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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 11, 2024 12:00am-12:45am MSK

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you, you told the germans where the detachment was, how many people were put down, don’t take it, i was caught, i didn’t harm, by god, you know me, i’m on the radio, i can’t shoot with a shell shock, but i didn’t pass it on, i didn’t pass it on, palych, finish it, by god, wait, let me tell you, tell me, let me tell you, people aren’t
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beasts of death, they’re cutting, cutting, smear, cutting, they’re taking pushkin away to ours, and what does pushkin have to do with it, the museum, they’re bringing everything to germany, to us this is necessary, then we ourselves will regret it, save pushkin, yamyan, end him, lord, save him, lord, save me. that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, let the body go, let him go, but he has nothing to do with it, the executioner, it's me, andrey, i gave away the location of the detachment,
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i felt sorry for my mother, and my sister, andrey, you! it’s all your fault, it’s all your fault, because of you and your felka, you’re to blame, balyk, forgive me, brother, it’s not your fault, it’s seryoga ’s fault, and i’m not the lord god to forgive, they put half a row, my son is gone , i'm here, vanya, vanya, vanya, vanya, vanya.
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i’ve been wanting to try it on for a long time, sergey, pakruska, tomorrow, i know, i won’t go with you, i understand, divors, sergey.
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this does not belong to you, i have already heard this many, many times, now listen to me, give it back. seryozha, i’ll call the security, the russians there don’t give a damn about pushkin, you don’t know how to value what belongs to you, and you can’t. to own it, so others will own it, those who are able to appreciate it, i am saving your pushkin from you, you are still like children, you are poorly educated, you are also wild, you are
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unenlightened people, we are wild. and shooting fifty gypsies is like old people, women, children, a cultured nation, what are you saying, do you even understand, but keep the shipment, on those, i'll ask you, mash, i'll ask you, mash, you took everything into me, you... used me great, no, no, you hooked me, you hooked me, seriously hooked, nothing would have worked out for us, well, we are different, understand , well, why deceive yourself, let's part, humanly, humanly, i ask you, i
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ask you, detain me for a day, detain me for a day, i ask you, detain me, let me go. i can’t, i have an order, i have it here. order, everyone will carry it out, but lost then, officer, farau!
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all exhibits are described, taken into account and sent to germany. have you hidden this here for yourself? frau, frau, take us with you, i have to accompany the museum, the museum needs me, how can i take you, you don’t have a pass, well, at least to riga, but well, only to riga, but without it,
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how can the young musya not only you and me. endlich geht's los, ich kann auch, me stay, sit down. both, i will not go, thank you, you will go, i will go, children, i told the children.
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tutenka, no, no, i need to fix the porch , stork, nest, please, kus, forgive me, well, you understand that i can’t live without you. kus kunet kosenka no no kosenka no kosenka washable?
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thank god, we're going.
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he is from germany, vague, and brought the fruits of learning, freedom-loving dreams, and spirit. ardent and rather strange, always enthusiastic speech, and shoulder-length black curls.
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the cold debauchery of the world had not yet had time to fade, his soul was warmed by the greetings of a friend, the caress of maidens, he was a dear ignoramus at heart, he
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was cherished by hope and peace, but... the shine and noise still captivated the young mind, he entertained with a sweet dream, the doubts of the heart his, the purpose of our life was a tempting riddle for him, he puzzled over it and suspected miracles. the purpose of life was a mystery for pushkin, and for us, for all of us, he left a mystery, a great mystery of creativity, how to create such deep, monumental works out of the illusory ease of life. pushkin achieved
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his goal and helped. thank you very much, the tour is over, come to us again in the summer on his birthday, goodbye! excuse me, i am a student from curtinka university, my mother asked me to tell you this, she always thought
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that this belonged here, what is this? who is your mother, she worked here during the war, maria, she loved pushkin very much.
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i gave him everything, as you asked, he asked about you, but i couldn’t tell him anything, i actually know so little, mom, are you crying?
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oh, if it is true that in the nights, when the living are at rest, moonbeams slide from the sky. on the grave stones, and if it’s true that then,
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the quiet graves are empty, i’m calling for the day, i’m waiting for lila, come to me, my friend, here, here, here, here, yes, i’m all a beloved shadow, as you were before the service, pale, cold, like on a winter day, distorted by the last torment, come like a distant star. like a light sound or breath or like terrible vision, i don’t care, i
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don’t care, here, here, i’m calling you not to reproach people whose malice is... dear my friend, and to explore the secrets of the tomb, not because sometimes i’m tormented by doubt, but longingly i want to say that i love everything, that i am everything , that i am everything. yours here, here, that i am all yours, that i am all yours.
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it’s already evening, the edges of the clouds have darkened, the last ones, the buried treasure of the world, the last. a brilliant
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stream, then, fades away, fades away. fakktri, laying out the plant aroma, koslat tafishli dastrui pier. such memories
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the flood of water and the bloody waters. sometimes i feel like i am connected between those who are alive and those who were taken away by the war. and although the five-year-olds are running
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in a hurry, this connection is becoming stronger, this connection is becoming ever closer, i am connected, even though the roar of the battle has died down , my verse remains a report from the battle, from the cauldrons of encirclement, abysses, defeats, from the great... the blessings of victorious battles, i am connected , wandering through the partisan forest, carrying from the living to the dead, no, nothing is forgotten, no, no one is forgotten, not even the one who lies in an unknown grave.
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hello, i'm larisa guzeeva, this is a podcast letters, my guest is agla ibatnikova, today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10. hello, hello, larisa, when i was at school, the girls were rewriting poems, you were nearby and everything was fine. and the rain and the cold wind, thank you, my clear one, for being in the light, thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands, thank you, my clear one, for being in the light, you are nearby, but we could would not have met each other at all, my only one, thank you for that that you exist in the world, but it won’t be very soon, it will be, so to speak, such a monologue of adult women, but to begin with
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it was... what do you think, why, why? well, i think it was just her heroic nature, that is, she was an amazon, she wanted to go to war, i think it was simply impossible to stop her, and no one was her father and no one could stop her, but she wanted, even i added a year to myself in order to get to the front. i left my childhood in a dirty heated vehicle, in an infantry echelon, in a medical platoon, in the distance... i listened to explosions and didn’t i listened to everything, getting used to everything, in the forty-first year, i came from school to the damp dugouts, from a beautiful lady to my mother and change, because
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i couldn’t find a name closer than russia, she worked as a nurse, that is, she worked yes - well, up to the foreman she also had to rise to the rank, she received the rank of sergeant major at the end of the war, almost after she went to enter the literary department and was not accepted, because she was not accepted, she went to war again, and already in the forty-fourth year in order to reach the rank, and she was accepted after all, it was only when she returned from the medal for courage with the order of the red star that she still had a dream of becoming. poet to the poetess and she was not completely like that, it seems to me, no, i think that she was an idealist and was simply eager to go where the main events were taking place, where the people were, where the country was, she wanted to be
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at the forefront, she she went to dig trenches near mozhaisk, first before she became a nurse, and there she was surrounded, experienced some events, and then... she returned to the front, by the way, when she got surrounded, she was lost, she was lost and many were injured, someone died, her friend zina died, zina was, no, zina was after that, many years later, zina was then, a blonde soldier, she called her friend, to zina samsonova, with whom they served together, here is a poem dedicated to zina, quite large for drunina, it is quite well known. “zinka, we lay down by the broken fir tree, waiting for it to start to get brighter, under our overcoats it’s warmer together on the chilled rotten ground, you know, yulka, i’m against sadness, but today she doesn’t count, my mother lives at home in the apple outback, my mother lives, you have friends,
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my love, i have only her, the house smells of sauerkraut and smoke, spring is bubbling beyond the threshold, it seems old, every bush is waiting for a restless daughter, you know “yulka, i’m against sadness, but today it doesn’t count.” we were barely warming up, suddenly the order was given to advance, again next to us in a damp overcoat, a light-haired soldier was walking, every day it became worse, we walked without rallies or banners, our battered battalion was surrounded by orsha, they zinka us led the attack, we made our way through the black rye, through craters and gullies through mortal boundaries, we did not expect posthumous glory, we wanted to live with glory, why is the light-haired soldier lying in the bloody bents, i covered her body with my overcoat, clenching my teeth. russian winds sang about the remote gardens of ryazan. you know, zinka, i am against sadness, but today it doesn’t count. somewhere in the apple outback, your mother, your mother , lives. i have beloved friends, she had you alone. the house smells of sourdough and smoke; spring is just around the corner. and the old lady in colorful
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dress near the icon lit a candle. i don’t know how to write to her so that she doesn’t wait for you. for me, heroes, even the fact that you experience this at a young age, death, when they kill for your country. well, she came from the front, she had no clothes, she was in a chenille, a threadbare tunic with tarpaulin boots, she had nothing else, just these military clothes, she entered the literary institute, and there she meets her husband, well, in general, let’s say, right for
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the literary institute, this is the style of poetry that yulia trunina has, yes, let’s say it’s simple, that is, the poems are good, the literary institute, perhaps, without this medal for courage they would not have taken it, without these tarpaulin boots, they would not have taken it, of course. he literally beat her off, well, they paid for
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it, that is, in fact, they had troubles after that, because they had a daughter, so they got married to nikolai starshinov, but they didn’t have a job, it’s the same as when you go to college, these connections, they play a role, there is work somewhere, somewhere like that, but the phone didn’t ring, look, you know, we are now after time we say, she is a poet, he is a poet, everything is like that...
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she even described that it was more difficult for her than when she had to sit without money with a child at the front, of course, because at the front war is war, lunch is on schedule, then suddenly you.
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mixed with the bad, there will be so much happiness, there will only be you, as the smartest, most beloved, most unattainable woman. well, everyone wants to hear such words, but this is a dream, especially since he was married, he said this, after they met secretly for 6 years, they both cheated my.
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look, he was, of course, a lavilas, and one story, so much courage is needed and what kind of masculine core one has to have for svetlana alliluyeva - this is pure death, a relationship. with the daughter of the then almighty stalin. not only was he locked up for the first time, so to speak, yes, he served his time, came out and the first thing he did was he again gave a telegram to svetlana, as if he wasn’t afraid, he was locked up again, it’s about the fact that he was not just handsome, he was not
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just a fatal man, he was not just, well, a man and men, it’s understandable why he women fell in love, but...
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what a television star, an adult, mature, wealthy, in the year fifty-four they met, she went to a higher course for screenwriters, and he taught there, that is, she was his student, well, such a classic plot, yes too the professor is a student, and then he had good taste, he was very educated, and he gave her the right literature to read, this is clear even from the telegrams that he gave her, sometimes there is a very witty one, he signs there as a complete intellectual, for example , he subscribes. taty, the main thing is that i will see you, like, for example, now, when the door opens, everything opens up to meet you, my eyes, my heart, my chest, my hands, my beloved, why do i write so ugly and i don’t have the talent to write everything to you, how it is there, like coquetry, yes, such, oh, the author of the script, a human amphibian of a striped flight,
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does not know how to express, does not know how to find words, yes, despite the fact that the twisted soul and heart, he described comedies, yes, also from here are alexei's letters. "congratulations, miracle, random spark, there is a big real an account that we are given only rarely, rarely, and even then we cannot fully understand, but it is, according to this account, mine, our beautiful, bright, one-piece, bowing down to one’s feet, one-piece, what a word, here i say, he a talented man, that is, the point is not only that he was a tv presenter, that he had connections, money, opportunities, but also talents." you know, how blind his conscience was, because he had money and he sometimes considered some unfair distribution of this money, for example, when he came to the cinema panorama western movie stars came, well, ours , okay, listen, they wear clothes, borrow clothes from each other, and so on, but then a western star comes and she is not paid fees for
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interviews, and alexey thought it was unfair, yeah, but since the red tape large with letters. write with the papers, it would be necessary, it would be good to pay, otherwise it’s somehow inconvenient, i’ll be delayed, it’s a shame, he gave his fee, wow, yes, no, a man, he was high class, that’s what this story with alleluyeva is about says, because well, imagine, there’s a girl there, i’m i can imagine a girl with whom there wasn’t even any romance, how could there be an affair with her, she had just turned 16 years old, yes, but he was watching her, that is, she was the one who later described this situation, it seems no one explained. why he was assigned to the camp, but in general everyone understood that it was because he wrote letters from the lieutenant dedicated to this svetlana alliluyeva, everyone understood what it was about, because by that time he already had a stalin prize by that time, don't you think that...


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