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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 11, 2024 5:20am-6:01am MSK

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hello, this is the easy money podcast, and i’m its host, mikhail khanov, today our guest is the president of the association of russian banks, garigin tasunyan. hello, gorigin ashotovich, thank you very much for agreeing to take part in the conversation. we'll have enough conversation. is an academician of the russian academy of sciences, so his words have special weight, first of all, since almost all of our audience, our readers and listeners, one way or another work with banks, either they have accounts or have deposits, now a burning topic is fraud, this is how to protect your savings not from market losses, but from losses from attacks by scammers.
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how effectively are banks able to deal with this kind of aberration that keeps cropping up year after year? yes, this is a very serious problem for banks, and for clients, and for regulators, because this is the very topic around which we are all united, we are allies, because usually with regulators market participants are more in the mode of opposing direct or or unspoken, but...
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but you know, the psychological effect becomes so amazing when people continue to work with a scammer for a long period, come to the bank, withdraw money, take out loans, talks, says, you understand, he sits down in front of me, the manager the bank sits the client down and says: you understand that you are doing something stupid, you understand that this is a scam, he says: yes, yes, yes, but please give me my money, how can the bank help in this case, how can the bank help ? is that if specifically this is a situation where a person is already withdrawing money, the maximum he can do again is to explain to him that you are now going to lose this money, please don’t do it, but the more you convince the client, the more the client gets the feeling , that what the scammers told him, that he urgently needs to be removed, because otherwise, the saangol syndrome is the opposite, yes, that is, you trust those who deceive you more.
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so that with psychologists and sociologists we can prepare some forms that will help clients on throughout the entire interaction , explain what cannot be done, competently, structuredly, clearly explain, this is not allowed, but if they call and ask such questions, then you don’t even need to enter into a conversation, because then from your words they can form some ... your answers are fake and so
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on and so forth, so we work very closely with financial monitoring, with the central bank, of course, i mean we, these are the banks and the association, that is. we identify all the standard cases, but these are somewhat after the fact, swindlers - they are a creative people, so they make the most of the new technologies that the modern revolution provides them with, on the other hand, they use, including, probably, taking advantage of scientific achievements, including methods of new forms... technology , which includes many elements, firstly, you need to get the appropriate database, these are no longer psychologists, these are technologists, that’s how things are, let’s say, here i am
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, listening to you, i understand that to effectively combat this we need to start in schools , when you introduce elements of financial literacy, not even elements, but a whole course. that you can’t talk on the phone with people who introduce themselves there as authorities and fsb officers and someone else, because these people, as a rule, don’t call, a system of counteraction that includes elements of the fact that you don’t need to talk, no matter who you introduce yourself to at the other end of the connection, you don’t need to perceive this as an objective reality, you need to answer as follows: leave the coordinates, i’ll call you back. enter your phone number, name, position, i will tell you i’ll call you back, if it’s law enforcement, send the papers, send the paper, don’t talk further, how involved are the banks in this, in this chase, as you said, yes, in improving technology, they are keeping up,
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technology, well, they’re keeping up to that extent , in which they are trying, but on the other hand , the dynamics, unfortunately, are growing, the dynamics are fraudulent. here is the twenty-third year to the twenty-second according to one of the organizations, i won’t piss off now, it increased 2.3 times from the leak, but compared to the allegedly twenty-first year isn’t it 57 times, that figure
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worries me a little, because the lost personal data already amounts to millions, there are 170 million records, did you mention artificial intelligence? about the fact that with its help you can make so-called deep fakes, yes, a deep level of elaboration, copies, yes, voices, copies of behavioral models, something else, how to deal with this, when just recently there was a case in one of asian countries, a representative of the english, yes, well, not just any other company, but a large financial company, based on fakes, based on conversations, according to several conversations, deleted through video... several payments, thinking that it was his bosses from london, yes, and copies were made, but deep fakes are a deep copy of his voice, personality, the video was directly shown to him on the screen with the image of his boss, some phrases, orders were sent, and the man corrected the money
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in several payments, how to deal with this? well , by the way, this has become used very often lately, because over the past few months there, on behalf of...
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do not make any claims to the bank right away, because here you need to understand that if you actually took money out of your pocket and gave it back, then the bank has nothing to do with it, so this is necessary.
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so that it is easier to catch on the first step, so the more steps you take,
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diversifying money, why a step is a transfer, a transfer to another bank, in this sense, a very serious danger has been identified, and in this sense we are also working collectively, when many students are involved in this, they are offered to open an account for a small... amount and receive the card is then taken away, giving them 5 or 10 thousand rubles and then they use these cards, the danger here is not only that this is a toolkit for...
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you with your signature below, but the card is yours, you opened a bank account, then, as they say, you will be tormented to prove that you are not you, the card is not yours, and you, where you were and who used it, by the way, when you are caught doing this, that you are an accomplice, then by blackmailing, then you are drawn into other financial fraud, that is, even before
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law enforcement agencies make claims against you, having identified your involvement in this, there is still a serious risk, like...
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it doesn’t go away, because it’s clear that the energy there is different, you can’t force them there by the forces of inertia, they’re getting younger there, yes, yes, that’s it, okay, that’s it these schemes, payments from person to person, so-called p2p payments for the purchase of cryptocurrencies, carry a similar risk, that is, it is possible to include some kind of fraudulent scheme in order to also, for example, hook on blackmail, a very important factor that will warn you against. ..
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payment card, you have an advantage, if you have opened internet banking and use it, then this, of course, provides you with a lot of conveniences, especially now you know that you can pay through your phone, there with the press of one button you don’t even need to take out your card, but you must understand that if you lose your phone, you risk that you are already a criminal, yes, because, but if the phone has additional protection. then you must also take into account that the phone, for example, has this identification through the face, or through a fingerprint, you must understand this a big advantage, until you identify, you will not make the payment, but there is another risk, and if you need to be identified and forcefully
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present the phone in front of you, and then start using it, then this is... impossible, you must still, name the pin code, you are stubborn and do not name the pin code, and therefore you say, no, it’s better to correspond to the fic.
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by the way, i’ll tell vpn lovers right away that when you connect a vpn to your phone, you’re simply sending all the phone’s traffic through someone unknown, let’s put it that way, that’s it your passwords and numbers can be, let alone published, simply used at any time, that is , security is declared to you unconditionally, but let’s do it this way, for that matter, mikhail, then in principle having a phone.
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academician of the russian academy of sciences, gorigi nashotvich tasunyan. so, first, do not enter into any negotiations at all, as soon as they seem suspicious to you, you don’t have to rely on yourself, on your knowledge, experience, just stop, and stop communicating, because one way or another, you are giving a reason to get hooked, to become again a victim of some sociological schemes, some other manipulations, just stop talking. thank you, leave your information and i will call you back. rule number two: if it seems like a quick, some kind of immediate benefit to you, this is especially true for our young audience, when
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they offer you 5-10 thousand for opening a card and handing it over, nothing more, remember , that in addition to the fact that you become participants in a scheme to deceive people, because the card will not be used just like that, no one gives money just like that, you automatically become... an accomplice in much more serious crimes, even criminally punishable, even with heavy sentences, for, say, if some operations were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations, you simply become an accomplice of terrorists with appropriate punishments and rule three, if something did happen, you were stupefied, you felt bad and succumbed to tricks, you followed some commands from the scammer. and you realized that you did something wrong immediately call the bank, you should have, like emergency services, like gas,
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police and ambulance services, you should have digital coordinates, that is, the phone numbers of your banks, the cards of which accounts you have open, and you immediately must call these numbers, tell the situation to the real security service and real bank employees, and then together with not... let's say a few words about the current situation in
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the banking system. well, first of all , i would like to talk about the rate, so i heard your opinion that the rate of 16% is not - only bad, but also good, why is this good? no, i usually focus more on the fact that this is unacceptable, double-digit interest rates, not only on deposits, on loans, especially the refinancing rate, this is generally a terrible thing, this is a necessary measure, we know that the consolidated forecast of entrepreneurs is 5 %. this is a forced measure, it can be explained in different ways, it can be justified, but on the other hand, when it comes to the fact that this is a very high rate, it provokes high interest rates on loans, i, of course, i remind you that at the same time it gives an opportunity to those of our fellow citizens and those bank clients who have free funds; unfortunately, there are few of them.
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is this higher than official inflation? no, this is not higher than the official inflation, inflation of 7-8%. 14%, after all, you already know last year, the fact is that there is still consumer inflation, of the consumer market, it is obvious that it is even higher than the key rate and so on, and this, of course, cannot i'm glad that the stakes are so high, but
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they... many claim that banking offers many alternatives, and even the system has no future, banks from omrud and meat-nekh will have corresponding electronic alternatives, let’s talk a few words on this topic, because it was very relevant in the summer, especially just like that, young people are talking about the hype around the topic of the digital ruble, despite the fact that
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the central bank says that... it’s just testing the platform, a number of banks have announced that they are taking part in this testing, 30 banks this year will be in this experiment is involved, but the digital ruble is still not from this series, the digital ruble, these banks are not needed, why if there is no, the central bank platform, no, i mean that it’s all digitalized, let it go, the corresponding systems will go away who serve. telephones, the internet, that is , they will go to the internet, but the banks themselves, their role will be reduced, they will die as an institution, this is what we are talking about, the central bank, introducing the digital ruble into circulation, has and sets other tasks, tell us a little for our audience, should we be afraid of the digital ruble, because these conversations are starting that we will be monitored with every step, with every payment, but let’s start with what is
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behind us now and... at the same time, you understand that it’s good , when you can watch the child’s traffic, but on the other hand, when they look at you, as a child, and know all your traffic, this is also not true, because now we have touched on this topic, that now all payments, they are also controlled, and therefore, but the digital ruble has another meaning, who should be afraid more than the digital ruble, if at all, users that every step is being watched or banks, that
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in general. the institution of banking will die out, as you said, which means that neither one nor the other has any serious basis yet, because through the digital ruble, firstly, the digital ruble. this is the third form of currency that is put into circulation, that is, it is an opportunity, but not an obligation, and we hope that this will not be turned into some kind of single, all, all forms of payments, all forms of non-cash turnover will go into digital ruble, what is its advantage, that all payments go through the central bank, the risks associated with the risks associated with a single bank,
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go too far, then you will lose motivation for market participants, however, the same can be said about corruption , if you completely eliminate corruption, then you will supposedly lose motivation, but no, corruption is still an unfair motivation, lending
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is a bona fide motivation, you yourself assess your risks, the bank and you together assess the client’s risks, and you have motivation to overcome this risk. expand your business, and if all the money goes into the digital ruble, and well, we hope that the central bank does not start lending yet, does not become a market participant and does not become commercial, if it also starts lending, then indeed this is the very risk when not due to digitalization, everything will move into telephone and internet companies, banking services, but the ussr state bank will simply become a single one, which will itself lend, will serve itself, will become itself. it’s very nice that i’m not just a participant, one
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from, well, let's say, the most experienced specialists and what can i say in conclusion that i am in banking, banking law, at the head of the association of russian banks, but also an academician. but don’t forget not only the opportunities, but also the risks that lie behind it and keep your ears open and your brains sane and sober, thank you very much for coming, for telling us in detail, this is an easy money podcast, and today we spoke together with the president of the association of russian banks garigin tasunyan about what new and old types of fraud are present on
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the market, how banks fight it and how we can resist fraudsters and ordinary citizens. hello, dear friends, this is the life of the remarkable podcast, i’m with you, its leading writer alexey varlamov. and in my studio , the rector of the shchukin theater institute evgeny vladimirovich knyazev, people's artist of russia and theater historian, rector of the shchepkin higher theater school boris nikolaevich lyubimov. the reason for our meeting was the anniversary of boris vasilyevich shchukin, which turns 130 this year. boris nikolaevich, what can we say about this wonderful actor, this is how he... is remembered in the history of russian theater and russian cinema, yeah, this is a very difficult
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question, and for many reasons, in general, when you talk about actors, when you give lectures, let’s say , in the history of the theater, unlike history and literature, you know this very well, you can’t take a book off the shelf, uh, no, especially if we talk about the theater, there is no live role that you can uh show today. decades there are no people who have you ever seen machalov, shchepkin, the sadovskys and so on live, here you go, shchukin, whom we can see live, yes, a photograph, but he will not leave here, this is the most difficult thing, it seems that he died in 1939, it seems that this was just recently a historically very short period of time, but there are practically no people who saw him alive anymore.
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at some point, probably starting with the role of yegor bolychev, he simply went up sharply, he was on the first list of those awarded the title of people's artist of the ussr, he received the stalin prize received already after death, he fit everything into these 15-20 years of his creative life. what could be said, judging by what i
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read and what those who saw him and knew him well told me, he combined, on the one hand, what was so characteristic of the first generation of vaktangites, and not only to the first generation, this is a marvelous theatricality inherited from vaktang, grotesque, irony, sarcasm, those roles that, well, starting with the role of tortali in princess turandot in this legendary performance, he was busy, but at the same time, very often turondot reduces philosophy to a kind of skittish stupid playfulness, which was present in it, but behind which stood the powerful philosophical worldview of zavadsky, twenty-second year, the civil war had just ended or was ending, there was no family in which, so to speak, was.
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he, if on stage, he should be the first, yegor boluchev, lenin, yes, the main one, he cannot be secondary on the stage, he seems to obscure this, maybe there was some kind of jealousy behind this and the jealousy of his actors generations who suddenly saw how one of them rushed so high and deep, and this is the combination of a person immersed in... almost in this - early mkhatovsky.


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