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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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there are conditions for training, a sufficient supply of food, the house is very warm, there are no empty bottles, there was no specific smell in the house either, i can’t say that there are any signs that this is a drinking family in the house there really was a relative living there, clean, tidy, she was feeding the youngest child, there was also no reason to consider that she constituted any kind of threat. there is no question of depriving parents of parental rights, there is no threat to the life and health of children and no trouble has been established either, the information in this article is incorrect, has not been confirmed, have you ever talked at all, just well, without without reproaches, without you lecturing them, without them moralizing you , just talk about how you will be, but try it, i always tell them, treat people the way you want to be treated, look simple.
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say, this is what doesn’t suit you and how you can make it a little better, but without them changing, and you, too, i listened to you so much, she uses, drinks, and is like that, whipping, she is your daughter, well, by and large, she is the way you raised her, so work with what you have, take care of your daughter, she doesn’t have other parents, she definitely wouldn’t have come here if she didn’t care about you.
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there are a lot of things here, all sorts of suits, jackets, beautiful ones, shoes, the shared apartment is cluttered with a dump, you talked to your mother, she generally realizes what kind of dump she lives in, she doesn’t understand, she doesn’t hear, you started collecting rubbish at home 10 years ago, there's a lot there what you really need, it’s a mess, it’s rubbish, you have rubbish, you can’t live like that, your mother is sick, it’s plyushkin’s syndrome. a healthy threat from other owners, who are people, you understand that you are putting people living in this apartment under, and if a fire occurs, what will you do, now elena misaedova will come into this studio with a certain message, maybe you will at least give her a little -you’ll hear a little, good evening, there’s a big game on the air. and i am vyacheslav
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nikonov. well, dear friends, happy holidays to all, but after victory parade and victory day celebrations, very important changes took place not only in our country, but throughout the world. after this , firstly, we had a new chairman of the government, who was approved by the state duma at its meeting on may 10. then we got a new one. the composition of the government, which the state duma has already begun to appoint today, we have a new minister of defense, finally we have a new front, a special military operation, so we haven’t seen each other for only a few days, and there’s so much going on in the country truly important events have happened, but i’ll start with today’s... news from
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the state duma of the russian federation, where the composition of deputy prime ministers was approved, these are all those for whom the state duma voted not so long ago. denis valentinovich manturov, first deputy prime minister of the russian federation and deputy prime ministers, dmitrievich grigorenko, dmitry nikolaevich patrushev, alexandrovich novak.
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will be effective because everyone feels responsible to people and country, well, work on approving the composition of the government began tomorrow. will continue, candidacies for ministers of the russian federation will already be approved, there are not many, but not so few reshuffles, so let’s see what reshuffles we are planning in the government, well, mantorov, who has now become our first deputy chairman of the government, let me remind you, was minister of industry and trade, dmitry nikolaevich patrushev was minister of agriculture became deputy chairman government, and saveleev. was minister of transport, became deputy prime minister . so, the governor of the kursk region, starovoid, is submitting his nomination as minister of transport of the russian federation. anton andreevich alekhanov, governor of the kaliningrad region for the minister of industry and trade of the russian
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federation, that is, in place of mantarov. sergey evgenievich sivelev, governor of the kemorevo region of kuzbass, minister of energy of the russian federation. khabarovsk territory for the minister of sports of the russian federation, the rest of the ministers, apparently , will keep their portfolios, but tomorrow we will find out after the meeting of the state duma, in which andrei valerievich and i will also take part, and we will start early at 9:00 in the morning, and we will start early at 9:00 in the morning. we didn’t exactly start so early this year, and of course, the most significant changes, which, perhaps, had the greatest resonance, were associated with the president’s presentation of those candidates who will head the ministry of the power bloc, this is what the president represents
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federation council for consultations, and here we will note that all ministers retained their positions, with the exception of one position, the minister of defense of the russian federation, andrei removich belousov, who was the first deputy prime minister in the previous government, well, for many this all became very unexpected, andrei belosov is certainly not a military man, but i should immediately note that it is written in 1981, he graduated with honors from the faculty of economics of moscow state university, graduated.
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which today confront the armed forces as a whole and the ministry of defense in particular, because today the budget of the ministry of defense, in principle, the volume of funds that are allocated for military expenditures is very
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, very significant; probably, at the head of all this there should be a person who understands how to spend money correctly. where to direct them first and how to develop them, because andrei removich is already known as such a firm statist, a supporter of such a hard line in the economy, and he , let’s say, no one ever had any questions for him, that is . man with impeccable reputation, and today, and we, here are the people to whom the fate of our army is absolutely not indifferent, we understand that the appointment of just such a minister
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today is what is needed, times of war, times of hardship, the country is fighting, not the zone of a special military operation, and with all the embittered united west, there is no time for formalities and you know, there is no time for such...broad gestures, here we need to clearly know what we have, everyone the ruble should be spent from allocated funds on military expenses for sure as intended, and we are convinced that andrei removich is exactly the person who will do all this, my colleagues, deputies, our colleagues, my colleagues on the defense committee. that he is a man of high culture 5 years
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ago i met him at a classical music concert at the conservatory, we bowed and he is a believer and he even serves as an altar boy, it’s unlikely that he will have time now, of course, let’s listen to what dmitry peskov is the president’s press secretary spoke about the reasons for this appointment, today he is winning on the battlefield that...
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conservatory, but for me these things complement the image, because a person of broad
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culture, he is broad culture in everything, it adds this ability to a panoramic vision of the problem, and not just a narrow professional one, but here you need that too and another thing, that is, he is a high -class professional, an economist who knows how to innovate, how to integrate a very important sector of the economy, this is the activity of our military-industrial complex.
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economic cybernetics, this department of economic cybernetics at the faculty of economics, was so specific. there was more probably mathematics and cybernetics than economics, and he is so hereditary, i said an economist-cybernetics, because his father was one of the main specialists in this field in the soviet union, and let me note that he is a very systematic person, he really thinks very broad, interesting, deep, and he never...
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after all, oversaw this entire economic bloc, including the bloc associated with countering sanctions, and he really has a flair for innovation, so i was somehow with him when was chairman committee on science education in the state duma, he and i went to the same scientific institution, which was
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also involved in scientific developments, to be honest, i didn’t understand half of what they said... they didn’t talk about new physical principles and so on, he was absolutely in the subject, he was absolutely in the subject, and moreover, he not only understood and knew all of this, he knew how to apply it, and where it could be used, in this i think his quality is really shown very well there , well, not to mention the fact that he is an economist from god, so the audit of the ministry of defense will be carried out itself.
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and after-knowledge, we understand that the role of the military-industrial complex, the role of industry, is sharply increasing , because, say, the leadership of the war, it does not change, the current chief of the general staff continues to supervise operations, accordingly, now on the agenda is the issue of increasing the output of defense products, increasing the introduction of new promising technologies to provide our army and, accordingly, support for innovative projects that are now actively being developed. these are different types of drones, air, sea, ground, and well, they should accordingly allow our army to conduct combat operations more effectively, and we see the results of the work of the military industry in recent years have led to changes at the front, of course, from the appointment of belousov they expect further progress in this direction, which will allow us to decide more more serious, ambitious tasks in ukraine, i think we
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will see these results one way or another this year, and as for the situation at the front, of course... the main topic of recent days has been the offensive of the russian army in the north of the kharkov region, it was in principle expected , including by the enemy, but the very development of the operation showed that the enemy did not spend several months of preparation to repel this offensive in the best way, he was not fully prepared, now there is a serious crisis there, because it turned out that the defense line was either built incorrectly or insufficiently, the reserves were not located in the best way, this allowed the russian army to liberate more than 15 settlements, advancing in the north kharkov region, well, now the key battles will develop for leptsy for volchansk, volchansk battles are already taking place within the city, where our troops are seizing it on the flanks and , accordingly, are already conducting military operations on its territory, the enemy confirms this, of course volchansk in the coming, well, days there
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, well, for a week he will be unconditionally liberated, and accordingly our troops will be able to advance further, how deep? shelling from the territory of the kharkov region, belgorod region, well, we know, here the tragedy occurred over the weekend, the shift of the front to the south reduces the enemy’s ability to conduct terrorist attacks, and as for other areas in recent days, to put it briefly, there is progress in the rabotinsky direction... progress in the area of ​​​​rabotin and verbovoy, on the vremevsky salient our troops are leading the assault in urozhainy in staromayrsky, that is, the battles have already shifted directly to these settlements, which means our troops are in the ugledar direction. continue to put pressure on poroskovievka south of novomikhailovka in the direction of the highway konstantinovka ugledar, there is progress in krasnogorovka, the zone of control in the city itself is gradually expanding there, there is also
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progress in georgievka, there we are moving towards the western part of the village, which means in the ovdeevsky direction or ocheretina, our troops are completing the liberation of settlements adjacent to ocheretina, now the main battles will shift in the direction of kalinov, novoaleksandrovka, an offensive has also begun from semenovka further to the west, this is... in the area north of lumanskoye, there have been very serious progress, but cannot be stopped, in the artyomovsk direction our troops have achieved significant successes in the chasyar area, especially to the south of chasyar, there is also progress to the northeast, we are gradually covering the eastern part of the city from the north and south, this will allow us, not by getting involved in direct city battles, gradually force the enemy to withdraw from there, and the enemy is already actively preparing the ground, declaring that chasyar is not a very... important city, that it can be left, well, again, this is again readiness for recognition of defeat, well, on the northern ledge, our troops are conducting an offensive in the area of ​​vesely in the direction of the recess and also
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in the area of ​​​​belogorovka and sporny, in the krasnolimansky direction there are generally no changes, well, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction, our troops, entrenched in new positions, are now fighting nearby from okrainskikhovka and are also fighting for ivanovka, which is located to the west of the liberated kislovka and katlerovka, thank you. he wasn't the only one, but apparently things like this just make us push liberation of kharkov. what exactly is happening now? we'll continue after the commercial. there were only three
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women in hitler’s life; no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrer’s life. hitler wanted to remain vacant, and was motivated by the fact that his destiny was germany. how hitler's relationship with the female sex was built was subsequently restored bit by bit. yes, only one thing is truly known. that his beloved germany, because of her great love for her fuhrer , committed suicide and died slowly in agony. premiere, ordinary fascism. today is the first one. which pain pills are right for you? do you have stomach problems, this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the program live healthy,
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tomorrow on the first one, well, hello, there was a force, airplane, an american reconnaissance aircraft over our territory, congratulations, allen, great pictures , very valuable. information, you understand that it’s a shame on such a day as may 1st and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you’ll go down in history as the first flying over the soviets from south to north, the air defense system is powerless against some spy , learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. at such a height, this is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i’m fifty-two, ready to ram,
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harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday on the first, how’s the mood, great mood, oh, mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing,
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on the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t i listened, well, thank samali, guys, you can’t be given away, you can’t be broken, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first, anthony blinken makes a mind-blowing tour, and there are france and... italy and main china, when will he leave, this evening? why did you go, what did you achieve? the narrative was to tear china away from russia. the negotiations went very poorly, but he came with a declaration of war. next time blinky is an air defense crew in china. it is escalating the situation in the area of ​​taiwan and the philippines. the usa is preparing a very long-term and crazy attack on china. his ideology is about how to rule in chaos, chaos is constantly being created. we are like members.
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big game live. so, on may 10 , our troops and north groups began an offensive operation in the kharkov region. for the first 3 days the operation was
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busy. forces and equipment of units of the 125th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of volchansk, neskuchnoe, leptsy and veselaya , kharkov region. in addition, five counterattacks of ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled in the areas of glubokaya and tikhaya settlements kharkov region. enemy losses per day amounted to up to 250 military personnel, two tanks, two armored combat vehicles and 17 vehicles. the fact that the situation there for the armed forces of ukraine is quite alarming is evidenced by such
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facts as... intelligence budanov came to kharkov and is working there to neutralize the actions of russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups; they also brought a lot of military commissars there, who are now recruiting the entire local population for this purpose. to throw at the front line, the situation in the city itself is heating up, there is evacuation, empty gas stations, the population is massively buying water, food, the general
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situation. changed, andrey olyevich, how do you assess what has happened over the past three days? well, it is very important that throughout all the lines of combat contact we have another additional front, this will allow us to force the enemy to use their not so numerous reserves. there is operational information that he is removing some of the combat units from other sectors, this is very good, plus this is the movement, especially to volchansk and further there towards kupyansk, it will make it possible to cut off this ledge and significantly, firstly, shorten the line of combat contact and level it.
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to release additional forces means to move the enemy's fire weapons further from those lines - from which they can... fire at the territories of the russian federation , first of all, our belgorod hero city belgorod is truly a hero city, which today shows the whole world what it is. i would like to emphasize that here are the active the offensive actions of the north groupings, which are currently ongoing, are basically all positive. experience from the previous time of fighting during a special military operation, that is, no one storms head-on, no one goes in columns, all fire weapons, all enemy positions are clearly identified,
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effective fire damage is inflicted on identified objects and targets using all means of fire destruction from aviation with...
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we have more than a hundred prisoners, yes, in other directions they are still so actively captured they don’t give up, we have very good progress, in some areas we cover 2 and a half, three or more kilometers, 24 hours, these are practically battalion defense areas, again, which is good, there is no this crazy movement forward, come on, come on, let's go ahead, then you don't know, but what?
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cat of the russian army, so the only way out for these people is the call sign voga and
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please, welcome to captivity, this is the only way they can survive in life and then normally return to their hometown in kharkov, so whoever sees us hears us, good advice. volga, but it’s better to get away somewhere altogether and not fall into the hands of ukrainian military commissars. of course, the united states will not abandon ukraine to its fate until the last ukrainian dies. war to the last ukrainian, it remains the goal of the american leadership, well, this is actually not very hidden, this is clearly visible from the latest statements of american officials . let's listen to what secretary of state blinken said. there is no doubt that the months-long delay in approving the request for additional funding and dispatch arms to ukraine cost us dearly. we are doing everything possible to speed up
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the provision of assistance. europeans do the same. i am convinced that ukraine is capable of effectively holding the line in the east. in addition, it can continue to use the advantages achieved in the black sea, as well as threaten russian troops , including in crimea, we provide them with everything they need for this, but now is a very difficult moment: we are not going anywhere, just like more than 50 countries that support ukraine, so will continue in the future if putin thinks he can... they say that they seem to prohibit its use there, they do not prohibit anything,
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on the contrary, they only encourage it, here is information, the standard is a british publication about when they will appear in ukraine f16. the first f-16 fighters to be supplied by the west will arrive in ukraine within a few weeks, a senior military source says, the planes should be delivered by june-july, who will supply the planes source.
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that's what you're going to achieve, yes strategic defeat of russia or some kind of hold on to the remnants of the kiev regime, prevent it from completely falling apart, or you will completely switch to a terrorist war, that is, the kiev regime will become an openly terrorist regime, well , outline some kind of strategy, for now through the mouth of the national security assistant, only those were designated. aid counters, or rather counterstrategies, that by the end of the year
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a new aid package will be needed, next year another aid package, that is, this is an endless war really until the last to the last ukrainian, and from my point of view, this will ultimately result in the fact that a new aid package will be accepted, apparently again with enormous difficulties, so... this aid package has been discussed for almost six months , apparently, new aid packages will be accepted even more difficult in these conditions by the american administration, it now finds itself in such a, well, i apologize for the word, upended position, because the kiev regime is cracking, in the middle east the whole situation is simply unraveling, they are nothing they don't control. all that remains for them is to blame russia for all the troubles; if
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america doesn’t succeed, then russia is to blame, but it seems to me that the countries of the world majority will probably even agree with this, indeed, if nothing works out in america, then is to blame, putin is personally to blame, and so is the russian army, but we are not against it, apparently we will no longer make excuses, we will not make excuses, no, but there is another aspect of the problem. waste and abuse, some might
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say right now, as hundreds millions of dollars have already disappeared into various rat holes in ukraine, but no one has been held accountable. at some point, the billions of aid pouring into ukraine began to resemble the world's largest ponze scheme. one definition of this scam is a form of fraud in which profits are paid to earlier investors using funds received from later investors. but in this case , investors do not do this of their own free will; the government decides for them. who take your hard-earned money and transfer it to ukraine, or quite possibly, into criminal structures. the political struggle in the united states of america, however, has borne fruit. and although the conservative opposition in the republican house of representatives failed to block the allocation of this 95 billion aid, 61 or 62 billion for ukraine, nevertheless, in general, this did not remain without consequences, and today this part of the republican party
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raises the question of , how effectively this assistance is spent, how justified the allocation was, by the way, this huge... amount and how is the administration going to take advantage of it? yes, today there is a question about the report, today there is a question about the investigation, apparently there is reason to think that when the americans say that half of this assistance, or most of it, will remain in the united states of america, we can read between the lines, which means that a good half will be stolen, this is the situation today in the conditions of this corruption that exists... not only in kiev, but in washington, i think it is in conditions of the election campaign is becoming a major headache, especially since the american control authorities actually give numerous examples of how this aid or this is a military operation, is clearly being used for other purposes, a specific
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example can be given, albeit from another region, this is from israel, we know the last message, we are just in our transmission...
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capable of more than the military-industrial complex of all of western europe and the united states of america combined, so that's all a game with unsuitable means, goals, and of course with a predictable result, because russia is stronger, and the world has changed a lot, far from in favor of the united states, more on that after the advertisement. studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda pronishka, and from there greetings to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter
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for many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets painting. odmurtia and hello kostroma region, glad that they are sowing the fields are being cleared, i’m glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet, better than russia, maybe only russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia, we love you, get up, vacation is over, uh-huh. lord, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a single day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, excuse me, we should somehow schedule a visit, i have advantages, these are some kind of evidence, corpses, she loves it, ex-wife caused a scandal
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she screamed that she would kill them both, can you smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are mucis’ entrails, how do you like the new medical examiner? the most prominent opera recorded, well, it seems like everything was taken into account, if this is not a murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged theft, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, it’s not safe to be with me at all, uh, no, not i’ll take you like this, go back and get treatment, otherwise, maybe explain to me what’s going on, don’t worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, the genetic fingerprints of the killer not found, but the victim was also... pregnant, you mean? bloodhound, new episodes, watch after the program time. you carry too much responsibility for others. mine told you about this. hitler wanted
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his destiny to be germany. how they were built to remain vacant, and this was motivated by the fact that hitler’s relations with the female sex were subsequently restored bit by bit. yes, only one thing is truly known: all of hitler’s women. suicide attempts, we note that his beloved germany, because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide and died in torment slowly. premiere, ordinary fascism two. today is the first one. fashionable verdict, new season. i am with you, alexander rogov. on weekdays, at first. premiere: i love my country. on saturday, on the first.
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permafrost, snow, we are in solihard. my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region. my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region. for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur. we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm. they are called chipmunk ears. go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise your wedding will be face-first in the snow hit. nenets clothing, called malisa, is warm inside. unlike me, you don't freeze. ice table, imagine, there is not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, a cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers. goes for the bride. the oldest woman before the wedding.
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hot, what, where, when, summer series of games from may 19 on the first. antony blinken is on a mind-blowing tour, including france, italy and mainly china. when will he leave? tonight? why did you go, what did you achieve? the narrative was to tear china away from russia. the negotiations went very poorly. he came with a declaration of war. next time , blinky is the one to count. in china is escalating the situation in the area of ​​taiwan and the philippines. the united states is preparing a very long-term and reckless attack on china.
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his ideology is about how to rule in chaos, chaos is constantly being created. we, as members of the g7, are determined to continue our strong support for ukraine. he goes to france and says enthusiastically how much you can do to kill caesar in order to kill these russians. starts double down. to confrontation with russia, the losing side. at least the political one cannot self-preserve, here he is, and as if he’s shaking in the frying pan, anthony blinken with inescapable horror in his eyes, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, a big game on...
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then after the end of the cold war , the prevailing opinion among all of us that if moscow and beijing were brought into the open and free world order that we have enjoyed for so many years, they would become prosperous, strong members of that order. this might work if your management fundamentally accepts the existing system. but as soon as leaders appear who tell the population that the system does not allow the country to grow, does not allow it to take its rightful place, that it has a territorial definition of greatness, that the system. is aimed at economic, political or military coercion, all this is contrary to our order, then our policy must
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change, how interesting, i, i think that...
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sees that this is serious, and not vomiting, but it will be, here we have lived to the point where gradually, gradually we are out of this octopus crawled out, broke free, they, and what does nuland’s words mean that our policy must change is that it is an admission that pressure, blackmail, so to speak, well, almost forceful methods in the sense of political, economic, military, geographical, geopolitical pressure .
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got angry and said that, well, actually, we will now hear for ourselves what he proposes to do, that’s what i would say about what it’s like to fight an enemy who wants to kill you, your family, why we dropped two nuclear bombs on jeroshima and nagasaki, to to end a war we couldn't afford to lose. you don't fully understand what israel is facing, they are facing iran, which received $80 billion in aid, when trump left office, they were exporting under 300 barrels of oil. per day, now this figure is 1,300,000 per day. biden enriched them, they use this money to kill all the jews. when, after pearl harbor, we were faced with the threat of destruction of our nation and fought against the germans and japanese, we decided to end the war by dropping nuclear bombs on jeroshima on gossaki. was this normal for us? for me, it was normal. and it would also be normal for israel to do everything to survive as
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a jewish state. give israel the bombs they need to end the war. his attempt and his policy have always been one and simple: to press, press and press, maybe something will come of it, and although at present it is clear that this is completely reaching a dead end, moreover, it even contradicts the national interests of the united states states of america, but nevertheless linzy thunder still pushes this line, i think. that there may actually be a more complex game taking place here, consisting in the fact that grant may actually be counting on the fact that maybe in january 25 there will be a changing of the guard in america, and he is generally known as a trump supporter, and he can thus influence trump so that this policy towards russia remains tough and uncompromising, but i think that in
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any case today we must... clearly so to say that this kind of rhetoric in america in the broad sense of the word, at least in the republican party, does not find much response, this must also be understood, god willing, because we are talking about a nuclear war against iran, which can also to become a nuclear power in this case, and this will not seem like much to anyone, but the world has really changed, the position of the united states is clearly weakening, an interesting idea was expressed by well-known... well-known jay shankar, who is the minister of foreign affairs of india. let's get it let's listen. us dominance since the end of the cold war has now come to an end. the united states still remains the leading power in the world, but it can be said that for a number of reasons the gap between the group of catching up powers and the united states has become much smaller than before. in addition, the united states itself has changed its position towards
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the world. in my opinion, unlike those times, there are many problems today. well, on the part of india , this is generally a strong statement, this is a very strong statement, because the leadership of india. and modi, the prime minister, here is the minister foreign affairs, they are, in principle , focused on trying to cooperate with the united states, they do not give up these attempts, the only thing they do is focus on building cooperation as rationally and pragmatically as possible in their own interests, and not just to be american vassals like european ones, but still it seems to me that they underestimate what the americans actually... think, and it was victoria who said that we need such rulers in other countries who will work for ours world order, and if you want the american world order to work for your people, forget about it,
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we don’t need such leaders, i think that’s what her quote was about, her quote yes, here’s jemhak’s quote, that it’s more radical , than everything that we have done most radically in recent years, he simply denies the americans the right to leadership. are developing and not only with india, but we must understand that india is one of the largest growing economies in the world; today , in general, it is the vector of this economic drive moves.
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“you have to act in the interests of your people, and not be a vassal of someone who doesn’t know, well , really a vassal of someone who doesn’t know, because what is the west now, we’ve all seen
6:00 pm
a lot of footage from the eurovision contest, but this is this devilry, this is lgbt devilry, this in fact, this is the west, the great freedom fighters in europe would be rolling over in their graves.” and the great civilizations are for something else, not for us, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 22:55, no skip it. hello, there is evening news on channel one. candidate for the post of minister of defense andrei belousov met with senators, the federation council and the state duma are today discussing who will occupy key positions in the new one.


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