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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 12, 2024 4:55am-5:21am MSK

4:55 am
well, now we can say that they will turn off the internet, before they said they won’t turn it off, now we understand that the electricity may go out for some time, yes, but i really liked it, tatiana chernigovskaya and i spoke once on this topic, i i say, well , what is memory for knowledge, for education, she says, but memory is not about memorizing information that is not knowledge, but about contexts, associations, but this is it, if you don’t have it on your shelves, then it’s very... difficult to assemble this mosaic of knowledge, how does this thesis resonate with you? of course, this is a complex existence or existence in context, it is necessary, because, well, let’s say, if you raise a person in the palace of sans souci.
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if you surround it with a wall, then nothing good will come of it, by the way, the wonderful novel by alexei varlamov, my dear pavel, is about this, this is the same model, there’s a huge problem here, how many artistic things are based on the fact that something from someone then they hide it so that he doesn’t know, doesn’t remember. most often these are all unsuccessful attempts, that’s the memory, it is certainly contextual, for example, when i remember something, i often don’t even remember exactly what was said, but i remember where with what facial expression, this is such synesthesia, or i remember what it smelled like at that moment, for example , it smelled like sleepers at the station, memory is olfactory, it is one of the
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strongest, it is believed that i remember dmitry sergeevich likhachev said that from childhood he remembers the smell of heated boxwood, the crimean smell, and he says: when i now hear this smell a hundred times over, i'm immediately raised mood, memory is not information that can be presented like this in three pages, memory is the whole aggregate. this is the world of god, as it appears every moment, but in all its completeness, so , in fact, this has always excited me, so i tried to describe the way it comes, not as information, a report about something, in all these , for example, if a child is lying in bed, then he... sees drawings on the wallpaper, he runs
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his finger over these drawings, while his grandmother reads robinson cruz to him, everything in the world is connected, kharms talks about this, remember, everyone goes on trams and doesn’t know how everyone is connected to each other, but you need to remember this, well, you heard a wonderful essay from the lips of evgeniy vodolazkin, this is just a fragment from a novel, but i want not an essay, but such a gelertorsky one.
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as he formulated it, this device that we all have in our pockets, it accustoms us to something else, yes, that there is simply the naked truth, you spied the memory, and it’s as if you appropriated it, nothing like that, you need to make it yours, assign with a hyphen, but still, in your example from the gospel, i it seems that another difference is that scientific knowledge, well, if you like, is violent, yes, i learned that twice is 2:4, and if i argue with this, then maybe they will take me, but only to kashchenkaevsky speaks twice.
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this is a collective memory, yes, and a person is an individual memory, but what happens is, perhaps, such a bold generalization, although in essence it seems to me true, any information revolution, it gives a serious increase in collective memory, begins the invention of writing, yes, typography,
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yes, it always hits the individual, yes, the odyssey’s iliad appears in oral culture, the need disappears, individual memory decreases, i had a classmate who... could continue from any moment and we perceived him as a bowline hero already, although, probably , for the ancient greeks it was, well, what’s there to remember, so, but individual memory, well, we can’t do anything about it, yes, this is such an insoluble story that collective memory, with help, it’s somehow still, well, more or less insoluble, because man of course, he lives a short life, it takes him some time to get involved in this humming collective creativity, right?
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it includes some small 10%, the prehistory of its existence, they are the most important, but for the formation of a person as a spiritual phenomenon, personal, personal memory is important first of all , and this, as a kind of preface, is also connected, because if in your personal memory dante enters, i don’t know,
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immature, but it seems to me that in some sense the collective memory is what refers to part of background knowledge, in a sense it can change faster than individual knowledge, maybe i’m wrong, but that’s what i thought now, they’ve left our background context, for example, ilf and petrov are there, well, here i am with the students , when i try
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to say that i once said that your answers remind me of how shura balaganov boyically monotonously recounted the contents of ochakova’s brochure, i thought that the answer would be friendly laughter, but the answer was such recent glances, this is... this is you what is it about, yes, in my individual memory it is remained, that is, the collective in this sense has changed faster than mine, no, this is just a large volume, because there are as many seconds in a day as 2.0 years ago, yes, there are a lot of carriers fighting for us, not only ilf petrov, but he disappeared trifonov, for example, i don’t make any comparison between trifonov and elf petrov, galich has disappeared, galich has disappeared, but there is no person who doesn’t have trifonov or makanin in his head, well, here’s another one of me when...
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i mean, it’s still an example greatness or something, yes, because sometimes it would be better there was no choice, my famous question, i ask a student, pushkin is a genius, yes, why, i can’t say. yes, and as ulato, you love pushkin, so hate him, yes, and i immediately begin to tell why zhenya could do the same, why i can’t live without him, yes, but something that is absolutized on the tablets is written down forcibly, it disappears, yes, an absolutely amazing story, i sometimes read fragments of chagin, in public, and there i have a story about lenin’s pechnyak, texts by tvordovsky.
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generation gap, maybe it’s not the most bad, this is not something that needs to be repeated day and night lenin the stove maker, but it shows how differently the generation is structured, what different experiences they have, well, this is the other side of accessibility, the notorious democracy, yes, because accessibility means absence, when - i said in front of a large audience, well, let me say a line from mandelstam, who can continue, continue, i’m not even a line. uttered two words rather sullenly, the audience stood up, as if i were hosting a parade, said: we’ll put the papers in the table, yes
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it was, it wasn’t, well, these were people of my age, our age and beyond, but the modlistame could not be bought, obtained, or read, but everyone knew it, now it exists, but there is nothing on this disk, this is the most important , your thesis, i actually first heard it from you several years ago, when you said that this universal accessibility of information and even knowledge reduces its status. i really like theodor adorn’s phrase that in order to fully perceive the music, you still need to get to where it is performed. terribly important, symphony, no sound recording, there is no technical reproducibility according to benjamin, yes, so if you want to hear a symphony, you must understand where it is performed, once a year, yes, get there, to the philharmonic in another city, then listen, now, what we are doing , click, click, ninth. thovina, yes, the first miser, but this is not completeness, this is lightness, which
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is false, and lightness is even something more, as i remember, zanusi told me, who had not used a mobile phone for a long, long time, but he told me about some priest he knew, whose dog was barking on the bell, he says, why, he says, well, this is an alert, here i am a man from the village, when someone came, a dog barked, when excuse me, you... in the restroom and vivaldi , yes, yes, and this is something like this, this is some kind of cultural breakdown, the combination is incompatible, and one process and another, i think, let’s make a risky joke, dear friends, well, we didn’t have time, of course, i i think i’ll have to gather my thoughts again, i wanted to talk more about memory and time, to continue the topic of forgetting a little, well, maybe be with your permission next time, and you know what i would like to end with, well, in a sense... we are in captivity of pragmatism today, yes, i would like to ask you, i have such an instrumental
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question, if you do you think memory training is important, can you recommend anything for this very training? i’m generally not the one who could give advice regarding memory, but it seems to me that that is, i heard and i think that this is so, you need to learn poetry, that’s exactly what i think. they say in a foreign language better, well, you can have less on your own, less of an effect, but i’m against the word to teach, you need to recognize, recognize and good poems they just remember, live, lie on the heart, a national goal, well, russian literature is poetry, yes, that’s how it is the quintessence of language, any speech dies at the moment of utterance, including you and me, here they are poems forever, yes, they have poems in general...
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the pythagoreans used it, not the pythagoreans, i don’t know when you’re already going to bed, go to bed, try to remember the day in all its details, in all in the smallest details, well, first of all, you immediately fall asleep, they say, if, if you practice, well, well , your memory really is trained, thank you very much, dear friends, i really don’t want to part with you, but time is inexorable, but we have. .. the memory remains, evgeniy germanovich vadolaskin, dmitry petrovich bak, today we gathered our thoughts about memory.
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hello, dear friends, this is a podcastlab on channel one, this is anthropology. today we have. sergei aleksandrovich yasenin is visiting, i can already foresee the expression on your face, i had the same thing this summer, when my beloved friend irevich berendyukov, the yabloko group, called me from st. petersburg and said: marina kapur and i made a project taryanochka based on the lyrics of sergei alexandrovich. yuri ekovich, come on, marina stanislavovna, please, give us the first song so that we can immediately understand what the caliber of what is happening is, hello, china. stay on my side, the streak of grief, just
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climb into the salon. like the scythe across the river, only letska, the beauty of nazareth, the old church will fade away, throwing itself into the clouds into a cross, a sick cuckoo does not fly to sad places, a sick cuckoo does not fly from sad places. for you, on my
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side, every year in the flood, from the pod and the knapsack, the pious pours the flood, the rescuer and the knapsack, to the gods. malny pours under, dusty faces are tanned, eyelids smooth out the distance, digs into the weak body, saving the meek seal, clinging... it’s not the body
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that saves the meek va sad, the old nalma, the burning one, is trying. voices, but not the stock store, but the riverside one. only lesda pasalonka, you are a spit across the river.
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here is a question for the program, who wants to become millionaire, who gave yesenin a ticket to print, who did everything to ensure that sergei alexandrovich’s collection of poems saw the light, you’ll never guess, grigory efimovich rasputin. yesenin scholars have several versions of how this happened: the first - klyuev, there was such a medical transporter in the sytin printing house on an equal footing with sergei alexandrovich, they were about 17 to 18 years old, so they, which means
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they rushed to petrograd at their own risk, of course , after all, we are from st. petersburg, well , that’s where we caught the eye of rasputin, according to in another version, they just read folk poetry all the time, imitating such folk poetry. style, that’s how rasputin caught his eye, whether it’s true or not, but rasputin wrote a piece of paper to his friend the colonel, listen, he wrote, warm up these two boys, especially belobrisov, he has a great destiny, well, so it is or not, it’s not clear to us, but in any case , the then unknown village boy ryazansky had such power that now, here, here, here, now you don’t believe it after that.
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academically, but yesenin was like that, he a country man, he’s a country guy, he played tolyanochka, i can even imagine how he himself played, sang, and in general what kind of music surrounded him, of course, it’s country rock, and then it turned out that we somehow communicate with him, so what’s the matter, i had a feeling that he liked, one after another, me and pushkin, yes, no, well, in general i say, and marina, marina, well, she, apparently, also felt how it should be sung, here, as he says,
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you fed the horse from handfuls across the water, the birch trees were reflected, the products were breaking, i looked out the window on a blue scarf, curl black snakes. i rubbed the wind, i didn’t want the death to not foam
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the jets, the fat from the depths of yours with pain broke the kisses, splashing us with a crafty smile on... sunny days, it’s time to push out, past the window you.


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