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tv   Animator  1TV  May 10, 2024 1:20pm-3:16pm MSK

1:20 pm
here it is a hunting lodge, look, and iguzhinskaya’s horse, whose second one, now we’ll find out everything, o lord, jesus, the mediator of the throne and his friends galloped up, ivan, here i am, here i am, summed it up, at yakushinskaya’s here, a date, a cocked hat old country, it will be fun, well, oh, be careful, i’ll go, well, just then.
1:21 pm
kiss me! are you raising your hand against royal blood, bitches? let me in, let me break your hand, don’t be rude, damn it, now go, take a walk, come here, like lovers! well, come here, i’m
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going to grab your fists now, let me out, i’ll kill you, well, i’ll you, don’t spoil your food, you’re not offended, i ’ll catch you next time, but now please.
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the devil set up a kennel, and what happened, two of the heir’s friends got a face, they say some guardsman, now we’ll find out soon, oh, sasha, look, the whole retinue is assembled, how are you, nothing, wait for me at alyoshka’s. let's go, go, go, your majesty, listen to me, i ask you, i beg you, i beg you, you should take better care of your pupil, for which i only pay you money. in prussia they have been waiting for a long time for a messenger, your majesty, to marry the heir it is necessary, without pushing, it can ruin all our plans, you decide, he will take him away.
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so stop, so that it’s smooth, so that it’s good, here stehen, damit man die brust des vierten menschen sein kann, steht name, merlin, burmeev, krylov, averkov,
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what did you do on the hunt, where were you? shine?
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no one has ever left the secret chancellery, and her fiancé is waiting for her in tobolsk, so... you were in the alnet house, your majesty was not there, if i had been there, i would have protected the woman, because the honor of a woman is above all, but how it’s a military duty, what about belov? i see military duty as serving honor to the glory of your majesty, well, bring me a carriage. i am glad to serve, your majesty, you will accompany me, your will, good guardsman, this evening, we will drink coffee,
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we will play cards, seal it. “ i dare to ask your majesty if i understood correctly that you deigned to choose guardsman alexander belov for the role of the messenger, but i’m afraid that he is an extremely unreliable person, unreliable, yeah, you speak, speak, but don’t talk, i believe in my guard , these transfigurations were my nannies in childhood, and then in my arms.” the throne was brought in, unreliable, but i know for sure that belov is a man without stuzhev, well, that’s good, he was without stuzhev, he will become maine, oh, remember,
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brumaire, bestuzhev will never allow a worthless person to join him, alexey petrovich has a nose for people , it’s not a sin to take advantage of this property of his, but... libelov will keep our secret, he’s young, he’s hot as hell, and i’m not going to dedicate our affairs to him, the less he knows, the more reliable, and the fact that he’s young hot, it’s great, it’s not a job to deliver dispatches to their destination, the main thing is to bring my guests safely and without incident, he will cope with this task, but he lied to you, your majesty , on the hunt for... he lied recklessly, these bastards. yes, why did he lie? hmm, how did he fight for eguzhinskaya? and petrushka also taught my idiot a great lesson. no, bel and i understood each other perfectly, he is an honest person. i looked into his eyes. yes, my heart
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also tells me. we germans believe in facts rather than intuition. yes, but why then are you...serving me, and not the king of prussia, frederick, who pays little, it is you who actually live there, and we are here by the will of god, call me belov, lord, save and save my sinful soul. sergeant of the guard alexander well, come in belov? what task did the empress give belovoy?
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i can’t know your lordships, i just... “i know that you are taking a white package to zerbst, i will not demand this package from you, who will take the courage to break the sovereign’s seal?” but i know that certain people, guests, are coming from serbst on the call of the empress , so, i give you a task, you must follow their every step, who they will meet with, oh what can i say, but the main thing is that i need papers that will probably be with them and that they will hide, yes, yes. “you have to steal them, in our pistol age, everything
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is copied, a person is weak, for some reason he trusts all his secret thoughts to paper, you understand me, why am i, your grace, no one else, it’s not easy to entrust all this to him anymore, he now i’m proud, treated kindly by the sovereign, but he doesn’t know that the favorite, sadis, this is an unreliable position, they change often, and beztuzhev always knows how to pay for services, i forgot, how to forget your lordship, i will forever. remember, well, that’s good, carry out surveillance secretly from... belov too, come back, give me a written airport, it’s dishonorable, belov is
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my friend for meanness, i won’t agree, shut up, you brat, he gave birth to a son, but he didn’t make any sense, how old are you, 21, your excellency, got married, got married. but according to maritime regulations, marriage under 22 years of age is prohibited? is forbidden, so your girl is sent to siberia, a sailor was coming for you , what are you waiting for, why isn’t he leaving? i realized
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that you need to serve russia, your main assistant in berlin will be our ambassador, count chernyshov, god bless you.
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let's go! i will return to st. petersburg, i will beg the sovereign on his knees to have mercy on us. lyoshka, drive!
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1:36 pm
without her love we are nothing, miracle, miracle, countess, miracle, countess, for you, my dear ones, we are for you my sweet ones, we are for you beauty, well, eat, eat, eat, things won’t run away from you, for us here in berlin, every russian person is a gift,
1:37 pm
i miss you very much, darling, yes, zer, here you go, pyro, papir, write quickly, well, but we didn’t even try the shield, with giblets, your sitting, i have to it's your business, secret a dispatch from vice-chancellor istuzhev, and also, a personal request from their lordships, to accommodate the disgraced relatives.
1:38 pm
where we are, fate has fallen in love under the skin, breaking through the light, i want snow, just don’t eat it, the cold russian sky, with the gentle fingers of the music of past years. “like a little child, i want to go to russia, i’m bored, go home, var seitsa, you’re right, well, you’ll catch a cold, well, smell your fur coat, oh well, when will science come to your senses, well, pray tell, what we had to leave the place, where to go so stupidly galloping, where, well, where,
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home, let's take a break from germany, but we need to study, and not chatter"? only my brain has become more active, only the latin has begun to settle in my head. gavrila, listen, i quote, a well-organized mind, more valuable than the mind, what is good about the mind filled, holy fathers, look, master, robbers, stop, flock, there will be, hello, hello, with blows, uh-huh, glad to meet you, girl, and i’m like sin, where are you from, judging by your
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appearance, you foreigners, we are from russia, russia, st. petersburg, our king frederick honors your empress elsa, they say she has a golden throne, there are diamonds on her shoes, expensive furs instead of rugs, all the ropes in the palace are made of gold threads, you are charming, you have such a fabulous idea of ​​my homeland, you are in a hurry to russia, finally, who are you, prince olenev ? student at the university of gättinga, on my way home for winter vacation. by the way, where does this road lead? this is, yeah, in zerbst, there is a decent hotel there. there are no indecent hotels in our city, the germans most of all value neatness, honesty, cleanliness, thrift, hard work, you see, your
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the carriage is already ready, the germans, well, people, farewell prince, don’t scream so terribly, otherwise the robbers will really attack, our place is restless, but what would you do in this case? wounds, urgently, for mental wounds, science helps, hold on, for the beautiful ladies,
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relay race from st. petersburg, package for the duchess, anhalt of zerb and agana. finally, there are such events here, and you are wandering around,
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you don’t know where, i’m not wandering around, i was riding in the forest, we helped repair the carriage, so i stayed late, don’t dare talk to your mother like that, the duchess is good, she behaves like filtfebel on the parade ground. hey, someone, damn it, people, lyoshka, it looks like we’ve been locked, look at the other door, unlock it, i can’t, damn it. everything is correct, man proposes, but god disposes, that means it’s fate,
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great, let’s go with the flow, so that we have a feast of the gods here, we won’t die of hunger, are you off the hook, come on, where are we going to swim like that, leshka , i didn’t, sir, why did we come here? if you want to know, to act like this on your part, are you simply dishonest? i know, i know, life for the motherland, honor to no one, but beer good, don’t be sarcastic, there are holy things, okay, don’t get excited,
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good evening, prince, you are a miracle, i just thought you were in sight, gavrila, confirm, yes, here you go. your love honor
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has just been composed, very nice, you lost your mittens in the forest, i brought them to you, here is the fur of a fiery fox, it warmed not only my hands, but also my heart, accept this as a gift from distant russia, thank you, do it to me a small favor, it is happiness to serve you, i need the hands of the russian language, what words would you say... but also a noble person, so that to gain her trust and love and love, well, i would, i would say this, write, yeah, my angel, since i saw you, my life has acquired meaning, every moment of my existence
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belongs to you. “i live for one look of yours, your smile, yours, tell me, is this a noble person, is she young, beautiful, it doesn’t matter, she’s a woman, and a woman always feels young and beautiful, but then i would say so, for the sake of one of yours look, your smile, your kiss, it’s time for me, let’s thank heaven for the gift sent to us to hope for a meeting, towards, when tomorrow, no, no, this is impossible, at dawn i’m leaving for the base, i’ll follow you, don’t
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refuse. tell me, i ask you, that you, my mother is too suspicious and capricious, she doesn’t like random people, she’ll be furious, it’s okay, i’ll be delicate, besides, on the road, a man’s help will always come in handy, but you decide, why not, and let it will be our little one, dear, secret, yes, but i don’t know your name, i hope, although it ’s not a secret, beautiful rhinebeck, but my loved ones just call me fike.
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i hope, jacques, i won't be on the mission for long, however, look around, i understand, your excellency is waiting for you, i received an encrypted message from st. petersburg. the choice has been made, the bride of the heir peter is traveling from the kingdom to russia, devita is accompanied by her mother, the duchess of angelszerb, such, you know, a decisive and extravagant person, with such an adventurous streak, they are traveling secretly, but why did empress elizabeth choose this poor house?
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the duke of angelserbia is only a general in frederick's service. i think the king of prussia is the main matchmaker. and as for the seedy at home, you know, poverty makes people compliant. the faceless princess sofia will be made into a doll. a puppet in the wrong hands. and she will agree to everything, grateful for the crown. don't tell me, wealth and power make your head spin. there is no more cruel master than a freed slave. why didn’t you think of anything here?
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win the hearts of cerbian ladies. chevalier, all means are good here, threats, blackmail. climb, well, should i teach you? we are nice men, oh, politics, politics, yes, you have to think, you say with an adventurous side, especially this kind of greed for all sorts of things effects, and in general women love to take care of the weak, pathetic, sick and wretched, you see, this elevates them, i must admit, for some time now all these ladies have been drawing a lot of notes on me, yes, i don’t recognize you rogues, we are getting old, what does age have to do with it,
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yes, there is a deep trace in this russian beauty left your heart, let's not talk about yaguzhinskaya, let's not. good luck to you guys. the future people's artist of the ussr anatoly popanov was taken into the army on the first day of the great patriotic war. during the war, there was never a day without deaths, and there was so much to see. few people knew that the explosion disfigured his right leg. he was missing two fingers and a large middle one. he learned to walk without limping. in august 1987, when he suddenly stopped communicating, or suddenly didn’t come to the performance, i remember when dad said something terrible had happened, went into the bath, and there he was already dead, our exclusive last summer of anatoly popanov, he was a great grandfather, and
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i’m generally grateful to fate that i had him, his daughter’s confession, they didn’t open the coffin, it was impossible to recognize this man, and the bitter confessions of his widow, and i said, just like that, well, what to do, we had to somehow get out of this. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. i regret one thing. years. cognac, montechoca, product of stellor group. in several cities in eastern ukraine at once.
1:54 pm
“chevalier, chevalier everything is fine, there is a lot of blood, like in a slaughterhouse, my people are in ambush, you are here, master, they will protect us, well
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, god is with us, and johanna, we are waiting for you, monomu!” my dear wife, why do you insist that i not accompany you? believe me it's simply indecent. friedrich's recommendation clearly states, together with his daughter. the king understands that if the whole family is traveling, then this is an official visit, which is suspicious, but if two people are traveling, yes. and we, well, understand, dear, it’s dangerous, there are so many mandibles dangling along the roads, and you have so much money, if you don’t want to take me, then why not
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use the help of our prisoners, these russian officers, shank, we... secretly under other people's names, why attract attention to ourselves, we don't need an escort, but have mercy, what will they say in st. petersburg about their captivity, who will be interested in them, the servants’ mistake, letters, a year of bad blood, the boys could get too drunk, lose at cards, then they will believe me, not them, god forbid! but hold them
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for three days, better yet five, yes, five is enough for me, ike, say goodbye to your father, it’s time for your basket, my daughter, you will have to live in russia, where the tsars rule, it will be difficult for you. therefore , first of all, pray to god, remember, you are a lutheran, will your fragile body have enough strength to fulfill the covenants of the holy lutheran church, don’t cry, girl, don’t ever cry, you ’re a soldier’s daughter, i’ll fulfill your behests,
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we should be in foxam by the evening, drive away, what are we going to do, gordomarins, damn it, open the door, open the doors, sasha, look,
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2:00 pm
2:01 pm
gavrila, stop oh, they shortened it. it’s happening, look at you, blood, help, attack, calm down, guy, your whole carafs didn’t attack strangers, you see, some sneaky guy was wounded in the bark of the drag, but hush up , you see, don’t act, they’re protecting the white-haired one, let’s leave for christ's sake, let me go, i
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nobleman, sir, madam, can i help you with anything? “you can, you can, sutar, in that case, my carriage is to your word, thank you, i will change seats, our carriages are too cramped, behave decently, frank, shank, schner, schenk, you will change into the carriage of this kind young man, he will us to accompany, young man, these robbers, meeting with you is wonderful, by the way, how are you feeling, sir, oh, soon we will be under control, don’t worry, dear, god, how i miss you, step on mommy’s anxiety, don’t worry about mom, we all have enough strength to endure
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the misfortunes of our neighbors, see you later, sorry, touch, well, let’s go, glorious country of germany, there’s a robbery under every tree, we’re barging a pistol, load it, well, dear , and what, unfortunate one, oh god, where am i, oh, i see an angel, it’s already better with him, who are you, tsuds, just
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a vyzher sudaran, i risk traveling without security, i didn’t pay for it. countdimogion, oh, at your service, paris, i was introduced to madame daguillon, she is related to your minister and to the queen, and countess gelion is my aunt, igraenbek with her daughter, oh, with her daughter, i thought you were sisters, but how beautiful your daughter is, what are you reading? lovely child, laroche foucault? lorozh foucault, and what does the great frenchman, the mocking philosopher, teach you?
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there is only one true love, but there are thousands of counterfeits, what do you have? lipstick, forgive me, you inherited not only the beauty and kindness of your mother, but her mind, that’s when you regret the years you’ve lived, judge, judge, sir, sir, but my daughter is still a child, yeah. uh-huh, oh sir, you're worthless please, you couldn’t give me a small amount of money, the bandits stole my luggage, and didn’t have time to search me, that hand, sir, they
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won’t make it difficult for you to unfasten the jacket. won’t make it difficult, where is your debtor, debtor, why is the debtor, why, why is the debtor, it’s all just, it’s all just a loan, interest, interest, your smile, madam, oh, fikke, he feels bad again, on the tent, please,
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if only don’t jump out at them, who would have thought, dear women, suddenly like this, look, it looks like something happened here. surely the dukes are not on the carriage? attacked, the tracks are fresh, there's blood, damn it, it's the same time, it's not any easier, look, look, there's some kind of upside-down chest, there's some kind of tripe, listen, snedov is here, fishing line, look, let's get through this damn place soon, maybe our help is needed there, sashka,
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well, well, come on, come on, come on, lyosha, mikhonya, i ’ll take it from you, and young man, let’s go, we’ll leave together, we’ll fight back, here’s another darling, well, come here, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, hurry up, now get it, like this, accept it, accept it,
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no need, half-baked puppy, kzhak, here you go met, kzhak, well, climb, and now forward, forward, dead, catch up, kill, don’t miss,
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stop, stop, lyoshka, here, come on, take the horses away, now, now, now, yes, take the horses away, let’s go , let's go, come on, come on, dear ones, come on, eh! sorry guys, let's go, go, give, go ahead!
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alyoshka, look, yes, stop, the countess's carriage, and this, and this is the reindeer carriage, look, gavrila, olenev are with us, they met, by the will of fate, it happened, and this is our character, why? tell me, there are so many enemies, but you shouldn’t sulk at fate, others have it there.
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in russian, soul, fate and homeland, united, why, why did the duchess of andepzersk lock us up, what is she hiding, age, while we are here neighing like horses, our ladies will run away again,
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no, my charges are invited to the palace. the prussian king is a music lover, he loves to play the flute for the ladies, i bet the brilly will be there, oh, that’s where to go, only chertus 2, he knows us like flaky souls, he feels my heart, in the sansouci palace, we will find the answer to what the secret is duchess and what this intriguer is up to, but for now the gordomarinas, lyoshka, why are you so gloomy? i want to go home, i’m tired of everything, to the next one, to the owls, in matters of love, as if peaceful, the life of lovers is such that the russian contribution for the happiness of the dear ones is not a wallet, but a head, a knife falling whistle and howl of grapeshot, and the darkness of the prison silence, for a long look, a short
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meeting, ah, that's right, no price, don't hang your nose. garde maarins, whether life is bad or good, one sail and soul, one sail and soul, one fate and homeland, oh well, gardymarins, the last time is just for you. sashka, write a note to anastasia, i miss you, heavens, what kind of chamberlain anna is, on the first channel there can only be one
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russian folk instrument, who else are you? am i the presenter? game and harmony, beloved, zakhar zavolokin, and you can’t check it, kvn, major league, new season, tomorrow after the program , time, a terrible dream of a rovenkovo ​​peasant, great, nonsense, biden, biden, get up, vacation is over, lord, what a vacation, i haven't rested yet.
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well, it seems like everything has been taken into account, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, assault group, readiness number alone, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment, otherwise, maybe explain to me what ’s going on, don’t worry, this is a formality within the framework of the investigation, genetic no fingerprints of the killer were found, the victim was still pregnant, you mean? bloodhound new episodes from may 13 on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can say a lot about a person, our pathologist thinks so.
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i want, when i’m worried, i really want to eat, i’ll tell you a secret, there’s no food here, friedrich is very, terribly stingy, shaved, alyoshka, i’m afraid, i want to go home, calm down, there ’s only enough excitement here for one pie, friends , you are under the protection of the russian mission, mother, show nastasya the palace, and... “come on, my dear, let’s go, i’ll show you how you ended up here, my angel, i told you, for a lover there are no barriers, but why didn't you stay with us, it would be safer,
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we decided to stay next to the hotel de brilia, and oh, how he grabbed the duchess, carefully, we are being watched, please, my child, oh, your majesty, this is a great honor, do not be shy, my child, the first couple is always in sight of everyone. you need to get used to both the envy of aristocrats and the shouting of the crowd, but the most important thing is not to lose tact, and one, and
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two, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one two three. your proximity drives me crazy, oh my god, oh how beautiful you are, crazy, hush, i beg you, i ’ve lost my head, i’ll choose. me to life, angel my, i'm waiting for you, now,
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divine, i didn't imagine that passion would take over me... i'm completely, completely, completely, i'm exhausted, let's go out, it's obvious, oh my god, damn it!
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here i am, following me. what are you doing to me, ignorant, crazy!
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are you surprised by my request? that you, my angel, each of your kisses is worth a whole kingdom. i am ready to give not only. my wallet, and my life, oh, why do i need your life, i’d like to sort out mine, but the money is a loan, in st. petersburg i’ll pay it all back in full, then we’ll meet, we’ll enter the hall, through different doors,
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light the candles in his majesty’s office, it will be done, curtain all the windows, bring coffee for two persons. flowers, lock all the doors, the king has a date in the blue drawing room, i wonder who he paid attention to today? uh-huh, oh, my royal cousin, the flute is an instrument. angelov, you
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played divinely today, bundeschaen, schein, where have you disappeared, madam, things await you, breathing, your podiabasque is amazing, you don’t touch the floor, your eyes are lakes, you can drown in them. you have already drowned in the eyes of my mother, the courts, i i hate drowned people, don’t worry, sudarnik, i’m an excellent swimmer, but my angel, you are too smart for your tender age, my little pie, my dear, you ’ve killed all the little pies from worry. you have to think
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broadly in a national way. prussia entrusts you with a great mission. does your daughter understand the task assigned to her? understands. she's smart and capable. yeah. you must win the hearts, the hearts of empress elizabeth , the heir of peter. your task is to convince empress elizabeth that politics is no different. criminal, alas, we cannot with russia to fight, she is too big and powerful, and therefore we must make her our ally, and after that russia can be given a good deal, now i am interested in her army, army, navy, navy. trade, finance,
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finance, yeah, i will, i will think broadly in terms of government, but i would like precise instructions, i need people, money, money, money, wer will es aber nicht? “ earn the rest in russia, you’re smart enough for that, okay, your chief assistant,
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” “i don’t want our absence to be too noticeable, then i have to talk with your charming daughter, yes, i promise, i will send her to you, gentlemen, this is an old french song. great, sing this to us, what a surprise, ask for the old garden. lan-franti
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my dove, there dreams hang, lanfren-lanfra, on all the branches, dove, lanfren-lanfra, in the antatita, there is a fresh stream, the grass is thick, the bed is empty of lilies of the valley, fly my garden. little dove, good girl, we will pick a light sonfra from a heavy branch, how
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sweet it is, lanfra, lanfra, like that. dreams are so rare, lanfranfran, lantatita, wait for us karide, sweeter than sleep, your lips and a rose fall from the bush, a dove falls onto your chest, the premonition did not deceive me, i always knew that we would meet, why are you trembling, i will not hide, meeting with... you stunned me, and i i was scared, my girl, do you really think that i am capable of harming you, yes, i know the first one who dares to do this, calm down , i swear not a word about love, but meeting you is incredible, this is a sign from above, it tells me that our destinies destined to cross,
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let me see you, my star, see you soon see you, my angel, the king is waiting for you, blue one. in my garden lanfra-lanfra there are three nightingales and a raven they are misfortune lanfren-lanfra love prophesies horostar reading candles farewell star love last number. so fly to my garden, little dove, sasha, dear, don’t tempt fate, she so mercifully brought us together far from home,
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take me with you, do you hear, i’m scared, i ’m afraid, if i could... “i don’t dare to risk you, our journey is unpredictable, i don’t know what will happen to me tomorrow, but shaved won’t leave me, he told me so himself, and if we are destined to die, then together, i can’t live without you, i beg you, take it, why is it so sad, be it your way, you can see our fatal shadow, and where did he come from?” but i won’t give you to him , thank you, dear, now get ready, just warn chernoshvah, yes, ah... unkind people,
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sasha, light it up, yeah, you know, i can’t see when she cries, okay, don’t make excuses, at least she understands everything , yes, that’s it, don’t worry, darling, i’m nothing with you... i’m scared, well, when will our ladies finally go, it’s a secret, she’s fooled everyone head, a dark horse, like an opikun, she doesn’t trust you either, but she doesn’t trust anyone, gavrila uses us as security, and borrows money, an unfortunate adventurer, that’s for sure, don’t lend money. he won’t give it back, but what should we do with the brelya? what to do?
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in my opinion, we are doomed to the brink, i can say for sure, he will not get rid of the countess, all the way to st. petersburg, i heard it myself, so what should we do now? live, life itself will tell you, but if necessary. let's take the fight, boy, the germans are loading the carriage, they've sent for you, they're demanding urgently, we will accompany them to the very border, midshipmen, horses.
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idiot, old village, whale pansy, take me through, me like the last brat, what happened, finally, kaitan, this motherfucker escaped, the carriage was guarded by three, they attacked me, i accidentally stayed alive, so i couldn’t warn the owner, this city marina, berich i remember very well, corsa, belov and olenev, it’s full.
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from the personal vault of the duchess of cerb, you
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ah, bravo, brilia, i made no mistake with you, hurry up in pursuit, i can’t rush, she cleaned me to the skin, you didn’t can you imagine how much money this adventuress extracted from me, i don’t have a centime left, calm down in the brink if the matter goes through and the madam from zerbst helps us bring down bestuzhev, the king of france. such a jackpot will roll off, yes, but for now, i ask you, gather people, the main thing is to intercept the puppies before the russian border, for eternal youth, for my star, several wounds, shell shock and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through... all this terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbroev, for
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that we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded. he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt or experienced himself as an old man, he always felt like a man, on vladimir etush’s birthday, tomorrow on the first. cnop gin is a product of stellor group.
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thank god our journey is coming to an end. tomorrow we will cross the border. great things await us, i will be honest with you, we are not going to russia to lie in bed with a drunk a fool, yes, i mean the heir, grow up, it’s time to grow up, we must learn to think broadly about the state. the benefactor expects great services from us, are you talking about king frederick? about the benefactor, friedrich? your father told you about this, i repeat, your mother, your true homeland is prussia, and
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everything must be done to ensure that the russian sovereign. i became a devoted friend of our king, i realized that i had to charm not only the heir, but aunt elsa, vicky, i always knew that you were smart and capable. well, repeat again what you will say to elsa’s aunt. my angel, since then, i remember perfectly how i saw you.
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i think we've lost our way. i don't think so. in my opinion, too, we’ll transfer you to a wagon, everything is calmer, prince, prince, well, where is it, prince, i ’m listening to you, prince, i want you to lie down here not far, my dear, i’m very afraid of these natives.
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tiki, i’ve already missed you, we’re like that. they haven’t spoken for a long time, but your face is always in front of me, i hear your voice, my angel, i live for your look, your smile, your smile, your kiss, listen, hear, the cricket sings, little... pack, and the pubic rays, its strumas, do you know what the cricket sings about? no, but i know, the nurse sang to me about it, it’s a very sad story, the night breathed with a wondrous light, then the star in the window trembled. oh,
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how the smoochok sings when he is in love with the cricket. zhelk, why hold me together to love me, why love me, the star tells him, yours was not in vain, such is my fate, one is bright, pure. duty tells me to live in a carton, but from now on i can forget
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that this is how a bow sings when a cricket is in love. you, you, in this terrible hole, how unfair, in the end, it’s just for one night, but i’ll tell you a secret, i ’m so tired of this poverty, it’s so humiliating, my angel, i promise, when you’re in russia, i’ll do everything so that you never feel the need for anything, the word of a nobleman, russians are everything so kind, impetuous and generous, i don’t know, now i want to talk only about you,
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then repeat after me, i swear, i swear, to keep love and loyalty, princess fike, keep love and loyalty, princess century, and never break your oath, and not to break the oath taken at the inn, given at near the city of the river, near the city of the river, kiss me.
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libot. lorozh, fuku, true love, is like a ghost, they all say, but few have seen it. "we will set off after half an hour and will keep our distance. gardomarins,
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something happened, master, master, they are weaving, about 10, 12 people, they took all the horses from our farm, they asked about some two ladies and a black carriage, oh my god , brought it, yeah, so, well, i went, “here he caught up with us, go ahead, well, prince, drive to the forest, along that road to the border, there is a cossack patrol waiting for the duchess, here's the road, and you, oh , don't worry about us, we'll take the brills upon ourselves, buy the horses from the owner, hmm, we'll wait until you disappear in front of us, and we'll lead you in the other direction, over there, yeah, we'll take a ride at least once in carriage, in full view, forward, through the city.
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wild children, wild people, but they’ve lost their way, faster, faster, push, let’s go, boy, hurry up, there they are, master, help! alyoshka, get the horses, quickly, give her mother, watch the wagon!
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and let’s go, alyoshka, alyoshka, drive away, that’s it, they were yelling in order, and now let him come see us, anastasia.
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well, dear ones, come on, come on, darling, drive, gonik to the forest,
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sashka, everything, arrived, easy, be careful, carriage, hold, hold, anastasi!
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let's go, hold on, the horses are galloping, there they are, look, nuki, anastasia, don't shoot, don't shoot, damn it, why are you standing, forward, where
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forward, the monsters were fencing, in kind, the horses' legs will be broken, and the devil take them off , to hell with it, let’s break our necks, but don’t yell, master, i’m local. next is the mill, they won’t leave, you see, the horse is stuck, everything is covered in snow, calm down, chevalier, they won’t leave anywhere, this is the only road to the mill, look, drink, master, master, yes, there is another road, yes, no, no, everything is covered in snow, all the roads were there, and
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the river, as luck would have it, did not freeze, now we have a lot of time, yes, now he won’t be in a hurry, he realized that we are trapped, he will give his people a rest, and then he will try to get rid of us, he also... after all, he thinks that the duchess will start bargaining with us, and this will also help us gain time, in general, there is only one thing left to do, fool him until the first bullet, when he realizes that we fooled him, it will be late, the guests will already be in russia, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you. no hint of a hospice or an almshouse, an autograph is possible, i admire it from a young age, an autograph, anna evseeva, an actress, and her relatives give a double rate, a femme fatale, i would say bitch, and you are
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a believer, a hardened atheist, and in general there is no place to give samples, again for the old one, yes, mom, you ’re sick, well, somehow come to your senses already, they decided beat me in the face until you decide, take me by the arm. so you take me out into the courtyard, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i not a gigolo, you're daydreaming, the animator is in first place today, and you know that anima is the soul of the latin. we will show sergei zenshtein's film ivan the terrible. a fundamental picture, it raises
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questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave. boyar power is raised by the biography of ivan the terrible, which is published in the west, a clearly negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize, he will be strong, i do not recognize, a big game, a special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, venetsk, the tsar of all russia on himself ivan also credits the film. the film turns out to be a formidable, timeless film, because every era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to your questions, first thing tomorrow. let us pray to the lord, lord, have mercy, in your name, lord, divine
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only begotten, the baby is baptized, valery, in the name of the father, amen and son, amen,
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leave labor, we will definitely meet,
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thank you, dear prince, for our beautiful secret, who made this trip so, so, i will never forget it. kike, we are waiting for you, i’m coming, mom, i will definitely call you, farewell, farewell, prince, your services were very useful to us, it’s a pity that we will stay, i am forced to return, they are waiting for me, see you later, let's go. touch, hey, go!
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go around, check all the posts, not a single mouse slipped through, it’s clear, it’s clear, but what are you waiting for, they would attack now at night, and take their warm clothes, talk to me, it’s coming, you ’ll shoot all the women in the dark, go to me, i’m coming, sir, take those kindergartens over there, come here, i’m coming, i’m coming, yes, i understand.
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stop, stop! damn,
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sashka, where did he go?
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what is this? rapport? should i keep track of who they meet, what they talk about? and the main thing is to find the correspondence. who did you write this to? rapport? bezduzhevo. after all, the chancellor? what are you doing? why were you playing a double game? how could you? how could you? and you didn't say anything? lyoshka, this is betrayal, betrayal, if i betrayed anyone, it was only myself, the truth is all cruel, in my case, also
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dirty, i thought for a long time whether to speak or not to speak, and then i decided, why do you need this? ? i have to shift this slowness onto you, here you are, you could rummage through your beloved things, like i could then at the inn, it was you, yes, me, me, but i had to do it do it, why? because this is a separate conversation, and you, you could violate the secret order of the state, it would tarnish your honor, and without you already ordered me to spy? for you too, he would have sent him to hell, but i did at first, and then he caught me for violating maritime regulations, you know, i got married in secret, but so what, well, what about me as a sailor for golers, so he went if only for golers, yeah, and sophia and the child are going to siberia, it’s true he said. a girl
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with a pup in siberia, then i broke down, the vice-chancellor not only threatened me, he said that russia needed it, he turned out to be right. the duchess of angolcep, a pros spy, and this report must be conveyed by the one who remains alive. guards to the marine! “i don’t want
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any trouble, there are women with you, let them out, my people will take them to the inn, i promise nothing will happen to them, you are cowards, cowards and brats, a real man, never hides behind women’s skirts.” shame, who will dare to challenge me? well, come out,
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let's go, master, master, let's line the mill with straw and smoke them out, huh? "idiot, i would do it myself burned them without hesitation, there are women there, chevalier, anastasia is bringing you misfortune, go away, i beg you!" anastasia! one more time!
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this is a curse, ew, creature, don't you dare, he has come, hey, puppies, i'm coming, that's all together, at once, well, come here, sasha, what will happen, sasha,
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leave only the woman, hey, you bastard, come here, well, closer, closer, like this, sasha, i’m here, don’t bother, i’m on my own. . skodina, well , let's continue the old conversation, otherwise there's nothing to talk about, bastard, don't touch me, you're not
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tired, i'll strangle you, let's go, what bites, oh you bitch, well...
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run, get it! so stop! i'm here!
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