threat. natalya nazarova doesn’t know what to grab onto, whether to cover the currants, or save the gooseberries and... the already blooming garden, i remember that as a child my parents saved themselves from frost by lighting
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fires in different parts of the garden, but maybe i’ll have to resort to this method of protection, i don’t know how well it works, this is what such protection looks like: neighbors in belarus, where zamoros also burn fires to warm potatoes and strawberries at night, everything is in fires, everything is in smoke, i hope that we will save, there were cases when snow fell in the month of may and even in june, but this happened for a very short time, literally within one or two days, it has been so cold here for more than a week. indeed, although not for such a long time, frosts in may happen almost every year, most often they occur during the flowering of bird cherry, we even have jokes about it. a foreigner asks why at the beginning of may in russia is so cold, you see, i answer that, we have such a sign that when this tree, the bird cherry, blooms, it can even snow, like today. hm. so why are you planting it? the foreigner is surprised. cold weather covered the territory from the northern seas to
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the krasnodar territory. in the central regions , the picture, whether in the vladimir region, the yaroslavl region, or the moscow region, is the same. lyudmila rogoova from the moscow region managed to hide tomatoes in greenhouses. her bees were still in the hives; they flew to the apple blossoms, but changed their minds. apple says lyudmila, this year they are no longer waiting. a young tree, yes, only 2 years old. this tree will certainly not be harmed. zamorsky is not afraid. the tree that is already blooming will suffer, that is, there will be no fruit. in moscow, in kolomenskoye park, under the snow are the oldest apple orchards, which were laid out in the 17th century. there are several thousand trees here, just like in garden farms, the frost hit them at the peak of flowering. this means that the fruit harvest this year will be smaller than usual. cereals may also suffer, in the middle zone and during all black soil. an emergency situation was even declared in the voronezh, lipetsk, and tambov regions. april turned out to be warm and the crops quickly began to grow. the extent
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of the damage can be assessed a week after the end of the cold weather, but according to the ministry of agriculture, the plants that died from the frosts will be reseeded, and the surviving ones will receive additional feeding; all resources are available for this. by the way, weather forecasters say that, according to their observations, may frosts do not reduce the harvest as much as drought. we had it in 2017. the same similar situation on european territory from the eighth to the twelfth also had sleet and rain, and even temporary snow cover of up to 1 cm on may 11-12 was here... in moscow, but in the seventeenth year we had, if we talk about the harvest, namely grain, record harvest, the harvest, like the chickens, will be counted in the fall, now i would like to know when these may snowstorms will end and it will become warm, not earlier than thursday, friday, saturday, next week, that is , the seventeenth of the eighteenth, i am very confident that after all ...


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