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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 11, 2024 1:55pm-5:01pm MSK

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the theater needs to go, perform in another place, she leaves, it’s impossible to film her, you have to look again, he tried, it seems to me, half of almaata, near-graphic, cinematic, and ultimately settled on lyudmila tsirikovskaya, who actively advised to take the performer of the role of molutaskuratov, mikhail zharov, who was tselikovskaya’s husband at that time, and who saw her in this role, in general, insisted that tsalikovskaya play this role, in general, show here. that cherkassy started, zharov played huge comedic roles quantity. kadochnikov was generally a comedian and tyuz actor. tselikovskaya comedy actress. serafima birman, in the thirties, played dramatic roles in the theater, but again began with comedic ones, including playing comedic roles in films. but it is necessary to say who could play instead of seraphim birman, we see her on the screen in the role of the aunt of the main villain of such a film in the role of euphrasinius, but there should have been an even more famous one. favorite kabedia actress, faina
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ranevskaya, who was tried, who really wanted to play, but they didn’t take her, unlike ronevskaya, but we can at least see how lyudmila tselikovskaya ultimately looked in the frame and how she looked next to erafima birman, we have a small fragment. so he made a compromise with the performer of the role of euphrosyne, because the authorities imposed the actress polovikova, another actress, in general, isenshtein, when ranevskaya’s invitation did not materialize, he nevertheless insisted on his other candidacy, serafima birman is great here fit in, but this is an invitation to comedians, at least actors with comedy background, with comedy skills, in general, it was not...
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they themselves, for example, sat on makeup, during the day the energy went to the evacuated factories, so they removed the node, they were malnourished, like everyone else, yes, they were running out of steam mouth during filming, it was colder inside the studio space than outside, these were also quite serious tests for the actors, it’s very cool that serafima birman, like a number of other actors , left wonderful, very colorful memories of the filming, in general, really for for many it...
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i got sick while i was doing makeup, i’m waiting, i ’m arguing with other actors, i don’t understand what ’s going on, i don’t understand what esenstein wants, and then the next letter, he looks at the pieces and says, well, esenstein is a genius, i get it, how it should all work, it’s great, it’s not in vain that we are suffering here, and not all of esenstein’s actors did not always understand what he wanted from them, but this highest idea of ​​his, or many ideas, a conglomeration of ideas, why he it’s oppressive, for example, yes, why does it do this with the light... it works, why does it
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refused to fully use his usual cameraman eduard tise and called andrei moskvin. it is these distortions, of course, that cherkassov suffered the most from them, who in his memoirs describes this experience quite critically, at the same time he regretted that he told the journalists this way, dictated it, because for him it was also the most important emotionally, everything - just like how he then realizes towards the end of his life a. experience, here, after all, he had to play a huge number of ages, that is, he starts, he is a sixteen-year-old youth in episode of the wedding to the kingdom, on the other hand , he should have actually become an old man by the end, the film, as we know, was not completed, the third episode was not filmed, we will talk about this, but even at the end of the second episode, in which we say goodbye now with ivan, he is already very old, in childhood he was played by another actor. there was a boy, here is the wedding
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and before the murder of staretsky we look at cherkassov, the most complex makeup, in general, which took several hours to do, let's see what he looks like. upper rivers ours, volga, dven, volkhovo are under our power, and their access to the sea is in the hands of others, hers, of course, this is a very practical mask. gradually, ivan from a generally normal person, just as we will see in the scene of the crowned kingdom, how he turns into this dried up mummy, absolutely. the premiere of i
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love my country is on the first today. how are you?
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filming, as it was in 1941, but here the production was already planned in such a way that a director finishes a film in almaat and starts a new one already in moscow, but zenshtein did not finish and did not
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finish, because the long, complex filming had almost all returned to moscow, and zenshtein was already one of the last to remain in almaat in 1944, and since the question arose that some... one episode must be completed before the others, it is important that three episodes were filmed in parallel in almaat, after all, they finished filming the missing scenes of the first episode, returned to moscow, in the fall of forty-four they edited the first episode of terrible in moscow, and in the winter of 44-45 they continue. filming the second episode, while the first is being prepared for release, it must be said that everyone probably knows that the first series received the stalin prize, the second was banned for 12. but it is less often mentioned that in the first series there were censorship notes, quite serious, there, right at the end, he creates this most aprinic army, that is, he stops trusting anyone, surrounds himself with this pack, in general, almost a wolf pack, in general, these very
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trained people places himself around, and there was a rather terrible, judging by the photographs that have been published, a terrible scene of the oath of the oprichnina. when the son of the chief guardsman alexei basmanov, fyodor, speaks and says: “i renounce my father and my mother, for the sake of the great russian kingdom.” and, in fact, the composition was built there in such a way that this son looked at his father, his own father, who led the aprican army, and said: “i renounce my father, my mother.” and then he turned to ivan and said “for the sake of the great russian kingdom,” but with more and more puppy-like devotion watched this. there are separate frames, static ones, preserved, they were published, in fact, it was clear that he was saying something that was supposedly for the sake of the russian kingdom, although in general, homelands and parents are not opposed things, as a rule, but here it is important that he looks - then at ivan, this
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is for the sake of the great russian kingdom, we just understand that he is giving a comment with his gaze, that he interprets it differently than what is written in the text, this was very important for... plasticity to a greater extent and through plastic just finish, but he seems to me to be the most interesting part, at least for me, in the first episode, but he removed it, but inserted it into the second, this is the prologue about little ivan, yes, and it seems to me that it is very it lay down interestingly, like a memory, and in the second episode he tried, in general, to insert everything that was possible, everything that, perhaps, was possible due to censorship, but it is interesting. according to the development of the plot, how we don’t talk linearly, but talk, and well, like in
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a detective story, now we’ll watch a flashback there, and of course, there’s this delay with filming, she also contributed to the fact that we have a color fragment of ivan the terrible. actually, of course, there is this terrible image of this screaming reason, which is shouting: “burn, burn, burn, burn,” in fact, ivan is egging them on before this, who begins just... with the first one he exclaims burn, they pick up how at the same time, the rest of the film had already been shot in black and white,
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so, in particular, after the color episode there had to be a black and white episode of the murder of vladimir starevsky, one of the main episodes, in fact, the second series, so there had to be some kind of transition, isenshtein came up with it in such a way that vladimir staretsky at the end of the color episode, already getting ready to go to the cathedral, where - as he understands, is prepared. for him, murder, and in general, why does he understand this, because he knows that they are going to kill the king there, but the king dressed him up in royal clothes, so instead of the king he goes there, he understands that death is coming, but he understands not right away, because he’s drunk and not very good at all, but that’s when he is cut off when he approaches the door and realizes that he must now go there into this blackness, then such a huge blue spot floats on him, like such a harbinger of death, we can see this transition to black and white. and, by the way, in the original copies
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printed by the operator moskven, at first, unfortunately, now we cannot see this, but what he saw there was painted in blue, in a single color, so through this blue there was a transition to deadness, here's to this topic of murder, but then the episode of vladimir’s murder continued in black and white. it is necessary to build this very long passage, on the other hand, this, in general, would
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again cause the same accusations of formalism, that it is too much that he revels in this anticipation of death, although he of course does not revel, but just immerses the audience in some such a trance state, he wanted to at least do that, he still left the passage long enough, but of course not so long, but still this is this plunge into darkness. boris volsky, who was the sound engineer on this film, writes in his memoirs that esenstein asked him. record music that soars up and then fades away, record it so that it comes out louder and then goes down quieter in the rhythm of labor pains, this is the instruction that zenshtein gave, because for him everything comes together, this care for death is a return to the bosom of the earth, but on the one hand this is such a psychoanalytic interpretation of what this move is, on the other hand it is quite such a realistic plot, but old returns... to where he came from, and the lighting shows how he walks with this candle, such a column of light falls on him,
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it is shown in music and sound. “it’s like some kind of horror movie, this is the story about how a person spends longer, longer, longer, staying on this royal throne, he gradually goes more and more crazy, and at the same time, of course, we understand that in those years isenstein
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did a very brave civic act, thereby actually expressing it to stalin, because he understood that stalin was waiting for something else, that stalin is very jealous of this plan, and there is even such an apocryphal, not apocryphal, there is a recollection of one of the actors that allegedly isenshtein was filming, having heard a question from a member of the film crew, what is it that ivan the terrible is repenting, well, the tsar, well formidable, what is he, well, he killed someone, well, this happens with tsars, to which isenstein said directly in front of the film crew, well, stalin has even more people. killed, maybe he will look and also begin to repent, this looks more like an apocrypha, yes, although on the other hand, in general, there was an authority from einstein indisputable in the film crew, on the other hand, this is the creative state, of course, well, that is, at least in the memoirs of one of the actors there is this story,
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but there are also memories of how they watched the film, and in my opinion it is ezovsky who writes a wonderful theater critic. that everyone who watched understood what isenshtein wanted to say, but could not say it out loud, and he said, well, why do you think that something is wrong here, i can change it and rom remembers, and mikhail blaymon remembers this feeling of who ivan is, ivan as stalin, yes, it prevailed, it seems to me, on the other hand, here, if it had been a pamphlet showing stalin through the figure of ivan the terrible, then he would have remained in the forties, but this film is important because... here there is a multi-layeredness, here both historically and artistically, here it is such a very big pie and very tasty for any audience, here you don’t necessarily need to read all these subtexts, and esenstein deliberately creates so many overlaps and different cultural movements, which, in general, allows this film
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to be perceived as a kind of labyrinth through which the viewer walks and finds something, perhaps that isenstein did not leave there. but by the way, the labyrinth is exactly what esenstein wanted to put there, because for him the detective story, as a form of telling a story, as a form of following a story, is especially important at this moment, he, in principle, loved detective stories since childhood, he spoke about this, forced students to read it already in the twenties, but for him it was grozny that included such an experience in creating a detective story, not in i mean, that... there ivan is investigating the murder of anastasia, of course he does this too. we have a small fragment that relates to anastasia, you can watch it. how long will it take for me to cut off heads according to the royal decree? the tsar is obviously doing very well, he’s watching the wheel. and we will cut off heads mercilessly.
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harass homola. and uproot the boyar shift. it is impossible for a king to hold a kingdom without a thunderstorm, just like a horse under a king without a bridle, and a kingdom without a bridle, whoever stands strong against an enemy with a king, but the king raises him to majesty, forgive me.
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ivan consoles himself, how he justifies himself is that the king, he cannot help but be formidable, but in general , the profession of a director also gives such a taste for power, in this sense it is indicative that isenstein, not only even thinking about possible prototypes of ivan, taking individual features, he relied on his acquaintance with meir hold, who was in many ways such a director, demiurge, director, tyrant, in general, and... at least the wonderful cinema historian leonid konstantinovich kozlov has a hypothesis that that this is generally a certain degree portrait of mirkhold in the role of the formidable, because there is even a similarity in the photo.
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about how - he himself shouted at the film crew for the first time while filming, about how, while still filming the strike, at some point he shouted, made a scene and thought that now everything would just be the film crew would turn around and leave and say who you are to yell at us, and after that it turned out that no, it turns out it works, it turned out that - after he yelled at the group, everyone became absolutely like sho. that's all formidable, he's still in some place writes that the formidable one is similar to his father, who is such a self-made man, he also made himself, sometimes in the memoirs the sayings
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of the formidable father, on the other hand, ivan is a little bit of esenstein himself and lisenstein is a little bit ivan, he also leads, he also collects , and he reads reality in different ways, in principle, for eisenstein, grozny is also a mirror that...
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over the second episode, after that he had a heart attack, because he knew that stalin would now watch the second and something would happen, already in the kremlin hospital he learned about that the second series would not be released, and stalin, in general, was, one might say , furious, because - when a year and a half later they met, yes, isenstein and stalin met, and cherkassov was at this meeting, well, members of the politburo, and ... stalin began the conversation with the words: have you read at least a little history, to which isenstein replied: i read a little, in general, then it was clear that stalin
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preferred to turn to cherkassov, who behaved much more correctly in relation to stalin, but the point is that here historically, of course, we understand that, in general, this is a film in which some accents are shifted not in order to disrupt history, but zenshtein is directly in the historical commentary. to the partially published script he writes that this episode was actually different, but in order to reveal the character, the true, real character of the character, there is no timing to show each biography of each character, so individual events are shifted here, precisely in order to reveal the true essence of historical processes, actually, he didn’t write about this, then charlie chaplin told him, because what infuriated the members of the polyburon of the second series... the world’s artists, they noticed already in the first series, which was only available to them, right? writes him a letter, back in the winter of '45, it seems, what
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a wonderful government that allowed such a wonderful film to be made. the second series, fortunately, has reached us; it was saved and was released on screens in 1958. the third episode, on the contrary, has not reached us, we have a script that published, in general we can get a definite idea of ​​how this idea developed. and yet, what they managed to film for the third series, which was filmed in parallel, in general, with the exception of tiny pieces - almost everything - died after the death of esenstein, at the turn of the forties and fifties. and it is very important that this film is truly such a complex work, it is participation in many processes, and this is an invitation to creativity, because here, on the one hand, it seems, yes, we see history a certain person, but firstly... in itself, this story of a man who goes crazy under the burden of power, it is almost as emblematic as the story of athelus, macbeth or boris gadunov. on
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the other hand, there are so many artistic features that you don’t need to know everything, but which you can touch while walking through this labyrinth, so walking through it is interesting for the next generations, in fact , for many years to come, let’s hope people will learn everything from this film new and new bring out some interesting features for yourself. students sometimes ask, in principle , why do we need this, it’s been completed so long ago... and i usually tell students that isenstein put so much into it that we can pull out of it what we need, but we each have a little bit more creator, we work with media, yes, we take photographs, we shoot videos, we glue something there, draw on it, and what esenstein does with color, yes, for us it may be too difficult, maybe we are in we won’t do reality, but we know that it’s possible, we know that you can record music like this,
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it seems to me, this is something that is also layered on top of these plot things, on knowledge about those periods that are touched upon in the film in the history of its creation, and how much this is really a film for those who sees deeper or wants to see deeper, it seems to me that this is really a little bit - intellectual, educational, and at the same time fascinating, because in general. he is both right and wrong, because it is precisely this desire to see something that he has every viewer, and the film invites you to this, it was the izenshtein-125 podcast, film historian natalya ryabchikova and film vet artyom sopin were in the studio.
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a special episode of big game is on air. we have a special format, we will show a film by sergei from einstein, ivan the terrible. but before the screening, we will discuss this very important and interesting film. a film that was produced 80 years ago but still resonates widely today. interest from my point of view, at least, has not lost its relevance. here, let's see one of the first episodes of the film: now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself, and thus forever to the power of many.
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he puts a limit on the clumsy, boyar in russia, from now on the russian land will be united, he raises his hands to the boyar power, but in order to hold the russian land in a single hand, strength is needed, and therefore from now on... we are establishing an army, service, streltsy, permanent, whoever he himself does not fight in the armies of those sovereigns, so he can participate in the great campaigns of the king with money, and
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carry your money on his own head.
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in which there is an artistic image created by the means of cinema, that is , an artistic image is when a frame, when a scene says something more than just captured in it, here in ivan the terrible there are a lot of such scenes, they, they all speak, in addition to their direct information , they also have a certain meaning that is conveyed through the viewer, through the construction of the frame, through the mise-en-scène, through editing. that is, through the means of cinema, in this sense isenstein was an absolute innovator, and of course other cinema masters there in america also followed this path: grifett von stroheim there, but esenstein brought this to perfection, and in his cinema, cinema became
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cinema as a separate art, for example, the great charlie chaplin filmed before him, but in principle, charlie chaplin could act on stage. that is, cinema in this case was simply a conductor, like a kind of post office, so ezenstein created cinema as an art in which there is an artistic image, this is potyonkin, if you remember, the famous scene, there is a stroller that rushes along with a child, rushes along steps of the odessa staircase, in which there is not just a stroller with a child, in which there is a revolution, in which there is chaos, in which... in this scene there is a collapse of the world, that is, as it were, this is the meaning of this, or the famous shots from einstein in the film october, when the sailors climb on, as they say, on on the gates of the winter palace,
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which, as you know, did not exist, yes, you, as a historian, will confirm, but this shot has become a documentary, it is now used as an image of the october revolution, well, here’s mezenstein, so i considered it my duty - the elites, here esenstein raises all these questions in it, it is surprising that this picture was made during the war, in the most difficult years of the war, when virtually everything was on
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the map, at that time isenshtein was filming this film, and the country gave him the opportunity to make this picture, this is amazing, so i am very grateful to channel one to you personally, because i know your initiatives. it seems to me that it is very important that such pictures are shown very widely for our public, and it seems to me that they will certainly receive due appreciation of the modern...
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mandate in order to do what is
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necessary in time of war, he decides what he he needs a new mandate, popular support, since then such general elections were not held, he leaves for alexandrova slobodova, with the hope that this departure will make an impression on the people, and if... the people want to support him, then from the point of view of ivan the terrible , he will have his new powers to do what was required for the state. let's see what ivan the terrible said when he decided to go to sloboda. i won’t trust anyone, i’ll be in an iron abbot’s camp! moscow please! i’ll leave, i’ll go to alexandrov’s freedom, to
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you will march to moscow, you will return as a conqueror, i will not return to campaigns, i will not return to campaigns, i will return to the national call, it is impossible to expect a national call, it is impossible to listen to the krolopans, the naked brothers trust, where the red dog goes, the king is a teacher. how to act in that nationwide call , i will gain limitless power, i will accept a new anointing, for a great, merciless task, well, here’s a lurker, well , it’s as if, it’s as if enshteid foresaw some things that he, well, in general i really couldn't have foreseen it. somehow he succeeded, well, you see , firstly, i think that artists of this
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caliber, you will excuse the somewhat unscientific nature of this term, they have divine guidance, in my opinion, in my opinion, they are some kind of conductors of some kind of then meanings that sometimes they themselves may not even imagine, but through them certain important meanings for us are conveyed, and so to speak, they... talk to god, that’s what i would say, that’s, in my opinion, an artist of this caliber , like isenstein, there, dostoevsky, tolstoy, pushkin, therefore, therefore, here, here i am this is how i see it, the second point, but there is another very important nuance here, the whole point is that russia, the history of our country, it is to some extent cyclical, that is, all the topics that are raised. which are relevant for us today, they were no less relevant at that time,
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let's remember what kind of time this is, this time after the actual collapse of the russian empire, complete collapse, complete chaos, then the restoration of the country, in many ways this is similar to what ivan did grozny, relationships, relationships of the supreme power, at that time joseph stalin with the boyars and... the look is quite natural too, because russia constantly faces the same threats, and these threats, one way or another, are resolved differently at different times, but ultimately the threats are still the same , an external threat, the threat of separatism, which is always present in russia, the threat
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of relationships with elites, which are always partially, and sometimes en masse,
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about ivan the terrible and his time with vladimir nikolaevich rudakov, editor-in-chief of the istorian magazine. let's go to advertising. how are you did you feel it, how deeply did you sing it? and in my own way. when such artists appear on stage.
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after the evening news, monte chococa cognac, a product of stellor group. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev , decided to hand over crimea to ukraine. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. fanatic, tyrant. none there, as they like to say. an attempt to invest in the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine. the protocol was not signed by malenkov, who presided, and for some reason khrushchev. a crime was committed in violation of three constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory. he accuses khrushchev of transferring crimea; after all, he did
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not transfer crimea to romania, bulgaria, great britain, or france. all this happened within the framework of the union state. when you have already planned it.
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that it is necessary to replace the old elite, which wanted to mainly serve itself and profit from the country, to replace it with a new service elite, people who are ready to fight, who are ready to serve their homeland, and well, outright betrayal, when people...
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a soviet artist, very soviet, everything, all his paintings, they are generally, they are generally very soviet, this is an unexpected thought for me, i think that he was just different, look at aleksandrov’s paintings, for example, he worked in different genres, but in principle, take zenshtein created in general, one might say, the mythology of the soviet union was created by izenshtein, the mythology of the soviet union was created by sergei mikhailovich. this is, in
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principle, the mythology of the soviet union, but it since, in my opinion, esenstein was also a very russian artist, russian and definitely, in my opinion, a patriot of the country, and an imperialist, i understand that the country, no matter what it is called, the russian empire or the soviet union, it. since i repeat, a great artist is endowed with a certain insight, to create meanings that sometimes he does not and may not be and what
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was the fate of this painting, how it was perceived, including by stalin, well, its second part, the first, the first part, as far as i i remember the first episode was given by stalin, yes first degree, the second series was banned, and he never filmed the third, which, by the way, is very interesting, it exists only in... the script, you can read it, and i know this version, at least naum kleiman, one of in general, our brilliant specialists on isenstein, told me that although the second series was banned, there were no repressions, moreover, stalin met with esenstein and they talked for 2 hours, which no one knows about, what no one knows about, you know, i ... i think that i think that - esenstein and stalin understood each other friend. i think that esenstein, as a great
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artist, touched on some things that stalin did not want them to sound at that moment, although on the one hand the picture is absolutely, well, i would say, pro-soviet, internally, i would say even pro-stalinist, but on the other hand, from einstein, especially in the second series and in the third series. difficult question: at what cost should this goal be achieved? the question of price, in this sense it seems to me that unlimited power is made by man? yes, yes, yes, yes, this is it for me it seems that this happened to him, even despite , perhaps, his desire, but this, this motive arose in the second episode and it is very strong in the third, it seems to me that stalin did not like it. although at the same time he appreciated zinshtein’s desire to do this. koren, another point that you mentioned is isenstein’s patriotism.
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and now we are looking at people who, for one reason or another, left, after that, after they left, they made different decisions about how they would behave in the west and whether they would stay there and will they return? i can only repeat, the whole point is that isenstein himself was the creator of the soviet union to a certain extent, he created
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the main soviet myth, it was the main myth.'
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ivan the terrible as a statesman? well, you know, firstly, it must be said that there are such figures in history, in general , of every nation , including our country, whose image is formed, this is how it is formed, we have such a figure as boris godunov, about whom alexander sergeevich followed nikolai mikhailovich kromzin wrote, and we know that he is the killer of the tsarevich and such a not very good person. ivan gruzny, too, in a certain sense, well, not so much a victim of a historiographical error, not a mistake, but a certain view of his time, in russian literature, in russian historiography, of course, the image of the formidable was laid down by nikolai mikhailovich koromzin, who, apparently , creating a large-scale canvas from ancient times, and he did not know where he would end up, but death put an end to
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karamzin’s work with troubled times, and so karamzin, apparently... was looking for an anti-hero of russian history in russian material, and such an anti-hero was found in the person of grozny, because after all , koramzin lived at a certain time, this time, so to speak, the days of the alexandrovs, a wonderful beginning, such liberal aspirations, had not yet the image of paul i, who replaced great catherine, has cooled in memory, and the liberal society of that time, of course, tried to understand the nature of power as such an advanced replacement. catherine, such a despot may come and what was his name behind his back, tyrant, how paul i. karamzin was looking for examples in history, and he found an example of such a tyrant in the person of ivan the terrible and portrayed him as a tyrant. i see what you brought, a book about kurbsky, right? this is a book by kurbsky himself, a story about the affairs of the grand duke of moscow. kurbsky has already written. remind our viewers who kurbsky is? andrei
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mikhailovich kurbsky, well, the antipode of the historical ivan the terrible, how. often they perceive him and he is, this character is in the film, is in the film, yes, mikhail talanov, named, named, yes, the kurpsky associate of the king before 1564, that is, until somewhere around the first years of the livonian war, when kurpsky, being, holding an important post, as if the governor of the king in yuryev, present-day tartu, in estonia, on the newly conquered lands, accepted.
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the king turned into a bloody tyrant who dispersed all his associates, executed them and began to flood the whole country with blood. kurbsky, in this story, of course, focuses on internal benefits. audience, let me remind you that ivan the terrible tried unsuccessfully, however, to run for polish kings, he lost the fight, by the way, to the future henry ii, the french king, but his candidacy was considered as such strong candidates, and the story of kurbsky, and in general everything that kurbsky said in poland about ivan the terrible, it was a story, including for the internal polish audience about what...
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samoud methods, this is kirill petrovich troekurov, who just moved there, all the criticism of the tsar, of course, from kurbsky, which was from kurbsky, was
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later borrowed by karamzin, and from him by others and many other russian historians, who often look at ivan the terrible through the eyes of his main opponent. and i also read platonov from serious historians. at least that’s what platonov wrote, it’s absolutely true, and it wasn’t just a desire, it was a realized desire, because let’s not forget that in the 16th century printing in europe was already established, in russia it was just beginning, that’s why such
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propaganda pieces were produced leaflets, such small brochures, where the rulers of the russian state, including ivan the terrible, they were portrayed as complete monsters, and these brochures were written not in the field, not in the field, yes. so to speak, not from life, they were painted according to certain literary templates, according to which portraits of turkish sultans were painted, this is such asianism in its purest form, there are even texts where the surnames were simply changed, and the russian tsar was credited with villainy against some peoples , with whom the russian tsar never crossed paths in his life, these were the peoples with whom the turkish sultan interacted, for europe this was the then the sultan was enemy number one, ivan the terrible, shown in the image of this... turned into enemy number two, this is actually the beginning of such an anti-russian propaganda campaign, it dates back, well, to the beginning of the 16th century, but when ivan the terrible becomes king, this company is entering its
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golden age, and the biographies of ivan the terrible that are published in the west are biographies that, so to speak, have no halftones. ivan the terrible is clearly a negative figure, scary, gloomy, and most importantly, she. scary, gloomy, not because she carries something bad there for its subjects, but because it threatens the high ideals of european civilization, from the point of view, because he created, the first, in fact, he created, a huge state, or rather, i would say, inherited this state after the horde, well well, by the way, this is a famous phrase of marx, it really dates back to the era of ivan ii, that the europeans suddenly discovered in the east of their border, a huge state, a huge country, about which they knew almost nothing before, we will now show the film ivan grozny, and after that we’ll talk about how why this film remains, from my point
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of view, at least relevant today.
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in the name of the father and son of the holy spirit. grand duke and sovereign ivan vasilyevich is crowned with the royal crown and is named the god -venchanted tsar of moscow. all of great
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russia is an autocrat, the moscow prince has no right to the royal title, europe does not recognize him as a king, although some will strongly recognize him... john as a king complicates their path to the throne of moscow, but there seem to be supporters john, then the bride's relatives. the great
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prince, not the great prince, but the tsar, more than the tsar.
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o god-eternal one, to the king, accept from god. take the scepter for yourself, my son, accept the mighty power from god. accept it, son.
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now and ever and ever and ever and ever.
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ngagaya le letandoente.
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now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown, places the tsar of all russia upon himself. and thus forever puts a limit on the multi-power, cliched, payar in russia, from now on the russian land will be united, he raises his hands against the boyar power, but yes, you hold the russian land in a single hand, strength is needed. and therefore from now on we are establishing an army, service, streltsy, permanent, whoever does not fight in the troops of those sovereigns himself can
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participate in the great campaigns of the tsar with money, at his own expense! to bring your money, also to the holy monasteries, from now on, with their great incomes , to participate in military affairs, for their treasury is multiplying, but the russian land does not benefit from that, a strong government is needed in order to do so. and you are those who oppose the unity of the russian state, for tokma, with a single, strong... in a united kingdom inside, you can be firm outside, but what about our
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the fatherland, if not the body, cut off at the elbows and knees, the upper reaches of our rivers, the volga, dven, volkhovo, under our power, but their access to the sea... in the hands of others, the coastal lands of our fathers and grandfathers, torn away from our land , and therefore on this day we are crowned with possession of those russian lands that are now, until time, under other sovereigns; two romes have fallen.
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i admit everything, it is necessary that the village not be, on the day of simeon, the god-receiver, the wedding is scheduled, let's celebrate the wedding for this owner, why is such a privilege given to john? why does the prince of kurp john? is the family of kurbsky less noble than
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the family of john of moscow? why is ioan the monarch in russia in moscow, and not andrey, kurbsky in yaroslavl?
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they stand on top of their tramples, like they’re wearing a lot of shoes, and the little darlings are moth-eaters.
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why, my friends, those closest to you, are now gloomy, well, tsar, sovereign, it is in vain that they say to the people, with marriage comes a friend. the end, and what will fyodor kalychev answer, are you tearing out the king with
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ancient customs, through that? i see great turmoil, i don’t dare go against the king, i can’t go next to you, let me go to the monastery, you’re exchanging the king of earth for the king of heaven, well, i will not stand between you and the king of heaven. go! boast for us sinners! i ask for one thing! don't leave me in trouble! at the right time,
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at our call, return! there are notes of mutkus, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems that everyone has left, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with me in general unsafe, uh, no, i won’t take you like this,
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go back for treatment, otherwise, can you explain? me, what’s going on, don’t worry, this is a formality within the framework, the study of the killer’s genetic fingerprints was not found, but the victim was also pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, new episodes, from monday on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, about this for you said my shoulders, the body can say a lot about a person, here is our pathologist, he thinks so rum, castra
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with advice from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be stopped, the situation cannot be escalated. the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death. if you were a pilot, what would you do? i was there two today, ready for the ram. harry powers' aborted flight next saturday on the first.
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the mansions of the kryna zakharins went to live in the royal mansions. the king moved to the hatches, we went to the skein, white skein, white , yellow, and white.
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let the people in.
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the tsar is in awe, the tsar is bewitched by the royal brotherhood, bewitched by the klin zakharins, bewitched, we drink the people’s tsaritsina with our brows, and we ask the glinsky zakharin councils, from the people of the heart they understand the house with human blood. no, from that blood a fire is born, houses are burning, over
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moscow, there is a terrible fire, the bells are ringing themselves, the spell, you say, the bells are ringing, huh? another head, which believes in charms, is like a bell itself, empty. but the head itself can fly off; in order for it to fly off, it needs to be cut off.
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so with bells, well, who cut the bells without the royal order? so, according to the tsar’s decree, it will take me a long time to cut off the heads, the tsar is clearly businesslike, he’s looking at the very root, cut off the heads we will mercilessly root out the boyar shift . it is impossible for a king to hold a kingdom without a thunderstorm, just as a horse under a king without a bridle, and a kingdom without a bridle, whoever stands firmly against the enemy of the king, the king raises him to majesty. forgive and gladden the heart
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of his soldiers, the prince don’t even dare to think about such a thing, i stand on the path of great service to the tsar of moscow, faithful servants, our lands are great and abundant, in order, there are few in them, we will call on the willow eaters, we ourselves will restore order, we will overcome the scourge , but we won’t give offense to hard-working people, merchants, townspeople, we won’t, distortions, three envoys to the tsar are bursting in, from kazan,
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kazan, moscow, friendship is breaking, the union is ending with moscow, moscow is going to war, the cauldron is big, moscow is small, moscow is ending. our great khan, send a gift, russian tsar, have a shameful thing, russian tsar, end yourself, god knows, we did not want the former, but the times have passed when a daring foreigner dared to invade the lands of the muscovite empire with impunity.
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and pierce with this knife those who raised their hand against moscow, we will put an end to kazan forever, we ourselves will go to kazan, to kazan, listen, ha, kazan, small. moscow is big, show me, show me, i assign the lead regiment to lead,
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i am a glorious breed of kaza, woe, woe, how many doctors are not needed after the battle, so many souls died on the battlefield.
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skis, gunners, well done, moscow, gunners, gunners, cult guns, white, gunners, and wrote, gunners, gunners, they will be
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sisters to the carcasses, from where you can stuff the powder, we’ve been reaping for a month, we’ve been waiting for a long time, it’s been a long time since we started an attack.
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shout, kazan, give up, hey, kasat, take it, allah, it’s better for you to die. even the beast is not a scientist, he is intelligent in evil
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with his own, he dared to raise his hand against the king, he wanted to save you from the arrow, stabbing you from the arrow like that. thank you, the livonian was right, i will always walk like a puppy with him, another arrow flies by time, already tatar arrows, boyar hatred. fear not the arrows of the boyar princes, a name
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like alexei basmanov, danilov’s son, i will remember the name of the boyar hater, faithful sorrows, speed up, speed up!
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look, fedor, look, son, king of all rus'.
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now i will truly be a king, i recognize the tsar of moscow, the autocrat of all russia.
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how is the health of the tsar of moscow, the tsar is sick, still returning from kazan. the king fell ill, now he has become a king for you too. every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of files that i had taken from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many of the reports
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were reported personally, with notes made in pencil personally. and when they asked, this is what? you did the most important thing, kim philby pronounced with a huge accent prokhorovka, prokho, this is mine, the kursk arc, he says, it’s me, this predetermined the course of the whole war for them, when he was interrogated for 4 years, he didn't give up, he didn't give anything away, they didn't have enough evidence, they interrogated me to break my spirit, intelligence is that. he knew how to play this system and win. the true story of a british aristocrat and an outstanding soviet intelligence officer. kim philby. secret war. tomorrow, on the first day. i understood that
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i really couldn’t ask some questions. did he say something? but i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now. i can't even tell you. straightaway. in several cities in eastern ukraine, rallies were held against the new government in kiev. this is a war, a war against the people of donbass, the donetsk people's republic will answer the challenge. the key leitmotif of the maidan was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens. to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bendera, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this. and this is precisely what we rose up against. we have become free from kiev. the gunts wanted only one thing back to russia faster, everyone believed that there should be the way it happened in crimea, what happened now, there is no way back, there is nowhere to retreat further, we are not aggressive, but we will tear anyone for ours, so we will bite our teeth into our land, we will still defend it, no matter what they wanted a future for their
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child, without war, liberated territories, life line, premiere, tomorrow on the first. the lord is just, he has risen above other princes, prince of moscow, here you are my skiff. well, the prince, second everywhere, loved anastasia, ivan took him, kazan fought, ivan got it, glory!
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yes, on your own head, and you won’t have to drag your head around for long, the tsar will not soon forget about the kazan arrow, and if he forgets, he will find...
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he can’t live with ivan of kurpsky alive, but god be merciful, ami.
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mercy, lord, hear the prayers of your servants, pray for you, and heal the brine.
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cross, who will you kiss, the heir, dmitry, the son of ivan, and anastasia, to the
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widow’s hot bed, in any way. you climb, vladimir andreevich, kiss the cross, people like you are not bought for money, give such people the state, and vladimir moscow you'll be tossing and turning, worse than a child. with a deplorable mind, you will be vladimir’s complete master and kiss the cross.
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the king is calling.
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the end has come, i bid farewell in peace, cross, kiss, to the rightful heir, demetrius.
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cross, kiss my son, demetrius.
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son, cross, kiss! just because the power is united, one-blooded, will protect moscow from enemies, from discord, otherwise the tatars will invade again, the poets will move, livonians! i ask not for myself, for my son. i pray for the unity of the russian land.
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smart kalychev, danilo bogdanovich, set an example, undefeated klychev,
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why are you silent, kuiter! bunikov, at all times, but you will be cursed, traitors of the russian land!
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only in demetrius, the son of his salvation. “if you are under one single government, then may you be strong, may you be brave, may you be reasonable, but
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your rule will be like madness, you will hate each other, you will not serve your native land with faith and truth, then you will be toads of the land sovereign, you will not be my !" and serve the boyar families, tsar vladimir, kiss the cross.
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glory to tsar poyarsky.
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the path to the throne, the path to wine, who? anastasia, efrasen.
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anastasi, you will be mine, from my brilliance, mine you will, i will put you on the throne, and i will, with you, i will rule the kingdom together, without you life into life, with you together, death is not death, with you to thrones, to the blade, everything is the same. my queen of moscow, prince yegozha, before death, preserve the undead, ivan is alive, god is your judge.
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ivan is alive, you can’t live with a living sofa, kurbsky. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, i swear by this holy gospel to serve with faith, truth, the rightful heir to the throne, the tsar of moscow, dmitry yaanovich. i kiss
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the cross on that, saints! the gifts brought healings.
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“you were the first under the king, but you will rise even higher, for in the hour of great testing, you alone remained a faithful friend to the royal cause, i put you”! for the most cherished task, the east is finished, and you, kurbsky, will lead the russian troops to the west, to livonia, to the sea.
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you fly away like an arrow, fly, fly. and to defend our southern borders from the crimean khan, i will appoint alexei basmanov, who
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is he, who? tell me what kind of instrument you have in your hands, in adyk, i most often call it a shoter, you can show the most complex figure that you know, they say the truth, that you have so many spices that if you smell them, you can fall with pleasure, let
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’s start with salt, here’s pomegranate, oh, these are already rapids, have you managed to study any of the features? khrushchev decides to hand over crimea to ukraine. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter.
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the tsar doesn’t trust anyone, he removes extra payars, unknown people, brings them closer, posmanovs, rootless people, trust them, i know,
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he transfers old lands, patrimonies to new ones, transfers strangers, the mayar pursues, the puppy is captured, kurletev took. i know, i’ll kill you, no prayer. i’ll be in time, ivan ivanich, pastdzіs, the metropolitan went to the tsar, from the moth, no one? the tsar unexpectedly
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deprives me, the intercessor, of his rank, from moscow, transfers novgorod, i will run away, the holy cross, i will run away, russians, who? the tsar, to fast and give, with the tsar’s campaign
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he would resist the ton war, he did not participate in the tsar’s war, but rather the village, from ivan, to anastasia. i need the cities, the cities of palchin, the ones i
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need, again the vontsy, the koravlitsa detained, without lead, without sulfur, without learned craftsmen, my guns were left. "i won't allow my neighbor to the evil one resisted the prosperity of the moscow state, strangled our state with a trade noose, but it’s not just the selfish monetian who is the enemy of our prosperity, you boyars, who resisted my livonian campaigns worse. germans, livonians, enemies in the russian state.
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you see how much i need that military alliance. you will bring them as a gift to our sweet sister,
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elizabeth of agledskaya, and on these images you will explain to her how the ships of her agledskaya sea, the baltic, bypassed the white ones. to sail across the sea to us, the germans, the livonians, outwitting. yes, remind her that tsar ivan is in moscow, one merchant, the whole he holds trade in his own hands, to whomever he wants, he will give privileges, to whomever he does not want, his state will not let in, whoever he loves,
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he will open the way to... the east.
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tsar ivan is worried, i’m the only one, i can’t trust anyone. kurbskaya is far away, fighting in livonia, fyodor kalychev is even further away, praying in solovki, you are the only one with me.
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they give russian land, they don’t let basmanov and the people defend ryazan,
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they are ready to give the city to the crimean khan, be firm, i will, but i ’ll clench my fist, that’s it. i will completely cancel the ownership, just for the service to the state of the land i will hand over those who serve a cause equal to dishonor, i will completely take away their land, you are making a big deal, tsar ivan.
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peta, the russian troops were defeated near nevel, they defeated kulbsky, kurbsky?
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save me, god, for the waters have reached my soul, i am mired in deep timi. and there was nothing to stand on, the year went by for my loved ones, during the course of they
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were carried away, i could not escape, my larynx dried up, they settled down. and ran across the land, those who hate me without guilt more than a hair. on my head, prince
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mikhailo varotinsky fled, prince ivan ivanovich turutai bronsky was captured on the way, they turned back, they brought me back, am i right? not god's licara, i have become a stranger to my brothers, a stranger to my mother's sons!
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raflia is in her difficult struggle.
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for what, what he lacked, or wanted my royal hat, appeared again, the people are rising up against you.
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“it’s not enough for you to call my faithful friend, the last, the only one, fyodor kalychev, he is praying for us in the distant solovetsky monastery, sovereign, do not trust the boyar kolychev, surround yourself with people.
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the first to enter that iron ring, for that great cause, is your son, my own son, my only one, half-blooded, i give it to you. with them alone
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you will hold power, with them alone you will break the boyars, you will crush the traitors, you will do a great deed. “you’re right, alyoshka, we’ll bind ourselves with an iron ring, we’ll gather iron brothers around us, i won’t trust those oprichniki to anyone, i’ll become an iron abbot, i’ll abandon moscow, i’ll leave, i’ll go to alexandrov’s freedom, i’ll march on moscow, i’ll return aggressively!” i will not return to campaigns, i will not return to campaigns, i will return to the national call, it is impossible to expect a national call, it is impossible to listen to the krolopans, brothers
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naked to trust, where the red dog goes, to teach the king how to act, in that popular appeal there is unlimited power. i will accept a new anointing for a great, merciless work. tell me, are you right? in that nationwide appeal, i will read the will of the almighty. i will take the
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punishing sword from the lord into my hands. i will make a great body. mopali fell, and the third moscow stands. there will never be a fourth rome. these princes and boyars, having accumulated
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great wealth in themselves, did not procreate about the sovereign, not about the state, not about all orthodox christianity... and from the enemies of the crimean and levon, and from germans, they refuse to defend christianism, but they themselves inflict violence on the people, and therefore the king and sovereign, the grand duke, abandoned his state? the solo city of moscow leaves, but the king
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has no anger towards the guests of the merchants and the entire orthodox christianity of the city of moscow, they are disgraced, none, no, but those who are kind. you are waiting for a messenger from moscow.
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light and horses, ride to moscow! for the sake of
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the great russian kingdom. a special edition of the big game is on air, we have a special format, you have seen the film, you know more about ivan the terrible than the overwhelming majority the majority of not just ordinary people, but historians, to what extent do you think that the image of ivan the terrible in the film corresponds, well, if you like, to historical science? this is a very difficult question, do you know why? because karengev said absolutely correctly, esenstein is a great artist. of course, without any quotation marks, and he created, of course,
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an image, a certain idea could be conveyed to him, so in the details of this film you can find fault, you can say that what was wrong here, this could not have been said at that time, this is normal for a movie of this level, but in the main, i think, isenstein felt what many people felt who thought about the terrible, that on the one hand, of course, a historical person, ask any person, name five figures of russian history, ivan the terrible will be there, alexander nevsky, by the way, peter ii too, historically, not because he is so famous, but because the contribution he made to the development of the country cannot be overestimated, russia entered, so to speak, other eurasian expanses, remember the annexation of the kazan khanate , astrakhan, russia stood on a par with the empires of that time, he took the title of tsar, that is, he became. to the level of actually byzantine emperors, the caesars,
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this is the high status of the russian state, he nevertheless created a more regular army than it was before him, he thought, of course, in huge large-scale categories, and he was, he was a great writer, ivan the terrible, let’s not forget, he was a great intellectual of his time, in comparison with whom many, many rulers, his contemporaries, he left outstanding literary works, no quotes here. it’s not even necessary, and at the same time, the price that was paid for many of his transformations was quite high, he was a man of his time from the position of, say, our noble 19th century koramzin.
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who was ready to sacrifice many many in the name of his great ideas about the fate of his homeland, it turns out he is alone, he has no people with whom he can be close as a human being, i also, if i may say two words, here we need to look again such detail, in english ivan is ivan the terrible, but in our case it’s terrible, they’re completely different, completely different, terrible is terrible.
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i have a thought, this is a man, he writes, yes, from the 16th century, a dutchman, but in holland at that time 100 people were burning witches every saturday, in europe at that time there was a burning of women, a mass burning, in europe at that time st. bartholomew's night , where the protestants were killed only because they, this is just ivan’s time.
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but he was a major historian, and he was a historian who, from my point of view, knew about russia a lot, i understood very little, and what is most interesting for me is that what he wrote about russia, from everything that i know, was very accurate, it’s not that he was an
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uninformed person, my problem it became clear that he was constantly comparing russia. with some ideal that never existed, but in comparison with this ideal, russia was unpleasantly terrifying, well, he wrote that the tragedy of russia, that it always had huge, standing armies, in order to support these armies, it was necessary to constantly to plunder and annex adjacent peoples, so it’s like...
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as they say, show it in the cinema for today, but regarding here, to understand the method from einstein, there is one story that is very funny and well, it seems to me very revealing, when einstein filmed alexander nevsky, but he is there in the corridor of massfilm, which, by the way, he is one of the creators of massfilm, i must say, because a lot of his ideas that he brought from america, they were generally embodied in the organization of the studio, but different. question, in short, he meets michal ilyevich rom, our also famous director, he says to him: listen, seryozha, you are filming nevsky, but
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what is known about nevsky, there are no chronicles, no history, nothing is known, only a few shards, there is something there, what will he be like - how he will go down in history, to which isenstein said, this is how i’ll photograph him, this is how he will be, this is how he will be in history, in general, this outstanding master of genius, thank you, i would like to ask you about the achievements
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of ivan the terrible, especially in international affairs, we must pay tribute to ezenshtein, he after all, it does not create the impression that ivan the terrible’s campaigns against lvonia, against poland, that they were crowned with triumph. i think that in general, looking back, i don't know, agree.
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to the east, the beginning of their non-siberia, in fact , under ivania, those contours are designated that the russian people have yet to reach, but which are already somehow understandable, and peter i began to organize this space, in general i think that three figures in this sense are necessary note, ivan the terrible and peter ii are obvious here, but also ivan ii, who is a little in the shadow is, unfortunately, grandfather, grandfather, yes, but who is also certainly a huge , large-scale figure, who, by the way. the first to be called ivan the terrible, although there were no such executions there, so he liberated russia from the tatars, he liberated russia from the tatars, he united moscow and novgorod back, he did a lot for the development of the south of russia, so of course this figure very serious too, these three, we’re off to advertising, the premiere. i love my country,
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today on the first day, this is calling me, greetings, the first perception of the audience is everything anyway, major tomin, there’s no getting around it, if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then this of course pisses him off. it has great feeling. responsibility of male charm and male self-confidence, your man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye,
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so you have to spit. we are airing a special episode of the big game, we have a special format, a film by sergei from einstein, ivan the terrible.
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russia is much younger, much younger, russia is younger than the west, the west carries its own history, starting from ancient times, starting from rome, this is the history of the west, it’s clear that russia is actually a young country and, by the way, a young nation by and large, it’s clear that in a certain sense, we lagged behind there, we learned from the west, there is nothing wrong with that, but
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it should be noted that these are such large-scale kakwan figures. general restoration, but to his credit he, may be the first of the great russian leaders who does this without repression,
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mind you, because no matter how we say ivan the terrible, of course, he was cruel, i repeat, he was not more cruel than these western ones, but, but directly , let’s say, many of the processes that were going on...
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will be recognized, it seems to me that this is a very relevant thing, let’s watch this, excuse me, let’s watch this episode from the film, we need a strong government in order to kick
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back those who oppose the unity of the russian power , for tokma, united, strong, a united kingdom inside, solid. you can be outside, but what is our homeland if not the body, but the elbows and knees cut off, the upper reaches of our rivers, the volga, dvina, volkhov under our power, and their access to the sea is in the hands of others. the coastal lands of our fathers and grandfathers were torn away from our land, and why on this day.


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