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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 12, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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what did you want to know, but well and so on, i don’t like common memes worn out from use, just be with a passerby, and you and i, for god’s sake, we will discover a lot more on kuroles, but bye-bye, your lover of world and regional openings of the palace of culture. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a busy sunday in the state duma, candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers and ministers will present their programs in relevant committees. the right to speak one’s own language and disagreement with coup d'état in ukraine. the people's
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republic celebrates 10 years of sovereignty, what has changed over these years? the state of emergency is already in three districts of the omsk region. the water level in artysh is rising. there is a risk of flooding of the highway leading from tobolsk to tomsk. an earthen rampart is being built there. and 80 years have been full of driving crimea away from the fascist invaders. military footage, declassified documents from the ministry of defense, evidence of participants in those events. the relevant state duma committees will today consider candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers and ministers. at noon the extended meeting begins, each of the applicants must present their program. the discussion will last until the evening. based on the results, the deputies will send a conclusion to the council of the state duma. tomorrow and tuesday the nominations will be considered at plenary sessions. the head of government will have 10 deputies. mikhail mishustin nominated acting minister of industry and trade denis for the post of first deputy prime minister.
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dmitry patrushev is being promoted to oversee agriculture, he is expected to will continue as deputy prime minister. alexander novyk’s area of ​​responsibility will expand; in addition to energy, he will oversee the economic block. digital development and communications, as well as antimonopoly policy, will be transferred under the control of dmitry grigorenko. the remaining ministers are expected to retain their posts. republic day marks 10 years in the lpr since sovereignty was proclaimed there following the results of a historic referendum. defended
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their right to speak their native language, did not agree with the new kiev government and the armed coup, showed courage unity, now the republic is actively developing, roads are being restored, social institutions are being built, housing is being built, support is coming from all over the country, the day before the residents of the lpr were congratulated by the president, vladimir putin noted in a telegram the unyielding will of lugansk residents. today there are many events in the republic, they will lay flowers at memorials, plant trees, hold rallies, well, there are flags everywhere on the streets. another important date: exactly 80 years ago, crimea was completely liberated from the nazi invaders. offensive operation of the red army, one one of the most important during the great patriotic war, ended in victory. our troops advanced tens of kilometers every day, the germans fled shamefully behind civilians. details of the battles for the peninsula, military footage and congratulations to veterans in the report by vitaly katchenko. lunches! ninety-seven-year-old luka ivanovich
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kuzin, retired captain of the first rank, receives a personal parade from his balcony, a veteran for the black sea sailors, was drafted into the fleet in the forty-third spring of the forty-fourth, immediately after the liberation of sevastopol, he exchanged the water area, met ships, in the port of their permanent home, they are our boats, small ships, they quickly came here already, because it was quickly cleared, and then quickly... getting ready for the parade, receiving the squadron, october, 1944 year. luka ivanovich’s uncle, as part of the fourth ukrainian front, stormed enemy positions on the peninsula; the start of the crimean offensive operation was postponed several times due to storms. on april 8 , 1944, after a powerful artillery barrage, our the troops broke through the enemy’s defenses from the north, and almost simultaneously, troops of a separate coastal army launched a strike from the occupied
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bridgehead near kerch. the rapid advance of our troops at a distance of 20 to 65 km per day did not allow the germans to gain a foothold. in just a week, having liberated the entire crimea, our troops reached sevastopol. the battle for sevastopol, here is the top of sapun mountain, the gravsky pier, the triumphal gate to the sea. on may 9, 1944, our troops reached the snow-white gates of sevastopol on the gravsky pier, but the fighting in the city itself continued
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a few more days, only by the evening of may 12 , our troops finally defeated the remnants of the entire 200,000-strong german group on cape khersan. the germans on the ships covered themselves from airstrikes with sevastopol children and women, putting them on the decks. the bestial cruelty of the nazis, from documents declassified by the ministry of defense it is known that on april 24, the fascist garrison of sevastopol approved an evacuation plan codenamed leopard, despite hitler’s order to hold the city at any cost. in preparation for their escape, the nazis mined the city. in sevastopol, which was already practically wiped off the face of the earth, our sappers. driven to germany, antonina alexandrovna was 9 years old when sevastopol met our troops. all that in sevastopol there were weapons,
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ships were shooting, these same machine guns were shooting, they were shooting in our yard, it was such a joy, i saw such a fireworks, like this... i wish i had in sevastopol, i would no longer hear, sevastopol panorama, a victory flag is hoisted on its dome. the vladimir cathedral, the nazis tried to destroy even before our assault began, this is evidenced by archival aerial photography. part of the unique collection of the museum of ancient khersanes-tauride was hidden back in 1941; what remained was plundered. crimea and sevastopol were a sacred place for the third reich, here. by order of hitler, they were looking for the holy grail, a symbol of power and immortality. an antique slab with the image of the griffin, the symbol of hersanes, was miraculously saved by the museum caretaker. the nazis wanted to present it to one of the wehrmacht ideologists. in the boxes, already boarded up, on which there was a sign to the conqueror of ukraine erich
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fonmanstein, commander-in-chief of the eleventh army. to those who expected to take crimea right away with a short blow in the fall of '41, but the heroic defense lasted 250 days. one hundred and three-year-old ivan ivanovich kurbakov, a participant in the defense, recalls that the germans were afraid of sailors like fire. they installed speakers along the front line and addressed the soldiers: kill the commissars and black devils, black devils of samariki, understand? the battle for sevastopol was the final one during the crimean offensive operation, exactly a year before the victory, the peninsula was completely liberated. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov, viktor vasin and sergey chivelo. first channel. sevastopol. ukrainian militants struck the belgorod region this morning. shibekin was attacked by drones. residents of the city and several villages nearby were left without electricity. meanwhile, the number of victims as a result of yesterday's shelling of the regional center has reached 29. two women are in extremely serious condition,
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doctors are fighting for their lives. one death was previously reported. hundreds of apartments were damaged, walls were destroyed, windows were broken. under attack there were also social facilities, including medical ones. several shells fell near the sports complex. not far from the border of the belgorod region, russian troops defeated the positions of ukrainian terrorist formations. they hit hail from the systems and fired 40 rockets. by the way, the belgorodets crew say they are doing everything to save the lives of their fellow countrymen. well, this is footage from the vostok group’s zone of responsibility, where su-34 fighter-bombers destroyed an enemy stronghold and dropped aerial bombs with a planning module that allows you to hit targets while remaining at a safe distance from the contact line. in st. petersburg, another suspect was detained in the case of a bus falling into the moika river. this is the leader of the convoy. he was responsible for maintaining the work and rest regime. according to the investigation, the driver who was driving during the tragedy worked for several days in a row without the necessary recovery time. according to preliminary data, he
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lost control. the issue of electing its leader is being decided as a preventive measure. he faces up to ten years in prison. let me remind you that seven people died as a result of the bus falling into the river. now to the situation with floods, the situation is difficult in the omsk region, a state of emergency has already been declared in three districts , hundreds of houses and household plots are flooded, 400 people have been evacuated, traffic is limited on several roads, which... to protect the highway to tomsk, an earthen rampart is being erected . volunteers help the road services. lifeguards are on duty around the clock to provide assistance to the population. in the coming days according to forecasts, the water level in the tara river may rise to dangerous levels. meanwhile, the flood is gradually receding in the tyumen region, in the orenburg and gurgan regions. the big water is also receding. centenary anniversary of one of the largest nature reserves in europe, the caucasian nature reserve. it covers almost 300,000 hectares in territory. russian regions, included in the unesco world heritage list due to its unique nature. at the beginning
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of the last century, the reserve was created to preserve the mountain bison. today there are many animals there that were rescued by people. tourists are traveling from all over the country. they were joined by our correspondent, alena evtyakova. he is the smallest. the most important hiker. in honor of the birthday in the caucasian nature reserve , hundreds of tourists wanted open days to get closer to nature. well, i read it. about the fact that today the centenary of the caucasian nature reserve is celebrated and you can visit such interesting locations, and of course , you can take advantage of the fact that the animals here, as i understand it, were not captured somewhere in the wild, but were saved for some reason, because children of nature, we don’t need people to talk about this forget, we haven’t seen everything yet, we’ve only gone through half of it, and in order to maintain balance, we need to naturally treat nature with care, and the younger generation is instilling this feeling in it. the caucasus nature reserve is one of the largest in europe, almost 3000
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hectares, preserved pre-glacial flora and rich in fauna. the specially protected natural area covers three regions: krasnodar territory, the republic of adegea, karachay-cherkessia. in 1924, the reserve was created to preserve mountainous mountains in the caucasus. bison but in 27 the last zur was killed. we found one male in germany. a purebred named caucasus was taken from nine bezons from scania nova females and created a population. today, in the caucasus mountains, the largest in the world. the population of bison living in the wild is about 1,200 individuals. this is a rare example of the restoration of a completely lost species in the wild. the symbol of the reserve appeared in sochi in honor of its centenary anniversary. hundreds of other elements connected to each other form a life-size bison figure. this execution of the sculpture carries. special meaning. wildlife is extremely vulnerable, and its conservation largely depends on each person. a new
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challenge for scientists is the restoration of the central asian leopard population. we preserve , as it were, a standard piece of the western caucasus with its inhabitants, useful and not useful from the point of view, so to speak, of a person. it doesn't matter at all. they keep an eye on the animals using camera traps. here. a brown bear scratches its back on a tree trunk, and here a family of red deer walks. their numbers in the reserve have increased in recent years, good indicators also at turov and sern. birds that had not been seen since the middle of the last century began to appear again. and in the caucasian nature reserve there are more than 1,700 plant species, every fifth of which is a relict or endemic; some trees began to grow even before our era. the value of this unique natural area is recognized internationally. the reserve is included in the world heritage list.
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the caucasian nature reserve has remained the most visited in russia for many years. alena evtyakov, ivan pokhomov, and dmitry baranov, channel one caucasian nature reserve. the big tour of the russia 25 team ended with another match with the hockey players of belarus. this time the game took place in minsk. we took the lead in the thirteenth minute, when maxim dzheashvili, who intercepted the puck and jumped out one on one with the goalkeeper, hit the opponent's goal during our minority game. soon vitaly abramov doubled the russians' lead with a shot under the crossbar. in the last seconds of the first.
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the panthers had the initiative throughout the game; at the beginning of the final period the score was already 4:0 in their favor. only after because of this, boston was able to spend a short successful period and send two goals into the goal of sergei bobrovsky. but in the end, the guests, in turn, scored twice, eliminating all questions.


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