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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  May 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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you can often hear that we had russian neighbors, that they were very well-mannered, they were very kind to us, look at the label, all this was produced by russian factories here in harbin at the beginning of the 20th century. furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, many photographs and documents of that bygone era are carefully preserved today by the indigenous people of khorbin, mr. idze shows a wedding photo of his parents in 1946, they postponed the celebration, waited for the soviet troops in... nazi germany to help liberate harbin. japanese occupiers they showed inhuman cruelty, performed medical experiments on local residents, and brutally tortured thousands of people. the soviet army defeated the japanese. in harbin, peace has finally come, people have been waiting for liberation, the chinese people will never forget this. therefore, in the central square of harbin there is a monument to the red army soldiers and the words “eternal memory of the dead, engraved in granite in two languages.” natalya lyublinskaya, sergey
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shilin, anastasia slobodenyuk and nika vishnyakova, channel one, harbin, china. well, this is all the second half of the week, but half an hour ago vladimir putin approved the composition of the government. prime minister mikhail mishustin, his first deputy denis mantorov, nine deputy prime ministers and 21 ministers. the heads of the fsb, svr and the russian guard have also been appointed. this time, for the first time, a new constitutional procedure was used with consultations on the power bloc in the federation council on the candidate. from the president and approvals in the state duma on other personalities. and today vladimir putin is expected to meet with the new cabinet, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. news on the first. now it's movie time. bloodhound - new series.
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please, thank you, what a delicious coffee, i understand, no, really, really, sash. vanya, when you lie, you know, with your left hand you touch your left eyebrow like that, seriously, uh-huh, but i didn’t notice, yes, well, the coffee is really freezing, i use it in my book, great, i’ll start writing it myself soon, i there is no need for competition, but i won’t have competition, mash, what should i do today, tell me, i can’t live without work. misha,
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i took petya for the day off, i promised him a long time ago, listen, you have the most wonderful thing now time, free, do what you want, that's what you want, death occurred approximately 10-12 hours ago, as a result of a wound inflicted in the heart area, presumably on a living person, in order to drink natural drink. it ended in a knife fight, i ’ve seen this 100 times, but for you to end up tasting exotic fruits, and even in a luxury room, greetings, colonel, i wish you good health, here is nina petrovna chernova, 30 years old, local, judging by her passport, registered in the private sector , as you can see, there was more than one in the room, yes, and the booklet says that they have here it was a romantic date, a nice date, okay, let’s get to work.
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this is alexandra. good morning, am i stopping you? no, alexandra ivanovna, i’m going to work. i provide consultations for families of former convicts. did something happen to you? no, no, everything is fine with me, i’m sitting on sick leave, i don’t know, i don’t know where to go, where
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to apply myself. oh, vacationer syndrome, and you know how to manage sudden free time. that's it, that's it, that's exactly what you noticed right now. today i here all day, let's meet tomorrow, chat, tomorrow, okay, let's, of course, tomorrow, great, but in the meantime, some express advice for you, the best way to relax is to take care of yourself, go for a massage, it helps a lot, get a massage, unexpected suggestion, i'll try, self-care is important. who booked number 209? the deluxe room is registered to chernova a.v., i might not have specified, i remember him, that he was somehow different from the other guests? well, when a seemingly ordinary person books
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an expensive room, they ask him to decorate his fruit, there was champagne, i booked a table at the restaurant, you’ll remember this, some kind of celebration was planned, he said ten years of marriage.
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well, i’m sorry, i mean, i’m sorry, arkady yakovich, i didn’t intend to get in your way, much less question your authority, and i just walked. no one has seen him since last night, but there is a camera at the entrance, we’ll find out, well, find out, there is, do you have another question, no, no, hiv, i’m eliminating myself, no questions, absolutely none, sorry.
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oh, you scared me, but did you write down today, wait, here it is, it’s chernov, for sure, yes, that’s right, that’s right, i say, he ran away at 5:00 in the morning, bitch, they shot through his husband, the man turned out to have an interesting fate, he was in prison for petty theft. six months ago he was released, he was characterized, by the way, as explosive, so, you need to go home to him, call alkhovsky, let him give the go-ahead, thank you, personally
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, i just don’t have anything, but i don’t have anything. way out, if you sit quietly, then everything is fine, but if not, if you will. twitch, well, you understand, really, ready, and move, police, i’m upstairs, the kitchen is clean. the bathroom is clean, i have none too, try you can’t trample down the tracks, what’s the blood? it looks like that,
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i’ll check, i’ll look downstairs, come on, it seems like we have something interesting, here, look, yeah. so, it’s already shiny, washed out, of course, 100%, yes, nothing, orientation in the area, let’s throw it, doesn’t run for a long time, that’s what it is, it looks like a case from a nail gun, somehow i don’t see it here, why is it he needed to be on the run, he decided to join the repair team, what? you also think that it was i who killed nina, but i did everything as you
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told me, but the merlux with petals grew, dinner by candlelight, i gave her a ring, i couldn’t kill her, and you know that i wanted to save the family, that i wanted to start all over again. but i don’t remember anything, i don’t remember anything, i don’t remember anything, and if it’s me, you’re also to blame, because you asked me to arrange all this, you arranged it, so what?
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“tell me, i don’t only work with ex-prisoners, it’s true, you also conduct your talks with the cops, but get me out of this shit, either you prove that i’m not guilty, or you and i are taken out of here , i have nothing to lose." who is this sashaka? she's from the police. well hello, what happened? samoletnikich, american reconnaissance officer, over our territory.
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the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible. a ram at such a height is certain death. if you were a pilot, what would you do? i was one hundred and two. taranu is ready. harry powers's aborted flight on saturday on the first.
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i’m proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, it is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. all his life he called himself a simple vyadsky peasant. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunshine. none. returns to travel as the same person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one, big family, how is the mood, class, mood, my mariupol, like a seagull with with a damaged wing, here their uniform was thrown,
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that is, mostly to the surface, they came out out of shape, the guys will work on... returning home, on saturday on the first, he forbade me to swim, but i didn’t listen, well, eternal permafrost, snow, we are in salikhard,
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my name is ma, i am from the yamal region, my name is, me too. for our bride we prepared a frog made of deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you will hit your wedding face in the snow, nenets clothes, it’s called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you don’t freeze, ice table, imagine, there’s not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry, it’s in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers. goes for the bride, before the wedding, the oldest woman in the family performed a ritual of cleansing the plague by fumigating the bride with smoke, here in the arctic circle in the tundra we will shout out our friendly play at the wedding, on sunday on the first. “it will be
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hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, you have a strong tension in your shoulders, you are carrying too much load responsibility for others, my shoulders told you about this, yes, it is so, the body can say a lot." people, our potolaganatum thinks so, sorry, this is professional, i advise you not to answer, now you have time for yourself, time for yourself, excuse me, i’ll answer anyway, just for a second, i’ll just tell them to call me
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back, now... wait, what happened? they told me that you are the best. do you know what you need? , diligent and beneficial. there is a situation here, i know that i am not guilty, and you. this must be proven. you have 24 hours to do this. don't let us down. yes. wait, wait, excuse me, excuse me, the massage is over, excuse me, excuse me, ilya, please look who’s
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calling, alexandra ivanovna, vacation. nitsa can’t sit quietly, answer, comrade colonel, say, you’re on speakerphone, morat is nearby, hello, morad, bad news, what happened, lena was taken hostage, what kind of hostages, i don’t know anything yet, i know that they are there, in her consultation, i'm going there, tell the authorities, tell the guys that i'm waiting for them there, wait, sasha, you talked to lena, she’s fine, she’s just very tired, don’t worry. everything will be fine, we will get her out of there, i will do everything possible, i promise you, i think i know who it is.
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what a life? you just get out of the shit again, again there, and most importantly, how? why don't i do anything... maybe this is a state of passion? what? affect, an emotional process of an explosive nature, can cause short-term amnesia? call what? short-term memory loss. affect is a mitigating circumstance for the court. what court? are you stupid, or what? what court? i couldn't kill her. because i survived in the zone for her sake, i was ready for anything, for anything, i understand, i understand, everything, you don’t understand a damn thing, psychologist, what kind of psychologist are you,
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probably not a very good one, i really hope that your friend can handle it, really, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it. she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, she can handle it, otherwise i’ll shoot your stupid head off, arkady yakovich, they open the roof of the building for us, on the contrary, there’s a better view from there, forward, here’s the turat. his wife is not enough for him, how is he ended up with lena, maybe he went to her for consultations and knew that she was working with the police, what he wants is money, no, not money,
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he believes that he is not guilty, he wants us to find the killer, just for now the evidence is all against him, we need to call a sniper, a sniper, and if he manages to pull the trigger, this device, it breaks through concrete walls, and you propose to wait until he shoots himself, no, we can’t wait, first we need to distract him . alexander, i dare to remind you that you are here unofficially and are not an expert in hostage. any news? no news yet, but soon . when there is news, then call, you know the conditions, there will be no negotiations, understand, i can’t do my job until i ’m sure that the hostage is okay,
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he lowered his hand, let lena say that everything is fine with her okay, he will say that everything is fine, everything is fine, len, how are you, he didn’t do anything to you. killed, but nevertheless, you will have to let lena go, you do your job, do it,
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and i am responsible for my words, sorry, i lost my temper. "i understand, i understand everything. so, gentlemen, we don’t have time, we have to get together, let’s list by facts what we have for it, quickly. regarding the neighbors' questions, things weren't going well for chernov after serving time, he couldn't find a job, his wife promised to file for divorce, so he started, correctly, talking to a psychologist, but it seemed like it didn't help him much, and he slapped his wife with domestic violence, they're driving her away, so as to stall for time, but we won’t stall.” “it’s time to discuss the assault plan with the cathedral, if he wanted to kill lena, he would have already done it, he expects help from us, and we must provide provide him with evidence of either guilt or
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innocence. okay, let's split up!" alexander ivanov beryukov, you have a hotel, a survey of witnesses, a camera, markov, you are working with messengers and calls from the dead, yes, oleg dmitrovich, and you and i are discussing the plan for the assault, well, wait, the assault, but this, but this an extreme measure, of course, mara orovilivich, just in the future, please keep yourself in control, that’s it, let’s work, we’ve been martyred, everything will be fine, everything will be fine with her, i promise you, maybe you’ll give me a drink. maybe
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you’ll untie your hands. your hands, thank you, ok, if you are my hands, i can try to become your head. already, you understand that amnesia is not total, your subconscious mind stores all the information, you just need to pull it out, we can try, remember everything, well, at least the most important thing, that’s what you want, let’s leave the stove, on
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your wedding anniversary you arranged... a romantic evening, yes, i rented a luxury room , booked a table in a restaurant, here they sat, made an order, champagne, light snacks, well, nothing special, then what happened next, then he gave me a sign, we have it was an agreement with him that i would bring out a special dish, a special dish, what is this? very tasty, yes, cuisine, what we need, something else, we won’t burst, lord, lyoshka, what is this, ring, ring, yes, beautiful, i thought it was even antique, but he didn’t seem to be an aesthete, he thought, wow , looks are deceiving,
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there are some rings on her... i don’t remember, at first everything was even great, she liked the ring so much, she smiled, and i remember telling her that now everything will be different with us, like normal people people, and nina, and nina’s phone rang, oh, what a bad time, what are you doing, i tell her, answer, she got all changed and... started hiding it in her bag, why are you getting away, answer, then, why so, i’m in the way, please don’t start, stop, who’s there, vadik, this is for work, as i
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understand it. i saw this vadik, he gave her a lift once, he’s a slick guy, and i felt so unpleasant, well, i, i drove away these thoughts, listen, well , she couldn’t exchange me for this chushpan, but she couldn’t? why is he calling you at 9:00 pm for work, please, everyone is already looking at us, but i don’t care, then i you have a suite, a ring, that’s all, and you have a vadik as a backup option, but look at me, where are you going, where are you going? you will never change,
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lesh, never. well, when the woman left, he finished the champagne, then ordered 200 vodka, then another 200, yes, he came over, that’s it, shoved the money, demanded a chanson, tell me, he went somewhere from the restaurant, but no, he sat, drank vodka, he felt bad it was, yes, i loved her, you see, i understand, it’s very painful when a loved one lies to you, for her sake i was ready to do anything, anything... oh, what are you doing with your talking?
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destroying what's going on there? the window has been broken, he is losing control, we need to prepare for a storm.
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with trump, changed tactics and brought up arguments in which trump can say that he is a diplomatic and military genius who put an end to this war, he is a fraud, and this is his main quality. cameron is going on a whole tour of asian countries, they need new countries that they would like to exploit. cameron is now acting as a battering ram for additional fueling. conflicts. russia is the enemy. we stand up enemy to prevent his advance. gentlemen, you and i will not fight with machine guns in the trenches. that's why we're starting tactical nuclear weapons exercises. david cameron is a dear liar. dolls
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of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, how long chernov was in the restaurant, somewhere now, then he had too much, the security guard... it came to mingle, well, he was taken to his room, clearly, thank you, you helped us a lot, please alexandra ivanovna, i found witnesses from the guests, he saw nina chernova arguing with some man near the second building, but this is not her husband according to the description, this is
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already interesting, i received chernova’s call billing, the last incoming one was from vadim zykov, this is her work colleague, and the call was while she was in the restaurant, yes, that’s it, in general, judging by the call history, they contacted quite often, i checked the messengers. so you didn’t clear up all the correspondence with vadim, you want to say that she had a relationship, perhaps it was he who came to her, so, ilya, talk to the guests, vacationers usually take a lot of photographs, collect everything that they took, maybe something got into the frame, vasilyevich, get me this vadim, even from underground. everyone is ready, that’s right, everyone is in position, we are waiting for
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the go-ahead, aleksand has slept at home, you can explain what is happening here, why they brought me here, a familiar place, and vladim sergeevich. you were here yesterday with chernova, nina petrovna, you were, and what is it forbidden, no, no, of course, under no circumstances, but imagine for yourself, you are here, your husband is right here next to you. in advance, such a delicate situation, don’t you think, tell me, did you have a relationship with nena, did you know that she was married? yes, i knew, didn’t it bother you? i was embarrassed, but i couldn’t do anything. did you offer her a divorce? proposed, she immediately dismissed this option, she said: how will i look my husband in the eye when he leaves the zone. you say, did you meet with nina after... “her husband left the zone, yes, he kept hoping he would understand
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that it’s better with me than with him, apparently she didn’t i understood, but no, on the contrary, this one didn’t work for her, he drank, then he started taking friends with the crowd, and nina, her heart ached, that everything was upside down with my husband, so i was rushing, now to him, then to me, tell me , how did you find out that they were planning a romantic dinner, heard her conversation, stayed on the phone in the office all day, thought about doing your business, whatever you want, but in the evening you didn’t go to magata, in the evening you didn’t go to magata, you came here, you wanted talk to her, they called her, she didn’t answer, you entered the territory and yes, nina was crying here, i cried, you see, i don’t understand, if you feel bad, yes, why live out of a feeling of guilt for a long time, why, why suffer, for what? that ’s all, but you didn’t think that maybe she just loved him, so she
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answered me the same thing, she answered you the same thing, you got angry, followed her into the room, hit her with a knife, i with a knife, oh my god, what about nina? nina chernova was stabbed to death in her room yesterday between 10 and 11 o'clock in the evening, and where were you at that time? i, i called my ex- girlfriend, i spent the whole night with her, i i didn’t killed, i knocked out with a wedge-wedge, second, what’s the matter, what’s going on, why the hitch, there’s movement at the entrance, the sniper is leading the object, we’re waiting for a command, it’s the husband, can we talk? well , please, maybe he has news, he’s also from the police.
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chemnov, marat, what the hell? cherno, can you hear me? let's trade lena for me, i'm without a weapon, just wait! marad, are you a man or not, open up, you just call him out, what are you doing, you want to check whether i’m a man or not, it was a warning shot, and now every hour i’ll shoot her in the one part of the body, if there is no result, time has passed, quiet, quiet, quiet. “barad,
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if i were you, i would also use all the options, but i checked, vadim zykov was really with the woman until the morning, so when he left the hotel, half an hour later, 10 pm, that is, he could well have had time to kill chernova, then go to this friend of mine, no, i couldn’t, 22:05, nina was still alive, so she was in one of the photos in the back, what time is the guard?” "so, judging by the receipt, he paid 21.50, that is, it turns out he was in the room 15 minutes earlier than his wife, he kept us skidding all this time, well, we kept our promise, now it’s up to him, we’re going, that’s it, we can’t wait any longer. we need him
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to move away from her, elena nikolaevna, dear, help us, that you can really shoot, you doubt it, what if it’s really you? you don’t remember anything at all, you’re about to cripple me, you’re sure that it’s worth taking a sin on your soul, you’re sure that you’re innocent, shut up if you got caught in the room. they just couldn’t stand it, they grabbed a knife and couldn’t cope with emotions, i'll shoot now, shoot, shoot, if this makes you feel better, let's shoot, that's it, he
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moved away from her, assault group, readiness number one, stop, stop, just say that... there is a reason , yes, did you find anything? we have established that your wife returned to the room after 10 pm. at that time there was a person in the room, who? alexey viktorovich, you promised to let lena go, even if you don’t like the truth. 15 minutes before nina arrived, the guards brought you to your room, and you were there until 5 am. you understand what this means. i couldn’t,
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i couldn’t explain, i couldn’t convince nena, that ’s it, he’s open, a minute, give him a minute, i ask you, one minute. this is a hostage, everyone should lie down, a specialist is working on us, lie down on the floor, don’t twitch, i didn’t kill, i didn’t kill.
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she’s sleeping, she’s strong, you too, you know, today for the first time in my life i understood what it means to feel when nothing depends on you, as if someone up there is sitting and deciding whether to ruin your life or have mercy on you, yes. i don’t know about you, sasha, mara orovilich and i need to support the nervous system, or you can just marat, come on, marat, what
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is this, it’s already creeping in, my signature recipe for emergencies, tincture. well, i think this is evidence for the prosecutor. that's enough, we can transfer the case to the court, is that right, alexander ivanovna, is something bothering you? yes, i don’t understand, is this some kind of nonsense? what's the point of killing your wife, taking lena hostage, demanding the truth if you yourself know that you are guilty? he doesn't remember anything. len, why did you come? elena nikolaevna,
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you are actually entitled to leave. yes, i can’t sit at home, this draft doesn’t give me peace, i i spent so much time with him, he really doesn’t remember the moment of the murder. how can this be la? his consciousness blocked the tragedy, dissociative amnesia due to stress. let's go, is there anything that can bring his memory back? maybe another big shock. so, i think this is why we need to dance. how do you look at it, gentlemen, if we conduct an investigative experiment with chernov? that usually, with a heart, for fruit, that we cut fruit strictly according to the protocol, oleg dmitrievich, and cut the orange into rings,
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into slices, oleg mich, into slices, i understand, the knife, where maybe a knife, on the table, on the table, the window, the window was open, yes, it was open. the window is open, we are ready, well, it seems like everyone has left and is understood here, right? “call me, come in, we can
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start, fashionable verdict, new season, i’m with you, alexander rogov, on weekdays, first, listen, you’re kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife.” anxiety, i'm sorry, i'm only for an hour, a maximum of an hour and a half, well, what happened, an intruder plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you're not a coward, but you you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, you realize the moment, why would the ring fall? bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened, i'm very sorry,
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maine, interrupted flight of harry powers, on saturday, on the first. “i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, thank you so much to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, making me happy": makes the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish
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our country to be healthy, i love my country, i’m proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, like a good mood, a cool mood, my mariopol is a glorious seagull with a padded uniform,
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come to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise you’ll hit your wedding face in the snow, nenets clothes are called malitsa, it’s warm inside, unlike me you are not you’re freezing, there’s an ice table, imagine, there ’s not just ice here. here is a northern polar berry, a cranberry, it is in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers, it goes for the bride, before the wedding.
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do you remember how the guard brought you? vague!
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what were you doing in the room? remember? fell on the bed. lie down. what do you feel? they torture me. from the window this smell of barbecue, then some noise, something white, something white, the ceiling, no, no, it’s very close, nina shouts, what else do you remember, remember,
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nothing, failure. "remove it, please remove it, what to remove, in more detail, this the music, it, it hits me in the head very hard, please remove the music, it was the pianist who played very emotionally before closing, the guests even gave a standing ovation, igor vasilyevich, ask the pianist to play the music that he played before the closing of the restaurant." yes , right now, no, no, no, no,
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i was holding a knife in my hand, it was me who killed, nin, wait, you were holding a knife at the moment when this music was playing, are you sure, sure, what time was it, about 12:00 at night, alexander ivanovna, this cannot be, nina to this time was dead, wait again, we are missing something, again. you went into the room, lay down on the bed, something white, scream, nina, something, something, something white next to you, tell me where is the ring that you gave to your wife, i put it in my jacket pocket, but when we took it,
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there was no ring, what kind of ring was it? i ask you, tell me where this ring comes from? you had no job, no money, did you start stealing again? i ask you, please help me, if you don’t tell me, it’s true, i won’t be able to help you, you won’t live for the rest of your life. will you find out whether you killed your wife or not? help me, chernov gave his wife a ring, the estimated value of which is 1.5 million rubles. the report of his disappearance was received a week ago from citizen lebedeva. yes, how did she get to chernov, the night of the theft, when chernonov gave the ring to his wife,
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any visitor or employee of the restaurant could see it, anyone. drunk, you want to say that anyone could have taken the ring out of his pocket, exactly, that’s who, there were people there, someone in white, wait a minute, ilya, let’s look again... the footage in the restaurant, here the waiter, the waiter can’t leave during his shift when the room is full of people, well , there’s also a security guard in a white shirt, but he constantly flashes in all the photographs, there’s no one in white here, you’re taking pictures, yeah, in short, let’s drink to us, like we've known each other for a long time, probably 100 years, please, rewind, take a picture, yeah, in short, let's drink to us, how long have we known -
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this is not a live piano, this is a recording, a second, and a pianist in a white tailcoat, look . well, why does he need a ring? wait, where are the survey protocols? witnesses? here they are, what's the last name? pianist, video players? this is on the list of everyone who worked with lebedeva, whom she fired immediately after the theft of the ring. down, look, at the very bottom, vinnikov, grigory markovich, vocal teacher.
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yes, of course you play, grigory markovich, fantastically, which can’t be said about the rest, let’s go. we found this ring at your home,
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nina chernova’s blood is on it, you were kicked out of work because of this ring, did you recognize it when chernov gave it to his wife? no, when he got drunk, he walked around, ordered a chanson, at that moment a ring out of my pocket and fell right onto... it was a shame that i was unfairly fired, but that’s not even the point, did you hear how i play? yes, you play beautifully, but to be honest, i ’m not much of an expert in this, believe me, the experts also said so, it’s better if you’re on the course, you have a great future, what’s the end result of the regional philharmonic? corporate events, a restaurant, it always seemed to me that talent would break through, no matter what, i was also so naive, but in modern show business, money, here is your talent, you need...


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