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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  May 11, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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today there is no death, which means there is only love, christ has risen, heard, all the good things he gave to the saints as his disciples. rivers to the apostles: take, eat, this is my body, which was broken for the remission of sins, dissolved like a cup of treasure, giving thanks, blessing, sanctifying. give
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rivers to your holy disciples, the apostles, drink alone, all of you, this is my blood of the new testament, i am the cry, poured out for many for the remission of sins, your eminence and eminence, dear ones! fathers, brothers and sisters, all of you i cordially greet you on the great holiday, on maundy thursday, indeed, this day is equated in its significance to the twelfth holidays, although it is not called such in the calendar, because the twelfth holidays are based on important evangelical, biblical events; maundy thursday, as it were, formally does not belong to these. because he, this
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day of remembrance, was established in honor of the greatest event in human history, on the eve of his suffering the lord performs a great miracle, he provides everything subsequent ones. generations of people have the opportunity to be accomplices and participants in those saving sufferings of his death and his resurrection, which changed the course of human history, and not only history, but the metahistory of that which exceeds all human history and goes into eternity. we
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have gained the opportunity to participate in his suffering, his death, his resurrection, through eating bread and wine, which in the sacrament of the holy eucharist are transformed into the true body and true blood of the lord and savior. this is the great salvation. a sacrament that really helps people enter into communion with their creator, through partaking of the body and blood of the savior, as i already said, we partake of eternity, we are with him in this life, we hope in the life of the next century. the holy fathers, especially semeon, a new theologian, spoke a lot about the fact that
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the eucharist is the sacrament of the church, and so it is, through this sacrament we, simple people, sinful people, through repentance and communion of the body of the blood of christ, and form his body, his church. without the eucharist there is no church, without there is no salvation in the eucharist, and this is revealed to us through. great miracle, the celebration of the first eucharist at the last supper by the lord and savior. and while this miracle is happening, the lord is with us. i have always urged, now i am calling, that everyone must take communion on this day. under no circumstances should you say: “ well, i took communion there yesterday or the day before yesterday.” that's why i won't go today. on maundy thursday everyone must receive communion. we must manifest ourselves
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as a eucharistic community, continuing the work of the community that we created and... the most powerful devilish temptation that only affects people. the devil is able to influence our piety and convince us that we do not need to comb our hair. referring to the fact that they are not prepared enough. can we
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even be prepared enough to partake of the body of the blood of the lord? of course not. what's most important? must be done, and what is an indispensable condition for touching the body of the blood of christ, is repentance for our sins, and we must repent, of course, not only at confession, in fact, we are called to repentance every day, when the day ends, how important it is to analyze everything that happened that day, and before the icon, before the lord himself, to repent of what we have done. what is called hot on the heels, because we often forget our sins, and at the end of the day we can definitely remember everything, and if we have the skill of bringing repentance to the lord every day, then it will be both more significant and
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more convincing for us, and it is more salutary to undergo the sacrament of confession, and , of course, more joyful is the sacrifice of body and blood. savior. congratulations once again, my dear ones, on the great feast, equal to the double tenth feast, on the feast of the establishment of the saving sacrament of the body and blood of christ, i wish for all of us to be closer to the lord. amen. happy holiday to all of you.
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christ is risen from the dead by death , trampling death and existing in the tomb, the life bestowed by our true god through the prayers of his most pure mother, the holy glorious all-praised apostle, the holy and righteous god the father of jaquim and anna of all saints, will have mercy and save us, for he is good and a lover of mankind. christ is risen.
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triumph on earth, it's a happy holy day the greatest, most beautiful, brightest easter, the day of the resurrection of the savior, the day when we glorify his victory over evil, over untruth, over the devil. each of us in life faces difficulties, injustice, grievances, and sorrows. all this is very painful, sometimes it hurts us, sometimes so much that a person simply loses life guidelines, some kind of inspiration to live, work, because we go through many temptations, and
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often this passage leaves deep scars on our soul and in general on our lives. and maybe we don’t need to worry about all this so much, maybe we, as believers, should remember that the evil that stings us... like flies or wasps, is truly not capable of destroying us, because... only the devil could truly destroy a person, and he was defeated. the lord dealt with this evil force and limited its impact on humans. and therefore our sorrows are truly bites. insects, can be very unpleasant, tiresome, annoying, but not capable
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of destroying us, under one condition: if we we believe that the lord came for our salvation, if we believe in his saving power, if we are with him, then no human evil force can destroy. our life, our inner, spiritual life, in most cases our earthly life. therefore, the christian faith is a faith filled with a special optimism, but not beautiful-hearted, not emotional, but based on the immutable fact that evil has been destroyed, evil has lost its power.
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human history of the resurrection from the dead, and may the lord help us to strengthen in faith, in the consciousness that we belong to this chosen generation, whom the lord chose in the person of the disciples, and we, after all, continuing the work of the disciples, accepting faith in the lord, continue their service, we are those whom the lord chose. including for serving him, and so that faith in him preserves our lives
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from all evil, and spreading around us, transforms this world, may god protect us all, the risen savior, we pray today especially for our russian country, which is passing.
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and through these trials will further strengthen our faith in the lord, our hope in... him and the power of our prayer. i greet all of you, my dear ones, again and again on the great world-saving feast of christ’s resurrection, and i proclaim the solemn greeting coming from the apostles. christ is risen. truly risen. amen. christ is the rower.
10:00 am
hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sherfuddinov, this is the main thing today. 10 years that changed everything, the dpr celebrates republic day. on may 11 , 2014, a referendum on self-determination of donbass took place. howitzers make accurate hits and powerful explosion.


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