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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 13, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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worked all night trying to find survivors, at the moment the search and rescue work is completed, that's how it was, oh, horror, there is no home, oh, what a horror, a missile danger has been declared, everyone is running for cover, yours, can anyone hear us , back off. there are voices,
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voices, and a friend calls me, they send me a photo, i look into his house, i get hit, without thinking twice, just from the apartment with a bullet, who saw, who put it on, i come running, we go into the entrance, we evacuate people, the services arrive. and a fire occurs, we begin to help, extinguish, rake, debris, apartments, we we were at home, at that moment there was such a terrible explosion, i immediately got ready, ran here, because i have people close to me living here, i ran to save and help somehow, we tried to sort out the rubble within seconds, immediately in the very first seconds we were already there, i was already here. a swimming pool, a school, a kindergarten,
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a playground directly in front of the house , this is why they are hitting us at civilians, i don’t understand at all, on sunday the ukrainian monsters targeted civilians, children, among the victims, many children, the lives of two of them are now under the control of doctors, ended up in intensive care. a two-month-old baby, he has a closed craniocerebral injury, thermal burns of the face and neck, he is now being prepared for transportation to the russian children's clinical hospital, which is located in moscow. a sixteen-year-old teenager also suffered an open head injury; he is now in intensive care, doctors are doing everything to save him. well, i would like to especially note the heroism of our rescuers; at the moment of the roof collapse they tried to help everyone people, however... did not have time to dodge, three
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rescuers received injuries of varying severity, the information is being clarified, and in the armed forces of ukraine they are already following their favorite, proven tactics, they tried to hit the high-rise building again, they always try to hit again, precisely in at that moment, when rescuers and doctors are on the spot trying to provide assistance, getting people out from under the rubble, rescuers were forced to repeatedly interrupt the search and rescue. be careful, asked people to respect everything these measures, and he personally took part in them, he had to tell everyone that it was necessary to clear the rubble to save people. what is
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the number of victims, we don’t see a single person dead yet, but well, everything is complicated for now, once again, there is strength, there is no need to gather, here are women, children, you need to leave, if anything happens, through social networks, by going door to door, we’ll call you, you’ll come help, it’s not necessary yet, okay, we’ll get the equipment up to speed, everything will be fine. you just need to disperse, thank you very much, the vsushniki, who attacked belgorod, knew for sure that on sunday, a day off, people they are at home, with their families, they targeted residential areas, our ministry of defense told us what weapons they used to hit belgorod. while repelling the attack, russian air defense systems destroyed six u missiles, four vampire rszzo missiles and two alha rszzo missiles. fragments of
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one of the downed trc missiles. a residential building in the city of belgorod was damaged. unfortunately, all the strikes on this day hit a residential building where the entrance collapsed. ran out, hit civilian targets, footage got into the network the arrival of a ukrainian shell at the playground, they also hit the school stadium; at the moment, damage has been recorded in seventeen apartments and five apartment buildings, while three people have already died from the evening attack in soo in the city yesterday. and now we have contact with stanislav chabsky, a special correspondent for the online publication ridovka, who personally took part in clearing out the rubble on the spot. what information do you have up to this minute? at the moment we have 15 people who were caught, unfortunately dead, 17 people survived, precisely while clearing the rubble in
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an apartment building, and now at the moment the army is again trying to shell the city of belgorod, they are shooting at civilians, we have a missile danger, so we are now with... groups in a shelter, that is, right now in these belgorod is being shelled for a minute, and a missile threat has been announced there, absolutely right, there have already been about four or five explosions, the siren sounds, now we are in a shelter, but it turns out that in the last few days, these missile danger signals, they only increased, we understand correctly, there are many more of them, yes, absolutely right, yeah.
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and many residents preferred to simply go to their relatives, so everyone is in contact with the regional government, everything is under the control of the governor, yeah, what kind of help will be provided to them, maybe, well, do they need some additional help? now at a meeting of the operational headquarters the topic of helping citizens whose residential buildings is being discussed.
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division of assistance to a regime that has a very, to put it mildly, facilitated political responsibility for what he does, and state terrorism and complicity in it, and most importantly sponsorship, this, let me remind you, is a crime for which you will most likely have to answer, therefore those western politicians who unconditionally trust the ukrainian regime are either useful idiots, or accomplices, let them choose what is more interesting to them, which is why i think that in the future, of course... the conclusion, conclusion, or rather, of these incidents, documented, legally justified, with an evidence base, indicating specific names, surnames and positions and so on, this is a way out so that in the future many western actors will think, before sponsoring
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the terrorist activities that kiev is engaged in, these steps to ensure that the compilation of a list, including western officials, should already be charged, it is necessary already make a judicial decision. absolutely right, because there is enough evidence base, i wonder what military-technical goal vysushnikov directly had in delivering this blow on sunday against... civilians, great i understand that children are watching cartoons, people are having breakfast, going for a walk, making some plans, these are holidays, but here they are, are they asking for something or are they begging something from someone? well, here you need to understand that all these actions, they began, at least in the new year, after the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff brown proclaimed a new strategy, during which the concept of a war of attrition would be
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in the white light for the city already like a pretty penny on the other hand, after that they beat the very czech vampires, which, by the way, speaks of direct responsibility of the czechs and the czech leadership for these blows, because if it is possible to explain something somewhere from the point of view of the actions of the ukrainians in general, they are clearly scumbags acting as best they can, then let’s allow the participation of the czechs , which...
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uh, we need to understand the question of what to protect from, if we want from artillery, then 50-60 km, but the same point u flies up to 400, from 300 to 400 depending on the nuances, and if you take everything what they are given is the latter, then at least 350-500 km - this is the task, which in this case is a minimum task, in this case we understand that we are talking about the fact that such a state abscess as ukraine simply should not exist, yeah. again, now it’s completely incomprehensible to me how a ukrainian artilleryman, for example, can be captured at all
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; quite recently they have been captured; they also tell me that for some reason they don’t get captured, but in this case i i wish it was just an accent, yeah, but you know, mikhail, it’s interesting, but in your opinion, this is more an venting of anger, because of the failures they have suffered lately, or is it a provocation, if it is a provocation, then what is provoking it in our country? let’s do this , i think it’s neither one nor the other, i’ll even complement my colleague, the change in strategy was probably finalized in january, but the first decisions were made at the end of july 23 and on august 2 at zelensky’s headquarters, among others transfer of terrorist activity to russian territory. the goal is simple, look, friends, i actually observed a similar story for 14 years in donetsk, in lugansk, this is work against public opinion, working against the population.
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nato, where the population of the potential enemy is also a theater of military operations, that is, i think it was not a strike, in fact, on an energy facility, it was a completely targeted strike on civilians, quite specific, conscious, our further steps, our answer, in fact, it is already happening, what our colleagues talked about, of course, this strategy, committing terrorist attacks, all kinds of sabotage in the depths of our regions and so on, it is certainly will remain, but at the same time, of course, this is still an attempt to really provoke
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quite contradictory actions, because we are now seeing that our guys , groups and the north are now actively creating this buffer zone, we see that public opinion in the west, yes, they they don’t notice the terrorist attacks that ukraine does, well, simply because they themselves give the orders, but they notice 100%. which i have just now , before the broadcast, i looked at quite authoritative american newspapers and magazines there, wall street journal, washington post, they they talk about successes, they even very carefully say that... even the assistance that has been allocated is unlikely to be able to stop the actual advance of russian troops and the solution of the tasks that are assigned to them. another thing is that the more success our guys have in terms of attempts to push back the front line, to create this sanitary zone, the more for the truly ukrainian public opinion, this
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illegitimate zelensky and his gang will try to come up with something in order to at least somehow. .. give out some victories society, in this regard, by the way, is very useful, sometimes, i don’t recommend it to everyone, but sometimes you need to look at how they reacted to this terrorist attack in ukrainian public pages, there on social networks in telegrams, they celebrate there, that is, they openly talk about what, well at least something, at least like that, at least some kind of answer, in this sense, my colleague is absolutely right, the sanitary zone really should be included in general, or rather, assume so. demons must do, demons must rage, yes, but what else is there in their, i don’t know, heads, we’ll talk right after the commercial, anthony damn is making a mind-blowing tour, and there are france, and italy, and main china, when he leaves, tonight, why
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he went, what they achieved, the narrative was to tear china away from russia, the negotiations went very well... he came with a declaration of war , next time blinkin will be met by an air defense crew in china, the situation is escalating in the area of ​​taiwan and the philippines, the united states is preparing a very long-term and reckless attack on china. his ideology is about how to rule in chaos, constantly creating chaos. we are members of the g7, are determined to continue our strong support for ukraine. he goes to france and says enthusiastically how much you can do to kill caesar in order to kill these russians.
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go away, what's wrong with you, take your time, excuse me, excuse me, for god's sake, please contact alexander, you won't get tired of being on your team, although sometimes i would like, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you can have three of these, yeah, thank you, what pain pills do you need exactly... if you have stomach problems, this is a very serious question, but him, to other questions, we answer in the program to live well, tomorrow on the first, well , hello, it happened, an american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory,
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congratulations, alen, great pictures from... very valuable information, you understand that this is a shame such a day is may 1 and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy, learn to shoot down immediately, flights it must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm fifty-two, i'm ready, harry powers's aborted flight on saturday on the first. permafrost, snow,
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we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i. the ritual of cleansing the plague by fumigating the bride with smoke. here on the arctic circle in the tundra let's shout our friendly game of wedding! on sunday
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on the first! it will be hot! what where when? summer series of games from 19 may, on the first. another important news of the current day is the formation of a new cabinet of ministers. vladimir putin proposed leaving in their posts the heads of the foreign ministry, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, the fsb, the foreign intelligence service, the russian guard, the federal security service, as well as the presidential special programs directorate. today, senators will hold consultations on the candidates proposed by the president at a meeting of relevant committees; representatives of the accounts chamber are appointed by the senators themselves; they nominated three candidates, of
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which vladimir putin proposed for this post boris kovalchuk, but changes in the composition of the government will follow. vladimir putin presented the following candidacy to the federation council for discussion: andrei belousov, who previously served as first deputy prime minister, for the post of defense minister. sheigu became secretary of the security council instead of nikolai patrushev and another addition, according to dmitry peskov, valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. and this is how our president’s press secretary commented on all this news. sergey kuzhugetovich shaigu was relieved of the post of minister of defense by decree of the president of the russian federation and appointed secretary of the security council of the russian federation. andrei re' was appointed minister of defense. belousov, today the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to their implementation as quickly as possible, so it is natural that at the current stage the president
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decided that the russian ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian, and this is not just a civilian, but a man who led very successfully ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues in the previous cabinet of ministers was the first deputy chairman of the government. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to introduce all advanced ideas, to create conditions for economic competitiveness, which is precisely why the president chose the candidacy of andrei removich belousov. well, in recent years , the priority of belausov’s work has been the preservation technological sovereignty of the country, and one of the national projects that belausov personally supervised was the development of unmanned systems in russia, understanding in general the importance of this area, he personally reported. to the president about problems in this area, the production of finished drones is characterized by a low level of localization, in fact it is a large-scale assembly, the level of localization
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for different types of drones is somewhere from 10 to 30%. well , the reshuffles in our ministry of defense are naturally being watched very closely in ukraine, there too drew attention to belousov’s role in adapting to western sanctions and this is how it’s all about...
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chairman, secretary of the council , we have a new minister of defense and a new national security, sergei shaigu moved to the national security council, alexey belousov, minister of defense, explain what this means. well , look, firstly, sergei kuzhegevich shaigu, served as minister of defense since the twelfth year, this is a very long time. during this time, you will agree, the armed forces of the russian federation.
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his appointment to the position of minister of defense means only one thing: russia is really not only transitioning, it has already transitioned, but now it will develop very quickly, forming that very mobilization form of the economy that we talked about, which we discussed, but no one understood, well, many did not understand what it would be , and how it will be, here is andrei removich, he basically understands how and what it will be, moreover, he has a reputation as a person who always tells the truth, and this is very important at this stage. and this really leaves no chance that the russian economy, when we let's make peace with the west, it will return again to this state in which we were in the 2000s, no, this will not happen, belousov's appointment actually fixes
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this trend. like irrevocable, that's it, guys, now we're talking seriously, now we'll talk to you from a position of strength, that is, when you abolished international law, introduced the right of the strong, some rules, yes, well, okay, we liked it, we learned it, we we study well, here is andrei removich, in fact , he is truly a person who has recommended himself in the course of his government activities, as a person who learns very easily, quickly, and i believe that it was with my colleagues that we discussed this appointment before , with vlad, this is really... the most successful appointment of all the possible ones to do in this case, plat, many people have a question regarding the fact that the defense department will be headed by a civilian from the civilian sphere, but how can this be explained, what are we talking about then, well, you need to understand that we have very many with in soviet times, they still confuse the functionality, a long time ago, even, by the way, in soviet times, the ministers of defense, let me remind you, for example, the same
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grechka. i apologize, ustinov was never a military man, he was previously the minister of war, who was involved in the military industry, he was one of our best defense ministers, why, because the main task of the defense minister is to create the army of the future, this is not just an administrator there, how many need socks, stew here or there , buy cars now, this is a man, which must build a military-technical system, again both the army and industry, of our non-ukrainian people. so that behind it you can see the army in 5, 10, 15 years, to some extent, the real ministry of defense, the real minister of defense is the minister of the future, because he may not even see the army that he creates , simply due to the fact that many projects are laid down for years, for years to come, yes, but we are fighting here now, it is our general staff who is fighting, and it is emphasized that the chief of the general staff remains at place, that is, in our country he seems to be not subject
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to any - very carefully, imperceptibly, but he transferred our - huge state machine, which for many years lived in such a monetarist system, when money was the main measure of everything, he transferred it to the state, which has a real operating industry, and which understands perfectly well that the bread in storage, spaceships, airplanes and combines under construction are much more important than the number of figures in the accounts
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of any banks, so... this is its main thing, in my opinion, merit. well, it’s not for nothing that dmitry peskov said that today the one who is more open to innovation wins on the battlefield, which is why andrei removich now holds this position, and of course, the western media could not ignore the change of the russian minister of defense, this news spread all the main pages of the publication, we show the headlines, so if nikita sums it up, then probably the main message is that a technologically advanced person has come to the post of minister of defense. recalling the words of dmitry peskov that readiness for innovation, what can we expect from our army and the most important thing, well, not the most important thing, the most important thing for the west, probably, why do they have such a reaction, cautiously pessimistic in terms of the prospects of ukraine, i would say so, well, the most important thing is probably a big, big disappointment west is that the russian military-industrial complex is developing incredibly, and even despite
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the problems that... that in the current conditions we need renewal, we need a breakthrough and, most importantly, a strategic vision, they are very very frustrating, oh this, by the way, peskov said, in the twenty- second year, spending on the military-industrial complex of gdp was almost 3%, in the twenty- third year almost 4%, already in the twenty- fourth 6.7, that is, almost 7%, again, taking into account i have the experience that belousov has at his previous place of work, well, let’s put it this way,
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he spoke quite harshly to large capitalists, he said: guys, we need to chip in, guys, we will increase your workload, let’s force you voluntarily will you give to the needs of the state, given that we have the military-industrial complex, and there is the stanovoy ridge - this is, of course, a state-owned enterprise, but nevertheless, a huge number of private companies, all kinds of private-state stories, and so on , are in this complex, of course belousov comes for... in order for the most important goal setting was not about making a profit for people who, of course, work, of course, earn money in such a difficult period for our country, but primarily for the needs of the army, in this regard, belousov has a huge card blanche,
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can you imagine, in the current circumstances , a person, a person, is trusted by the president immediately after the triumphant elections, but in my opinion , belousy simply has no chance, the experience, truly effective, which he had as first deputy prime minister... appointed an economist as minister of defense as a result of shocking reshuffles, that is , it shocks them, for example, the terrorist attack in belgorod, which is carried out by the sushniks, does not shock them at all, because they turn a blind eye to it and try not to notice it in the world
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media, russian ambassador to washington anatoly antonov drew attention to the hypocrisy of the west, this is what he said. the reaction of american officials is a deadly blow. the armed forces of ukraine in residential areas, or rather the absence of even a hint of condolences is very eloquent. this emphasizes washington’s readiness to do everything to relieve the kiev puppets of responsibility for their atrocities. independent media ignored the fact that nazi degenerates struck belgorod about ten times a day using western weapons. weapons. at the same time, in america , they regularly talk so loudly about how they will fight terrorism, but in the fight against terrorism. america itself is directly hampered by complicity, and from the ukrainian side there are probably statements that are so familiar in their savagery that this is another provocation of russia, an attack on belgorod, and the ukrainian tsepso are now actively dispersing such posts, that allegedly we
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ourselves organized this explosion, completely complete idiots, supposedly they analyzed this video, but they, well, have enough, that means brains to analyze, but there is not enough to connect one with the other in order to somehow... come to some normal conclusion, they have their own conclusion, typically, so nazi-fascist, such manuals in the style, you yourself have been shelling donetsk for 10 years. well, in ukraine they always give up, i think that means the water is muddy, in fact, it is clearly transparent, everything is generally clear. well, the tas agency, with reference to law enforcement agencies, reports that the launch was carried out from the area of ​​the village of kazachya lopyn, kharkov. area that's what this is known. the exact launch point of the ukrainian missile in belgorod, due to the impact that collapsed the entrance of a residential building, has been established. this is cossack lopan, kharkov region. tas was informed about this by law enforcement
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agencies. cossack lopan is located less than 5 km from the russian border. from this ukrainian village to shchorsa street in belgorod, where the entrance to a ten-story building collapsed, it is less than 50 km in a straight line. happened this weekend. another important event, in general, when we were preparing today’s program, we did not understand how all events can be fit into one program, there is so much going on, but we will try. our army north group began an offensive in the north of the kharkov region. from the belgorod region on saturday night, or rather even from friday saturday, this happened, it’s surprising, not surprising, even we emphasize that the ministry of defense is already openly reporting about this, and we have currently taken control of several settlements in the kharkov region, for in three days more than 160 km, the efforts of our fighters are now concentrated on volchansk, from where the dry land forces carry out terrorist attacks on belgorod and the rest along the... border. our army practically explains to the armed forces of ukraine what
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a real and not an information counter-offensive is. and even the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine admitted that the russian armed forces have tactical success in the kharkov region. they called the situation of the ukrainian militants difficult with the evening report. our media writes that a group of soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as from the terrorist units of the rdk and kraken, collected for the defense of the kharkov region was. partially destroyed by our forces, it is being discussed in ukrainian telegram channels to let them know about our upcoming offensive in the kharkov direction, but we still managed to take them by surprise, that’s what they write. our source reports that the russians were well prepared for the kharkov offensive, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine hoped to repeat the defeat of the russians, but it turned out that the russians with little force forced the armed forces of ukraine to reveal all their prepared cards with the help...
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what is happening in the kharkov direction, with we are looking forward to information. the news is very
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good, literally on the very first day we opened the enemy’s first line of defense like a knife through butter. our troops are now rapidly advancing, the enemy does not have time to retreat, a lot of people are surrendering, the vsushniki themselves say from radio interceptions that this is happening again in the 22nd year, when they simply retreat in batches of entire units or retreat. or surrender, including units of the terrorist nazi battalions kraken, rdk, they were formed to cover kharkov in the event of our offensive, but they don’t even have time to retreat, and why, what are they saying, because the prisoners are already appearing, there is footage of them, they are starting to give interviews, but well, as an interview, it would probably be more correct to give testimony when they are already prisoners, why is this happening, because personally...
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the change in our combat tactics played a very serious role, we have now completely changed the approach to offensive operations, if you see perfectly well that bridges are exploding, supply lines are being cut off, attacks are being made on the enemy’s equipment columns no the ability to both transport reserves and quickly remove their people from encircled or semi-encircled areas, so they have no choice but to flee on their own or surrender...
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but indeed we have greatly changed the approach to warfare precisely at the tactical level, that is, at earth directly, something was adopted from experience. last year before last they took something from the avdeevskaya bakhmut operation and this is yielding very effective results, which is characteristic i would also like to note that the enemy, despite in response to serious problems on the ground, fleeing troops continue to strike at belgorod, including using the remnants of their aviation;
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the downing of a ukrainian fighter has already been recorded ; recorded defeats with precision weapons. clusters of helicopters in the near rear of the enemy. our people are already in volchansk, because there is no official information yet, but some telegram channels are reporting that there have been battles in the city itself since yesterday. that's right, we are clearing the northern part of the city, continuing the offensive to the southern part, the enemy sees squeaks, retreats, they actually really panic. yes. thank you very much, sergei vorobyov, a war correspondent, was in direct contact with us from the kharkov direction. zelensky also decided to talk about what is happening in the kharkov region, in particular in volchansk. particular respect for the kharkov region. particular attention is now being paid to the kharkov region; fierce fighting continues in a significant part of our border territory. there are settlements that have actually gone from being a gray zone to becoming a combat zone.
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actions and russia is trying to gain a foothold there. in the vicinity of the city of volchanskaya, the situation is extremely difficult; the territory is under constant fire and continues to be defended.
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to defend in an open field, that is, in those positions that they have been preparing for the last weeks or months, when they say that they are poorly prepared there, this is not true, they are normally prepared and most often they are normally prepared, and normal is what it means, it means , these are full profile trenches, these are normal company battalion, support trenches there points, but this is not the defense of the surikinin line, i wanted to say, but this is not the defense of the line, there is one secret, the main secret of the surikinin line was in those who defended it, i will remind you, the moscow regiment 14:30 these were our mobilized ones.
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this is normal, we have worked out this tactics very well over the past year, that we have created a whole genre that we all know called assaults, assault units are our, so to speak, know-how, our guard, but the main thing is that the assaults are going on to where everything is already crushed, as they like to say in front, where mining is caught, where the main defense units are destroyed, where all this is dug up by artillery, where all this is under the supervision of birds, and reconnaissance and under constant cover, then we go and what on...
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i think that the west is more than , is effectively aware of what is happening, because there have long been groups of consultants there, not only american british ones, but also french and german ones. everyone who is not too lazy, as they say, is present right up to the tactical level in the armed forces of ukraine is present, i think that’s what’s happening
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exactly what was to be expected, all this is all this puffing out of the cheeks of recent months, if you do not take into account the trade with washington about the allocation of a tranche, giving a receipt that they have stabilized the defense line, that they are ready, that in 2020 go on a counter-offensive, they receive an obvious and understandable development, they have human resources... no, they are forced to maneuver with what they had, as they say, not like nz, they remove combat units from the line of contact from other areas that are less hot on the today, perhaps, yes, the most prepared, no, they simply take what is at hand, all the draconian measures, mobilizations lead to absolutely nothing and do not help them in any way, so they have an absolutely stalemate situation, they have no there are simply no forces to defend such a long line of contact, what will happen to the west?
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which they believe they received in ukraine. it’s hard not to notice that over the last literally 2 years the ukrainian leadership has surrendered to financial and industrial groups, large western ones, i don’t know, he said, groupings, not groups, but ukrainian strategic sectors, starting from the defense industry, ending there with everything that remains of industry and so on, all this has already been handed over, and this needs to be consolidated, so when they report to the boards of directors, conditional on the allocation of ukrainian ...
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kiev, with the aim of resuming the negotiation process, which is why, including turkey, says that we want to resume the istanbul negotiations, this process will last until the swiss conference. june definitely now the west will do, and in turn, ukraine will try, try to sell at a higher price, firstly, security guarantees for itself, on the other hand, the preservation of the kiev regime in one format or another, in territories controlled by the west, but what about that they are waiting for f16 and 400 million, which the americans allocated this weekend for new ones, they are waiting and most likely they will use the money, i remind you that ukraine is actually such a large-scale financial machine...
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the question is money, and america - it's clean business, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, sport works wonders, stress goes away, anxiety goes away. well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, yes, you have a pressure here, yes, there is a tension, let’s count three, one, what passions, we’ll discuss it in a cafe, is it some kind of new guy, new guy, are you starting to look into it? on strangers, it seems to me, with my lifestyle and my character, men are not suitable for me at all, we are announcing an interception plan, colleagues, what do you think, should i become blond? your honor was not damaged, you don’t love
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this is all, for your sake i’m ready to do this, even in the rain, sasha, hello, bloodhound, new episodes, look after the program time, there were only three women in hitler’s life, no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life knew hitler wanted to stay. vacant, and was motivated by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler's relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored bit by bit. yes, only one thing is truly known: all of hitler’s women attempted suicide. note that his beloved germany, due to the large love for her fuhrer, she committed suicide and died slowly in agony. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first.
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in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy. i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, such a wonderful one we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, with small steps you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible, a fashionable
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verdict, a new season, with you i,
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on saturday at the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, well, thank you guys, you won’t be given more than once, you won’t be broken, yuri ivanovich podalyaka joins our conversation, yuri ivanovich, hello, there are a lot of events, but maybe, the most important thing from a military point of view is our offensive operation in the north. can we briefly describe what is happening, and then we will move on to strategic issues. yes, you yuri ivanovich said that these 2 days, as i understand it, yesterday and today, will be very important? yes, indeed, they are very important, because after we entered the north of the kharkov region, we wedged ourselves into the depths
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of enemy-controlled territory, up to eight kilometers, and in some places we even went a little further. the enemy transferred its operational reserves here, and not only from this direction, but from other sectors of the front, yesterday i tried to counterattack in order to knock out our troops and defeat them, so yesterday quite serious stubborn battles went on all day towards the end, and the scales tipped in our direction and the enemy began to retreat under pressure from our superior forces, but nevertheless, the enemy’s reserves here are quite large, and every day new and new echelons, new battalions go there, by the way at night... on the march we caught one of the battalions in the chuguev area, inflicted a good blow on it a missile strike of up to 200 people killed and wounded, thus the battalion, not reaching the front line, was actually reduced to zero, well, although someone remained there, but these are not fighters in the near future for sure, that is, a very fierce battle, the enemy throws everything here to stabilize the front, he managed to save from the collapse of the front, nevertheless, two sectors of offensive
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operations are the kharkov sector and volchansky, very serious battles, the enemy ... assess their situation near volchansk as critical, and our troops entered north of the city and gradually moving in a southern direction, well, the most important thing here, of course, will be the forward. here the offensive, including to the rear of the kupin group, if such an order is given, well, in the kharkov sector we are moving towards the settlement of libtsy, this is the logistics center of the enemy’s defense in this sector, by taking which we will force the enemy to engage in maneuvers, well, the next in fact, the logistics route is the kharkov ring road, well, you... mentioned the word reserves several times and the enemy is really pulling them there, but where is the information that they are taking them from the yar clocks and there are certain successes there, where can the enemy take reserves and what is the situation in the yar clocks now, well, the first
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reserves were taken from the yar clocks, because well, they are closer in total, they were located in this section of the front, respectively, when they ran out of operational reserves from the operational and tactical control of kharkov, it was from the ninety-second, fifty-seventh. by the way, many of whom have already surrendered, very it is noteworthy that the krakenites, the so -called nazis , surrender very quickly into captivity, they are saving their own skin, after these reserves were, well, as if they had already ended, they really began to transfer, now in the sovyar direction, some units have already been captured, and there are information that they are even withdrawing from the kherson direction, some from the donetsk sector, there is also information that some units are being removed and sent to... i hope for slaughter, yes, that is , i know the seventeenth, the tank brigade has been removed, some of the seventy-ninth battalions, which were battered at novomikhai, were withdrawn to the rear after we took novomikhailovka, yes, that is, they were withdrawn
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to the rear to replenish combat strength, stayed there for about a week, they are now urgently loaded into echelons and they are sent to the north in order to somehow hold the front line, and even ukrainian sources say that the reinforcements that arrive here from other directions are very understaffed. reserves are gradually introduced into battle with on our side, but we still
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have enough of them in this direction about whether there will be other directions, let me keep silent for now, but we won’t discuss everything right now, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka was in direct contact with us, we have a new front in fact, it is opening now, we will follow this topic, discuss it, and be sure to tell it to our viewers now. this direction is critically important, the ukrainian country emphasizes this, zelensky himself is very nervous, so worried, in in general, we are following these events, now the word comes to the information service of the first channel, this is news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. decisions that are the most important for the country, the formation of a new cabinet, who will occupy key positions, meetings in the state duma and the federation council, what are they discussing at these moments?


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