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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 16, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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somehow life led me to baroque, also as a source - this information about european music is already more recent, but it seems to me that it is contained there, it’s not always clear about singing, it seems to me that it can be interpreted very differently when you play viola, because it’s just the way the music is written, because of how this instrument sounds, and it already has some kind of sound, that is, i can sing with different voices. this may be a controversial point, but the viola sounds a certain way and she herself reveals the essence of the boroka about alice’s youth and old age music, the fact is that this music was written by exactly the same young people who experienced the same young feelings, it was just a long time ago, now it was often applied music for i don’t know, a royal birthday there or there was a case there... combination and
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there on some big holidays, these were large orders or small orders, a salon party, and somehow people survived, hung around in this, in fact, just like now it was such a mess, but the russians are trying to prove this with example of his life, and he he feels, it seems to me, like a frilly musician and simply writes music to order, sometimes on different topics, but like for viols, for many viols, for two viols, for one viol, songs, some, well, i would say. that they are just very modern, they could, in principle, be played in a different arrangement altogether, but no, that means courtly aris, as it were, while it’s not that i’m deprived of a part of my brain, let’s say, and i only have the one that answers there for the memory of the 17th-18th century, that is, i understand what is happening in general, it’s clear that i have the whole background there, well, like what a modern person has, in principle, there’s jazz and rock and some...
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i don’t know what the name is, you, you, you, you don’t know what name. me, me, me, look into your eyes suddenly, you will know the name, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
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me me, me, me, me, me, me, me, i kiss on... the lips of the night, i kiss on the lips of the day, i kiss on the lips of the light, i kiss on the lips of the shadow, look into the eyes, suddenly you will know the name. me,
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me, me, me, me, me. me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!
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unfortunately, no matter which of his works i take up, upon completion of reading, as a reader i experience complete devastation, i lose all desire to take out paper to write, i think this happens because he is simply too tough for me, i there is no experience of being in exile, there is no frightening experience
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of being sentenced to death, and then miraculously saved a moment before the execution of the sentence, i am not yet ready to write such works with such a detailed analysis of human... nature, like the karamazov brothers or demons, this is how the japanese writer shusaku enda, a multiple nominee for the nobel prize in literature, wrote about dostoevsky in es. hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about the influence of fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky on world literature and culture in the 20th century. ekaterina evgenievna dmitrieva, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, head of the department of russian classical literature of the institute.
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my dear teacher palovich vyazimsky once said or repeats that in russian national literature there are three giants, not just a genius, but a giant, and he says that this is a unique situation, since in national literatures, at least european ones, there is either one person or one book, well, for the english it’s shakespeare, for the spaniards it’s don quixote and so on, so in russian literature in one century there are three giants, as yuri pavlovich says, dostoevsky, tolstoy is half. chekhov, because chekhov is a playwright on a global scale, how much are you ready to agree with this assessment? well, probably, if we talk about let's start with the director, i beg your pardon, no, no, this is it, i’m violating, thank you, well, if we talk about
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the world taboo about ranks, about the hierarchy that has been established in the modern world view of russian literature. then this is so, undoubtedly, but this hierarchy, it still does not quite coincide with our internal russian ideas and things, because at a minimum pushkin, a universal national poet, who in general quite successfully occupies the position of figure number one in the 19th century in general, falls out actively began to engage in the institutionalization of the figure of the great national poet for this role in russia, naturally, pushkin claimed prestige and he was rightfully there, but it so happened: that the world cultural canon pushkin, alas, entered after the three great figures you named. how would you feel about this? well, i would say a little further that the situation is so complicated, because there is an internal point of view, there is an external point
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of view, from the internal point of view, of course , pushkin first of all, well then they follow him, well, like a person who studies gogol, of course it’s not a shame that...
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gather your thoughts with us, all issues of our you can find the podcast on the website of the first channel, and you know, let
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’s go back to the cinema for a second, if, of course, there is a film adaptation, there are brilliant readings, like kurasawa’s, yes, but i suddenly discovered that there is traces of dostoevsky, but i don’t know about cinematic children there, but as they say about literary children, where this is not a film adaptation, i talked with john luenfeld, this is one of the modern translators of pushkin. american, and i don’t remember something, or he mentioned, in general, in short, lieutenant columbo, this series, and he says, well, this is porfiry petrovich, then i finally understood why i adore the series about lieutenant columbus so much, because everything is according to the scheme, so you killed yourself, this, this, this this is interesting, because there is probably a lot of this in cinema and literature, in culture in general, not directly, so to speak. yes , this is such a manifestation, just interesting,
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i’ve never thought about colomb, then i noticed, i understand that you can’t argue, well , it really is, probably, the most successful, if you can call a film adaptation of dostoevsky that way - these are indirect film adaptations, precisely where dostoevsky becomes the occasion, or the text of dostoevsky, and where on this basis something is created, well, like kukurasawa, in general, when in the thirty- first year the first such film was published in france big. a detailed biography of dostoevsky, one can conditionally call it scientific, its author was the russian emigrant andre levenson, a francophone, the book is written in french, here is its first review, its author was andre rousseau, a fairly famous critic of that time in the condit newspaper, she begins with the thoughts of the author, rousseau, about what the karamazov brothers are for him, that this is a book that he is afraid of, he locks it in the closet, locks it with a key, because he understands that if he if he lets it out and opens it, he won’t be able to survive.
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there was a real world there, uh-huh, these fevers, these convulsions, that’s all, that was the real world for me,
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what was happening around was not quite real, there was a similarity, there was real there, so to talk about that stoevsky dushen is not for me either, how much we have left, i also had in my stash here an analogy from pameran with zen buddhism, where he says that, yes, here is reading a novel, as he writes dostoevsky. he sees direct analogies with zen buddhist enlightenment and so on, but we’ll probably leave this for next time, with great gratitude i want to thank you again for this. a wonderful, unfinished, let's consider it, conversation. ekaterina evgenievna dmitrieva, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, vladimir vladimirovich polonsky, member correspondent of the russian academy of sciences, i’m vladimir ligoido, today we were gathering thoughts about the influence of dostoevsky’s work on the literature and culture of the 20th century.
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i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married. good afternoon. today is the groom. 32 years old, when her lover kindly provided her with a cup with the name of her ex, she had no idea how badly she would get burned in this relationship. alena is a taxi driver, works part-time as a photographer, lives in moscow, admits that she tried herself in striptease, and is proud of the fact that she speaks calmly about his shortcomings, dreams of getting a shepherd , buying a motor home, warns that it takes 5 hours. taking a bath. alena can’t stand overly serious and stately gentlemen, as well as silent people and those who like to throw around compliments. she will marry a connoisseur of board games who loves animals, knows how to give generous surprises, is not shy about fooling around, and is able to earn at least a pretty penny. hello,
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hello, how beautiful you are, that’s enough. surprises, like her friend surprises, but he looks like, you know, this jarod leta from the village, alen, look, even if all the mugs in the world ended in one day, i would make some kind of little bag out of a newspaper, or i don’t know, and drink from it, but definitely not from a porcelain mug with a portrait on it your lover’s ex, how did it get into your head, how did you not break this cup, his
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head, for some reason i really didn’t... then i very strongly, that is, you put it on the line and were ready to endure everything, the main thing is, so that he would be with you, but she is a very attractive girl, yes, i also noted she’s very pretty, but why exactly is she afraid of stately gentlemen, and why
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does n’t she somehow perceive them? , we had a conversation, he... removed everything, everything changed, we got married, everything seemed fine, and then after a couple of days i find out that he was corresponding with his former classmate there or a classmate, and he started communicate with her, he cheated on you literally the next day, yes, yes, how about you? did you find out about treason? first i found out on social networks, i saw when our common one just went into the computer, and it was opened right there in correspondence. and then there was a call, in the evening, there was a woman’s name written on it, and i was like , i bring the phone, he’s like, i’ll answer later, and something just creeps me out, i’m like, okay, you told him, you can do anything with me, i’ll endure everything, because i need you, so he believed, i will endure humiliation, because i need you, insult, i need you, i
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will endure everything, so he imagines all this allowed, you didn’t get divorced, you were just waiting for him or something, no, we got divorced. well, such sacrificial love, of course, but sincerely, sincerely, yes, but for me, for example, i even feel sorry for the heroine, but it seems to me that she is already 32 years old, already at the age when she wants a family, children, already some kind of stability, when she appeared janitor, during this very period, no, no, this was after the divorce from my husband, there was a completely different person, that is, when i met, but i was so, well, i also thought that ... i was essentially alone i didn't live, i didn't go anywhere i was walking, i’m without guys, yes, yes, i’m here all the time, well, that is, a reason to do something - no, that’s what a janitor, he was the best janitor in the world, i don’t know, no, well,
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naturally , when i came to him, i didn’t know, they gave me office space, so he worked as a janitor, you say that this is the greatest love in your life, yes, you know, this problem is not just me, i thought that i was the only one who didn’t i see that he is in such a state. in which condition? in such a way that he does not want to develop, but is unbearably drawn to him, this you know, i’ll call it more like when you ’re next to him, that’s how you understand, i also understand that this is not normal, but when you’re nearby, you just don’t need anything, she’s counting with the janitor, stirring things up, then there she herself works in striptease, then she has some former countries, then she has current friends, that is, she seems to like experiments, you know, experiments, and not even completely ordinary ones. but you’re a rescuer, you thought i’d raise him and make him an engineer, and in order to drag him away, they went to work as a stripper, that’s also true, because
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that we then he helped me with a loan, took it, but then he started to give me a phone, i say why, he says, you deserve better, i say, i understand, so that you close it, and then he began to take more for yourself, now you are closing it, no, he helped me with mine, he kind of closed it for me, but i told him. that is , he didn’t block it, that’s how they broke up, when, when they had already tied it up, that’s when i went to the strip, i went, and then i suddenly got sick, what happened was that he also brought me medicine, and then i got sick from that , so that i didn’t have the strength, i couldn’t even call him, he just didn’t even call me for a whole week, asked how i was doing, life might just be hard, it shook her up, that’s it, but this is undeniable, but on the other hand, i don’t know , how they were supposed to multiply so randomly with... that everything coincided like that, her life path turned with such , one might say, ridiculous twists of fate, you want children, not particularly lar, well, wait a minute,
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why are you so hesitant, well, well, bye i to be honest , i don’t feel this feeling you want children and i want to work more now . do you work and if your husband forbids you to work , it’s very dangerous, but do you work at night? i work exclusively part-time, i partially agree with rosa in terms of working in a taxi, as it were, as for during the day, well, of course i wouldn’t want to, but it wouldn’t be like that, no, 100% don’t work, but as for at night, no, this is 100% no in any case, because in fact yes, the first thing is very dangerous, well, probably alena’s management somehow cares, i advertised it myself work in a taxi, and i can’t mind being a taxi driver, that’s exactly what i encouraged women to do, but why at night, let men work, eat during the day, during the day, i’ll explain, during the day there are traffic jams, during the day
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the money doesn’t work out there, and it’s calmer at night, you’re not afraid, so let’s decide, and if a man already has children, you’re fine with that, so the main thing is that he doesn’t demand children from you, so that he can earn a penny, huh? i was against the fact that she rode at night, i was not against the fact that you rode at night, okay, ok, and why do you spend 5 hours in the bathroom, you have such, well, not dirty work to such an extent, what are you doing there, i just like it, i recharge there, it seems to me that you are just lying in the bathroom, i i’m just lying in the bathtub, and my daughter lies in the bathtub for 5 hours, little boy , maybe there ’s some information on the internet about what this is all about?
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end of the date, thank you for a pleasant evening, call me or give me a five on the app, give me a five on the app.
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meet the first groom, alena, hello, hello, my name is vyacheslav, i listened to your story, i suggest you buy a set of cups with your name, let's get acquainted, come on, thank you, vyacheslav, 34 years old, co-founder of a construction company, works part-time as massage therapists, lives in novosibirsk, rides a motorcycle, plays plays petball and cooks fantastically, is proud that he is not selfish, admits that he will not allow his chosen one to lie on the couch for a long time, warns that in his house you cannot take a phone charger and leave cabinets
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open, despite the fact that in the family vyacheslav’s wife worked as an investigator, the case of adultery, i had to reveal it to him, hope that alena will inspire him to other exploits, hello, hello, oh, what kind of mug did they give you, what does it say, her majesty majesty alena, well this move with the twist, it’s so cheap in general, well, it’s such a circus, in general, but... look, she liked it, for some reason she was interested, and this is not a curl, this is a velvet hat, this is a red beret, this is someone, this is for no one, just for beauty, this is a cake, my mother made this, she makes such wonderful cakes, so i would really like to give you this cake for you to try, it’s very tasty, thank you,
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that is, if you hadn’t forever remembered that... the whole program is like this and i would stand there, i thought, well , someone’s birch tree is here, well, yes, someone forgot, young, promising, competitor, yes, what needs to be done so that all competitors are just removed, and what will you do, be with yourself , vyacheslav, you and the massage therapist, businessman, investigator for especially serious crimes, why is your wife so it was a mistake that she covered her tracks so poorly, being a professional herself. follow up, well, actually it turned out very spontaneously, we were vacationing in krasnodar, let’s guess the bride is treating you, thank you very much, try it, rose, they don’t eat, don’t be rude, they don’t like it, actually mom is for you and for me i tried, that means yes, but we still have an editorial team, there is a director, maybe not, what are you always telling everyone who doesn’t eat, i just took a knife. this is
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about you this is how i'll slash once legs, in general, are you a maniac? vyacheslav, so what, where did your mistake happen, so we went on vacation to krasnodar, we actually walked, she wanted to go to sochi for a couple of days to visit a friend, she left for 2 days, so we stayed with this friend since the three of us went , walked around krasnodar, she returns and we leave for novorossiysk to the sea. in fact, we were at sea, we decided to go on a catamaran, the girls said: take a photo of us, i take the phone, a message comes, hello, how are you, well, there’s something written there, dima, work or something like that, well, i say, you got a message, she gets up, i say, well, who is this just for fun, nothing more, without any suspicions, i say, well, at work, he says, there for she’s running around me, i’m like, okay, they’re running, running, as if there were no problems, she comes down again, i start taking pictures again
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, a message comes again. did you eat? a bitter cake in the shape of a red beret, i don’t know what she meant, she says you ate it, and i say, you got a message again, she gets up, oh, he something is gushing, i don’t know what to do with him, okay, he’s still some kind of fool, yes, well, listen, i’m looking at him, it seems to me that he has a chance, well, like, look at yourself, look at him, as it were , well, it’s just, well, he’s lost, it’s just, i completely agree with you, there’s just emptiness in his eyes, he’s like some kind of zombie, i ’ve never looked into my phone, never at all, that is, i don’t have one. well, actually, i think, let’s take a look, i don’t know, something just hit me, i take the phone, open the chat itself, and there it turns out, firstly, when she flew, or rather went to sochi to visit a friend, he flew to her, they walked there, and what they didn’t say was that it was her who got stuck, got stuck somewhere in the wrong place, well, here i really can’t say, like so many sweat it’s the wife’s fault, no, i just have
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this little nuance that’s incomprehensible, after 2-2 years for some reason i get bored, and why didn’t they make a baby? well, we planned, we really wanted a child, how i wanted it, she wanted it, we tried, but it didn’t work, we took tests, maybe because they didn’t give her a phone charger, it just discharged somehow, and why, by the way, i don’t understand why i have such a small tick, well, i have this little trick, alena smiles at him, uh-huh, be afraid, well, while she listens carefully and thinks, that she is sitting in the bathtub, in a warm bathtub, mendelsohn, please tell me, my dear, is there some kind of test to determine whether a person is greedy or not, let's try it, a blitz for you... vyacheslav, answer quickly and without hesitation , trick or treat, life, penny - ruble, ruble, and cabek ruble saves, sorry, i thought of choosing him, the greed of the fraer, ruined it, that’s right,
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vyacheslav, you passed the test brilliantly, for passing it i’ll give you a million rubles, will you give half of it to your fiancee alena, right? well, you’re lying professionally, i honestly believe you that you are ready to give the girl you saw for the first time in your life 5000, of course, it’s still a surprise, yes, of course, she deserves anyway, it seems to me, more, more cheerful, yes, someone, like you, the girl in the machine is crying, wrapping her cold little coat, all covered in tears and... and lipstick, her face dirty, all in tears and lipstick, her face dirty,
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she started dancing, it’s good, she moves well, there’s ice in her fingers, earrings in her ears, she has to walk alone today, along the lady’s street. i think we’ll sell everything and i’ll come to moscow. fine. danilo and daria, what do you think? what can i say? alena herself is like a dear person to me. she has done a lot for me, and
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with all my soul, with all my heart, i want him to breathe life into me. it’s clear that alena, unfortunately, won’t say it live, won’t open her heart, let’s put it that way. yes, breathe life, i didn’t understand something. introduce your second groom.
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alyon, hello, i am delighted with your lifestyle, when we are together, do not extinguish this flame, thank you, such, thank you. rustam is 29 years old, a fitness trainer, lives in moscow, dreams of learning how to do one-arm pull-ups, is proud that he knows how to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness, admits that he spends time with his son every thursday, and warns that he will not allow the girl to throw tantrums. after the birth of the child , rustam realized that he would have to completely change your life. and give up gatherings with friends, hoping that alena easily makes compromises. hello, good afternoon, with cake too? yes, i have prepared an acquaintance for you in honor, i am very
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happy to meet you, did you do it yourself? well, well, tell me honestly, lord, well, everything is correct, otherwise this, and why lie? giving, uh, flowers is somehow too banal. i stood out at least a little, gave a cup, this at least somehow intersects with her story, with her pain. rusan, well, i was just overjoyed that... you came so young, young, how old are you, 29 years old, help yourself, just the kind of fitness trainer our bride dreamed of, and you already end up with a litter, yes, a child, yes, there was a relationship, so, and this is the most vivid response from those relationships, in principle, this brightness now fills my life and fills it with limitless meaning. you’re talking about a child now, yes, of course, he already has experience
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raising a child, it will be easier for him if he and his new girlfriend want a child, with his wife or she, you weren’t married, but we were married, we lived with her for about 4 years, in principle, i think we have some kind of everyday life that is still youth and stupidity, so all this in one bottle somehow contributed. know about yourself and well, our relationship has given way somewhere , and what specifically in everyday life has become irritating? well , it started small, it all started with banal cleanliness, if i see something like this, it’s not good, but when the child is climbing there on the floor, rusty, maybe she was so exhausted with the child without enough sleep, you know, i ’m sorry for that and at that time i was working at a construction site and i was working... it used to be 10-11 hours, here i am
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i came home at about 8 o’clock, that is, i picked up the child, he jumped right on me, we all just like that, i either went outside with him until 11 o’clock, that is, it wasn’t like she was constantly busy, well, she just didn’t study , you just haven’t seen our mess at home, i have three children, you have many children, why don’t you have a mess, you have everything, everything is in its place. let's stop by again, i'll show you the places where you need to see, i showed you everything today, don't worry, you wanted to see your friends, she made scandals, probably true, yes, in this is also what i’m saying, it’s all in one bottle, and i kind of told her about relationships with my friends, because she completely cut them off, but the position was like this, i don’t communicate with friends and you shouldn’t, so also with a gap where are you from rustan. i’m originally from tashkent, but now i live in
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moscow, yes i live in moscow now, she also lives in moscow, also from tashkent, but no, she’s a muscovite, well, this moment, of course, that his ex-wife didn’t let him go to his friends, well, but this is a little wrong, how do you like alena, who works at night, is 3 years older than you, has experience as a stripper, i really appreciate this in a person, since she tried herself in... like me, while i found myself in sports, specifically in fitness, i went through a huge, it’s just a huge journey from the courier to the security guard, alyon, how much more loans do you owe financially, well, in monetary terms, at the moment to your ex, yes, how much more loan, 4000, you need a woman with debts and also the desire, well, to have, not to have is generally more not to have children than to have you? i don't mind, i'll say so, not against it,
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let him give, no sense, and you will help give, in the sense that i am not against such a woman with debts, and of course, yes, i will help, great, you see, i have already solved your financial problems, and you have prepared a surprise, yes prepared, if with your permission, show me, we’ll be happy to see, i’ll need alena, your, okay, help, so, now there will be a surprise, i’ll have to take a look. to assess how interested she is in this candidate, you and i will pass some kind of flexibility test, for mine, for ours with you and you together, you i’ll like it very much, so the rules are like this, we shouldn’t touch, ah, with any part of the body, this one, it’s ready, come on, let’s go, it worked, well done, five,
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now we’ll complicate it a little, yeah, we’re ready, so let’s go, it’s very original to go through, it’s still in heels, listen, well done, right, it’s still lower, yes, yes, even lower, no, let’s go even lower, lower, lower, come on, at least like this, come on like that , like this, yes, you can, thank you, let’s try, if we do this, we are definitely made for each other, let's go, come on, i'm not flexible, it's clear, well
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, rustam, well, you're taller, it's difficult here, well, that 's it, thank you, thank you very much, the fact that his gift was holy is very banal, the surprise is not banal, not to say that it’s right wow surprise, but this is interesting, nevertheless, danil, what do you say, he is not serious, unfortunately, i personally don’t see them together, because he sees life under his own key and many moments, what is not serious, guys, he is oriental man, he is from tashkent, he had a certain family model, relationships mom, dad, neighbor.
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alyonushka, hello, hello, my name is vitaly, i heard that you work in a taxi, yes, but i would like to take a ride on a tariff. happy for life, thank you, thank you. vitaly, 42 years old, sales manager, lives in the city of ramenskoye, moscow region, plays football and table tennis, goes to discos, dreams of raising his daughter as a good
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person, is proud that he does not remember any grievances, admits that he does not have a single fine for violating traffic rules, warns that 5 years is not at all... drinks alcohol. after vitaly discovered incriminating correspondence on his wife’s phone, he stopped being an impeccable husband and went to great lengths to hope that alena would not provoke him. hello, nice to see you. oh, how respectable and interesting you are, you know, he looks like a villain from an action movie from the eighties, well, it ’s possible, but what? was there, what kind of incriminating correspondence was there? well, text message, let's go have a coffee, we saw this one by chance, by chance, the phone was just lying there, i'm not a fan of looking through phones, and well, you approached your wife, they asked what kind of coffee, yes, i approached, asked, and she said rav, lavender, well, well, she
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answered me that i don’t want to communicate with this person, well... everything, everything, yes, and this became the reason for divorce, no, not only that, we already lived like people, a little different, or we ate each other, well, i don’t know, but how many years we lived, we lived together for 12 years, children, yes, a 14-year-old daughter, well it looks like... he’s respectable, but again, 42 years old, she’s 29, 13 years difference, but sorry, she’s 32, no big deal, 10 years too, quite a difference big, my wife worked a lot, took care of the child, and we raised our daughter together, but i tried to give the child as much
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attention as possible, because i always, the child comes first for me, safety is everything else, and you... what a wife, for example, she devoted more time to her mother and sister than to the child, they were jealous of her family, well , i would like her to devote more time to me, which means you are warning me, if i understood correctly, and i like it, that you have a daughter will always come first, right, and a woman should accept it as this is your position, well, i just see how old the child is, in principle... it seems to me that i could even become friends, well, this is his position, that he believes that he should bring the child into the public eye, at least until adulthood, this is very, well done, this. respectful, vitali, do you want more children? and i can see from her scarlet eyes that yes, but alena doesn’t want, doesn’t want, no, i
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probably listened to something, you’re not there, then that means i’ll introduce you to my daughter, it’s just, it seems to me that the woman who doesn't want children there are more questions for her than for the one who wants children, maybe she just hasn’t met someone with whom i want to have. husband, i realized that i am the only thing that i decided to live for myself, but when i met i can give - these are children, we probably have these boxes, children for myself, she will give these boxes, the only thing is yes please, of course , and there was a little doll, just lost, well, in general, as for me, it seems to me that he feels somehow lost, perhaps, well, he has such a thing in his forehead strip, you can insert a coin into it. maybe it only turns on when you put a coin in it, that’s why it’s so blackened, dear mendelsonchik, our fiancee wants
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a big child, and here we have a respectable, serious man sitting, and man, what do you think, maybe you’ll do a test with him, maybe everything - the big child was encrypted there, now we’ll decipher it, so, the classic scientific test named after respectov, let ’s go over the youth terminology. we're giving you the best man, have fun, i'm the best man, she's the best man, and well, yes, we're already stupid
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let's go, which flatk do you prefer, low or high? repeat the question, i don’t think if i repeat it we’ll get an answer, but overall the life test, you’re just yo, so young. that’s it, you’re behind, maybe you’ve got a surprise in the air, surprise us, uh-huh, i’m not behind, no, of course, a surprise, well, we need to prepare together, just go and get ready, and this is something from her biography that she really likes to lie down in the bathroom, damn, it’s a special evening. creative, dear, good morning, are you in the shower, no, don't worry, i already had breakfast, i
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i ran to work, i love you, have a nice day, darling, good evening, i came home from work, you ’re in the shower, well, i’ll cook my own dinner, you take a soak, i... if anything, come, i ’ll read a book for now, darling , good morning, you are in the shower, don’t worry, i ’ll take lyoshenka to the garden myself, and you rest, i’ll be back soon, have a good day, my love, dear, good evening, i have a surprise for you, our alyoshenka got married. well, we're at a restaurant, come to us, if you want to leave, i love you!


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