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tv   Neperevodimaya igra slov  1TV  May 12, 2024 12:15pm-1:21pm MSK

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a victory flag is placed on its dome. the nazis tried to destroy the vladimir cathedral even before our assault began. this is evidenced by archival aerial photography. part of the unique collection of the museum of ancient khersanes-tavrichesky was hidden back in '41. what was left was plundered. crimea and sevastopol were sacred places for the third reich. here, by order of hitler, they looked for the holy grail, a symbol of power and immortality. antique plate with an image. the symbol of hersanes was miraculously saved by the museum caretaker, the nazis wanted present it to one of the wehrmacht ideologists, the boxes were already boarded up, on which there was a sign to the conqueror of ukraine, erich vonmannstein, commander-in-chief of the eleventh army. to those who expected to take crimea on the move with a short blow in the fall of '41, but the heroic defense lasted 250 days. one hundred and three-year-old ivan ivanovich kurbakov, a participant in the defense, recalls that the germans were afraid of sailors.
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i was included in this list, do not recommend, they did not recommend me, you are letting me down big time, why today at my advanced age leonid konevsky is ready for work, he got caught on a tile and fell, i can’t get up yet, he told me, i have a performance in 3 days, and i say that we can handle it, and what is the actor like in the circle of those closest to you, your man lifts dumbbells every morning , there is clearly enough strength.
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hello, please take a seat, this is a chair, yes, we have a fireplace in the background, this is a cinema device, let’s see, this is the so-called backstage, that is, what is usually hidden from the viewer’s eyes, preparation is in the frame.
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but this didn’t make him any fewer questions, the first of them asks itself how he managed to survive like this, because it’s enough just to compare the footage of our interview with... about 800 filming in different objects, so maybe this is the secret of the actor’s youth, that he is in constant motion, works a lot, acts in films, but where does konevsky get all his strength, what or who helps him? what is your relationship with
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god? with whom? with god blessing? i’ll tell you one anecdote: the jewish community gathered. the messiah must come, behold, behold, behold, behold, behold, behold, behold, here, here, here, here, where is rabenovitch, there is no rabenovitch, what to do, no, that’s it, the messiah is coming, the messiah comes, and says, oh, messiah, messiah, and suddenly runs from afar, rabenovitch, says, oh, sorry, it’s not you that’s disgraceful, he says, rabenovich, shame on you , he says, oh, who would say, the messiah who is being awaited. this is the story, so how, yes, someone leads through life, of course, in the filmography of leonid konevsky there are more than 70 films, a variety of roles, but for the audience he will forever remain
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major tomin, greetings, tomin from ukrozovsk, in the case of grievous bodily harm, against me personally.
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i urgently need a tattoo, the hero got the hairstyle that was fashionable at that time from konevsky himself, in general it was a miracle that i was approved by this same tomin with these tanks, but the police were grateful to me, because these...
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let's kill the tv, such a guy they were ruined,
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the authors of the series had to resurrect konevsky’s hero, they seem to be all equal, and the main investigator, well, she’s a woman, beautiful, he should be a little in the shadows, no, he gets out first, and even if he’s killed, that’s it most of all they remember, of course, shurik, and i ’m flying to the taiga, and i’m going to kurga,
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the artist is complex, why shouldn’t this become the property of, so to speak, a movie or, say, a play, and if an actor can be undressed, he’s handsome, then he needs to be undressed to show his body. the actor volunteered to play half-naked himself, although in the film a pretentious shiny suit was made for his character.
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i say, which one, this one, it’s me, this is what you’ll be filming in, this is how i filmed, it means that the birch tree beckons when a person is in good shape, when the hairline, everything it’s good there, it functions, well, go ahead, that ’s what they say, we see women on the screen and we fall in love with them, and women see men, which means they also look, oh, what, on the screen
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, so everyone wins in this sense. the role worked, strong muscles, a head of black hair, but a real turkish bandit, people began to recognize the young actor on the streets asking for autographs. konevsky, of course, is the king of the episode, what follows is an untranslatable play on words using local ideomatic ones. i'm in great shape today, i'm not at all i doubt that he would have had the opportunity to play something similar, he could well have demonstrated his torso and his sparklingness, emotionality, unique recordings, natural monteverdi, 18th century, please,
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the actor himself was incredibly happy about the unexpected fame, but at the same time he was 100% sure, this is his limit, he... will no longer jump higher, with such and such a physiognomy, so he will play minor roles of all sorts of swindlers and scoundrels, however, he had a great chance to become a regular actor of leonid gaidai, the director wanted to work with konevsky further and even invited him to audition for another of his films, but it didn’t work out, he offered me one in one film, i’ll be honest, i didn’t really like it. the script and what he offered me to play, we parted amicably, then - i even auditioned, photo tests were done for bender, yes, but either i was too young or something, in general, i didn’t pass, actually play leonid konevsky did not
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intend to become bandits, he was a boy from an intelligent family, he studied well, he obeyed his mother and father , his older brother shurik. i didn’t even think about the big stage, i dreamed of being a teacher, in general, i grew up as a homely and rather plump boy, when we sat down at the table, two were terrible gluttons, which means gradually, all the food, all the drinks came to us, we were called a mass grave, all this disappeared, in the yard the plump boy was often offended by local hooligans, but leonid i didn’t tolerate the bullying for long and went to join a sports club.
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nedokonevsky has remained this way since childhood forever, no matter where the actor is, he always finds time to take care of his body, for example, his favorite sports grounds in israel, where he visits, but still doesn’t forget about physical education. i study in israel and here in moscow. sorry, i’m wearing a jacket, it’s awkward, i’m in the gym, i need to be in shape, but i have a performance today, so i just don’t have time to work out today. i just came to get inspired before the performance, i usually start with bicycles, and then smoothly move on to the apparatus, so what to drive, well, come on, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this
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is the gym, konevsky’s physical form is the envy of anyone.
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shtepsi was traveling in a taxi, tarapunka hitched a ride and got a free ride, that is , the popularity of these people was absolutely crazy alexander... immediately drew attention to the young beauty anya, the daughter of efim berezin, who played shtepsel. then anya grew up, i said, anya, i really like you, but i’m married, but i won’t let you out of the family, i’ll give you to my brother. lenya has arrived, i say, let’s go, i’ll introduce you to him. konevsky fell in love immediately, but was embarrassed to start courting the girl. anya was only 18, and he was 28. she is a beautiful daughter famous throughout the country, stepsel, lives like cheese in butter, and he, not only is not olen delon, but has not a penny to his name, lived in a hostel,
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there were no unknown theater roles or film roles, but feelings turned out to be stronger than all fears , who said that cats don’t like to swim, sit down, i’m brushing my teeth, he’s near the water, washing the dishes, he’s there, mom! look, spend more time on your real life, tesha herself, you know, she teaches me a lot, i think she gave me more than i gave her, so he learned to play guitar and quickly began to learn to play the blinds, dear viewers , there is a sensation in our program, we will show you the only georgian bulldog in the world, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first. stearsman bourbon
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is a product of the stellor group. konevsky began to carefully look after anechka, traveled to see her from moscow to kiev regularly, took her to all his premieres, including... the diamond hand, and was aware of all the events in her personal life, it was a very long process of conquest, because that we met and were just friends for some time, talked, i i had my finger on the pulse, she also had her finger on the pulse, she knew about all my trips, about everyone ’s hobbies and... we met in moscow, then in kiev. such courtship lasted more than 8 years; leonid konevsky decided to propose only
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after he received a cooperative one-room apartment. and after the whole country saw the investigation, experts are conducting it. is there a serious unsolved crime? leonid decided with such a dowry, and they will not refuse him. it was already 70 - what is it really, that's because we we walked towards each other for so long, both before the wedding
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and after the wedding, to today’s moment that we understand each other very much, and we try not to upset, not to mention hide in ourselves, but at least somehow decide together what -things that might be difficult for one person, this is really their... cosmic gift, to accept each other, and to see each other’s shortcomings, to be very happy for each other for any victories accomplishments, in general, always be supported in acceptance. in leonid's family konevsky there were no actors. dad is a technologist, mother is an economist, older brother is a writer. therefore, when the youngest announced after school that he would go to study as an actor in moscow, only his mother took this seriously. she said, you
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won’t live and won’t live at all, i say, why? we'll rent a corner for you, it was such a long room in a small communal apartment, where there were 11 rooms and 50 neighbors, antonina bronislavovna had such a long room at my hostess, i entered on the left there was a sofa, and then there was a curtain, where she lived, and i lived right here... although there was a sofa here, there was a chair here, that’s all. so, i lived four happy years as a student at the shchukin theater school. now i’m driving along gugolevsky boulevard and i say: a historical place. during his years of study, konevsky, like all students, of course, dreamed of heroic, positive characters, but very quickly realized that with his appearance one could not count on such roles. the first character he was offered to play on screen was,
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to put it mildly, specific to me - i was offered the role of an episode, a small episode, of the head of a general store in a belarusian village, and i was a little confused and said, knights, boris vladimovich knights was the director, i say, boris vladimovich, and as you imagine, the head of a general store in a belarusian village with my face, he says, he thought, he says, it’s okay, he settled here after the war, why, like what? well, that's it. and so i was approved for this episode. however, konevsky was not particularly complex; he simply accepted this fact as a given. no, he had no complexes. some people have complexes, people who are losers, envious people, he has never envied anyone. but after the tiny role of the head of the general store, konevsky immediately got another role, a very noticeable character from a children's fairy tale. today we will arrest all
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those with a lisp. this film and this fairy tale, and what is typical, i shot this film, it’s wonderful, i adored playing the chief of the secret police there, i don’t trust people or ears, i only believe denunciations, denunciations, denunciations, i don’t know if it was after this role, but just probably, judging by they began to offer me individuality mainly... a negative role, i am good, yes, as is easy to understand, he is not schwarzenegger, he is not a jock with a huge two-meter figure, with bulging muscles, he does not have what is now commonly called a macho face, nothing like that, well, he’s just appearing, he’s just appearing, i already want
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to talk to him. even though i’m already starting to smile, he wants to tell me, lyonka, hello, how good it is that i met you completely sincerely, even if we didn’t know each other so much, we got ready, here in a relationship with female, the actor’s specific appearance did not interfere at all, well, first of all, a burning eye, where today will you see such a burning eye on a man, it went out even before the man approached. to himself, he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence. so, during the filming of the famous film dartagne and the trimusketeer, where the actor played a small role as constance’s husband. he enjoyed no less success with women than his fellow musketeers. i used it, yes, i did, he’s a married man, so what am i going to compromise, but
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he used it himself. i paid attention to women and took advantage of them, i certainly did, but god, it’s not a matter of appearance, it’s a matter of charisma, it was because of constance that i ended up here and suffered so much, valya smernitsky, my friend and colleague for a century, that i and i’ll argue with him, i don’t know, he knows better from the outside, i don’t know, all the women were crazy about him, it’s interesting that for the role of the haberdasher banasier... konevsky was invited in the midst of filming the legendary series: the investigation is being conducted by experts. the director was not stopped by the fact that for several for years, the whole country has perceived konevsky as nothing other than a positive hero, major tomin. moreover, leonid was already on the list of artists whom film authorities categorically did not recommend filming in negative roles. i was told that yudgor khelkevich, a wonderful director, yura, and so was also on the hot council. he says, you
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know, i don’t recommend konevsky, vanasien, what is it, you know, he says, but i need him, he suits me, well, at your discretion, i acted in three. the fact that he evokes such sympathy that even if he will play a killer, then the viewer will feel somehow awkward, because the killer is very cute. during the filming of the series about experts, konevsky was not afraid to play another negative character. in 1984, in a duet with leonid...
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why should they do this, if it works, why change it, why change the salad recipe, if it already works like that, they will still eat olivier, why? but in leonid’s theater kitchen the choice was not limited to one olevier, the actor did not have a bright mark of one role, everyone plays here, at konevsky in linkom and in the theater on malaya bronnaya, where he served, many typical characters were present. sometimes it got to the point of being funny, so in the play the indictment of experts, konevsky and martynyuk got the roles of prisoners. at first, the audience couldn’t understand anything at all; after the heroes appeared on stage,
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there was wild laughter in the hall for several minutes. i also took part in this play, which means, yes, morttanuk and i played just one role in turn, so we this thing happened in a prison there and so on, well, yes, it caused a storm. the reaction of the audience, of course, in general, of course, this bothered them a little, well, lenya was also saved by the fact that he is like that, he has such a specific appearance, he is a sharp-willed actor, so after all, there were some roles for him in the series the investigation is being conducted by experts; leonid konevsky acted in film from 1971 to 2003.
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many actors who are recognized by one role complain about this, but we must give konevsky his due, neither during filming nor after, the actor never denied his tomin, even today he has his cell phone there is a famous melody on the phone from experts, they are calling me, it is my friend, zhenya margules, he said you should have a call so that he...
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good afternoon, colonel tomin! according to the new version, tomin is already a deeply married man, has a son, serves as a colonel in interpol and permanently lives in france in the city of leon. the legendary znamensky remained a babe. but instead of the charming zinochka kibrit, a new female image appeared in the cinema. hello, gentlemen officers. tatyana aleksandrovna kitayeva, alexander nikolaevich tomin, the legendary tomin, according to zinaida yanovna, i can say, her student. actress lydia velizheva took this place because
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elsa leshday passed away a few months before the start of new filming. that series somehow brought them together, somehow invisible. we just had to solve a problem that was the same for everyone, look for these characters in something new in this time, and even change the dramaturgy, it... was such a wave to the departing train, that ’s partly why i feel this way about this picture, you know, the train has left, these are the characters who stand and wave their trail, but this was no longer possible, these characters already had their own separate lives, pasha, i propose to drink so that fate does not separate us for a long time. anya, she’s coming, she’s coming, we’ll be there, but fate
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had its own way, it separated them on february 13, 2014, on that day georgy martynyuk died. this loss became a personal grief for konevsky, the same as the losses of other people who, for all of us, were brilliant artists. and for... how can mironov be replaced, how can replace papanov, how can shirvint be replaced, how are there replaceable people, these are these people coming out, these are holes in the soul, in the souls in the hearts. a hereditary aristocrat and the best
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employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain. he had, of course, an exceptional gift; he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor rooseville knew what... stalin knew, and he knew almost everything thanks to kim philpe. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation, all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. from a personal archive and the true story of an outstanding
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intelligence officer. tim philby, secret war. today is the first one. to israel in the early nineties, at the invitation of his former compatriot-director evgeniy. success. i was on this stage when i was about 17 years old, but he was old nevsky rushed, already, having fame behind him , he was far from young, 50-odd, but he was not afraid to start all over again, he even decided to learn ivit. the israeli gesher theater was bilingual. one day the performance was performed in russian, the next in ivita. my friend,
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a wonderful artist, grisha lampa, he was like that in the small armor, then he also went, we went to the gesher theater, once we played the life of m. de molière, we had a play, here we are playing a play, and we’re all standing behind the scenes , press exit, grisha is on stage and says: “oh, oh,” and moves sideways, like what was it in russian, what was it in hebrew for klabesin, he forgot how to say it in russian, what it was like in russian, these were the funny stories. konevsky’s choice of role in the israeli gesher theater was unique, that ’s where it unfolded, but that was a long time ago, i’m not there, of course, yes, the eye gave and the heart, no, thank god they didn’t throw it out of the heart. here was my rattle, but this is no longer
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my rattle, i wouldn’t hang these photographs with all due respect to this artist, this is my box, he locked it like that, imagine, now the absence is hindering proposals, because if... if there was a good offer, interesting, god willing, there will be work, we will play on this stage, great, more today...
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well, you must admit, i could not tell anyone anything, calmly bring the matter to the end , take your money, i could have, i could have, but i didn’t , i’m actually an altruist, you see, i wished you all well, i’ll drown, if you ’ve done anything good in your life, god will take care of you, i’m more for you i can’t do anything, there’s no need, it was clear that this was his role, that he was playing this very funny jewish mafia, who...
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here your ear is needed, very much, there was a small company, and we went to wonderful balaklava to eat red mullet, we were walking along the street of balaklava, suddenly a police car stops, comes out from there, that means there are two policemen who notice lionid semyonovich, they recognize it’s natural, so to speak, by what fate, we say, we ’re filming a movie in crimea, we have a day off, we want to eat red mullet. he says, come with us, they brought us to a gorgeous place, just a huge veranda, right above the sea, above the black sea, so we sat all day, we had a great snack, relaxed, told stories, some tales, with great difficulty a few hours later we left the table, in
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2018 leonid konevsky again hit the big screen, in the film of the famous somehow, in terms of mentality in relation to understanding, the quartet immediately suited us and therefore we were extremely pleased with such a coincidence and an accurate fit in general into the image of such a thing. jewish dad, son, this can’t be done, dad, i know it’s impossible, it’s you who raised me, but how it’s possible, it’s also impossible, excuse the taftology, this is tuftology, i understand that this is tuftology, but in a sense, this is pure taftology, i’m just saying,
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don’t argue with your father, he’s very bright, first of all, he was endowed by nature, his parents, with a wonderful appearance, a very bright... memorable appearance, and by the way, he practically does not change over the years, of course, such bright actors, they can make him memorable even for a small episode to all the spectators, why do you need to throw a hammer, i don’t understand why be sure to hammer, and not to the forge, uncle konstantin, never say such words out loud, a hammer is a projectile that consists of a handle, a rod. and the core, it seems to me that his potential has not been revealed, he needs to be featured more in films, in tv series, in science fiction, i’m just appealing to everyone who watches this film and will see in what wonderful form it is, it’s such a wonderful texture, even we've been on vacation for a while and
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no one calls, no one offers anything, of course his mood is spoiled because ... she was jealous of her mother, she was jealous of me, all her life for about 50 years, before going out... i always go on stage to check the props, how everything is, with what, is everything okay, so that there are no surprises, well, tell the truth,
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tell the truth , but not everything is good, everything is fine, oh-oh, great, oh, what a team, how you are all in place, right. little things like that, even how to turn this handle to make it easier to take, this is also a prop, it’s not like he walks around, he comes reliably, he grumbles, he grumbles something, he gets into the role, he grumbles, he grumbles, my eyebrows, checked, walks,
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from scratch, the next day the temperature is high again and after a day everything goes away, what is it? you analyzed the situation in the statement, so you have to spit, natalya is the only daughter of leonid konevsky, for dad she is not only a light in the window, but also a colleague. natasha is a costume designer and fashion designer. with my father in various productions on film sets, and he is very proud of her, he constantly sends me greetings from colleagues, artists
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who worked with me, he always has such pride, he makes sure that i release some new collections, then the fact that female actresses wear my dresses, in general it seems to me that, of course, everything, everything connected with the family, is a great, great joy and support for him. but the greatest joy for konevsky is his grandchildren, amalia and michael. well, amalia has become more mature, she is already practically an adult, she teaches her grandfather, she tells him how to behave correctly on social networks, she tells him that he does everything wrong, watches the wrong programs, does not know some fashionable ones bloggers, but he learns something from his grandfather, for example, to cook. relished, that's what i don't know, mugglocomli, but it's a mexican thing made from avocado, there's like avocado,
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tomatoes, a little onion and spices, it's very tasty, and amalia is also crazy about her grandfather's main accessory, an elegant tie, she took from her grandfather , i really like it, i... asked for it, eat it, they found it, there are so many ties, i chose it, and i also took a tie with these little dogs and flowers, so this one is my favorite, it’s the only tie i wear. amalia appeared light in israel, in the promised land, childbirth, a family affair, so all family members are nearby when the baby is born and can see him in the first seconds of life.
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strange, almost scared, everyone around laughed and said: you’ve just seen babies before who were already a month old at best, and this is a child who is one day old. the konevskys' youngest grandson, michael. they are just over three years apart from somalia, but they act like they were born on the same day with their grandfather, especially when they play board games. we're both taurus and we both can't lose. when someone loses, no, it was a wrong move, we always look at our female team and are surprised, that’s what’s unclear, who should give in to whom , who behaves more like a child, dad or mika, here they are, they are absolutely equally angry , they fight, they argue about something, they separate, and a minute later they forget about it again, they chat beautifully, miki is 8 years old, he says, i’m
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self-taught, that is, somehow, let’s have a circle with... the internet, a computer, lenya, why do i need , i am self-taught, indeed, he is unique, he from about 3 years old it’s simple, for him the internet, for him the computer, it’s about his wife calling him at home, miki asks what to do, what to do, he says, turn it on, press this button, so, no, no, no, press this, like this, that ’s it, that’s it, everything works, thank you very much, we did it. thank you, thank you, thank you for your patience. leonid konevsky can safely say that life was a success, and bright roles, fame and success, he had and still has all this, and most importantly, he has family and friends nearby, his rear, and these roles of father, brother, husband, grandfather, friend, for konevsky the most valuable.
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! ... cat amphibian, in general my bathroom was intended for aphrodite. granddaughter of my grandmother's friend, when i was making this composition, other ideas came to me, because it can be done so that water flows and so that it is all backlit. khachipuri, food that is impossible to tell no. oh, what a piece! i would never give such a piece to my skin again. and you know, the geography of the participants in our show is truly amazing. for example, the following guests came to us from khabarovsk. let's call them before they fall asleep. but first, let's look at the video. whose are you? whose are you? you are my good one. whose are you, baby, where are you,
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where did you go? do you want to come to me? well, what are you talking about, it’s as if he was born here for this, why did you find yours. sah imat happened, olivia, vak and alpha are visiting us today, guys, come in, them family look, how did it happen, wow, as i understand it, you started this whole story, yes, well, yes, look, on this day when i found her, in principle i had no plans to go anywhere, i had a day off, but i was already generally thinking
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that i would rest that day, olivia’s brother called me and said help me out. i have a football match in the morning, he’s a football player, so i asked him to take him to the stadium there, i said, okay, i’ll stop by, i’ll go pick him up, uh, we arrived at the stadium and my father-in-law, olivi’s father, calls. he says my car is broken, come get me, i’ll go get him, on the way, a light comes on in my car, indicating that there is a malfunction, it asks for oil to be added or something, i don’t understand, on the way i decide to stop at a car shop, well, this beauty meets me, you’re just like, is she walking around the area or was she running , approached people, no one paid attention to her, i arrived, turned off the car, started to get out... the car opens the door, she’s already standing there, that’s the moment in the video where she gets insolently, i’m getting out of the car, i think now i’ll go in and ask if she’s someone’s there, well, she happens to be at the dog service holding it, so i thought, yes, this is their dog,
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goosebumps, i left it while i was walking in the car, i asked, no, this is not our dog, he says, now something is running around here, i think, okay, i’m gone, i’ll go buy some oil, i go in, there’s no oil that i need, i go downstairs, i don’t know what to do with it anymore, the most surprising thing is that the light is no longer on, the car no longer needs oil, and how long did you leave it in the word? in about a minute, probably in 10 minutes, she decided everything in general on the service, but before that you didn’t have any dogs at all, well, i had a dog, or rather, i have one, she is now lives with his parents, the maltese is small, we got her a long time ago not seriously, but in comparison with this it’s not serious, that’s for sure, yes, but throughout my childhood we had dogs since childhood. i grew up in the fact that we picked up absolutely all the animals from the street, we once had nine chicks and eight kittens at the same time, several of them had broken paws, we
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treated them ourselves, treated dogs for distemper several times, rescued them, it’s natural there ivs everything else, that is, throughout my childhood i was in contact with dogs and cats, at some point we kept two of them for ourselves, and to this day our dogs are 12... she’s too smart, yes, yes, we just planned it, when we have already decided on the housing issue, in principle, we will have our own place, olivia, tell us what she looked like for you this is the whole story, when my husband went to help, i’ve been sitting in the morning, i ordered myself
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coffee, i’m drinking it calmly, it’s my only day off, my husband calls me on a video call, although he’s only been there for 20 minutes, i’m wondering why he’s calling me via video call, either something happened or something interesting tell him, i answer him. or i need something, yes, i answer him, i have a dog sitting in front of the screen on the front seat of the car, that is, alpha herself called, yes, yes, i’m just saying, who is this? he says: this is a dog, i say, i see that this is a dog, where is she from, but she climbed up to me, i say, how could she climb up to you herself, i didn’t believe it, he says: well, i sent you a video, you look, i come in, i look, i actually climbed in myself, well, i don’t think for long, i noticed from the video that he has. and the dog is very thin, i i just don’t think for long, i say: take her to our home, we’ll look for the owners, but if we don’t find her, we’ll think about something, you wanted to give her
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a home, that’s right, that is, take her, but naturally, of course, because we live in rented housing and - in principle, if at least the owner wasn’t against animals, in general, she’s not very much for it, so... tatyana, if you ’re watching, forgive us, we did the right thing, she doesn’t know that you left her, she doesn’t know yet, yes, that her apartment will be shown on channel one, there will be, there will be a small surprise, we really ask you to go please, leave yourself alone, in general, it’s interesting to persuade someone on tv, in general, when i just found the dog, on the same day i tried there was a private sector there next to the auto shop, i thought she ran away from the private sector, but in fact. .. so it turned out, it was just the owner, who then responded a few days later, it turned out that he didn’t have an address card, yes, there was nothing, just this tightened belt, she was just in a terrible state,
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she drank, drank, drank water, she couldn't feed to get full, she ate four bowls of food in just 30 seconds, she couldn’t get enough, then the owner wasn’t very happy that it turned out to be the previous owner and he wrote to me himself in general. “hello, it was my dog, i thought so at first, well, i probably found it, but i...” i had such doubt inside, i didn’t want to give it away, because i saw what condition it was in, and he writes, well we didn’t really need her, frankly speaking, she already had several owners, everyone passed her on to each other, in general she sat on a chain, but we didn’t have much to feed her, but she loved hercules and bones, she didn’t like her, he fed her hercules with bones, as it were, that is, there’s some kind of complicated story there, and how old is a dog if it’s about a year old , she's small. he told us that
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they simply didn’t take care of the dog, they didn’t walk it, it was normal, they didn’t feed it normally, that is , there was no time at home, people went to work, they came, they forgot about the dog, from that moment on i just, i say, why you write, then, tell me, he says, well, it’s good that you you found her, you seem to like her, but i think that no one will need her, well, that’s it, from that moment on, somehow in my head i realized that the dog was already left. before getting a dog, please prepare for responsibility, or better not get one, yes, especially with this breed, the most incorrect stereotype is that there are dogs that, well, for which you don’t need to prepare, that don’t need create conditions for any one and a half dog, but there could be a robot vacuum cleaner, but it would be suitable for a dog like that. even one and a half kilogram
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you need to approach the chihuahua consciously, be sure to create all the conditions for it, otherwise, well, don’t get a dog, i agree, the alpha sits at me, paw, unisa, what kind of alpha she is, well, maybe you see those moments because of which she switched from hands, that’s what i didn’t like in the past, maybe it’s just really necessary to understand this one.
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the previous owners did not have this attention, she was somehow mischievous logically, but we even react calmly to some of her antics, we don’t scold her, we can say it’s impossible and the like, but we don’t show any aggression towards her we show it because she just warmed up more or less, because she slept for the first 2 days. i thought she felt bad, but my mother told me that don’t worry, she’s just stressed, she sleeps like that, but i constantly felt, she’s breathing, she’s not breathing, i was very worried, the only thing we noticed with her now is if we naturally, we leave home, she is under extreme stress, for the first few days she was stressed about going out for walks, she resisted and did not go, because she thought...


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